Melancholy is a negatively colored emotion, a heavy, depressing feeling. Longing: causes and ways to overcome

1 7295 December 18, 2020 at 02:53 Author of the publication: Ksenia Voitkovskaya, doctor

My soul is dreary and chilly, as it happens in the fall in the slush. Like nature, frozen in anticipation of winter hibernation. Cold. Yearning. Loneliness. Hopelessness and emptiness. I don't want to live. Feeling of longing. It seems that all the good things in your life have already happened. And nothing further is expected. Only dull melancholy. Routine. The rustle of days going nowhere.

My soul feels like a stone slab, cold and heavy. I have no strength to carry this weight.

What to do when sadness hits? How to deal with apathy and despair?

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan reveals how to get rid of melancholy, depression and depression.

Feelings and emotions

A feeling is a purely subjective, persistent emotional perception of abstract, fictitious or real objects or circumstances; this is a subconscious process. The formation of feelings is directly related to the experiences gained by an individual throughout life.

Emotion is a reflection of the subjective perception of something, which is situational in nature; Unlike feelings, which can weaken and awaken again over time, emotions - their appearance and change - depend on momentary circumstances. Emotions are reflected in facial expressions, gestures, and emotional statements.

When asking the question of whether melancholy is an emotion or a feeling, it is necessary to take into account all the shades of this concept, the qualities that interpreters endow it with, as well as the resistance of melancholy to attempts to get rid of it. All this allows us to classify this sensation as a feeling.

Minor characters


Jonah's first client, who asked to be taken to Vyborgskaya. The military man said the phrase, and Jonah, delighted with the rider, decided to tell him about his son. But the military man did not want to continue the conversation, maybe he was coming from the opera, and his thoughts were occupied with other things. He only urges the cab driver to quickly deliver him to the address. Showing his reluctance to talk to Jonah, the rider closed his eyes, and the coachman fell silent.

Three young people

Jonah's next riders. Two passengers are tall, and the third is small and hunchbacked. They offer Jonah a small price for the ride, but the driver agrees. After the death of his son, the old man became indifferent to everything. Passengers climb into the sleigh and begin to argue about which of them will sit and which will ride standing. After the squabble, the tall ones sat down, but the hunchback had to stand. They, just like the military man, reacted with indifference to Jonah’s attempt to speak to them. The riders discuss their affairs without listening to the driver, and soon get out.

Street cleaner

A passing janitor, whom Jonah addresses, does not want to carry on the conversation, and forces the coachman to drive on.

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Satellites of melancholy

With high affective saturation, long-term melancholy may be accompanied by other symptoms. In these cases, differential diagnosis with somatic diseases that have similar symptoms is necessary.

  • A feeling of tightness, pressure in the chest and specifically in the heart area, heaviness and pain in the heart area - these manifestations can be mistaken for symptoms of angina pectoris. In order to exclude this disease, differential diagnosis using functional examination methods is necessary.
  • Heaviness or dull pain in the head.
  • Episodes of psychomotor agitation.
  • Some decrease in memory in relation to current events.
  • A special case is the appearance of melancholy in prepubescent children. Having difficulty identifying what melancholy is, they describe their state as “sadness”, “sad mood”, and additional physical sensations are often localized in the right half of the chest or in the epigastric region, and complain of abdominal pain. Often this complaint is the reason for starting an examination.

Discussion of the subject of melancholy, as well as the physical sensations that accompany it, causes a person to make characteristic gestures: the person presses his hands to his chest, grabs his head, etc.

How to get rid of melancholy and stop living in the past

The System-Vector Psychology training by Yuri Burlan will help with this. He explains that the reason for fixation on the past is simply the wrong “use” of a property. The priority of the past is given in order to pass on experience and knowledge to new generations, and not in order to relive one’s personal experience again and again. A person with an anal vector, immersed in the work of a teacher, scientist, historian, completely exhausts his natural aspiration to the past. Understanding how this works allows you to regain the ability to live here and now.

We eradicate the cause of melancholy by making maximum use of our visual vector properties. Melancholy is a feeling of concern for oneself, a state of isolation. If emotionality finds its way out in the form of constant communication, creating emotional connections, empathy and real help to others, then melancholy simply does not arise.

Try to do at least something, small at first, but meaningful for someone else. Feel the loneliness of those who feel bad right now - bring some food to your old neighbor, take some toys and treats to the nearest orphanage. There are a thousand options. The main thing is to give away your unspent sensuality. It will be incredible pleasure and relief. Then you won’t have to treat melancholy - the question “what to do with melancholy” will go away by itself. This does not mean that the state of sadness will be unfamiliar to you. Both being sad and crying are a necessary part of life, but it will no longer be hopeless melancholy.

Now, even when some significant stage in life ends, the past does not become a source of melancholy, but evokes a special feeling of light sadness and gratitude.

How to deal with melancholy?

What are the ways to overcome melancholy? The reasons for its occurrence and development must first be identified. To date, no universal methods have been created to relieve this condition; Each case is individual and requires a special approach.

  • Longing for the past. It should be understood that it is unlikely that it will be possible to eradicate it once and for all. The feeling of longing for departed loved ones is inevitable, so you should try to make the sensations as less negative as possible: strive to retain in your memory only positive moments, traits, features.
  • The most difficult option to correct is longing for the present. Having analyzed all the circumstances that contributed to the rooting of melancholy, you should make every effort to change your attitude towards the subject that caused the development of this emotion. It should be assumed that if you sit and indulge in melancholy, no changes for the better will occur.

There are no simple ways, but it is necessary to fight in order to avoid the negative impact of melancholy on the structure of the personality.

If you are unable to cope with oppressive feelings on your own for a long time, you should contact a specialist who will help you analyze the situation and point in the right direction to get out of it.

The influence of fear on the lower vectors

Morning anxiety and evening melancholy are markers of dissatisfaction with life. The feeling that you are doing something wrong, that you are not fulfilling the role given to you by nature in society. For example, when a person is busy with something other than his own business. In the morning he is forced to go to a job he doesn’t like, and in the evening he returns to an empty house.

Fear of losing a job, a loved one, or worry about a child can exhaust a person. At the root lies the fear of change inherent in the owners of the anal-visual ligament of vectors.

For owners of the anal vector, close people are valuable: parents, children, spouses. People who have an anal-visual ligament vectors, as a rule, are afraid not for themselves, but for their loved ones, relatives, and loved ones.

The anal vector does not like change. Such people are stable, constant and thorough. Any change is stressful for them. Even just the thought of upcoming changes, changes in the environment, or unusual events can cause anxiety. The husband didn’t call from work as usual, the child was late from school, there were layoffs at work, and that’s it - the anxiety process has started. Some people find that their anxiety increases when the weather changes.

Owners of the skin vector, on the contrary, do not tolerate stability and monotony. Changes and changes are motivating mechanisms that move a person in the flow of life. If the current work is monotonous, does not involve movement and change, and does not bring material satisfaction, then morning anxiety can be accompanied by tremors, frequent rhythmic, repetitive actions - walking back and forth, tapping, stamping, obsessive counting. Which speaks about the stress of the skin vector, about the unsatisfied desire to be active, to lead a lifestyle full of events and connections.

Feelings of sadness and lack of meaning in life

There may be cases when the state of melancholy is accompanied by suicidal thoughts. This happens with depressive disorders. Moreover, depression may be pronounced, or may not manifest itself openly. It happens that anxiety is accompanied by the fear of going crazy - an innate fear of owners of the sound vector.

Often the state of melancholy and anxiety is accompanied by depression, a feeling of inner emptiness, hopelessness, dull mental pain, which cannot be relieved either with medication or with an effort of will.

This hellish mixture of attacks of anxiety, melancholy and grief, covered with a lack of desire to live. At such moments a person can fall into despair. I want to run away from my husband, communication with children becomes uninteresting, and the world seems gray and tasteless. You can overcome this condition only by realizing the cause.

Depression in sound can be expressed as a reluctance to get up in the morning, go to work and meet people who do not treat you the way you would like. Reluctance to solve problems can cause feelings of anxiety. Melancholy and anxiety are harbingers of depression, an unwillingness to live the way one is living.

The cause of depression lies in the sound vector. Sometimes this state is confused with unsatisfied desires of the visual vector, which are felt as fear, a feeling of melancholy, and anxiety. But if you satisfy visual desires with a real sensory connection with other people, then the world will again sparkle with bright colors, and despondency will have no place in the soul. Real depression cannot be cured by visual love. It is much easier to get rid of sadness in the absence of a depressive disorder.

The sound vector has desires that do not concern the material world. The sound artist is the only one who separates body and soul, and if the soul suffers, then the desires of the body fade into the background. A person may forget to eat or wash. He doesn't want to go to work, take care of his family, like all other people do.

He falls into the void of misunderstanding of this life, does not see the meaning in it. And this state can be accompanied by a feeling of dull melancholy and fear.

Some internal conflict does not allow you to live calmly, feel joy and enjoy life. It’s as if a person is caught between two millstones, where the sound vector forces you to isolate yourself from people and be alone, and the visual vector does not allow you to live without people and emotional connections. It is this task - getting rid of internal conflict - that the brain solves and cannot solve.

The desires of the sound vector are dominant. If a person experiences mental pain, the desires of other vectors are suppressed under the yoke of depression. Therefore, with depression, a person cannot live by feelings, create emotional connections with other people - the desires of the visual vector remain buried under the yoke of the meaninglessness of existence. Melancholy and anxiety are a person’s companions until the desire to live appears.

The first signs of depression are a feeling that you don’t want anything, apathy. Constant thoughts about the frailty of life. The desire to sleep all the time, to escape from this world and not hear anyone, not communicate with anyone. When a person has a sound-visual connection of vectors, depression can be accompanied by the emotions of melancholy, fear, and causeless anxiety.

There is only one way to cope with this - to satisfy sound desires. Sound is a word, a meaning hidden behind words, a desire to reveal what is hidden, to see and unravel the chain of cause-and-effect relationships of events happening to people.

Adrenaline yearning

This is the conventional name for the psycho-emotional state that develops in a person in the event of a long-term decrease in the production of the usual amount of adrenaline.

Suppression of the emotional background and episodes of fear in this case may be accompanied by the following somatic symptoms:

  • dry mucous membranes;
  • throbbing headaches;
  • muscle cramps.

Such a symptom complex can be observed, for example, in fans of sports or extreme tourism after stopping their favorite risky activities.


Emotional distress, in some cases without apparent causes, is combined in this disease with episodes of increased anxiety, fatigue, inadequate self-esteem, changes in the value system, inconsistency of judgment, emotional lability, tearfulness, sleep disturbances (characteristic drowsiness in the daytime is combined with difficulty falling asleep).

Emotional disturbances in neurosis are combined with physical manifestations:

  • pain in the abdomen, chest, headaches; Moreover, when examining the physical causes of the pain syndrome, they are often not found;
  • autonomic disorders, up to attacks of extrasystole;
  • panic attacks with changes in blood pressure, darkening of the eyes, possible loss of consciousness;
  • signs of vestibular dysfunction: difficulty maintaining balance, unsteady gait, episodes of dizziness;
  • hypertrophied feeling of fatigue, rapid fatigue even with a slight load, a pronounced decrease in performance, a long recovery period.

With timely diagnosis and adequate treatment, neuroses can be successfully treated.

Endogenous depression

With this disease, a feeling of melancholy is one of the main symptoms. A persistently reduced emotional background leads to a decrease in physical activity, a sharp reduction in the circle of friends, a decrease in initiative, and spontaneous activity.

As a rule, patients cannot clearly explain what caused this condition.

The danger is that such melancholy can lead to complete self-isolation of a person.

This condition is a sign of a serious illness and is a reason to consult a doctor.

Possible reasons

Problems of a psychological nature can lead to constant sadness.
If you are constantly sad, it means that you are influenced by external or internal factors. We will look at the most common reasons.

  1. Sedentary lifestyle.
  2. Lack of hobbies. A person is sad, essentially, because he is bored and has nothing to do.
  3. The monotony of everyday life. In a situation where every morning is similar to the previous one, there is no reason for joy.
  4. Loneliness.
  5. Wrong environment. In a situation where you are constantly surrounded by sad people, you succumb to this influence and begin to feel sad yourself.
  6. Lack of control over your life, the need to obey outside authority.
  7. Lack of sunbathing and lack of vitamin D can lead to a depressed mood. Sadness may visit you in autumn and winter, and in summer and spring your mood will improve.
  8. The presence of intrapersonal conflict. In a situation where you are struggling with yourself, for example, when you want to achieve some result, at the same time you experience serious doubts about the correctness of the choice and the need to make attempts at all.
  9. The presence of hormonal imbalances in the body due to health problems (the presence of reduced thyroid function) or during special periods: pregnancy, menopause, adolescence.
  10. Feeling of dissatisfaction. In a situation when a person realizes that he has missed his chance, cannot achieve something, become what he dreamed of, he engages in self-criticism and is sad. Sadness of this type can be noted during age-related crises.
  11. The presence of somatic diseases, especially problems with the digestive system.
  12. Lack of sleep. The presence of insomnia and nightmares can lead to sad thoughts.
  13. Strong mental or physical stress can cause a feeling of apathy and depressive thoughts.
  14. Having problems in relationships with other people, in particular with colleagues and close circle, can lead to causeless sadness.
  15. Lack of microelements and vitamins in the diet.
  16. The presence of psychotrauma in the past. A person may no longer remember some event from his life, but in the subconscious it will weigh on him.
  17. Self-doubt and low self-esteem can cause sad thoughts.
  18. Having a life that doesn't live up to expectations. A person is depressed because his reality diverges from what he dreamed of.
  19. Having any addiction can be depressing.

Lack of achievements, positive emotions, pessimistic attitude, increased anxiety, excessive suspiciousness - all this can lead to a constant state of depression.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

With this disease, a melancholy state is combined with vegetative disorders:

  • rapid heartbeat, extrasystole;
  • increased sweating;
  • feeling of hot or cold flashes;
  • cardialgia, burning, feeling of pressure in the chest;
  • burning sensation in various parts of the body.

The melancholy-anxious state is especially pronounced in vegetative-vascular dystonia after a panic attack or when pain occurs.

Many symptoms of this disease require differential diagnosis with somatic pathology.

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