What is the basis of personal self-improvement

Many psychologists consider the process of self-improvement as the goal and basis of an individual’s life. This is due to the fact that a person has to work on himself throughout his life. Let's take a closer look at where to start self-improvement, what network of ways and methods for implementing the process and technique. Do you need a plan or program for self-improvement?


  • 1 Self-improvement where to start
  • 2 Ways of self-improvement
  • 3 Ways of personal self-improvement
  • 4 Methods of self-improvement
  • 5 Strategies for self-improvement
  • 6 Self-improvement techniques
  • 7 Tasks for self-improvement
  • 8 Individual program of self-improvement and development
  • 9 Self Improvement Plan

Self-improvement where to start

The need for self-improvement, to realize one’s potential, serves as the main motivating factor for starting to work on oneself. By and large, this process occurs automatically as one grows older and develops a personality. First, in kindergarten, we are taught basic rules of behavior and basic knowledge and skills are laid. Then we improve them at school, university or vocational school. Having started work, we master new techniques and technologies related to our specialization. In addition, we are constantly in society, therefore we acquire skills in communicating with people, influencing them, manipulating, learning to resolve conflict situations, etc. That is, every day the process of development “automatically” occurs. The ability to self-improvement is determined by environmental conditions. Of course, if we assume that a person performs the same actions day after day, then the development process stops. But it is probably impossible to create such conditions; one way or another, we are faced with something new every day. Even the flow of information from outside is the engine of progress. But all this is uncontrolled, natural self-improvement. Is it possible to set a vector while working on yourself? Self-development and self-improvement where to start? First of all, it is important to determine your goals, that is, the result you want to achieve: become a professional in your field, learn to draw, speak in front of a large audience, etc. To achieve the goals, you can use various methods, techniques, methods.

Ability for self-improvement, self-development

Personal self-improvement is a path of long and painstaking work on oneself, the desire to achieve harmony of body and soul, this means consciously developing in oneself positive qualities, abilities and skills. People improve in different ways: someone “gnaws on the granite of science”, trying to become smart and erudite, someone goes in for sports to ensure their health and good figure, etc. And in order to achieve perfection, you must first of all have a strong desire and hard work, because the ability for self-improvement is inherent in everyone, but is not revealed in everyone. Perfection is not achieved by every person, not only because there are no limits to perfection itself, but also because the environment and life circumstances may leave a person with too little chance to achieve much along this path. And it happens that working on ourselves frightens us with its complexity. However, you just have to really want it and take the first step, and everything will become so easy and understandable.

Personal self-improvement is a path of long and painstaking work on oneself, the desire to achieve harmony of body and soul, this means consciously developing in oneself positive qualities, abilities and skills. People improve in different ways: someone “gnaws on the granite of science”, trying to become smart and erudite, someone goes in for sports to ensure their health and good figure, etc. And in order to achieve perfection, you must first of all have a strong desire and hard work, because the ability for self-improvement is inherent in everyone, but is not revealed in everyone. Perfection is not achieved by every person, not only because there are no limits to perfection itself, but also because the environment and life circumstances may leave a person with too little chance to achieve much along this path. And it happens that working on ourselves frightens us with its complexity. However, you just have to really want it and take the first step, and everything will become so easy and understandable.

1. Self-knowledge is a person’s awareness of himself, his uniqueness, difference, initially accompanied by the separation of himself from the mass of his own kind and the world as a whole.

2. Self-affirmation is such acceptance of oneself and self-reliance, with the help of which a person, in an acceptable manner for himself, demonstrating his merits or reinforcing them with real achievements (in studies, sports, etc.) fits into the social environment and occupies a certain position - moral and legal - position in society.

3. Self-development is not just the application of one’s certain qualities and abilities in the practice of internal and external life, but also the desire to overcome negative ones, relying on positive ones. Self-development is a manifestation of a person’s internal freedom of choice, his initiative regarding himself. This concept combines various aspects of personality improvement and its upward development. The question of general development criteria, especially taking into account a person’s age, is not clear-cut. However, it is clear that in relation to children and youth these will be physical, psychological, moral, intellectual and ideological criteria. Self-development in this context means a person acquiring the ability to give his own impulses (make and implement decisions) to the relevant aspects of his life.

4. Search for vocation and meaning of life

The search for vocation and meaning in life is closely related to the first three stages and forms their motivational basis. We are talking about a person finding himself, finding out the essence and purpose of his existence.

5. Self-realization

Modern psychological theories of personality in foreign psychology: psychoanalysis (S. Freud), psychodynamic direction (E. Erikson, K. Horney), behaviorism (E. Thorndike and J. Watson), humanistic psychology (A. Maslow and K. Rogers).

Psychoanalysis is a psychological theory developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by the Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud, and an extremely influential method of treating mental disorders based on this theory. Psychoanalysis was expanded, criticized and developed in various directions, mainly by Freud's former colleagues such as Alfred Adler and C. G. Jung, and later by neo-Freudians such as Erich Fromm, Karen Horney, Harry Stack Sullivan and Jacques Lacan.

The main principles of psychoanalysis are as follows:

human behavior, experience and cognition are largely determined by internal and irrational drives; these drives are predominantly unconscious; attempts to understand these drives lead to psychological resistance in the form of defense mechanisms; in addition to personality structure, individual development is determined by early childhood events; conflicts between the conscious perception of reality and unconscious (repressed) material can lead to mental disorders such as neurosis, neurotic character traits, fear, depression, and so on; liberation from the influence of unconscious material can be achieved through its awareness.

Modern psychoanalysis in a broad sense includes more than 20 concepts of human mental development.

The terms "psychoanalysis" and "psychoanalytic" refer to the original concept of human consciousness and ideas about psychotherapy that were developed by Freud.

An important point of the psychodynamic school is that our childhood experiences and experiences have a significant influence on our behavior as adults. The psychodynamic approach in psychology implies that none of our actions is accidental. All our behavior is motivated and has specific goals, although we may not consciously realize what motives drive us.

Behaviorism is a direction in the psychology of humans and animals, literally the science of behavior. This is a direction in psychology that determined the appearance of American psychology at the beginning of the 20th century, radically transforming the entire system of ideas about the psyche. His credo was expressed by the formula according to which the subject of psychology is behavior, not consciousness. Since it was then customary to equate the psyche with consciousness (processes that begin and end in consciousness were considered mental), a version arose that by eliminating consciousness, behaviorism thereby eliminates the psyche. The founder of this direction in psychology was the American psychologist John Watson.

The most important categories of behaviorism are the stimulus, which is understood as any impact on the body from the environment, including this, the current situation, reaction and reinforcement, which for a person can also be the verbal or emotional reaction of people around him.

Humanistic psychology is a direction in Western (mainly American) psychology that recognizes as its main subject the personality as a unique integral system, which is not something given in advance, but an “open possibility” of self-actualization, inherent only to man. In humanistic psychology, the main subjects of analysis are: highest values, self-actualization of the individual, creativity, love, freedom, responsibility, autonomy, mental health, interpersonal communication. Humanistic psychology emerged as an independent movement in the early 60s of the 20th century as a protest against the dominance of behaviorism and psychoanalysis in the United States.

Modern psychological theories of personality in foreign psychology: Gestalt psychology (M. Wertheimer, K. Koffka, V Kelle), analytical psychology (K. Jung), individual psychology A. Adler), cognitive psychology (U. Neisser and A. Pavillot).

Gestalt psychology is a school of psychology at the beginning of the 20th century. Founded by Max Wertheimer in 1912.

It is based on studies of visual perception, which have proven that people tend to perceive the world around them in the form of ordered holistic configurations, rather than individual fragments. Figuratively speaking, a person initially perceives the forest as a whole and only then can identify individual trees as parts of the whole. Such configurations are called “gestalts”. The main postulate of Gelstatt psychology is the consideration of holistic structures without isolating their component parts. Based on Helstatt psychology, the foundations of Helstatt therapy were laid in the early 1950s. Fritz and Laura Perls and Paul Goodman did it. The basic approach of Gelstatt therapy is that the human psyche is capable of self-regulation, and also that a person must be responsible for his actions and thoughts.

Analytical psychology is one of the psychodynamic directions, the founder of which is the Swiss psychologist and cultural scientist C. G. Jung. This direction is related to psychoanalysis, but has significant differences. Its essence lies in understanding and integrating the deep forces and motivations behind human behavior through the study of the phenomenology of dreams, folklore and mythology. Analytical psychology is based on the idea of ​​the existence of the unconscious sphere of the individual, which is the source of healing powers and the development of individuality. This teaching is based on the concept of the collective unconscious, which reflects the data of anthropology, ethnography, the history of culture and religion, analyzed by Jung in the aspect of biological evolution and cultural-historical development, and which manifests itself in the psyche of the individual. In contrast to the natural-scientific approach of experimental psychology, analytical psychology does not consider the abstract isolated individual, but the individual psyche as mediated by cultural forms and closely related to the collective psyche

Individual psychology is a branch of depth psychology, a psychotherapeutic system developed by Alfred Adler in the 20s of the 20th century.

Adler created this direction on the basis of Freud’s psychoanalysis, rejecting some of the ideas of the “parental” school. individual psychology considers the basis of character to be an innate “social feeling” that needs education. The main role in the structure and dynamics of a person’s behavior is played not by the unconscious, but by the human consciousness, not by biological, but by social motives. People as individuals are not helpless beings, victims or passive bearers of their past experiences. They are active and can create their own present, as well as relatively arbitrarily choose their future. An important role in this process is played by intelligence and a person’s awareness of his own values ​​and ideals.

Cognitive psychology is a branch of psychology that studies cognitive, that is, cognitive processes of human consciousness. Research in this area is usually related to issues of memory, attention, feelings, presentation of information, logical thinking, imagination, and decision-making ability. Many provisions of cognitive psychology underlie modern psycholinguistics. The findings of cognitive psychology are widely used in other areas of psychology, in particular social psychology, personality psychology, and educational psychology.

Cognitive psychology is largely based on drawing an analogy between the transformation of information in a computing device and cognitive processes in humans. Thus, numerous structural components (blocks) of cognitive and executive processes, primarily memory, were identified (R. Atkinson).

The human cognitive system is considered as a system that has devices for input, storage, and output of information, taking into account its throughput.

Representatives of cognitive psychology: George Miller, Jerome Bruner, Ulrik Neisser.

Ways of self-improvement

The path to personal self-improvement goes through three main processes: • self-knowledge; • self-development; • self-realization. Each of them is a stage that smoothly passes into the next.

That is, as we see, it all starts with self-knowledge - studying yourself, your positive and negative qualities, strengths and weaknesses. In addition, it is important to analyze your abilities and talents, which may not be realized to any extent at the moment. The conclusions obtained will be required to form the process of self-development, develop a plan and algorithm for further actions in working on oneself. First of all, it is necessary to eradicate the shortcomings that prevent the development of positive qualities and new skills. To achieve your goals, you will need to create a specialized step-by-step algorithm of actions. At the third stage, self-realization becomes an essential factor in self-improvement. You finally realize your capabilities, which need to be put into practice and brought to life. But without going through the previous two stages, the process of realizing your potential is not possible.

The desire and awareness of the need for self-improvement

Self-improvement is knowing yourself, your own personality, developing your potential and bringing your plans to life. Every person strives to change for the better, proving to himself his ability to do better. Such awareness and the desire to improve oneself are inherent in nature. Motivation driven by social needs, readiness for change and awareness of the possibility of development is aspiration. This is not only an incentive to action, but also a certain combination of the concepts “I can” and “I want,” the merging of which can do everything that a person is capable of.

The aspiration of the individual generates self-realization, perceived in positive terms, bringing pleasure to the department. It is important to find within yourself the desire to act, which provokes the embodiment of your potential. This is the main engine of an established personality, guiding in the right direction. Awareness of the need for human self-development gives a psychological impetus to moving forward.

The value and semantic base of a personality consists of several motivational factors, having realized which we understand the need for personality development:

  1. The desire for self-improvement makes a person better.
  2. Awareness of the spiritual world of the individual.
  3. Regulation of behavior in society, the process of self-education.
  4. The desire for art and creativity - poetry, music, painting.
  5. Building a stable life, starting a family.

That is, awareness of the process of self-improvement is the basis of human psychology and culture, giving rise to motivation to achieve a goal and the path to achieve it. The desire for self-improvement, as a fully conscious action, means the individual’s readiness to become better and more successful. At different periods of our lives, our understanding of life, as well as our desire for goals, differs. In childhood, a person strives to get a toy, in school years to understand the structure of the world and society. During our student years, our personality is formed, and when we reach adulthood, we strive to become better than others, filling our lives with comfort. It doesn’t matter which side of life you prefer - spiritual or material - it is important to develop yourself.

Ways of personal self-improvement

In the process of working on yourself, you can choose those methods of self-improvement that are more accessible and, most importantly, suitable for realizing your goals. One of the most effective for most tasks is reading as a way of self-improvement. The main share of all acquired knowledge comes from this source of information acquisition. Regardless of what is your priority in the near future, reading will allow you to gain knowledge that you can put into practice in the future.

There are other ways of self-development and self-improvement: • studying or improving already acquired knowledge of a foreign language (on your own, with a tutor, seminars, courses, webinars, etc.); • travel is a source of new knowledge, impressions, positive emotions; • self-education - accustom yourself to a correct and healthy lifestyle, to a rational and balanced diet, to a harmonious rhythm of wakefulness and rest; • eliminating bad habits and “parasite activities”, eradicating laziness and procrastination; • playing sports is a good way to throw out negative emotions and maintain health; sports are a possible source of self-improvement for every person; • visualization of your goals and dreams. Choose methods that are suitable for you, include them in an individual program of self-improvement and development.

Self-improvement methods

Methods of personal self-improvement are: • various areas of self-development; • spiritual practices; • well-developed methods of influence, including hypnosis, self-hypnosis, etc.; • processes of self-analysis; • planning; • self-control; • self-education. Which methods to use is a choice for each individual. You can use already proven methods or develop your own, depending on the direction of improvement and your priorities. The main thing is not to make a mistake in selecting tools, so that the work process does not turn into a boring routine, delaying the results. You should not use meditation if you do not believe in it or do not know how to perform it correctly.

The best option is to combine several methods, such as planning and self-control, spiritual practices and self-education. It is possible that in order to achieve each specific goal, you will need to apply individual methods of self-improvement and develop specific strategies.

Self-improvement strategies

Self-improvement strategies are divided into types: • standard; • copyright. Standard strategies include clearly defined norms, tasks, exercises, and techniques. The algorithm of actions is already predetermined and planned, which simplifies its application. This is due to the fact that the theoretical and practical parts have already been tested, errors and possible consequences have been identified. Take it and act! The author's methods are unique and cause a lot of disagreement among both specialists and users. But they are worked out for each person individually. The choice of strategy is determined by a number of factors: • the set objectives of the chosen direction of development (for example, for losing weight, a strategy of physical self-improvement is suitable, for career implementation - professional, for affirming philosophical beliefs - spiritual development); • the result of self-analysis, that is, identified positive and negative qualities, priorities, areas of self-improvement, etc. • studying the types of strategies to consider the possibility of adapting them to your needs; • opportunities for self-control and tracking the results of the work done. When choosing the right option, you can make adjustments according to your resources, needs and desires. Some people need training 5-6 times a week for several hours, while others need 2-3 sessions. Do not forget about self-education as the main form of self-improvement.

Self-improvement techniques

Having decided on the methods and strategy for self-improvement, all that remains is to select the appropriate techniques: • mnemonics – aimed at developing memory and accompanying thought processes;

• visualization of the past – to eliminate blocks, fears, mistakes that interfere with the implementation of assigned tasks; • neurolinguistic programming (NLP) - independently agree with yourself to carry out some activities, even if not very pleasant ones, in order to overcome some negative qualities, for example, laziness;

• neurobics – the use of special exercises for the brain;

• art therapy – drawing with the aim of reflecting and destroying negativity, in some cases, mental healing;

• coaching – achieving set goals under the guidance of a “coach”;

• Hellinger constellations – a method for solving problems that arise in various areas of life;

• Socionics – the study of personality types and the relationships between them.

Again, a certain technique is suitable for everyone, which will help speed up the process and completion of tasks to unlock your own potential.

Self-improvement tasks

We found out what is necessary for self-improvement: • defining goals in accordance with priorities; • choosing a strategy in accordance with the direction of self-improvement; • applying suitable methods and techniques to work on yourself. All this together should be aimed at completing tasks that contribute to the acquisition of new knowledge and the development of skills: • read every day, a certain period of time or a planned amount of text; • visit museums, galleries, theaters, exhibitions; • take part in thematic discussions in groups, forums, seminars, etc.; • analyze the past every day, draw conclusions and let go of accumulated negativity; • watch your speech, try to construct sentences correctly, do not use filler words; • refrain from making critical statements about others; • try to always think positively; • get rid of the old, update your wardrobe, make repairs or simply rearrange; • master new technologies, not only in the IT field, but also in everyday life; • move more, play sports; • expand your horizons. Even by changing the trajectory of your journey home today, you have laid the foundation for a new neural connection in the brain, remember this.


In most cases, professional self-development is an implicit but mandatory condition for career growth or business success. Anyone can achieve good results in this area, but at the same time combining various areas of self-improvement, having sufficient motivation, basic abilities and the willingness to constantly work on oneself in a given direction. At the same time, it is important not only to master new skills and abilities, but also to improve the level of existing ones and monitor possible internal limitations. By observing all these conditions and devoting at least a minimum of time every day to their development, each specialist has a unique opportunity to achieve amazing results without outside help, dramatically increasing their chances of career advancement, increased income and professional self-realization.

Systematic self-improvement as an idea is your vector for success. Don’t miss the unique opportunity to rise to a new level and get closer to your dream. Start now - feel the changes tomorrow!

Individual program of self-improvement and development

How the process of working on oneself should ultimately occur is fully reflected in the self-improvement program. It includes the following stages of self-improvement: 1. The first stage of self-improvement is the definition of the ideal self, that is, the definition of what you are striving for, what you want to achieve. 2. The second stage is the “I-today” analysis. This process involves an objective assessment of the real self, with all its positive and negative aspects. 3. The third stage is determining directions for self-improvement. 4. Based on the previous three points, plan a step-by-step algorithm of actions, taking into account your resources and capabilities. 5. Move from theory to practice - start implementing all the actions today! 6. Get rid of a toxic environment, look for those who will support your endeavors. 7. Record results, analyze successes and failures. Don’t try to imitate someone or completely repeat someone’s success, strategy, methodology, become an example for those who are just embarking on the path of self-improvement.



(Ivanova T.V.)

Professional self-improvement of a teacher is a process that is aimed at improving and developing pedagogical qualities, meeting the requirements that the teacher sets for himself. (slide, no. 2).

When improving skills and developing competence, a teacher faces a number of tasks of both personal and professional development, and the result of solving these problems, in my opinion, is the final product - a graduate. I believe that the level of training of the graduate and his further successes are the result of the teacher’s daily painstaking work on himself, on self-improvement of his personal and professional qualities.

A good teacher, as we know, continues to learn throughout his life. A teacher who teaches only the material that is presented in the textbook does not evoke much respect among students. This problem has become especially relevant in the last decade, when there is an endless flow of new information through television and the Internet. Therefore, in real conditions, the urgent question is that you need to be extremely prepared so as not to get into trouble when you are faced with questions from particularly inquisitive students.

Self-improvement of pedagogical skills and constant replenishment of one’s knowledge help to cope with such tasks.

Using my own example, I want to show the small achievements and disadvantages of the work of a young teacher.

  1. A beginner and a teacher who has been working for more than one year should not be afraid to ask, ask for advice and help from more experienced teachers. Those teachers to whom I have repeatedly turned for help are responsive and always enthusiastically ready to help, approve or criticize in the correct form, and give advice not only regarding teaching methods, but also in terms of educational issues; willingly show their documentation as an example.

Many people say that they learn from or with their students, and I completely agree with this opinion. Sometimes students, without knowing it, tell me a way out of an unusual situation. And this also contains a piece of teacher self-improvement.

  1. Important support in self-improvement can also be found in collective work, for example, at meetings of subject (cycle) commissions. At such events, you can discuss not only the issues that are spelled out in the work plan of the PCC, but also ask for help from members of this narrow team. Looking specifically at my example, I want to tell you that when preparing for a week in my specialty, I couldn’t come up with an event, and besides, I wanted to spend the week in some unconventional way in order to captivate the students and so that the events held would remain in their memory as vivid impressions student life. The team members gladly responded to the call for help, everyone began to offer their own ideas, and something came up during the discussion. As a result, we planned events for the weeks of three specialties, developed the order and structure of the weeks, distributed responsibilities, and also decided to involve the students themselves in the preparation, organization and conduct of the weeks as much as possible. The results were good: students were happy not only to participate, but also to help; all members of the PCC attended the events of the weeks, participated in their preparation and conduct. (slide no. 3-13).

These mutual visits had a positive impact not only on my self-improvement as a teacher, but also on the team as a whole, since we learned from each other and each concluded for himself about the positive and negative aspects, outlined ways for further improvement and correction of shortcomings for the next school year .

  1. The next point in self-improvement, in my opinion, is mutual attendance at lessons and various events. (see presentation, slide No. 14-15). Each teacher has his own tactics for conducting classes, his own “highlights”, and by attending the lessons of colleagues, you make discoveries for yourself, certain conclusions, see the shortcomings of your lessons and in the future, working on mistakes, improve your skills. In addition, by changing something in your work, you sharpen your teaching methodology, the interest of students is immediately noted, even the most passive ones are included in the work and the lesson is not boring, positive and exciting, there is a positive dynamics in the psychological atmosphere, due to the good activity of students, the and the completeness of assessments.
  2. I highlighted the success of graduates as one of the important factors in self-improvement. (see presentation, slide No. 16). Having acted as a thesis supervisor for the past few years, I have observed changes in a positive direction.

When distributing topics for final qualifying papers, during further work on them, and conducting pre-defenses, I focus on personal orientation. In this matter, the following results have been outlined (see presentation, slide No. 17).

In addition, in 2011, 1 graduate entered the university, and already in 2012 - three. I consider this a small success for myself. In addition, close cooperation with practice centers and leading university teachers, and invitations to defend directors of enterprises also had a positive impact on the results: the guys are trying to prepare well, and two employers offered three of my graduates jobs after receiving their diplomas. But for me, as a teacher who is looking for ways to improve myself, cooperation with employers provides an opportunity to discuss new discoveries in the field of technology, promising and modern methods of diagnostics, and equipment repair that are not yet presented in textbooks.

I consider the biggest disadvantage for myself, a teacher of special disciplines, to be that I have no experience working in production. The third generation educational standard states the following (slide No. 18): “Experience in organizations of the relevant professional field is mandatory for teachers responsible for students’ mastery of the professional cycle; these teachers must undergo internships in specialized organizations at least once every 3 years.” Acting as a supervisor and registering my students for pre-diploma internship, I began to work closely with some specialized enterprises (see presentation, slide No. 19), namely: Frigoglass Eurasia LLC, which installs commercial refrigeration equipment; LLC Trade Equipment Group, which provides installation, repair and maintenance services for industrial refrigeration and ventilation equipment; LLC RBTO-service, which repairs refrigeration and food equipment; industrial equipment center of ZAO Ostrov, which carries out installation, commissioning, and maintenance of commercial and industrial refrigeration equipment, industrial air conditioning systems, and automatic refrigeration devices. Currently, official internships with the issuance of a state-issued certificate are carried out only by Ostrov JSC and only in the city of Moscow, where a special training center has been created for beginners and practicing specialists. Regarding food equipment, there are also no official internship places in the city of Orel for teachers. Therefore, it is necessary to negotiate on this issue and it may even be worth concluding a special agreement on the provision of such services, especially if, for example, 2-3 teachers from different educational institutions will be trained at the same time. This will additionally give teachers the opportunity to exchange experience and knowledge among themselves, and at the end of the internship, implement new ideas in their lessons and thereby grow not only in their own eyes, but increase their authority among students.

CONCLUSION: (see presentation, slide No. 20) Professional self-improvement of a teacher is the sum of the following components:

  • The education of the teacher, his erudition;
  • Love for students and the ability to find a common language with them;
  • Knowledge of teaching methods;
  • A creative approach to lesson design, presentation of material, and extracurricular activities;
  • Positive self-perception;
  • Student-centered teaching, flexibility, spontaneity of behavior;
  • Knowledge of developmental psychology.


Self Improvement Plan

When creating step-by-step instructions, take into account a number of important nuances: 1. Planning work on self-improvement must necessarily take place in accordance with the chosen areas of development. 2. The algorithm of actions should reflect both short-term and long-term goals, the former will become an incentive for the latter. 3. When drawing up a plan, take into account the deadlines and mark the results of self-improvement. 4. Develop a project based on your capabilities and resources. For example, if you cannot afford to go to the gym and work out individually with a trainer, this can be done at home by choosing a suitable video on the Internet or using applications that outline training programs. 5. Calculate your strength; the degree of activity is not always the same. 6. Follow all the points of the plan, trying not to miss planned activities. 7. Pay special attention to daily rituals aimed at developing self-discipline, self-control and self-education. 8. Include different techniques and methods of improvement in your plan.

Our whole life is a process of working on ourselves, our own development and improvement. We can let everything take its course, or we can set the right direction for our activities and achieve success in all significant areas of life, and therefore become happy, live in harmony with ourselves and with the world around us. There is no limit to self-improvement!

What does professional self-improvement consist of?

Professional self-improvement is not only about studying useful materials and gaining special experience. This concept is much broader. It includes the following important aspects:

  • personal growth, development of personal qualities necessary for effective work;
  • development of intellectual potential to expand your capabilities in any field of activity;
  • an increase in the level of qualifications is a necessary condition for the accurate execution of one’s core competencies;
  • taking care of health and maintaining optimal physical shape for effective work.

In different areas, the significance of each of the above aspects may be more or less pronounced. In any situation, we should not forget that professional self-development is a set of activities related to both physical health and state of mind, both individual skills and the personality as a whole. It is important to understand that even an office worker will not be effective if he is tormented by insomnia or chronic illnesses, and a general worker will never become a foreman without demonstrating organizational abilities and relevant personal qualities.

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