An introverted child: signs and behavioral characteristics of introverted teenagers

Signs of an introvert

Recognizing that there is a little introvert in your family is not at all difficult. Characteristics of temperament appear from the first years of life.

One of the main ones is the ability to spend time alone. Unlike their peers, they prefer to be alone with themselves. Doing things “behind closed doors.” Draw, read or play computer games. A rich inner world allows them to create their own universe and exist in it. A developed imagination helps children entertain themselves independently.

Communication with strangers can be a burden. A very small introvert will refuse to go into the arms of unfamiliar people. Coercion will most likely end in tears.

Older introverted children prefer not to make eye contact with those they do not know. Any new acquaintances do not bring joy. So they try to avoid it.

Cheerful, noisy companies and holidays exhaust introverts. After such events they feel empty. Mass gatherings of people are oppressive. Most likely they will quickly want to go home. Forcing everyone to have fun can end in hysteria.

Introverted children think deeply beyond their years. Such kids often surprise adults with interesting reasoning. You can often hear smart questions and thoughts that are unconventional for children from them.

Lack of thirst for communication, lack of understanding of peers and adults can provoke insecurity. As a result, unreasonable resentment arises. These children tend to take many things personally.

Insecurity makes introverts rather secretive people. It becomes difficult for them to show any emotions. It seems that they are indifferent to everything. However, in fact, they are characterized by hypersensitivity. They only experience everything within themselves.

Secretiveness is also expressed in shyness. Introverted children find it difficult to ask for help. They try to cope with the difficulties that arise on their own. This makes them more independent. They become self-sufficient early.

Introverts are known to direct their energy inward. Thanks to this, they find time and opportunities to develop their talents. Vivid imagination and creativity make them extraordinary individuals.

Show interest in him while talking

Show interest in the introvert, he really lacks it...

Inattention on the part of the interlocutor offends the introvert, the meaning of the conversation is lost for him. Repeating what was said earlier is not an easy task for him. Therefore, try to maintain the dialogue in calm tones, without harsh statements or careless insults. Remember that such people are very vulnerable and susceptible to the opinions of others; unpleasant words for them can become a reason for long-term and serious resentment.

How to raise an introverted child

Introverted children are different from extroverted children. They have a more reserved character. Directed to your inner world. They seem withdrawn and uncommunicative. Emotions and problems are experienced internally. Have difficulty establishing contacts. It’s difficult to be the first to start a conversation and make new acquaintances.

However, one cannot assume that they do not need communication. They are just very selective. It takes a long time to get used to it. Trust needs to be earned. Even with their parents, they build relationships in their own way.

Often, parents may not be aware of all the child's experiences. Once broken, trust will be very difficult to restore. In order to find an approach to such a child, you need to learn to put yourself in his place. Try to look at the world through his eyes. Take into account character traits.

  • Teach your child to communicate. Many children make new acquaintances on their own. Introverted children think about what to say and how they will appear when they say it. They are afraid of seeming intrusive. Parents should teach them to adapt to a team. Help start a conversation. Show how to find a common language. The best thing to do is to arouse interest.
  • Feel the child's condition . Introverts restore energy by being within themselves. Communication with other people takes away their energy. This needs to be taken into account. You should not force your child to play with other children if he is not inclined to do so. This can cause stress. The child will close himself even more. Give yourself time to be alone to recover.
  • Prepare in advance for something new. For example, kindergarten or school. Change of environment, unfamiliar people cause fear. Try to prepare your child. Talk about how safe it is there. Get interested in the fact that you can learn something new there. Explain what friendship is. Give examples of why friends are needed.
  • Support creativity. As a rule, such children tend to show extraordinary talents. Parents should support their endeavors. Provide space and materials. Don't limit yourself in time.
  • Respect personal space. Personal items mean a lot to a baby. It’s worth being careful about this. If possible, do not touch the child if he wants to be alone.

Final Thoughts

If you are an extrovert, you may encounter certain difficulties communicating with an introvert. However, it can also be a rewarding experience for you. You will be able to get to know other people better and expand your circle of acquaintances. After all, there are so many brilliant, creative and talented individuals hiding behind their “introverted walls.” Therefore, learn to communicate with all people, and have fun expanding your horizons and making new friends.

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Want to know how to achieve your life goal? This blog will help you learn how to apply psychology to your relationships, health and well-being. My goal is to teach my readers how to maximize their effectiveness in life.

Manifestation at different age stages

Interestingly, the predominant tendency is not something immutable. In childhood, even introverts show more extroverted traits: the child learns, absorbs experience, so communication is a natural need.

External or internal orientation begins to appear more pronounced during adolescence, although the need for communication and recognition from others is still great.

Youth is also an age when communication is natural and necessary: ​​during this period of life, the idea of ​​starting a family is especially relevant.

So the final formation of the psychotype occurs by the age of 30-40. Introverts breathe a sigh of relief that they no longer have to spend more time in groups than they want. And extroverts continue to enjoy communication.

In old age, the need for communication often increases again. Or simply introverts begin to relate to him more simply due to life experience. Most often, it is older people who start talking to strangers on the streets. Regarding children, animals, weather - friendly and kind. By the way, it’s also very cool to ask older people for directions - they always know where everything is and are ready to share this information.

Right choice

This type has the official name logical-sensory. How is it different from the others? A person is masterfully able to find the most suitable one among thousands of proposals and prospects.

At the beginning of the action, he defines the goal, conducts a qualitative analysis of the available techniques, existing methods and compares the risks. After grueling work, he perfects ways to achieve the planned task and achieves fantastic success.

Most often, the manifestation of the sensory type is found in a man who is passionate about his work and has unbending confidence in his own abilities. He is not distracted by words or rantings, but clearly and structuredly moves towards the realization of his dreams!





Advice for teenage girls necessarily contains some lifestyle recommendations. The thing is that children begin to change dramatically during this period. At the same time, their lifestyle is being transformed. Try not to give in to temptations that manifest themselves in the form of bad habits. Teenagers often start drinking and smoking to appear like adults. It is not right. Lead a healthy lifestyle, do not ruin your health.

Also, do not imitate your peers in this matter. After all, you can often get involved with bad company that will teach you bad principles. Smoking, alcohol, drugs are your enemies. In all senses. Do not give in to the temptation to look “cool” or “grown up”. In the eyes of society, on the contrary, you will look like a small and stupid child.



Critical days

What else should you pay attention to? For example, the fact that puberty in girls does not pass without leaving a trace. As has already been said, changes begin in the body, and they are visible: the breasts increase, the hips become rounded, the skin deteriorates a little. This is fine. It is also worth noting that in adolescence, girls begin their periods. They often frighten inexperienced little girls. On average, already at 10-11 years old you can experience the so-called menstruation.

Advice for teenage girls necessarily contains points on moral preparation and future behavior. Do not be afraid of the first critical days - this is the first sign that you have become an adult. They will now come to you monthly at a certain interval: 28-30 days. Keep a calendar that will help you calculate the exact period of such an event. This is very important for both a teenager and an adult woman. If you come to an appointment with a gynecologist, you will be asked very actively about your period.

There is no need to be alarmed if your periods are too heavy or painful. This happens, but over time the body adapts and the process normalizes. If you can't stand it, it's better to see a doctor. He will help you choose a good and safe pain reliever.

Positive side

Ability to keep your word

Only an introvert strives to complete the work he has begun, especially if he has promised himself to complete it! No troubles, difficulties or risks will prevent him from bringing his plans to life!

This trait will be useful for extroverts, since loyalty to the word and awareness of its power helps to conquer even the most inaccessible peaks!

Setting goals

The ability to enjoy the process while effectively analyzing and comparing personal growth is one of the most amazing character traits of introverts. They will not “do things” in words, but, gritting their teeth, will rush into battle.

After achieving one goal, they will quickly find the next goal, demonstrating consistency. And the ability to think outside the box, but guided by logic, helps to get around a fairly large number of people.

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All articles in this dossier

  • Introverts: live at your own pace
  • Extrovert? Introvert? Ambivert!
  • “I have difficulty communicating”: eight tips that will solve the problem
  • Thoughtful, anxious, reserved: what kind of introvert are you?
  • Spending time alone is beneficial
  • Don't call your child shy!

Text: Prepared by Alina Nikolskaya

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  • fgdshh
    250 weeks ago

and now, so that introverts don’t feel like they’re somehow different, publish an article “my child is an extrovert, and how to live with it” :) Psy like0

  • endorphine
    250 weeks ago

Wonderful article:-) Psy like0 Reading today

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Communication between extroverts and introverts develops... well, differently, in general. Again, it depends on your upbringing. But also from many other things, of course.

Extroverts who primarily live in the company of other extroverts will not understand the reserved nature of an introvert. “There are devils in still waters” - this perfectly reflects the opinion of an extrovert about introverts. Not expressing oneself explicitly means incomprehensible. Incomprehensible means dubious or even dangerous.

But introverts are enraged by extroverts if they also communicate mainly with people of their own psychotype. A person who is not inclined to express his emotions loudly and publicly will find it very uncomfortable to be next to a raging extrovert.

Although these types are complementary and balance each other. If there are both in the family, then such communication benefits everyone: introverts calm the noisy and emotional nature of extroverts, and the latter, in turn, pull introverts out of the quiet corner where they tend to hide.

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