7 signs you're going crazy

Hello! My name is Igor Lapin, I am a professional pickup trainer. Today I will tell you how to become a crazy person. How to understand what recklessness is? This is somewhat similar to not giving a damn, but more aggressive. Let's say you find yourself in a conflict situation and are trying to avoid it, you are afraid of getting hit in the face or hitting your opponent. So, a crazy person is one who will not think for a long time, but will simply crack properly, and will not be afraid of the return, but will only attack his opponent more violently.

In other words, you simply have no fear of doing crazy things.

Emotion goes faster than thought. It’s hard to say that this is good, but when you see such people, you tend to envy and want the same.


People often joke about going crazy or losing their minds. Many people call a person crazy if they are a little eccentric, individual, or prone to strong emotions. It is also very common to assume that people who commit violent crimes are crazy. In addition, some great writers, actors and scientists have suffered from some form of mental disorder. So why are people going crazy?

Insanity is a psychological state where a person hears or sees things that are not there, or is convinced of something that is different from the opinions of others. Deviation causes the patient to perceive or interpret things differently from those around them. This condition may be caused by a mental or general illness, a substance such as alcohol or drugs.

Learn to be yourself

Most often, we limit ourselves in certain situations and ways of thinking. This is influenced by various factors, from parental upbringing to the formation of personality under the influence of society. A person is afraid of public opinion, i.e. separate from the gray mass and behave unconventionally. This fear, as a rule, is greatly exaggerated by numerous examples from life, films, and books. The totality of various information shapes us into uptight suckers who are afraid to say a word again if someone behaves arrogantly and infringes on our rights.

Take as a basis the fact that you build your own reality. You choose your environment, work, hobbies and standard of living in general. Think deeply: what will happen if you deviate from the general norms? Well, just think, they’ll point a finger at you behind your back, think you’re a fool, and so on. Note that they will point behind their backs, afraid to speak out in person! Isn't this how you live now? What is more important to you?

Medical facts

Why do people go crazy? According to statistics, the most common mental disorders are:

  • Schizophrenia is a mental condition that causes hallucinations and delusions.
  • Bipolar disorder. People with this disorder may have episodes of low mood (depression) or high mood (mania).
  • Dementia is senile dementia.
  • Depression is a feeling of constant sadness and emptiness, including postpartum depression, which women sometimes experience after the birth of a child.
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a condition characterized by the appearance of obsessive ideas and unpleasant thoughts.
  • A panic attack is a periodic attack of anxiety.
  • Neurasthenia is a disorder with increased irritability, fatigue and tension.
  • It follows that people who are considered crazy, in fact, simply suffer from the above diseases.

Madness training

It is necessary to start with real actions, namely, to overcome the barrier of self-restraint. Do what you're afraid of. Is it easy to say? But it’s not difficult to do either! It is enough to spit in the face of fear and move through it. What crazy thing can you do?

  • Fear of fighting. It's never too late to enroll in a martial arts class and learn how to stand up for yourself. Yes, you will probably get your face smashed a couple of times, but with this the fear of being beaten will disappear. After training, your confidence on the city streets will increase significantly.
  • Fear of the dark. You may not know, but many people are afraid of a space without light. It is associated with death and helplessness. Sometimes even the most proud daredevils are afraid to be left without light. One of my friends overcame this phobia by packing his backpack and going overnight into a deep forest.
  • Fear of extremes. Have you seen crazy dudes jumping from bridges into the river? Or on a rope from a cliff? You can do this too. Moreover, it will help you say goodbye to such fears forever. Jump with a parachute, climb onto the roof of a skyscraper and more. This, of course, is at your own peril and risk, but it will certainly make big changes in consciousness

How can you become crazy if you don't do anything crazy? It's like reading all the theory about how an engine works, but never touching a real engine.
Or watch enough porn, but never experience real sex. Draw conclusions and start acting. Make a list of things that you always thought were crazy and do at least some of them, because you need it for personal growth.


Why do people go crazy? What signs can be used to determine this condition? Most often, crazy people may experience various combinations of symptoms, for example:

  • Deviant behavior is deviating from socially accepted norms.
  • Hallucinations are a psychological condition in which a person hears, sees and, in some cases, touches, smells or tastes something that is not there.
  • Misconceptions Characterized by strong beliefs that are not shared by others.
  • Delusional thinking.
  • Anxious thoughts.
  • Obsessions.
  • Mania or insanity.
  • Lack of understanding and self-awareness.
  • Rapid and unintelligible speech.
  • Violation of the sequence of speech, for example, the patient may switch from one topic to another in the middle of a sentence.
  • Sudden loss of thought, resulting in an abrupt pause in conversation or activity.
  • Inexplicable aggression.
  • Causes

    The man is going crazy. Why is this happening? The main triggers that can lead to insanity include:

  • chronic stress;
  • alcohol or drug addiction;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • age;
  • constant failures;
  • psychological trauma;
  • loss of meaning in life;
  • social isolation;
  • loneliness.
  • There are many reasons why a person can go crazy. But they all provoke the development of psychological abnormalities according to approximately the same scenario.

    First, a person accumulates negative emotions. He becomes irritable and tired. As it progresses, excessive sensitivity to what is happening in the outside world appears. After a short period of time, the human psyche loses stability. If you do not contact a specialist at this moment, the patient may have a nervous breakdown. This can lead to depression, mania, addiction and even suicide.


    Almost any psychological disorder, from various diseases to depression or addiction, is somehow associated with an increase in stress and anxiety. Increased emotionality does not allow a person to think adequately in stressful situations. But feeling constantly stressed or depressed is not a sign that you are going crazy.

    One type of psychological disorder is panic attacks. In this state, people experience periodic attacks of fear or anxiety, which are accompanied by fear of death, increased heart rate, and difficulty breathing. Sometimes a person suffering from panic attacks may feel as if they are going crazy from increasing anxiety.

    What makes you shy?

    First, you need to understand yourself and understand what prevents you from turning on such a state of madness at the click of a button? What are you afraid of?

    1. Fear of being misunderstood and being judged by others.
    2. The importance of other people's opinions.
    3. It’s impossible to be yourself as a result of the previous points.

    This is the most important thing that distinguishes you from crazy guys. You need to put aside your exposure to other people's opinions.
    Don’t adapt to others and come up with your own life credo (set of principles).


    Have you noticed that some older people sometimes say or do strange things? In critical conditions, it may seem that a person has gone crazy. However, this is not quite true. Why do old people go crazy? One of the common diseases encountered in old age is dementia. In other words, it is called senile dementia.

    There are many different forms of this disease, and each of them has specific causes. The most common types of dementia are the following disorders:

  • Alzheimer's disease (“senile insanity”). It is characterized by the death of brain neurons, which primarily leads to memory impairment.
  • Vascular dementia. It most often occurs in people with high blood pressure, diabetes, smokers and those who have had several strokes. Each attack leads to a deterioration in the patient’s neurological condition. As it progresses, memory and thinking deterioration, gait disturbance, muscle weakness, emotional instability, and depression may occur.
  • Dementia with Lewy bodies is a disease in which cognitive impairment is combined with motor impairment. A distinctive and specific symptom is visuospatial disturbances. For example, blurred vision, hallucinations, difficulty recognizing objects.
  • Huntington's (or Huntington's) disease. Clinical symptoms include the appearance of mental disorders (depression, apathy, schizophrenia-like disorders), nervous tics, seizures, strange gait, impaired swallowing, etc.
  • Korsakoff psychosis is most often observed in patients with alcoholism. They experience memory impairment, paralysis, muscle atrophy, and decreased intelligence.
  • Why do older people go crazy? Dementia can happen to anyone, but is more common after age 65. Early signs of the disease are very subtle and vague and may not be immediately obvious. Some common symptoms include:

  • progressive memory loss;
  • personality change;
  • apathy;
  • loss of ability to perform daily tasks.
  • The story of a housekeeper of one of the richest people in Ukraine

    An interesting story of a housekeeper of one of the richest people in Ukraine (a member of the top hundred of Ukrainian Forbes) about how sometimes people turn out to be morally unprepared for the wealth that quickly fell on their heads, writes From-ua.com.

    For ordinary Ukrainians, how the richest 1% of the country's population live is a closely guarded secret. The intrigues and scandals that seep into the chronicles of social life are only a small fraction of the processes that actually take place. We decided to look behind the thick screen and try to find out what is on the minds of today's rich people, who hide their treasures in bank safes, behind the high fences of elite cottage towns, and, of course, in numerous offshore accounts.

    We met Lyubov P. (the heroine refused to give her last name) at the employment center, where she came to look for work after several unsuccessful attempts to get a job as a housekeeper in a rich house. We decided to reproduce half an hour of our conversation here in the form of a short interview, which expands our understanding of how wealthy families live and what kind of relationships they build among themselves. The interview took place in Surzhik, so for the convenience of the reader we have literary “humanized” it.

    — Who, for whom and for how long did you work?

    — I worked for several years in a very rich family (Lyuba gives her last name, but we will just say that this is a person from the Forbes top 100, the owner of a large chain of stores - Ed.). Father, mother, two daughters. The eldest is a superstar, a model, a radio presenter, appears in music videos, goes to Moscow, to the aggressor, so to speak (laughs - Ed.). The youngest rides horses and takes part in a competition. They live outside the city and own their own equestrian club. The father is an accomplished, experienced person, co-owner of a very large business, the mother stays at home or is involved in some kind of charity.

    — What was unusual in the family and why did you quit?

    “Everything was unusual - from the untold wealth that seemed to be coming out of the ears, to the relationships between people. Sometimes it seemed that this was not a family, but a madhouse, in which everyone had their own personal reality, they occasionally intersected with each other in a very strange way, a lot of mysteries and secrets, a lot of mistrust, meanness, lies. They treat workers like cattle that must silently plow for them. Usually they don’t say hello, but pretend that they don’t see the person in front of them. I couldn’t stand it all, so I quit. And yet, despite the fact that they are very rich, they are terribly tight-fisted. The salary was not increased, but the work kept increasing. This is despite the fact that there are more than 20 servants in the house.

    — What amazed you most?

    “These seemingly self-sufficient and very rich people are filled with envy, anger and meanness towards all their loved ones and acquaintances. It would seem that money flows like a river, you live for your own pleasure. But they want to devour and destroy each other. My former master has two partners. They say the three of them have equal shares in the business. But my owner Valentina Fedorovna constantly complained to her friends and family that her husband’s partner found his wife in a grocery store; she worked as a saleswoman. She called her a spoon washer, saying that it is unknown who seduced her there (Lyuba uses another, strong word - Ed.), and this one took her as his wife. And only this is considered the basis for her husband Gennady to cheat his partner out of the business. Fortunately, he hasn't done that yet.

    They washed the bones of the second partner with the whole family. The fact is that he is Tajik by origin, and the attitude towards him is, to put it mildly, humiliating. Expressions like “that comrade with gold teeth” are probably the most decent things they say about him behind his back. At the same time, both Valentina Fedorovna and Gennady Vladislavovich very often repeat that if it weren’t for them, then “this Tajik would still be selling vegetables by the road.” They say they brought him into the public eye and gave him the first money for business. As they say, the only thing he is capable of is cooking delicious pilaf. But to his face they say something completely different, and sometimes you might even think that there is no one closer to them on the whole Earth.

    — Is it just personal hostility, or is there money behind such a negative attitude?

    “They have so much money that it is impossible to spend even in several lifetimes.” But they are ready to strangle you for every penny. For example, their trading network is constantly expanding and buying hundreds of new buildings and plots of land. All transactions are executed through notaries. So the director of their company, it seems, was “ratting” and formalizing transactions only through his brother, putting part of the money in his pocket. When my master found out about this, he decided to make his daughter Anya a notary. After she failed the exam twice, he simply bought her a notary license. Although within the framework of the law this would be impossible. I heard it myself, how they boasted. So the rich can do anything with us. Although Anna knows nothing about legal matters.

    When my owner insisted that transactions be executed only through his daughter, his partner’s daughter Nina immediately wanted to become a notary herself so that these transactions could be executed through her. My hostess Valya just said that her partner’s daughter “runs around like a fried lynx” with this notary crust, but she can’t fit herself anywhere. Although she is still closer to legal issues, because all her relatives are lawyers.

    And my owners’ daughter Anya, instead of actually working in a notary’s office, or doing something useful in life, besides visiting beauty salons, spends the rest of her time figuring out with her friends which of them is “cooler”, what kind of car she bought next dad or what new video she was featured in.

    — How do “fathers of families” react to this “rivalry”?

    “They generally have a very complicated history.” My former owner has a granddaughter. My daughter and son-in-law separated several years ago - well, you never know, they didn’t share something in life. Before this, the parents had a relationship with their son-in-law - at least apply it to the wound. Then the grandfather broke loose: they began to bug the guy. And they planted drugs and grenades on him to put him in prison. One time a tree almost fell onto a car. In general, everything to get rid of the former son-in-law. They dragged him through the courts just to prevent him from seeing the child. To be honest, I think that this is already a “clinic”. He didn't do anything to them. You may have quarreled, but a girl must have a father. And so she only sees her grandfather and the nannies. She is not even allowed to go to school. And she still calls her grandfather dad. This is fine?

    And this family war is already heard on TV, and partners say that it is already beginning to harm their common business. Everyone is already looking at Gennady as if he is an old man who has lost his mind. And two partners are trying to persuade my former owner to end his squabbles, because they want to earn their billions in peace. And then retire to spend it.

    - So what, does he react?

    - No, he’s trying even harder to destroy his son-in-law. He doesn't sleep well, he's nervous, he screams at everyone. I don't understand why he needs all this. People say he wanted a son, an heir. Then he hoped that his daughter would give him a grandson, to whom he could transfer management of the business. And now the son-in-law has left, and the daughters will squander their entire fortune in no time. This is why I went crazy. True, his wife and daughter are constantly “winding up” him.

    So he is less and less involved in business affairs, and more and more with his crazy idea to put his former deputy son-in-law in prison and deprive him of parental rights.

    - How do you think it will all end?

    - I'm no longer interested in this. If people have no morals and get rich very quickly, a lot of money can turn them into real monsters. So now I’m looking for a simpler job so that I know less and sleep better. Because if at least a tenth of our rich people have such passions in their families, then I’m scared for the country.


    Why do smart people go crazy? Is there really a thin line separating madness from genius? For example, you can remember Vincent Van Gogh. This famous 19th century artist suffered from bipolar disorder. He cut off part of his left ear and ultimately committed suicide. Unfortunately, there are many such examples.

    Freedom from public opinion

    To stop being dependent on the words of others, you need to not just stop accepting condemnation.
    It is equally important not to be fooled by flattery, praise, etc. This is because the attachment to someone else’s opinion is strengthened from this just as much as from negative influence. Be on your own and don’t be imbued with sycophancy from the outside. Remember why you started the fight - to become yourself.

    If you don't like something, say so. People endure humiliation all their lives, but you are not one of them. Confidently state your opinion, let everyone take it into account. All you risk by being yourself is losing your shackles and limitations.

    The biggest mistake that all shy guys make is that they supposedly consider themselves cultured and therefore remain silent when others speak. This is ordinary self-deception, an excuse for one’s fears. As a result, strong people share their views, and the shy one sits, keeping his opinion in one secluded place. Well, what good is such an opinion then?

    Bad dream

    A hundred years ago, people averaged nine hours of sleep every night. Currently, according to research, the duration has been reduced to 7 hours. This trend leads to a decrease in the overall level of psychological health. In order for the human brain and body to fully rest and recover, a person needs to sleep from 8 to 10 hours. Otherwise, mental disorders and, subsequently, insanity cannot be avoided.

    Nervous shocks

    Can a person go crazy, for example, from losing the meaning of life? This usually happens when he loses someone close, such as a child or parents. In this case, the feelings from the tragedy that have occurred can be so strong that a person cannot feel anything else except pain, grief and devastation. At such moments, many close down, do not pay attention to anything, worry and often try to drown out the pain with alcohol. If this condition drags on, depression and psychological breakdowns may occur. In addition, when a person cannot cope with emotions and does not receive psychological help or the support of close friends or relatives, he may develop suicidal thoughts.

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