Resource state of a person. How to enter a resource state?

What does resource state mean: short and clear

Resource (resource state) – the presence of spiritual, emotional, physical, mental strength and energy to solve current problems. Essentially, this is the ability to “move mountains” – a feeling of inner balance and confidence. Some people associate such a flow state with absolute happiness. Perhaps this is true.

Maintaining a resource state requires a certain balance - the settlement of 5 factors. This:

  • physical health;
  • intrinsic motivation;
  • emotional comfort;
  • task focus;
  • time.

Working with resource states requires knowledge of certain methods and techniques, as well as an understanding of which resource needs to be worked on.

Types of resource states

The human body needs balance. That is why the resource is considered comprehensively. The list of resource states includes:

  1. Physical well-being – cheerfulness, full of strength.
  2. Psychological attitude – self-confidence, ability to take on and complete assigned tasks.

There is much debate about whether rest is an important component of this flow of well-being. On the one hand, in the “flow” you can work almost around the clock - sometimes things are burning in your hands, and there is no desire to stop. On the other hand, rest is a necessity. Without it, managing resource states gradually becomes a problem, since energy simply runs out.

It’s not always possible to catch the right work flow and bring back positivity and enthusiasm. Moreover, general well-being is negatively affected by external factors - lack of money, everyday fatigue, nervous overload. What to do in this case? There are special practices and exercises - with them you can achieve a resourceful state simply and quickly.

How to enable resource state

First of all, you need to remember this resource state. As I already said, everyone has had it in their life more than once.

Maybe it's your first kiss, or your first successful attempt at riding a two-wheeler. Maybe it's winning a school competition or making your own soup for the first time.

Maybe going to college. Maybe just lying on the seashore under the rays of the gentle sun, and the whole vacation is still ahead. Or maybe a good purchase that really suited you and wore well.

Do you understand what the trick is? Remember any such event in your life when you experienced joy and pleasure . When a person experiences joy, this is already a resourceful state, even if at the same time he is not doing well with money or has no confidence in the future.

Alcohol and other substances do not count! This also makes people feel joy and pleasure, but you understand everything...

Why remember events from the past? Moreover, they drive many into sadness, melancholy and nostalgic snot.

The task is not to slip into this very nostalgia, but to take from past joyful events the charge of positive energy that they once contained. Take it, drag it to the present moment and use it for its intended purpose.

How to do it? I'm telling you.

So, you remembered some event from the past that once made you happy and brought a good charge of positivity. You may not even remember all the details.

Moreover, we don’t even remember how real it really was. This is how our brain works. He doesn’t read any memory as if from a sheet of paper, but each time reassembles it from the images that sit in our head.

But let's not get distracted. You remembered the first time you fell in love. "For real", damn it! To the point of hot goosebumps all over your body and “that’s-he-that-prince-on-a-white-horse-scoundrel”!

Do you remember? Not? Not enough for all the princes? Hmm... Well, then let it be something simpler and not so exciting.

Let's say, a trip to the sea, carefree lying on the beach and eating unwashed grapes straight from the seeds. Do you remember? Wonderful!

Your task is to feel that moment again in emotions and bodily sensations. Well, the emotions are clear - you were filled with joy and pleasure. We have already talked about this. What is more important is not even this, but the bodily sensations.

Close your eyes.

Try to remember the sensations of how you are lying on the mat or directly on the sand. How a gentle warm wind blows across your body.

Listen - the light surf is rustling shells, and maybe even the waves are hissing as they rush onto the shore.

Take a deep breath and smell that unforgettable seaweed smell again.

Look around, at the sea, at the distant mountains, at the bright sun, at other vacationers.

Feel the sun hitting your skin. It's time to apply the protective cream again...

Do you remember? Did you feel it? Now imagine these memories and feelings as a frozen picture, something like a color and three-dimensional photograph, but with sounds and smells at the same time.

Now you need to place this picture on your virtual screen. Let me remind you that your eyes are closed. You see a dark screen and at the same time your three-dimensional picture of the memory. Now place this three-dimensional image anywhere on your virtual screen. Where you want it most. Remember this place.

Now open your eyes. All! The first stage is completed. As NLPers say, you have created an “anchor”.

And when you need to recharge with positivity again and turn on that very resourceful state, you simply close your eyes for a few seconds, find your saved picture on a dark virtual screen and immerse yourself in it for a few seconds.

How to do this is completely unimportant. Think for yourself. You can “dive” into it, you can drag it from the screen closer to you and place it next to it, or push it inside your body - your choice.

Don't be discouraged if visualization isn't your thing. Yes, there are visual people, there are auditory people, and there are kinesthetic people. This is all completely unimportant.

If you prefer sound, then build a picture based on sounds. If tactility is everything to you, then tie more bodily sensations to the image.

How accurate the image turns out is also not important. As I already said, we don’t remember exactly what happened in real life. We invent a lot of things anew, although we don’t notice it. So don't worry about accuracy. The main thing is that you like the image, period.

If your memory is really bad, then you can come up with a “memory” for yourself.

Was that even possible?

Yes, you can. And this works too, believe me. Come up with a joyful and pleasant event. But just try to connect all your senses here in the same way: vision, hearing, touch, smell, and maybe even taste. The more details, the better.

How to enter a resourceful state: 5 techniques for women and men

Many specialists - psychologists, coaches, NLP practitioners - do not need advice on how to restore a resourceful state. They just live in it. They also know the secrets of creating a resource state in seconds. They tune in to the desired wavelength and solve assigned tasks productively.

Everyone can learn this.

  1. Anchoring is a quick restoration of a resource state based on fixed emotions and events. We’ve already talked about anchors , so everyone can make a positive impression of the necessary sensations.
  2. Modeling is the use of resource state energy in advance. Live as if you are already successful, rich and effective. Don't complain. Move forward. Smile. Create a better model of yourself and draw strength from there.
  3. Rest as a way to restore and replenish resource status. Physical health is a complete reboot. Travel, walks, hobbies, physical activity and enough sleep. Any plan should include weekends and fasting days. Don't forget this.
  4. Setting goals. The resource state in quarantine is melting before our eyes. Therefore, we set goals – long-term, and most importantly, short-term. Specific completed tasks inspire confidence and lay the foundation for moving forward.
  5. Small steps. A method similar to the previous one to ensure resource status. Movement towards any goals should be carried out in small steps - mini-actions. The visible result inspires, which is what is needed to replenish the resource.
  6. Meditations. They always help. Musical tracks and special exercises are aimed at clearing the head of various thoughts and creating a positive mood.

We figured out how to find a resource state, but how to preserve it for a long time?

Karim Khalili: “I planned to immediately get into the team, but the situation was busy”


  • Source: SBR Press Service

After the opening stages of the World Cup in Kontiolahti, changes occurred in the composition of the Russian men's team. The team was joined by 22-year-old Karim Khalili, who had an excellent two stages of the Russian Cup in Khanty-Mansiysk and Uvat, winning victories in two races. After arriving in Austria, the athlete told the SBR press service about his state of health, feelings after unsuccessful qualifying races and his four-year training plan.

– When did you find out that you were going to Hochfilzen?

– The information was brought to me by personal trainers, who were contacted by the senior coach of the men’s team, Yuri Mikhailovich Kaminsky. After winning the super sprint (December 3 – SBR note) in Uvat there was already accurate information with logistics.

– In September, in a video interview with the SBR press service, you talked about big plans for the season, but based on the results of the qualifying starts, you did not make the team. Why didn’t it work out in Khanty-Mansiysk?

– Indeed, I planned to immediately join the team, but at that time the situation was quite busy. There were more than two weeks left before the start of the World Cup. Immediately before the selection, I had a hard training camp, did good training work for almost a whole month, and approached the selection with a heavy load. To be honest, I hoped that this would be enough to get into the team, but some problems with shooting prevented me.

– Yuri Kaminsky said after the selections that it is very important how Karim digests the volumes that he performed during the preparatory period. Is the digestion process still going on?

– I think yes, we can talk about it. After the qualifying starts and before the start of the Russian Cup, I tried not to slow down in training, and when the races started, the loads decreased and my condition began to improve. Last season there was the same scenario - I began to reduce the load immediately before the starts and accelerated as the season progressed.

– If you compare preparations for the last and current seasons, have the volumes increased?

– Yes, the load was a little more. But only me and the coaches should know the details.

– How did you feel after the unsuccessful selection? Did you scold yourself?

– I reacted surprisingly calmly, although immediately after the end of the selection it was a little unpleasant. I immediately switched to preparing as best as possible for the stages of the Russian Cup and proving my worth. True, as I already said, first of all I did all the planned work and ran the race in Khanty-Mansiysk against the backdrop of a slight workload.

– Your coach Yegor Sorin prepared his skier wife in such a way that the Norwegians and Swedes cannot calm down. Can you count on getting them to talk about biathlon?

- Ha, I'll try. But seriously, each athlete is individual and it cannot be said that if a technique worked with one, it will work with another. Each of us has our own preparation plan. I don’t have even the slightest doubt that we are doing everything right. We have an excellent dialogue with Yegor Vladimirovich, I also constantly propose something, there is a business discussion, and not just the implementation of a written plan.

– Karim, why didn’t you go with the team to the first snow camp in Aldan?

– The training camp in Yakutia was supposed to begin on October 14, and I only finished the mountain training camp in Sochi on October 12. By the end of it, I already realized that I had worked fruitfully and that fatigue had accumulated. I immediately discussed this point with the national team coaches and personal mentors. A joint decision was made that it was not worth moving from training camp to training camp and accumulating fatigue.

– Did you follow the first stages of the World Cup? What are your impressions?

– It was striking that many teams and individual athletes were not performing at the level that was expected of them. However, it’s only the beginning of the season; any fruitful analysis can be done only after four stages.

– The Russian team, as always, performs under high pressure. Fans perceive every failure as a personal insult, judging by the comments.

– And they can be understood, because after the race there is a protocol where the result is recorded. Few people go into detail and almost no one sees the positive aspects. Rather, the athletes themselves and their coaches celebrate them, and these moments exist. And this means a step forward has been taken. It's definitely too early to panic.

– The main troublemaker at the start of the season, Norwegian Sturla Holm Lægreid, is only a year older than you. You constantly crossed paths with him?

– Yes, he started the season great, even if he hadn’t won the first race. If we compare it with his debut last year, when he was also very good, then he improved more due to his shooting. And his distance travel is quite good. He and I constantly crossed paths at competitions, starting in 2020. I noticed this fact - his shooting at the World Cup became better than at the youth level and the European Championship. Getting into the main team calmed him down and relieved extra pressure.

– An excellent reference point, because you ran at the same level with him.

“I will do my best to perform as best as possible.”

– Have you avoided trouble with the coronavirus?

- Fortunately, yes. I hope that I can avoid them in the future, but it’s better to knock on wood.

– Is it difficult to be under restrictions in Europe after Russia? It's no secret that everything is a little simpler here.

– Yes, even in Russia I tried to comply with all possible requirements, I did not contact anyone except my coach. Lived and ate alone. I chose this line of behavior – as little contact as possible. So nothing much has changed for me.

Techniques: how to gain and maintain a resourceful state

How to return and stay in a resourceful state - simple and effective techniques that do not require special knowledge:

  1. Preparations for future affairs. Everything is simple here: we create the mood for active or mental activity in advance. This can be a pre-created report form that opens immediately after you boot your computer in the morning. Sportswear prepared in the evening for a morning run. Peeled vegetables for future lunch.
  2. 100 achievements and successes. When your mood rapidly drops to zero, you can bring yourself back to tone with a list of success. Just write 100 achievements for any period - even the smallest ones. The production of the joy hormone serotonin will return the resource state to normal.
  3. Alternate between your favorite and necessary things. Pleasant tasks will invigorate you and return you to work. Checked!
  4. Avoid emergency situations. Planning taking into account Covey squares will help you distribute tasks according to importance and urgency and get everything done without unnecessary fuss and nerves.
  5. Keep your focus. Stay mindful and avoid distractions. A little practice and you can do it!

We can talk about the resource state for a long time. But you can limit yourself to simple advice: catch the feeling of “flow” at least once. Fix it with any anchor (smell, music, action) and experience positive feelings of energetic strength at any time when you need it.

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Human resource state: techniques and exercises - how to enter the resource and preserve it
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