"Bad" feelings. How to properly express anger

Additional techniques

How to deal with resentment? If such a reaction occurs during pregnancy, then it is necessary to apply the technique of switching attention. To do this, you need to come up with a hobby. An excellent switch is singing, drawing, clay modeling, etc.

Knowing how to let go of a grudge can take you several steps forward in your self-development. It is enough to realize the freedom of action of other people. Remove all obligations from them. This will give you a breath of fresh air and relieve you of unnecessary stress.

Most people wonder how to control anger. This can be done using special expectant tactics and substitution techniques. During an attack of anger, it is necessary to imagine what caused the reaction in some funny way. And wait a little. After some time, the anger will subside.

How to deal with anger that won't go away? You can use the technique of digesting emotions. As soon as a negative state arises, you should take a sheet of paper and tear it into small pieces, soaking it with a feeling of anger.

Some people will be interested in knowing how to get rid of feelings of envy, because it is present in many individuals. You need to take a sheet of paper and divide it in half. Then write down all your shortcomings on the one hand, and transform them into advantages on the other. Positive qualities need to be repeated loudly, looking at yourself in the mirror every time envy arises.

An experienced psychotherapist can advise you on anger and how to deal with it. Today there are a large number of techniques.

Reasons for such an emotional reaction

The reasons for anger can be different. It all depends on the individual. Such an emotion is a sign of a painful psyche if it accompanies it too often. Anger and anger arise due to the following provoking factors, the main of which are:

  1. Upbringing. The example of parental behavior can be very revealing and often leaves an imprint on a person’s character.
  2. Severe psychological trauma. This is especially true when it comes to cruelty. When a person has experienced harsh treatment, it can affect his personality. In the future, he may show anger at the slightest mistake on the part of others.
  3. Problems in your personal life. Troubles in love and relationships cause not only irritation, but also anger. This is understandable. Personal relationships are a fundamental factor in the happiness of every individual.
  4. Diseases. The emotion of anger can arise as a result of various pathologies in the body. Especially malignant in nature. The patient feels disadvantaged and unhappy. Some people begin to actively fight pathology, while others are indignant at their neighbors.
  5. Difficult circumstances. Anger and aggression can arise against the backdrop of difficulties that come in succession. At the same time, a person has various troubles: problems at work, at home, etc.
  6. Inferiority complexes. Anger at yourself is one of the most common. This is especially true for people who are dissatisfied with their appearance and achievements. A negative attitude towards one's own personality contributes to the emergence of anger.

There can be a lot of provoking factors. During pregnancy, this condition occurs quite often. Anger is caused by extra pounds, deterioration in figure, inability to sleep normally at night in the last trimester, fear about the upcoming birth and the future. Where does anger come from? From the dissatisfied subconscious. Small troubles often become triggers. Sometimes a person becomes unable to control attacks of anger and seeks advice from a psychotherapist.

Some people become so out of control that they may cause bodily harm to another person. This condition requires mandatory medical intervention.

Is anger a feeling or an emotion?

Opinions: What is anger? (issue 2)

Vladimir Medvedev – psychologist and trainer of GRC (Kemerovo):

Anger is the result. The result of any dissatisfaction: one’s desires, one’s expectations, one’s actions.

And the main problem is that dissatisfaction accumulates. And when there is a lot of it, it becomes aggressive. Those. destructive. And its destructive power can be very great.

Yulia Grebneva – psychologist and director of psychological (Ekaterinburg):

Anger... This feeling is often classified as negative, but in fact, anger serves a protective function. Thanks to her, a person understands that something is wrong in a situation, and even what exactly is wrong.

If you learn to manage anger, it can become an indicator for determining your boundaries, it can become a tool for self-knowledge and improving interaction with other people.

After all, every person experiences anger, but sometimes people prefer not to notice it, deny it and suppress it - then relationships with loved ones become insipid, because It is impossible to show positive emotions due to suppressed anger.

Additionally, showing anger shows trust and sincerity. After all, being angry is considered unacceptable in our society, and therefore showing anger means revealing yourself to a person.

Elena Kadatskikh – psychologist and trainer of GRC (Ekaterinburg):

Anger is cheerfulness with a negative sign.

You've probably noticed that anger is one of the few feelings that takes energy out of thin air and creates goals.

For example, you can clean your apartment thoroughly if you really get angry. Either achieve results in sports, or stop doing something, or start. In general, this is a good fuel emotion.

This is gasoline on which you can move, and for quite a long time...

But just as a car runs on low-quality gasoline - it moves in jerks, stalls, and finally breaks down, so a person runs on “low-quality” feelings - he moves towards the goal in jerks, sometimes reaching the goal, sometimes not, periodically stopping, getting stuck and eventually getting sick. Anger gradually eats away our other feelings. True -......

And unbridled anger is a destructive emotion. You can cross the line and then really regret it. And not only through the line, but through everything that is dear: one’s own fundamental principles, concepts…. And this loss may be irreparable for the individual.

If something is wrong, we immediately start to get angry. Everyone has such moments, and not just once every day. They just don't give me peace.

Alexey Polyakov – psychologist and trainer at GRC (Moscow):

The feeling of anger is not so simple and unambiguous. Most psychologists agree that anger is a sharp and strong negative feeling.

However, we are more concerned with the reasons why we feel angry (this will help us avoid this negative feeling), or what to do if we already feel angry.

The causes of anger are varied and individual. Most often we get angry from powerlessness, from resentment, envy...

Sometimes the cause of anger is fear or mental trauma (in this case, anger acts as a defensive reaction). Anger is also used as a stimulating factor. This feeling forces us to act and not sit still (sports anger).

What to do? Living this feeling is safe for yourself and others. And use the power of anger for good, and not for harm (this is what we teach in our trainings).

Many thanks to the psychologists who took part!

How to get rid of anger?

How to get rid of anger and irritability? Several types of therapy can be used. The first was created by psychotherapist Milton Erickson. To fight anger, it is enough to come up with a punishment for yourself for this reaction. To do this, you need, for example, to squat 50 times, each time a negative reaction appears. After just a day of this practice, the subconscious will give up anger.

The punishment should be what the person dislikes most. When wondering how to get rid of aggression, you should understand that such a reaction brings a vicious circle of troubles into life. The reaction gives rise to the appearance of a new trigger in life and so on ad infinitum. The vicious circle can be broken by replacing negative beliefs and your reactions.

Getting rid of anger and resentment is much more difficult. This condition indicates a lack of mental balance. Resentment is an admission of what everyone around you owes. It is enough to understand that any person is free to act as he sees fit and reduce the significance of each situation.

You can get rid of anger and irritation using a special step-by-step technique. The first thing to do is tell yourself that it's time to stop. It is necessary to understand that such a reaction aggravates the situation, but does not solve it. Through force you should think about good things. Even if it is very difficult to do. Then, in any negative state, it will become a habit and will no longer be an annoyance.

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