Men don't like me: reasons for adults and young women

Are you interested in this question - why don’t girls like me? We can console you, you are not the only one. Many young people ask: “Why don’t girls like me?” Very often, thinking this way, young people are very mistaken. Girls tend to expect attention to themselves, and they know even worse than young people how to express their feelings to a guy. So, often both boys and girls are in the same position - in standby mode. And few people know how to attract attention in communication or arouse interest in conversation .

One young man, sharing his feelings, said that he absolutely does not know how to behave with girls, because he does not know what they think, feel, what they like and what they don’t. Therefore, when talking with them, he becomes confused and constrained. Perhaps you also have such feelings. Don't be upset, you are not alone.

And the fact that you ask questions shows that you are a thinking person.

Young people are easy to understand. Indeed, the interests, experience, feelings, perception of the world, and the social circle of girls can be very different from men’s. But that's good! We are just different, which is why we can complement each other wonderfully. Complement - and not oppose each other! Remember this. Now read and remember what girls may not like about members of the opposite sex.

Why do beautiful women choose ugly men?

In our ruthless world, homely men instinctively know that intelligence, humor and romanticism more than compensate for their ugly appearance.

This inner feeling has been scientifically confirmed in an unusual study.

Sociologists have found that average men become more attractive if they have acting talent and can spark a little imagination in women.

First, the scientists invited a group of women who were shown photographs of men and asked to rate each of them based solely on their appearance.

Armed with their findings, they showed the same photographs to another group of women, but this time they gave clues about the subjects' creativity.

Mini-imagination exercises were attached to each picture.

Signs of sympathy

Look around, take a closer look at the opposite sex. If everything is fine with you, then everything is fine with sympathy. How do you know what you like?

1. She openly flirts with you.

This is the simplest option, which is very difficult not to notice. The girl unknowingly straightens her hair and twirls a curl around her finger while talking to you. She accidentally (or seemingly accidentally) licks her lips. This unconscious and very intimate gesture can be an invitation to kiss. But be careful! Suddenly her mouth was dry?! Or licking your lips is a bad habit. Also, quite often the girl coquettishly tilts her head to the side and smiles mysteriously. She plays with you with her eyes. Either he will look with interest, or he will look down in shame. She's teasing you.

Close examination, on the contrary, indicates a lack of sympathy.

2. Her postures are open and her facial expressions are friendly.

While talking to you, the beauty turns her whole body towards you. It does not close by crossing your arms or legs. When you speak or simply smile at a beautiful stranger, she responds with a smile and an open look.

If you don't like you, you will see a frowning and unfriendly face.

3. She makes contact.

When a girl likes a guy, she's happy to talk to him. Therefore, he supports any topic and sincerely laughs at jokes. Contact the object of your affection with a simple question - and check her reaction. She answered in monosyllables - she’s trying to get rid of your company as quickly as possible. She supported the conversation and gave the green light for further courtship.

4. She goes for physical rapprochement.

During a conversation, he seems to accidentally touch you. He will either take you by the hand, or pat you on the shoulder, or touch you with your foot. Moreover, her movements are gentle and a little timid.

5. She copies your gestures.

This is done gradually, unnoticeably. This is a well-known technique for attracting your interlocutor to your side. In the case of relationships between the sexes, people mirror gestures to create the illusion of maximum similarity to each other, closeness.

If there is no hunter for your heart next to you right now, don’t worry. Perhaps the time has not come yet. Or you're not trying.

Surreal test

One test featured a 100-word text based on René Magritte's surreal painting The Lovers, in which a couple kisses while their heads are covered with a white cloth.

Half of the text accompanying the photos was boring or factual.

And the other half was inspiring or romantic.

This worked as an indicator that determines personality.

The test results allowed scientists to understand how to please a beautiful girl without having an outstanding appearance.

First of all, they showed that men with less attractive faces become more popular with women if they are creative.

Why do women rate men's creative abilities so highly?

This points to evolutionary biology - hidden criteria that force girls to look for the best partner for the birth of healthy offspring and the survival of the family.

Women are more selective when it comes to choosing sexual partners. And imagination and acting abilities are a clear indicator of intelligence.

Creative nature is considered to be a signal that a person can put time and effort into solving a specific problem or can see things from a new perspective, achieve what he wants in new ways, all of which are very useful for survival in modern conditions.

Even if you don’t know how to please a very beautiful girl without being handsome, know that if you have charisma and innovative thinking, you will succeed intuitively.

What we can conclude from all this is that nerds and romantics are at a disadvantage on social media and dating sites, where decisions are often based solely on visual perception.

Therefore, you should not be afraid to leave the house and communicate with girls live.

This is the only way you can show your individuality, artistry, charisma, intelligence and other valuable masculine qualities.

Creative charm is not limited to the choice of a potential girlfriend, it also extends to the choice of potential friends.

What to do?

The fact is that you are not the first and not the last to encounter such a problem. To be honest, we all went through this stage when you don’t understand yourself and the girl you’re talking to, her needs and desires.

We have combined EVERYTHING you need to get out of this situation and start liking girls in our 7-day audio course on beautiful seduction.

Within 7 days you will receive audio lessons and tasks for practical implementation in your email. We will teach you how to properly meet girls, how to have beautiful dates and how to naturally and effectively seduce girls.

Register for the free course in the right panel at the top of the page.

I also highly recommend studying my seminar on this topic. I'm sure he will open your eyes to many things, both about himself and about the girls in your life.

The Pros for Ugly Guys

In the dating world, there is a certain rating system that you are probably already familiar with.

Everything happens like in a beauty contest, where attractiveness is rated on a scale from 1 to 10.

Of course, I don’t want to put myself on a par with Brad Pitt and George Clooney... but I, too, have dated the most beautiful and sexy women without having a unique appearance.

And this is not surprising.

Even though none of these relationships worked out in the long term, they did become very rewarding for me.

I finally figured out how an ugly guy can get a girl to like him, and I have to say – it has nothing to do with a man’s appearance.

After analyzing different types of relationships, I concluded that girls like to date ugly guys for a number of reasons:

1. Ugly guys try harder to make a good impression on a girl.

I have an actor friend who is handsome and a favorite of women.

He knows about his attractiveness and actively uses it.

We recently met him in a restaurant; he was with a very beautiful woman who looked at him with loving eyes.

This was not just another crazy fan, but a completely worthy, self-sufficient girl.

They were doing well, but I noticed that every time the long-legged waitress walked past our table, his eyes would catch on to her curves.

He spoke beautifully, but flirted, admired himself, all his phrases were evasive and confusing.

All this was not very pleasant, but what was his main mistake - his girlfriend did not feel special.

She quickly lost interest in him.

A little later, she turned her attention to another guy from our group, whom everyone considered slightly ugly.

He had been in love with this girl for a long time, but he understood that he had no chance.

When meeting, he was always happy to take an interest in her affairs, supported her, and created a positive mood.

All their meetings were always planned in advance and never involved late-night calls.

The tone of their conversations was always cheerful and romantic.

The girl knew that he was interested in everything she told him about, even if it was something insignificant.

Each time he said that he wanted to see her again.

No games, no guesswork.

In those couples where the man is less attractive than his partner, he is aware of his imperfection in genetic terms, and therefore increases emotional support, reliability and kindness, all those qualities that women really value in men.

2. Inner beauty isn't just for pretty posts.

Commercials tell us time and time again that inner beauty is more important than outer beauty, but what does that really mean?

In my experience, a person's inner beauty is who they are.

The way a person behaves in the world and society.

It's his warmth, generosity and most importantly, the way he makes girls feel close to them.

The uglier a guy is in the traditional sense, the more likely he is to develop other areas and aspects of his personality because he can't rely solely on his good looks.

That's why the average-looking dude at the bar is likely smarter, more confident, and funnier than the hot guy sitting next to him.

Appearance fades, but the essence of a person remains unchanged.

3. Ugly guys are more faithful.

All real handsome men have two things in common: they have the right facial features and they don’t deny themselves sex.

They never remain faithful because beautiful girls do not refuse them.

A less attractive guy won't tempt fate because he's just not wired that way.

In the literal sense of this meaning.

Men with higher testosterone levels are always considered more handsome than those with lower levels.

In addition, the ugly guy is glad and happy that he has a girlfriend, he could not even dream of such happiness.

Normal relationships, a family are the limit of his dreams, and he will not risk it for the sake of casual sex.

Girls feel safe next to an unattractive guy, they can relax and not worry that he will sleep with someone on the side.

4. Passionate sex.

Ugly guys more than make up for this deficiency in bed.

Every sex is like the last for them.

A variety of positions, tons of orgasmic oral sensations and lasting potency are their specialty.

Before starting to date someone, these guys had time to master the theory and begin to practice with all responsibility.

This brings good results.

If an unattractive guy wants a girl to be happy with their relationship (let alone have one at all), then that means he will do whatever it takes to make her feel good in the bedroom.

Or on the couch.

Or in the shower.

Or on the kitchen table...

5. Ugly guys help girls understand what they really want in a relationship.

We are all humans.

It's completely normal if you want to go on a date and sleep with a girl just because she's very pretty.

The same thing happens with girls.

But sometimes dating an unattractive guy will make them realize that having a partner who is not just good-looking, but loyal, kind and reliable is much cooler.

Or it will help girls understand that certain aspects of a man are important to them, such as a sense of humor.

As with all dating experiences, bring out the best in yourself, learn from it, and apply those qualities to the future.

Just remember: no amount of abs or cosmetic surgery will prevent you from aging naturally.

If you're looking for a stable, stimulating relationship (both intellectually and physically) that makes you feel adored and wanted, then you need to be willing to think outside the box.

And everything, oddly enough, is simple.

What do we have in a normal situation?

There is no girl, there is no person who would be nearby. Any new girl who has shown attention is the deity who “understands me,” as the guy believes. And, compared to those girls who did not even give him a chance for at least some normal communication and ran away after half an hour of communication - the new passion is simply ideal.

But as a result, there are several small nuances that ruin everything:

  1. Lack of a quality girl for a long time.
  2. Misunderstanding of a woman's requests. Imposed stereotypes and false beliefs.
  3. The desire to get a girl by any means.
  4. Explicit use of seduction or pickup techniques at the very beginning of communication.
  5. The girl does not yet see why she should be with a young man, but the guy already sees a future with her.
  6. “Feeling of ownership” after the first meeting.
  7. And, most importantly, what any normal girl sees very clearly is the lack of exclusivity and even a hint of true feelings.

The girl understands that she is just a band-aid on a torn vein in this guy’s life. That she is just a very beautiful picture, a fantasy about this guy’s easier life. And if it weren’t for her, there would be any other girl who would agree to something more than just a meeting.

“Why don’t girls like me” is the wrong question. You don't like yourself. Your life is not the life you want to live.

And everyone sees it. And, first of all, girls.

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