Stress resistance: what is it and how to increase it

Diagnosis of stress.

The directions of psychodiagnostics, the selection of specific methods and the conditions for their use depend, first of all, on the conceptual basis of the activity of the specialist conducting the diagnosis, on the focus of his work, the request received, the purpose of the diagnosis, and on the specific situation.

The difficulties that exist in the field of studying stress behavior are also reflected in approaches to the classification of methods for psychodiagnostics of stress. Of the many methods presented in science and practice, offered by specialists in the field of stress, several classes can be distinguished, in accordance with the purpose and subject of the study:

Stress levels. Health or illness?

Stress level is a quantitative and qualitative indicator of the magnitude and strength of stress affecting your life.

If stress is normal, this is very good, it means that your body is strong and can cope with mental influences from the outside.

If stress gets too high, it leads to illness, decreased immunity, or prolonged depression.

To prevent stress, take the Ashwagadgha plant.

There are several very simple and effective ways to determine your stress level , one of which is the Holmes and Ray Stress Scale .

Methods that help predict human behavior in extreme conditions.

Such methods are developed, as a rule, for the professional selection of specialists whose future professional activities involve working in difficult stressful situations (pilots, sailors, etc.). These techniques allow us to identify neuropsychic instability and predisposition to neurotic disorders. The most widely used tools for these purposes are the following:

  1. symptomatic questionnaire “Well-being in extreme conditions” by A. Volkov, N. Vodopyanova;
  2. method of propensity to breakdowns in a stressful situation “Forecast” by V. A. Baranov.

Techniques to identify the negative consequences of distress.

It is known that living in long-term stressful situations or experiencing acute (traumatic) stress leads to depletion of the body’s adaptive energy. The result of this process is a deterioration in various indicators of physical health and psychological well-being. Methods in this class include:

  1. Giessen Questionnaire;
  2. scale of clinical complaints SCL R.L. Derogatis;
  3. scale for assessing the impact of a traumatic event (SHOVTS), etc.

The consequences of stress include the development of depressive states. The occurrence of depression has a complex pathogenesis, but it is obvious that the experience of frustration or chronic stress can provoke the appearance of depressive states and depressive symptoms. Methods aimed at identifying depressive symptoms, syndrome and depression as a disease are as follows:

  1. “Suicidal Risk Questionnaire”;
  2. method “Differential diagnosis of depressive conditions” by V. Zung, adaptation by T. I. Balashova;
  3. method “Differential diagnosis of depressive states” by V. Zhmurov;
  4. questionnaire “Level of Depression” by A. Beck et al.

Diagnosis of occupational stressors.

Currently, the problem of stress in the workplace is relevant for most working people. Knowledge of stress factors in the activities of personnel and managers is the goal of organizational diagnostics. N. Vodopyanova believes that “organizational diagnosis of stress is a necessary component of stress management.” Stress at work can be associated both with the characteristics of organizational culture and with professional stress factors. Methods in this class can be divided into several groups:

4.1. Methods aimed at determining the level of stress and stress factors in professional activities.

This subgroup can include such techniques as:

  1. scale for assessing the stress level of professionally difficult situations (PTS) in the workplace by N. Vodopyanova, E. Starchenkova;
  2. test for professional stress Yu. V. Shcherbatykh;
  3. questionnaire “Causes of activity stress”;
  4. test-questionnaire “Causes of stress in your work”;
  5. test for determining professional stress by T. D. Azarnykh, I. M. Tyrtyshnikova;
  6. assessment of the level of activity stress.

Currently, such a new technique as “Method of integrated diagnostics and assessment of occupational stress (IDICS) by A. B. Leonova” has become widespread.

The IDICS system is intended for diagnosing professional stress and is aimed at obtaining an integrated assessment of the level of experienced stress and selecting a set of optimization measures adequate to the specifics of each individual teacher. IDICS is intended to work with people over 17 years of age. The standard operating time for the system is 20-30 minutes. There are no restrictions on working with the system.

4.2. To maintain professional health, diagnosing symptoms of emotional burnout is of particular importance.

Currently, there is no single burnout model recognized by all experts. K. Maslach considers burnout as the body’s response to professional stress and proposes a three-component model: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduction of personal achievements [Maslach, 1982].

The scientific study of CMEA factors became possible thanks to the use of such traditional methods as:

  1. Methodology for diagnosing professional burnout K. Maslach - S. Jackson, adaptation by I. E. Vodopyanova;
  2. method for diagnosing the level of emotional burnout by V. V. Boyko;
  3. questionnaire for determining mental “burnout” by A. A. Rukavishnikov et al.

4.3. The result of highly stressful activity can be a deterioration in psychophysiological parameters and a decrease in the overall energy of the body. These indicators can be identified using techniques such as:

  1. questionnaire DO PC “Differentiated assessment of states of reduced performance (fatigue, monotony, satiety, stress) by A. Leonova, S. Velichkovskaya;
  2. questionnaire “Your index of psychoenergetic emptiness”;
  3. questionnaire for diagnosing psychophysiological maladjustment by O. I. Rodina et al.

4.4. A special group of techniques is devoted to diagnosing problems associated with time management in professional activities . The most well-known methods in this subgroup are:

  1. test “Professional competence in time” JI. V. Kulikova;
  2. questionnaire “Manager's Time Syndrome” by N. Vodopyanova;
  3. questionnaire “Time shortage in management activities” by N. Vodopyanova.

Stress scale. What to do?

If you score up to 200 on the Holmes and Ray stress scale, rest easy. You are strong, relatively healthy and adaptable to a changing life environment.

If the stress test gave you from 200 to 350 points , there is a reason to take a set of measures to get out of stress. You are on the verge of a serious illness, depression, apathy or a nervous breakdown.

If your score on the stress scale is over 350 points, you are on your way to a psychologist’s office. You will need to undergo a course of serious anti-stress therapy or even rehabilitation.

Methods to identify a person’s stress resistance resources.

Psychologists distinguish two types of resources - external and internal (personal). The use of techniques of this class is part of preventive work with a client who needs to know about the availability of these resources in order to use them in a possible difficult situation and maintain a satisfactory quality of life.

5.1. Experts in the field of stress believe that one of the most important external resources for stress resistance is social support . To diagnose social support, the multidimensional scale of perception of social support MSPSS by S. Zimet, as well as the questionnaire by A. Ananyev “Sources of socio-psychological support” can be used. The Zimet scale measures the level of support provided by family, friends and significant others.

The questionnaire “Losses and acquisitions of personal resources” (LPPR) by N. Vodopyanova and M. Stein allows you to study the presence or loss of material and intangible; external and internal resources.

Currently, no one doubts that stress resistance is associated with specific internal, psychological resources. It is these resources that determine the specifics of the perception and experience of stress. The resource of stress resistance is the individual properties and abilities of a person that ensure his psychological resistance to stressors [Kulikov, 1995, 2000]. However, N. E. Vodopyanova notes that methods aimed at measuring characteristic personality traits and identifying a predisposition to overcoming stress do not predetermine how a person copes with real stressful situations. In addition, the presence of external support also influences our experience of stress.

Significant personal resources include such personality traits as internal locus of control, self-confidence, high achievement motivation, self-confidence, optimism, ego-protective behavior, lack of tendency to type A behavior, lack of irrational attitudes, etc. To diagnose these qualities in psychology, there is a traditional set of techniques that are well known to every practical psychologist.

Many researchers also note that an important factor in stress resistance is lifestyle and quality of life, which influence the development and conservation of resources. In this regard, it is advisable to mention such methods as “Lifestyle Analysis” (Boston Stress Resistance Test), the “Healthy Behavior” test, the WHOQOL-YO quality of life questionnaire developed by the World Health Organization, etc.

5.2. Diagnosis of coping behavior in stressful situations . A central aspect of modern theories of stress is the conceptualization of coping behavior processes as a stabilizing factor that helps a person adapt in difficult situations. Currently, the concept of coping behavior has gained wide recognition among psychologists of various directions, which has led to the development of reliable diagnostic tools that allow measuring both the coping process itself and its result. The following methods are used for this:

  1. diagnosis of preferred coping strategies (E. Heim, adapted by JI. I. Wasserman);
  2. “Coping Strategies” questionnaire by R. Lazarus;
  3. questionnaire “Strategies for coping with stressful situations” (SACS) by S. Hobfoll;
  4. questionnaire SVF120 “Overcoming difficult life situations” by W. Janke and G. Erdmann (adapted by N. E. Vodopyanova);
  5. questionnaire “Coping behavior in stressful situations” (S. Norman, D. Endler, D. James, M. Parker, adapted by T. L. Kryukova, etc.).

Information obtained as a result of diagnostic studies can provide a reliable foundation for understanding our relationship with stress and developing effective strategies for coping with it.

Accumulated stress.

Perhaps you scored a little on the stress scale over the past year.

However, if you look at the scores for the last 3 years (each year separately) or even for 5 years, you can see that in one of the years the stress level went off scale.

If you did not make any efforts to relieve stress and psychological rehabilitation that year. If you haven't had much rest in the last 3 years, there is reason to think that you have Cumulative Stress Syndrome.

The effects of accumulated stress are almost as great or greater than those of scoring over 300 on the stress scale in the past year.

So, if over the previous year you have scored more than 300 points on the stress scale or you suspect that you have accumulated fatigue syndrome, you need to take measures to self-heal and gain strength.

A set of measures to quickly overcome stress:

  • Take an emergency leave of at least 30 days and visit a sanatorium, holiday home or go to a village.
  • Eliminate TV from your information diet, especially news and the Internet. Unless you visit the blog of a happiness psychologist a couple of times a week.
  • Purchase an audio course by a happiness psychologist on strengthening energy “Healing the Soul.”
  • Book an online session with a happiness psychologist via Skype.
  • Make a decision to be happy and enjoy life.
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