How to put your baby to sleep very quickly: effective techniques, secrets and tricks

After birth, the little toddler sleeps most of the day and night. He interrupts his sleep in order to eat and look at the new world around him. As you get older, your waking time increases and your sleep gradually decreases. Parents of children from 6 months, and sometimes from an earlier age, are faced with the problem of how to put their child to sleep.

How to put your baby to sleep quickly

If you have difficulty putting your 1- or 5-month-old baby to sleep, then you definitely need to see a specialist. If there are no serious reasons for the child’s insomnia, then parents can use one of the proven methods developed by specialists.

It is impossible to accurately answer the question of how it is really necessary to put a baby or an older child to sleep. The cause of restless sleep can be colic, emerging teeth in the baby and health problems.

It is necessary to pay attention to the characteristics of the child’s age and take into account some rules when putting him to bed in order to better perceive the child’s condition and make him sleep long and soundly.

  • Babies under one year old should go to bed well-fed, otherwise they will toss and turn and scream. This rule does not apply to those whose babies play for a long time after feeding.
  • If your baby often wakes up at night and plays for a long time, it means he got enough sleep during the day. Try to reduce the amount of daytime sleep, then the baby will wake up less at night.
  • up to six months, the baby needs to be fed often at night, because of this, many parents practice co-sleeping in order not to get up to the baby too often. Reduce the number of night feedings, and then sleep will normalize.
  • increase the interval from the last daytime nap to bedtime to 4 hours, then the baby will not scream and cry before bedtime.
  • Doctors confidently say that in order for a child to sleep well at night, it is necessary not to let him sleep for a long time during the day. But many kids sleep well both day and night.
  • If your baby has confused the time of day, it is worth waiting out this time, diligently correcting the baby’s routine.

A huge number of medical workers believe that very young children do not need an established regimen, because their biological rhythm of life has not yet been formed. In addition, they note the influence of the child’s character and characteristics on sleep.

Difficulties falling asleep at different ages: main reasons

To define insomnia in children, doctors use the term behavioral insomnia of early childhood. Most often it occurs due to the formation of incorrect attitudes or associations associated with sleep. But there are a number of other circumstances in which it is impossible to put a child to sleep at night. Trying to correct his sleepy behavior, parents are faced with a disruption in the process of immersion in the kingdom of Morpheus, as well as a change in the quality and duration of sleep.

All reasons can be conditionally divided into several groups, among which the following are of primary importance:

  • age-related characteristics - formation of biorhythms, sleep regression, period of growing up;
  • the specifics of the child’s temperament – ​​hyperactivity, increased needs;
  • incorrect lifestyle – lack of a uniform time for falling asleep and waking up;
  • uncomfortable sleeping conditions - microclimate, uncomfortable sleeping place;
  • well-being – intestinal colic, teething, childhood pathologies, illnesses;
  • external factors - family relationships, frequent moves, difficulties with communication.

It is important to know! Positive emotions, as well as any negativity (stress, quarrels, fears) contribute to the release of cortisol and adrenaline, which increase activity, creating difficulty falling asleep.

Changing a kindergarten, school, teacher or teacher, moving to a new place of residence, or parental divorce have a significant impact on the child’s behavior and his daily routine. A big role in the formation of insomnia is played by night terrors (afraid of the dark, “fears”), nightmares that arise at the instigation of adults who seek to put the child to sleep in this way.

Why isn't he sleeping?

The following may make it difficult for your baby to fall asleep:

  1. Hunger. In the first months, it appears in the baby very often, since the volume of his stomach is small, and breast milk is absorbed very quickly.
  2. Hot or cold. Due to uncomfortable conditions in the room, the baby's sleep is often disturbed.
  3. Excitation. If the mother actively played with the baby, then she will not be able to put the little one to sleep immediately after such a game. Also, stimulating factors include receiving guests in the evening and even watching TV.
  4. Disturbed sleep patterns during the day. If the baby's nap was later, and the interval between waking up and going to bed at night was shortened, it will be more difficult to lull the baby to sleep.
  5. Malaise. A peaceful sleep for babies can be prevented by tummy pain, teething, runny nose, ear inflammation and other problems with well-being and health.

Child's sleep from 6 months to 1.5 years

Having passed the six-month mark, the child becomes more curious and begins to explore the world around him with interest, so less time is allocated for sleep. A healthy child at this age should sleep at least 14 hours a day.

The importance of daily routine at this age still remains paramount. It is likely that teeth may be the source of problems with falling asleep during this period, so before going to bed you must lubricate the gums with a special gel or give an anesthetic tablet or suspension half an hour before bedtime so that the child can sleep peacefully without being distracted by pain (medications can only be used according to a doctor's prescription in the most severe cases when the gel does not help).

Before going to bed at night, it is recommended to maintain the longest interval of wakefulness so that the child has played enough and is tired. You need to put him to bed only at the first signs of fatigue:

  • capricious whining;
  • yawning;
  • The child rubs his eyes with his palms and asks to be held.

At this age, you can start reading fairy tales before bed. Of course, the baby will not yet understand the meaning of the instructive stories, but will begin to get used to the new ritual before bed. After bathing and feeding, sit the baby on your lap, sit comfortably next to the table lamp, turn off the main light, open a colorful book and calmly and leisurely read a couple of fairy tales.

Evening feeding will help your baby fall asleep, and if you have already finished lactation, you can give your baby a small bottle of warm milk or kefir, put him in his crib and leave the room. Sucking calms young babies and they fall asleep without problems.

Creating comfortable sleeping conditions

Parents bear a huge responsibility for the health and development of their child.

Therefore, you should pay attention to the conditions in which the child sleeps - this can solve the problem of insomnia and teach him to have a full, healthy sleep.

Crib, mattress, pillow

It is worth paying attention to the crib and mattress on which the baby sleeps. The crib should be spacious and comfortable, made of environmentally friendly material , such as wood. The mattress should be 1-2 centimeters smaller than the bed , this will help to avoid both folds on it and excessive unsteadiness. It is also important to monitor the condition of the mattress, periodically vacuum and ventilate it, and protect it from moisture.

Important! Newborns should not sleep on a soft mattress; it must be hard, otherwise there is a risk of scoliosis and other spinal diseases.

A pillow for infants is not recommended to avoid neck and back problems, don’t worry, children, unlike adults, do not need it, but you can use a folded diaper (soft and clean, of course).

Positioner cushion

The positioner pillow will keep the baby in the best position for him.
Very convenient when caring for the baby. Various modifications of such pillows, mattresses, blankets, pillowcases, cocoon beds for newborns help keep the baby in the position in which he was put to sleep, fixing the head in the desired position. With a positioner pillow, your baby should sleep soundly.

Buckwheat pillows

Recommended for newborns by neonatologists. Such orthopedic pillows filled with buckwheat husks easily follow the contours of the baby’s head and neck in any position and contribute to the correct formation of the spine and cervical curve. In addition, the pillow has a massaging effect, improves blood supply to the head and neck, and calms the baby well.

Cocoon diapers

A cocoon diaper will provide a restful sleep for your baby

They come with zippers or Velcro, are easy to use, and allow you to quickly secure the baby’s arms and legs, leaving him freedom of movement. Such soft swaddling prevents restlessness during sleep, since the baby cannot wake himself up and scratch himself with his hands. Such cocoons give the baby the impression of being in the womb.

Room microclimate

The microclimate of the room is important. Children sleep comfortably and deeply at a certain temperature; doctors recommend about 22 degrees Celsius . It may seem cold, but you can cover your baby with a blanket. It is also important that the air in the room is sufficiently humid.


Newborns do not distinguish between day and night, so it is the parents' task to teach them to sleep in the dark.

In addition, in twilight or darkness, sleep is deeper.

At the same time , you should avoid sudden changes in the level of lighting in the room : unexpected switching on of a lamp and glare from the TV will interfere with the baby’s sleep.

Bed sheets

In addition, do not forget about the child’s bedding and clothes. Linen should be soft and made from natural, breathable materials. Clothes are warm and comfortable. All this will help your child sleep soundly and better.


What a baby sleeps in depends on several factors: the temperature in the apartment, the time of year (in the summer you don’t have to dress the baby at all, leaving only a diaper), his well-being, age, etc. The most comfortable clothing is a jumpsuit with scratches. It does not restrict movement and protects the baby’s delicate skin from its own sharp nails. It's warm and easy to put on and take off, which is especially good for parents who use diapers. The jumpsuit is ideal for children of both sexes.

These recommendations should definitely be taken into account, especially if parents want their child to sleep peacefully throughout the night. And if the child sleeps peacefully, then mom and dad also sleep, which gives them the opportunity to feel full of strength and desire to communicate with their baby.


Safety is very important: the crib must be stable and strong enough, not wobble, have no sharp corners, the mattress should not leave large gaps between itself and the bed wall - a baby’s hand can get in there, which is dangerous. Fabrics must be breathable and not contain heavy metals or formaldehydes, etc.

Attention! Sleeping with newborns is dangerous for the life and health of the baby, as you can accidentally crush him in his sleep.

How to properly position a baby

Different parents and different children have different ways of falling asleep, each case is individual, so you should try and notice what works and what doesn’t, slowly moving in your own direction. However, there are some general rules and tips that you can use to make the process easier.

To bed

Children remember the conditions and sequence of actions under which they fall asleep; in the future, such developed reflexes will help them fall asleep more easily.

Since from birth, babies have no concept of day and night, it would be useful for you to accustom your baby to them and follow a routine.

Feeding or a pacifier, as well as the voices of parents, soothes the baby well.

You can quietly tell your baby a story or sing a song; a monotonous voice will most likely put him to sleep.

Bathing helps many people, so you can put your baby to bed immediately after bathing.

Swaddling will also be useful - infants do not yet control the movement of their arms, they can accidentally hit themselves in their sleep and wake them up. After you have lulled your baby to sleep, carefully place him in the crib.

Important! You should not rock your child to sleep for too long, as he will get used to long periods of lulling and will fall asleep only with them. If motion sickness doesn't work, try something else: a story, a pacifier, feeding, or something else.

In what position

The position in which the baby will sleep is also very important for his comfort and safety. In most cases, doctors recommend that newborns sleep on their side or back (but in this case, be sure to turn the baby’s head to the side, otherwise there is a risk of choking during regurgitation in his sleep) .

Important! But it is undesirable to place the baby on its side - this is dangerous, since the child can bury his face in the mattress and make it difficult for himself to breathe.

Fetal position

How much should a 1.5 month old baby sleep?

After birth, in the first month of life, babies often sleep in the fetal position. The legs are near the stomach, the hands are near the chin. It was in this position that they were in their mother’s stomach, so they were familiar, calm and comfortable. Gradually they forget about it and get used to the new situations.

Sleeping on your side

Side sleeping is recommended for babies. This position is the most comfortable and safe, preventing air swallowing and regurgitation. If they occur, it will help to avoid undesirable consequences. To prevent the baby from rolling over, you need to twist a towel or diaper and place it along the baby's back. The resulting cushion will secure the baby, provide warmth and comfort.

Important! We must remember to turn the newborn from one side to the other so that the skull is formed correctly. This will help avoid developing torticollis in the future. It is enough to do this every three hours. If the baby is bothered by the stomach, then he can reflexively pull his legs towards it, as a result of which the gases will escape. This is another advantage of this sleeping position.

Sleeping on your back

You can sleep on your back, but only in the presence of your parents. The baby should not be left alone in this position; he may choke during regurgitation. It is better to immediately turn the baby's head to the side. This is the most relaxed position; the baby can spread his arms and legs to the sides. If the baby is bothered by gases, sleep in this position will be restless, they will not leave.

Baby sleeps on his back

Sleeping on your stomach

Another pose is on the stomach. It promotes the passage of gases and reduces colic. The abdominal muscles are also strengthened, which is especially important for babies with an umbilical hernia. It occurs very often in premature and weak children. In addition, lying in this position, the baby will learn to hold his head. Do not place him on his stomach immediately after feeding.

Mothers are afraid when their baby falls asleep in this position, thinking that he might bury his nose in the mattress and suffocate. Such cases have not been proven; pediatricians, on the contrary, recommend that newborns sleep in this position, considering this position to be the safest and most comfortable. It is believed that lying on the stomach puts a lot of pressure on the child’s jaw and reduces the air supply to the lungs. Again, this is only possible if the baby sleeps on a very soft blanket, feather bed. It is better to use fitted sheets; they do not wrinkle and do not pose a risk of suffocation for the baby.

In order to protect the baby, you need a hard surface, a mattress, it is impossible to bury yourself in it, the baby will simply turn his head to the side. If this does not happen, you can carefully turn the child’s head yourself. If your baby sleeps on his stomach, the pressure on his chest may increase, leading to difficulty breathing. Almost always, babies put their hands under themselves, so breathing is not disturbed.

Baby sleeps on his stomach

Problems may arise if the baby has a runny nose or crusts in the nasal passage. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the baby’s health and promptly carry out hygiene of the nasal passages. This is the most controversial sleeping position. Many continue to consider it dangerous due to the risk of sudden infant death due to suffocation. Under the control of parents and with the correct arrangement of the child’s sleeping place, this cannot happen.

Note! When placing a newborn in a crib, it is recommended to raise the top edge of the crib so that the head is higher than the feet. The height difference should not exceed 10 centimeters. Pediatricians sometimes advise providing a greater elevation angle. For example, during the period of illness of the baby, if he is bothered by a runny nose. This is necessary to facilitate the passage of mucus from the newborn's nose.

There is no single answer to the question: how to properly place a newborn in a crib; it all depends on the baby’s health, his preferences and the parents’ mood.

What sleeping positions are dangerous?

No matter what position the baby sleeps in, parents should always be nearby and, if necessary, come to the rescue. Do not use pillows or cover the baby’s head with a blanket, make sure that it only covers the chest.

If a newborn has hip dysplasia, then it is not recommended for him to sleep on his side, as there will be additional stress on the joints and the situation will worsen. Is it possible for a baby to sleep on its side? The orthopedist will answer after examination and carrying out the necessary procedures. Premature babies and those with diagnosed neurological diseases should not be placed on their stomach while sleeping.

Baby sleeps with happy parents

According to Komarovsky, healthy children's sleep occurs when it is sweet and calm not only for the child, but also for his parents. Getting enough sleep is important not only for the baby, but also for his mother. Then everyone will be healthy and happy.

Baby's sleep from 0 to 6 months

The baby spends the first six months of his life almost two-thirds of his time sleeping. A healthy child at this age should sleep 16 to 18 hours a day. It is very important, already at this age, to learn how to put your child to sleep in such a way that he falls asleep in a calm environment, without hysterical crying and long rocking motions.


Today, the co-sleeping technique is very popular, which means that the child sleeps not in a separate crib, but with his parents in their bed. This choice may be due to the fact that the child has trouble falling asleep away from his mother, or the mother’s desire to constantly be close to the baby.

If you practice co-sleeping, then putting your child to bed should not cause you any particular difficulties: feeling the presence of his mother nearby, feeling her smell and warmth, the child will fall asleep quite quickly if nothing bothers him.

Pros of co-sleeping

Many modern doctors advocate this option, since it has a beneficial effect on establishing good lactation through frequent breastfeeding at night. In addition, co-sleeping allows the mother to get more sleep, since she does not have to get up several times a night to feed the baby.

Cons of co-sleeping

When a child sleeps with his parents from birth, he gets very used to it, so learning to sleep separately is quite difficult. According to statistics, most children learn to sleep on their own only from the age of 3-4 years.

Of course, sleeping together causes inconvenience for both parents in terms of rest: they cannot completely relax because they are afraid of accidentally touching the baby in their sleep. In addition, many couples begin to experience problems in their intimate lives due to the constant presence of a child in bed.

Separate sleep

There are also many supporters of separate sleep, when a child sleeps in his own crib from the first days of his life. It is quite simple to teach a baby to sleep separately from this age; the main thing is to be confident in your decision and persistent. After a week, the baby will get used to sleeping separately from his mother, and going to bed will be much easier.

Pros of sleeping separately

The baby initially gets used to sleeping separately, so you are freed from retraining and whims that will be associated with this process. Parents do not distance themselves from each other intimately.

Cons of sleeping separately

The only process that can be disrupted when sleeping separately is breastfeeding. But if you feed your baby on demand for the first six months, and not by the hour, and do not introduce complementary foods ahead of time, then problems with lactation can be avoided.

An approximate bedtime ritual for a child from 0 to 6 months

Of course, every mother has her own ritual for putting her child to bed during SS. Most of them include actions like this:

  • calm quiet games;

  • bathing and diaper changing;
  • light relaxing massage;
  • lullaby;
  • feeding.

Doctors and experienced mothers strongly do not recommend accustoming your baby to rocking in your arms: then it will be very difficult to wean him from this, and with age the child gains weight, so rocking him becomes more and more difficult. It’s better to put him next to him, hug him, stroke him, pat him on the back a little, humming a soft lullaby.

If your baby is sleeping in a crib, rock the cradle while humming softly until he falls asleep. As soon as he closes his eyes, do not leave the crib: rock it for another five minutes so that the baby falls asleep more soundly.

If a child cries and cannot fall asleep for a long time, it means that something is bothering him. Provide him with complete comfort before bed: feed him well, change his diaper, give him medicine for colic or toothache if he is cutting his first teeth.

Conditions for proper rest of a newborn

The position in which a child sleeps is of great importance. The conditions in which the baby exists play an even greater role. For proper rest, the baby must create favorable conditions.

7 rules for healthy sleep:

  1. There is no need to put the baby to bed immediately after feeding; it is better to wait a while and wait for him to burp. Otherwise, regurgitation will occur in your sleep, which threatens asphyxia.
  2. Properly organize your baby's sleeping place: it is not allowed to put a soft feather bed in the crib, put voluminous pillows and fluffy blankets, soft toys, etc. An infant does not need a pillow at all, and the sheets should be soft, without wrinkles, made from natural materials.
  3. The baby should sleep in silence and darkness. So his sleep will be deep, calm and long. To do this, you need to remove the TV and other noisy devices from the room where the child sleeps. The lights must be turned off, leaving only a night light on at night so that the mother can feed the baby and change his diapers.
  4. Maintain the correct microclimate in the room, ventilate more often and humidify the air.
  5. Before bedtime, give your child a bath with herbal teas that will help him relax and calm down. Chamomile or sage are excellent for these purposes.
  6. Don't take your baby into your bed. A breastfed baby can easily suffocate under your breast. Such cases, unfortunately, are very common. For the same reason, do not feed your baby while lying down. Unnoticed, you can fall asleep without removing your breast from your baby's mouth, which is very dangerous.
  7. The right thing to do is to teach your child to sleep in his own crib. For convenience, place it next to your bed by removing the side panel. This way you won’t have to get up at night, you just need to get up and get the baby out of the crib. And the baby will sleep more peacefully, hearing the calm breathing of his parents nearby.

There is no need to worry too much about what position your baby should sleep in. After watching your baby a little, you will understand which position he likes best. It is not possible to recommend any specific position for this age. The correct one would be one in which the baby sleeps soundly and nothing bothers him.

Recommendations from Evgeny Komarovsky

Popular doctor and TV presenter Evgeny Komarovsky offers parents 10 simple rules, following which will help ensure not only the baby, but also adults a good night's sleep.

Set priorities. This means that all family members should rest, and the child must learn to take this fact into account.

Create a sleep routine. It should be drawn up taking into account the baby’s biorhythms and the parents’ daily routine, family rules and the availability of work for adults.

Choose a comfortable sleeping place. According to the doctor, the ideal option is a separate crib, which can initially be placed in the parents’ room, but later in the nursery. The bed should also be comfortable. A flat, hard mattress, no pillow and high-quality linen are what your baby needs to rest.

Adjust the duration of daytime sleep. The rest period during daylight hours should be reduced to improve nighttime quality.

Optimize the feeding process. If after eating the baby is drawn to sleep, you should increase the portion of the evening meal, and, conversely, in case of increased activity, the main emphasis should be on nutrition during the day.

Provide comfortable indoor conditions. Stuffiness or, conversely, cold interfere with normal sleep, so temperature and humidity parameters should be adjusted to optimal levels. During the day and before going to bed, it is necessary to ventilate the room.

Hygiene procedures. Evening bathing before bed helps relieve fatigue and tension, and also help you fall asleep quickly and peacefully. Both warm and slightly cool water are considered suitable.

Solving sensitive problems. Comfortable pajamas and a dry diaper are a necessary condition for a relaxing and long rest. Older children need to be taught to go to the toilet before bed. The developed habit will become another component of the bedtime ritual.

The most common ways to put a child to sleep

How can you put your child to sleep so that he doesn’t become capricious and falls asleep quickly enough? There are actually a lot of ways. Many of them have been known since ancient times from our grandmothers.

A large number of mothers sing lullabies to their babies before bed. A mother’s subtle songs can soothe a child, and her voice cannot be replaced by any tape recorder. When lulling a child to sleep with songs, the mother’s calm tone and her mood are important, and not the voice and words of the song itself. What other ways can you put your baby to sleep?

Mandatory ritual before bed

In this method of laying, it is necessary to pay attention to the age of the child and the characteristics of his mental development. By ritual, as a rule, you need to understand a certain action that you will perform every day at the appointed time. It should not depend on the day of the week or season of the year.

Small children under the age of six months calm down well before bed in a calm and quiet environment that is familiar to the baby. A new crib, uncomfortable clothes, or unfamiliar voices and people in the room can interfere with a child's sleep.

After passing the six-month mark, come up with your own bedtime ritual. He should tell the baby that he needs to go to bed soon. Actions should bring only good impressions to the child.

An example of such rituals could be:

  • telling stories or reading books before bed, looking at pictures in books, reading poems;
  • putting your child to sleep with his favorite toy;
  • singing sweet lullabies;
  • looking at fish in an aquarium, etc.

If you carry out such actions regularly, without forgetting about them, then after a while the child will remember them and falling asleep will not be a problem. But if a child is not feeling well, he does not always react to such actions.

Motion sickness

Many mothers, having given birth to a child, believe that under no circumstances should they be rocked to sleep. But in fact, this does not affect the child in any way and there are no contraindications for this. On the contrary, many doctors sometimes advise rocking a child to sleep and claim that it is useful.

Calm rocking can restore the baby's heart function. You just need to ask yourself how to do it correctly. It is known for sure that all actions must be careful, with calm movement back and forth, holding the baby in your arms.

Identical and rhythmic actions calm a person, causing drowsiness.

But it is also worth remembering that constant motion sickness can create a habit, and from it a psychological dependence.

Try not to rock your baby to sleep unless there is a serious reason to do so. You will have to unlearn this habit later, and this will add additional stress.


A light massage will be a great way to relax for both a newborn baby, a two-month-old baby, and a four-year-old child. At the same time, soothing music can be played. Stroke your baby's back, tummy, and legs. Talk to your child, tell him how much you love him and say good night. By the way, massage is an excellent type of ritual that can be used daily before bed. Gradually, the baby will get used to it and immediately after the session will fall asleep soundly.

Listening to music

You can teach your baby to fall asleep using quiet and calm music. Turn on the sound of the sea, various natural sounds, and birdsong on the player.

Many pediatric specialists have a negative attitude towards putting a child to bed in complete silence. At the same time, he develops a reaction to even the slightest noise. But it is also undesirable to lay under too loud noises.

High quality diaper

If you choose an effective way to quickly put your newborn baby to sleep at night, do not forget about a high-quality and reliable diaper. This ingenious invention will help not only the baby but also the parents get through the night peacefully, so don’t skimp and choose a product that won’t leak and cause discomfort to the baby.

Disposable diapers contain a special gel-forming material that absorbs moisture from the surface of the baby's body. Its ability to absorb 50 times the weight of the powder in urine amazes everyone. The sides are equipped with elastic bands that do not allow liquid to leak out, and convenient Velcro helps securely fix the product on the child’s body, despite turns and movements during sleep.

The delicate inner layer is made of cellulose, so it does not irritate the baby’s skin at all, eliminating the appearance of diaper dermatitis and other skin problems. With a high-quality diaper, your baby's sleep will be long and restful.

Tight swaddling

Many people use swaddling to quickly calm the baby. In the first months, children often move in their sleep, preventing them from sleeping.

If you can’t lull your baby to sleep, then try wrapping him tightly. Diapers create something like a cocoon in which children quickly calm down and sleep soundly.


The pacifier is useful for satisfying the sucking reflex, but should be used in the same way as motion sickness, in doses. Psychologists advise that as soon as a child falls asleep with a pacifier, immediately remove it. Having become accustomed to this action, the baby will not wake up having lost the pacifier.

Favorite crib

In order for a child to sleep soundly, he should not play in his crib. Create an atmosphere of sweet dreams. Develop appropriate associations: crib-sleep.

There are many cases when the baby falls asleep in any other place, for example, in a car seat or on the parents' sofa. However, we should not forget that the sleeping place should be his own and he should develop an interest in it specifically for sleeping.


A good trick is swimming in warm water after a busy day. This daily ritual not only calms the child, but also sends a signal of preparation for sleep.

Evening bathing helps your child fall asleep well

After bathing, you need to feed and drink the child, dress him in warm pajamas and give him a massage. After these procedures he will sleep all night.


There are controversial approaches to this method of going to bed. Its essence is that it is necessary to put the child in the crib and immediately leave the room for a few minutes.

If the child does not fall asleep during this time. You can return, pet the baby, and leave the room again. This way you give your child the opportunity to fall asleep on his own.

Time will pass and the child will get used to falling asleep alone. Best suited for children after about two years of age.

Hugs and affection

After the baby lies down in the crib, pet him or massage him with light movements. Many babies love gentle touches on their bellies or strokes on their backs.

This option is more suitable for the first months of the baby’s life. Tactile contact is very important for children. If you don't know how to put your baby to bed, lie down with him and stroke him.


Have you tried everything you could, but your baby continues to play? The mother herself needs to calm down. Try not to focus on getting your baby to fall asleep. He completely takes over your anxiety. You're trying too hard. Distract your baby in any way. The tension will subside and the child will fall asleep.

There are many reasons for insomnia. Try to figure out why your child sleeps restlessly or wakes up frequently. Visit a pediatric specialist, check the child's condition, feed and ventilate the baby's room.

How to put children to bed correctly to ensure they get a good night's sleep

By using a few simple tricks, parents can make the process of falling asleep easy and enjoyable for their child.

  1. Certain noise level

Most children are able to fall asleep during the day if there is a certain background - the so-called “white” or “pink” noise. Such noise is a combination of sounds of different frequencies and intensities, but not more than 50 dB, sounding monotonous, and therefore lulls the child to sleep. Scientists explain this by saying that it reminds the child of the noise of blood moving through the vessels, which accompanied him during intrauterine life. However, in order for the child to remain sound during the day, it is very important that the room is quiet after falling asleep. Examples of white and pink noise are the sound of a waterfall, the running of a faucet, the sound of a hairdryer and fan, or the sound of rain. In modern conditions, you can easily recreate a child’s “favorite sleepy sound.” Constant noise of this “quality” slows down and regulates brain activity.

  1. Fresh air and temperature conditions

Be sure to ventilate the children's room before going to bed, and if the ambient temperature allows. Thus, we achieve two goals: we partially clean the air of microorganisms and let in fresh air. If the room is too hot (temperature over 21 degrees), dry air, then the conditions for falling asleep will also be unfavorable. In cold weather, it is important to adhere to exactly this temperature regime, not only from the point of view of recommendations for sleep, but also the physiological benefits of sufficiently humidified air. After all, if the nasal mucosa is overdried by excessively heated air in the room, then it ceases to perform its protective barrier function, thus becoming easily permeable to bacteria and viruses, of which there are always a lot around.

  1. Light mode

During daytime sleep, windows must be covered with curtains or blinds. Even if you notice that your child falls asleep easily in bright daylight and think: “If he wants to fall asleep, he will fall asleep that way,” then you are making a serious mistake. The fact is that melatonin is produced much more actively during sleep in the dark. And somatotropin is produced in parallel with it. Therefore, now you understand that even the night light at night should be turned off as soon as the child falls asleep. You will ask why? After all, the child’s eyes are closed! However, even weak light can penetrate the thin skin of the eyelids and irritate the retina, signaling to the brain that it is not night yet. That is, brain activity, instead of tuning in to rest, will be directed to work. Another reason why it is worth covering the windows during daytime sleep is to create an atmosphere of comfort and coziness, which in itself does not set the mood for fun games, but promotes relaxation. Calm colors are suitable for a children's room - olive, muted orange, shades of brown and delicate purple. It is worth giving up red thick curtains, since this color excites the nervous system, while black depresses the mood.

  1. No overstimulation of the nervous system

This means that just before bedtime, the child's games or activities should be calm. The visit should also be completed on time. But a leisurely short walk an hour before bedtime will only help you fall asleep. At the same time, it is quite “healthy” fatigue during the day - when the child has had enough exercise and running around - that is a prerequisite for easy falling asleep. Also suitable for this occasion are reading books together, playing board games, and, of course, swimming. A warm bath, in addition to its hygienic effect, has a relaxing effect in itself. It wouldn’t hurt to add an infusion of herbs that have a calming effect on the nervous system, especially if you have a hyperactive child. The following are suitable for such procedures: chamomile, motherwort, mint, pine needles, lavender, thyme, valerian.

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  1. Feeling good

A healthy and tired child usually falls asleep very quickly. However, if an increase in body temperature occurs against the background of a cold (usually body temperature rises in the evening), headache, or abdominal colic (if this is a breastfed child), then you cannot do without medications or a doctor’s visit.

  1. Daily regime

Not only does eating at the same time promote good digestion, but also walking and going to bed at the same time, becoming habitual, greatly simplifies this process. The regimen helps protect the child’s nervous system from overwork and promotes balance. Sometimes it happens when, for various reasons, the baby’s usual sleep pattern gets lost. And children may even surprise you with an unexpected request to play football or dolls at one in the morning, or, if it is a baby, then during teething the child can “change” night into day, thereby driving not only parents, but also neighbors to fatigue. The main thing here is not to panic. Just once every 2-3 days, try to go to bed 10-15 minutes earlier than in previous days and wake up 5-10 minutes earlier, that is, artificially wake up the child. Although recently many scientists are against waking up a child.

How to quickly put your baby to bed

During the day

Daytime sleep is just as important for an infant as nighttime sleep, and children have a high need for rest early in their lives.
If you maintain a gap of 5-6 hours between daytime and night sleep, and do not play active games an hour or an hour and a half before going to bed, this will make the task of putting your child to sleep easier.

But in general, the rules are the same as for nighttime: you need to create a suitable environment, put the baby to bed at the same time and follow the established sequence of actions; a bath and a monotonous voice will also help you.

After feeding

After feeding, children, as a rule, fall asleep much faster, this calms them down and puts them in the right frame of mind. But it is better to ensure that the child does not fall asleep during feeding; he must distinguish between food and sleep.

No motion sickness

It may also be important to teach your child to sleep without motion sickness . It's not easy, it will take your baby some time to get used to it. But if you put him in his crib after standard procedures, stay nearby and talk to the baby, then over time he will calm down and learn to fall asleep that way.

At night after feeding

At night, you should lay the baby down with caution: do not turn on the lights or make too much noise . You need to feed him, change the diaper or check the diapers for dryness and quietly put him to sleep.

What time should you put your child to bed?

Night rest is associated with blood saturation with melatonin. At the age of over 3 months, this hormone in its maximum concentration in the blood is observed on average at 6-9 pm. For some, the duration of the interval is a couple of minutes, for others it is an hour. This is determined by the structure of the body, individual characteristics; is established experimentally, during observations.

For the first 3 months of a child’s life, the child is put to bed at the same time as the parents go to bed, since the body does not have its own routine. From 3 months they begin to monitor the child, finding out the individual sleep window. Having determined what time to put the child to bed, they select a daily ritual of preparing for rest, which takes a little more than half an hour.

The sequence for determining the sleep window is:

  • Monitoring your child to see when they slow down and seem sleepy;
  • fixing the time interval between the first signs and a new period of vigor;
  • calculation of the optimal moment of motivation.

Doctors recommend keeping records: what time the child fell asleep, how long he slept, how well he rested.

Techniques from specialists

A huge number of doctors and pediatric specialists are looking for ways to position babies. They not only develop new techniques, they study their effectiveness. Their methods are developed only by them and are copyrighted. They are mainly aimed at the mother performing certain actions every day.

Harvey Karp method

Many parents have been using the method of this pediatric specialist for many decades. It includes rocking, using a pacifier, wrapping your baby tightly, lying on your side while falling asleep, and listening to white noise.

These steps are used both individually and in combination. Some will get by with only one method out of five, while others will have to try really hard.

Estiville method

This method of going to bed was developed for children aged 1.5 years. At this age, children are good at listening to everything their parents say.

This can be called a way to fall asleep on your own. Its essence is that throughout the day, the mother must repeat to the child that today he himself will fall asleep in his own bed without mothers and without lulling.

Before going to bed, kiss your baby, put him in the crib and leave, reminding him that you will come to see whether he has fallen asleep or not. Leave your child's bedroom and lock the door. At first the child will cry and scream. Get through this difficult time.

Gradually increase the amount of separation time before bed. Don't try to feel sorry for the baby. Constantly remind you that you need to sleep on your own in your own bed. The doctor even selected the necessary periods of time for which mother should leave the room.

As with any method, everyone looks at it differently. Look at your child's condition and don't listen to advice.

Nathan Dylo method

The question is, is it really possible to put a baby to sleep in 60 seconds? Indeed, it is possible. You just have to move your brains a little. An example is the method of a young dad from Australia who put his baby to sleep using a regular paper towel.

There is nothing supernatural about this method. Many babies respond by sleeping to any gentle touch on their skin.

Try, and you, too, will find your own exclusive way that will make your baby fall asleep in a matter of minutes.

Sleep problems in children: causes

Like adults, children suffer from insomnia for the same reasons.

But not everyone, due to their age, is able to talk about what worries them, so they express their discomfort by crying and whims.

Typical provocateurs of insomnia in children:

  1. Digestive problems due to a new product or an unsuccessful combination of several. In a breastfed baby, this consequence occurs due to the mother’s violation of the nursing diet. Due to the inability to speak, young children can only complain about feeling unwell by crying. With the accumulation of experience, mothers begin to understand its different intonations and are able to see additional signs indicating a sore tummy: kicking of the legs, the desire to sleep with the back upside down, bending of the legs.
  2. Disruption of sleep patterns , rest in the evening, prolonged sleep from evening to lunch - natural fatigue does not set in at night, which makes it difficult to fall asleep at the usual time.
  3. Stress .
    Fright from a strong sound, a terrible picture seen in reality or in a movie, worry about a conflict with a friend, a feeling of guilt, a tragedy in the family. The last factor can affect even young children who are not yet able to comprehend the situation - they are able to perfectly sense the general tension of the adults around them.
  4. Neurological problems .
  5. A sudden change in the environment. For example, moving to a separate room, traveling with parents and the resulting disruption of the biological clock, the start of renovations at a neighbor's place or construction near the house, changing kindergarten or school for older children.
  6. The effect of the medicine or early cessation of its use (for example, from an allergy that prevents you from breathing normally).

Why is it impossible to put it to bed during the day or at night?

Prolonged sleep problems most often begin when the child physically no longer needs much rest to recuperate after a period of wakefulness.

If he does not want to go to bed, but soon begins to be capricious due to increased irritability against the background of fatigue , the reason for refusing to sleep is something else.

It could be:

  1. Uncomfortable temperature or humidity . Sleeping in a stuffy room is difficult even for an adult, and children are especially sensitive to heat and dry air, because their mucous membranes are still developing and are not able to quickly produce the required amount of secretion.
  2. Lack or excess of light at the appropriate time of day. During the day, sleep can be disturbed by the teasing rays of the sun, inviting you to go for a walk, and at night - by the light of a street lamp, the moon
  3. Overexertion due to active behavior shortly before bedtime . Being excited, pleased with the result of the game or upset, the child, even lying in bed, remembers the details of the entertainment and is therefore unable to fall asleep.
  4. Hunger or overeating . A pressing stomach interferes with sleep just as much as a rumbling stomach due to the lack of a usual meal.
  5. Jealousy of a parent, brother or sister. The emotions of children are no less strong than those of adults, so they perceive all their fears due to unrequited love and lack of attention to themselves painfully and are very worried.
  6. No need for long daytime rest hours. Having slept more than normal during the day , the child is not able to fall asleep at night because the body is still full of energy.
  7. Watching a disturbing movie, cartoon , listening to dynamic music at night.
    As with gaming, memories of recent intellectual entertainment can keep you awake for a long time.
  8. Outdoor game in the evening. The hormones produced during increased activity interfere with relaxation and sleep for a long time.
  9. Choosing a book with a scary plot for evening reading . With the listener’s wild imagination, each character from the book, after turning off the lights in the room, will definitely “come to life and make his way” into the child’s bedroom, which is why the baby will fall asleep only after complete exhaustion, when his brain gets tired of being afraid and independently “turns off the systems” of wakefulness.
  10. Stagnant air. Low oxygen levels always make it difficult to fall asleep.
  11. Feelings of conflict.

Why does my child want to sleep all the time?

If this is a child under 2 years old, then perhaps you are confusing the desire to sleep with symptoms of another problem:

  1. A child rubs his eyes with his fists not only when he is sleepy.
    The same actions are caused by excessive dryness of the air in the room, an allergic reaction to something, problems with vision, causing the eyes to be irritated by light.
  2. Increased tearfulness can be a consequence of teething, painful sensations in the ear-tummy or somewhere else, the mother’s inability to establish a sleep schedule, hidden pathology, a disorder of the nervous system, birth trauma, or a tense situation in the family.
  3. Deficiency of nutrients in the diet. Drowsiness is provoked not only by iodine deficiency, but also by a lack of iron, calcium, and vitamin D.

Drowsiness in older children is caused by:

  • general constant overwork due to the abundance of clubs and other activities;
  • anemia;
  • insufficient rest at night due to the habit of staying up late with a tablet, computer or TV;
  • neurological disease;
  • problem with the thyroid gland.

What else affects babies' sleep?

Yes, a lot of things actually. So you seem to be rocking him, and swaddling him, and turning on white noise, and giving him breastfeeding, but he is still tormented by crying... Then think about this one more thing:

  1. Are you calm yourself?

Newborns very acutely feel emotional discomfort in the family, especially in their mother. If you are nervous, often quarrel with your husband, or have become embittered, all your rocking and lullabies will not help put your baby to sleep.

  1. Isn’t the child’s psyche overloaded with the constant “invasion of guests”?

Our grandmothers also hid their children from prying eyes for the first few months. And not at all in order to “not jinx it.”

It’s just difficult for a baby’s nervous system to cope with “digesting” so many faces, voices, and noises. A grandmother coming “for a visit” is one thing. But crowds of friends, colleagues, all kinds of relatives are already too much.

  1. Is your baby worried about his health?

Colic, allergic itching, fever and other ailments will not allow you to put your baby to sleep normally, no matter how hard you try.

Note! A baby may also have trouble sleeping due to neurological problems that cause headaches and insomnia (in severe cases, convulsions).

If the baby throws his head back strongly and arches his back, if his chin often trembles, his eyes cross, his nasolabial triangle turns blue, he often tenses up, and starts crying for a long time - take the child to a neurologist.

The sooner treatment is started in the presence of neurological abnormalities, the better the result will be.

These are the basics so you know how to properly put your one-month-old baby to sleep.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

Dr. Komarovsky recommends following several rules that will make life easier for every family with a newborn child. Here they are:

  • Don't forget about healthy sleep and parents. Only a well-rested and full-strength mom and dad can give the child proper affection and care. So don't forget about healthy eating, good sleep and walks in the fresh air for the whole family.
  • It is important to follow a daily routine for each family member.
  • It is worth deciding on the place where the baby will sleep. For children under one year old, a crib in the same room as their parents would be suitable.
  • High-quality diapers will help your baby sleep better.

In conclusion, I would like to repeat once again that proper sleep is the key to a child’s health , so it must be approached no less responsibly than other aspects of a baby’s life: nutrition, educational games and communication with parents.

Komarovsky's rules

The famous pediatrician Komarovsky names 10 main tips, following which you will ensure your child a healthy and sound sleep.

  1. Highlight the main thing. All family members should get enough sleep, including mother. It is important for a child to have a calm and happy mother nearby.
  2. Decide on your sleep schedule. Highlight for yourself the important moments of your child's life during the day. Take into account all its features and rhythm. Try to fall asleep and wake up at the same time.
  3. Determine where your child will sleep. This specialist insists that the child must be put to sleep only in his own crib. This way, everyone, including parents, will have healthy sleep. After the first year of life, you can generally move the child’s bed to a separate room.
  4. Don't be afraid to wake your baby. Be clear about the amount of time your child can sleep during the day. Otherwise, you may have problems getting to bed at night.
  5. Play more during the day. Walk a lot with your child, play together, watch the animals and people around you. This way you will make your child's sleep sounder.
  6. Practice your diet. It is worth carefully observing how the child reacts to a heavy meal. Some people may fall asleep right away, while others will play for a long time. Determine the required amount of food specifically for your child.
  7. Ventilate the room. No one can sleep peacefully if there is no flow of fresh air. And also monitor the air humidity and temperature.
  8. Swimming before bed. Water tends to relieve fatigue, lift your spirits and relax all the muscles in your body.
  9. Prepare your bed. Check that your baby's crib is well made. Use a quality mattress and pillows for your baby's sleep.
  10. Put on a diaper. If you use diapers, be sure to use dry ones before bed. Only high-quality diapers will help your child sleep well.

Little secrets of a big deal

Make getting ready for bed, especially evening, a whole ritual. Let the child, before going to bed, put his favorite toys to bed, wishing them good night. The process of preparing for bed thus includes bathing, brushing teeth, and caring for pets. Let him choose the books he will listen to before bed, turning the process for himself from passive to active, because he himself participates in all the preparations.

Give your son or daughter the opportunity to choose, appreciating him. In addition, another option for the child to actively participate in the process of forming his own daily routine is to also provide the illusion of choice: “Are you going to bed in three minutes or in five?” At the same time, under no circumstances use sleep as a punishment: “If you don’t hand over all the toys (don’t turn off the TV or eat porridge), you’ll go to bed right now.”

Everything, not only the process of falling asleep, but also getting up in the morning, should be accompanied by positive emotions. Therefore, not only the pleasant melody of the alarm clock is important, but also what accompanies the process of awakening - pleasant words, lots of kisses, a favorite cartoon or the voice of one of the parents who reports that his favorite dish is already waiting for him for breakfast.

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The more good mood in the morning, the better the day!

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