Do we really get wiser as we age?

Historically, it is believed that wisdom is a kind of deep understanding of reality, the ability to analyze, but remain impartial in one’s judgments.

Ideally, a wise person should have such qualities as moderation, detachment, tolerance and patience, peacefulness, modesty and altruism, integrity, as well as courage and willpower. He must master himself, simply be spiritually perfect.

It is also believed that wisdom comes with age, but is this true? We are not talking about everyday experience, there is no escape from it, but to be impartial in judgment, to understand others, not to judge?

Why is it possible for only a few to gain wisdom?

The main enemies of wisdom are emotions and prejudices.

Emotions, because wisdom presupposes calmness and restraint, as well as enormous patience, which emotional people by their nature lack.

The second enemy of wisdom is raising one’s point of view to an absolute, which is characteristic of smart and mature people. They are characterized by stereotyped, stereotyped thinking, fixation on their own prejudices, and lack of flexibility of thinking. They refuse to even understand the point of view of others, believing that their experience (mind) automatically puts them above, and it is their opinion that is the only correct one. Being blinded by one's own prejudices makes people aggressive, which is very far from wisdom.

But here are the words of Socrates: “The wisest of men can only be the one who is able to admit that he knows nothing.”

Basic principles of wise people:

Have your own life philosophy, life credo. But at the same time, be able to understand others, go beyond your usual patterns and stereotypes, thinking and habits. Seeing the essence of things is not a consequence, but a cause, understanding the relationships between things. Understand what lies behind superficial behavior, emotions, and the words of other people. Be patient with others, manage your emotions, remain calm in any situation. Be able to apply your knowledge and share it, teach others. Be able to speak, find the right words, convince without getting into arguments (for example, the Franklin method). Be able to understand and accept all manifestations of life, forgive. Be above the situation, not in the situation. Be unpretentious, be content with what you have. Be able to find something worth studying everywhere. Learn a useful lesson from every seemingly insignificant thing.

“Listen before you speak, find out before you judge, understand before you decide, and always remember that every person has both good and bad in them. This is the basis of wisdom" Maurice Druon.

But how to become a wise person?

Try to adhere to these principles, and also meet your inner “wise man”.

Here's how it's done: in your imagination, you create an image of a certain wise person, imagining him as anyone, the main thing is that you associate him with wisdom. For example, a Buddhist monk or a wise old man. Empower him with the above principles and in difficult situations turn to him, imagine how he would act in this or that case. Better yet, project and impose this image on yourself, and perhaps you will achieve the desired wisdom.

Wisdom. Just hearing one such word, our whole body feels joy. All our thoughts are turned upside down, and we want to strive for exactly this without any self-interest! Why does this happen when we strive to find out about a very interesting question, how to become wise? Are we really trying to attract attention to ourselves? I think no. We don't need this at all. It’s just that all people want to pass on their knowledge to others, and thereby rise up, and proclaim the word: “Live.”

How to become smarter How to become a smart girl How to become a smart person How to become a great person

On the Internet, everyone is trying to advise and give an answer to this question. It’s such a mess that it’s impossible to get to the truth. “Live for many years”, “Read as much as possible” - this, as a rule, has no effect on a person. But we all want to achieve this, even without knowing it ourselves; in ordinary cases, we instinctively go towards this. Day after day, all our efforts go towards achieving wisdom. Let's get straight to it. And we will give useful tips for achieving your wonderful goals.

The first thing that comes to the mind of any newbie is the Bearded Guy. He is familiar to absolutely everyone. And what’s most interesting is that all the peoples of the world associate their insight with this. It turns out funny.

The first thing to remember is that wisdom comes from hard work . After all, we were all born differently, and we have various contradictions and absurdities that prevent us from comprehending what is happening. Our task is to change ourselves as qualitatively as possible, give free rein to our desires, and make every effort not only to improve our lives, but also those of other people. Without this, there will be no true pleasure, and then there is no point in hoping and preparing yourself for a better life.

1. Have you ever learned to understand other people? Hear their suffering and see all their problems. No? Without learning this, you won't go far. Even no matter how smart or beautiful you are. True knowledge is not obtained from textbooks or various encyclopedias. All the best gifts go only to those who communicate with people every day and see through their inner world. And all this is achieved in such a simple way, thanks to your desire to explore the problem of how to become wise .

Smiles and wrinkled foreheads can say a lot. How a person perceives life’s difficulties, mistakes, how strong his spirit is. Observing all this, you can adopt their qualities and it becomes better and more beautiful! Here is the first step, and the fundamental one, we have considered, let's move on to the second.

2. Understand your feelings. Look at today's amazing world. What could be so interesting about it? This is that misfortunes on earth occur due to poor self-knowledge. Such people usually do not know which qualities are disgusting, light, sublime. This gap can be eliminated quite simply and simply. Here's how. Keep a special sheet where you can write down all your qualities. And put signs next to them. For example, you should put a plus sign when you understand this quality well and can easily define it. Cruelty is a hopeless quality that can only bring great suffering into your life. Based on this, we put a minus sign next to this item. That's it, we figured it out. And so move on until you finally figure it out.

Thanks to this point, we will be able to avoid disappointments in the future. We have perfectly understood ourselves, our thoughts, and now we can, with all our courage, move on to wisdom.

3. Try to learn from other people's experiences. After all, this is the most valuable quality in a person’s life. It decides everything; this is the only thing that makes one person different from another. How can I do that? As a rule, in order to get it, we need to make mistakes many times, and then draw conclusions based on this and try to derive huge benefits from it. But don’t forget to immediately go out onto the battlefield and start fighting to get it. Try to find an alternative. A good way out would be another person who has his whole life behind him. He is able to remove misunderstandings from his life with one penetrating glance. So go up to him and ask him to teach you this! Doesn't this happen? Do you think it won't work? Whatever the case. All the same, this will give an extra reason to move in the right direction. It is enough to simply try to experience for a person the emotions that he felt at the most important moment of his life. Let him tell you about them, because it is important to understand how to become wise.

All the most ingenious lies on the surface.

And in addition to all this, one simple and fairly understandable conclusion can be made: “The wise one is the one who does not fall into traps, and the smart one is the one who gets caught in this bait, but does everything to get out and instantly correct his shortcomings.”

4. Push away from illusions. Falling into such a state, you can even fly past with great effort. Why? Most people think that everything is quite easy and therefore do nothing about it. They are too lazy to do anything. Don’t be lazy, and then most likely your life will become much more pleasant and better.

Another misconception is to only apply the recommendations that others give. They say: read, train. But in general cases this will lead to nothing. Engage in self-knowledge, get to know yourself, what you say with all your wise soul, and what just comes out of your mouth for the sake of decency.

5. Don't lose what you got for free. Often these are the things that are most important. For some unknown reason, we just don’t notice. Can't imagine it? Yes, please, let's focus on your health. There is a high probability that you are quite healthy. You have the ability to move and speak clearly too. And isn’t this the highest value? This is the most necessary and necessary, and at the same time precious. Take care of this. And tell others about it. Let you spend your time on this, there is nothing wrong with it. Play sports, do everything that will give you maximum benefit, impact, and preserve the things that you have since the beginning of your birth. Do all this as if this is the main goal.

Carefully study the laws of communication.

This will give a positive boost. For example, why not spend a couple of days studying when to remain silent and when to listen to your interlocutor. And anyway, does anyone else remember about this?

6. Know your purpose. This simple thing will help you survive at any time. You don’t have to look far for examples. Catherine the Great, having reached the age of 16, perfectly understood and was aware of her goal. What made her so majestic? And time, and what steps and goals she set for herself. It is thanks to this that one can trace a well-aimed mind in her actions. And without a clear knowledge of yours, it is unlikely that by the age of 60 you will be able to at least somehow lay claim to wisdom in everyday life.

7. Do not burden yourself with useless questions that, by and large, will not give you knowledge. Tell me, how important is it to know the speed of light if you can find out by opening a page on the Internet? A sage does not burden himself with such questions; he acts more simply and effectively than others. What surprised me is that these same guys don’t even suspect that they are sages. If some passerby tells them about this, then most likely their wise eyes will pop out.

Let your desire be so great and enormous that if you are in God’s place, you will definitely give yourself this magical knowledge. The meaning of desire is great and this cannot be disputed.

Another interesting point. All who are wise are all men without exception. There are no girls at all. Where did they go I wonder? I will definitely look at the story at my leisure, and with great joy I will write about it in my comments.

Finally, I will say that reasonable action can lead you to the reasonable. The main thing is to believe in yourself and be responsible for the consequences of your own actions. Try not to make hasty decisions. Weigh all the pros and cons carefully.

There are no situations from which it is impossible to get out.

Difficulties only make you stronger.

They warm up your will, prepare you for a cruel world. After all, what matters is not how many times you make mistakes, but what conclusions you are able to draw. Here lies a great, inexhaustible source of knowledge. So open it! Now, without stopping, even if all familiar languages ​​​​are telling you that nothing will work out for you. Every person is designed in such a way that he will achieve what he wants if only he puts in enormous effort!

It is enough to use just such methods to tell yourself how to become wise. Good luck to you. Thank you for reading this post. And I will say thank you if you express your opinion, I will try to respond to your reasonable comments and discuss this post!

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Author KakSimply!

Unfortunately, human


is not always equivalent to the years lived. So that your experience does not go to waste, engage in self-development, look for cause-and-effect relationships and draw conclusions from what is happening.

Become more observant. Listen to people more. Try to understand not only the obvious meaning of the interlocutor’s words, but also their hidden subtext. Watch the person’s facial expressions, gestures, and intonation. Notice which words he uses most often in his vocabulary. Such in-depth analysis will help you better understand others.

Read the right books. Novels of domestic and foreign classics will help you enrich your life experience. The more globally relevant literature you read, the wiser you will become. Books help you live more lives than your own. Don't miss this chance to learn more.

Expand your horizons. Study history, art, stay up to date with the latest news in the world of politics and science. Try to better understand the world order. Don't miss the opportunity to learn something new every day. Learn something. Then your mind will always be in good shape.

Strive for self-study. Contemplation of your own inner world is possible with the help of meditative practices. In addition, you constantly need to listen to yourself in order to understand how certain events affect you. Self-understanding is an important step towards achieving higher knowledge. After all, a truly wise person knows what he wants, lives in harmony with himself and strives for self-control.

Treat life with philosophical calm. Instead of worrying about every little thing, imagine its significance on the scale of your entire life. A wise person knows how to wait, has patience and knows what is truly important and what is not. If you want to achieve this state, think more often about whether you adequately assess the situation.

Get rid of illusions. You should not completely accept the values ​​that are fashionable in society at the moment as your own. Don't expect too much from others. Remember that they don't owe you anything, just like you don't owe them anything. Once you get rid of increased demands on other people, it will be much easier for you to get along with them.

Don't miss the opportunity to learn from other people's experiences. The sage understands that he still has something to strive for, and uses the chances to learn something new from those around him. Make it a rule to look for something good in every person, worthy of attention. Remember that almost any individual can enrich your life experience with their own wisdom, sometimes even unconsciously.


How to become wiser

Beauty and HealthLove and Relationships

There is not a single person in the world who would not want to live a long and happy life. And yet no one knows a universal recipe for how to achieve this. Someone strives to be smarter, someone kinder, someone more beautiful, but sooner or later all efforts come to naught, and the person gives up. It is very difficult to get a ready-made recipe for happiness, but if you become wiser, you can be sure that you will always cope with the difficulties that may arise along the path of life.

What is wisdom

Wisdom is a unique property of the human mind, determined by the degree of mastery of knowledge and subconscious experience and expressed in the ability to apply them appropriately in society, taking into account a specific situation.

This is not just knowledge, experience, and prudence acquired and obtained from within oneself - it is, first of all, calmness, the absence of unnecessary emotions that cloud reason and do not allow one to make the best decisions in difficult situations.

Philosophy and religion define wisdom as one of the measures of the degree of knowledge of the surrounding world, discussed, as a rule, in the context of the desire to deepen this knowledge as a specific property of human intelligence.

Wisdom is a combination of life experience and deep intelligence, as a result of which a person can see the root of many problems, the essence of things, and find the best solutions, often contrary to logic and social stereotypes. These are decisions and views coming from the heart, from the depths of the soul.

Wisdom has no limitations, it is bottomless and can be learned by a person throughout his life. Also, one of the most important criteria of wisdom is that it is plastic. This means that a person can change his views and beliefs as he gains life experiences. Conservatism and ossification are the opposite of wisdom. The higher the level of consciousness of a person, the deeper and more multifaceted his wisdom is.


  • Excerpt
  • A book is the best teacher
  • Logics
  • Self-development

Good afternoon, dear readers. In this article I want to tell you how to become a cunning and wise woman. Since we live in a man's world, women have it quite hard. For how many years girls fought for their rights: the right to vote, the right to wear trousers and much more. Today a woman looks completely different than a couple of centuries ago. What should you do to be wise and cunning?

How to become a wiser person

A person best learns life experience through mistakes, pain and suffering. But you don’t have to wait for difficult situations to become wiser. There are some characteristics that, if you learn and apply in your life, you can be wise, reasonable and conscious, regardless of age.

So, let's find out how to become a wise person, what you need to do for this.

Learn from your mistakes

Both psychologists and esotericists say one thing - if a problem appears in a person’s life again and again, it means that he has not learned his lesson. It's hard to argue with this. When a person is chronically unlucky and dramatic events are repeated with enviable regularity, he begins to think that this is evil rock, fate or damage. Many begin to blame other people for the troubles that are happening, or fall into self-condemnation and self-flagellation. A person does not change his thoughts, beliefs and reactions to certain events in life, so they continue to “teach” him. But as soon as you learn the lesson and start to treat the situation differently or think differently, take responsibility for your life, everything miraculously changes and gets better.

The realization that even behind the most tragic and terrible situation there is always a greater good is an indicator of deep wisdom.

Be honest with yourself

Many people consider lying a sin and sincerely strive to be honest with others. But how often do they unknowingly deceive themselves?

From childhood, we are taught the knowledge of what is good and what is bad. From an early age we absorb all social norms of behavior, stereotypes and rules. Values ​​and beliefs are imposed on us that are supposedly necessary for us.

Under all these “rules”, thousands of people around the world lose themselves, fall into depression and neurotic disorders.

Very often, people know well and feel inside how best to act in a given situation, but they prefer to act “as expected,” or as others say, going against themselves. Many have so muffled their voice, their true needs and desires that they are even afraid to think about them.

Being honest with yourself means not only hearing your true desires and needs, but also being able to admit mistakes and take responsibility for what is happening in your life.

To be able to be honest with yourself, to hear yourself, to act according to your inner feelings, to follow the call of your heart without listening to the crowd is one of the stages of wisdom.

Be honest with people

Honesty with yourself is the basis for honesty with others. But why does a person need to be sincere with others? Because to be honest with others means to be open not only to people, but to the whole world.

But many people who understand the benefits of honesty still face problems. Instead of feeling relieved by the truth, they feel insecure and worry about how others will react and what they will think of them. So they sugarcoat their complaints to colleagues at work, bite their tongues, but don't tell their partners what upsets them or what they want to change in the relationship. They restrain themselves from lying.

The danger of this behavior is that the individual begins to feel isolated. A person is ready to be honest and does not want to lie, but is afraid to express the problems that bother him. Over time, they lead to nervous breakdowns or depression.

To be able to calmly tell the truth to others, without fear of people's reactions and without worrying about what they will think of you, means to be wise.

Be flexible

If we talk about how a person becomes wise under the influence of life circumstances, then it is obvious that he is constantly changing. It is hardly possible to meet a real sage who would claim that he has already learned everything and his views are unshakable.

If you are focused only on the result in moving towards a goal, if life is a forced transition from one goal to another, you may not only miss the best moments in everyday life, but also miss the subtle changes that naturally develop within you. When a person acts by inertia, lives only by his mind, he does not feel his soul and its needs. For such people, life is a forced march that must be completed according to certain rules.

All masters of wisdom know that life changes every second. It pulsates and never stands still. You need to be able to notice these changes and change with the world. Be able to look at familiar things differently, change perspectives, change views and beliefs.

Of course, it is very important to stick to your own opinion and hear yourself. But if you learn to live in harmony with your soul, you will notice that it is very plastic. Only the human mind always insists on its conservative views and beliefs. He is afraid of new things, so he prefers to walk along “trodden paths.” But the soul is very flexible, it is open to everything new and this is one of the most important aspects of wisdom.

Focus on the process, not the result

Most of us, when setting a goal, are accustomed to focusing all our attention on the end result. But to be a wise person, you need to let go of all thoughts about the result and focus on the process.

All the great sages taught that there is no other life except Here and Now. The present is the only process of life that can be controlled. How many people have experienced disappointment and suffering without achieving their goals or desired results. All problems come from expectations.

But if you learn to let go of all expectations and enjoy the process of achieving your goal, then all anxiety and fears go away. The whole secret is that by living in the present moment, giving all the energy to the current minute, a person acts much more effectively than when his thoughts are occupied with expected results. Thus, focusing on the process gives you a better chance of achieving your goal than worrying about it.

Be kind and compassionate to others

Yes, it sounds like a platitude that everyone knows. But behind this is not only how you treat others, but also how you see the world.

One of the aspects of how a person becomes wise is his deep understanding that all people on Earth are a single organism. When someone else's pain is perceived as one's own, and mercy and kindness become part of the personality, then all barriers between the World and Man are erased. There is no more need to defend yourself, separate yourself and hide.

Without kindness and mercy, life is a competition, a hunger game in which you cannot trust others, where everyone is for himself. Of course, you may decide that those around you are unworthy of your compassion, but such a position comes at the cost of a life filled with anxiety, paranoia, and loneliness.

To be one with the whole World and understand that others are reflections of yourself, a part of you, means to awaken and become a wise person.

Why do we suffer

Why is this happening? Because suffering generally arises when the time comes to learn new things and expand your boundaries. For example, we cannot accept something; pride, conceit, or, conversely, too low self-esteem interferes with us. We don’t notice quiet bells and delicate signs from life, and then a more serious problem arises - with health, with finances, in relationships. If by experiencing and coping with it, we expand our capacity for acceptance and understanding, this experience becomes wisdom. If not, then this leads to new suffering.

That is why endless suffering in life is not at all a sign of a person’s high spirituality. You can suffer all your life without understanding anything, without learning, without cognizing your divine essence, without revealing your ability to love and acceptance. Wisdom is manifested not in suffering, but in attitude towards life, and it leads to the fact that we begin to notice more subtle signs that it is time to change, and not bring the situation to a state of suffering.

A book is the best teacher

Read. Read as much fiction as possible. There are a large number of lists of required reading on the Internet. Find yourself such a list and read it. I'm sure you spend more time on TV series. So, instead of watching the next episode of your favorite TV series in the evening, pick up a book.

Novels teach us not only about life, but also show us different characters, reveal human souls, show their desires and capabilities. The book helps you look at people under a microscope. The situations that happen to the characters become your experience, which you must collect so carefully. So collect it.

In addition to the fact that you will work on your wisdom and cunning, you will also raise your level of education, and this is very important for an intelligent woman. Be well-read in various fields. It is not necessary to thoroughly understand all areas, but knowing the principles will definitely not be superfluous.

One of the books that may interest you is Parables for Wise Women. Proverbs always work well in developing wisdom. In addition, myths and fairy tales are very helpful. After all, this is our heritage, which carries centuries-old wisdom. So accept it, take it for yourself.

With the advent of new technologies, reading is becoming even easier. If previously you had to carry a huge volume with you, now you can download all the books you need into your e-reader. Very convenient and practical. Read on the road while waiting for a meeting, at home before going to bed.


There is such an interesting and fascinating subject at the university - logic. Whether you had it or not doesn't matter. Start studying this science from the very beginning. Find a good textbook that you understand and study. Solve logical problems, come up with them yourself, ask someone who knows it better to help.

After all, there is this well-established opinion that male and female logics differ from each other. So, your main task is to apply in life that logic, which is only one and is not involved in either men or women. This subject is not only interesting, but also very exciting. You will especially like it if you like logic puzzles or puzzles. Learning to solve logic problems is not difficult. Once you understand the essence, you can easily move on to more complex tasks.

If logic doesn't work for you the first time, the textbook may be the reason. Look for different tutorials. Among them there will definitely be one that suits you. Don't give up this activity. Believe me, logic is another component of wisdom and cunning.


To be developed in all respects, I advise you to engage in introspection. Study yourself, read psychological literature that will help you with this. Go to trainings and courses. Study people through yourself. When you finally understand yourself, it will become easier for you to understand others.

Go to a public speaking class. Learn to speak correctly and beautifully. Ninety percent of success depends on our speech. We stopped watching our language. Few people are really responsible for their words anymore. Learn to speak. And they will listen to you.

In addition, develop your imagination and creative side. Draw, write poetry, do handicrafts. Anything. Even if you don't succeed the first time. Practice and move forward.

Learn to manage your time. Time management can help you. When you manage your time correctly, you will work more efficiently. More efficient work leads to more successful results. Work for yourself. You are your own boss. And the success of your venture depends only on you.

I am sure that you can become what you want. I hope my article helped you outline a plan. If you find interesting and useful thoughts for yourself, be sure to share the link to the article with others on social networks.

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