Dangers on the Internet: how to protect yourself and your child?

How to protect personal data on the Internet: down with surveillance

Even if you are using a secure connection, Google or another Internet giant may be tracking your online activities. Even your ISP can do this. By the way, in many countries, providers are required to save the search histories of their clients so that they can then be transferred to law enforcement agencies upon request. So if you want to protect your data on the Internet, you should make sure that no one is following you on the Internet.

To stop Google and others from tracking your search history, switch your browser to private mode. In Chrome it is called “Incognito Mode”, in Firefox it is called “Private Browsing”. If you are sitting at a shared computer or using a friend’s computer as a guest, private mode will come in handy: your data will not be saved on someone else’s device, and your friend will not then watch contextual advertising intended for you.

You can also install special extensions that will help prevent tracking using cookies and save you from annoying contextual advertising. Be careful: use extensions from trusted developers. Attackers often pass off malware as applications and extensions designed for protection.

But even after this, Google will still be able to collect data about you and store it on its server. For Google, analyzing search history and using it to tailor personalized ads is one way to make money. If you are not happy with this and want maximum privacy, use another search engine.

But your ISP will still be aware of your actions. If you don't want that either, this is a reason to think about a VPN again. Will a VPN protect your connection? Yes. Will a VPN protect you from a nosy ISP? Yes. In both cases the same method is used. Your connection is encrypted, but the provider does not have the key. All he can see is a random set of characters. Additionally, you won't be able to be tracked through cookies or other methods because the VPN also masks your IP address, meaning no one will know where your traffic is coming from.

Finally, remember to log out of your accounts when you're not using them. However, it is not enough to simply close the tab or browser. For example, Facebook tracks its users even if they do not have a social network tab open in their browser. To stop this, you need to log out of your account completely - this is especially important for online banking and brokerage accounts.

Threats to children

The dangers of the Internet for children are somewhat different from those for adults. The most common categories of undesirable factors for children have long been identified by psychologists, parents, teachers and doctors. One of the most serious types of danger on the Internet for the younger generation is receiving unwanted information. This could be pornography, violence, drugs, gambling, prohibited ideology and many other things. The child's psyche cannot fully accept the knowledge received. This can significantly affect thinking and mental development.

The dangers on the Internet can be different. Young children may reveal confidential information about themselves and their parents to strangers. For example, this could be your name, address, account number or e-wallet number. Children can also tell what time they are walking and where, when their parents return home, etc. Using the Internet, attackers can make an appointment with a child and communicate with him about inappropriate things. It is also not uncommon for children to engage in unsupervised shopping in online stores. In some cases, there is a risk of infecting your computer with a virus. This is not a complete list. It may vary depending on the age of the child. Parents need to know how to prepare their children for such situations to avoid negative consequences.

Children under 10 years old

Dangers on the Internet can befall a person at any age. However, each user group has its own characteristics. Children begin to show interest in the Internet at the age of 3-4 years. In some cases this is possible earlier. However, at this age, the baby’s actions are easily controlled by the parents. They can monitor what their child is doing on the Internet. But when they reach the age of 7 years, children are faced with the first unfavorable factors of the Internet. At this age, children copy the actions of their elders. It is important to develop the right culture of behavior on the Internet. Children at this age are trusting. They love to surf different sites and also play various popular games. Kids can also use mail and chat. Moreover, children can also show interest in prohibited sites.

Parents should configure their browser accordingly. They can also control what information the child watched. You can restrict access to different servers. At the age of 9 years there is a danger of Internet games. Children spend too much time on the computer. This affects their physical development and health. Parents should encourage walks in the fresh air and sports.

How to protect personal data on the Internet: secure connection

One way to protect your personal data online is to use secure connections. When you search for something on the Internet, send an email, or use a navigator on your phone, you exchange data with the server. While information is in transit, it must be protected.

One of the first steps to protecting your personal information online is to make sure your connection is secure. On your home router you need to set a strong password that is difficult to guess. It would also be a good idea to change the username: it often includes the name of your ISP or router manufacturer. Such information may be useful to attackers. If you have a home Wi-Fi network, use the WPA encryption protocol to prevent strangers from using it.

Now free Wi-Fi is available in many cafes, hotels and other public places - you can surf the Internet almost anywhere. But be careful: public Wi-Fi is extremely insecure. If an open network uses simple authentication, it's easy to connect to. However, you can just as easily become a victim of a cybercriminal. Do not use public Wi-Fi to pay for purchases, transfer funds, or exchange sensitive data.

Use a virtual private network (VPN) to help protect your Wi-Fi from hacking. This technology establishes an encrypted connection between your device and the server. With its help, you will hide your actions on the Internet from prying eyes. So a VPN will keep you safe even if you're using public Wi-Fi.

To transfer sensitive data, it is better to use a secure browser and sites with the HTTPS protocol rather than HTTP. An HTTP page can be hacked by spyware that will remember all the data you entered (for example, login and password for an online account at a bank).

HTTPS sites use SSL and TSL protocols to encrypt your connection. Simply put, this protocol creates a secure digital environment in which you can exchange data through a browser without the risk of being “overheard”—sort of like a secure handshake. When using SSL, a padlock will appear in your browser's address bar, and the website name will begin with https instead of http. If you want to learn more about the site's certificate, click on the padlock.

Some online messengers are very unreliable in terms of privacy. For example, your Facebook conversations are not protected unless you enable Secret Messages mode. This feature is only available in the Facebook Messenger app for iPhone and Android devices; it is not available in the browser version. WhatsApp and Viber messengers, on the other hand, use encryption, so they are much more secure.

Threats common to all

The danger of the Internet to humans can be significant if basic security standards are not observed. Moreover, some unfavorable factors when working with the Network can arise regardless of age. Both adults and the younger generation may become addicted to virtual reality. Today there are many games, platforms for communication, etc. They may seem more interesting and brighter than ordinary life. Therefore, adults and children can spend hours sitting in front of a computer monitor or laptop. At the same time, development in the real world may be inhibited.

Unfavorable acquaintances can lie in wait for both adults and children. Oddly enough, adults can make appointments with strangers just as trustingly as children. Some scammers can take advantage of this. Another type of danger that can lurk in virtual reality for both adults and children is bullying via the Internet. Confidential information and insults can significantly affect a person’s emotional state. At any age, such actions can lead to a breakdown. No matter how old you are, you need to be careful when communicating and not reveal confidential information to your interlocutor.


The Internet has a number of pros and cons. It allows you to get information about anything, find out answers to any questions you may have, or contact a person from another part of the country or even the planet. The Internet is thriving in the curriculum.

Now the Internet is everywhere, and people cannot imagine their life without it. What previously seemed impossible, now each of us can learn and do. Humanity does not stand still; in a short period of time there has been a huge leap in the Internet.

The Internet was born in 1983 and every year it grows and becomes faster and better, but also safer. You need to be careful, not fall for the tricks of scammers, use the Internet only for its intended purpose, know when to stop and not spend too much time on the phone or computer.

Children from 13 to 18 years old

The question of whether the Internet is harmful to health arises among many parents. With proper use of the Internet, almost all negative consequences can be avoided. It is important to pay sufficient attention to physical training at any age. However, at an older age, children gradually leave the control of their elders. The teenager is trying to assert himself and gain independence. Parents should not interfere with their children in this. They should be nearby and help with advice. However, a teenager’s obsessive restriction in actions can affect relationships with older relatives. It is very important not to lose the child’s trust at this age.

Parents should be aware that typical behavior for teenagers on the Internet is primarily communication. At this age, the child will not want to share information about his conversations with peers and other acquaintances. Teenagers have a lot of energy and ideas, but still have little life experience. This is where parents should help.

Children aged 13-18 actively download music and films. The Internet helps in studying. Communication takes place via instant messaging. Boys like crude humor, gambling, bloody scenes, violent games and pictures, adult videos. They are trying to sweep away all restrictions. Teenage girls love to communicate on the Internet. Parents should take into account that at this age it is the fair sex who may not notice the threat when communicating with strangers. You should have friendly conversations with your child about the dangers of harassment and violence.

Actions of parents of teenagers

There are dangers on the Internet for everyone. It is important to use the Internet correctly at any age. It is important to make a list of house rules for using the Internet. There should be a limit on communication in chats. You need to have conversations with children about their communication. At the same time, parents should ask about this as if they were asking about real friends from school. You can be interested in the people with whom your teenager communicates via instant messages. However, there should be no interrogation. The conversation should be friendly. Otherwise, the teenager will not allow his parents into his personal space. In this case, it will not be easy to protect him from harm.

At this age, it is essential to have conversations about a healthy sex life with your child. All information that a teenager finds on the Internet can be discussed with his parents. This should not be something shameful or forbidden. Open conversations with elders will help you understand basic things. You should not let your child’s development in this area take its course. It is important to teach children not to leave information about themselves on any websites, not to post their photos in chat rooms or on public platforms. By considering the main dangers on the Internet, you can take appropriate actions to avoid negative consequences.

Is the Internet a threat to your privacy?

Information is money. This is the main reason why your personal data is at risk.

Advertisers are after your browsing history - they can profit greatly from this information. Let’s say you type “apartment for rent” or “buy an apartment” into the search bar. By seeing your search history, the advertiser will understand that you are planning to move soon. This is a reason to show you advertisements for cargo taxis, furniture, building materials stores and insurance companies.

This is completely legal. However, scammers can also make money from your data. Credit card data is openly traded on the dark web, so for a cybercriminal to gain access to an airline's reservation system or an online store's customer base is a great success.

Attackers can use any information that you post online, which is why it is important to monitor the security of your personal data. Let's look at why online privacy is so important and how you can protect your personal data.

Behavior of parents of children under 9 years of age

Knowing the main types of dangers on the Internet, adults should take a number of measures. This will help prevent various negative consequences. It is necessary to develop a number of rules for using the World Wide Web. It is advisable to do this together with the child. The child should know that he is only allowed to visit certain sites that his parents approve of. If the Internet is connected to the computer, the equipment should be in the common room. Controls exist to block inappropriate content (for example, MNS Premium's Parental Controls).

Children should write messages and letters only from the shared family mailbox. It is necessary to explain to the child what can happen if he decides to give out certain information to strangers. It is also very important to simply communicate with children. You need to ask about their friends on the Internet, explain what a spontaneous acquaintance can lead to. Children should not talk to strangers. This rule applies to both the street and the Internet. It is very important that the child trusts his elders. If he sees something frightening or threatening on the Internet, he must tell about it. Parents should not scold their child for this. On the contrary, you need to praise the baby for his honesty and let him know that he is safe. Some complex issues may need to be explained. However, this can protect the child from danger.

Statistics data

The Internet can be for good or bad. Therefore, it is important to correctly use the opportunities that the Network provides. According to statistics, about 10 million children in our country under the age of 14 use the Internet. The older generation is also actively using the capabilities of the World Wide Web. What's interesting on the Internet? It is a world full of information, entertainment and communication. Many people lack this in real life. Children begin to use the Internet at the age of 4 (on average). Under the age of 12, about 85% of the younger generation actively uses the World Wide Web for communication and entertainment.

According to the same statistics, about 52% of children under the age of 14 visit sites that are prohibited for viewing at that age. This can significantly affect the psyche, personality formation and future life of the baby. However, even without visiting such sites, children may face other dangers. The country's doctors have noticed that the younger generation is becoming weaker and less physically developed. Because of this, various diseases arise. Children's immunity ceases to fight even simple diseases on its own. The dangers on the Internet are varied. They do not bypass adults either. No one is immune from such negative influences. Various dangers on the Internet are relevant for both children and adults.

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