Beware, Social Predator: Seven Signs You're the Victim of a Sociopath

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Treatment of sociopathy in Moscow involves the use of medications and psychotherapy. This pathology is called by experts dissocial personality disorder and essentially refers to a type of psychopathy, which is characterized by a person’s lack of formed attachments and desire to comply with generally accepted norms. At the same time, he is firmly convinced of the legitimacy of his antisocial behavior, rudeness and aggressiveness towards others.

Such people do not feel shame or discomfort, and are often skilled manipulators. The first signs of the disorder can be seen in adolescence. Then they intensify and persist throughout life. This type of psychopathy cannot be viewed as a “bad character” or “lack of upbringing.” In this case, it is imperative to treat mental disorders, otherwise the disease will progress.

According to statistics, sociopathy is detected in 3% of men and 1% of women; its manifestations are more common in low-income citizens and children from large families. Psychiatrists indicate that among prison inmates, 75% have dissocial disorder. However, not all people with this diagnosis are criminals. Many people commit acts that are condemned by society from a moral point of view, but they do not fall under criminal liability.

Sociopaths are people who often get involved in conflicts and never learn from punishment or trouble. They do not admit their mistakes and deviant behavior, but constantly blame others. Such people do not know how to behave in society and cannot be held accountable for their accomplishments and misdeeds. Perverted perception does not allow them to condemn their actions, but towards others they do not show even minimal loyalty, and this applies to loved ones and relatives.

Another characteristic feature of a sociopath is the desire to satisfy his own immediate needs at any cost. If his internal well-being is disturbed, he quickly loses his temper, his behavior resembles acute psychosis. A person with this pathology is quite adequate and understands how to do the right thing, but he does not want to do this. As the pathology progresses, treatment of sociopathy will take more and more time and will not always end in a positive result, since with each passing year the patient becomes convinced that he is right, that the evil he commits is actually good.

Diagnosis of sociopathy (dissocial personality disorder, antisocial psychopathy)

But it should be understood that the concept of psychopathy is a common name according to the old classification of mental illnesses (ICD 9) for many personality disorders with different symptoms (i.e. personality disorders according to the modern classification of ICD 10). Initial manifestations occur in childhood or adolescence and last throughout life.

With personality disorders (psychopathy), significant behavioral disturbances are observed that are not consequences of other mental illnesses or a consequence of brain damage (damage or disease). As a rule, psychopathy affects many areas of the personality, which often leads to severe suffering of others and even complete social maladjustment. “Sociopaths” to some extent can be called all those who have personality disorders or psychopathy (according to the old classification).

But when we talk about sociopaths (dissocial disorder, antisocial psychopathy), we mean individuals who do not have the opportunity to exist within the prescribed social norms of behavior and rules.

What are the reasons for the deviation?

Since the concept of sociopathy appeared relatively recently, the reliable causes of the disorder are unknown. However, there is an assumption that human heredity plays a large role in development. As a rule, either one or several family members can suffer from such a disease.

In addition, sociopathy (its causes can be both congenital and acquired) often occurs due to improper upbringing of the child. From a very early age, children must be taught to belong to society. They are obliged to have more contact with their peers, make new acquaintances and become sociable.

Among the possible causes of the development of the disorder, it is also worth highlighting psychological stress and trauma in childhood. Thus, according to experts, a head injury that occurs at an early age may well lead to the development of the disorder.

Forms of sociopathy (dissocial disorder)

The following forms of this pathology can be distinguished:

  • Active sociopathy
  • Passive sociopathy

This division is based on the degree of compensation for psychopathic personality traits and the ability to exist in society.

Passive form of sociopathy

The passive form of sociopathy is considered as a compensated option in which a person recognizes the power of authorities, laws, religious rules or traditions. Thanks to this, the adoption, to some extent, of social rules of behavior makes it possible for sociopaths to live in society relatively without conflict. But at the same time, they are callous and indifferent to the desires and needs of other people, whom they completely ignore and do not consider important in their lives. This also applies to family.

Thus, sociopaths are not able to attach themselves to people and do not have empathy. They do everything solely of their own free will, but with an eye on the authorities and laws to which they formally obey. In passive sociopathy, manipulation and deception are often observed without significant violation of the laws and rules of society.

Active form of sociopathy

The active form of sociopathy is an extreme degree of expression of personality traits, due to which these people cannot adapt to society. Correcting their behavior is extremely difficult and often almost impossible.

Basically, the active form of sociopathy leads to the fact that a person breaks the law and cannot build his life path without criminal episodes. Such a person can sometimes adhere to regulations and rules, but only for a short time and for the purpose of some personal gain, but most often there is complete social maladaptation.

How does sociopathy manifest?

In boys, the first symptoms of the disorder are observed in primary school. And in girls, sociopathy appears a little later, during puberty. This disease is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • selfishness;
  • tendency to lie;
  • cruelty;
  • stubbornness;
  • action under the influence of impulse;
  • sexual promiscuity.

Such children often bully the weak, torture animals, damage school property, skip classes, and run away from home. Sociopaths become opposed to their parents even in early childhood. They act hostile or dismissive among their peers. When they are caught in any violation, their conscience does not torment them; they always find any justification for their actions and blame others for everything.

After reaching adulthood, patients with sociopathy adapt and do not appear inadequate. They have no problems with communication, can be charming and win people over. But their lack of deep attachments and feelings allows them to easily manipulate others and use them to carry out their plans. At the same time, they can press for pity by talking about their difficult fate or symptoms of a non-existent serious illness.

Even the danger of being alone or being punished does not stop a sociopath. They fail to learn from experience, perform poorly or shift responsibilities to others, and are never on time. Any negative statement from the outside towards oneself is considered meaningless and unfair.

Psychotherapists divide sociopathy into active and passive. With passive deviation, people have no internal restrictions and remorse, but at the same time respect the boundaries established by law, religion and other external forces. Sometimes he becomes attached to a certain strong personality and her doctrines replace the laws usual for other people. This allows them to minimally meet the requirements of society, but considerations of humanity remain alien to them.

Active sociopaths lack any boundaries at all. If necessary, they can “play to the public”, demonstrating responsibility, a willingness to comply with the law and decency. But any opportunity for them is an impetus to commit illegal actions. They are the ones who most often get caught raping, committing fraud, and can carry out hooligan attacks with the murder of a person.

Treatment for sociopathy is most often initiated by other people. This disorder persists until the end of life. In some cases, persons with this deviation become the leaders of criminal groups or sects. Frequent drug addiction and alcoholism among patients with this diagnosis further aggravates social maladjustment.

Causes of sociopathy (dissocial disorder)

There are different theories of the emergence of personality disorders (psychopathy) and dissocial personality disorder (sociopathy) in particular.

According to many experts, the trigger point in the development of the disease is both external and internal factors.

An important factor is genetic predisposition, when mutations occur in the genome, which causes aggressive behavior and lack of empathy. These genetic changes are passed on through inheritance.

But you cannot take into account only internal factors and neglect external ones. After all, a person in the process of his development and formation as an individual is influenced by his environment and the upbringing of his parents. So, if the child was given too much attention or, conversely, left alone with himself and his problems, then there is a high probability that the genetic predisposition will be aggravated by the above behavior of parents and loved ones. In addition, a criminal environment, asocial living conditions (poverty, the need for constant survival), alcoholism or drug addiction in loved ones can play a significant role in the formation of sociopathy (dissocial disorder).

It is impossible to exclude such aggravating factors as head injuries, which these people often receive in fights, or the presence of comorbid mental illnesses.

Therefore, the causes of sociopathy should be judged comprehensively, taking into account each of the factors.

What is sociopathy? Can a sociopath love someone?

Sociopathy is a severe and irreversible degradation of the nervous system, sociopaths experience much less feelings, their personality, contrary to films and TV series, is not “cool.” The lives of most sociopaths are filled with obsessions. Sociopaths do not experience love and affection from the word at all, even if they are able to play it very believably. However, sociopaths extremely, terribly do not like change; if a sociopath meets a girl and feels comfortable for himself in this relationship, he will never let her go until he loses the feeling of comfort. Leaving a sociopath is a challenge - because he creates a heavy attachment and dependence in his half, can bend to tricks and cause shame for your desire to leave him.

Again, contrary to the TV series, sociopaths are not necessarily bright and charming, they can be invisible and, moreover, play the role of a normal person better than truly normal people, but sociopaths do have signs. Although there are also bright sociopaths who are not difficult to identify.

A sociopath is always unconditionally narcissistic - he enjoys his appearance, his social network profile will have many photographs of himself, although you will never see him in joint photographs with friends because any sociopath avoids even the slightest closeness with other people (because in his heart he considers them dangerous and not trusting them)

A sociopath always communicates firmly believing that his opinion is correct; sometimes, even when he hears criticism addressed to himself, he does not understand that it is addressed to him; until the last moment it seems to him that the person criticizing him is jealous or biased.

Sociopaths think a lot - their stream of thoughts is constant and they are able to speak constantly, with fascinating believability, even if he makes it all up on the fly.

The main thing is that sociopaths have no past, in the literal sense - he never says who he worked with, who he was friends with, who he had a relationship with, and if he does, he most likely says fairy tales. The sociopath has no real past, but he has millions of stories about him - which he makes up literally in real time (sounding absolutely believable)

As I mentioned above, there are sociopaths who pretend to be normal and it is difficult to distinguish them from other people, and there are those who are not hiding at all.

It’s just such a sociopath that catches your eye - because such a sociopath, even looking completely normal, he seems normal, but when you see such a person - you will immediately understand that it is him - behavior, gestures, speech - if a sociopath does not make an effort to disguise himself in society - he gives himself away very unusual behavior.

Facial expressions - a sociopath can simulate laughter, even actively simulate emotions - but if you look closely at the sociopath - his eyes are completely dead, his gaze is lifeless and dull, even when he looks at a person - the object of his attention feels that they are looking through him. Regarding photographs, it doesn’t matter What kind of facial expressions does such a person have - the look will always be the same - completely dead and gray. A sociopath can smile and grimace, but the change in his facial expressions is not smooth, but rather motor-driven - he abruptly switches from emotions as if changing masks

And this is just basic information.

Signs of sociopathy

Signs of sociopathy begin to appear in childhood, but at this time parents rarely turn to specialists. Even in adulthood, such individuals rarely come to the attention of psychiatrists and psychotherapists. This happens because the reason for visiting a doctor is a state of extreme decompensation, when a person cannot continue to live with existing behavior. Calls to the police, criminal records, lack of family connections - all this can indirectly make a person understand that he needs to change. But usually sociopaths are extremely uncritical of their behavior and do not take into account the opinions of others.

Dissocial personality disorder (sociopathy) manifests itself as follows:

  • Lack of empathy and complete disregard for other people's feelings
  • Inability to build long-term relationships with others
  • Disregard for social norms and established rules
  • Confidence only in one’s own rightness, inability to recognize one’s own guilt
  • Aggression when it is impossible to fulfill one's needs
  • Shifting the blame for your problems to others

Sociopathic teenagers with dissocial personality disorder do not feel remorse for their misdeeds and do not a priori recognize parental authority.

It should be noted that sociopaths are not always social outcasts. Some of them achieve success in manipulation by playing on the weaknesses of other people. Under the law, sociopaths try to take advantage of the resources and connections of others for personal gain.

Bottom Line – Empath vs. Sociopath

Empaths are people who capture and absorb the emotions of others and “pass them through themselves.” The downside of empathy is vulnerability and the inability to defend against targeted aggression and energy vampirism.

"Sociopath" is an informal term often used to describe a person with antisocial personality disorder. This disorder is characterized by a lack of remorse or shame, disregard for the feelings of others, uncontrollable self-centeredness, manipulative behavior, and the ability to lie to achieve one's goals.

Dealing with a sociopath can be mentally and emotionally draining, depending on how advanced the relationship is.

Treatment of sociopathy

Since in case of sociopathy or dissocial disorder, a person’s deviant (antisocial) behavior is very difficult to correct and it is almost impossible to completely “fix” this personality, we can talk about a completely bleak (unfavorable) prognosis.

Therefore, treating sociopathy is an extremely complex and difficult task. Firstly, such people do not realize that there is a problem at all, and secondly, even during therapy they cannot build a trusting relationship with the doctor. As a rule, the initiators of treatment are people from the sociopath’s environment, and not the sociopath himself, which nullifies the effectiveness of any measures. Therefore, the main task is to achieve healthy criticism of oneself from the patient, and this is extremely difficult and almost impossible.

Treatment is carried out using psychotherapeutic techniques and pharmacological correction (sedative therapy with low-potency neuroleptics and antipsychotics, short-term tranquilizers, as addiction is possible, antidepressants as needed). The main point is that a psychiatrist or psychotherapist must be an experienced specialist who is not susceptible to manipulation by the client. Only in this way can the symptoms of sociopathy be partially “smoothed out” and help these people partially adapt.

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More about sociopaths: what do experts say?

According to experts, personality sociopathy brings its owner a lot of trouble, including with the law. The fact is that such people consider themselves different from others. Therefore, they do not obey the rules and laws established by society. They lack the basic concept of ethics and manners. They easily start shouting and disrupt public order.

It is noteworthy that sociopaths also transfer disrespect for other people onto their loved ones. According to experts, these individuals do not care about family ties. They are used to living and loving only themselves. And all attempts to stop their unbridled self often come down to additional quarrels and scandals, often accompanied by assault and even stabbing. But how can you recognize a sociopath in time and not confuse him with a normal person with a simple mood swing or a psychological breakdown due to a bad day?

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