Heroin withdrawal: symptoms, withdrawal and withdrawal methods


Drug addiction is an uncontrollable craving for taking psychoactive drugs. This desire to use drugs is so strong that the addict forgets about everything else and devotes his entire life to searching for drugs and using them. Life in such a rhythm can last for months or years, it depends on the type of drugs, the patient’s state of health, and how lucky they are - after all, most often drug addicts die from overdoses. Why can’t a person stop even when a disease completely destroys his life?

After all, drugs poison the entire human body and do not spare a single organ of the body. Their wastes are carried by blood to all tissues and organs, settle in them, gradually destroy their structure and lead to pathologies. This is why drug addicts often become victims of internal organ diseases. A person’s whole life changes. He becomes asocial, loses emotional connections with others, loses interest in life, and is deprived of moral principles.

The severe dependence on drugs is explained simply. Pathological cravings for them are expressed in two types of addiction. These are physical and psychological cravings to use. First, the addict develops a mental attachment. Taking drugs is perceived in a rosy light, brings vivid impressions and comfort. The drug is used more and more often, then regularly, later 2-3 times a day (depending on the type of drug addiction), this is how physical dependence on it is formed. This means that the narcotic substance has become a full participant in biochemical processes in the human body.

Our specialists

Barinov Alexander Mikhailovich

Egorova Yulia Viktorovna

Knoblokh Ekaterina Sergeevna

Kosheleva Tatyana Stanislavovna

Terekhov Vasily Stanislavovich

Terekhova Anna Vladimirovna

What is withdrawal syndrome?

Drug withdrawal is a synonym for withdrawal syndrome, withdrawal syndrome. When a person has developed a stable physical dependence on drugs, he can no longer easily stop using them. His body will experience painful physical and mental conditions, withdrawal, until it is completely cleansed of narcotic toxins.

The withdrawal state varies in duration, intensity and nature of symptoms depending on the type of drug addiction. Withdrawal from various drugs also begins at different times, usually after several hours or days. Below we give examples of symptoms of withdrawal from the most well-known drugs and the timing of its duration. The painful state of withdrawal syndrome is unbearable for a drug addict, so without treatment, breakdowns occur. This is precisely why withdrawal syndrome is dangerous, leading the patient further and further along the path of drug addiction.

The importance of the detoxification stage in the treatment of drug addiction

Drug withdrawal and detoxification are a preparatory stage for long-term rehabilitation of the patient. During this period, a person gets rid of physical dependence on the drug; he no longer experiences painful and painful withdrawal. Withdrawal syndrome is relieved due to the fact that drugs stop entering the body, and their residues and breakdown products are removed with the help of drug and device therapy.

Detoxification for drug addiction is carried out using droppers, which help quickly cleanse the body of harmful toxins. Various medicinal complexes can be added to the composition, which help restore the functioning of the liver, brain, and heart. Restoring good health is of great importance, because the drug addict faces a very important next stage of treatment - rehabilitation.

Consequences of use

Heroin has a destructive effect on the entire body as a whole:

  • Failure of vital internal organs
  • Atrophy of blood vessels (blood begins to flow poorly to the brain and organs)
  • Weight loss
  • Memory problems
  • Mental disorders
  • Hallucinations

Photos and videos on the topic of heroin:

Photos before and after - changes in a person’s appearance after using heroin, over 4 years

Relieving withdrawal symptoms at home

You can get rid of withdrawal symptoms at home using two scenarios: self-relief from withdrawal symptoms or calling a narcologist to your home.

Detoxification and withdrawal symptoms, which will be carried out by a narcologist, is a more effective procedure. This is explained by the fact that intravenous drips and special medications remove narcotic waste from the body faster than home remedies. In addition, the doctor prescribes treatment that relieves painful symptoms of withdrawal: cramps, pain in muscles and joints, headaches, gastrointestinal problems and others.

Home remedies, as a rule, only help speed up the body's natural detoxification and recovery processes when relieving withdrawal symptoms at home. Means that can alleviate the condition of a drug addict include:

  1. Increased diuresis.
  2. Use of adsorbent tablets.
  3. Diet food.

The use of medications without a doctor’s prescription to relieve withdrawal symptoms at home is not recommended, as we see from this in the example of the notorious Lyrica. The most profound detoxification can be carried out in a specialized drug treatment clinic, where, in addition to IVs, hardware detox methods are used, in particular, painless withdrawal relief for opium addicts - UBOD.

The manifestations of withdrawal from different types of drugs are varied, but they all require mandatory treatment, because the drug addict cannot simply endure the withdrawal syndrome. And this is not surprising, because he is immediately overwhelmed by physical pain and mental torment, coupled with an attraction to the drug.

Heroin withdrawal: treatment and rehabilitation in Moscow

The MedExpress medical center annually carries out dozens of similar rehabilitation activities. Here they know the answers to all questions regarding addiction and the consequences of such an illness, they will talk about the features of such treatment and support loved ones, in particular, the center’s specialists will tell you how to treat children of drug addicts if the patient has problems with this. Here they help people from different parts of the country return to normal life without doping.

This is possible thanks to the extensive experience of the institution’s specialists, modern safe drugs and well-thought-out therapy programs.

Help is available around the clock. You can contact us at any time of the day or night to get specialist advice or help in overcoming heroin withdrawal in an inpatient department or at home.

A person, deciding to overcome drug withdrawal, has essentially already taken the first step towards treating drug addiction, but he desperately needs qualified help in the future, otherwise he risks again sliding into the abyss of addiction, despair and lack of faith in his own strength.

Heroin withdrawal syndrome

There are legends about heroin withdrawal; it was the terrible agony of heroin addicts that gave the name to the syndrome.

  • Nervousness arises, the person ceases to control himself, and panic appears.
  • On the second day, symptoms similar to a cold begin: chills, runny nose, increased sweating, saliva and tears, and yawning. Appetite disappears, pupils dilate, muscle pain occurs.
  • On the third day, problems with the gastrointestinal tract begin: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain. Limb spasms develop.
  • Those same terrible pains appear when a person has the feeling that his bones and muscles are literally being ground in a meat grinder, the addict experiences terrible fear.

Signs and symptoms

Narcologists distinguish 4 stages of heroin withdrawal. The first signs of withdrawal occur 6–8 hours after taking the last dose. The addict's head clears from the dope, but the following arise:

  • increased irritability and anxiety;
  • feeling of chills (“goose bumps”);
  • dizziness, weakness;
  • runny nose, lacrimation, dry mouth.

Outwardly, a heroin addict at the first stage of withdrawal looks unhealthy, he is shaking, there is an unnatural dilation of his pupils, hectic movements, and his skin is very pale. The person has a complete lack of appetite, he drinks a lot (but water can provoke vomiting), and he cannot fall asleep (or sleep is restless and short).

A couple of hours after the first stage, the second begins. Without heroin, the following symptoms occur:

  • chills give way to fever (the body temperature of a drug addict can reach 40 degrees);
  • cramps all muscles (even on the back, in the jaw area, fingers and toes);
  • the complexion becomes red (unhealthy blush);
  • the addict sneezes and yawns all the time, and an attack of hiccups may begin.

This condition lasts from 2 to 4 days. Then comes the third stage of withdrawal - the most painful. Its signs:

  • severe pain throughout the body (addicts are especially bothered by migraines and abdominal cramps);
  • digestive disorders (during withdrawal symptoms, both diarrhea and constipation may appear);
  • persistent nausea and frequent vomiting;
  • rapid heartbeat, feeling of lack of air.

During the fourth stage, the pain subsides a little, but new withdrawal symptoms arise. Drug addicts are very worried about itching in the veins. They develop a sallow complexion, dry skin, and dull eyes (an uninformed look). Depressive mood - the danger is that there is a tendency towards suicide and antisocial behavior (a heroin addict is ready to commit any crime for a dose).

How long does heroin withdrawal last?

How long heroin withdrawal lasts depends primarily on the length of drug addiction. Withdrawal will appear after just a couple of doses of heroin, but since the disruptions in the body are not yet critical and the brain continues to produce endorphins and dopamines, the painful symptoms will last no more than 2 weeks.

When the experience of using heroin is more than a couple of months, the body will not be able to quickly adapt to the fact that it suddenly stops being fed with stimulants. Withdrawal in this case lasts from 2 to 6 weeks. When a drug addict is on the needle for more than six months, abstinence can drag on for up to 3 months.

Withdrawal from the pharmaceutical drug Lyrica

Withdrawal from Lyrica is expressed in physical and mental symptoms:

  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract arise: constipation, diarrhea, heartburn.
  • Breathing becomes difficult, there is not enough air.
  • Blood pressure jumps.
  • The mood changes from euphoria to deep depression.
  • Uncoordination of movements and tremors of the limbs appear.
  • Lethargy and apathy, which can suddenly give way to cheerfulness.
  • Fear, up to panic attacks.
  • Fainting.
  • Sweating and skin rashes.
  • Hearing and vision deteriorate.
  • Muscle pain appears.
  • It happens that the condition develops to a coma, and the patient dies.

Physical symptoms usually disappear within 7 days. Mental symptoms can last up to one and a half months.

Drug addiction treatment

It is almost impossible to survive such painful conditions without treatment, so consult a doctor. Drug addiction requires serious and comprehensive treatment. The order of this treatment is dictated by its characteristics. First of all, narcologists will relieve painful withdrawal symptoms and physical dependence on narcotic drugs. This occurs during the detoxification phase. The patient is given infusion therapy and droppers are placed. To restore health, general strengthening therapy and therapy are carried out aimed at restoring individual systems and organs: liver, brain, cardiovascular system. Detoxification is of great importance for restoring the physical health of a drug addict; it is this stage of treatment that completely frees the drug addict from withdrawal symptoms.

Then the recovery phase of rehabilitation begins. It requires the drug addict to be fully involved in the process, so during this period it is recommended to stay in a drug rehabilitation center. Work on restoring the patient’s psyche and personality occurs under the control and support of a psychologist. The rehabilitator finds the internal psychological preconditions of the disease, and the specialist helps to get rid of them using psychotherapy methods. Only psychotherapeutic help can eradicate the psychological causes of the disease.

Socialization allows a person to return to normal life painlessly. At this stage, the former drug addict still needs support after being discharged from a rehabilitation center, because returning to society is full of temptations and stress. As a rule, resocialization takes place in the form of outpatient support. The former patient visits a drug treatment center, is periodically examined by a narcologist, and consults with a psychologist. At this stage, many recovered people attend support groups that operate at drug rehabilitation centers. The socialization stage necessarily includes working with codependent relatives.

To organize drug addiction treatment, it is very convenient to contact a drug addiction counseling center. We will immediately select a full course of treatment, taking into account the type of addiction, medical history and your wishes. You can start your path to recovery today with a free telephone consultation. It can be done at any time; to do this, you need to dial our call center number, which is listed on the website page, or fill out the call request form, and we will call you back.

Diagnostic measures

To answer the question of how to get rid of heroin addiction in your particular case and draw up a treatment plan, the doctor will definitely conduct a set of diagnostic tests.

In addition to questioning, examination and functional examinations (auscultation, palpation and percussion), we prescribe:

  • Tests and analyzes for the presence of drugs in urine, blood, and hair. Test methods include options for determining 3, 5 and 10 types of drugs, quarterly standard and extended methods.
  • Examination complexes: “basic”, “hospital”, “inpatient”.
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG) with a conclusion.
  • Ultrasound diagnostics of blood vessels and internal organs.

Some patients require consultation with specialists. All the data obtained will help the narcologist understand how to relieve heroin addiction and the complications you have.

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