When does a girl become a woman, and how do they differ?


The best options to record a girl on the phone so that she likes them are often used. These are such cute and common nicknames:

  • Kitty.
  • Bunny.
  • Fish.
  • Darling.

If you want to record a girl on your phone in an original way, you will have to use your imagination and ingenuity. Pay attention to these examples of unique and unusual nicknames for girls:

  1. A name made up of her initials. Elena Olegovna Kukushkina turns into OK, Natalia Evgenievna Mironova into NEMO. Rearrange the initials, translate the letters from Russian into English, then you will definitely be able to come up with something non-standard.
  2. A nickname based on her field of study or profession. If she is a leader, write it down as Boss, Chief; if she is a kindergarten teacher, write it down as Freken Bock. But the original name should not offend or touch a nerve.
  3. Taking into account habits and character traits. If your friend sleeps for a long time, write her down in her mobile phone like this: Marmot, Sonya, Teddy Bear. The lover of sweets can be nicknamed Donut, Sweetie, Lollipop, the one who is always on a diet - Mosolik, slender Gazelle.
  4. Ask who is her idol of their women, and name your favorite one in harmony. For example, call a Harry Potter fan Henrietta Potter, Hermione.
  5. Remember fairy tales. Every girl dreamed of becoming a princess, be a prince and give your friend pleasant emotions. Write down your girlfriend in your phone like this: Cinderella, Elena the Beautiful, the Wise, Rapunzel, Princess.
  6. A few more cool ideas: Little Cute, Reed, Fluffy, Playful, Stem, Girl, The Only One.

On a note! A man’s desire to write down his beloved girlfriend not just by name or “wife”, “beloved”, but in an original way, indicates that she is truly the dearest and closest person in his life.

How does a girl turn into a girl?

Typically, puberty begins at 10-12 years of age. This period lasts about 5 years and is popularly called the transition period.

The internal glands exert their influence on the female body, reshaping it. Hormones are produced, triggered by the pituitary gland and stimulating the functioning of the thyroid gland and ovaries. Estrogen is produced in greater quantities. The accelerated process of growing up and puberty begins.

Due to the rapid growth of the girl, pubic hair appears, the mammary glands increase in size, and a sharp growth spurt is observed. Two or three years after the appearance of such signs, menstruation appears. This is monthly bleeding from the genital area, which is rejected by the layers of the uterus. This begins to happen at the age of 12-15 years. The girl becomes a girl and becomes interested in boys using social etiquette. And at the same time she becomes attractive to them.


Men in love record the contact of their beloved girl affectionately and tenderly. This one pleases not only young girls, but also mature women. In the mobile phones of attentive and caring guys there are such affectionate names for lovers:

  • Masya.
  • Wife.
  • Cutie.
  • Darling.
  • Darling.
  • Derived from the names Tanyushka, Tanechka, Alina, Alinochka, Olechka, Katyunka.
  • “Animal” names: Tigger, Zaya, Kitten, Kisa.
  • My sun.
  • Sweet
  • My.
  • Golden.
  • Mouse.
  • Martin.
  • Fish.
  • Babe.
  • Birdie.
  • Nightingale.
  • Lapulya, Lapusik.
  • Barbie, Doll.
  • Dove.
  • The light of my eyes.
  • Svetik.
  • My life.
  • Flower.
  • Rosette.
  • Dandelion.
  • Treasure.
  • Beloved.
  • Priceless.
  • Enchantress.
  • Chocolate.
  • Caramel.

How to call a girl affectionately and originally

Some of the names are best used on special occasions. For example, you don’t want the meaning of what was said to be understood by someone else (strangers), be it friends or relatives, but so that it is clear to your beloved girlfriend. Then a name in a foreign language would be best.

  1. Inamorata is an affectionate term for the woman you love in Italian.
  2. Chico (Chico) is a tender address in Spanish for the girl you love.
  3. Cuore mio (Cuore mio) - my heart. (Italian)
  4. Bonita - attractive. (Spanish)
  5. Nene - baby. (Spanish)
  6. Hermoso - beautiful. (Spanish)
  7. Doro - a gift. (Greek)
  8. Loo Loo - If your girl is cool, cheerful and pleasant, who can decorate anyone with her disposition. (eng.)
  9. Amelie, which means "my hope" in Arabic, is used to describe the woman one loves.
  10. Esha - desirable from Indian.
  11. Jiya is an Indian sweetheart.
  12. Alamea means precious in Hawaiian.
  13. Lilly is a beautiful and tender girl like a lily.
  14. Bambina means sexy girl.
  15. Lala is a cute musical nickname for girls.

Mistakes to avoid when approaching a girl

Are you trying to make her feel special and unique rather than scary? Then, when choosing what kind words to call a girl, try to avoid some of the common mistakes that guys make when choosing nicknames for girls.

  • Avoid being that guy who only calls his girl cat and puppy names, or at worst something from the animal kingdom. Thinking that she will definitely like them.
  • Don't push it. If you just started dating, be careful what you approach her. Avoiding calling it “sweetheart, darling, baby, baby.”
  • Refrain from mockery in names. Pyshechka, chubby and others of this kind are obviously not good and affectionate names for a girl who is overweight.
  • Avoid embarrassing her. For example, paying attention to some features of her body, figure in front of her parents, friends or relatives.
  • Don't stick to a name that she can't stand.


Pleasant and charming nicknames lift girls' spirits. If your beloved sees that her contact is recorded very tenderly, she will be grateful for your attention.

Women dear to your heart can be written into your phone like this:

  • Little mouse.
  • Penguin.
  • Imagination.
  • Sweetie.
  • My soul.
  • Pretty girl.
  • Sun Ray.
  • Zolotko.
  • Dynechka.
  • Berry.
  • Strawberry.
  • Malinka.
  • Pineapple.
  • Bud.
  • Vredina.
  • Bun.
  • Cookie.
  • Mermaid.
  • Bandit.

On a note! When recording a girl on a mobile phone, you should avoid options that can offend or offend, with a hint of flaws in appearance or character traits.

How can you call a girl beautiful and unusual?

  1. Angel eyes - an appeal to the one in beauty whose eyes you are drowning in.
  2. My Tropicanochka is an appeal to an exotically beautiful girl with a beautiful tan.
  3. Pirozhenko - relationships with her are as sweet as delicious cake.
  4. My gem - she is beautiful with her natural beauty.
  5. My spice - because her love is fragrant as if spicy, it intoxicates you.
  6. A drop of dew - it looks like a wet, fragile drop of dew that wets the ground in the morning, quenching thirst.
  7. Juliet is the perfect romantic name. In the end, you become her Romeo.
  8. Diamond is an appeal to a girl who is pure perfection with a smile that rivals the most beautiful jewelry in the world.
  9. Stealer of My Heart – refers to the lady who “stole” your heart.
  10. Fireworks - Your relationship with her is filled with passion and excitement.
  11. Hummingbird - For a nimble, spontaneous, and fast girl.
  12. Sakura - this is what they say about a tender and fragile girl with a romantic look.
  13. Black Lotus - for a girl whose beauty is deadly.
  14. The moon - because she is pale and loves to dream.
  15. Smiley – Refers to someone who likes to smile a lot.


For people with a sense of humor, you can write a girl in a funny name on your phone, with a name that makes you smile. Take advantage of good options for funny nicknames from the list:

  • Zyuzya.
  • Ass.
  • Krakozyabrik.
  • Pretzel.
  • Busik.
  • Bead.
  • Hamster.
  • Hippo.
  • Pot-bellied.
  • Hippopotamus.
  • Foal.
  • Zebrafish.
  • Lion cub.
  • Imp.
  • Nipper.
  • Sneaky.
  • Witch.
  • Hedgehog.
  • Thorn.
  • Nipper.
  • Scratchy.
  • Heroine of Labor.
  • Bee.
  • Masya.
  • Masyunya.
  • Bubble gum.
  • Hooligan.
  • Wrangler.
  • Feyko.
  • Kulema.
  • Hurricane.
  • Breeze.
  • Wind.
  • Explosive.
  • Sex bomb.
  • Perfect wife.
  • Mymra.
  • Piglet.
  • Ratchet.
  • Chatterbox.
  • D2s (board 2 nipples).
  • You again?!
  • Savior from masturbation.
  • Stick.

Sometimes a nickname and name idea are only suitable for writing on your phone at certain times:

  1. Tanned girl. Black woman, chocolate bar, chocolate bunny.
  2. Tired and angry. Vixen, hard worker, Winter on the soul, Snow Queen, Snow Maiden.
  3. To the hero of the day. Sveta Sokolova (she is 30 years old today), again 18 years old.
  4. Dieting. Skinny girl, I don't eat or drink.
  5. In a good mood, if this happens rarely. I'm feeling positive today, Laughter.
  6. If you had a fight. Do not take!!! Mad! Almost an ex!
  7. If it helped, it helped. Ambulance.

What are the differences between a girl and a woman?

“A girl is a female person in the period between puberty and marriage” - this is the definition of the concept of “girl” given by several Russian dictionaries, including those edited by such eminent authors as Dal, Ozhegov, Ushakov. Historically, it so happened that in almost any nation a girl or girl (not everyone had the concept of “girl”) became a woman after marriage, or more precisely, after the onset of sexual activity. It is no coincidence that the phrase “she didn’t marry a girl” was a shameful stigma for a woman for almost her entire life. Among most nationalities, a husband could refuse such a wife and throw her out after the first wedding night.

According to doctors, the feminine principle is most fully revealed physiologically when a woman becomes a mother. Candidate of Medical Sciences, obstetrician-gynecologist Lela Jokhadze explains that the “period of girlhood” - from puberty to childbirth - is the preparatory stage of the body for bearing and giving birth to a child - the main female biological function.

Modern psychologists have approached this problem somewhat differently. They are sure that a 16-year-old young mother can feel like a woman. But often a woman who has given birth to a child after twenty years behaves like a young, flighty person. Psychologically, she is not yet ready for the role of a woman. Moscow psychologist Svetlana Ionkina is sure: when an adult woman continues to “feel”, and most importantly, behave like a girl, this indicates that she is psychologically behind her age. True, this is typical only for modern society. In traditional patriarchal families - be they Slavic or Western European - girls had to become women very early. Thus, in the Middle Ages, girls at the age of 12-14 were considered ready for marriage. At this time, as a rule, they were married off. So most of them simply skipped the “girl” stage. In 1714, Peter I, by his decree, prohibited nobles from marrying before the age of 20, and girls from marrying before the age of 17. In 1775, Catherine II signed a decree that already applied to all classes. According to it, men were forbidden to marry before the age of 15, and girls were prohibited from marrying if they had not reached the age of 13. If these age limits were not maintained, it was forbidden to marry such spouses. Priests who violated the decree were deprived of their rank.

Gradually the age of marriage increased. Thus, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Director of the Institute of Demography Anatoly Vishnevsky, with reference to historical sources, says that in 1830 an imperial decree forbade marriage for a man under 18 years of age, and for a girl under 16. However, commoners, mainly from peasants and lower strata urban population often asked permission for early marriages, especially for girls. The main reason given was the need to have a worker or housewife in the family. Moreover, the latter could become such if she marries a widower or an orphan. But often, when girls got married, they ended up in a large family, where absolutely everyone was their master: husband, mother-in-law, father-in-law, husband’s brothers and their wives, and often the older children of the husband’s brothers. The younger daughter-in-law was a worker, servant, maid, scrubber, and cook. At the same time, she was expected to become pregnant, bear healthy offspring, and then perform maternal duties. In such an environment, a woman became an old woman before her term, psychologically remaining a girl for a long time.

Among the wealthier sections of the population, a girl of marriageable age was a very attractive commodity. They tried to marry her off (read, sell her) as profitably as possible. And if, having found herself in a wealthy family, she was not burdened with backbreaking work, then no one relieved her of the obligation to please her husband, mother-in-law and all her husband’s relatives. As for the husband, the woman was completely subordinate to him. She had no right to complain to anyone, much less be indignant at anything. The attitude towards her was corresponding. Aristotle also called a woman a completely unconscious creature that has no mind. And such a church pastor as Jerome of Stridon preached punishing his wife for misdeeds and regularly beating her. And she knew it well.

The image of both girls and women today has become completely different. The official scientific journal of the American Psychological Association, American Psychologist sees the fundamental difference between a girl and a woman in their attitude towards others and themselves. The modern girl, according to the authors of the article, is sure that the whole world admires her youth and beauty. The main thing is to find a good match in this world, a man who would indulge all her whims. Therefore, the energy of girls is directed outward: to lure, charm, marry.

Women, psychologists say, have no need for this. An accomplished woman is confident in herself. Her energy is directed inward. She doesn't need to attract anyone - she knows what she wants. All her aspirations are aimed at self-improvement. If a woman is lucky and her marriage turns out to be successful, then in the role of wife, mother and housewife she most fully reveals all her best qualities.


The desire to record a contact on the phone in an unusual and original way is dictated by the desire to make her stand out from the crowd of friends and relatives. The name must be beautiful. For example, like this:

  • My everything.
  • Gorgeous.
  • Angel.
  • My heart.
  • Princess.
  • Queen.
  • Goddess.
  • Stupid.
  • Goosey.
  • Gorgeous.

You can also write down a contact on your mobile phone in English. Find out the translation of foreign words and assign a nickname with a hint, symbolically:

  • Grace - grace.
  • Blossom - flower.
  • Fragile - fragility.
  • Golden - golden.
  • Bliss - bliss.
  • Passion - passion.

Or compare your girlfriend, wife with famous personalities, heroines of famous books:

  • Catherine I or II.
  • Thumbelina.
  • Smesharik.
  • Juliet.
  • Madonna.
  • Je Lo.
  • Kardashian.
  • Shakira.

Write down a girl's nickname by translating her name into another language. That's very beautiful:

  • Anna - Anetta, En.
  • Julia - Julia.
  • Veronica - Nika.
  • Alexandra - Sandra.
  • Valeria - Val.
  • Maria - Mary.
  • Katya - Kat.

Listen to the advice of psychologists: names with the letter “SH” sound gentle, with “L” - sweet, affectionate. It’s better not to use “F” at all, they give the name a negative connotation.

Examples of original compliments

  • Snegurochka, matryoshka - every woman will definitely like this comparison. The words have a positive connotation and make it easy to hint at natural beauty.
  • A man of the kindest soul is a hidden hint that the spiritual in a woman is more important than appearance. On the other hand, this phrase is a proven fact. Overweight women are considered more optimistic than slender women.
  • Luxurious, chic - the most common compliments that should be said endlessly in any situation.
  • Another option is a comparison with any of the actresses, singers or famous people. For example, you are beautiful, like Empress Catherine, like Cleopatra, and so on.

Numbers are more delicate

The negative meaning of words cannot be erased with an eraser. It is necessary to “pour new wine into old wineskins,” that is, to rehabilitate old concepts and fill them with new content. After all, in addition to illness and loneliness, old age also has its own values: spiritual depth, the art of communicating and valuing communication, the desire to give and take care of those who feel bad, memory of the past, the ability to unite families. All this should become a new content for the word “old age” and its derivatives. This topic was discussed at the IV National Conference “Society for All Ages”, held recently in Moscow.

When asked what to call the older generation so as not to be offensive, many conference participants came to a unanimous opinion - numbers are sometimes more neutral and delicate than words. Therefore, recently the politically correct formulation 50+, 60+, etc. has become popular in the media. However, the issue of addressing older people remains open.

How to affectionately name your son


Five commonly used “pet” names for young sons:

  • Shustrik;
  • Mishutka;
  • Zolotko;
  • Lapusik;
  • Kitty.


Common pet names for teenage boys:

  • My treasure;
  • Sun;
  • Favorite;
  • Smartie;
  • Darling.

What is the affectionate name for a smart child?

Is your beloved child growing up, taking his first steps, rushing to explore the world, and bombarding you with a lot of questions? New affectionate names immediately appear - Curious, Curious, I Want to Know Everything... The list can be continued indefinitely.

Does a preschooler admire his successes and efforts in kindergarten classes, enthusiastically learn to read, write, and delight with his creative abilities? You should definitely praise him. But not with the dry word “well done,” but with special ones - filled with love, pride and sincere emotions that inspire the child to new achievements.

Ten best affectionate words for a smart child:

  • Clever girl;
  • Smart girl;
  • Smekalkin;
  • Znaykin;
  • Well done;
  • My Thinker;
  • Prodigy;
  • My Genius;
  • Smyshlenkin;
  • Reasonable.

There are never too many kind, affectionate, heartfelt words. Especially those addressed to children. For very young children, preschoolers or teenagers - it doesn’t matter. They need our love and warm words no less than food and air.

How is lesbianism defined?i

Lesbianism in its most simplified form is female homosexuality (love between girls). A woman is called a lesbian when she expresses her sexual and romantic desires towards another woman. According to the laws of nature, all living beings are born with an innate instinct to mate with the opposite sex.

But lesbianism is an exception to this law of nature; a lesbian does not experience romantic feelings towards the opposite sex, but demonstrates sexual feelings only towards same-sex beings. Today, many countries have made lesbian relationships legal, and lesbian marriages even exist in Western countries. Lesbianism is no longer considered a taboo in modern societies, but only a slightly deviant way of thinking.

what is the affectionate name for babies?

While the elders left for the dacha, and the baby and I were left alone at home to germinate feverish teeth, I decided to sit down and write at least a little about Nikita. We turned 9 months old yesterday and I’m terribly sorry that I don’t find time to record here the facts about his development as carefully as I did with Kolya. Because those records really help us out! Just when you think “what is this??”, the answer is already ready in the diary, it turns out that we have already gone through all this))) Well, I was fooling around with the choice of children’s things much more seriously then, I was already convinced more than once that I was choosing very functional things and now we just buy the same thing for the youngest, if it hasn’t been inherited)

In general, by the age of 9 months, Nikita crawls perfectly (he crawled at about 8 months and a week on his knees, before that he crawled like a soldier for a long time, on his stomach, pulling himself up with his hands, he hardly used his legs))), he learned to sit up on his own after that like crawling, although he’s been sitting like that for a long time and confidently. Our 2 lower teeth came out at 5.5 months, and now fangs are coming out, also in pairs. Wow! The temperature is 39.5, it’s not going well, I’m drooling a lot (where are the smiley faces in this new form??) We’re not sleeping. Actually, we don't sleep very well at all. Somehow there was a night when we slept until 5 am without waking up, so I got a kick out of it! How I went to the spa! But most often he wakes up every 2-3 hours. And okay, if you just suck on it, sometimes he whines during the process, without opening his eyes. And who knows what he wants! We rock ourselves to sleep, push the pacifier, and breast... In short, it’s difficult at night. Maybe because it’s still so active on the chest? At this age, Kolya only ate at night and at night 1-2 times maximum, judging by the records. Nikitos is a glutton! Moreover, it not only sucks milk, but generally eats everything that is nailed down! This, I tell you, is food interest! God forbid you start chewing something in front of him! He also demands it immediately! Who cares what, he’s ready to try everything) I don’t even know if this is good or bad.

Height 74, weight 9.5. My mom calls him “landing party”))) He’s really tough!) Not fat, although I affectionately call him “my fat one,” namely, such a down-at-heel kid!)

Very talkative! Such a variety of sounds!

At the age of 8 months I learned how to do “okay”, now applause accompanies us everywhere!) Once I turned on the TV, and there was the Field of Miracles, that’s what he was doing!))))))))

The character is absolutely fire! Kolyan, of course, is an ideal child in comparison! And here - don’t put your finger in your mouth! He doesn’t like going to stores, so now I order everything online (thanks to the services during the COVID-19 pandemic!), he doesn’t like to sit in a stroller, he sleeps a little in the first half of the walk and that’s it, good, get it! Therefore, you can’t go for a walk too far from home. In general, he declares everything that he doesn’t like immediately and loudly, so that no one has a shadow of doubt) Returning home to wild screams from the stroller is already a common theme for us.

That's how we live)))

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