Treatment and psychotherapy of depression by finding meaning in life

The first thing you should do if you experience a severe mental health condition is to contact a medical professional. There are many ways to overcome depression, but in an advanced situation you cannot do without the intervention of a psychotherapist. Effective therapy for a pathological condition includes medication, psychoanalysis, changing habits, and lifestyle adjustments.

What is depression?

According to the classification of pathologies, depression is a mental disorder, accompanied by certain physiological and mental symptoms, divided into several degrees of development, requiring complex therapy.

The most susceptible to pathological conditions are:

  • people over 40 years old;
  • women;
  • teenagers.

According to statistics, 20% of women living on the globe and 12% of men are prone to depression. The disorder is noted in every third person in their sixth decade. The pathological condition affects 15% of 13-year-old adolescents and 40% of 20-year-old young people.


Depression can be identified by physiological and mental changes.

Physiological symptoms:

  • constant weakness, impotence, rapid fatigue;
  • restless sleep or insomnia at night, and a state of drowsiness during the day;
  • eating disorder – a tendency to overeat or, conversely, worsening appetite;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the digestive tract - stomach pain, constipation;
  • decrease or complete extinction of sexual activity;
  • the appearance of phantom pain.

Changes in behavior:

  • lack of initiative, irresponsibility, reluctance to make decisions, ignoring the need to take on important matters;
  • lack of feelings of joy and satisfaction;
  • indifferent attitude towards other people, ignoring current events;
  • lack of life goals;
  • reluctance to communicate even with relatives and family members;
  • the emergence of a tendency to take drugs and alcoholic beverages;
  • irritability, anger, anxiety, tearfulness.

Thought changes:

  • poor concentration;
  • a continuous stream of heavy thoughts;
  • recurrent thoughts of suicide;
  • low self-esteem, humiliation of oneself as an individual;
  • slowness of the thought process.

In severe cases, hallucinations may occur.

Sometimes depression can masquerade as non-serious pathological conditions:

  • overwork;
  • insomnia;
  • migraine;
  • tingling in the heart;
  • painful disorders of the digestive tract.

What signs should you pay attention to?

Not everyone is able to understand that they have developed a mental disorder such as depression. This is a common human reaction to experienced stress, only expressed in a stronger form. Attachment to a seemingly loved one with whom you have lived for several years is not expressed openly by everyone. As well as negative emotions from parting with him.

So, if the suffering experienced, in general, does not interfere with the usual course of life, does not affect the ability to work and appetite, most likely, no emotional disturbance is observed. You just need to wait a little until the situation becomes more stable.

Whereas severe depression manifests itself as follows:

  • constant depression - emotions are at a negative level every day, there is a desire to cry and feel sorry for oneself;
  • a previously loved and enjoyable job or hobby has lost its appeal and ceased to bring positive emotions;
  • outwardly, a person also changes - he stops taking care of himself, it simply becomes difficult for him to wash his face or comb his hair again, or change clothes;
  • those around you begin to notice strange behavior - periods of feverish activity are replaced by complete apathy and indifference, emotions can change from one extreme, for example, euphoria, to “falling into the abyss”, when it is not far from suicide.

How long depression lasts after a breakup is largely determined by the psychological characteristics of a particular person. No specialist can give exact dates. However, by the end of the first year, most people manage to recover from the emotional collapse they experienced and start new relationships with the opposite sex.


Internal and external factors cause depression.

Internal reasons:

  • hormonal changes associated with the development of endocrine pathologies;
  • hormonal changes provoked by taking certain medications;
  • epilepsy, stroke and other disorders of blood circulation in brain tissue;
  • diabetes, metabolic disorders;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • mental pathologies.

When they talk about external factors, they mean stress. This:

  • problems in the professional sphere;
  • conflicts with other people;
  • loneliness, lack of moral support and care from relatives and family members;
  • antisocial lifestyle.

Types of pathology

Based on the factors that provoked changes in the psyche, depression can be:

  1. Endogenous - appears for no apparent reason. Most often it is associated with a hereditary predisposition and can be transmitted even from a distant relative. The main symptoms are inhibited movements, heaviness in the chest, emotional instability, self-flagellation, and severe migraines. In the afternoon the condition improves.
  2. Psychogenic – a consequence of exposure to a stress factor. A characteristic symptom is a depressed emotional state. A person realizes that something is wrong with him, but he blames others for it, not himself. In the afternoon the condition worsens. Psychogenic disorder is a consequence of oncological and endocrine pathologies.

Depending on the degree of manifestation, depression can be:

  • easy – the ability to participate in everyday activities and communicate with people is maintained;
  • severe - a person withdraws into himself, avoids reality.

Based on the specific behavioral symptoms, depression is classified into:

  • hysterical - accompanied by hysteria and actions in a state of passion;
  • dysthymic – there is no desire to live, emotions disappear;
  • adynamic – manifested by lethargy, impotence, slowness of reactions;
  • asthenic – a person quickly becomes overtired;
  • hypochondria - there is a fear of fatal pathologies.

Depression and risk factors

Depression and pain after a breakup resembles a heart attack, but it is not associated with changes in the cardiovascular system, but is caused by severe emotional stress. Depression after divorce has been scientifically called Broken Heart Syndrome. This disease was first described by the Japanese doctor Hikaru Soto, who gave it its name.

Stress after divorce is one of the risk factors for the development of various mental disorders, especially depression. Breaking up with a partner sometimes contributes to problems such as substance abuse.

Alcohol at such moments can be regarded as an illusory way of suppressing unpleasant anxiety and sadness; getting out of depression after a breakup in this way is problematic. The state that a person experiences after a divorce increases the risk of committing suicide.

Sometimes suicidal behavior is seen as an attempt to force a spouse to return. In some cases, after a divorce, the abandoned partner falls into such deep despair that he simply ceases to see further meaning in his life.

Diagnosis of depression using dreams

One method for self-identifying depression is sleep analysis. You should pay attention to what colors predominate in a dream, what plot unfolds.

Constant gray-black tones of dreams are a sure sign of serious depression. A person is in a state of anxiety, confusion, he is disappointed in reality, refuses to accept it, and suffers from chronic fatigue. Dreams in gray-brown tones indicate mild depression and blues.

Nightly nightmares indicate developing depression. They indicate the presence of constant stress in life, resentment, anger, psychological trauma, and a desire for revenge.

A person who regularly dreams about death is stressed by sudden life changes. He is frustrated and angry and does not want to accept change. Such dreams may indicate fear of premature death, a forced renunciation of the pursuit of goals.

Recommendations from psychologists for women

The majority of women, having met a man and decided that he will be the main companion of her life, seem to dissolve in him. They project all their dreams and expectations onto him, sometimes completely forgetting about their desires and needs. It is especially difficult for them to come to terms with the fact that the relationship has outlived its usefulness and the “hero of the novel” no longer sees his “half” in them.

In such cases, experts give the following recommendations on how to get out of depression after a breakup:

  1. Overcome the first desire to retire from all people, to withdraw into your own “shell”. It is better to renew half-forgotten relationships with friends who had to be pushed aside because of family - to visit cafes, exhibitions, theaters. Yes, just have a “bachelorette party” and have a blast to the fullest – “wash the bones” of all representatives of the human race.
  2. Remember the existence of swimming pools, gyms or dance clubs - and you can put your figure in order, and your mood will improve against the backdrop of physical activity. It has been proven that playing sports contributes to the production of endorphins - the hormones of joy.
  3. Engaging in building a career - winning over male colleagues like nothing else helps to overcome the symptoms of depression in women. Many representatives of the beautiful part of the population, after a breakup, quite successfully start their own business.

If all of the above does not help, depression draws you into its net more and more intensely, before it is too late, it is better to seek the help of a specialist. A person is given only one life, and therefore it is not worth wasting it, even for a short period.

Basic therapy methods

Treatment for depression is always complex. Apply:

  • drug therapy;
  • psychotherapeutic methods;
  • therapeutic measures in a hospital setting (for severe pathology);
  • methods of independent psychological assistance.

Drug therapy

To combat depression, antidepressants are used - drugs from the group of psychotropics. A medical specialist prescribes the appropriate medication. Taking new generation antidepressants is accompanied by fewer side effects, but older generation drugs are more effective.

Algorithm for treating depression with psychotropic drugs:

  1. The doctor selects a regimen and dosage, taking into account the intensity of symptoms and the individual characteristics of the client’s body.
  2. Next comes a course of therapy.
  3. Consolidation therapy is used to prevent the recurrence of symptoms of the disorder.


Drug therapy only relieves the symptoms of the pathology. And the only reliable way to overcome depression and return to life is to engage in psychotherapy. Moreover, with a mild degree of pathology, psychotherapeutic methods help without medications.

Sessions take place with a psychotherapist. The specialist does not give the client specific recommendations, but through leading questions helps to understand what caused the development of the pathological condition and how to find a way out of the current situation.

There are many methods of psychotherapy, but two are most often used:

  1. Psychoanalysis is a set of methods for working through the unconscious. Sometimes a person suppresses negative emotions, thoughts, memories from childhood and transfers them to the subconscious. He suffers from depression, but does not understand that its cause lies in the negativity he has experienced. Psychoanalysis sessions can take up to several years, but they allow us to identify the factor that provoked the mental problem.
  2. Cognitive behavioral therapy allows you to identify thoughts that lead to distortions in behavior and emotional state. Depression can be triggered by unconscious thoughts. For example, a person was looked at askance in a group of friends, but he took it painfully and felt that he was being despised. With the help of cognitive therapy, it is possible to track unconscious thoughts and distinguish true from false.

Inpatient therapy

It is used in severe cases when a person is on the verge of suicide. In the hospital, the client is monitored around the clock to prevent him from committing suicide. Specialists select the optimal dosage of medications, ensure that the client takes them in a timely manner, prescribe the optimal method of psychotherapy, and prevent changes in the mental and physical state of the patient.

Fight depression on your own

Antidepressants dull symptoms for a certain period, but without psychotherapy and auxiliary methods, you can take medications for the rest of your life to no avail. Complementary remedies and therapies that you can practice on your own are a great way to get back on track after depression.

Common therapeutic aids that help to calm down and restore tone to the body:

  • sedative pharmaceuticals and herbal teas to improve sleep;
  • diet;
  • daily walks in the fresh air;
  • massage;
  • auto-training;
  • aromatherapy;
  • hobby;
  • meditation;
  • physical training.


Many people are skeptical about the auto-training method, and in vain, because the important factors in defeating a pathological condition are willpower and self-hypnosis. A person must set himself up for positivity, pronouncing phrases with a positive meaning.

The result of therapy will not be immediate, you will have to work on yourself for several weeks, but there are many stories from the series: how I overcame depression by removing the “not” particle from my speech, or by instilling in myself what I lack.

To achieve the results of therapy, positive phrases are said daily. For example:

  • I can handle any problem;
  • I am full of energy and strength;
  • I will do everything I set my mind to.


There is an excellent method of therapy on how to bring yourself back to life after depression - this is a shiatsu massage, which affects important points of the body. A 20-minute session is enough to restore tone to the body, strengthen the nervous system, and relieve anxiety. During the procedure, the production of endorphins – happiness hormones – by neurons is accelerated.


Properly selected medicinal aromas can eliminate the use of antidepressants. Essential oils saturated with phytoncides stimulate the synthesis of immune cells and have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system.

Invigorating citrus oils are especially effective for depression. They relieve anxiety, irritability, and insomnia.

Normalization of sleep

People who are depressed throughout their lives suffer from sleep disorders in 85% of cases. But it is sleep that is extremely important for successfully defeating a mental disorder. After all, during the night's rest:

  • body cells are restored after daytime overwork;
  • hormonal levels return to normal;
  • the hormone melatonin is synthesized, which acts as a sleeping pill and protector of the psyche;
  • The levels of cortisol, dopamine and serotonin – stress hormones – are normalized.

Therefore, to prevent depression, every person should follow a sleep schedule.


A good method for getting back into life after depression is to keep a diary. Write down sad and happy moments of life in it, analyze them, describe thoughts and experiences in detail. This will help you understand yourself and move on the right path. Every time depression sets in, it’s enough to re-read the notes and remember the good things to regain your tone.


Doing something interesting is an excellent method for regaining your zest for life during depression, and it is also an effective prevention of the pathological condition. The main thing is to choose something you like. Embroidery, knitting, and coloring mandalas help to calm down and cope with the effects of stress.


A good way to put your thoughts in order is to abstract yourself from them for a while. Therefore, an excellent method of treating depression, recommended by psychotherapists, is meditation, shavasana pose. In a meditative state, the psyche gradually relaxes and returns to normal. The main thing is to conduct sessions regularly and not stop at the results achieved.


Proper nutrition is important not only for successful therapy, but also for the prevention of depression. To protect the nervous system and normalize hormonal levels, you should include in your diet foods rich in:

  • fiber;
  • B vitamins;
  • retinol;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • mineral elements - iron, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, magnesium;
  • lecithin;
  • amino acids.

Physical activity

Many psychiatrists' clients doubt whether there is life after depression and believe that they will not be able to recover. However, returning to normal mental shape is not difficult if you start with the physical one. Gym training, yoga, fitness, jogging, dancing, cycling are excellent methods to tone the body. The body and psyche are connected: improving the condition of one necessarily leads to the normalization of the second.

Training should be regular, but overwork is unacceptable. Going to the gym a couple of times a week is enough.

Rehabilitation after depression at home

In the modern world, every person faces unpleasant stressful situations from time to time.
Small problems will disappear without a trace after a good sleep or a hot bath. However, to get rid of severe emotional shock without the help of psychologists, you need to make an effort.

How to restore the nervous system in a difficult life situation? This question worries an increasing number of people in our difficult modern life.

The health of all organs depends on the proper functioning of the human nervous system. In addition to fatigue, depression and irritability, exhaustion of the nervous system is fraught with serious illnesses. Therefore, it is so important to take care of your health and try to restore your psyche by improving the functioning of your nervous system.

The body vitally needs harmony and balance. However, the intense rhythm and incorrect values ​​lead to the fact that a person is constantly forced to be on the edge of his capabilities. A long stay in this state without proper rest will sooner or later lead to neurosis. It is important not to delay treatment for depression, because it is much easier to restore nerves at the initial stage.

To identify stress in time, you need to understand its first symptoms. It could be:

  • loss of interest in life;
  • irritability and nervousness;
  • outbursts of anger at others;
  • sudden change of mood;
  • interrupted sleep or insomnia;
  • absent-mindedness, decreased concentration;
  • poor appetite;
  • apathy and helplessness;
  • depressive and pessimistic thoughts;
  • loss of strength and desire to do anything.
  1. Health problems.
  2. Difficult financial situation.
  3. Problems with housing.
  4. Failures at work.
  5. Inability to build relationships with other people.
  6. Misunderstanding and disrespect for oneself.
  7. Breakups.
  8. Unfulfillment in life.
  9. Death of relatives and friends.

Psychology divides the causes of stress into external and internal. External ones act on people from the environment, and internal ones flow from the human body. The first reasons include bad habits, failures in your personal life and at work, and a difficult financial situation. The second category includes a person’s thoughts and feelings, his attitude to life and character traits.

Unfortunately, the busy rhythm of modern life leaves its mark: people have no time to take care of their health. There is simply no opportunity to go to doctors, even in cases of serious depression. Therefore, questions like “how to restore the nervous system after prolonged stress without resorting to the help of doctors?” you have to do it alone.

Any physical activity has a beneficial effect not only on keeping the body in shape, but also on a good mood. During physical activity, the human brain produces happiness hormones, under their influence the nervous system is restored and depression goes away.

If not completely, then it definitely becomes much easier. We are sure that each of you has noticed this yourself. In moments of physical activity, it is quite possible to distract yourself from pressing problems and nasty thoughts that have settled in your head like a dead weight.

Exercises that maximize muscle tone have the most effective effect on mood. Swimming, running, tennis, dancing, going to the gym - try several sports and find yours. It will not only bring positive emotions, but will also radically improve your figure.

What is not a reason to rejoice, admiring your “new” reflection in the mirror every day?

Positive emotions, sincere laughter and joy have the best effect on the restoration of the nervous system. In essence, laughter is a kind of breathing exercise. When a person laughs, the body is saturated with oxygen and mental balance is restored. But you can always find a reason to be positive, the main thing is to want it. And stop feeling sorry for or blaming yourself.

Pets, such as cats and dogs, are sensitive to changes in their owner's mood. It’s not for nothing that when communicating with cute pets, you feel peace and tranquility in your soul. Deciding to get a kitten or puppy to get rid of depression will be a good attempt to bring harmony and peace of mind back into your life.

There are special methods aimed directly at restoring the nervous system and relaxing the body. Try yoga, meditation, breathing exercises with proper breathing. You will learn to control the voice of your mind and control your emotions. Isn't it great?!

You don’t have to fly to the other side of the earth to restore your psyche. It’s enough just to meet friends in a new place or go on a trip to a neighboring city. New bright emotions, oh how they help push negative thoughts into the background! You simply won’t have time to think about them! Force yourself to get out somewhere. You will see that everything will go like clockwork.

Recreating an expensive spa at home after a hard day at work will help you relax, unwind and remove accumulated negativity. A hot bath (possibly with herbs or oils), pleasant music, aromatic candles in silence will definitely improve your state of mind and put you in a calm, cozy mood. You can take your favorite drink with you to the bathroom.

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