Sex in the car, what positions will help surprise your partner

02/02/2019 Maria Ivanovna Society Any relationship requires emotional support, especially between lovers. Everyday problems, long separations, business trips and workload can cool the ardor. The information that you are remembered every minute can fill your heart with warm feelings.

The opportunity to remind yourself should be used only in an unobtrusive form. There are now a large number of ways to surprise a guy from a distance with words. Having the desire to make a pleasant surprise sweeps away all obstacles along the way. The new emotions received are an explanation for the renewal of feelings and interest in the development of a new relationship scenario. Next we will look at the most popular methods.

Messages and calls. Options for surprising a guy

Messages on social networks may not be read immediately. But the ability to use all available means to convey emotions to the address must also be taken into account. If you already had a close relationship, then you can talk about how you miss the gentle touches of the guy’s hands, who occupied all the thoughts in your head. How sad it is to be far away and not feel warm breath near your ear. You can also say that at home there is a cool bed and a hard pillow without a sweetheart lying next to you.

How to surprise a guy from a distance? Mobile voice messages can help with this. The ability of mobile phones to synthesize the human voice can cause suspicion or even resentment if the recipient understands where the message came from. If a guy is a comedian, then a successful joke can really improve his mood. You can report that you are a few steps away from him and enjoy watching the movement of your beloved hands.

What to do if a man is used to increased attention?2

In Shakespeare's time, people asked the question "To be or not to be"? Today everything is different. Modern girls are so concerned that men are becoming more and more independent and are in no hurry to get married that they are thinking about “To give or not to give.”

Sexologists say that every girl must answer this question herself and decide what is more important for her - just to please a man or to become a reliable companion and life partner for him. At the same time, if a lady has decided to give herself away, she should do it with taste, getting maximum pleasure, but without thinking about the future at all.

Girls who begin to invent all sorts of tricks, wanting to capture male attention, most often become victims of their own fantasies and they will be greatly disappointed.

A girl who herself does not believe too much in the existence of her natural desires and looks for motivation on the side is already on the side of the losers in advance. Any manifestations of “character” and hints like “I want it or I don’t want it” are the strings that a guy can pull at any moment to get what he wants. Don’t forget that men are manipulators by nature and can persuade almost any girl to jump into bed with them.

Only a girl who stands her ground, does not fall for even the most cunning manipulations and knows exactly what she wants can truly interest such a man. A woman who is ready to give herself to a man must truly be aware of her desirability and sexuality so as not to end up on the losing side.

Also, a lady should be so confident in herself that she understands that she can keep a man for a long time, that she is quite interesting, cool, and mysterious. Sometimes, the longer a girl delays making a decision, the more it becomes clear that she doubts not the man himself, but herself. A guy can forgive his beloved girl for only one of all games - independence.

A lady who strives with all her might not to be dependent on a man, to earn money for her expenses, and to contribute to the joint budget cannot help but be interesting. She shows that she is ready for a serious relationship, that she will not be left alone, even if the man refuses her. But it is precisely in such cases that men are in no hurry to give in.

A short story about your feelings, relationships

A video with your beloved should reflect actual feelings, display a familiar interior, a favorite chair or a pet. The owner of the house can record a short story with her participation. Let the cutlery be placed in it on the dining table in anticipation of the arrival of your loved one. A conversation on Skype will simplify communication, but will not add as much zest as a recorded romantic video made as a gift for your chosen one.

Gift with delivery

A gift to another city by delivery service, possibly indicating the date and place of the future meeting. When a girl knows what her lover dreams about, about the most modest desires, then it will not be difficult to choose the subject of her dreams. The main thing is always attention, consisting of little things, pleasant and unexpected. Perhaps it will be a ticket to a football match of his favorite team or a concert of a band that your boyfriend would like to attend. A business diary with a photo on one of the pages will always remind you of who made such a gift.

How to drive a man crazy in bed

Enthusiasm is what every man wants to feel when he is with a woman.

Believe me, when a partner perceives physical intimacy as a favor, it doesn’t turn anyone on.

Lovemaking should be enjoyable for both partners, and enthusiasm should also come from both.

2. Associated sounds

Absolute and complete silence during lovemaking does not always mean something good. Typically, this means you're not enjoying your partner's company, or worse, you've simply fallen asleep.

So, being vocal during intimacy with a loved one is a completely normal and natural thing. Your voice is the best barometer by which your partner determines whether he is doing everything right.

Foreplay is incredibly important. Without foreplay, intimacy becomes like a roller coaster without the slow climb to the top of the track.

As elsewhere, the expectation itself is the key moment of any intimacy. Don’t think that foreplay is a purely female desire. Believe me, men also enjoy this stage of physical intimacy.

Men love with their eyes.

Therefore, most of them, of course, are pleased to see their partner during intimacy, to look into her eyes.

Therefore, don’t turn off the lights, do something nice for your man: let him enjoy your body and face.

5. Return from the partner

Nobody wants to do a job alone.

Therefore, it is quite logical that your partner expects the same complete commitment from you as from him. You should not assume that only a man should give himself in bed.

Love requires the presence of both partners.

Original souvenirs for your loved one

A souvenir with an appeal or recognition to a loved one can be sent by mail or courier. This could be a coffee cup, a keychain with the name of the chosen one, a photo in a frame depicting the place of a future joint trip. Applying original inscriptions to any item is available in jewelry workshops and allows you to decorate an item intended for donation with a memorable inscription. The text itself should be impressive in content.

The event organization service can help in translating your idea into a real show or an unexpected surprise dedicated to a specific day. The resulting surprise strengthens feelings and brings newness to the relationship. Scenes played out live with the participation of strangers suggest all sorts of options for presenting a souvenir from a loved one on the street or in transport. A good surprise option is balloons with an inscription in the office window.


So how else can you surprise a guy from a distance? A letter in an envelope will help in this matter, especially if this is the first message in paper form received from the hands of the postman. You can write poetry, rhyming is not difficult at all. Your own composition mentioning important events and names will add color to the poetic rhyme. An attached photo from a romantic photo shoot will interest a guy, especially if separation depresses both.

Photo-musical congratulations

What can you give to your loved one and send by mail? A photo from a place where you spent time together on vacation, which can bring back the brightest feelings with memories. The photo on the crystal also looks original on a man’s desktop. A drawing with your own hands depicting a meeting or vacation spot that is recognizable to both.

A musical greeting live on your favorite radio station will bring joy not only to the car enthusiast, but also to the taxi passenger. Recording your own singing, if it is original, will also be an impressive event.

The prank can be appreciated by a person with humor, who in any case will understand what is happening and appreciate the impulses of the soul of the woman he loves.

You can still tell your loved one from a distance about the romantic dinner that will await you upon your return. This will help to connect the imagination, stimulating the most secluded corners of the soul and body, warming with warmth in anticipation.

Buy some coffee

If you're going to buy coffee, buy it for the person in line behind you. You may say it's corny, but this gesture will definitely make a person happy. No person will remain indifferent to such a surprise.

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Communication via SMS messages. How to surprise your lover?

How to surprise a guy at a distance via SMS? Use both the “stick” and the “carrot”. Be a very capricious girl for a while, and then become flexible. For example, in the first SMS message, be offended by the guy, in the second, write about it too. But in the third SMS, invite the guy to the cinema, you will buy tickets for his arrival. It is worth noting that between messages you need to pause for at least 40 minutes.

How can you surprise a man from a distance via SMS? To interest a guy, you should pay attention to his hobbies. In SMS correspondence you can very well show his passion for his hobby. For example, ask which team the young man is a fan of and say that you will buy tickets for the next match.

How to make sex feel good

A good relationship between a man and a woman is great. But if your girlfriend is not satisfied with sex, she will avoid intimacy and come up with good reasons why not now. Even worse is remembering who she liked in bed. You want to have constant sex with the one you like? Then remember how to please your partner.

Prelude - the beginning of the beginning

Why is foreplay necessary? The fact is that women have much lower sexual arousal than men. It is more difficult for girls to tune in to erotic games; this requires conditions and time. If you begin physical intimacy without desire, your partner will not experience satisfaction in sex. The main duration of sexual intercourse is not even enough to simply get aroused. If a man wants his beloved to experience passionate desire, he needs to pay attention to foreplay.

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According to sexologists, girls need 20-30 minutes to become aroused. Remember how to make a girl feel good with your hands and lips: you can stroke and kiss your partner’s erogenous zones. The most active ones are located on the ears, neck, in the hollow between the breasts, on the stomach, inner thighs, back, and buttocks. Perform gentle stroking with your fingertips, cover the skin with kisses, move your tongue, or you can use a feather. Your lover will definitely like such movements.

Intimate caresses

It is important to pay attention to the clitoris, because during sexual intercourse it is practically not affected, and women more often experience orgasm and incredible excitement from manipulation in this area, since there are a large number of sensitive receptors here. This will help warm up your girl to the point where she herself asks to take possession of her. Be sure to pay attention to intimate caresses. Start to cover the entire lower area. Kiss, stroke, slowly move on to the main thing. The genitals should be gently touched and stroked with your hands. If the girl doesn't mind, use your tongue.

You should determine which movements your friend likes more: gentle or persistent. At the same time, you need to keep your tongue relaxed and not spare saliva. If the girl starts moaning, it means you are doing everything right.

READ How to quickly bring a girl to orgasm and become an ideal lover: advice from sexologists

Main action

After you have aroused your chosen one, she will want penetration. If you want to know how to please your girlfriend in bed, you should turn sexual intercourse into an interesting and intense process. Change poses, show your imagination. Sexologists note the most sensitive positions:

  • when a man is behind him, he touches the G-spot, and with his free hands he can caress the clitoris;
  • both lie on their sides, the woman with her back to the man, at this time you can kiss the girl’s neck and back.

Pay attention to your partner’s reaction - if she makes “aahs” and “oohs,” then she likes it. If he doesn’t respond, change your position. Ask if she herself wants to offer something. Don't be shy, take action!

The main goal is to bring the girl to orgasm. Fulfill her desires, give pleasure. Your ending does not mean that the woman got what she wanted. After sex, take a few minutes to pamper yourself - it will definitely be pleasant for your beloved.

A little about the clitoris

A treasured place can please your beloved. The clitoris is the underdeveloped head of the penis; there are 8,000 nerve receptors here, that is, 2 times more than on the penis. They are sensitive to light touches. Outwardly, it looks like a small pea, located at the beginning of the labia majora and connected to the vagina. The shape of the clitoris varies, but this does not affect its sensitivity. In structure it resembles a man's penis. The head, which is not visible in a calm state, is covered by the clitoral hood.

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What not to do

When caressing the clitoris, it is important to have plenty of lubrication. If natural is not enough, use saliva. Dry fingers and tongue will not provide a pleasant sensation. You can simply rub the clitoris until it becomes painful. Don't press, squeeze, or force—there is no force involved, so be gentle. Too active movements on the cherished point can cause irritation and push your partner away.

Technique of caressing the clitoris

You may think that there is nothing complicated here. But in order to achieve the expected effect, you cannot do without knowledge of how to make a girl feel good with your lips and tongue. The preparatory stage for caressing the clitoris will be foreplay.

Place your palm on top of the genitals and stroke gently. Lubricate your fingers with saliva. To make it more comfortable, spread the outer labia. Find the clitoris (the tubercle at the base of the labia), run your tongue over it, stroke it with your fingers, and make rocking movements. Pull, suck and lick. All touches should be gentle and light. Being assertive can make you feel uncomfortable. Use your lips, chin, even your nose, which you can move along the perineum.

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Feel your partner, she herself will react to the right pace. You can increase arousal by inserting one or more fingers into the vagina. The main thing is to completely relax your partner.

What not to do?

We have already found out how to pleasantly surprise a guy from a distance. What should you not do? Do not do it:

  • Give flowers, even incognito, if such romantic impulses are not appreciated. If the guy is not a florist or an agronomist, then this sign of attention will pass him straight into the trash bin. Perhaps it will sit on the table in a flower vase for a while out of politeness. The emotions will end there.
  • Sing serenades under a window or balcony, which may interest neighbors or cause a backlash in a young man.
  • Organize a kidnapping in order to take a loved one somewhere. Guys in masks are unlikely to leave warm memories of their arrival.
  • An unexpected reduction in distance to a minimum in the form of an arrival can take a person by surprise, especially if this event exceeded all possible expectations.

Treat your colleagues to something tasty

A plate of brownies, pretzels, or something you prepared the night before can make all the difference to your coworkers' work day. Just buy something from the store or cook it yourself - they will highly appreciate your attention and care.

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