Why you shouldn’t get attached to things, money and people

Greetings to the readers of Plachu.net! Agree, it is difficult to realize the fact that you are in love with a person with whom you cannot have a future together.

How to get rid of attachment to a person? After all, practically all people face a similar situation. Feelings appear for that person with whom you will never be able to be together. It doesn't matter at all whether the person is your friend, comrade or colleague. It may be that he is already in a relationship with someone or lives far away from you.

This is a difficult life experience in which many may suffer from a similar situation, asking the question, how to get rid of attachment to a man for whom you have feelings? It’s good that the situation is not hopeless and can be dealt with.

Below I will give 10 ways thanks to which you can get rid of a person. Break your emotional attachment with someone who cannot be with you.

Enjoying time together

When spending time together with a person for whom you have loving feelings, but understand that you cannot be together, you are tempted to demand a response. But, this will only make the situation worse, causing you even more pain. It’s better to focus on getting as many pleasant moments as possible while being with this person at the moment. Think about how interesting you are spending your time, how good you both are together. This way you will think about pleasant things. Without thinking that this relationship is not possible.

Finding a hobby for distraction

When we are deeply in love with someone, it becomes very difficult for us to focus our attention on everyday matters. Then try to switch your attention to new interests and hobbies. Try to find a hobby that you like and enjoy doing. Thus, your life will become easier. Your mind will not be focused on unbridled love all the time, but will rest from time to time. Any activity will be very good if it distracts you from obsessive, not the most favorable thoughts.

How to avoid despair when you find yourself in a difficult situation

Watch your attitude towards the world and do not fall into the trap of thinking: “Without this or that, I will not have any happiness.” If you want to sell a computer, are waiting for a phone call, hoping for a promotion, trying to score a goal, looking for a husband, you need to relax and stop being nervous! First, you need to work for the desired result to the maximum, and then, in case of failure, tell yourself: “This is absolutely not necessary for me to be happy.” Then throw this problem out of your head and move on with life. It is at this moment that, most often, the desired result comes.

Protecting feelings

You can be friends with such a person. You can help him, but the main thing is not to overdo it with your appearance in his life. This can harm, first of all, yourself. You must feel the line beyond which you will not harm your life. It is especially important to have it when it is difficult for you to be around such a person; it is better to keep your distance. Don't live in illusions. If something bad happens in his life, he will not switch to you. Keep a safe distance, protect your emotions.

Limiting contact

There are situations when the heart refuses to stop yearning for a loved one. In such a situation, you need to learn to restrain your feelings that can control you. If you have been experiencing pain and suffering from unrequited love for a long period of time, it may be time to stop contacting such a person.

Ravid Yosef is a relationship expert. He states: “If you maintain the opportunity to communicate with the person for whom you have feelings, whether you are friends or just acquaintances, you will be tormented throughout the entire time by hopes of a future together with him.”

It won't be easy at first, but think about it: how long can this last? You are constantly torturing your heart and soul with the knowledge that you will not succeed with this person by seeing him. It's time to change your life.

How to get rid of dependence on a person.

Attachment to money

For many of us, money comes too hard. This can be explained by the phenomenon of “attachment”, which Buddhists talk about so much. People (even those who claim that money doesn't matter to them) get too caught up in money because it is both a means of survival and a symbol of success for us. Unfortunately, it is precisely our desperate desire to have money that we ruin everything for ourselves. In other words, the more emotional you are about something, the less control you have over yourself. Most people have a very emotional attitude towards money - they cannot manage it and, accordingly, never have enough of it. And the rich continue to get rich precisely because of emotional detachment. They don't care about money. The thirst for money does not lead them to despair. If there is no money now, you just need to calm down and know that it will come sooner or later. When you have money, you need to treat it fairly indifferently, because in this case you can save a little and know that you will earn more tomorrow. And in no case should we forget how a poor person differs from a rich person: a poor person wants to have money, and a rich person knows that he will have it.

Talk about your feelings

In the 21st century, with the help of social networks, you can easily share your experiences with anyone, anytime. Let me give you Twitter or Instagram as an example. Thanks to them, you can find the support and compassion of many people. The effect may be short-lived, but it works. Don't be shy and stop being afraid to show your sincere feelings. Express your emotions as openly as possible. If you don’t like social networks, then get a personal notebook and write down your experiences in it. Thus, no one will know about these revelations except you.

Tell me about your feelings

Expressing your own feelings for your loved one may be the best solution to the problem. This way, you will immediately put everything in its place and begin to move forward. Stop constantly waiting for something. Be honest with yourself and the person you have feelings for. Share with him your feelings, suffering, everything that is in your soul. He, more than anyone else, deserves to know the truth about how you feel about yourself. Like you to talk about them.

Love can be both a wonderful feeling and a very painful one when you are in love with a person with whom you cannot be in a relationship. This can be very disappointing in your life. There is no doubt that you are not alone in this situation. Almost every person goes through similar tests at least once in their life. If you have your own tips on this topic, share them in the comments.

Attachments Between People and How to Remove Them

TIES BETWEEN PEOPLE AND HOW TO REMOVE THEM If it seems that there is a sucker or a tie along some chakra with another person, you try to cut off this tie, but it either does not cut off, or appears again, how to deal with it? The binding doesn't just stay there. It is created on a subtle level by real emotions, the energy of the people between whom this connection exists. Until these emotions are removed, the artificial breaking of the attachment will be temporary. Attachments are created by obsessive emotions, subconscious flows of energy that a person cannot control. You can call it addiction, because... a person cannot help but think this way, cannot help but feel this way. Therefore, to free yourself from bindings, from dependence, you need to realize what information is recorded in the binding and how you create it. Remove your own negativity on this topic, accept, forgive, and then break the connection. And then decide what emotions you want to consciously direct to this person. For example, direct the flow of love-acceptance from the heart chakra. Here are examples of bindings. Pity for the person. You don’t love him, but you feel sorry for him, it’s a shame to leave him. It seems like it would be a betrayal. Remember that pity is not love. The desire to help, the feeling that this person would be lost without you. That only you understand him and can help. I want to save him. At the same time, you sacrifice yourself, feed the energy of your orange chakra (care, mother-child association), without receiving equivalent energy in return. You pity, save, and you are shown admiration for you. In reality, you are losing your vital energy and are not moving towards your own goals. Offense against a person. When remembering, a feeling of injustice towards you arises. You constantly think, “how could he do this?” I want to get revenge. So that he understands that he was wrong. Feeling humiliated. When you remember, you have a feeling of humiliation that you were used. You are ashamed of yourself. Guilt. You think that you are to blame for what happened. That the situation is irreparable, you made a mistake, and you cannot forgive yourself for it. Feeling of revenge. You feel you have been harmed and want revenge. You think about it a lot and get angry. Material losses. You have lost some values ​​in a relationship and are trying to get them back. Your money, valuables, etc. were not returned to you. You feel sorry for the loss, you often think about it, feel regret, pity, anger, humiliation (am I a complete fool), calculations on how to get the money back. The need to receive human energy (sexual, emotional). You can’t live without him, sometimes you need to see him, hear him, feel him nearby. This means that you do not have enough of your own energy of the quality (chakra) that this person has, and you are “addicted” to his energy, like an artificial hormone, drug, alcohol. You need to realize what you are missing and develop this type of energy in yourself. Otherwise, all your life you will follow this person (in reality or in your thoughts, astrally), or someone like him, with the same energy you need. Envy. You don’t live yourself, and you don’t let others live. Let him be a hundred times better than you. But it depends only on you what will happen next in your life. Therefore, it’s time to shift your attention to yourself, set goals, and start moving towards them. The desire to prove that “I’m right.” This desire slows down any changes for the better in you and your life, subconsciously forcing you to stick to a decision once made in the past. Let life give you surprises. Acknowledge that you may have made mistakes in the past, and never say “never.” Summary: Become aware of what is holding you back, become transparent with that person, and then easily and calmly cut the ties. The state of “transparency” is when you have forgiven yourself and everyone involved, accept everything that happened, and let go of your life with love. If it is difficult for you to do this, think about whether you want to continue to experience such feelings towards this person for the rest of this life, or even the next 1000 years? Continuing to meet with him in your lives to finally solve this problem between you. Being disappointed again and again? I think it’s better to solve this here and now, forgive, accept, and let go with love FOREVER. Sometimes we say “I became attached to him” without even realizing how literally these words convey the essence. When a person is energetically dependent on something or someone, we can talk about the presence of an attachment. Binding is an energy channel formed during a person’s interaction with other people, objects or egregors. Let us differentiate between two concepts: energy channel and energy binding. It's not exactly the same thing. Energy channels arise as a given during communication between two people; energy exchange occurs through these channels. Without energy connections with other people, a person cannot survive; they cannot be removed, this will violate human nature. Binding is also a channel, but here we are dealing with an energetic disturbance. Binding is based on a person’s dependence on something or someone, and therefore contradicts the basic Divine Law, which states: every person is free. The danger of energy bindings lies not only in stopping development, but also in the fact that a skilled manipulator through this binding can cause negative emotions, the origin of which will be difficult to trace. In the process of life, almost everyone creates energy bindings for themselves, without even suspecting how much this complicates their existence. These attachments do not allow a person to fully develop. And a person without development degrades. The reason for the appearance of attachments is a person’s violation of the Laws of Divine Development. Negative emotions form attachments along the corresponding chakras: Muladhara (basic chakra) - fear, aggression. Svadhisthana (gender chakra) - lust, obsession. Manipura (umbilical chakra) - submission or, conversely, the desire for power. Anahata (heart chakra) - love and hate. Vishuddha (throat chakra) - the desire for self-realization. Ajna (frontal chakra) - attachments to what a person considers to be true, principles and attitudes. Sahasrara (crown chakra) - attachments to egregors. On a subtle level, bindings are seen as tubes of different diameters, through which energy of different colors and consistencies flows. It is not the bindings themselves that are dangerous, these are just energy channels, but a certain energy of disruption in interaction - when people are not free and try to subjugate another. Attachments make communication difficult. In this case, the person will feel a strong craving for the one to whom he is attached. The degree of strength of attachments is very high; they deprive a person of freedom and hinder his spiritual development. Attachment can appear against one's will. For example, when an astral attack is made, a connection is formed between the one who attacked and the one who was attacked. This is a trace of interaction. Bindings can be created artificially. The action of love spells is based on the artificial creation of bindings. In this case, the attachment point is visualized in the form of hooks, nuts, latches, knots and other fastening methods. Lapels destroy bindings and block energy channels. These actions belong to the rituals of black magic. Bindings can be active or passive, depending on whether energy flows through them. Examples of attachments: • Pity, desire to help, save. Many people fall for this bait. Believing that he is doing a good deed, a person can feed such an energy parasite for many years and at the same time think that without his support he will not survive. This is a parasitic relationship. • Resentment. This feeling is considered one of the most powerful, negatively affecting health. The fact is that when offended, a person again and again returns his thoughts to the offender, generously giving him his life energy. • Revenge, the desire to prove that one is right. It is difficult to forget and let go of a person when every now and then you scroll through an ominous plan of retribution in your head, imagine what you will tell him, what kind of face he will have then, etc. and so on. • Guilt. Here we are dealing with aggression directed at oneself. These deprive yourself of the right to make mistakes. Feelings of guilt are an unproductive emotion, because a person does not correct what he has done, but engages in self-flagellation. An individual who feels guilty before another often thinks about how to beg forgiveness from that other person and what can be done to make amends for his guilt. The result is a strong connection. • Material losses. An unrepaid debt binds two people for a long time, and the larger the amount, the stronger the bond. However, the one who lends money still has a way out: mentally say goodbye to his money, as if it were lost, and sincerely forgive the debtor. Imagine that he gave him this money for his birthday, for example. The debtor's situation is worse; no matter how hard he tries, he will not be able to forget the person to whom he owes the debt. The only way to get rid of the binding is to pay off your debt or work it off. Robbery, theft, fraud - all this also forms bonds between the criminal and the victim. Conclusion: get rid of attachment to money and things. • Feeling of obligation to repay services rendered. Here, too, there is a feeling of duty, but not a material duty. “Now I owe you,” one person says to another, thereby creating a powerful attachment. Debts must be repaid, but here we forget that the other person voluntarily did a good deed for us, and in this case, sincere gratitude is enough. • People live together, but in fact they are already strangers, they have already passed this stage, but they cannot move on because they bind each other. Or one of the partners has long outgrown this relationship, he should move forward, but the other does not allow him to develop. What feeds the attachment in this case is habit, a sense of duty, responsibility, care for children, attachment to jointly acquired property, pity for the partner (what would he do without me). Anything but love. • The need to possess another person, dependence, passion, jealousy, etc. A person thinks again and again about the object of his desire, dreams about it, passionately wanting to get it. A person becomes like a child who is not given his favorite toy. He demands her and sees nothing else around. Not to be confused with love. Love does not infringe on the right to freedom of another. • Non-reciprocal love. This is such a durable, fine-material structure that it can greatly ruin a person’s health, squeezing all the juices out of him. This state exhausts both the one who loves and the one who is loved. This is a strong vampire connection. In addition, new love cannot appear in a person if all his energy goes to the one for whom he feels unrequited love. • The strongest parental bonds. Often parents (especially mothers) strive to completely control their child, stifling his development with their attention and care. There is no need to talk about love here; it is dependence and the desire to subjugate another person. The consequences can be quite unpleasant. The child will either find the strength to break the tie, which is fraught with a complete cessation of communication with his parents, or he will remain an inferior person. For example, if a mother in adolescence does not accept her son as an independent person and does not let him go, then her energy tightly blocks his main chakras, which leads to major failures in the man’s personal life. A woman needs to pay attention to her relationship with her father. Although, in fairness, it must be said that connections between a daughter and father are much less common than between mother and son. • Hiding and repressing your true feelings for another person. You should always listen to your heart, throwing away stereotypes and hypocrisy. Sometimes people, feeling love for another, hide it, for fear of seeming stupid, funny, or being rejected, or simply because “that’s not accepted” or “I’m not like that.” Love needs to be thrown out, given, told to the other person how good he is, how much you appreciate him. Important! Attachments are sometimes very tenacious. And if negative emotions are strong, then the bindings persist for several incarnations in a row. People attract each other again and again in each new incarnation until they are freed from their bindings. Almost all karmic connections are based on attachments. There is a practice of freeing yourself from unnecessary attachments. In esotericism it is customary to cut them, anneal them, and destroy them. But in order to get rid of the attachment in this way, you need extrasensory abilities. What should those who cannot see attachments on the subtle plane do, but suspect they have them and want to get rid of them? In order to remove the attachment, you need to realize what emotions you create and feed it with. You need to remove your negativity, accept the other person as he is, forgive him and let him go with love. After this you can remove the binding. If it’s difficult for you to do this, think about whether you want to experience negative feelings towards this person for the rest of this life, or even the next thousand years? You will meet with him in your lives until you solve this problem, experiencing disappointments again and again. Removing the binding does not imply removing the energetic connection. Having freed ourselves from attachments, we will not stop loving each other! We will gain freedom and give freedom to others, recognizing their right to control their own destinies. This is unconditional love. It is possible to love whatever we love and be free from attachments to it. Found on the web

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