Strength training reduces symptoms of depression as well as aerobic exercise

The most effective anti-stress remedy cannot be bought, it is absolutely free. This is your breath.

Stress, fatigue, panic attacks and a feeling of persistent anxiety - what kind of miracle drugs are not offered to us to get rid of these problems: from exercises to spa treatments, from antidepressants to a long vacation in Bali. However, many of us do not even suspect that everyone always has at hand a safe, effective and absolutely free remedy for restoring peace of mind. This magical elixir is nothing more than your own breath, which has unique restorative properties. By controlling your breathing cycle, you can dramatically change your morale and state of mind. By slowing down our breathing, we thereby influence the parasympathetic nervous system - a complex biological mechanism that can calm us down even in the most difficult mental moments. But how can simple slow breathing relieve stress? Yes, very simple. In a state of nervous excitement, we begin to breathe too quickly. This leads to an increase in oxygen levels and, accordingly, a decrease in carbon dioxide levels, which disrupts the ideal acid-base balance of the blood - the pH level. This condition, known as respiratory alkalosis, can lead to muscle twitching, nausea, irritability, dizziness, loss of concentration, anxiety and suspiciousness. Slowing breathing, on the contrary, increases the level of carbon dioxide in the blood, which brings the pH level back to normal.

Inhale - exhale

Breathing can be a powerful ally in the fight against blues and fatigue. Breathing exercises are your lifesaver for all occasions, be it a quarrel with a loved one or problems in business. But before you start practicing these techniques, you will need some time to prepare. In a calm state, observe your breathing, feel its rhythm. We warn you: it won't be easy at first - it's like getting a fish to talk about the water in which it swims. For us, breathing is such a familiar thing that we do not pay any attention to it, and therefore have a very weak idea of ​​​​its depth and rhythm. However, once you think about it, you will begin to notice a great many nuances - both in the physical and emotional sensations of each inhalation and exhalation.

You may notice that just observing the breathing process will immediately cause a whole series of changes in it. At first your breathing will slow down. The normal rhythm will even out a little. And finally, the air will take up a little more space in your body and your breathing will become deeper. Most of us only focus on our lower ribs and upper abdomen when we breathe. Ideally, it should reveal the entire body.

To experiment with expanding your breathing, sit upright in a chair or, better yet, lie on your back. Place your fingertips just above the pubic bone. Try directing a few breaths in this direction, expanding your abdominal area each time.

Then begin to carefully increase the depth of inhalation. While performing this exercise, try to keep your throat as relaxed as possible: excess tension will prevent you from achieving the desired result.

Once you are able to move your breath into the lower abdomen and upper chest, try to “wake up” the back of the torso, which for many is a kind of terra incognita. Try your best to direct your breath into your spine, feeling the back of your torso inflate and deflate with each breath.

Breathing according to prescription

Sometimes even a simple five-minute deepening of breathing can miraculously charge us with energy, and simply replenish the lack of optimism. But you can achieve an even greater effect with the regular practice of pranayama - a system of special breathing exercises. These techniques, tirelessly refined by yogis over the past few millennia, purposefully change the speed, rhythm and volume of breathing.

One warning before starting the practice: when performing any of the breathing exercises, you should never overdo it. If you feel uncomfortable, return to your normal breathing rhythm. If the discomfort intensifies, this is a signal to stop the exercises. Your breath, believe it or not, has a natural intelligence, honed over millions of years of evolution. Learn to recognize these signals and respond to them.

Usually pranayama is performed while sitting on the floor, with the spine straight and elongated - for example, in Padmasana or Siddhasana. But such poses are absolutely not suitable for beginners: after just a few minutes they begin to suffer from pain and lose all ability to concentrate. Therefore, if you have started doing yoga relatively recently, it is better to sit on a chair or lie on the floor on your back. If the floor is hard, place a folded blanket under your torso and a small, hard pillow under your head. Stretch your legs straight, spreading your heels ten centimeters apart. Or you can bend your knees slightly and place a bolster or another folded blanket underneath. This pose will help relax your tense back and stomach. Stretch your arms to the sides. Place a silk bag over your eyes for relaxation.

Finding yourself in a comfortable position, observe your normal breathing for a few minutes, recording the results in your mind. Then, for a minute, mentally count the duration of your inhalations and exhalations - for example, “one second,” “two seconds,” etc. (or, if you prefer, “one Omm,” “two Omm”). Don't be surprised if your exhalations are a little longer than your inhalations; this is quite normal. When you focus on your breathing, you can move on to exercises that heal anxiety, fatigue and depression.

Anxiety. You can deal with it by lengthening your exhalations. For example, if your normal exhalation lasts six seconds, try to stretch out several exhalations to seven seconds, then several exhalations to eight, and so on until you reach your limit - the longest but still comfortable exhalation.

When you increase the duration of your exhalations by a few seconds in this way, pay attention to their subtle sound. You will notice that with each exhalation you get a soft ha - like a light sigh. Try to make this sound as soft and even as possible - from the beginning to the end of the exhalation. Pause briefly at the end of each exhalation, lying quietly and still. Continuing in this manner, observe your breathing for at least 10–15 minutes.

Three ways to fight depression

The first way is exercises

  • How it helps: Exercise can help relieve mild to moderate depression. For patients with severe depression, exercise is recommended as an adjunct to medication, psychotherapy, or both.
  • What exercises can help?

High-intensity exercise releases beneficial chemicals in the body called endorphins. This results in “runner's high.” For example, 5 minutes of training - high-intensity interval training (HIT)

Low-intensity exercise performed over several weeks stimulates the release of proteins called neurotrophic factors or growth factors. They cause nerve cells to grow and create new connections in the part of the brain that regulates mood (the hippocampus). This may help relieve depression. For example, you can choose squats or push-ups.

It is not known how much exercise should be done to produce these changes, or how intensely it should be done. However, in any case, improvement will not happen so soon. “You will feel better within a few weeks of starting the exercises. But this is a long-term strategy. So choose exercises that you can do for a long time,” says Dr. Miller.

  • What to do Depression can lead to a lack of motivation to exercise. But even a little movement is beneficial. Start with five minutes of walking or doing something you enjoy. Add five minutes each week, with a daily goal of 20 to 30 minutes of exercise per day.

The second method is cognitive behavioral therapy.

  • How does it help

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is as effective as any single antidepressant for mild to moderate depression. For more severe depression, psychiatrists recommend combining it with medication.

  • What kind of psychotherapy can help?

This widely studied therapy works better than medications. It helps you change lifestyle choices that are undermining your sense of well-being. The CBT therapist helps you identify automatic negative thoughts and understand why those thoughts are not rational. The specialist will find ways to replace destructive thoughts with more positive ones. For example, you may become distracted if you have negative thoughts and think about calming images. Meditation methods will help consolidate this. You and your CBT therapist can develop positive statements that you say to yourself any time negative thoughts arise.

  • What do we have to do

Find a qualified cognitive behavioral therapy therapist. If your therapist gives you homework, practice daily.

Cognitive behavioral therapy can help you develop positive thoughts!

The third method is transcranial magnetic stimulation

  • How does it help

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is considered an alternative of last resort for people with moderate to severe depression that has not responded to other treatments. However, it has not yet been tested against other treatments for depression.

  • What kind of treatment is this?

Psychological aspects of depression

The above described only the physical aspects of depression, but if its causes are purely psychological, for example, tragedy or low self-esteem, then you will not be able to overcome this with exercise, diet or herbs alone:

  • there will be only a temporary distraction from the problem;
  • fixation on problems will not completely disconnect from them - a person can automatically perform some actions, but his brain and psyche will still be concentrated on the source of depression, so no action (even taking antidepressants) will have an effect.
  • Only a psychologist can help then.

    Video: Causes of depression and ways to get rid of it.

    How to Identify Symptoms of Depression

    To determine if you are depressed or just in a bad mood, look to see if you have the following symptoms:

    • Constant fatigue and low energy (you get tired quickly).
    • Poor memory, inability to concentrate and make decisions.
    • Increased levels of anxiety and restlessness (constantly feeling like something terrible is going to happen).
    • Pessimism and hopelessness (you are sure that everything will be bad).
    • You constantly feel guilty and lack self-confidence.
    • Apathy towards everything (not interested in films, books, entertainment, sports and sex).
    • Something constantly hurts: headaches and digestive disorders are especially common).
    • You have bulimia (overeating) or, conversely, an aversion to food.
    • Sometimes I have thoughts of suicide.
    • Sudden mood swings (from complete depression to euphoria)

    Exercises not effective?

    According to research published in a US journal, high- and low-intensity physical activity does not benefit women who suffer from depression. This information is important and useful because women are the most likely to suffer from depression. 43% of women who took part in the study said that they had depression. These numbers are lower than for men.

    But it is important to note that lack of sleep and poor sleep quality influenced the development of depression in both men and women. The scientists concluded that a large number of the experiment participants suffered from depression due to increased levels of stress and anxiety, lack of sleep and emotional mood swings.

    Yoga is the best remedy for depression

    It would be hard to call it simply exercise. This is a way of life and worldview built on contemplation, inner peace, and dissolution in the space of the Universe.

    By charging with the energy of the cosmos, plunging into yourself and dissolving at the same time, you are distracted from vain thoughts, and all troubles cease to exist.

    In addition to philosophy and spirituality, yoga is an excellent training and healing tool:

    • Static exercises, regardless of their complexity, are practiced for spinal hernia, arthrosis, arthritis and are relatively safe (unless you immediately try to tie yourself in a knot).
    • The concentration with which you need to learn asanas and depression are simply incompatible.

    Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)

    Try to learn this asana called Vrikshasana (tree) first.

    In the picture below you can see this pose:

    It is important to maintain balance in it, which is completely impossible if your head is filled with depressive thoughts or everyday nonsense.

    To avoid falling if you lose your balance, perform the exercise with your side to the wall.

    Mentally imagine:

    • roots stretch down from the supporting foot, materializing unity with the power of the earth, strength and balance;
    • hands are branches that straighten the trunk (spine), symbolizing growth and upward gravity;
    • our fingertips are leaves that feed on the life-giving energy that the Universe gives us: it saturates us from our tips to our very roots.

    Feel the reverse movement of this energy (prana) from the branches (arms) along the trunk (spine) to the roots (foot).

    Breathing in Vrikshasana pose should be as follows:

    • When taking the asana, inhalation is combined with stretching the spine and raising the arms.
    • exhale is directed down to the “roots”: with it we press our feet to the floor and lengthen our fingers.

    You need to hold the pose for five cycles of breathing (one cycle - inhale-exhale), then perform the asana, changing the supporting leg.

    Gradually the number of cycles can be increased.

    Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

    If Vrikshasana fails, start with the preparatory asana - Tadasana (mountain pose):

    • Stand straight, bringing your feet together parallel, straining your toes as if they were growing into the floor, and pulling your kneecaps up.
    • Straighten your spine and pull your stomach in
    • There should not be a strong arch in the back with the lower back moving forward.
    • Three hand position options:
    • lower along the body,
    • extend forward with palms up;
    • fold in front of you in a Hindu and Buddhist prayer position (namaste) - in this position it is best to ask the Universe (Shiva, Buddha or Jesus Christ) for healing from depression.
    • Hold the asana for five breathing cycles.
    • Breathing in yoga

      It is important to always breathe correctly when performing exercises if you want to master not just “naked” yoga (its physical backbone), but a complex of everything (physical exercise, mental state and proper breathing), that is, hatha yoga.

      Breathing in yoga is generally given great importance - it is a source of energy. There is a whole science called pranayama, which teaches full breathing (upper, middle and abdominal).

      Unlike real yogis, we breathe mostly shallowly (only with upper breathing), and also through the mouth, which is fundamentally wrong, as it leads to the development of adenoids and thyroid problems (breathing through the mouth is the same as eating through the nose).

    • Shallow breathing in those who constantly sit - in general, this is how most Europeans breathe.
    • Medium breathing is considered more complete - it is used by those who are accustomed not to sit, but to physically work and move.
    • Abdominal (diaphragm) breathing is instinctively used in a state of sleep or when leaving a musty room into fresh air - and healthy people and athletes constantly breathe with it.

    Basic exercises for depression

    Mountain pose

    • To perform this exercise, you need to stand up to your full height and raise your arms up.
    • With each inhalation, you must try to reach the ceiling, while spreading your fingers.
    • This exercise will allow you to stretch all the muscles of the body, as a result, the blood begins to move faster, and all processes in the body also speed up. A person feels a surge of energy and improved mood.

    Downward facing tree pose

    Similar to the first exercise. You just need to do it upside down, leaning on the wall with your back and resting your feet. In this you need to stand on your hands and pull your feet. There is a small precaution here - people with weak arm joints or heavy weight should avoid this exercise or perform it only under supervision.

    Dog pose

    Here it must be said that there are two such poses, one goes into the other.

    • To do this, you need to get on your hands and knees and inhale air; when exhaling, you need to straighten your legs.
    • A person should stand on his hands and feet, with his back arched as much as possible and his stomach retracted.
    • Then you need to roll onto your feet, and then onto your stomach, and stretch out your chest and neck like a snake’s.
    • This exercise improves blood circulation and invigorates a person.

    One of the best exercises for relaxation is stretching the spine.

    • To do this, you need to sit on the floor, straighten your legs and feet, clasp them with your arms and stretch.
    • At the same time, the neck should be in a relaxed state; in this case, only the spine should work.

    The role of respiration and CO2 in the occurrence of depression

    The main danger of shallow breathing is that it leads to CO2 deficiency in the body.

    People mistakenly believe that the more often and deeply they inhale, the more oxygen will be in the blood, which means it is better. In fact, carbon dioxide CO2 is tens of times more useful than oxygen (O2 is just an energy drink):

    • he is the source of life (that same prana);
    • responsible for the regulation of metabolic processes and the production of hormones;
    • dilates blood vessels;
    • calms the nervous system;
    • synthesizes essential amino acids

    (It turns out that plants feed on carbon dioxide for good reason?)

    Lack of CO2 leads to disruption of all biochemical processes, including... oxygen starvation. Thus, hypoxia occurs both with increased and decreased levels of CO2 in the blood.

    After physical exercise, the level of carbon dioxide in the blood increases. This is why any depression recedes after a good workout, a person feels good, despite fatigue, and his mood improves.

    A small excess of CO2 can lead to euphoria and hallucinations, and its critical threshold can lead to coma and clinical death. Therefore, independent breathing exercises, whether according to the yoga system or the Buteyko method, are always dangerous, since they are based precisely on the saturation of the blood with carbon dioxide.

    (The famous Buteyko method is an unconventional method of treating asthma using a special breathing system, used all over the world).

    Breathing exercises

    When performing gymnastics for depression, you must not forget about breathing. This is one of the most important aspects in yoga as most of us breathe incorrectly. The surface, and, consequently, our brain and all organs as a whole, receive less oxygen and begin to function incompletely.

    There are also a number of exercises that help a person relax, distance themselves from negative emotions and improve the balance of the nervous system.

    • You need to lie on a flat surface on your back, spread your arms and legs slightly to the sides. Next, you need to take deep breaths and equally deep exhalations, try to distract yourself from everything and not think about anything. For the first time, the lesson should last no more than a minute. After it, the person will be able to sleep peacefully.
    • Another exercise will help relieve tension in the nervous system and calm down. To do this, you need to try to breathe not with your chest, but with your diaphragm. When you inhale, you need to gradually inflate your stomach and retract it in the same way when you exhale. To slow down your heart rate, you can try to exhale longer than you inhale.
    • Alternate breathing from one or the other nostril will allow a person to learn to concentrate and not succumb to stressful situations.

    Conscious breathing is exactly the method of breathing exercises that is best used during conflict situations. The essence of the exercise is that during a quarrel or showdown, a person needs not to panic and be offended, but to look his interlocutor in the eyes and fully concentrate on breathing. With deep and correct breathing, a person does not lose self-control, remains calm and able to think and respond intelligently.

    Why does fitness or bodybuilding save you from depression?

    Not everyone can do yoga: they require preparation and an appropriate attitude. However, even simple visits to the gym have a magical effect. The main thing is to get motivated:

    • eradicate spinal pathologies;
    • improve your figure and body;
    • pump up the muscles of the legs, arms or abdomen;
    • correct the shape of the hips or buttocks;
    • banish cellulite and turn into nothing but solid muscles;
    • learn to do 100 push-ups;
    • master stretching (splits)

    Goals can be completely different. And even if there are no strategic goals, but just the thought of taking a break from work and everyday life and coming to work out to music among positive, physically active people, the main goal (victory over depression) will be achieved.

    The explanation why bodybuilding saves you from depression is simple:

    Bodybuilders are a kind of maniacs: they care about muscle definition so much that every extra centimeter they gain fills them with a feeling of happiness. A powerful release of endorphins plus an increased level of CO2 after a workout can destroy any depression in the bud.

    Choose a method and move towards a good mood

    Choose the way out of depression that suits you best, or try several. Perform antidepressant exercises, and you will quickly feel a surge of strength, discover new possibilities in yourself, feel happiness, harmony, lightness and carefreeness.

    Psychologists often compare depression to a runny nose; it seems like a minor problem, but it can also be easily caught. Then you start your condition and get the most negative consequences for your health. Therefore, if you feel that you cannot cope on your own, your emotional state is worsening, seek advice from specialists: psychologists or psychotherapists. They will select the method you need to get out of depression and prescribe special medications - antidepressants.

    Other remedies for depression


    You can increase the production of serotonin with a normal diet:

    • Eat more foods that are easy to digest:
    • whole grain porridge, oatmeal, beans.
  • Consume foods with B vitamins and Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Include dairy products and cereals containing magnesium and calcium in your diet.
  • Sun and movement

    If the daylight hours are short, get up as early as possible, since serotonin is produced in daylight and especially sunlight.

    Running, swimming, dancing, and indeed any sports or hobbies treat depression - the main thing is movement and passion, filling life with joy and pleasure.

    St. John's wort against depression

    St. John's wort tea is an excellent natural remedy for depression, recognized throughout the world.

    • St. John's wort increases the level of serotonin in the blood and at the same time does not have harmful side effects, like pharmaceutical antidepressants, for example, Prozac:
    • Residents of Germany buy St. John's wort as a remedy for depression 20 times more often than Prozac.
    • At the same time, St. John's wort has powerful bactericidal and antioxidant properties, which allows it to be used in the treatment of many infectious diseases and even cancer.

    But St. John's wort also has its contraindications:

    • For example, it can increase blood pressure and cause constipation with prolonged use.
    • Reduces the effects of certain medications (a decrease in the effect of chemotherapy after treatment with St. John's wort is known).

    Don't forget that depression is a major source of illness, so by getting rid of it, you are laying a solid foundation for your physical and mental health.

    The effect of exercise on depression

    Exercise has proven effective in preventing and treating depression. Among other effects, exercise stimulates the production of proteins that repair neurons and increase their proliferation, regulate levels of serotonin and other neurotransmitters, increase cerebral blood flow, and stimulate the release of endorphins.

    Depression is very common. According to statistics, one in six women and one in ten men suffer from depression throughout their lives. Currently, 350 million people suffer from depression, these numbers are underestimated because depression is considered taboo in many societies today.

    Numerous scientific studies aimed at prevention have shown that physical exercise reduces the risk of developing depression. In addition, studies show a dose-response relationship, meaning the more exercise (more than five hours per week), the less likely a person suffers from this disorder. Exercise has the same effect as psychological therapy and some antidepressants in reducing symptoms of depression. Additionally, evidence highlights that aerobic exercise (running, swimming, cycling, etc.) provides greater benefits than strength-based exercise.

    Repeated muscle contractions during exercise produce signals that affect all organs and systems, including the brain. Changes in the brain during exercise counteract the neural damage that causes depression. While we exercise, our muscles release a variety of chemicals into the bloodstream that affect our neurons so that they can be repaired, multiplied, and function improved by increasing connections. This is called neurotrophic factor. Indeed, some antidepressants work in this direction, but this effect is achieved naturally through exercise.

    Physically active people have better cerebral circulation, which helps oxygenate brain cells and naturally eliminate the waste they produce.

    An international team of scientists collected data from previous studies on the effects of exercise on mental health and then reanalyzed them. They considered that many studies in past years were often based only on subjective data from patients, so only those that used objective measurement methods were selected for the new meta-analysis, and the follow-up period for patients after completion of the study should have been at least one year . Ultimately, several studies were found that met the specified criteria - the database included more than 1,140,000 patients.

    The relationship between physical activity level and mental health status was significant: men and women with the lowest levels of physical activity had a higher risk of developing depression than those with the highest levels. Subjects in the middle group had a 25% greater risk of developing depression than people leading an active lifestyle.

    Researchers have studied whether exercise can be used to treat depression. They collected data from 25 past studies. Each study had a control group of patients who did not exercise.

    The results clearly indicate that regular exercise, especially at moderate levels of difficulty and intensity, is effective in treating depression. People's mental health improved significantly if they were physically active.

    Scientists have confirmed that cardio exercises - running, walking, cycling, swimming, dancing, active games - affect mood. A group of depressed patients were offered daily half-hour walks. After ten days, the experiment participants reported that they felt better. Objective measures also confirmed a decrease in depressive symptoms.

    A study published by Harvard University Medical School noted that an hour of walking a day reduced the risk of depression by 26%. “You don’t have to run a marathon or spend hours doing aerobics to lift your mood,” said study author Carmel Choi, a fellow at the Harvard Public Health Institute. “It’s enough to walk more and climb stairs more often.” Even a little cleaning or washing the dishes keeps you in a good mood.”

    Experts advise walking or cycling to work. If you have to travel far, you can park your car further away or get off the metro or bus in advance and walk to the office. Light exercise will help improve your well-being and mood.

    Any physical exercise (cycling, dancing, walking or race walking, recreational jogging over short distances, morning or evening five-minute exercises, moderate aerobics), any load helps relieve symptoms of depression, even if it is jumping on the spot. The main thing is that the person likes them and does not force himself to do them. You need to do the exercises regularly and with pleasure.

    Preparatory stage

    After studying research data from scientists and making sure that playing sports really helps relieve depression, I decided to conduct a survey among school students. Using selected questionnaires (Appendix 1, Appendix 2), you can determine the subjective opinion of children about how physical education (sports) affects their mood, character and body as a whole.

    As subjects, I took students in grades 5-7, 12 people in total.

    Conducting a survey

    I handed out questionnaires to the guys and asked them to fill them out according to the instructions. The subjects had to answer questions, thereby assessing how physical education affects them.

    The final stage of the study

    After conducting the survey, I received the following results.

    When processing the results of questionnaire No. 1, I was most interested in the guys’ answers to questions 1, 3 and 5. Since they help to find out the positive effect of sport on the body.


    1. I believe that playing sports: a) helps you get in good physical shape - 5 b) helps you find many friends - 2 c) improves your mood - 5

    3. I believe that sport helps a person: a) be healthy - 6 b) achieve success in life - 4 c) relax and find many friends - 2 d) earn a lot of money. (Appendix 4)

    5. Sport made me (choose 3 options): a) patient - 7 b) happy - 8 c) beautiful - 3 d) famous e) strong - 6 f) fair g) purposeful - 5 h) sociable - 2 i) persistent . - 5

    When processing the results of questionnaire No. 2, I found out: almost all children claim that playing sports improves their health and well-being, including their mood.

    As a result of the research, I was once again convinced of the positive impact of physical exercise on a person’s psychological state.


    The purpose of this work was to determine the effect of physical exercise on a person’s depressive state. In the process of my research, I found out that physical exercise and sports can really relieve a person from depression and even prevent its occurrence. Exercise improves a person’s well-being and mood. Physical exercise has the same effect as psychological therapy and some antidepressants.

    While studying historical information about depression and methods of treating it, I discovered that the ancient Roman physician Celsus (born: 25 BC) already suggested active movements for its treatment. True, in those days there was no term depression, they used the concept “melancholy”. The earliest sources that talk about the healing effects of movements and massage were found in China: these are manuscripts dating back to 3000-2000. BC e.

    In the book “The Anatomy of Melancholy,” the 17th-century English professor of theology R. Barton described the methods of treating melancholy that were possible for that time, among which again there are: physical exercise, sporting events (especially fencing), and watching sports competitions.

    Currently, many studies are being conducted aimed at proving the positive effect of physical exercise and sports on a person’s psychological state, reducing the possibility of developing depression, as well as its treatment.

    As a result of my survey conducted with students at my school, we can also conclude that playing sports lifts students’ mood, makes them more fun and happier, and therefore reduces the risk of developing depression.

    In conclusion, we can say that any physical exercise (cycling, dancing, walking or race walking, short-distance jogging, morning or evening five-minute exercises, moderate aerobics), any load helps relieve symptoms of depression, even if This is jumping in place. The main thing is that the person likes them and does not force himself to do them.

    I achieved my goal and proved that exercise can really relieve depression.

    Internet resources were used to write this work.

    Application. Questionnaire 1. What did sport give me?

    Read the proposed statements carefully and choose one of the answer options.
    1. I believe that playing sports: a) helped me get in good physical shape b) helped me make a lot of friends c) lifted my spirits

    2. I believe that most of my achievements are: a) the merit of my coach b) the merit of my parents c) the result of my hard work d) a happy accident.

    3. I believe that sport helps a person: a) be healthy b) achieve success in life c) relax and find many friends d) earn a lot of money.

    4. In the future I would like to: a) continue playing sports and reach a higher level b) enter the Faculty of Physical Training to become a coach c) find a new hobby and quit sports d) continue playing sports for myself and at the same time do something else.

    5. Sport made me (choose 3 options): a) patient b) happy c) beautiful d) famous e) strong f) fair g) purposeful h) sociable and) persistent.

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