Spice, what kind of drug is it: how long do spice addicts live?

The effect of synthetic cannabinoids on the human body has not been sufficiently studied at the moment. Although their psychological effects are similar to those of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), there is no reason to be sure that the risks associated with their use are comparable to those of THC. An overdose of synthetic cannabinomimetics can cause tachycardia and anxiety states typical of cannabinoids. In addition, cases of paranoia, hallucinations and psychotomimetic effects have been reported. Research conducted by New Zealand scientists suggests that the use of smoking mixtures containing JWH-018, which is a dissociative, can cause psychosis in susceptible individuals. ”



  1. What are spices
  2. What may be included
  3. Symptoms of taking spice
  4. How does spice addiction develop?
  5. How to help quit smoking mixtures - tips for relatives
  6. How to recover from spice addiction

Is it possible to quit spice?
Of course, the answer to this question will be positive. Today, drug addiction has reached a level where even the most serious addictions can be successfully eliminated. Therefore, if there is a person near you who uses dangerous smoking compounds, do not look on the Internet or books for how to get off spice. It is better to contact a qualified narcologist as soon as possible. This is the only correct solution for spice addiction.

In Moscow, you can get drug treatment help by contacting the Ugodie clinic. Our doctors know how to treat spice cravings and are ready to share their knowledge with addicts and their relatives. Call - +7 (495) 475-65-52.

Rehabilitation, recovery after spice

It is believed that it is impossible to recover from addiction, it can only be controlled. We can make sure that a person goes into long-term remission, and the need for the drug disappears not only on a physical, but also on a mental level.

Rehabilitation is a complex measure. Only the use of psychotherapy, constant contact with the patient and additional prescription of pharmacological agents allow a person to return to life without drugs.

Rehabilitation has its own characteristics, and you need to understand that:

  • after drug withdrawal there will be withdrawal symptoms, which are best dealt with by professionals;
  • without constant psychological support, a person will look for a way to use spice;
  • the average time for personality restoration takes 30 days;
  • rehabilitation should take place not only with the addicted person, but also with members of his family;
  • for successful therapy it is necessary to protect the patient from contact with active drug addicts;
  • During the entire rehabilitation, you need to use pharmacological drugs with individual calculation of dosage and frequency of doses.

Get help now

Do any of your relatives or friends have an addiction? Have you tried in every possible way to help, but as a result the person still returned to his past life?

You are not the first to encounter this problem, and we can help you.

We guarantee anonymity, we will persuade you to undergo treatment, and we will help you choose a center.

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At the beginning, the patient needs to be provided with a quality detox. With spice addiction, withdrawal can last up to 7 days.

After another spice overdose, the patient was admitted for treatment to a special clinic for the second time. The patient's condition became stable only at the end of the first month of treatment. During all this time, the patient communicated with others only out of necessity, constantly lay in bed, was inert, and at times there were attacks of aggression.

From an article about the formation of addiction in people who use synthetic drugs (spice). Author M.A. Vinnikova, S.M. Shakhova

It is worth noting that during the period of drug withdrawal, most patients look for excuses for themselves to use the drug again. If there is no opportunity for regular use, unreasonable attacks with aggression may occur. Moreover, the patient thinks that he is right, and may even be offended by family members who interfere with receiving a new dose.

What are spices

Before we talk about how to move away from spice with minimal harm to health, we’ll tell you about its features. This term covers mixtures used for smoking. They first appeared in Russia in 2006. They were finely ground dried plants soaked in various narcotic compounds.

Dependence on such “tobacco” forms quite quickly. The situation is aggravated by the fact that people treat it like regular cigarettes. Many people don’t even realize that after a few smoke breaks they will no longer be able to imagine their life without drugs, and a little later they will begin to look for how to get rid of addiction.

Advantages of treatment with us

The Association of Affordable Rehabilitation Centers uses a comprehensive approach to addiction treatment. We work with a person on all planes: physical, psychological, spiritual and moral, social. As a result, we are able to cope with the disease and help us live a sober, fulfilling life.

Our patients can count on:

  • affordable prices and the possibility of installments when paying for services;
  • qualified assistance from certified doctors and psychologists;
  • anonymity of appeal;
  • use of effective and proven methods;
  • assistance at the adaptation stage, including employment.

More than 90% of those who contacted us forgot about drugs and alcohol forever. If you follow your doctor's recommendations, our programs demonstrate high effectiveness.

Results of our patients (before/after the full course of treatment)

What may be included

Smoking products differ from each other in composition. There are a huge number of their types. However, there is still no clear classification of drugs in this group. Some include more than 10-20 plants, others are enriched with toxic components.

The most dangerous components are synthetic analogues of cannabinoids. They have the same effect on the human body as marijuana. They are made in artisanal conditions, so no one can vouch for the safety of the product. In order for “tobacco” to provide maximum buzz, narcotic components are added to it. They become addictive very quickly.

Therefore, so as not to have to think about how to be treated for drug addiction, it is better to always refuse offers to try questionable mixtures. This is the only way a person can protect himself from a dangerous disease.

The effect of amphetamine

To begin with, it is worth briefly examining the nuances of the mechanism of action of a hair dryer in order to better understand the picture of withdrawal. The substance, after entering the body, activates neurotransmitters that are responsible for the emotional sphere and the autonomic nervous system. The main effect of the drug is based on the release of neurotransmitters - serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine are produced in pathologically large quantities. It is this moment that provides the feeling of “high”, relaxation during the period of action of the substance.

After the cessation of the drug's effect, a sharp deficiency of neurotransmitters occurs. Outwardly, this manifests itself in the form of unpleasant symptoms “oh.

Symptoms of taking spice

Usually mothers begin to look for how to wean their son off spice when they personally see signs of addiction:

  • Red eyes;
  • inhibited reaction;
  • incoherent speech;
  • confusion;
  • difficulties with orientation in space;
  • hallucinations – visual, auditory;
  • deterioration of cognitive abilities;
  • amnesia;
  • aggression.

The patient behaves very strangely. He may laugh for no apparent reason or act extremely aggressively. When he's high, it's hard to communicate with him. He doesn't understand what they want from him. May misinterpret the words of the interlocutor and start screaming.

Consequences of excessive spice consumption

When smoking cannabis for a long time, the human psyche first of all suffers. The side effects from it can be compared with the use of other potent psychotropic substances, such as anasha or marijuana, only they manifest themselves tens of times more aggressively.

The most dangerous negative consequences from smoking mixtures can be expressed in:

  • the onset of long-term psychosis;

  • severe depressive states;
  • damage to the brain, heart, lungs, liver;
  • encephalopathy, which in severe cases can be irreversible;
  • hallucinations that can push a dependent person to commit suicide.

How does spice addiction develop?

How to recover so that you never think about the risk of returning to spice? A lot depends on what stage of the disease the addict is at when he contacts a narcologist. In the first stages, it is easier to relieve cravings for smoking compounds. If an addict “indulges” in them for several years in a row, therapy will be longer and more complex.

The first stage of the disease is characterized by increased irritability if spice is unavailable. The drug addict immediately begins to get nervous and quarrel with others. Any little thing can make him angry. A little later his performance decreases. He can't concentrate on anything. The characteristics of attention and thinking deteriorate.

At the second stage of spice addiction, persistent physical dependence manifests itself. Spice becomes vital. At first, a person does not realize what a difficult situation he finds himself in, and therefore does not think about how to quit smoking spice. Awareness of the scale of the problem comes with “breaking”.

If it is not possible to buy narcotic powder, the condition rapidly worsens. Insomnia, fluctuations in blood pressure, constant mood swings, severe muscle weakness - all these symptoms deprive the addict of the ability to lead a normal lifestyle. He feels sick and unhappy.

The third stage of drug addiction is characterized by disruptions in the functioning of internal organs. Severe mental disorders may also appear. Sometimes a person feels so bad that he thinks about suicide. It is important not to leave him alone with the disease and take him to a specialized narcology clinic as soon as possible.

Detoxification after amphetamine

Medical detoxification is the best option, which relieves the physical symptoms of withdrawal within the first day. Drugs are administered internally that reduce the physical craving for methamphetamine. They “accelerate” metabolism and have a positive effect on well-being. Rheosorbiacts are combined with vitamin complexes for thorough detoxification.

Correcting psychophysical and psychological changes takes a lot of time. The average duration of therapy is 3-4 weeks. During this period, it is recommended to avoid the use of any drugs, including alcohol and tobacco.

Doctor's recommendations after medical diagnosis will help restore sleep. A person in withdrawal syndrome needs full sleep, lasting 8-10 hours. Do not forget about moderate physical activity without overexertion. Swimming, walks in the fresh air, and yoga are relevant.

How to help quit smoking mixtures - tips for relatives

Yelling at a patient and threatening him is pointless. Refusing to help him is also not an option. The best option is to call a narcologist to the addict’s home and take him to the inpatient drug center.

If relatives are afraid of publicity, preference should be given to private medical institutions. For example, doctors at the Ugodie clinic carry out all treatment activities strictly anonymously. They tell their patients how to deal with drug addiction and offer them progressive treatment regimens.

Thanks to the presence of mobile teams serving residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, they arrive to patients within one hour. It doesn’t matter what time of day or day of the week we are talking about.

If the patient refuses to be treated, there is no need to despair. The Ugodie interventionists know how to convince him. They can also be called to your home by calling +7.

How long does hair dryer recovery last?

The withdrawal state occurs 1-2 hours after the drug has stopped acting. Symptoms without stopping last for several days – sometimes up to 10 days. Withdrawal from a hair dryer lasts less than the standard period if you speed up the removal of the drug from the body. For this purpose, it is allowed to take diuretics and laxatives in the absence of contraindications.

It is important to consume up to 5-6 liters of purified water per day. A visit to a sauna or steam bath will help improve your condition if your cardiovascular system is in a relatively normal state. Among medicinal herbs, it is recommended to give preference to chamomile, oak bark, and calendula.

But independent attempts to eliminate waste in most cases end in failure. They are highly likely to lead to relapse.

How to recover from spice addiction

For the therapeutic and rehabilitation course to be successful, it is important that the patient has a sincere desire to become healthy. Typically, the fight against spice cravings includes the following actions:

  • Cleansing the body of spice breakdown products.
    It is very important to immediately improve the patient’s physical condition. Otherwise, his internal organs may be damaged. To do this, the addict is given a drip containing modern detoxification solutions.
  • Psychotherapy
    . Psychotherapeutic sessions are necessary for the client to tune in to recovery and believe in his own strength. It is very important that he believes that he can defeat the spice.
  • Internal organ
    support . If narcotic drugs have been used for a long time, disturbances in the functioning of internal organs are usually diagnosed. To identify them, diagnostics are carried out. Based on its results, complex treatment is selected.
  • Coding
    . Most often, hypnosis or Dovzhenko stress therapy is used for spice addiction. These techniques change a person’s subconscious and form a negative attitude towards the smoking mixture.
  • Rehabilitation
    . The final stage of treatment for spice. Ideally, it should be completed in a specialized rehabilitation center.

Spice treatment is always long and complex, but it pays off. There is no need to wait for the craving for drugs to disappear on its own. By going to a drug treatment clinic, you will get a chance to become healthy.

Need some advice?




Formation of addiction

The use of smoking mixtures, as well as other psychoactive substances, entails both medical and socio-psychological consequences. The most dangerous in this regard is the development of persistent mental dependence; a few episodes of use are enough. The formation of a physical addiction occurs less frequently and takes longer.

Against the background of an irresistible desire, regular smoking leads to damage to the central nervous system and internal organs. As a result, memory, intellectual abilities, and coordination of movements decrease, and complete personality degradation is possible. There are deaths every year in Europe and the United States, not to mention the increased likelihood of overdose. The main percentage of life-threatening consequences due to spice abuse occurs in the age group of 14-16 years.

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