The role of motivation during active weight loss

Why aren't we losing weight?

Often the secret lies on the surface: people who want to lose weight simply lack the motivation to lose weight. Or it exists in the realm of fantasy: lose 30 kilograms, win all the beauty contests, meet a handsome millionaire and forever forget about the painful price of losing weight. That is why you need real motivation, thanks to which you will not only be able to get rid of excess weight, but also improve your own health. By the way, this is worth putting in first place. Obesity can trigger the development of type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, heart disease, joint disease and brain disease. How to find motivation to lose weight? Don't worry about having to fit into your prom dress again. It is enough to remember about health. And about how wonderful it is to walk on foot without feeling tired 300 meters from the entrance door.

Get inspired by weight loss stories

Read weight loss stories of people who managed to lose 50-60 kg. This will help not only to be motivated for results, but also to receive important advice in the field of weight loss: people who have gone through this path on their own will be able to teach you a lot.

In the end, I would like to add: motivation is the most important thing in the process of losing weight. It is this that gives us the strength and energy to achieve our goals. Don’t get upset and don’t give up if there are no changes for some time: it’s better to try to change something in your usual routine that will help get things moving.

In every business there are periods of stagnation. The main thing is to go through them without breakdowns, and if you do fail, then start again with new strength, believing that you can win the fight against extra pounds. Everything will work out if you regularly motivate yourself.

Good luck with your weight loss!

Ksenia, Moscow

Where to find motivation to lose weight

Very often, the cause of obesity is serious dysfunction of internal organs. There is no point in losing weight without eliminating the root cause: the weight will quickly return, and without proper treatment the disease can worsen. Therefore, before you start losing weight, you should definitely visit a specialist who will help you find the root of the problem. For example, if you have diabetes, you will need to follow a suitable diet, and if you have diseases of the cardiovascular system, you will need to strengthen your blood vessels. And at the same time, you can start losing weight. And again, the main and strongest motivation will be health. There is no point in losing weight for others; think first of all about your own well-being and condition. If you are comfortable in size XL and at the same time you do not feel discomfort, and your health can only be envied, think: do you need to lose weight at all?

How to maintain motivation?

Result tracking

On the path to slimness, you need to record any, even the most insignificant results. Photo reports, regular weighings and measurements of body volume, as well as the presence of a “control” pair of pants will help you see the dynamics of changes.

And changes will help maintain motivation.

If you refuse to take an integrated approach to evaluating results, your own efforts may seem ineffective .

And efforts that do not bring a positive result kill motivation almost instantly.

Encouraging your work

Have the first results of the sports regime already made themselves felt? Now is the time to buy jeans a size smaller, new sneakers, or that coveted gadget for home workouts.

You can treat yourself to a beautiful fitness band or quality socks.

Any encouragement for your work will help maintain your motivation at a high level.

Studying the theoretical part

If you try to achieve a result blindly, a person may be disappointed. After all, it will be impossible to predict the results of your efforts, and the likelihood of making mistakes will increase significantly.

You can use thematic blogs, books or films. This will expand your knowledge base in the field of proper nutrition and exercise. A clear understanding of the laws of how the body works and the principle of reducing fat mass will only increase motivation.

Where to start working on yourself? Find out the answer right now.

Effective ways to help you lose weight

If it is important for you to get rid of several kilograms or volumes around the waist and hips, do not try to starve yourself by choosing the most low-calorie diets.

This is interesting: during a diet, the body begins to actively consume muscle tissue, since fat is considered an “emergency reserve.” This means that first of all you will lose muscle, and with it endurance**.

If you suffer from eating disorders, you should first seek help from a specialist. Psychological motivation and support can work real miracles. What principles should you adhere to in order to quickly lose excess weight and not harm your own body? Let's take a closer look.

A complex approach

It is the basis of any weight loss program. If you are determined to succeed, motivated and take a comprehensive approach to fighting excess weight, the result will most likely not be long in coming. What does this method of losing weight mean? Everything should be harmonious and interconnected. You cannot change your diet but give up physical activity (or vice versa). At the same time, you need to remember about healthy sleep, regular drinking of water and the use of dietary supplements that will support your body while losing weight. Don't take variables out of the equation, as this will affect the end result of your work. Want quick results? Take an integrated approach.

Mode change

Quite often, the root of the problem lies where no one sees it. Lack of sleep is the worst enemy of health and a beautiful figure. Do you sleep less than eight hours a day or suffer from sleep disorders? Excess weight will not keep you waiting. What you need to do to normalize your sleep:

  • Skip a heavy dinner. Overeating does not promote healthy sleep. Choose products rich in protein or long-term carbohydrates. Those who want to achieve excellent results faster are recommended to try “Formula 1. Evening Cocktail” from Herbalife Nutrition. This product is the basis of a weight loss program, helps fight evening overeating, and the tryptophan contained in it helps normalize sleep.
  • Sleep in a well-ventilated area. Stuffiness provokes headaches and insomnia.
  • Sleep in a dark room. Any light reduces the production of melatonin, which is responsible for normalizing all processes occurring in the body.

Eating habits

What will have to change first. All fast food, store-bought sweets, baked goods, and carbonated drinks with sweeteners should disappear from the diet. Include more protein, fiber, vegetable fats and slow carbohydrates in your menu. There are a few more recommendations to help cope with hunger:

  • Drink tea with ginger and lemon (but no sugar!). It helps get rid of fat deposits and improves immunity.
  • Include cinnamon in your diet. This is an excellent weight loss product with many beneficial properties.
  • Take foods containing chromium. For example, “Yellow Pills”* from Herbalife Nutrition will help reduce your appetite and cravings for sweets. And the herbal component will help quickly burn fat reserves. Just one tablet a day with meals can help combat constant hunger.

Healthy diet

What should be on the menu permanently?

  1. Squirrels. It is these organic substances that are necessary for muscle growth. And a high protein content in your diet will help you lose excess fat faster. Up to 14 g of valuable protein is contained in a serving of dry product - Formula 1 shake from Herbalife Nutrition (depending on taste). The mixture is enriched with a complex of 23 vitamins and minerals that will saturate the body with nutrients, reduce the feeling of hunger and help you lose excess weight faster.
  2. Fats. Transport vehicle for nutrients. Eliminate trans fats found in fast food. But the consumption of vegetable oils should be increased. A high content of valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids can be found in fish oil or the Herbalifeline Max* product, which will support heart and vascular health.
  3. Carbohydrates. Give preference to “slow” ones that take longer to digest and gradually release energy (for example, vegetables and herbs).

Vitamins and minerals

Often the body, which lacks nutrients, begins to store them in reserve. Regular consumption of vitamin and mineral complexes will help to avoid fat deposits. Before choosing a product, you need to consult a specialist who will help you choose the optimal type of supplement. To lose weight, your diet should contain more vitamins D, C and A.

Psychological tricks

Getting rid of excess weight helps not only with excellent motivation, but also with its regular maintenance. You can’t scold yourself - this provokes depression, leading to overeating. Better tell yourself that everything will work out for you. And don’t forget to remember this regularly. You can still:

  • Eat from blue or blue plates. Cool color dulls the feeling of hunger.
  • Choose small dishes. The brain will think that you have eaten your usual portion, while it will be 1.5–2 times less.
  • Follow the 80:20 rule. Give 80% of the plate to vegetables or herbs, the remaining 20 to meat or fish.

Help from loved ones

This is a very important element of motivation. In some families, weight loss for a loved one is not taken seriously and sometimes they even deliberately begin to “tempt” them with ordered pizza, a delicious cake or other unhealthy foods. Find support from your family: explain why it is important for you to lose weight and how much you need their help. When you have someone nearby who is ready to support you, losing weight becomes a simpler and easier process. But don’t forget that those around you don’t have to lose weight with you. Choose the right behavior strategy so as not to spoil your relationships with loved ones.

How to motivate yourself to lose weight

Motivation for losing weight for girls: psychological techniques

Extra pounds are a consequence, the cause is wrong habits and an unhealthy lifestyle. Such behavior sooner or later causes not only physical, but also social problems. The greater the body weight, the more difficult it is to keep it clean on your own. Sweating, shortness of breath, problems in the gastrointestinal tract, drowsiness and night snoring that accompany obesity also do not contribute to increasing popularity. The decision to lose weight entails many innovations and strict restrictions. It takes time to get used to the necessary rules of a healthy life and proper nutrition.

We must remember! The worst enemy of all those who lose weight is self-pity. That is why the motivation to lose weight must be convincing enough, first of all, for the person losing weight.

A new open swimsuit can, of course, serve as an incentive for a girl to lose weight, but there will always be enough counter-arguments and excuses for implementing such a plan. But the desire of newlyweds to have offspring is a strong enough argument for giving up excesses and unhealthy eating habits. It is quite arrogant, while devouring buns with condensed milk, to think that the most important thing in a person is the soul. It is difficult to replace spiritual value with anything, but it is much more pleasant when the content matches the form. An athletic, slim body allows its owner to live a full, rich and active life.

The worst enemy of all those who lose weight is self-pity

Going to the gym and various active activities not only diversify your leisure time. They saturate life with new impressions, provide the opportunity to communicate, help find people with similar interests and borrow their experience. For a married couple, joint training provides common themes and emotions that allow them to spend more free time together, care for and support each other, and most importantly, to form healthy habits among the younger generation by their own example.

To decide how to force yourself to lose weight at home, you need to find compelling arguments for parting with extra pounds:

  • The expression “a healthy mind in a healthy body” is an immutable truth. With weight gain, the load on the joints and spine increases, and problems arise in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. The threat of cardiovascular diseases increases, the amount of sugar in the blood increases, and vital activity in general decreases. Losing weight helps reduce the risk of diseases leading to complete or partial disability and premature death. The desire to remain healthy for many years and the fear of losing the opportunity to live independently is a very strong argument for everyone;
  • “they are greeted by their clothes,” and in some cases, by their appearance. The hope that others will discern a beautiful soul and incredible intellect in a loose, well-fed body is extremely elusive. A slender, strong, trained and victory-oriented person is much more difficult to “push into a corner” and not to notice. Daily training and a strict regime work not only on physical fitness, but also cultivate will, strengthen character, and make the body more resilient. Looking at excess kilograms as a heavy burden that you have to drag along the road of life leading to achievements and victories, it will become obvious that traveling this path lightly is much more comfortable and faster;
  • “eat to live, but not live to eat” - this phrase should become a motto. Food is just a source of energy that a person needs for life. The most delicious and varied delicacies and dishes cannot give emotions that can bring real joy, satisfaction, creativity or admiration. Only a multifaceted, emotionally charged life gives the joy of being. It is not for nothing that gluttony is considered one of the biblical sins.

Tips and tricks

Finding your motivation to lose weight is not easy. For some, a visual example works: beautiful photographs of models from Instagram force them to take action and quickly get rid of excess volume. And for some, unrealistic embellished pictures of someone else’s ideal figure and life plunge them into depression. Therefore, when choosing motivation, focus solely on your own feelings.

  • Don't forget about your health. It should be at the forefront.
  • Lose weight with pleasure, do not turn this process into torture.
  • Set a goal that you can realistically achieve. If you naturally have a powerful physique, you won’t be able to suddenly turn into an ectomorph. Remember that the result of losing weight should not cause harm! Don't drive yourself into anorexia trying to become a model.

Think about it: do you want to lose weight? Or is this just an attempt to follow a fashion that requires a woman to have an unrealistic figure?

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