Wise advice from an academician on how to maintain a clear mind into old age

Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev, a Russian academician, psychiatrist, neurologist, the same one who devoted his life to studying the brain, once noted that the great happiness of dying without losing your mind on the roads of life will be given to only 20% of people.

The rest, in old age, alas, will turn into evil or naive senile people and become ballast on the shoulders of their own grandchildren and adult children.

80% is significantly more than the number of those who, according to callous statistics, are destined to develop cancer, Parkinson's disease, or suffer from brittle bones in old age. In order to enter the lucky 20% in the future, you will have to try now.

The famous Soviet poet Zabolotsky came up with a universal recipe for a healthy life, which, I remember, all high school students were forced to memorize. Yes, yes, that same quatrain:

“Do not let your soul be lazy, so as not to pound water in a mortar, the soul must work day and night, day and night.”

In fact, almost everyone begins to become lazy over the years. The paradox is that we work hard in our youth so as not to have problems in old age. But it turns out the other way around.

The more we calm down and relax, the more harm we do to ourselves.

The level of requests is reduced to a banal set: “eat well - get plenty of sleep.” Concerns about daily bread disappear. Intellectual work comes down to solving crossword puzzles.

But the level of demands and claims to life and to others increases exorbitantly: “I’ve had enough of the difficulties, now you get better!”

The burden of the past weighs on us, but it is not always simple.

The categorical nature and percentage of value judgments increases.

Irritation from not understanding something results in rejection of reality.

A person, without noticing it, becomes stupid, or even turns into a tyrant, widening the gap between himself and the world around him.

Becomes hostile, deaf and blind to the call of loved ones.

Loses physical and intellectual shape.

Memory and thinking abilities suffer.

And gradually a person moves away from the real world, creating his own, often cruel and hostile, painful fantasy world, from which everyone who comes into contact with it wants to run away as far as possible, wherever their eyes look.

Most of all, dementia threatens those who have lived their lives without changing their attitudes. Traits such as excessive adherence to principles, perseverance, and conservatism are more likely to lead to dementia in old age than flexibility, the ability to quickly change decisions, and emotionality. “The main thing, guys, is not to grow old in your heart!” – wrote another famous Russian classic. The one who, at the age of almost eighty, married a woman 40 years younger than himself. And, they say, he is still happy.

The first swallows...

Dementia never comes suddenly. Dementia is not madness or even a mental disorder, and certainly not a disease. Therefore, tracking its beginning is incredibly difficult.

It progresses over the years, gaining more and more power over a person. What is now just a prerequisite may in the future become fertile ground for the germs of dementia.

How to live long - simple tips on how to live a long life

How to live long? I am sure that this question is not the last thing in most people’s lives. For many people, genetics or circumstances play a huge role in how they live a long life. However, despite this, happiness has nothing to do with the limitations of human life.

We all have the potential to live long lives if we do the right things. In this article, we'll look at how to live long by improving your health and preventing disease through diet and exercise.

As is known, the average human life expectancy for developed countries is in the range of 75-85 years. This level, however, takes into account all the negative habits that a person has and which reduce his life expectancy, causing various diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes.

But frankly, many of the stereotypical problems of “aging” can be avoided altogether or significantly reduced in severity by taking simple preventive measures and using proven healthy anti-aging techniques. Simply limiting your vices and negative habits is probably all that is needed to ensure you hit the upper end of the human longevity spectrum.

Generally speaking, living long is a good thing, as long as you are in good enough health to enjoy that long life. Nowadays, medicine has advanced so much that it can keep people alive on earth for much longer than many could actually do on their own. This increases healthcare costs and makes people nervous and worried about their old age.

I'm telling you, forget it all, because living long doesn't have to be so dramatic (only with the help of medicine), but it can be an enjoyable journey. Let's learn the components of how to live a long and happy life.

Tip #1: Learn to be happy and have a positive outlook on life

Research, both clinical and anecdotal, shows us that people who have a positive character and positive outlook on life live longer than others.

Find a way to live your life as a happy person. Help others - because by making others happy, you will make yourself happy. Eventually, you will begin to feel all the good you have done to other people and who you have helped along the way. Don't forget the golden rule: treat others the way you would like to be treated personally.

Another simple way to be happy and positive is to give importance to your family. Although family can sometimes be a stressful factor, as a rule, people who value and are very close to their families live longer.

Tip #2: Live a healthy and safe lifestyle

This is the most obvious component of longevity and yet one of the main reasons why people do not live longer. A person simply does not want to change his lifestyle or his habits. He’s lazy or he’s already “convenient.”

For example, on average, smoking kills people 14 years earlier than they would otherwise have lived. Smoking leads to lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, etc. Smoking is also a major cause of heart disease and diabetes, which are among the leading causes of death. Eliminating or quitting smoking alone will allow you to live longer.

Alcohol is another obvious risk factor that does not lead to longer life. Excess alcohol leads to accidents, heart disease, cancer, and is generally harmful to the body. How many alcoholics do you see who look young? Think about this factor, give up or reduce your alcohol intake - and you will live longer.

Also, follow basic safety precautions in various situations. Seat belts are one of them. You must use them. Also be careful when taking part in emergency events. Accidents, along with disease, remain one of the leading causes of death, and if you avoid them, you are more likely to live longer.

Tip #3: Take care of your diet

Over the past ten years, it has become clear that your diet has a lot to do with longevity. It has been proven that mice will live about 30 percent longer if they eat 30 percent fewer calories in their diet compared to their normal diet. The same longevity conclusions were made for large primates.

How many very old obese people do you see around? A little. If you want to live longer, cut your calories. Don't force yourself to starve, just keep your calories low. Normal daily calorie intake is in the 2000 range. A 30% reduction would be 600 calories, leaving you with a daily intake of 1400 calories. If you want to live a long time, this is probably a good start. If this is too extreme for you, try cutting just 15%. It won't hurt.

Increase your intake of all fruits and vegetables. Don't forget to eat fish. A fish diet leads to a longer life because fish contains high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 acids have been shown to help protect against diseases of seemingly all kinds.

Tip #4: Move!

Physical activity will help you live a long time. Not everyone wants to hear about this, but it is very important. You must stay active if you want to live longer. People who walk more often and do moderate physical activity every day tend to live longer.

You don't have to go to the gym every day, but you should get up and move. Even those of us who consider ourselves “working” often don’t physically work. We sit at desks hour after hour, we drive cars everywhere, and we go “crazy” when we have to walk more than one flight of stairs and the thought of walking one block is out of the question.

Laziness is our number one enemy. If your goal is to live a long time, then you are more likely to achieve it if you stop complaining and start looking for opportunities to stay active in the normal everyday routine of life.

  • Walk around the store with a shopping cart in your hand, not a cart.
  • Park your car further away.
  • Walk to the nearest store rather than driving 100 meters.
  • Take a walk around your home/office during breaks between tasks.
  • Take the stairs instead of taking the elevator all the time.
  • Walk your dog (if you have one) longer and further than usual.

There are so many areas in your daily life where you can add physical activity. More life does not come to those who sit and wait for old age. More life comes when you use your body and keep it in shape.

No one can tell you how long you will live, but if you follow these longevity tips, you will greatly increase your chances of living happily ever after.

A person sometimes lives a long time, seemingly against all the rules, but you now have the power to make this happen through your own “small” actions. Now go and live long!

What tips do you know on how to live a long life?

Wise advice for women

And separately, I would like to dwell on wise advice for life especially for women. No matter how much men defend the palm, they are unlikely to argue that without wise, sensitive women next to them they would not have achieved such heights. A woman creates comfort in the house, raises children, caresses her husband, relieving his fatigue. A wise woman can give endlessly without demanding anything in return. But its peculiarity is such that it can give only until its resource is exhausted. Therefore, my dear friends, for you I publish tips that will help you maintain inner peace, love for life and good mood.

There can be no wisdom without kindness

Be kind to people, to your loved ones, to strangers - this will make your life much easier.

First of all, you are a mother, wife, daughter.

and only then an accountant, a teacher, a director. Remember this, no matter what happens.

In a dispute, it is not the truth that is born, but a headache.

I'll tell you a funny joke.

A woman comes to the priest, upset, covered in cuts and bruises. Father worriedly asks what happened.

“The husband drinks,” the woman complains, “he comes home and gets rowdy.” There is no place left for me to live!

“Here’s a bottle of holy water for you, dear, the next time your husband comes home drunk, put this water in your mouth and make sure you don’t spill a drop!”

A month later, the same woman comes to the priest, happy, blooming, joyful.

- Oh, thank you, father! Holy water helps!

Every joke has a bit of truth. Silence sometimes saves relationships. If you feel that you are not being heard or the tone of the conversation is rising, but no agreement has been reached, stop the dialogue. Once you cool down, you will resolve the situation much easier.

Always be beautiful

Be beautiful first of all for yourself. Next to a beautiful woman, a man will want to be in good shape and will begin to strive to match. Don’t make excuses by being tired and unwell – read the very first piece of wisdom at the beginning of the article.

Respect your man

Respect for a woman builds a man, but dislike and contempt destroy him.

Do you allow yourself to say about him “What can he do!” or “As always, nothing worked out for you”? Forget these expressions forever - you should inspire him, not humiliate him!

Take care of yourself. Pamper yourself.

If you, tired, come home from work, prepare dinner, simultaneously doing a mountain of things, and after dinner, having put the children to bed, sit down to do your part-time work - what kind of tenderness and love can we talk about? An exhausted, tired woman cannot give anything to her husband and children. Understand your workload, delegate some of your responsibilities, and then sit down and write a list of things that bring you pleasure. Meet with friends? Taking a bubble bath? Wander down the street? Must be at least 20 points!

In moments of fatigue, take out this list, select one of the items and urgently go to do it - “put yourself on exercise.”

Whatever you do, do it sincerely.

Love, be sad, rejoice with all your heart, sparing no emotions and warm words. The world loves honest people.

Don't let boredom enter your life.

Many people tend to live a “knock-on” life, working in the same place for years, preparing the same dishes, relaxing in the same places. Don't let the cobwebs cloud your life - shake yourself up and shake up your loved ones! Remain a mystery to your husband, constantly coming up with something new.

Arrange spontaneous dates, send funny SMS to your husband, put “bags with kisses” in your children’s pockets - in general, come up with ideas!

All we do is wait - then summer, then New Year, ... then happiness... Don’t wait, be happy today!

My list of rules is far from complete, but I think each of us has our own personal secrets, that each of us can give wise advice for life. Share - what wisdom are you guided by? And what pieces of wisdom would you recommend for life based on your own experience?


You can learn even more wise advice from the amazing book - the collection “Wisdom of the Great”, which contains 1000 of the most important thoughts in the history of mankind. I personally hope that this book will become your constant companion and personal mentor, and I can’t think of a better gift for loved ones, since this is a gift edition.
for the soul

“Live as society says, as the older generation says, as friends advise”

Photo by @irina_hakamada
Personal development is influenced by 3 main factors:

  • genetics;
  • upbringing;
  • society.

That is, a person reaches conscious age with “preset settings.” And if there is no way to get rid of genetics, then the contribution of society and education can be adjusted in the right direction.

Are you asking yourself whether you really like your job, life with your long-lost husband, or even your hairstyle? Now listen.

  • Maybe your parents chose your specialty because it seemed reliable?
  • Are you still married because all your girlfriends are also married and it’s somehow unusual to be a black sheep?
  • Are you wearing bangs because ten years ago a classmate made fun of your high forehead?

We often make decisions based on the fact that it’s customary and it’s easier to be “convenient” for our mother, friends and colleagues. But it is precisely this line of behavior that makes a person unhappy. After all, these decisions are not yours, and you don’t want that at all.

Photo by @irina_hakamada

In this case, in order to find your real, happy life, you need to do a lot of work. Every time you make decisions, ask yourself what you want at the moment. Start small.

  • Tea or coffee?
  • Skirt or jeans?
  • Should I sleep more or exercise?

Step by step, you will begin to hear yourself, without the chorus of voices of relatives, friends and colleagues in the background.

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