How to get rid of laziness and bring yourself to your senses forever

What do you think is the most important scourge of our time? Personally, I think this is definitely laziness. Just imagine for a moment how your life would change if you stopped being lazy: how many useful things can be done in this case!

Therefore, the question “How to get rid of laziness?” today is more relevant than ever. I suggest looking for a solution in this article.

Perfectionism as an obstacle to success

We all understand perfectly well that we have a lot of urgent things to do at work, but suddenly we start sharpening pencils, washing the keyboard, or looking out the window. Perfectionists are people who clearly understand their purpose in life and know how to plan their day correctly, but they start doing some minor things earlier than the main ones. Where does this condition come from? First of all, because of the fear of failure. When we postpone or postpone something, it means that we are not allowing the Universe to give us some opportunity that is important to us.

Fear of difficulties

Laziness is associated with the fact that a person constantly puts off important work for an indefinite period. He doesn't know what to do first. Such people are capable of actions that take short periods of time, but when the time comes to begin long and important work, the person gives up. The problem itself lies not in laziness, but in fear of future difficulties.

In this case, it is necessary to draw up an operational action plan. You need to remember the main goal, but not focus on it. Completing small tasks step by step will help you achieve the desired result. Completing small tasks will give you confidence in your abilities.

Teenage laziness

Sometimes parents yell at a teenager, accusing him of lying on the couch and doing nothing. In fact, it is during adolescence that the body’s enormous forces are spent on restructuring a child’s body into the body of an adult. Hormonal metabolism changes. Strength is spent on psychological and emotional adaptation to a new period of life. The body is growing. From a small child, a tiny creature, a teenager becomes an adult, a mature person.


Laziness is accompanied by depression (or at least remorse), thoughts deeply driven into the subconscious that one cannot live like this, fatigue, irritation and drowsiness. It’s unpleasant to be in this state, but what’s even more unpleasant is that it’s extremely difficult to get out of it.

How to overcome laziness and apathy? Today we will look for answers to these questions.

Why do laziness and apathy appear?

To overcome the problem, you need to find out, as they say, where “the legs grow from.”

Call of nature: “Lie down!”

Laziness is inherent in us at the physiological level - scientists have even discovered genes responsible for the level of “laziness”. Studies have shown that hardworking parents give birth to hardworking children, while couch potatoes give birth to just as much net-loving children. Laziness was given to us by Mother Nature. But why is she?

Laziness is necessary as a protective mechanism that helps protect the body from overwork and exhaustion. When we are about to begin an activity that is “built-in” into us at the level of instincts - for example, reproduction - laziness disappears as if by hand. But as soon as it comes to distant prospects that are incomprehensible to the body, it begins to slip. I, they say, am full, I feel warm and good, there is no danger - why do you need to get up, go somewhere and strain?

What to do? Realize this. Different people are endowed with different levels of concentration of laziness in the body, and upbringing also affects this. But in fact, we all have to overcome laziness all the time, and we have to come to terms with it.

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Physical or mental fatigue

As already mentioned, laziness is a mechanism for protecting the body from overwork. Not everyone understands that he is simply tired, working 18 hours a day and falling asleep to the screams of a child in the next room. Many of us have sufficiently developed willpower to force our collapsing bodies to get up at five in the morning and crawl to work. Apathy and reluctance to work are the first signal for a workaholic that he is working too hard. If he does not listen, the body will go the other way - it will talk about its needs through illness.

What to do? If you feel that laziness is a consequence of overwork, then reconsider your schedule. Learn to plan your time so that among work troubles there is an hour for rest, a day for going out into nature, a week or two for a vacation in the mountains. A person who works through force is ineffective. Remember this!

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Internal discomfort

Sometimes we don't want to admit to ourselves that we are going the wrong way. Or we admit it, but don’t find the strength to change the situation. How to overcome laziness if you wake up every day with disgust for your work? Forceful methods of combating apathy can only lead to nervous disorders. It is necessary not to fight it, but to eradicate the cause.

What to do? Think about how you would really like to live and what to do. Change your job or even your specialty. Life is short, and there is no need to waste it on something that only causes irritation. If you are afraid of such serious changes, you need to reconsider your attitude. Do you find your work boring and unpleasant? This means that the focus needs to be shifted to yourself as a specialist. Maybe you are doing a routine thing, but you are bringing benefit to people, and besides, you are doing your job well - what is not a reason for pride? Try to think that you have a good team, that at lunch you have the opportunity to chat over a cup of tea with a friend from the next department. Decorate your workplace (if possible), create maximum comfort.

This applies not only to work, but also to housing, relationships and other circumstances. Moral exhaustion can be observed in a depressing situation in one’s own home, where everything is falling apart due to lack of repairs or constant scandals. If you are tired of everything and don’t want to do anything, then change the environment, make it comfortable, and then you will have the strength to overcome laziness and start working.

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Misplaced priorities

What thoughts do you have when starting work? “Now I’ll quickly finish the project and watch the film.” This is a terrible motivation. Thinking about how to finish it as quickly as possible, a person does his work clumsily, reluctantly, and sometimes even quits halfway through. Evening entertainment after work is a good reward, but it should not be an end in itself.

What to do? Any job done well is a work of art. Whether it's an accounting report, a refrigerator repair, or an appendectomy. This kind of work evokes a feeling of satisfaction; you want to admire it and think about it. If you strive to do everything at a high level and then experience that magical feeling, then it is much more pleasant to immerse yourself in the process and do everything carefully, without thinking about the downloaded movie.

Lack of motivation

Sometimes we focus on the results of our activities that we should not focus on. For example, many graduates lack the motivation to work in their specialty - yesterday's students are hired only for low-paid jobs. But financial motivation is not appropriate here. For a novice employee, practical training, developing an image and experience are much more important. A true specialist becomes in demand only five years after starting his career.

What to do? Consider all perspectives. The current activities may not bring the expected quick results, but they are important for further development. If you lack motivation, change your perspective and you will find it. And if you haven’t found it from any angle, you’re either wasting your time or deceiving yourself.

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Several ways to overcome laziness and develop motivation:

As already mentioned, laziness is our “innate” sin, therefore there are universal methods for preventing all its varieties:

Do exercises . By forcing yourself to do at least 20 squats in the morning and run around the house, you will “warm up” your willpower and be able to tune in to more serious achievements. Get started now. Not from Monday, not from New Year, not from the first. Have you decided to go in for sports? Then get off the couch and run to the horizontal bars. Yes, right now. This very second.

The most important is the first step . Each job consists of a set of small steps. Taking one step is much easier than taking everything at the same time. Don't think about the whole job, trying to take it in from top to bottom in one glance - this can cause panic. Divide it into subtasks and start completing the first one.

Don't expect everything to work itself out . Yes, we have such a national peculiarity - we believe that if we ignore the problem, it will not notice us and will pass by. Everything you haven't done is your failed business, which spoils your reputation and makes you lazy.

Fill your life with positivity . A positive attitude helps you work more efficiently. Make peace with those you have offended, watch comedies, pet cats, hug children, kiss your loved ones. The more room there is for good things in your life, the less there is left for laziness, despondency and apathy.

Plan and create a daily routine . Sometimes there is so much to do that you can get confused and give up on your intentions. But if you write on a piece of paper everything that needs to be done today, you will see that the devil is not as terrible as he is painted.

Live consciously . When doing something, ask yourself questions: why am I doing this and what will it lead to? Please don't answer honestly. ***

Hard work, patience and perseverance are the most important qualities of a person. Talent, intelligence, charm, kindness - of course, they make a person interesting, but they do not guarantee success in life. By getting rid of laziness, you will be able to achieve much greater heights than even the most gifted slob.

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Consequences of powerlessness and apathy

If mother laziness progresses, a person begins to do stupid things. He stops taking care of himself and his home. Problems often arise in the family and at work. Internal degradation begins. The paradox is that when a person is lazy, it seems pleasant to him. Reluctance to get up early for work, play sports, take care of yourself, and so on. It’s more pleasant to just lie passively on the couch in front of the TV. But in real life, these pleasant things poison the whole reality. A person comes to the point where laziness gradually begins to destroy his entire life. It makes it impossible to see reality correctly.

Motivation vs laziness

The most important question in every person's life is the question of motivation. It is motivation that underlies our actions, actions or inactions. We often don't know what we want. We go towards false goals that are imposed on us by our parents, advertising and society. Motivation and determination, understanding what exactly a person wants are universal pills for laziness. Also, the reason for laziness may lie in the fact that our inner mind does not want to part with the forces that we need to move towards initially false goals. Very often we act one way or another, make decisions based not on our desires, but on the principle of ease and accessibility. We study not where we would like to receive an education, but where we managed to enroll. We work not where we dreamed, but where they pay more. As a result, we abandon our goals and ideals and follow a path in life that is not ours. The result is laziness, apathy and indifference.

Healthy sleep and regular rest.

As paradoxical as it may sound, those who know how to have quality rest are less lazy. Thus, good advice on how to remove laziness from your life is to learn to restore your strength. First of all, make healthy sleep an axiom. Similar to working out at the gym. Muscles do not grow during training, but during the recovery period between them. Also in everything else. The brain needs time to process daily information. To do this, he needs to rest regularly. Then the obsessive phrase “I’m lazy” will sound much less often.

Sleep is the best medicine, including the cure for laziness. During it, all processes of the body are updated, everything that happened during the day is systematized. By the way, daytime sleep is no less useful. Taking a nap even for 10-15 minutes after lunch will be much more effective than “spitting” at the ceiling for an hour.

The wonderful properties of Eleutherococcus

How to get rid of laziness forever? There are different ways to combat this disease. From psychotherapy to drug treatment. For example, dietary supplement "Eleutherococcus" in tablets, ginseng and various herbal teas. It cannot be said that they increase appetite and you can gain a little weight. Nevertheless, tablets for laziness tone up, increase efficiency and immunity, and reduce signs of fatigue. The drug "Eleutherococcus" is taken 1-3 tablets 2 times a day, in the first half of the day.

Communication with active people.

How to overcome laziness? – Learn this from others. Adopt their experience and zeal. Our environment greatly influences ourselves. If you communicate with non-lazy people, then it will be much easier to understand how to kill laziness in your mind.

In addition, active friends will never let you get bored. They will always come up with something new and interesting, strive somewhere, thereby pushing a person towards a similar lifestyle. In this case, everyone will take the medicine for laziness together, as a kind of group therapeutic effect.

Or maybe it's a disease?

There is a concept of laziness as a person’s reluctance to do anything, make a volitional effort and participate in the working life of society. Precisely reluctance. But what is called laziness is not always this very reluctance. Sometimes it is a real impossibility to force and force yourself to make a volitional effort. And at this moment, psychologists emphasize, this is not laziness. This is a different condition and another problem, which is called loss of strength. A person with such a problem understands perfectly well with his mind that he needs to get up and go, for example, to the gym or start renovating a house, but he does not find the strength within himself to fulfill this intention. At the same time, he begins to reproach himself and accuse him of being just lazy. Or people around him begin to reproach him. Although the problem here is not at all a lack of motivation, and there are a huge number of factors that cause loss of strength. Loss of energy is a synonym for laziness, as well as a huge problem and a very serious warning sign. The body begins to spend all its strength fighting the approaching disease in order to somehow adapt to reality. Looking for tablets for laziness.

Previously, there was even such a diagnosis as “loss of strength.” A proper and balanced diet and travel were recommended. Doctors were afraid of the development of tuberculosis, which could arise due to decreased immunity, and other terrible diseases. Scientists have discovered the fact that every physical effort actually wears out the body. This is not a call for inaction, but rather for the fact that you need to know moderation in everything. It should be remembered that workaholics, people who work too much, forcing themselves to work by force of will, even when they have no strength, are under constant stress and are much more likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, alcoholism, serious depression and severe somatic diseases.

Are you being reprimanded at work? Perhaps there is simply no adequate motivation. If a person does not receive adequate compensation for his work, then the desire to make any effort is doubtful.

Therefore, you should not rush to accuse yourself of laziness, forcing yourself to constantly work, you need to find time to rest and simply analyze the situation, what is causing the loss of energy.

What is called laziness can also be a manifestation of depression. When a person completely lacks the emotional, physical and energetic resources to do something with his life. The slightest coercion to work can actually end in disaster for such a person.

Therefore, the issue of laziness remains not exactly open, but it is necessary to differentiate two concepts: deliberate and malicious avoidance of doing work and the inability to complete this work.

Laziness due to physical weakness

In this case, laziness appears due to a person’s physical unpreparedness.

Chronic fatigue syndrome

This disease mostly affects all inhabitants of the planet in early spring, when the body needs vitamins. This condition negatively affects a person’s performance and general well-being.

Criticism will not help such people, but will only worsen their mental oppression. In this case, it is best to sign up for a gym, swimming pool, dancing, or group fitness classes. It would be a good idea to establish proper diet and sleep patterns. It will be useful to go to a doctor who will select a specific set of vitamins for a person.

Useful tips

If, after all, your laziness is not a sign of any disorders in the body, try to follow the tips below, and you will get rid of it forever:

  • Exercise every day for at least 15-20 minutes. Moderate physical activity increases performance.
  • Write down 3 main areas of your life that are most important to you, and for each set specific goals for 3 months. Make a plan to achieve it and follow it.
  • Limit your time on social networks. You will have a lot of free time and your productivity will increase.
  • Reward yourself with something for your successes and achievements.
  • Make a list of what you have done for the day. It increases self-esteem and inspires you to do more.
  • Put things in order in your workplace and organize it so that it is convenient and pleasant for you to work.
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