If you pull out eyelashes by the roots, they will grow back. How long does it take for eyelashes to grow?

Eyelashes, debris and any other foreign objects that get into the eye can irritate the eye and even scratch the cornea. Therefore, it is best to deal with this problem as soon as it arises. It is important to know how to remove an eyelash from the eye under any conditions in order to get rid of the problem and not cause harm to the eyes.

There are many methods for getting rid of eyelashes in the eye.

Life of an eyelash

Eyelashes are a completely normal hair structure that borders the eye. The visible part is the hair shaft, the invisible part is the root. The latter is located under the skin and ends in a hair follicle. The number of follicles determines the fundamentally possible number of eyelashes. However, in practice, about a third of the hair follicles are in “hibernation”, and 2/3 are in an active state. How long eyelashes grow does not depend on the ratio.

On average, there are 150–250 eyelashes on the upper eyelid, and 50–150 on the lower eyelid. The length of the upper ones is slightly longer - on average 10 mm, the length of the lower ones - 7 mm. The thickness of the hairs is determined by race, and the shape is determined by the type of hair follicle.

From here it is clear that the length, thickness and average number of eyelashes are determined genetically and cannot be changed. It is impossible to grow longer eyelashes than the genetic program suggests.

How long does it take for eyelashes to grow? The average lifespan of a hair is 90 days. It is divided into 4 phases:

  • the active growth phase lasts 14–21 days;
  • resting phase – 28–56 days;
  • the rest of the time, 62–34 days, is the time of rejection and preparation for the growth of a new hair.

The difference between the lifetime of a hair and the duration of all 4 phases can be influenced. All care methods are based on this possibility. It is impossible to influence your lifespan, therefore all methods that promise to increase the number and length of eyelashes in a week are lies.

It's scary not to please the client

Unfortunately, among clients there are often inadequate people who either find fault with every little detail or don’t know what they want. Even an experienced professional cannot cope with these, let alone a beginner. You definitely shouldn’t pay attention to these excesses and allow yourself to get upset. Your main task is to fulfill the wishes of an ordinary adequate client who wants to receive a quality service and is willing to pay for it. Here, too, you need experience, not only of working as a lash maker, but also of working with people in general. It is worth learning to listen and hear the client, as well as express your personal opinion in a soft form. For example, if you notice that the effect chosen by the client does not suit his eye shape, gently communicate this and point out the possible consequences.

Causes of loss

As a rule, a person does not notice the “planned” change of eyelashes, just as he does not notice the change of hair. The secret is that in a healthy state, the optimal ratio between sleeping and working follicles is always maintained, and it turns out that a new one is ready to replace the fallen hair.

However, this pattern can be broken, and then thick, long eyelashes suddenly become brittle and sparse. There are many reasons:

  • poorly chosen cosmetics - with a strong degreasing effect, for example. In this case, the hairs lose their fatty lubricant - their natural protection, which leads to dryness and brittleness. As a result, they do not fall out, but break off, which does not in any way affect the appearance of new ones;
  • mechanical injuries - burns, too much exposure to the sun, frequent and vigorous rubbing of the eyes. All this leads to premature drying and hair loss. After loss, a new eyelash appears only in due time, and then the difference between the phase of existence and the phase of rejection turns out to be too great. How long it takes for new ones to grow depends on the conditions: in the absence of traumatic factors, eyelashes are restored quite quickly;
  • illnesses - many illnesses lead to deterioration in the nutrition of hair follicles. In this case, growth slows down, and some of the bulbs go into “dormant” mode. It is impossible to strengthen them without treating the underlying disease;
  • stress – in this condition, peripheral blood circulation worsens, that is, the hair follicles receive insufficient oxygen and nutrition. Alas, neither cream nor oils will help in this condition.

If only the hair shafts are damaged, it is quite possible to restore them; if the hair follicles are lost, then the process is irreversible. In this case, the question of what to do if there are no eyelashes is solved in a more radical way.

Tips to help you grow thick and long eyelashes on your own:

How to remove eyelash extensions in a salon

Thanks to extensions, a woman solves two problems at once: improves her appearance and makes it easier to care for. Now you don't need to waste time on makeup to make your eyes look expressive. Artificial hairs always look amazing (when swimming in the pool, during an intense workout) and in any weather (rain, snow). The only drawback of the procedure is the short-term effect, which lasts a maximum of a month, after which the appearance begins to deteriorate due to the growth and loss of natural hairs. That is why the artificial material should either be removed, or built up again, or a correction made.

The extension process itself involves fixing artificial hairs onto natural ones using special glue. This is what needs to be dissolved in order to remove false eyelashes, and do it quickly, and most importantly, safely. As you know, glue does not allow the use of care and decorative cosmetics that contain oils. Therefore, girls try to use this product to remove eyelashes on their own. However, most often this method turns out to be either unsuccessful or too long and useless.

It is worth noting that the glue that is used for extensions today is of such high quality that it is unlikely to dissolve it using ordinary vegetable oil or fatty cream, even if you keep the composition for a very long time. The maximum that can be achieved is the detachment of several hairs. The rest will remain in their place. In addition, prolonged exposure of oil to the eyelids leads to swelling.

As a result, representatives of the fair sex begin to pull artificial eyelashes, injuring their relatives, and draw very disappointing conclusions regarding the extension procedure, which, as it seems to them, has only brought harm. However, in reality, the problems that girls face arise from the fact that the removal was carried out incorrectly.

Home Remedies

Most care methods are aimed at strengthening eyelashes and eyebrows and lengthening the resting phase, when the hair does not grow, but remains. Due to this, you can increase the immediate number of active follicles.

You can improve the condition of your eyelashes by resorting to familiar and well-known folk remedies. They do not promise a significant increase in the number of hairs, but it is worth noting that this number can fundamentally be changed by no more than 15%.

  • Burdock oil - only the lazy do not know about its beneficial effect. The effect of the oil affects quickly: within a week, the eyelashes will return their natural shine and silkiness. The oil envelops the hair, regulating the arrangement of scaly cells - the top layer of the hair shaft, and thereby retains moisture inside, restoring natural elasticity. With long-term use, burdock oil stimulates the awakening of the follicles, as it is rich in vitamins.

To speed up recovery if eyelashes take a long time to grow, you can do this: find and thoroughly wash the brush from the old mascara, and then apply oil with it. The procedure is repeated every day at night for a month. After 15–20 minutes, remove any remaining product with a cotton pad. You should not leave it on overnight, as the skin of the eyelids is too tender and swollen. If necessary, you can apply oil with a cotton pad, but a brush ensures a more even distribution.

  • Castor oil is an equally well-known option to get thick eyelashes. The oil is rich in vitamins A and B and reliably protects the hair. Apply in the same way: using a mascara wand or a cotton swab. The mask is kept on for no more than 15–20 minutes and the residues are carefully removed: castor oil is heavy, so the last step cannot be neglected.
  • You can smear your eyelashes and eyebrows with olive oil. It has a lighter structure, so you can apply it with your fingers. This procedure is repeated during the day, but it is still better to remove any remaining oil.
  • A good remedy for constant exposure to traumatic factors, such as a swimming pool with chlorinated water, sea bathing, or a hiking trip, is regular Vaseline. It is preferable to lubricate it at night, comb the hairs with a brush, and then remove the excess.
  • Hair grows quickly if you combine the effect of oil with plant extracts or juices. For example, this composition: mix 1 teaspoon of castor oil, 1-2 tablespoons of aloe juice and 1 capsule of vitamin A. The composition is placed in a pill tube, for example, or another container and shaken until it forms a homogeneous mixture.

This “conditioner” is applied to eyelashes and eyebrows at night after removing makeup. After how many weeks the hairs can be restored, the effect depends on many other factors; the conditioner stimulates the hair follicles, so the result will be noticeable in any case.

  • The use of herbal compresses gives good results. Their main goal is to restore water balance, and the compress acts on both hairs and skin. To do this, prepare a decoction of chamomile or cornflower flowers: pour 1 tablespoon of the raw material with a glass of boiling water and leave for 24 hours. Cotton pads are soaked in the infusion and left on the eyelids for 20 minutes.

Scary to start

The very first and most common fear is facing something new. A novice lash maker is usually full of determination at the beginning of his career, he cheerfully goes to courses, purchases tools and materials, and then the turning point comes: what to do next? This is what most beginners are afraid of - starting work. If you decide to become an eyelash extension specialist, discard all unnecessary thoughts about your lack of professional training and lack of experience. Also try to accept the fact that you have a long way to go on the path to improvement, that mistakes and dissatisfied customers will certainly be present. Even the most famous and skilled lash makers started somewhere, they were also afraid, they also made mistakes, but they did not stop on their way. And you can too!


The appearance of new hairs, and, most importantly, the support of existing ones, directly depends on the nutrition of the hair follicles. And the latter ensures sufficient blood flow. Massaging your eyelid skin will help strengthen your eyelashes and stimulate the appearance of new ones.

You need to do it at home using a special composition: dry skin is much more prone to injury and stretching. To do this, mix a tablespoon of olive or burdock oil with half a teaspoon of parsley juice and aloe juice. The mixture is rubbed along the eyelash edge with gentle, smooth movements. This will not make short hairs longer, but they will be stronger and thicker.

You cannot rub your eyes; on the contrary, massage is done on the half-closed eyelid, circular movements are made slowly and only along the hairline.

How not to try to remove artificial eyelashes

You should not remove eyelashes manually with tweezers dry, that is, without first preparing them for this, since this way you can damage your natural hairs. As you know, the material is fixed using a special glue, which is applied to the hairline and holds it in place for several weeks. By removing artificial villi without preparation, you can not only pull out your own, which will make them noticeably thinner, but also damage the skin of the eyelids. After such a procedure, the appearance of the eyes will definitely not improve. Due to the lack of hairs, the look will be dull, and the restoration of eyelashes will take at least a month.

Another method that is better not to use to remove eyelashes is removing artificial material under running water using skin cleansers (gels, soaps). All this will not help to dissolve the glue, but it is quite possible to get irritation and depletion of the delicate dermis of the eyelids, thinning natural hairs and inflammation of the conjunctiva.

The procedure should be canceled if the eyes are sick or inflamed, otherwise the condition may become even more severe. In addition, it is worth refusing to remove artificial eyelashes a few days before and during menstruation, since in this case it will not be possible to remove them without pain; the discomfort, on the contrary, will be felt more strongly.

Regardless of the product chosen for removing artificial material, it should be applied carefully, trying not to get on the mucous membrane, otherwise you may get irritation, redness or a chemical burn. Even though eyelash remover products can be used by girls with sensitive skin, this does not mean that they will not cause any harm to the eyes.

Cosmetical tools

At home, you can also use a cosmetic product to strengthen your eyelashes. Many companies produce caring gels, balms and masks, and even special strengthening mascaras.

In fact, any self-respecting mascara falls into the last category. This can be determined by its composition; it necessarily includes the following components:

  • keratin – an analogue of the keratin top layer;
  • melanin is a pigment that protects against ultraviolet radiation;
  • lanolin – prevents moisture loss;
  • vitamins – A, B, F, E.

Balms and gels help to significantly improve the condition of hairs.

  • Antioxidant balm from Dzintars is colorless, odorless, very easy to apply and absorb. Contains castor oil, aloe juice, keratin and vitamins. The balm can be applied at night.
  • Eyelash balm "Mirra Lux" - includes grape oil, castor oil, ylang-ylang oil, jasmine and jojoba. In addition to the fact that the composition stimulates hair growth, it has a noticeable anti-edematous effect and has a beneficial effect on the skin of the eyelids.
  • Gel from Talika is part of many of the company’s cosmetic lines. Has a restorative and stimulating effect. The very light structure allows you to apply the product during the day under makeup. How quickly and whether new hairs grow also depends on the cause of their loss. If we are talking about a mechanical injury, then a month in advance, if there is stress or illness, you will have to wait longer.
  • Modeling gel from “Art-Visage” is designed to care for both eyebrows and eyelashes. Very useful for dryness and brittleness. By restoring the water balance, it extends the resting phase, that is, the hairs last longer and do not break.

How to quickly grow eyelashes at home is determined by many factors: the general condition, the cause of loss, and the thoroughness of care. On average, a good result can be achieved within a month, but in some severe cases, illness occurs and recovery takes longer.

Minor loss of eyelashes is a normal physiological process caused by the gradual phases of hair development. It is important to know how long eyelashes grow and what stimulation means promote their activity. Following the basic rules of care will help to avoid panic if a hair falls out.

The growth and life cycle of eyelashes depends on various situations and factors influencing them. The procedure for hair extensions, a careless and careless attitude towards the appearance and health of the eyes lead to negative consequences. The existence of an eyelash lasts from 30 to 100 days, depending on influencing factors. The natural renewal of hairs is visually impossible to notice. On the upper eyelid their number is 150-200, on the lower eyelid – 70-100. The replacement of old hairs with new ones occurs sequentially and slowly, which is why it seems that they are not growing. Over the course of a month, eyelashes grow by approximately 0.5-0.7 mm. The life cycle of cilia can be divided into 4 periods:

  • anagen – active growth phase, lasts from 14 to 42 days;
  • catagen – a period of rest and gradual death of hair, lasts from 28 to 42 days;
  • telogen – the process of eyelash loss and the birth of a new hair follicle, takes 90 days;
  • Early anagen is the developmental phase of a newly formed hair.

It's scary to go bankrupt

To start a career as an eyelash extension artist, you need to invest a lot. Lash maker courses from a renowned master or a trusted school will be expensive, and you need to be prepared for this. You will also have to spend a lot on materials and equipment for the workplace. If you decide to skimp on at least one of these stages, there is a high probability that your career as an eyelash extension artist will not work out. Lack of professional skills, poor-quality glue that causes allergies, an uncomfortable couch for clients - all this can “drown” a novice lash maker at the beginning of his working life. As you know, the best way of advertising is word of mouth, but it can also ruin your career, just a few negative reviews are enough. The ideal option is to save up money for training, purchasing equipment and materials. If you are confident in your abilities, have studied the market and competition in your city, if you are sure that you want to create your own successful business, you can take out a loan for your purposes or borrow the missing funds with peace of mind. But don't skimp on anything! Then your fear of failure as a specialist will be completely justified.

How quickly they recover

Restoring eyelashes is a slow process, depending on how much and why they are damaged. There are a number of factors that promote hair regeneration and renewal. They can be damaged after extensions, due to thermal or chemical burns, or due to inept and dishonest care and application of makeup. The recovery stage takes 2-3 months.

After extension

Extensions will give you amazingly long and thick eyelashes, but can lead to negative consequences. The hairs will begin to fall out intensively and break. If a woman trusts an inexperienced and unqualified specialist, the eyelashes after extensions will have an unattractive appearance, their structure will be disrupted and the number will decrease. How long will it take to restart? Approximately 60 days, depending on the damage caused.

If you contact a professional cosmetologist, follow all recommendations, and follow high-quality materials used during the procedure, the renewal sequence will be invisible.

After extension, you must follow these instructions:

  • Do not apply mascara along the eyelash line for 14 days;
  • use cosmetics based on natural ingredients containing vitamins and nutrients;
  • Rub your eyes less, avoid frequent touching them;
  • use gentle makeup removers and regularly remove mascara from eyelashes;
  • Give the hairs a chance to rest after extensions; you can repeat it after a month.

If you pull them out, trim them, after a burn

A careless attitude towards your own eye health can play a cruel joke. Many girls listen to advice: if you cut or pull out the hair of the eyelash row, it will grow better. It is strictly forbidden to tear it out or cut it. If this happens, they will take a long time to recover, on average 70 days.

There are unforeseen situations when a person received a thermal or chemical burn to the face, during which the hairs were damaged and completely burned. The root will gradually revive and growth phases will resume after 3 months.

Why do eyelashes look worse after extensions?

Provided that the extension was carried out by a professional who used exceptionally high quality products and materials in his work, as a rule, the result is good. However, there are also cases when a girl, in order to save money, agrees to a procedure, the consequences of which are very sad. After it, the eyelashes do not gain volume, become brittle, fragile, and some even fall out. As a result, you have to spend a lot of time and investment to restore them.

The main reason for the negative result, as well as the deterioration of the condition of your own hairs, is the use of poor quality glue to fix the artificial material. However, it is worth noting that in such a situation not only eyelashes, but also the skin of the eyelids and eyes can suffer.

The most common complications are redness and irritation. In addition, it must be said that the glue no longer acts on the eyelashes themselves, but on the follicles, blocking their access to oxygen and nutrients. As a result, the growth of your own hairs slows down, they become brittle, fragile and thin.

How to stimulate growth

Eyelashes after loss will quickly resume active growth if you feed them with healthy oils, vitamins and decoctions of medicinal herbs. Excellent helpers that stimulate an increase in length are: castor, burdock oils, oil vitamins A, E, compresses from chamomile, calendula, cornflower, healing massage of the eyelids. Oil extracts of wheat germ, grape and peach seeds, essential emulsions of lavender, ylang-ylang, special serums and moisturizers have a positive effect on enhancing growth.

The components must be used carefully and in proportions so as not to cause harm to the eyelashes. Washing with herbal decoctions helps to renew and reduce puffiness of the eyes. The exact proportions of the ingredients and the step-by-step algorithm of actions are described in the thematic selection of videos.

It's scary not to find clients

Developing a client base is one of the most difficult stages in building a career as a lash maker. Many novice hairdressers are afraid of remaining unclaimed, mistakenly believing that potential clients will only turn to proven hair extension specialists. However, the cost of services is not cheap, and many clients want beautiful eyelashes at an affordable price, so the fear is completely unfounded. To avoid wasting your nerves, learn patience. Don’t rush to look for clients until you get the hang of it and master at least the most popular techniques. At first you will have to work for free to gain experience. Practice on your family and friends, and also invite models for free extensions (they can be easily found on thematic websites in your city). Don't forget to take photos of your work and collect them in a portfolio. Clients will be more willing to go to a newcomer if they see the results of extensions with their own eyes.

What does eyelash growth depend on?

Their development and new formation from scratch depends on the following factors:

  • using high-quality cosmetics that will not damage the hair structure and constantly removing it at night;
  • proper nutrition, balanced and enriched with a variety of healthy foods;
  • the use of healing and restorative masks, decoctions, and special cosmetics will have a positive effect on hair growth.

The first results of the active development of eyelashes will be visible after a week of following the above tips.

Tweezers and various devices for curling and curling, if used incorrectly, have a negative effect on the eyelashes; they break and become thinner.

Proper care and following basic recommendations for removing makeup will allow you to control and maintain the appearance of your eyelashes. They will grow quickly, become strong and dense. Regular care and attention to the beauty and health of your eyelashes will help you look impressive and gorgeous.

Thick, long eyelashes with an expressive curve have always been in fashion. And if in past centuries correcting naturally short and sparse hairs was the ultimate dream, today this is no longer a problem. All you need to do is resort to the extension procedure: the eyelashes will immediately acquire the desired length, curl and volume. However, after wearing such a spectacular decor for some time, sooner or later you still have to say goodbye to it, and here, perhaps, a rather unpleasant moment will “pop up”. After extensions, your own eyelashes will begin to fall out more rapidly, and their growth will slow down significantly. In this case, it is necessary to urgently begin to take recovery measures. But first, it’s worth figuring out how long hairs take to grow and whether this process can be accelerated.

Scientists have calculated that the number of eyelashes on the upper eyelid is approximately 160-250. They fit there due to the fact that they grow not in 1-2 rows, like the lower hairs, but in 3 or 4. With proper care throughout a person’s life, their number does not decrease, since with the loss of one eyelash, it begins to grow in its place another, and so on all the time. To understand how long it takes for an eyelash to grow back, you should know about its life cycle, which is divided into 3 stages:

1. active development phase – lasts 3-6 weeks; the growth rate at this time is the maximum and is 0.12-0.15 mm per day;

2. transition phase – lasts, as a rule, no more than 5-7 days; during this time, the growth of the eyelash slows down significantly, and its follicle decreases;

3. resting phase – lasts longer than all stages (approximately 70-100 days) and ends at the moment of hair loss (rejection); At this stage, eyelashes do not grow perfectly.

Thus, the life cycle of one eyelash is about 100-150 days, provided that it fell out naturally. There is no doubt that a new hair will grow in its place. However, if it was “forcibly” pulled out, for example, during aggressive removal of the extension, then full growth may take much longer.

Of course, extensions are not the only reason why eyelashes grow more slowly. The following can also significantly reduce their growth rate:

  • harmful environmental factors;
  • certain pathologies of internal organs;
  • poor nutrition, especially in combination with smoking and alcohol;
  • systematic psycho-emotional stress;
  • improper, insufficient care or, even worse, its complete absence;
  • the use of low-quality decorative cosmetics (this means not only mascara, but also eye shadow, pencils, eyeliner);
  • Frequent curling of eyelashes with curling iron.

In order to return the hairs to their previous growth rate, and perhaps even significantly accelerate it, thereby increasing the length of the eyelashes by 20-30%, you need to properly care for them, using intensive therapy at first.

Useful tips for those who have an eyelash in their eye

Sometimes eyelashes fall out a lot if you rub them too often. A person may also encounter health problems, because when the face itches: eyebrows + eyelashes + eyes - only a doctor can determine whether it is an allergy or an eyelid disease.

If eyelashes often get into the eye and you are bothered by itching, consult an ophthalmologist immediately.

If an eyelash gets into the eye, it is very difficult not to notice it, as it causes sharp pain. There are several methods for getting rid of such hairs.

But remember that if the eyelash does not want to be removed or the foreign object is not visible, and the unpleasant sensations do not go away, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist. But before that, you can try to get rid of the problem yourself.

Note! You need to be very careful when removing an eyelash from the eye, otherwise you can scratch the cornea, resulting in poor vision. Therefore, use soft scarves, napkins or cotton pads to solve the problem.

All available materials must be clean

It is important to know what to do if an eyelash grows inside the eye.

It is best to consult an ophthalmologist, but there are several rules that must be followed before visiting a doctor:

  1. Don't use low-quality mascara.
  2. Do not pull out incorrectly growing hairs, otherwise this may cause illness and irritation.
  3. Model their growth using oils or cosmetics (your doctor will help you choose them).

Regular use of low-quality mascara is often the cause of eyelash growth inside the eye.

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