Romance in relationships: truth and fiction

Romantic - how is that? Yes, we are all familiar with romance and have clearly encountered it in real life, but how to explain this feeling? After all, despite the obviousness of the answer, it can be very difficult to find the right words. Especially if there is no talent capable of revealing the music of the heart with the help of ordinary lines.

Perhaps some will think: why bother looking for an answer to this question, when you can just enjoy this feeling? But such a position has one big drawback - the likelihood of misunderstanding between people. For example, how can you explain to a person the full significance of a romantic date without describing to him the emotions that reign there?

What is romance?

So, romance is a special atmosphere or aura that can elevate a person’s emotions to unprecedented heights. That is, romantic is good, warm, joyful, fun and unsurpassed at one moment. Often such a state arises as a result of some event: after reading a poem or visiting a beautiful place.

For example, imagine a beautiful, secluded clearing on the shore of a lake. A young couple sits on it and calmly looks at the sky, enjoying the beauty of the clouds floating in the blue. Sometimes they look at each other and smile quietly because they are the happiest people on earth. So, it is precisely this atmosphere that is the standard of romance.

Although it cannot be said that this feeling is the same for everyone. For example, for some, dinner by candlelight is very romantic, for others it is mortal boredom. Therefore, there is no single approach or answer here.

What is romance, what is its meaning and role in ordinary life relationships

Every girl dreams of a romantic guy. Romance is an imbued state that requires an escape from reality; a person creates his own fabulous comfortable atmosphere and strives to make his soul mate the happiest. Dramatic and lyrical ideals, dreams, emotions, as well as elation, a certain step above ordinary everyday life, can play a huge role.

Girls are the ones who love romance in relationships. There are signs by which you can easily determine the lack of romance in a woman’s life: bad mood, sadness, tears, loneliness. After all, it is important for everyone that their significant other’s eyes glow with joy, and not with sadness. It’s better to let there be noise, fun, laughter, there will be little pranks, but your loved one will be satisfied.

Romance is a very pleasant feeling. If there is no romance in a relationship, then it becomes colorless and empty, quickly gets boring and deteriorates . Romance is the desire to believe in the best; a person should be able to enjoy the little things in life, be vulnerable and touching, fearless and courageous.

Romantic relationships can exert magical powers on any woman: a simple housewife and a business lady, a young girl and an elderly woman. A man should take the initiative into his own hands.

Why is romance needed?

It would seem that a simple question should have an equally simple answer. But alas, in this case this rule does not apply. Why do people need romance? First of all, it allows you to open the heart of another person, making him more receptive to warm feelings. It’s not for nothing that they say “what I saw melted my heart.”

So romance is the key that can open many doors. Especially when it comes to love and relationships. At the same time, she is capable of both bringing together complete strangers and giving a second chance to those who have long been disappointed in each other.

Plus, when people feel romantic, it's just magical. They dream, smile, rejoice and enjoy every second of their lives.

Antonyms for Romantic

Word starting with r.
Romantic (8 letters) All antonyms on the page are clickable! Click on any word to find antonyms for it or use the search.

Antonyms, opposite words for the word Romantic:

This word is an antonym for the following words:

You are on the page for the word "Romantic". Here you will find antonyms for the word “Romantic”. What are the opposite words for Romantic? The word "pragmatist" is the antonym of the word "romantic". This word belongs to the same part of speech, has a similar lexical meaning, but differs in sound and spelling. The antonym of the word “Romantic” (pragmatist) can be used in various texts to make the sentence opposite in meaning. It may be possible to express your thought more logically in one context or another by choosing the opposite word “pragmatist” for the word “Romantic.” The antonym of the word “Romantic” has its own meaning. In order to avoid making common mistakes when using antonyms for the word “Romantic”, for example “pragmatist”, you need to refer to their interpretation and ultimately choose the most suitable one for the situation.

The words “classic” and “realist” are considered partial antonyms of the word “Romantic”. The word “Romantic” is partially opposite in meaning to the words “classic” and “realist”.

Most likely you will need additional information about the word “Romantic”. This page shows the word "pragmatist", for which the word "Romantic" is an antonym.

We are very glad that you visited our antonym dictionary, and we hope that the information you received about antonyms for the word “Romantic” was useful to you. We look forward to your new visits to our site.

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Romantic - how is that?

After all of the above, a very reasonable question arises: how to create a romantic atmosphere? In fact, there are a lot of ways to achieve this, and it is simply impossible to describe them all at once. Therefore, let's look at the most common example.

And to be more precise, how to organize a romantic date. After all, by and large, it is on him that the first opinion about a person is born, and subsequently love. How to make such a meeting more romantic?

So, the most important thing is to achieve the right atmosphere. To do this, you need to choose a place in which the couple will feel as comfortable as possible. Achieving this is quite difficult, because it is necessary to take into account such parameters as lighting, food, music and detachment. The latter should be understood as saying that lovers should not be disturbed by other people.

But the right location is only half the success. After all, it’s one thing to create a romantic atmosphere, but completely different to monitor it and maintain it throughout the date. Therefore, do not forget about signs of attention: warm glances, compliments, gestures and affectionate touches.

And only a combination of all this will help create the necessary conditions for the date to become truly romantic.

Who is a Romantic in Life?

Film "Formula of Love"

Sadness is romantic.


A romantic is a personal type in the ethical typology of personality and one of the ways of human life (situational - position), along with the position of Creator, Consumer and Parasite.

Romantics are people who want everyone to do well, but they don’t know who will do it and how. This is what distinguishes romantics from Creators, who not only have lofty intentions, but also realize them themselves.

Don't be confused! In the synton approach, “Romantics” are not called those figures of literature and art who traditionally belong to the romantic wing, but only those beautiful and kind people who care about themselves and others, but at the expense of others.

A romantic is a spiritually beautiful person for whom it is important to care about people, about beautiful and kind things, but who exactly should do what the romantic seems absolutely necessary - the romantic does not think about. In fact, this is taking care of yourself and others - at the expense of others. A romantic is always a little child, relying on someone Big and Kind, who will respond to his feelings, experiences and do everything you ask him to do. To worry and worry, to believe and hope, to love and despair - this is the soul of a romantic. I believe in myself, I believe in good beginnings in other people (option: in my children), I believe in luck, I believe in God...

Compared to the Consumer, the Romantic is a more moral person in the sense that he cares not only about himself, but also cares about others. In comparison with the Creator, the Romantic is a less moral person, since his good intentions and care in fact have to be carried out by someone else.

Romantics admire the Creators, but usually from afar and not for long. The Romantic despises Parasites, because an ordinary Parasite thinks only about himself, but the Romantic has a heart for many. In fact, the Romantic is a relative of the Parasite, because when conceiving his bright projects, he does not think about who will do them, at whose expense all this will happen, as a result of which the traditional “We wanted the best. it turned out as always.”

The owner had two favorite chickens, which she doted on. And when one of them fell ill, she made him a delicious healing broth so that he would recover. It is clear that another, healthy chicken was used to make the broth...

In a difficult and dangerous situation, the Romantic is in a hurry to sacrifice himself. It is more important for him to die beautifully than to calculate, wait, give in... He is not ready to compromise, and in a situation where he needs to sacrifice some beautiful values, he protests: “A person cannot live like that!” and leaves the game.

There are many options: you can get drunk, you can shoot yourself.

In a situation of competition for limited resources, the Romantic is an altruist, for whom the other is always more valuable than himself. He will give everything without thinking about the consequences. The dream of Romance is humanism in the female version: gifts to children, especially orphans, help to the needy and disadvantaged, but without thinking through the consequences, these intentions often lead to even greater troubles.

In a situation of prosperity and abundance, the Romantic really wants to organize a Holiday for everyone, and not just for his own people, especially not just for himself. That is why, if such a holiday does not work out, he may be internally sad: “We are happy here, but in Angola the children are starving!”

Who is his own for the Romantic and how he sees real, highly human relationships is a complex question. A romantic here often goes to extremes. Often the Romantic chooses Love for everyone, all humanity and all living things in general (including the options “Kill the beaver, save the birch!”). Often the value of Independence is proclaimed, then the Romantic speaks of Personal Freedom, actually implying that he does not owe anything to anyone. If the Romantic finds himself in a close relationship with someone, he begins to talk about the importance of devotion: “We are responsible for those we have tamed!”

There is no need to lend money to Romantics: they will not return it and will be angry with you.

Film "Ensemble "Leisya, Song""

To sing something like this, you need to be a complete romantic.

For Romantics, alternating between unfounded enthusiasm and unjustified sadness. With age, the amount of enthusiasm decreases, sadness becomes the predominant emotional background. Cm.

Development direction

At work:

  • Learn efficiency. Set realistic goals, think through ways to achieve them, set deadlines - and work purposefully according to the plan. It's not romantic, but it's what makes dreams come true and makes life happen.
  • Master time management. Nothing trains your brain better than time tracking and planning!
  • Develop systems thinking. Nothing kills empty romanticism more than a careful analysis of the long-term consequences of actions dictated by feelings.
  • In relationships, learn love - learn joyful care, not become attached and not attach. See Love and Affections.

Why are men more romantic than women?

It just so happens that the stronger half of humanity is considered more romantic. Perhaps someone will not agree with this opinion, but the fact remains a fact. Moreover, there is a completely logical explanation for this state of affairs.

The answer lies in how our brain notices the difference in different contrasts. After all, women are accustomed to the fact that men are rude and domineering creatures who strive to achieve everything by force. Therefore, any manifestation of tenderness and care on their part looks very touching and romantic.

Moreover, in most cases, it is the guys who win the girls, and not vice versa. And as was said earlier, romance is a sure way to win a woman’s heart. That is why men use it so often when courting a lady.

Romantic orientation, what it is and what it is eaten with

In this post I would like to dispel rumors. Because due to ignorance, disputes and negativity arise. We don't need this, right?

First, let's figure out what romantic orientation is and how it differs from sexual orientation.

Now, I would like to clarify that any person has a romantic orientation. It may be the opposite of sexy, but everyone has it.

Romantic orientation refers to which sex or gender a person may be romantically attracted to, regardless of gender or sexual orientation.

That is, you may be attracted to girls, but you will fall in love with trannies. This is just an example.

Today I will tell you about most types of romantic orientation

Let's start simple

Hetero romantic

This is a person who is romantically attracted to the opposite sex


A person who is romantically attracted to the same gender


A person who is romantically attracted to both sexes


A person who is romantically attracted to a person. Panromantic is gender blind


A person who is romantically attracted only to those with whom he has a strong emotional connection


A person who is not attracted to anything romantically. They are simply not capable of falling in love. But they can love their family, the dog. Aromantics cannot love romantically


A person who is romantically attracted to can be of any gender or gender. Their love is more like admiration or excitement. And during the relationship, they will feel the latter. This only applies to relationships with your loved one. Most often, lithromantics start relationships only with those with whom they are not in love. They may or may not be comfortable in any romantic relationship.


A person who is romantically attracted to transgender people (as well as: agender, bigender, transsexuals, androgynes, etc.)


A person who is romantically attracted to men and masculinity (regardless of gender)


A person who is romantically attracted to older women and femininity (also regardless of gender)


A person who is romantically attracted to women and men, masculinity and femininity


A person who wants a romantic relationship with two people (with the consent of both)


A person who is romantically attracted to one gender (male/female/non-binary, etc.)


A person who is romantically attracted to asexuals who try to get rid of outward sexual characteristics

Faith in fate

Even if something goes wrong, you don't spend too much time in regret or despair. You are always optimistic and approach all situations philosophically. You think it's just fate, everything had to be this way because this state of affairs is part of the deal. You don’t know what awaits you in life, but you are sure that you are destined to find love and achieve happiness, it’s just a matter of time.

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Love for romantic comedies

While other people look at the screen and laugh, realizing that everything that happens there cannot be repeated in real life, you believe that this is not a fairy tale. Life can present many fascinating and even implausible scenarios. You will definitely come across one of these funny and touching cases. The ideal man may get the wrong number and end up with you, or an incredible beauty and smart woman may suddenly need your help.

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