Anvar Bakirov Basic presuppositions - fun about the important or where NLP begins Preliminary remarks


In modern society, there are polar opinions regarding neurolinguistic programming. Some people strive to bring his methods to life, others deny them, considering them absolute evil. This often happens due to a lack of knowledge about the basic principles of this teaching. Presuppositions play a leading role in NLP. Their truth cannot be proven. They are based on the faith of the followers, without which they will not be able to effectively apply the postulates in their lives.

The concept of presupposition in NLP

Neurolinguistic programming is one of the areas of modern psychology. But the doctrine is not recognized in official scientific circles. It is based on the subjective, structured experiences of individuals.

The founders of NLP proceed from the fact that each person perceives the surrounding reality in his own way. Mindsets can be recorded and described. But the most important thing is that this form of perception can be changed for your own purposes. This is what NLP masters do - they influence the thinking of other people, wanting to help them, for example, remove the consequences of psychological trauma, or forcing people to do what is beneficial to them.

Presuppositions in neurolinguistic programming represent the principles of this teaching. They are also called basic. They are axiomatic: it is impossible to prove their truth, all that remains is to believe in them. They are suitable for all people without exception. Confidence in their correctness can change your life for the better.

Also, these useful ideas help to understand the meaning of NLP. They are used by psychologists when working individually with patients and during group trainings.

The meaning of presuppositions in NLP

Presuppositions play an important role in neurolinguistic psychology:

  • help to understand neurolinguistic programming in detail;
  • being positive affirmations (beliefs), they charge a person with optimism;
  • with their help you can see distant targets;
  • help to take a fresh look at the surrounding reality;
  • block old negative emotional channels and open new ones aimed at positivity;
  • To clarify presuppositions, an individual must go beyond his own mind, open his consciousness, it must become receptive to new ideas.

It is impossible to change the postulates in existing presuppositions; this will lead to disruptions in consciousness. Presuppositions help you create a system of your own beliefs that will be universal for any life situation. The subconscious, which is influenced by presuppositions, helps to realize beliefs.

Presuppositions influence:

  • on consciousness - as rational thoughts requiring mandatory execution;
  • to the subconscious - as a suggestion, which is somewhat reminiscent of hypnosis.

There are 3 main forms of transmitting data about presuppositions:

  • verbally, during lectures or conversations;
  • by visually demonstrating how to use presuppositions;
  • with the help of complete immersion in the presupposition, living it.

Human behavior or reaction

Let us continue our consideration of the concept of presupposition and the types of presuppositions used in NLP.

Their list also includes those that relate to human behavior or his reaction:

  1. The meaning of any message lies in the behavioral reaction that it causes. If a person talks to someone about something or listens to a speech addressed to him, then all this is not done to convey information. The purpose of any message is to encourage one or another action. This is done directly or indirectly. For example, adults want the child to wash his hands before eating. They can tell him about this directly: “Go and wash your hands.” Or you can talk about the danger of microbes “crawling” on your fingers. In the latter case, the child will run to the bathroom on his own. The ultimate goal of both phrases will be a certain action. These examples of presupposition in NLP are explained from the point of view of achieving success. A person must set a specific goal before starting communication. That is, he should understand what behavior he wants to achieve from his interlocutor. In the absence of goals, it is necessary to build trust and a good attitude.
  2. Every type of behavior is useful and practical in one context or another. This does not mean that any person’s actions are correct. However, this NLP presupposition indicates that all forms of behavior are necessarily based on positive intentions. That is, each of them is valuable and useful in some context. And even if a person is trying to offend someone or take revenge, then by talking with him, you can discover some result that is valuable to him.

Characteristics of basic presuppositions in NLP

First you need to believe in the truth of the presuppositions, and then begin to build your life based on them. There is no complete and only correct list of presuppositions. But there are several that are used most often. English NLP trainer Jane Revell calls them assumptions.

The map is not the territory

This postulate belongs to international researcher Alfred Korzybski. Discussions on this topic are found in many journalistic and artistic texts. According to this statement, the structure of the map is only similar to the territory that is displayed on it. The map here generally refers to personal beliefs, and the territory the whole world. The subjective experiences of an individual never touch objective reality; his perception cannot cover it.

A person can always make mistakes in his ideas about other people and objects, because he often sees them from one side, which is convenient for him. It turns out that reality and a person’s beliefs are too far from each other. In the process of communication, it is impossible to fully understand the interlocutor due to the fact that it is unclear how he perceives the words spoken. They can mean something completely different to different people.

It's normal that a map can never turn into a world. There are a great variety of maps as terrain diagrams. Each of them displays only a specific area and is not suitable for another. A specific individual has his own map of the world, which is significantly different from the map of the world of another, even a close person. A person’s perception of the world is a unique thing.

Body and consciousness are one system

This presupposition is based on the assertion that the processes occurring in the body, in a certain group of people and in the world are closely interconnected with each other. They are all included in so-called complex systems, which are divided into subsystems. If you track the principles by which they operate, you can significantly improve your existence by coordinating your behavior with the operating principles of other subsystems.

The perception of systems and subsystems is heterogeneous. This applies to specialists from different fields of knowledge: their understanding of the world around them varies.

Perception occurs comprehensively - at the physical, mental and mental levels. If the body changes, then changes occur in the consciousness. When mental processes change, it sends a signal to the body. So, thanks to positive thoughts, a person begins to smile.

Also, mental conviction of something can lead to real sensations of it. In practice, this presupposition is used when it is necessary to copy the preferred behavior of a successful person.

The basis of any action is a positive intention

Any action always has a positive end goal, even if it is not visible at first. An individual’s behavior may be perceived by others as negative, because they do not see all the true goals. For the individual himself, this is the most suitable option of all possible at the moment. To move towards your goal, you need to adopt new behavior patterns.

Often a second part of the presupposition is added - the positive intention is associated with the original environment. The man behaved this way before, and it benefited him.

This presupposition helps to establish the true causes of neuroses, identifying secondary benefits. A clear example is when a child falls on the street not because of clumsiness, but because he wants to attract the attention of his parents.

It is also useful in the fight against various kinds of addictions and manipulations. It is important to learn to identify and share people's intentions and goals.

There are no defeats - this is feedback

NLP does not operate in terms of victory and defeat, but rather speaks of efficiency and ineffectiveness. Any action cannot be unambiguously called bad, even if for some reason the result is not satisfactory. You need to learn to benefit from everything.

This presupposition is useful for those people who cannot afford to make even a small mistake. Mistakes help you gain experience. They show that everything in life is interconnected: if there is trouble in one place, then there is success in another. Thanks to defeats, the individual changes and acquires important qualities. Feedback demonstrates a pattern of incorrect behavior, and you need to do the opposite.

It's better to have a choice than not to have one

An obvious statement, the meaning of which is that neurolinguistic programming allows you to find a way out of any situation. A person must learn to look for a rich palette of options to choose from. A flexible mind contributes to this. Thanks to its presence, it is always possible to extract several behavior options from one model (sample).

A person always makes the best choice for himself

From the outside it seems that the individual is doing badly, harming himself. But this is his personal choice, which turned out to be the best under the circumstances. Often those around him sympathize with such a person and try to help. But he doesn’t need it, he has his own goal, invisible to prying eyes. He made his choice, which can be made even on an unconscious level. This presupposition effectively protects against scammers and manipulators.

The meaning of communication lies in the reaction we receive

NLP declares that it is more important to get a reaction from the interlocutor than to convey your intentions to him. It will arise when performing any actions that will impress the interlocutor. This reaction must be monitored and carefully analyzed, this will improve the quality of communication many times over, helping to extract the greatest benefit from communication. You must strive to achieve the desired reaction from your interlocutor.

The world has all the resources we need

With the help of these resources, a person can satisfy all his needs, not only material, but also intangible (in love, friendship, communication, success). As a result, a person always gets what he wants and is looking for, since the world is multifaceted. It has a lot of opportunities to realize your desires and needs. If an individual is looking for trouble on a subconscious level, he will find it in the most unexpected place.

Life experiences are encoded in the nervous system

All our experience is encrypted in the nervous system. This is easy to check if you start remembering events that happened in the distant past. They are imprinted in the memory and subconscious. When it seems that everything has been forgotten, it is worth reminding someone about it or looking at old photographs, seeing a program about the past, and past events are remembered with amazing vividness.

Neurolinguistic programming tries to extract maximum benefit from the past, finding in it answers to questions that torment a person in the present. It is also useful to borrow habits and skills from the past that were forgotten for a while, but could be useful now.

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