Who is this introvert? 6 myths about working as an introvert

Probably, surrounded by everyone there is a person who lives in some kind of special world. He is reluctant to communicate, although he is kind and sympathetic. He doesn't go to corporate events, and you can't force him to speak in public. He looks for any convenient moment to retire. Usually this is a reliable friend, a conscientious worker, a faithful spouse. You just need to get used to his silence, shyness and tightness. You shouldn’t put labels on him like “autist”, “wild”, “strange”, etc. It’s all about a special psychological type of personality: he is an introvert, and he cannot live otherwise.

Who are introverts?

If we take a definition from psychology, an introvert is a person characterized by concentration on his own inner world, contemplation, and isolation. He is not inclined to communicate, he has difficulty establishing contacts with the outside world.

Traditionally, it was believed that introverts have a more developed left hemisphere, and that is why they:

  • neat, punctual, precise;
  • base decisions on facts rather than sensitivities;
  • are guided by the criteria “right - wrong”;
  • choose consistent movement in everything;
  • prone to classification;
  • love to work with numbers and words;
  • make clear and correct decisions;
  • have problems playing social roles.

However, recently in the process of research it was found that there are introverts whose right hemisphere is more developed. Compared to their “left-hemisphere counterparts,” they solve problems faster and easier, have an excellent sense of humor, talk and even think in metaphors and analogies, and like to make mental diagrams. They are more emotional, but, unlike extroverts, they do not express their experiences and feelings to the public, leaving them inside themselves.

According to recent studies, the brains of introverts and extroverts do indeed differ, but not at all in the degree of development of the left or right hemisphere. What's the difference?

  • Neurotransmitters

Dopamine is the main source of bliss and euphoria. It is produced in extreme situations, like adrenaline: during parachute jumping, on a roller coaster, on the carpet with the authorities, during a public speech. Introverts are very sensitive to him, he makes them anxious, so they strive to retire and minimize his activity. Acetylcholine also delivers impulses of pleasure to the brain, but more peaceful, causing a feeling of relaxation. It is synthesized when the nervous system is at rest. This is what introverted individuals love.

  • Nervous system

The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for emotional arousal, and the parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for rest. In introverts, the second is more often activated, since the first incapacitates them and makes them experience a state of stress.

  • Gray matter

The gray matter of the brain allows you to quickly and correctly make the most complex decisions, as well as think abstractly. According to neurobiological research, introverts have more of it than extroverts.

That is, the behavior and character of an introvert is determined by the psychological type of his personality, the characteristics of his nervous system and brain. Therefore, under no circumstances should he be remade and re-educated: it is useless!

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A detailed description of an introverted personality type can take several pages of continuous text. If we generalize it and highlight the most important thing, then the leading signs will be the following.

Positive features:

  • perseverance, concentration;
  • excellent level of diligence, especially in relation to monotonous work, bringing any task to its logical conclusion;
  • loyalty in friendship: the ability to listen, sympathize, understand, as well as sensitivity to the problems of other people;
  • reliability, responsibility;
  • intelligence and genius;
  • close connection with art: talents and gifts to write, draw, play musical instruments, etc.;
  • creative, unusual, bright work solutions;
  • good success in training and self-education;
  • balanced and deliberate decision-making as a result of in-depth analysis and detailed study of the issue;
  • loyalty to your word, responsible attitude towards the requests of others;
  • tact, modesty;
  • honesty, impartiality;
  • the ability to be happy alone, regardless of others.

Negative features:

  • communication problems;
  • social phobia;
  • detachment from common problems;
  • distrust;
  • inability to express oneself, to declare one’s talents and abilities, hence the difficulties in promoting one’s career;
  • suspiciousness;
  • emotional limitations;
  • maladjustment in the conditions of the modern education system and intracorporate relations;
  • low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence.

Neutral traits that can turn into both good and evil:

  • a narrow circle of communication into which only a select few are admitted;
  • protecting your comfort zone, clear boundaries beyond which no one else is allowed;
  • secondary type of reaction to an event (from the point of view of psychology): they experience an unpleasant situation for a long time, returning to it again and again;
  • rich fantasy;
  • patience;
  • independence from the opinions of others;
  • love of home, silence, loneliness;
  • complete control over emotions.

Experts compared the life and behavior of an introvert to charging a phone, and they came up with this interesting picture, reflecting the whole essence of this psychotype:

Types of introverts

There are several classifications.

Temperament classification

Despite the general psychotype, introverts differ in their types of temperament, and this makes them unique and inimitable in their own way. On this basis, psychologists distinguish the following types.

  • Introvert-phlegmatic

Unshakable, persistent and surprisingly calm. It is almost impossible to make him angry; he is simply incapable of aggression and an outburst of emotions. All decisions are balanced, all feelings are under control. He will never trust his intuition, because he is used to always analyzing everything and double-checking it several times. Serious, focused on a specific task, responsible. Seeks to avoid conflicts. The hardest thing for him is to get out of his comfort zone.

  • Introverted-melancholic

Closed, reserved, unable and unwilling to make contact. Vulnerable to society. Very sensitive and worried about any reason. Fine nervous organization leads to constant stressful situations and a depressive state, vegetative-vascular diseases. Recovery is only possible in complete solitude. But they are creative geniuses.

  • Introvert-choleric

A very rare, almost impossible type, since choleric people usually do not restrain themselves in emotions, unlike introverts. And yet, this temperament may well overlap with such a psychotype. The result is a character whose owner outwardly communicates well, is not withdrawn, but after this he feels a complete loss of strength and needs to restore it in solitude. Moreover, the longer it lasts, the better he feels.

  • Introverted-sanguine

The same rare type as the previous one. The energy from such people is in full swing, but they direct it exclusively within themselves, to replenish their own internal resources. A sort of extroverted introvert who has excellent intuition and knows how to find comfort both in communication and in solitude.

Socionic classification

Socionics (the concept of 16 psychotypes based on Jung’s teachings) also has its own classification of introverted personalities:

  • Logical-sensory introvert

One of the most purposeful. Always achieves what is planned, brings the matter to the end, obeys a single path to follow. He calculates everything in advance and avoids mistakes, as he analyzes every detail. It is impossible to stray from the intended path.

  • Logical-intuitive introvert

A theorist, a lover of the scientific approach, often resorts to classifications. He is attracted to new ideas, but he is not able to implement them: all his diagrams, plans and drawings remain on paper. Benevolent, but due to his lack of emotion, he is often considered too cold and heartless. He loves coziness and comfort, but often does not know how to create it himself, so he needs a caring and loving partner.

  • Ethical-sensory introvert

He experiences a storm of emotions, but keeps them exclusively within himself. Deeply understands other people, knows how to sympathize and empathize. Strives for harmony and beauty in everything. Has good taste. He tries to end any quarrel peacefully. Curious, constantly busy with self-development.

  • Ethical-intuitive introvert

A man of Napoleonic plans: he studies everything new, and on the basis of this he hatches some brilliant idea about transforming the world. Throughout my life I have been fascinated by it. But in practice, he cannot implement it due to his shyness and problems with communication. Unpredictable, changeable in mood, because he is too dependent on his idea.

  • Sensory-logical

He loves comfort, so he will prefer sports and comfortable clothes to beautiful and fashionable clothes. He doesn’t allow anyone stranger to come close to him, even on a physical level: he doesn’t like touching, hugging, or kissing. Caring towards close and dear people. Economical and prudent, he relies on common sense in all endeavors. He does not know how to hide his emotions and may say unnecessary things in an argument.

  • Sensory-ethical

Soft, charming, has good taste and an innate sense of elegance, appreciates comfort and coziness. Achieves a good material standard of living through clear planning of his activities. Doesn't like fuss and confusion. Does not give in to strong-willed pressure from outside. He tries to keep his distance from others, to be even and calm with everyone.

  • Intuitive-logical

Subtly notices all the details in any matter. Careful in making decisions, calculates every step and upcoming costs. Leads a healthy lifestyle. He is ironic, loves solitude, and is irritated by noisy and nervous people. Scrupulous and meticulous to the point of pedantry. Independent and self-sufficient.

  • Intuitive-ethical

Elegant, dreamy, amorous romantic. He is attracted to everything beautiful, to art. She loves reading poetry, going to concerts and museums. He tries to understand everyone and help as much as he can. Has a subtle sense of humor. All his life he dreams of becoming part of bohemia, meeting artists, poets, designers and other connoisseurs of beauty.

Communication classification

Many psychologists oppose a clear line between extroverted and introverted personality types. Depending on their communication skills and characteristics, they divided introverts into the following types.

  • Social

They do not correspond to the general type of introverts, as they may well be sociable, laid-back, humorous, cheerful and talkative. True, they show all these features of their character exclusively in a close circle of friends and family. In any other society, including at school and at work, they are quiet, silent, withdrawn.

  • Thinkers

Oddly enough, this group also destroys the traditional view of the introverted psychotype. They may well be where there are a lot of people: they go to corporate parties, meetings and other collective gatherings. They do this only so that they will be left behind and not be asked (or forced) to attend the next event. But during these visits, thoughts are far away: most often they are thinking about something, drawing up diagrams, drawing in a notebook or writing poetry. This is their normal state. They are hidden from others in their own cocoon.

  • Alarming

They panic and get upset as soon as they find themselves in crowded places. They are afraid of new acquaintances, surprises, spontaneity, any surprise. They can only be calmed by loneliness and complete detachment from everything around them. If they find themselves in an unpleasant situation, they become fixated on it and feel guilty.

  • Discreet

They think through everything in advance - tactics. Already in the morning they know how to avoid going to the boss’s office and minimize communication with colleagues. At the same time, they are prepared in advance for surprises, so that they are not taken by surprise: they always have a couple of stock phrases in reserve and a cold smile, demonstrating complete detachment from you (and from the entire world around you).


You can take the introvert test and find out whether you belong to this psychotype.

If you get more positive answers to questions from group A, you are a pronounced extrovert. If you answered “yes” more often than “no” to questions from group B, you are an introvert. If the number of affirmative answers in both is approximately the same, you are an ambivert who exhibits characteristics of both types.

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Features of the introverted psychotype


An introverted child has the following qualities by which he is easily recognized among his peers:

  • he has a bright and rich inner world;
  • deeply feels others, tries to figure out why the person is feeling bad, tries to help;
  • never acts spontaneously and at random, at first he analyzes everything and asks for advice;
  • quiet and secretive, does not trust even close relatives;
  • it is difficult for him to adapt to kindergarten and school; it is much more convenient and comfortable for him to study at home;
  • he may not have friends;
  • refuses to go out to guests and does not like noisy feasts and games;
  • diligent, attentive, listens well, strives for knowledge - he has no problems with studying.

How should parents behave?

  1. Prepare in advance for all changes.
  2. Do not force him to communicate with anyone if the child does not want to.
  3. At the same time, instill values ​​such as communication, mutual assistance, and friendship.
  4. Give him your own secluded corner, do not violate his personal space. Allow yourself to be alone with yourself.
  5. After noisy events, do not bother with questions: first give time to recuperate.
  6. Be in constant contact with the educator and teacher in order to correct any situations that arise in the children's team.
  7. Develop creatively, as such children discover talents in some art.

A properly raised introvert grows into a very interesting and successful person.


Introverted man:

  • prefers a quiet home environment;
  • conservative;
  • loves to read (draw, write poetry);
  • stingy with emotions;
  • does not often declare his love and shower him with compliments, but proves his feelings with his actions: gives flowers and gifts, arranges a romantic dinner, does not cheat;
  • smart, deep;
  • an ideal husband who will never betray and will always be there if you understand him and don’t let him down;
  • easily loses his temper due to loud screaming, noise, laughter and stupid actions;
  • can't stand noisy parties.

How to deal with an introverted man:

  1. Never lie.
  2. Don't push, don't be rude, don't shout, don't make scenes or hysterics.
  3. All problems can be resolved exclusively through conversations - delicately and calmly.
  4. Listen to the end.
  5. Do not demand ostentatious feelings.
  6. Don't force him to go to events where there are a lot of people.
  7. At home, gather only those closest to you.

Here's what an introverted woman is like:

  • if a man of the same type can pretend that he feels good in society and smile at everyone, then a woman in this regard is more closed, she goes deep into herself in public;
  • clearly observes chain of command;
  • does not forgive himself for mistakes;
  • has a hard time experiencing betrayal, betrayal and any defeats;
  • has a wild and irrepressible imagination: he can paint the walls of the house with Van Gogh’s paintings or make his own film at home;
  • often throws himself headlong into loneliness, goes into seclusion, without explaining anything to anyone;
  • rarely admits her feelings, but is very loyal.

When communicating with her you need to adhere to certain rules:

  1. Do not violate personal space.
  2. Do not impose your ideas and opinions.
  3. Be attentive and delicate.
  4. If you don’t give her a choice, she will accept forced capitulation, and the relationship will deteriorate.
  5. Establish emotional contact.

If you understand the subtle and vulnerable soul of introverts, they become the most faithful and devoted spouses.

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Features of communication

Self-directed introverts have difficulty establishing contacts. Therefore, the features of their communication must be kept in mind:

  • limit your social circle to a minimum;
  • they don’t immediately let you in;
  • distrustful;
  • do not like surprises;
  • react sharply to inattention from others if they begin to open up;
  • stingy with emotions;
  • do not take the first step in a relationship;
  • do not like too intrusive questions;
  • In their partners, they tend to notice well-reasoned statements and accuracy of reasoning, since they value the interlocutor precisely for his intelligence and analytical abilities.

How to communicate with an introvert:

  1. Make appointments in advance. Moreover, it is better if they take place on its territory.
  2. Do not expect an instant reaction to current events and your words. Give time to think and make a decision.
  3. Show that you are interested in him.
  4. Think through every word. Don't talk too much. Don't gossip. Empty talk about nothing irritates him.
  5. Take the first steps towards it yourself.
  6. Be sincere.
  7. Don't take you out of your comfort zone.
  8. Do not regard his silence as detachment and indifference.
  9. Don't raise your voice.

Work environment

It is normal practice for journalists and editors to sit in the office with headphones on, thereby showing that you are busy with your article and wearing an accessory is an obvious request not to distract with conversations.

Sitting almost the whole day listening to music, thereby creating the necessary work mood and protecting yourself from communication, is quite doable. If, of course, the profession allows it.

What should an introvert do?

An introvert sometimes also has a hard time because of who he is. Psychologists give him recommendations on how to use his character traits to their full potential.

  1. Warn those you interact with in advance that you are an introvert. This will help avoid many awkward situations.
  2. At work, set aside half an hour for informal communication. The rest of the time, wear earplugs or headphones.
  3. The Internet is your territory. Design your social media pages to make it easier for people to understand you.
  4. Make all appointments and their time frames in advance. After all, you can’t be in public for long.
  5. Sit sideways to the interlocutor so that eye contact is not direct - it will scare you and take a lot of energy.
  6. Can't cancel the party? Offer your hosts help around the house or take photographs of guests.
  7. Practice a responsible speech for a report or interview. Prepare in advance.
  8. Your hobbies are your strength, an additional source of energy. Develop in the direction you choose. Achieve heights. Look for like-minded people. Don't give up creativity and art - they were created especially for you.
  9. Learn to trust people gradually, although it is difficult. Find 2-3 people with whom you feel comfortable.

Electronic cinema tickets

The opportunity to buy or book movie tickets directly on the website will not surprise anyone. Much nicer (for an introvert) is the option to receive tickets by email. In other words, I organized my trip to the cinema without communicating with the cashier and the controller.

I bought a ticket through the application, received the ticket on my smartphone, and upon entering the hall I scanned its barcode through a special terminal.

Professions that suit your psychotype

What job is best for an introvert:

jeweler, blacksmith, carpenter, carpenter, seamstress, sculptor, restorer, artist, designer, poet, writer, screenwriter, copywriter, proofreader, musician, composer, video editor, photo editor, sound engineer, programmer, 3D visualizer, design engineer, engineer designer, scientist, researcher, truck driver, librarian, archivist, economic analyst, accountant, forester, zoologist, geologist.

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