Nerves under control! How to maintain mental health?

10/12/2020 Alena Masheva Health

Mental health and mental health are actually completely different things. And in case of inferiority on one side or the other, a person’s behavior will change, and this will most likely be noticeable. For this reason, it is necessary to maintain levels of psychological health and mental health.

Definition of terms

In order to answer the question of how mental health differs from psychological health, it is necessary to first understand both of these terms.

Mental health is certain characteristics that allow a person to behave adequately and successfully adapt to the environment. This category usually includes the extent to which the subjective images formed in a person correspond to objective reality, and also evaluates the adequate perception of oneself, the ability to concentrate on something, the ability to remember certain information data and the ability to think critically.

The opposite of good mental well-being are deviations, as well as a variety of disorders and diseases of the human psyche. At the same time, if the psyche is in order, this is not at all a guarantee of mental health.

With a full-fledged psyche and complete adequacy, a person can have severe mental illness. Simply put, a person does not want to live. It may be completely the opposite: a wonderful state of mind, combined with mental disorders and inadequacy.

The definition of psychological health includes not just mental well-being, but also the state of the individual. That is, this is a certain type of well-being in which the mental and personal are combined, a person is doing well in life, while his personality is in a state of growth and readiness to move forward.

Psychological well-being describes the personality as a whole; it relates to several areas at once: cognitive, motivational, emotional, as well as volitional areas. In addition, this includes various manifestations of fortitude.

Mental state criteria

Health is the basis of all human life, a certain guarantee of success and that everything will be fine. It is one of the prerequisites for achieving goals in life. In many cultures, it is not only the value of one individual, but also a huge public asset.

The psychological foundations of physical, mental and social health are usually considered in its two aspects. The criteria for assessing mental well-being are most fully disclosed by A. A. Krylov. They also apply to psychological states.

The scientist identifies criteria in accordance with the way they manifest themselves (various processes, properties). Krylov believes that a person who is mentally well can be characterized by the following properties:

  • morality (that is, a sense of conscience and honor);
  • concentration;
  • equilibrium;
  • optimistic attitude towards life;
  • adequate claims;
  • call of Duty;
  • lack of touchiness;
  • self confidence;
  • lack of laziness;
  • general naturalness;
  • having a sense of humor;
  • independence;
  • responsibility;
  • patience;
  • self-control;
  • self-respect;
  • kindness towards others.
  • Based on these criteria for psychological health and mental health, which were developed by Krylov, it is possible to conclude that the normal psyche, as a certain component of well-being as a whole, includes a set of characteristics that help establish balance and enable a person to perform his functions in society .

    A person with a normal psyche is adapted to life in society, and also takes direct part in it.

What improves mental health

Normal sleep-wake pattern

Here are a few universal rules, following which you will strengthen your state of mind:

  • Night sleep should last at least 7-8 hours.
  • You need to fall asleep before midnight (ideally, the middle of sleep should fall between 0 and 2 a.m.).
  • Wake up not by an alarm clock, but at a time determined by the body itself (that is, waking up should be natural).
  • If you want to sleep at lunchtime, then you should give yourself this opportunity (it is unlikely that it will take more than 1 - 2 hours), and not fight it with coffee, tea, etc.
  • Avoid sleeping between 17:00 and 19:00.

Mental stress must be accompanied by physical

Regular muscle work allows you to normalize the balance of excitation and inhibition processes in the nervous system and has a beneficial effect on blood flow and the exchange of neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, GABA, etc.) in the brain.

Since ancient times, it was noticed that mentally ill patients engaged in physical labor recovered faster in comparison with patients engaged in intellectual work. The most universal way to protect the psyche is regular physical education (at least 30 minutes 2 times a day).

Regular rest is required

Even if work proceeds normally without overload. It is enough to allow yourself to disconnect from work (or school) for a few minutes per hour and have at least one day off from work a week.

Spiritual development

The concepts of good and evil, determining for oneself the meaning of life, the inevitability of death, questions of faith and much more that are classified as the highest human moral categories, these questions sooner or later arise before every person. The evolution of each person in these important topics is an integral factor in strengthening the psyche.

Realization of physiological (healthy) needs

Communication, learning and work, sex, family, satisfaction and other needs should not be ignored or distorted.

Stress should not be avoided

Contrary to misconceptions, stress is not a destructive factor for the psyche, but, on the contrary, has a strengthening and “tonic effect” on the psyche. Long-term (chronic) stress is harmful.

Criteria for psychological state

In science, the topic of normal psychological well-being was developed in detail by I. V. Dubrovina. The difference between mental health and psychological health is that the first relates to individual processes and mechanisms of the human psyche, and the second is directly related to the individual in general, and is also closely related to the highest manifestations of the human soul, so to speak.

The term makes it possible to highlight problems of psychological and mental health. Dubrovina gives a note that a psychologically normal person is capable of possessing such qualities as self-sufficiency, understanding and acceptance of oneself. All this gives a person the opportunity to develop himself in the context of interaction with the outside world and people in various conditions of culture, economy, ecology and society of our reality.

In addition to all of the above, psychologically normal individuals have such qualities as:

  • stability of emotions;
  • maturity of feelings in accordance with one’s age;
  • coping with one’s own negativity and the emotions it generates;
  • the most natural manifestation of your emotions and feelings;
  • the ability to enjoy your life;
  • the ability to maintain your usual state of health;
  • adequate perception of one’s own personality;
  • the closest approximation of subjective images to reflected real objects;
  • the ability to concentrate one's attention on a specific subject;
  • ability to memorize information data;
  • ability to process data using logic;
  • critical thinking;
  • creativity;
  • self-knowledge;
  • managing your own thoughts.
  • So, what is the difference between mental and psychological health of a person? The first is a certain dynamic set of properties of the individual’s psyche that are capable of maintaining harmony between the needs of him and society. They are also a prerequisite for human orientation towards fulfilling one's life purpose.

    The psychological norm is usually interpreted as the individual’s ability to live, as the strength of this very life, which was ensured by the most complete development, as well as the ability to adapt and personal growth in a changing, sometimes unfavorable, but completely ordinary environment for the majority. All this is a prerequisite for normal psychological well-being.

    Nerves under control! How to maintain mental health?

    We think we know everything about stress. When we experience various stressful situations every day, we think: “I have everything under control!” I'm very well!" But where then do chronic fatigue, restless sleep, loss of strength, lack of desire to do anything, and health problems come from?

    Today, on World Mental Health Day, we are consulting on the problem of the psychological well-being of our contemporaries with the psychologist of Clinic Expert Voronezh LLC, Nadezhda Viktorovna Soteva.

    Why do mental illnesses occur? What mental disorders are most common? How does the pace of life leave an imprint on the human psyche?

    — Nadezhda Viktorovna, what does the concept of mental health include?

    — Mental health is a state of psychological and social well-being of a person. It includes the absence of nervous disorders and social alienation. Having good mental health, a person can realize his potential, withstand life’s difficulties and stress, and work productively. The level of mental health is determined by a number of factors. Among them: biological (state of the environment, age, nutrition, heredity), socio-economic (work, income, social status) and others.

    — Is there a relationship between mental and physical health?

    - Of course, yes. A person is a unit where the physical and psychological principles are connected together. All processes in the body are controlled by the nervous system, so mental forces help the physical organs and vice versa. That is why it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle: combine mental and physical work, maintain a daily routine, healthy sleep and nutrition. Movement is life! Playing sports develops resistance to stress, strengthens the immune system and improves mood.

    — How do mental illnesses occur? And what are the most common mental health disorders?

    — The causes of mental illness are different. This can be brain damage due to injuries, infections (for example, meningitis, encephalitis), ingestion of toxic substances, heredity, as well as a crazy pace of life, significant workloads, and much more. The most common mental disorders today are depression, neurasthenia and schizophrenia.

    — Today, the rhythm of life in large cities often unsettles people. Nervous disorders are becoming a common problem in modern society. How can you cope with anxiety and stress?

    — Stress is the human body’s reaction to the influence of a number of unfavorable factors, such as overexertion, negative emotions, and monotonous bustle. Anxiety is groundless worry in anticipation of trouble (for example, a student’s state before an exam: “What if I forget something,” “What if I can’t answer,” etc.). With constant anxiety, the quality of life deteriorates, which manifests itself in a person’s appearance, including; depression or psychosomatic illness occurs. You can combat anxiety and stress by setting yourself a positive attitude. To do this, you should properly organize your vacation, and of course, do not forget that there is a specialist - a psychologist who can understand the causes of the problem, help cope with a difficult situation, and look at it differently. This way, it will be easier for a person to get away from negative beliefs.

    — How to preserve and maintain mental health?

    — You need to take care of yourself: relax, walk in the fresh air, find time for a hobby. For example, a person works in the field of information technology, but since childhood he dreamed of becoming a dancer. So why not take the time to learn the art of dancing now, for the soul? Preserving and maintaining mental health is possible only when a person experiences positive emotions.

    In addition, it is very important to overcome addictions such as smoking and alcohol abuse. This will help increase stress resistance and improve physical health, which is closely related to mental health.

    It is also necessary to protect yourself from negative information, minimize communication with people who constantly upset you, imagining a wall separating you when you meet, in order to protect yourself informationally from their negative emotions, and try not to give in to despondency.

    — When should you contact a psychotherapist? How to understand that help is needed?

    — When a person realizes that he is unable to deal with his emotions. Some event makes him worry, think a lot about the problem, and be in a state of increased anxiety, but he cannot cope with it on his own. You shouldn’t deprive yourself of the opportunity to sleep peacefully, work and spend time with your family. It is better to take care of your mental health in a timely manner.

    — Today there are quite a lot of specialists dealing with mental health problems. Psychotherapist, psychiatrist and psychologist: what is their difference?

    — A psychotherapist is a specialist with a higher medical or psychological education (as a rule, psychiatrists become psychotherapists who undergo special additional training after university). He studies the therapeutic effect on the human psyche using psychoanalysis, psychodrama, hypnosis, and so on. Those who seek his services are called clients. The problems with which people come to a psychotherapist (emotional, personal) can be mild or moderate in severity.

    A psychiatrist is a doctor, a specialist with higher education in the field of psychiatry. Engaged in the study and treatment of serious mental disorders, has the right to prescribe medications. A psychiatrist works with patients with diseases such as schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder and others.

    A psychologist is, as a rule, a specialist with a higher education in the humanities and professional training in the field of psychological counseling. Works with problems of mentally healthy people. When interacting with clients, unlike a psychotherapist and psychiatrist, a psychologist uses questionnaires and techniques, conducts tests, determining anxiety levels and character traits. Conducting individual consultations, a specialist can use methods of Gestalt therapy, art therapy, and play influence. The goals of his activities are: emotional support for clients, changing people’s personal attitudes to problems, increasing stress resistance, and the like.

    For reference:

    Nadezhda Viktorovna Soteva graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of Voronezh State Pedagogical University in 2002.

    She has additional education in the theory and practice of Gestalt therapy.

    In 2011 she graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Voronezh State University.

    In 2020, she completed training at the International School of Business Coaches by Zhanna Zavyalova.

    Since 2002, she worked as a teacher-psychologist at the center for the development of creativity of children and youth in the city of Voronezh, since 2006 - head of the department for organizing office work, selection and training of personnel in an insurance company, since 2007 - development manager in an insurance company, since 2014 - development manager at Sberbank PJSC, since 2020 – business coach and head of the Training and Development Center “Tochka Rosta”, official representative of the International School of Business Coaches Zhanna Zavyalova and psychologist at Clinic Expert Voronezh LLC.

    World Health Organization

    What else is the difference between mental and psychological health of a person? WHO gives the following definition of mental: it is a prosperous state in which an individual is able to realize his own potential, is able to cope with the usual stresses and irritants in life, make his own contribution to public life, and carry out his work most productively so that it brings the greatest benefits.

    WHO identifies the following criteria:

    1. Awareness (coupled with a sense of constancy) of continuity, as well as the identity of one’s own “I”, both mental and physical.
    2. A sense of identity and constancy of one’s own experiences in situations of the same type.
    3. A critical attitude towards oneself, as well as towards one’s own mental activity and its results.
    4. Correspondence of adequate mental reactions to the frequency and with it the strength of environmental influences, circumstances and various situations in society.
    5. The ability to manage one’s own behavior, taking into account compliance with various social norms, laws and rules.
    6. The ability to plan one’s own activities in life along with the ability to implement these plans.
    7. The ability to change the way one behaves depending on how circumstances and situations in life change.

    By the way, there is even World Mental Health Day, which is usually celebrated on the tenth of October. This started in 1992.


    Psychologically healthy person

    I was recently asked: how do you, psychologists, imagine a psychologically healthy person? Otherwise, all the time about problems, about how wrong it is, and so on. Is there any “model” of a healthy personality that we can and should strive for? I can’t answer for all psychologists with certainty. There is, for example, an excellent list of signs of mental and emotional health from N. McWilliams, floating around the Web. But this is just a list, and not some kind of holistic model. And the soul requires integrity and generality :)). I will try to give a general image-model, based on the Gestalt approach to understanding human psychology that is familiar to me. I have already cited much of what is said below in previous articles, but I think there will be nothing wrong if I repeat myself. So, the initial thesis: our psyche is not self-sufficient. Evolutionarily, it appeared in order to provide a living organism with the opportunity to survive in a rather harsh external environment: to provide nutrition, safety and reproduction. Therefore, our entire psyche is aimed at understanding the world around us and satisfying the needs of the body (in humans, the needs are much more complex than in ancient organisms, and the possibilities of knowledge are more extensive, but the principle remains the same). Second thesis : almost everything that is needed to satisfy needs lies in the outside world. Our body does not have sufficient resources to exist independently of it. At best, we are capable of temporary autonomy. Even if you want to be alone, you need to organize yourself a space in which this is possible. From here follows a general idea of ​​what a healthy psyche means: it is a psyche that ensures that the body satisfies its needs . A damaged psyche cannot perform this basic function, and the body is incapable of independent survival. If we talk not about mental, but about psychological health of a person, then with “psychological ill health” there is no fatal threat to human existence . We may be perfectly capable of living in society, but constantly experience stress that depletes the body's resources. That is, the psyche, in general, is in order, but a person does not feel any satisfaction from life, because some of his needs (not related to the simple survival of the body) are either not satisfied, or this happens partially. So, a psychologically healthy person, as a first approximation, is one who feels satisfied with the way his life is going . It is as if he is in a stream aimed at satisfying desires. Desires can be different - from the most primitive to spiritual and existential. What does the flow consist of? From the following five points. 1. Awareness of your needs . This is the beginning and end of the stream. Needs and desires rarely exist in a single instance; there are several of them, and they can sometimes conflict with each other. For example, you really want sweets, but you are on a diet, because a good figure is also important. 2. Selecting from all the needs those that are of higher priority . It is impossible to satisfy all desires at the same time: either order is needed, or the choice of one desire to the detriment of another. (Eh, to hell with your figure, I want something sweet and that’s it!). Not all desires can, in principle, be satisfied, and then a psychologically healthy person is able to accept this fact. 3. Searching in the external world for objects/subjects that will satisfy the desire (eclairs!!! Give me those eclairs!) 4. Taking specific actions to acquire these objects/subjects. Finding something that will help me is not the same as acquiring it. Deciding to do something does not mean doing it. (Buy eclairs, and not stand at the window and lick your lips because there is no money). 5. Satisfy your needs with what you have purchased . Sometimes it happens like this: a person has made a lot of effort in order to get what he wants, and when he has found it, he suddenly begins to wonder: why did I need it at all? (We bought eclairs, but then the feeling of guilt caught up with us and the yummy flew into the trash can). 6 . Assimilate what is consumed . It is important to remember here that the criterion of satisfaction is pleasant feelings, and not feelings of guilt, shame, etc. Otherwise, the action is completed, but there is no satisfaction. So women suffering from bulimia eat a large amount of food, and then induce vomiting, because assimilation of what they have already eaten is impossible due to the internal conflict that unfolds already in the first and second stages. Psychological problems lie in the inability to flow from one point to another. You don’t understand what you want; you understand, but you can’t make a choice; you have made a choice, but you don’t see objects/subjects that will satisfy them (“I can’t find a normal woman: young people are fools, and my peers are old” - from a 35-year-old man); found an object/subject - you can’t get it/make contact (“I can’t get to know her!”); got an object/made contact - you cannot satisfy your needs (erectile dysfunction, or fear of emotional intimacy - everything depends on what you want); seemed to satisfy me - but didn’t understand it (devalued: “honestly, the girl is not a fountain, as it turned out” or “is this an achievement? Bill Gates has achievements, but mine is nonsense...”). So complete, ideal psychological health is free flow . A normal, conditionally healthy person is a flow, on the way of which there are thresholds (including very serious ones), but which are overcome by the flow . A normal conditionally unhealthy psychologically person is a stream that has hit a threshold and cannot overcome it. Psychotherapy is either an analysis of thresholds, or a search for a new channel for the flow. Ilya Latypov

    There are no mentally healthy people left today. Professor-psychiatrist Anatoly Chuprikov came to this conclusion at a conference on mental health issues held in Kyiv. A specialist in this field, Professor Chuprikov, who spoke, noted that today there cannot be absolutely healthy people mentally. Every day we are faced with unforeseen, unexpected situations, which are simply impossible to deal with calmly. Even the most mentally healthy person reacts to such situations, experiences internal experiences, stress, etc. At the same time, the professor added that the psyche must cope with most of the problems that arise. This applies to the psyche of completely healthy people. However, when stress and anxiety go beyond acceptable limits and begin to occur daily in large quantities, a person may experience serious problems with the nervous system. Chuprikov emphasized that the main sign of a mental disorder is inappropriate behavior . This behavior can be seen with the naked eye. A person with a disturbed psyche has an absurd attitude towards solving the most basic issues, reacts inadequately to what is happening, etc. The expert also shared information about who to go to for priority advice. Such a specialist should be a professional psychologist who can help a person get rid of a mental disorder. If visits to a psychologist do not bring the desired result, you should consider visiting a psychiatrist. The doctor also expressed his opinion about who he considers a balanced person. The person who has a stable psyche has emotional comfort within himself. Such a person is confident in himself and can cope with any situation, even if he cannot completely control it. For the record, a mental disorder often refers to symptoms and behaviors that interfere with a person's healthy functioning. Experts distinguish several types of mental disorders that may be present in people. This is a personality disorder, a behavioral disorder, a disorder caused by some kind of trauma, a violation of the emotional component of a person, etc. All these internal disorders can appear either individually or in combination.

    Series of messages “Know Yourself-2”:
    Part 1 - WORLDVIEW Part 2 - Complexes are the other side of fear. .. ... Part 21 - Do we have the right to change something around us - in society and even throughout the world? Part 22 - Do we know how to express our feelings, do we teach this to our children? Part 23 - Psychologically healthy person. Part 24 - How to recognize a spiritual person Part 25 - There are no weak people! ... Part 48 - The lies we tell ourselves and believe Part 49 - How we learn to betray ourselves Part 50 - Only those who want to understand understand

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    Part 1 - CHRONICLES OF THE GREAT TRANSITION OF THE MATRIX OF ALL-PENERATING LOVE-6 Part 2 - why loved ones strain each other... Part 17 - Do everything without grumbling and doubt Part 18 - Phrases that provoke conflict. We are replacing! Part 19 - Psychologically healthy person. Part 20 - How to recognize a spiritual person Part 21 - Society consists of only masks... Part 48 - So that people stop envying you. Why you shouldn't always share your joy with others Part 49 - Creepy? Well, yes. Well, everything is like in life. Part 50 - Why do you spend a lot of time talking?

    Difference between terms in WHO

    The WHO distinguishes psychological health from human mental health mainly by the fact that mental well-being is usually attributed to completely separate processes of the psyche, as well as its mechanisms. The psychological, in turn, is usually attributed to the personality itself in general. This makes it possible to separate the psychological aspect of any problem.

    The aforementioned Dubrovina introduced the term “mental health” into the lexicon of science not so long ago. She believes that psychological well-being is an absolutely necessary condition for a person to function and develop fully in the process of their own life.

    The connection between the psychological state and the physical state is currently undeniable.

    Psychological characteristics of centenarians

    Jewett studied psychological types as forms of mental health of people who successfully managed to live to a very advanced age (80-90 years). The research results demonstrated that all these people had the following qualities:

  • life optimism;
  • calm on an emotional level;
  • the ability to feel genuine joy;
  • feeling of self-sufficiency;
  • high adaptability to difficult life situations.
  • Portrait of the desired result

    Thus, if you draw up a highly generalized portrait of the inner world of a healthy person based on the characteristics highlighted above, then you can see a person who is creative, spontaneous, enjoying his life, cheerful, open to something new, who never stops learning about himself and his surrounding world, not only using reason, but also using your intuition and sensuality.

    Such a person fully accepts his own personality, while realizing the value and absolute uniqueness of the people that surround him. He is also in constant self-improvement and helps other people with this.

    Such a person first of all takes responsibility for his own life and learns useful lessons from unsuccessful situations. His life, of course, is filled with meaning, which he himself found.

    They usually say about such people that “he is in harmony” both with himself and with the world that surrounds him. From this we can identify a key word to describe the term “mental health”. That word would be “harmony.”

    Psychological health article on the topic


    Health is one of the most important human values. This is reflected in proverbs, sayings, aphorisms, folk wisdom: “Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing”, “If you are healthy, you will get everything”, “Health is the head of everything, everything is dearer”, “You can’t buy health - its mind gives”, “Money can’t buy health”, and who hasn’t heard at one time the catchphrase: “A healthy mind in a healthy body”? Almost the entire sphere of amateur sports was built on this slogan in Soviet times. And few people know that the author of this expression, the ancient Roman poet Decimus Junius Juvena, put a completely different meaning into it: “We must pray for a healthy mind in a healthy body!” This statement is still relevant today. The World Health Organization's definition of health is: Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

    Based on the definition of the World Health Organization, there are three components of health: 1. Physical health, which can be maintained by sports, healthy eating, and ecology. 2. Social health is manifested by the ability to communicate with others without conflict, to feel responsible for the society in which we live, to work for this and at the same time to be able to feel the beauty of life.. 3. Psychological health. What is psychological health? The simplest definition of psychological health is the absence of mental disorders. In psychology, the term “psychological health” is interpreted as “a state of mental well-being, characterized by the absence of painful mental manifestations, providing adequate regulation of behavior and activity to the conditions of reality.” “Psychological health” characterizes the personality as a whole (in contrast to “mental health”, which relates to individual mental processes and mechanisms),

    Psychological health includes various components of human life

    • State of mental development, mental comfort;
    • Adequate social behavior;
    • The ability to understand yourself and others;
    • More complete realization of development potential in different types of activities;
    • The ability to make choices and take responsibility for them.

    There are two main signs by which psychological health can be judged: 1. The positive mood in which a person is. The basis consists of such states as:

    • Complete peace of mind
    • Confidence in your strength
    • Inspiration

    2. A high level of mental capabilities, thanks to which a person is able to get out of various situations associated with the experience of anxiety and fear.

    A psychologically healthy person is, first of all, a creative, cheerful, cheerful, open person who knows himself and the world around him not only with his mind, but also with his feelings and intuition. He fully accepts himself and at the same time recognizes the value and uniqueness of the people around him. Such a person places responsibility for his life primarily on himself and learns from unfavorable situations. His life is filled with meaning. It is in constant development and, of course, contributes to the development of other people. His life path may not be entirely easy, and sometimes quite difficult, but he adapts perfectly to rapidly changing living conditions. And what’s important is that he knows how to be in a situation of uncertainty, trusting what will happen to him tomorrow. Thus, we can say that the “key” word to describe psychological health is the word “harmony”, or “balance”. And first of all, this is harmony between the various components of the person himself: emotional and intellectual, bodily and mental. But it is also harmony between man and the people around him, nature, and space. Accordingly, we can say that psychological health is a dynamic set of mental properties of a person that ensure harmony between the needs of the individual and society, which are a prerequisite for the orientation of the individual to fulfill his life task. In this case, a life task can be considered as something that a specific person with his abilities and capabilities needs to do for those around him. When fulfilling a life task, a person feels happy, otherwise he feels deeply unhappy. One way or another, the definition of psychological health is related to the concept of happiness. A person cannot do without striving for it.

    Agreement with yourself

    A psychologically normal person has various aspects in harmony, which include mental, intellectual, physical and emotional. The criteria by which one can determine how healthy a certain person is are actually quite vague.

    The very concepts of mental and psychological health of the individual and their norms are mostly determined by customs, traditions, moral principles, cultural and social characteristics of the community.

    The ancient Vikings had such warriors, they were called “berserkers”. During the battle, they were able to fall into a state of some kind of combat trance. Such a person was simply irreplaceable on the battlefield, but outside this field the behavior of such a warrior can hardly be called adequate.

    A not too sensitive and even cynical pathologist in his profession is able to realize his potential more than fully, while outside of his working atmosphere he may look somewhat strange in the eyes of other people.

    The norm itself is a balance between adaptation to reality and reality itself, this is the task of developing one’s personality and self-affirmation, along with a sense of responsibility and some mental energy potential and activity. The norm is also the ability to overcome difficulties on the path of life and accept the challenge of the world around us.

    Mental health standards

    The human psyche deteriorates with age (after about 80 years, sometimes even earlier) and during illness. Mental well-being is not something constant at all, it is dynamic. The norms for this condition include:

    1. Mental capacity. This is a good intellectual level, the ability to think productively, the desire for a certain positive outcome, while relying on actual facts. This norm also includes self-improvement and imagination.
    2. The concept of morality. It is customary to say about such people that they have a “soul”. They are not at all characterized by moral stupidity. At the same time, such people are characterized by objectivity and fairness. Their will is strong, but without stubbornness. They admit mistakes, but do not torment themselves.
    3. Adaptability to various social situations. Such people come into contact with various segments of the population of various ages. They are characterized by ease in relation to superiors and subordinates, along with a sense of responsibility. They sense social distance well, and their behavior is somewhat spontaneous.
    4. Personal optimism. This is good-natured character and emotional independence. A realistic attitude towards life without fear of risk.
    5. Emotionality, in which there is no unnecessary suspicion or gullibility, while there is freshness of emotional sensations.
    6. Sexuality. This means taking into account the opinions and various wishes of your partner and respecting his personality.

    Factors that destroy mental health

    These include all the opposites of what was written above: disturbed sleep patterns, lack of physical activity during intellectual work, deprivation of regular rest and avoidance of stress. Besides:

    Substance use

    Alcohol is a poison for the nervous system. Even a single use of “weak” alcohol causes damage to the nervous system equivalent to a concussion.

    Smoking cigarettes depletes arousal processes in the brain, since nicotine is a psychostimulant.

    Drugs are substances that artificially cause mental disorders (from depression to schizophrenia).

    Information overload

    Excessive intake of new information first leads to overexcitation of the nervous system, accompanied by an increased need for information, and then to a breakdown of the nervous system.

    Lies, loneliness

    Unhealthy relationships, excessive attention (or complete inattention) to one’s health can also be classified as psychologically destructive phenomena.

    Avoiding medical examination

    The presence of diseases of internal organs that have not been identified and for which treatment has not been prescribed.

    As trivial as it sounds, internal diseases (diabetes mellitus, hypertension, oncology, etc.) affect the functioning of the blood vessels and neurons of the brain. And the psyche, according to doctors, is one of the main functions of the brain.

    Therefore, early detection of any disease (or predisposition to it) will prevent the impact on the brain and, accordingly, on the mental sphere.

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