What is agglutination in psychology

Agglutination in psychology: concept, reasons

Agglutination in psychology is a concept characterized by the phenomenon of fusion of various thoughts, words or their parts into a single whole. This phenomenon is observed when a person is diagnosed with schizophrenia or when focal cortical disorders of speech functions are identified. The transformation of real objects and reality itself in the imagination is not an arbitrary change; this process has certain paths that are reflected in the methods used to carry out the transformation.

One of the techniques is combination; it is a fairly common technique for changing reality by the human imagination. It is applicable in scientific activities, artistic creativity, and technical invention. For example, L.N. Tolstoy did not hide the fact that when creating the image of N. Rostova, the heroine of the novel “War and Peace,” he took some elements of the heroine’s features from his wife, and others from his wife’s sister. By mixing them and creating a single whole, he received the image of the heroine of the novel.

Agglutination is not a random choice, but a targeted selection of pre-thought-out features. The writer carries it out consciously, while he is guided by the idea, design or composition of the work. Sometimes the tendency that determines and regulates new combinations of elements of human imagination begins to work unconsciously, but it is always present and contained in the motives that directly determine the imagination of a person.

Supporters of the atomistic concept are inclined to believe that combination is the only technique that transforms the activity of the human imagination. According to this concept, combination itself is reduced to only new combinations and rearrangements of elements. There is no doubt that in order to use such a technique as agglutination by the human imagination, it requires certain experience. It is the presence of experience that is the launching pad that allows you to use combination as a technique for creating images.

For this reason, it can be argued that the richer the life experience, the richer the human imagination of that individual. But the recognition of such a dependence of the human imagination on the presence of experience should not lead to the fact that combination is recognized only as a technique that determines only the movement and regrouping of various elements. This approach is considered erroneous by a large number of psychologists. With this approach, agglutination in psychology is perceived as a purely mechanical phenomenon, leading to the process of rearrangement of already known and unchanged characteristics.

The fact is that a person’s perception of reality does not consist in understanding unchanging aggregates. All elements of reality that are used by the human imagination are subject to change and impermanence, and these changes are many-sided and diverse.

Agglutination in psychology is only a mechanism that allows one to subordinate the imagination to some tendency that determines the entire range of combined features and gives them meaning.

How is agglutination viewed in psychology?

In psychology, this concept is considered as an imagination created by combining objects that exist in reality. The term itself is represented by a description of a phenomenon that fuses together different elements in the form of images, thoughts and words.

This method in psychology is a special type of fusion, where a combination of completely incompatible features and characteristics belonging to objective reality occurs. The essence of the human imagination seems to be a dialogue between the various parts of the “I” and the personality itself . Various motives related to the necessity of life are stimulants. The imagination of a person himself is accomplished through human actions related to the mental, due to which images are formed.

Agglutination in psychology can be represented in the form of fairy-tale images

  • sphinxes, in which the outlines of a human face are combined with lion characteristics;
  • centaurs, in which human characteristics are combined with the characteristics of a horse;
  • mermaids, in which the torso of a beautiful woman is connected to a fish tail.

Each of these images was created through the rich imagination of man.

It can be assumed that the centaur was formed in the guise of a fantastic animal, since with insufficient visibility the man jumping on horseback seemed like one. A man with wings arose in the same way, since it is a symbol of human movement in airspace.

Agglutination, as a phenomenon, is a process related to psychology, and can also be found in linguistics and medicine.

In linguistics, this method, as a process, is the merging of different words into one. In this case, the original meaning is preserved, but the morphological structure is reduced. Accordingly, in linguistics, agglutination is a process by which words are created using the morphological elements of language combined into a whole.

Does illness interfere with the ability to have children?

A small degree of agglutination may not have any effect on reproductive function. If a sufficient number of free sperm remains in the ejaculate, fertilization of the egg is possible.

Problems arise when agglutination is assessed as three or four pluses. Then the sperm stick together instead of moving towards the egg. Such gametes are not capable of fertilization. In this case, IVF may be performed.

During IVF, sperm are freed from antibodies in the laboratory and then implanted into an egg. Sometimes, for a married couple this is the only opportunity to conceive a child.

Why does a man develop agglutination?

The cause of sperm agglutination is the formation of antisperm bodies in the male body. As a rule, in the presence of any pathologies, such bodies slow down the movement of sperm.

In order to protect sperm from interaction with blood and other substances in the male body, there are so-called Sertoli cells, which are also called the hemotesticular barrier. Also, thanks to these cells, gametes are protected from the body’s immune system. The fact is that the immune system recognizes sperm as foreign microorganisms and fights them.

When the Sertoli cells stop doing their job, the body reacts and tries to expel the foreign substances. At this moment, the production of antisperm bodies begins, which are located on the surface of male gametes. As a result, these protein bodies become so strongly attached to the sperm that their movement becomes almost impossible.

Agglutination: what is it (definition)

Before doing anything, a person creates a mental image of what he will succeed and draws up a plan of action to achieve the goal. We owe all this to our imagination. It obeys a certain pattern and exists thanks to other features of the human brain - the ability to analyze and synthesize. With their help, the original idea of ​​something is decomposed into its component parts (analysis), and then the result is combined in a new combination (synthesis).

Agglutination in psychology is also one of the analytical-synthetic processes. At the same time, a person collects several figures, types, characters into one image, even if they are incompatible at first glance. For example, the well-known centaurs - half horses, half people, or a fairy-tale hut on chicken legs - all this is the result of agglutination of images, which made it possible to make them unusual, bright and memorable.

What is this phenomenon

Agglutination in psychology is the most important subject for assessing personal well-being and how a certain person or group of people sees the real world. Rarely, but still, this phenomenon can be found in people suffering from schizophrenia and in people with speech disorders. So what is agglutination actually?

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Nowadays, the term “agglutination” is usually understood as nothing more than imagination. This imagination most often combines several objects that surround a person in his real life. This special type of unification of things that seem to be not united in reality is becoming increasingly common nowadays.

Numerous striking examples of agglutination can be found in the literature. Thus, the well-known mythological character centaur is a kind of combination of some characteristics of a man and a horse. Other examples are the sphinx and the mermaid. All these images are the result of agglutination. As one might guess, if a person did not have such a rich imagination, it is unlikely that all these heroes and this concept would have appeared.

Currently, agglutination is also considered as a process. This process is of interest to researchers in various fields of psychology, medicine and linguistics.

There is a point of view that this phenomenon is a certain technique with the help of which a person’s imagination develops. Consequently, agglutination is associated with various combinations and permutations of the components of real things in our fantasies.

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A fairly common way to use this phenomenon is to use it in creative activities or scientific research. The phenomenon under consideration is not random; it is always a purposeful process. As practice shows, if a person has a lot of life experience, then it is easier for him to come up with new images - therefore, his imagination will be richer than that of others.

Causes of agglutination

To understand what agglutination is, you need to know the reasons for its occurrence. The process of agglutination in the imagination is not random. The merging of various components into a single integral image is facilitated by the emergence of an idea, a motive, which sometimes also exists in the subconscious.

The whole process is based on human experience. The more varied and broad the experience, the richer the imagination will be. It is also worth understanding the difference between the mechanical elaboration of previously known elements and the creation of a solid, viable and new image. That is, those images that a person uses in his own imagination, fitting within the boundaries of the new appearance, somewhat change their appearance, generalizing into a whole unified formation.

The processes at the basis of agglutination are quite diverse; they can also be divided into groups. The first group consists of processes that are associated with a lack of criticality, or a lack of analytical perception. The second group consists of voluntary processes associated with mental generalizations, controlled consciously.

Agglutination is a method of creative imagination through which new images can be created. Here the concept of “new” has a double meaning. A new image, a new idea can be objective or subjective. In objective representation, this idea does not yet exist at all, in any of the worlds. This is a very original image. Also, novelty can only be obvious to a specific person if the image is subjective. It turns out that a subjectively new image can only be fully revealed to its author.

Agglutination is not just a method for the formation of artistic images in literary works, it is also an opportunity to realize completely new ideas in technology and science. The creative imagination of the inventor allows him to mentally combine completely different details into one whole and later apply this practically, moving forward, making discoveries for this.


  • Psychological concepts
  • Psychology

Previous note


  • https://vocabulary.ru/termin/agglyutinacija.html
  • https://VashUrolog.com/fertilnost/agglyutinaciya-spermatozoidov.html
  • https://KakBik.ru/andrologiya/fertilnost/agglyutinaciya-v-spermogramme.html
  • https://mzdorov.com/andrologia/fertilnost/chto-takoe-agglyutinatsiya.html
  • https://psiho.guru/terminy/agglyutinaciya-v-psihologii-kak-metod-ocenki-sostoyaniya-lichnosti.html
  • https://vseopsycho.ru/agglyutinatsiya/

Agglutinations in psychology - definition and examples

Imagination is a phenomenon that cannot be touched, but it helps to create something new and previously unseen.

Agglutination refers to the result of human imagination, which is considered in psychology to understand a person's personality.

Examples can also be observed in hematology, where agglutination refers to the property of individual blood cells to unite, which is not typical for them in their normal state.

The online magazine psytheater.com defines man as a complex being because of his inherent mental processes. Intellectual abilities in their various manifestations allow a person to be an interesting being, capable of creating something new and unique.

Have you ever thought about such simple questions?

  • How was the wheel invented?
  • How was the first flying machine invented?
  • On what principle were the first cars created?

Everything that is not the result of creation by nature itself is a consequence of human imagination. This man created the wheel, car, plane, motorcycle and other gadgets, things that he uses today. But the question arises: where did the creation of these objects begin? From a person's imagination. And here the process of agglutination manifests itself, which we will discuss in this article.

What is agglutination?

Agglutination in its direct meaning implies the fusion of individual elements into a single whole. Usually we are talking about elements that do not combine with each other. These can be words, images, thoughts, etc.

Thus, thanks to agglutination, such fairy-tale creatures as mermaids, centaurs, etc. were invented.

Human imagination has combined animals, fish, birds with human bodies, which is why it has created such fairy-tale characters.

Psychology actively studies agglutination because it involves the thought process of each individual. Agglutination is common to all people. Most often it is observed in people with various mental disorders, in particular schizophrenics.

However, it should be understood that agglutination does not mean a sick imagination. By combining individual elements from different areas, something new is created. This is how all those objects that people use today were created.

Psychology turns to agglutination as a way of understanding the inner world of an individual. His imagination is directed in a specific direction. If a psychologist has extensive experience working with the unreal world of people, then he can understand the nature of each client.

Agglutination is the combination of individual objects that exist in reality into a single whole, creating something new that does not yet exist in the real world.

We can call a kind of agglutination a set of personality traits in one person that are usually not common in their set. This can occur under the influence of the individual himself, who is engaged in self-improvement or self-change.

External circumstances can create a personality that is similar to other individuals who have also encountered similar situations. However, each individual has a choice of how to react, how to be, what qualities to show. It is in such a situation that a person becomes unique.

It reveals a set of qualities that can be considered incompatible, but these traits fit perfectly into the image of one person.

Psychology perceives imagination as a dialogue between a person and himself. There are many personalities living inside a person:

  1. Daughter/son, husband/wife, employee, boyfriend/girlfriend, etc.
  2. The ideal “I”, the desired “I” and the real “I”.
  3. Beliefs, worldview, thoughts, public opinion, rules and laws.

Everything in a person must be combined so that it can help him exist in the world of people. However, often a person is faced with contradictions between individual parts of his inner “I” or a discrepancy between the external and the internal. Then a dialogue arises.

A person negotiates with himself, reasons, thinks from different angles, fantasizes, imagines, etc. As a result of the thought process, in which experience, knowledge, imagination, unrealistic ideas may participate, something new appears.

Either a person uses what is already known and real, that is, resorts to existing experience, or begins to combine individual parts of what is already known and real to create something new.

In this way, a search for a solution to a problem occurs when a person is not satisfied with the already proposed options. For example, it is assumed that a person will choose between “either” - “or”, and the individual decides to combine everything - to do “and” - “and”.

Agglutination is considered a difficult phenomenon to study in psychology because it has no obvious external manifestations. You can only hear or see the result. But the process itself is not visible.

Agglutination is also used in medicine and linguistics.

  • In linguistics, agglutination refers to the merging of words with a change in their morphological structure, but maintaining the meaning. In this way a new word is created.
  • In medicine, agglutination refers to the union of cells into a new cell.

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Agglutinations in psychology

In psychology, agglutination is perceived as an automatic property of the imagination to create new images from existing experience. Agglutination requires knowledge and experience. A person develops and receives all this in the course of his life.

Only agglutination is not considered a conscious process in which a person specifically refers to his experience, but rather an unconscious process in which existing knowledge is used to combine with each other and create a new object.

Agglutination is a creative imagination when something new and unique is created from real objects, something that did not exist before.

A “new” object, most likely, cannot exist in the real world, unless a person already at a conscious level makes it real, corresponding to all the laws of the Universe. At the same time, the object seems “new” only to the one in whose imagination it appeared.

But other people begin to treat it as an object that simply consists of two different objects that are already known to everyone.

Imagination depends on the wealth of experience that a person has. The more an individual knows, has seen, and has encountered various things, the richer is his imagination, which is capable of generating various ideas.

Of course, a person can engage in the process of agglutination consciously, that is, purposefully think about something and come up with something new. However, this takes time and effort. Usually agglutination occurs spontaneously, unconsciously.

It can often be observed in a dream.

It is in the world of dreams that a person encounters phenomena that are simply impossible in the real world:

  1. A person can fly in his sleep without any equipment.
  2. Houses in a dream can be low, and the number of floors inside houses can reach high-rise buildings.
  3. Only in dreams can elevators travel diagonally.
  4. A person may also dream of creatures that resemble real ones, but combine several varieties of animals and birds.

All surrounding objects of reality cannot be unchanged. Thanks to human imagination, every object can be changed, transformed, and acquire new characteristics.

Of course, the imagination must take into account some rules and laws of the existence of the real world in order to make a new thing out of an existing object that can be embodied in reality.

However, sometimes this becomes impossible, so a person simply leaves a certain image inside his mind and periodically returns to it with regret that he cannot realize it.

An example of agglutination could be the creation of new fairy-tale characters, a new idea that has never been realized by people, the creation of a new concept that has real manifestations in the world.

If we look at agglutination, which manifests itself in sick people, then it is of a fantastic or fairy-tale nature. At the same time, a person cannot distinguish between reality and fiction.

A person cannot even understand where the world begins, and where he himself begins.

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Agglutination is not random, but the reasons for its appearance are motives and ideas that arise from the subconscious. The process of agglutination involves a person's experience, which must be broad and rich to allow the use of many different components to build something new.

The process itself is divided into two groups:

  1. The components are not subject to criticism and analytical process. A person simply uses them, whatever they are.
  2. Components that influence mental generalization, which allows you to build a whole image.

Human consciousness does not treat the world as unchangeable. Any element that exists in reality can be processed and used for other purposes, not only those offered. In this regard, a person begins to use surrounding objects to create something new that will improve his life.

Imagination is a creative process that has certain motives and desires. A person turns only to what he knows to create something new.

Here the technique of combination is used, when various objects are combined, their individual parts are noted, and only important and significant components remain. According to this principle, new species of animals and plants are created when species are selected that in real conditions would never unite.

Through scientific and artificial breeding, something new is obtained that should complement the variety, give life and the world more colors.

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Bottom line

Imagination, or fantasy, is a thought process that occurs both under the guidance of a person and without his participation.

Imagination is a creative process that involves creating something that the world has not yet seen or is not familiar with. Usually new ideas and images are not introduced into real life because they are not consistent with natural laws.

However, if a person is able to realize his idea, adapting it to real conditions, then the new thought becomes an innovation.

All this allows a person to experiment and make the world diverse. All this allows a person to feel like God.

However, not everything is so simple, because sometimes agglutination is a consequence of a mental disorder in the processes of thinking or perception of the surrounding world.

In this case, we are already talking about treating a person in order to rid him of hallucinations that he considers real and significant in his life. Here you cannot do without the help of a specialist.

Source: //psytheater.com/agglutinacii-v-psihologii-primery.html

What should you do to properly prepare for a spermogram?

  1. Abstain from sexual activity for 2-7 days.
  2. Refusal to take alcoholic beverages, medications, coffee for the same period.
  3. During the same period, you should not take water treatments, sunbathe, or expose your body to high temperatures.

How is material collected for spermogram?

  • The ejaculate is collected in a condom using masturbation. The laboratory premises are equipped with a specially designated room with a door securely locked from the inside and erotic magazines;
  • the collected material must be transferred to laboratory assistants no later than three hours from the moment of ejaculation;
  • For a more accurate result, this material is submitted for research repeatedly.
  1. The spermogram must contain an indication of the degree of sperm agglutination (agglutination). It is expressed by the number of advantages.
  2. The patient should not be discouraged if a poor result is obtained from this test. The spermogram must be done again. The following characteristics of his sperm may be different.
  3. If, as a result of this analysis, the presence of pathological sperm adhesion is established, we can assume that the following occurs:
  • immune system failure;
  • manifestation of an autoimmune inflammatory process;
  • chronic inflammatory process in the male gonads.

Can a man with this test result become a father?

Agglutination in the spermogram does not exclude the possibility of conceiving a child naturally. But reduced sperm motility is observed in almost all cases.

Decoding test results using a simple method

After the specified time, clearing is observed in the serum drops. In some you can see that agglutination of red blood cells has occurred (small flakes), in others it is absent.

The following options exist:

  • no reaction in all serum samples - group 1;
  • coagulation occurred everywhere except for sample 2 – group 2;
  • no reaction only in the 3rd sample – group 3;
  • agglutination occurred everywhere – group 4.

Thus, the main thing is to distribute the serums correctly. Then deciphering the result will not be difficult. If blood agglutination is weak, it is recommended to repeat the test. In the case of small flakes, they are examined under a microscope.

Using agglutination in creativity

In art, many imaginative techniques - agglutination, emphasis - are often used. For example, Leo Tolstoy admitted that the image of Natasha Rostova from the novel “War and Peace” was based on two real women – his wife Sophia and her sister, Tatyana Bers. The combination of two types of women - one impetuous, lively and enthusiastic, and the second feminine and gentle - helped to give birth to an integral and absolutely vital character.

Sharpening, or emphasizing attention, no less helps to achieve a memorable result. Cartoonists especially love this technique. The depiction of a chatterbox as a person with an excessively long tongue, or a beer drinker with a huge belly, allows us to emphasize the most significant in the appearance and habits of the people depicted in the picture.

In literary works, the emphasis is placed at the moment of describing the hero. Focusing the reader's attention on any of his qualities allows him to convey the essence of the character's nature without further ado and even determine the author's attitude towards him.

Agglutination in psychology is... Agglutination in psychology: definition, features and causes

To analyze the topic of the article in detail, it is necessary to find out the meaning of the word “agglutination”.
This term in psychology defines a combination of properties, qualities or parts of objects that are at first glance incompatible in reality. The human imagination is capable of actively creating new images. The incentive for this is both general life vicissitudes and serious personal motives. The process, or rather the way in which these images are created, is precisely the very agglutination that will be discussed below.

Agglutination: what is it (definition)

Before doing anything, a person creates a mental image of what he will succeed and draws up a plan of action to achieve the goal. We owe all this to our imagination.

It obeys a certain pattern and exists thanks to other features of the human brain - the ability to analyze and synthesize.

With their help, the original idea of ​​something is decomposed into its component parts (analysis), and then the result is combined in a new combination (synthesis).

Agglutination in psychology is also one of the analytical-synthetic processes. At the same time, a person collects several figures, types, characters into one image, even if they are incompatible at first glance.

For example, the well-known centaurs - half horses, half people, or a fairy-tale hut on chicken legs - all this is the result of agglutination of images, which made it possible to make them unusual, bright and memorable.

In art, many imaginative techniques - agglutination, emphasis - are often used.

For example, Leo Tolstoy admitted that the image of Natasha Rostova from the novel “War and Peace” was based on two real women – his wife Sophia and her sister, Tatyana Bers.

The combination of two types of women - one impetuous, lively and enthusiastic, and the second feminine and gentle - helped to give birth to an integral and absolutely vital character.

Sharpening, or emphasizing attention, no less helps to achieve a memorable result. Cartoonists especially love this technique. The depiction of a chatterbox as a person with an excessively long tongue, or a beer drinker with a huge belly, allows us to emphasize the most significant in the appearance and habits of the people depicted in the picture.

In literary works, the emphasis is placed at the moment of describing the hero. Focusing the reader's attention on any of his qualities allows him to convey the essence of the character's nature without further ado and even determine the author's attitude towards him.

Image agglutination does not occur by chance

To better understand what agglutination is, it should be remembered that this process in the human imagination is most often not a random “assembling a puzzle.” The combination of different details into a single image is helped by an existing idea, plan, as well as other motives that sometimes exist on a subconscious level.

And the starting point for transformation is experience. And the more diverse and wider it is, the brighter and richer the imagination.

At the same time, one should not confuse mechanical shoveling, regrouping of ready-made and already known elements with the creation of an integral and viable image.

That is, the pictures that we use in our imagination, fitting into the framework of the new image, also change their appearance somewhat, summing up and generalizing into a single whole.

Techniques of transformative activity of imagination

Agglutination, accentuation, typification are techniques with the help of which the transformative activity of the imagination is carried out.

Earlier we already mentioned emphasizing features, which is achieved by changing the proportions of the image.

This method is applicable not only for caricatures, but also for creating fantastic characters.

Vivid examples of such hyperbole are the heroes of legends and fairy tales - for example, Svyatogor, who could easily put the famous hero Ilya Muromets in his pocket, and the earth would shake from his whistle.

This presentation of the size and physical strength of the hero helps the author to prove the significance, majesty of this image and demonstrate the inner strength that he possesses.

By the way, greatly understating a character (for example, Thumb Thumb) can serve the same purpose, demonstrating the character's inner strengths through contrast.

An equally important role in presenting the characteristics of an artistic image is played by the technique of typification - combining in one fictional character the typical features of a number of real-life heroes, thus making him a representative of a given group of people. This is also a way of synthesis in the process of imagination, and striking examples of this are the images of Onegin, Pechorin, Oblomov, Othello and other heroes, representing a generalized portrait of the author’s contemporaries.

Creative imagination

Let us repeat that agglutination in psychology is one of the techniques of creative imagination that helps to create a new original image or idea. It should be noted that the term “new” in this case has a dual meaning. After all, a new image can be such both objectively and subjectively.

  • In the first case, such an idea does not yet exist either in materialized or virtual form. That is, this is such an original image that it does not repeat existing ones.
  • And in the second case, the novelty is obvious only to a specific person. That is, a subjectively new image is a discovery only for its author, but at the same time it repeats existing ones.

Once again about what agglutination is

The work of the human imagination, as is clear from the above, uses a rather limited number of techniques - agglutination, accentuation and typification. But even with such a small arsenal, it is capable of a lot.

Thus, agglutination in psychology is not only a method of creating an artistic image on a canvas or in a literary work, but also the possibility of implementing completely new ideas in science and technology. Creative imagination allows the inventor to first mentally assemble disparate details into a single whole, and then apply this in practice, making discoveries and advancing progress.

Manifestations of agglutination in psychiatry

Unfortunately, agglutination in psychology is also a term that denotes one of the symptoms of exacerbations of schizophrenia.

It refers to a condition in which the patient loses the ability to distinguish between certain concepts, since they are glued together in his brain. By the way, thanks to this, a large number of neologisms appear in the vocabulary of such people (a person will come up with completely new words or give old ones new meanings).

The process of agglutination leads to the fact that a patient with schizophrenia has a disrupted perception of his own “I” and the surrounding reality. For example, in some cases, patients are unable to distinguish themselves from other people or even objects. And what is happening in the outside world in their imagination is closely intertwined with some bodily functions (for example, rain is their tears, etc.)

Source: //FB.ru/article/233406/agglyutinatsiya-v-psihologii—eto-agglyutinatsiya-v-psihologii-opredelenie-osobennosti-i-prichinyi


Visually, aggregation and agglutination do not appear in the spermogram. The adhesion of spermatozoa does not change the organoleptic properties of seminal fluid. Only with a severe form of the inflammatory process and extensive gluing of gametes can one notice the presence of lumps in the sperm.

To diagnose the pathology, an extended spermogram with a MAR test is performed. The study allows us to identify antisperm antibodies, which become the main cause of germ cell adhesion. When diagnosing sperm, the classification of the pathological process is used:

  • (+) – one plus indicates that the seminal fluid sample contains less than ten glued cells;
  • (++) – reports that the number of adhered gametes is from 10 to 50;
  • (+++) – indicates that more than 50 cells with agglutination were detected;
  • (++++) – assigned to sperm in which all sperm are glued together.


Agglutination occurs due to inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, immunological or autoimmune disorders. The prefix “auto” means that immunity works against certain types of cells in the body’s own.

Even at the stage of ripening in the epididymis, each sperm is endowed with a negative charge (in the egg it is positive), due to which the sex cells repel each other. This provides them with good mobility. If the charge strength decreases, sticking begins - agglutination. The charge is neutralized when the normal acidity of the sperm is exceeded, as well as due to the presence of certain metal ions in it.

Agglutination may be caused by infection. Viruses, bacteria, and fungi tend to attach to the membranes (envelopes) of sperm. Immune cells, attacking pathogens, damage the protection of the reproductive cell.

Sperm agglutination often occurs due to antisperm antibodies (ASAT). These are immunoglobulin proteins of the IgG, IgA, IgM types, capable of being integrated into the cell membrane. They partially or completely adhere to the sperm, immobilizing them.

During normal functioning of the reproductive system, germ cells mature on the spermatogenic epithelium, which is fenced off from the circulatory system, respectively, and from the immune cells located in it, by the blood-testis barrier. This is necessary because sperm carry a haploid (halved in comparison with other cells of the body) chromosome set, and therefore are perceived by the immune system as foreign agents.

Diagram of the blood-testis barrier

In some men, due to congenital or acquired pathologies, the integrity of the blood-testis barrier is disrupted, resulting in the formation of antibodies that come into contact with sperm. By integrating into their membrane, proteins deprive germ cells not only of mobility, but also of a number of other functions necessary for fertilization. Damage to the blood-testis barrier can be caused by trauma, surgery (most often this happens after removal of a varicocele), inflammation of the testicles, their appendages, and prostate. Sperm with damaged membranes lose their negative charge and stick together before leaving the epididymis.

What laboratory tests show

When examining sperm (spermogram), its full assessment is carried out: viscosity, volume, color, liquefaction rate, reaction, the number of “little ones”, their morphology and mobility are examined. In addition, they look to see if there is agglutination in the spermogram, blood, leukocytes, mucus or red blood cells.

Even if you have been found to have this pathology, this is not a death sentence and there is an opportunity to improve the situation.

To obtain accurate data, ejaculate is taken for research directly in the laboratory through self-masturbation.

The degree of agglutination is taken into account as follows:

  • “+” – minimum of adherent groups of sperm: no more than 5 “tadpoles” in each;
  • “++” – groups of 10-20 “livelings”;
  • “+++” – groups of up to 5 pieces, and each of them contains several dozen “tadpoles”;
  • “++++” – in the field of view under a microscope there is a large number of stuck together sperm.

With a high degree of sperm adhesion, we can talk about the immunological factor of infertility, chronic inflammation in the body and autoimmune processes. Sperm agglutination caused by the production of ACAT requires confirmation by a spermogram with a MAR test. Only after the cause has been established is treatment prescribed.

Other methods


Universalization is the process of optimizing work by expanding functions. The purpose of this method is to save money. Universalization can be achieved by combining systems that have a certain common part. Due to the fact that there is a certain common part, both systems as a whole become more economical than each of them separately.


The purpose of this melody is to find new solutions to creative problems. Synectics is an advanced method of brainstorming. Unlike the brainstorming method, criticism is allowed in this technique. It is also allowed to change statements and ideas. According to the rules of the methodology, the same group of people should search for a solution.

Sabotage method.

The purpose of the sabotage method is to identify and predict undesirable situations in a technical system. In order to find a weak point, it is necessary to create an extreme situation. During an extreme situation, it becomes clear which areas are weak, and then the problem of strengthening these areas is solved.

Systems method.

The goal of the systems method is to create a new object or system. In addition to the system, this method also includes subsystems and supersystems. A subsystem is the individual parts of an object, and a supersystem is something large of which the object is a part. The system, supersystem and subsystem can also be considered from a time position, that is, what happened in the past with these elements, what is happening now and what will happen in the future. This method allows you to generate a large number of ideas.

Association method.

The purpose of the association method is to generalize new ideas. To do this, you should choose two classes that will essentially be opposite. Each of these groups will have its own specific features and characteristics. It is necessary that the elements of each group begin to exchange their specific characteristics. It should be noted that in order to get more incredible ideas, it is advisable to choose items that are as different from each other as possible.

Method of focal objects.

The goal of the focal object method is to search for ideas in unexpected directions. The focal object is the object that is in your attention. The essence of the method is to transfer the properties of random objects to the focal object. This method assumes that the user must have as much imagination as possible. But thanks to this method, it is possible to generate a large number of extraordinary solutions in a short time.


Agglutination is the most important tool in psychology for assessing the state of an individual and his vision of the surrounding reality. The phenomenon of agglutination is very common in human nature and in the world in general.

Sometimes observed in patients with schizophrenia or found in people suffering from speech disorders.

The term agglutination describes the phenomenon that is the fusion of different elements (words, thoughts, images) into a single whole.

Agglutination in psychology is an imagination that is created by combining objects that exist in reality. This is a special type of connection, or rather merging, in which characteristics and traits that are absolutely uncombinable in objective reality are combined.

A person’s imagination is essentially a dialogue that a person conducts with various parts of his “I”. Stimulants are various motives of vital necessity.

Stimulation of the imagination itself is accomplished through human mental actions, which represent the formation of images.

Agglutination in psychology - examples are presented in fairy-tale images: centaurs (combining human features with the characteristics of a horse), sphinxes (features of a human face merge with the characteristics of a lion), mermaids (attaching a fish tail to the body of a beautiful woman), as well as other various mythological images.

All these images appeared thanks to the rich human imagination. So, this very image of a centaur, most likely, was formed in conditions with poor visibility of a person jumping on a horse, so he seemed like some kind of fantastic animal.

Also, the image of a man with wings appeared, apparently consciously, because it symbolizes the very idea of ​​a person moving through the air, formed in such a sensual image.

The phenomenon of agglutination is a process that is related to psychology and is found in medicine and linguistics.

The process of agglutination in linguistics means the merging of different words into one, with a reduction in the morphological structure, while maintaining the original meaning. That is, agglutination in linguistics is a process in which different morphological elements of a language are combined into a whole, creating words.

Causes of agglutination

To understand what agglutination is, you need to know the reasons for its occurrence. The process of agglutination in the imagination is not random. The merging of various components into a single integral image is facilitated by the emergence of an idea, a motive, which sometimes also exists in the subconscious.

The whole process is based on human experience. The more varied and broad the experience, the richer the imagination will be.

It is also worth understanding the difference between the mechanical elaboration of previously known elements and the creation of a solid, viable and new image.

That is, those images that a person uses in his own imagination, fitting within the boundaries of the new appearance, somewhat change their appearance, generalizing into a whole unified formation.

The processes at the basis of agglutination are quite diverse; they can also be divided into groups. The first group consists of processes that are associated with a lack of criticality, or a lack of analytical perception. The second group consists of voluntary processes associated with mental generalizations, controlled consciously.

Agglutination is a method of creative imagination through which new images can be created. Here the concept of “new” has a double meaning. A new image, a new idea can be objective or subjective.

In objective representation, this idea does not yet exist at all, in any of the worlds. This is a very original image. Also, novelty can only be obvious to a specific person if the image is subjective.

It turns out that a subjectively new image can only be fully revealed to its author.

Agglutination is not just a method for the formation of artistic images in literary works, it is also an opportunity to realize completely new ideas in technology and science. The creative imagination of the inventor allows him to mentally combine completely different details into one whole and later apply this practically, moving forward, making discoveries for this.

Author : Practical psychologist Vedmesh N.A.

Speaker of the Medical-Psychological

Source: //psihomed.com/agglyutinatsiya/

Different points of view of scientists

A richer imagination is a consequence of an individual's richer experience.
At the same time, one should not recognize the fact that imagination, that is, the method that determines the combination and movement of different elements, depends on experience. For many psychologists, this method is considered erroneous. With this approach, the perception of agglutination occurs in the form of a mechanical phenomenon, and this, in turn, leads to the fact that existing signs are regrouped. In addition, this method is presented as creative imagination, which contributes to the creation of a new idea or original image. Moreover, “new” here has a dual meaning:

  • objectively, that is, in a virtual and materialized form, such an idea cannot exist.
  • subjectively. Here the novelty can be obvious only to one person, although it repeats existing images for others.

Reality is perceived by the individual in such a way that the components of understanding cannot be constantly unchanged. Any objects of reality used in the imagination are subject to change. The impermanence of changes makes them many-sided and diverse. The phenomenon of agglutination in psychology is a mechanism that contributes to the subordination of the imagination to a certain tendency. She, in turn, combines signs and elements in a row, thereby giving them meaning.

In psychology, agglutination is an imagination formed due to the fact that separate parts of images merged together, which, in turn, are formed in human thoughts. The psychotherapeutic direction also contains this direction.

Agglutination in psychology psychology agglutination imagination

Agglutination is the most important tool in psychology, with the help of which the state of the individual is assessed and how a person sees the surrounding reality.
This phenomenon is quite common not only in human nature, but also in the whole world. In some cases, it can be found in people suffering from schizophrenia, as well as in those who have speech disorders. In psychology, this concept is considered as an imagination created by combining objects that exist in reality. The term itself is represented by a description of a phenomenon that fuses together different elements in the form of images, thoughts and words.

This method in psychology is a special type of fusion, where a combination of completely incompatible features and characteristics belonging to objective reality occurs.

The essence of the human imagination seems to be a dialogue between the various parts of the “I” and the personality itself . Various motives related to the necessity of life are stimulants.

The imagination of a person himself is accomplished through human actions related to the mental, due to which images are formed.

Agglutination in psychology can be represented in the form of fairy-tale images

  • sphinxes, in which the outlines of a human face are combined with lion characteristics;
  • centaurs, in which human characteristics are combined with the characteristics of a horse;
  • mermaids, in which the torso of a beautiful woman is connected to a fish tail.

Each of these images was created through the rich imagination of man.

It can be assumed that the centaur was formed in the guise of a fantastic animal, since with insufficient visibility the man jumping on horseback seemed like one. A man with wings arose in the same way, since it is a symbol of human movement in airspace.

Agglutination, as a phenomenon, is a process related to psychology, and can also be found in linguistics and medicine.

In linguistics, this method, as a process, is the merging of different words into one. In this case, the original meaning is preserved, but the morphological structure is reduced. Accordingly, in linguistics, agglutination is a process by which words are created using the morphological elements of language combined into a whole.

Agglutination in psychology

For some scientists, agglutination is the only technique by which the human imagination is formed .

If we are guided by this theory, then the reduction of agglutination occurs due to various components to new groupings. To use this technique, a person must have some experience.

The use of agglutination as a method of creating images is only possible with appropriate experience.

In psychology, agglutination is an imagination created by combining various techniques of intellectual operations.

This method of changing reality is considered quite common. The method is used as a creative activity, in technical invention and science.

Agglutination is not a random process , since it involves a targeted selection of characteristics and traits that are thought out in advance. This selection is carried out by the creator completely consciously.

At the same time, he is guided by the composition of the work, design and idea.

Often the tendency which determines the combination of components in the human imagination functions unconsciously, but in the motives there is always that which determines the imagination.

A richer imagination is a consequence of an individual's richer experience .

At the same time, one should not admit the fact that imagination , that is, the method that determines the combination and movement of different elements, depends on experience. For many psychologists, this method is considered erroneous.

With this approach, the perception of agglutination occurs in the form of a mechanical phenomenon, and this, in turn, leads to the fact that existing signs are regrouped.

In addition, this method is presented as creative imagination, which contributes to the creation of a new idea or original image. Moreover, “new” here has a dual meaning:

  • objectively, that is, in a virtual and materialized form, such an idea cannot exist.
  • subjectively. Here the novelty can be obvious only to one person, although it repeats existing images for others.

Reality is perceived by the individual in such a way that the components of understanding cannot be constantly unchanged. Any objects of reality used in the imagination are subject to change.

The impermanence of changes makes them many-sided and diverse. The phenomenon of agglutination in psychology is a mechanism that contributes to the subordination of the imagination to a certain tendency .

She, in turn, combines signs and elements in a row, thereby giving them meaning.

In psychology, agglutination is an imagination formed due to the fact that separate parts of images merged together, which, in turn, are formed in human thoughts. The psychotherapeutic direction also contains this direction.

Source: https://psiho.guru/terminy/agglyutinaciya-v-psihologii-kak-metod-ocenki-sostoyaniya-lichnosti.html

Agglutinations in psychology

In psychology, agglutination is perceived as an automatic property of the imagination to create new images from existing experience. Agglutination requires knowledge and experience. A person develops and receives all this in the course of his life. Only agglutination is not considered a conscious process in which a person specifically refers to his experience, but rather an unconscious process in which existing knowledge is used to combine with each other and create a new object.

Imagination depends on the wealth of experience that a person has. The more an individual knows, has seen, and has encountered a variety of things, the richer is his imagination, which is capable of generating various ideas. Of course, a person can engage in the process of agglutination consciously, that is, purposefully think about something and come up with something new. However, this takes time and effort. Usually agglutination occurs spontaneously, unconsciously. It can often be observed in a dream.

It is in the world of dreams that a person encounters phenomena that are simply impossible in the real world:

  1. A person can fly in his sleep without any equipment.
  2. Houses in a dream can be low, and the number of floors inside houses can reach high-rise buildings.
  3. Only in dreams can elevators travel diagonally.
  4. A person may also dream of creatures that resemble real ones, but combine several varieties of animals and birds.

All surrounding objects of reality cannot be unchanged. Thanks to human imagination, every object can be changed, transformed, and acquire new characteristics. Of course, the imagination must take into account some rules and laws of the existence of the real world in order to make a new thing out of an existing object that can be embodied in reality. However, sometimes this becomes impossible, so a person simply leaves a certain image inside his mind and periodically returns to it with regret that he cannot realize it.

An example of agglutination could be the creation of new fairy-tale characters, a new idea that has never been realized by people, the creation of a new concept that has real manifestations in the world. If we look at agglutination, which manifests itself in sick people, then it is of a fantastic or fairy-tale nature. At the same time, a person cannot distinguish between reality and fiction. A person cannot even understand where the world begins, and where he himself begins.

Agglutination as a mechanism of imagination

Agglutination is the process of creating a new image from parts of other convoys. This process provides a lot of information about a person's personality. The human personality is a rather complex mechanism. A person has intellectual abilities; a thought process is always going on in his mind. Everything that exists in the world is either created by nature or created thanks to man. Man has an amazing ability: he can create something completely new and unique.

There are many examples of agglutination among fairy-tale creatures: a centaur is a combination of the upper part of a human body and the lower part of a horse, a mermaid is the upper part of a woman, and the bottom is a tail, a hut on chicken legs, and so on.

Agglutination represents what happens during the mental activity of every person. The process of agglutination occurs in almost all people, both healthy and unhealthy. It is especially common in people suffering from schizophrenia.

Agglutination is considered an automatic action; we can only see the result of agglutination, but we cannot see the process itself, since it is inside the human consciousness. In order for the agglutination process to take place, a person needs a supply of experience. But nevertheless, agglutination is not an arbitrary process, that is, a person does not specifically turn to his experience, but unconsciously and spontaneously.

As we know, a person’s imagination is enriched by human experience; the more a person has learned and seen in his life, the more widely developed his imagination is, the more new images he can produce.

Agglutination in its origin is not accidental; its images are obtained from what is embedded deep in a person’s subconscious. The process itself is divided into two parts:

  • elements are not criticized or analyzed.
  • components must influence mental generalization in order to build a whole image.


As noted above, a typical feature of agglutinative languages ​​is a one-to-one correspondence between suffixes and syntactic categories. For example, a noun may have separate markers for number, case, possessive or connective use, etc. The order of these affixes is fixed; so we can think of any given noun or verb as a stem followed by several inflectional “slots,” that is, positions in which inflectional suffixes can occur. It is often the case that the most common instance of a given grammatical category is unmarked, i.e., the corresponding affix is ​​empty.

The number of slots for a given part of speech can be surprisingly large. For example, a final Korean verb has seven slots (the inner ones indicate parts of morphemes that may be omitted in some phonological environments):

honorific: – (eu) si ((으)시) is used when the speaker respects the subject tense of the sentence: (eo) ss (었) for a completed (past) action or state; when this cell is empty, the tense is interpreted as present ('ss' is pronounced as 't' if it is placed after a consonant. For example, – 었어 (eoss-eo) is pronounced as (eosseo), but – 었다 (eoss-ta) is pronounced as (eotta)

Note that the same rule applies to all instances of the 'ss' ending.) experiential-contrastive aspect: (eo) ss (었) doubling the past tense marker means "the subject had the experience described by the verb" modal: gess ( 겠) is used with first person subjects only for a definite future and with second or third person subjects also for a probable present or past formal: (eu) pni ((으)ㅂ니) expresses politeness to the listener retrospective aspect: deo ; (더) indicates that the speaker is remembering something he has observed in the past and is reporting it in the present situation. mood: da (다) – declarative, kka (까) – interrogative, ra / la (라) – imperative, ja (자) – statement, yo (요) – polite declarative, and a large number of other possible mood markers

Moreover, passive and causative verb forms can be obtained by adding suffixes to the stem, which can be thought of as a null slot.

Even though some suffix combinations are not possible (for example, only one of the aspect slots can be filled with a non-empty suffix), more than 400 verb forms can be formed from a single stem. Here are some examples derived from the root word ga

"go"; the numbers indicate which slots contain non-empty suffixes:

  • 7 (imperative mood marker): the imperative suffix -ra
    (라) in combination with the root
    (가) means the imperative mood:
    (가라) “Go!”;
  • 7 (positive mood marker): If we want to express a sentence rather than a command, a positive mood marker is used: -ja
    (자) instead of
    (가자) “Let's go!”
  • 5 and 7: If the speaker wants to show respect for the listener, he uses the politeness marker – (eu) pni
    ((으)ㅂ니) (in slot 5);
    different mood markers can be used simultaneously (in slot 7, therefore after the politeness marker): gap-ni-da
    (갑니다) “He is coming.”,
    (갑니까) 'Is he coming?'
  • 6: Hindsight: John-i jib-e ga-deo-ra
    (존이집에가더라) “I noticed that John was walking home, and now I am reporting it to you.”
  • 7: simple index: seon-seng-nim-i jib-ae gan-da
    (선생님 이 집 에 간다) “The teacher is going home. (not showing respect or politeness) '
  • 5 and 7: politeness towards the listener: seon-saeng-nim-i jib-e gap-ni-da
    (선생님 이 집 에 갑니다) or
    seon-saeng-nim-i jib-ae ga-yo
    (선생님 이 집 에 가요) 'The teacher is going home.',
  • 1 and 7: respect for the subject: seon-saeng-nim-i jib-ae ga-sin-da
    (선생님이집에가신다) “The (respected) teacher goes home.”
  • 1, 5 and 7: two types of politeness in one sentence: seon-saeng-nim-i jib-e ga-syeo-yo
    (선생님 이 집 에 가셔 요) or
    seon-saeng-nim-i jib-e ga-sip -ni-da
    (선생님 이 집 에 가십 니다) “The teacher is going home. (expressing respect for both the listener and the teacher)"
  • 2, 3 and 7: past grades: Jon-i hak-gyo-e ga-ss-da / gat-ta
    (존이 학교에 갔다) “John went to school (and is there now)”,
    Jon-i hak- gyo-e gass-eoss-da / gass-eot-ta
    (존이학교에갔었다) “John was at school (and came back).”
  • 4 and 7: first person modal: nae-ga nae-il ga-gess-da / ga-get-ta
    (내가 내일 가겠다) “I’ll go tomorrow.”
  • 4 and 7: third person modal: Jon-i nae-il ga-gess-da / ga-get-ta
    (존이 내일 가겠다) “I believe Jon will leave tomorrow,”
    Jon-i eo-je gass- gess-da / gat-get-ta
    (존 이 어제 갔 겠다) “I guess John left yesterday.”

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Diseases and therapies

Affix as a key concept in agglutination

Definition 2

An affix is ​​a morpheme that is attached to a root and serves for word formation. An affix may also be called a formant or formative.

Affixes can both form new words (for example, light - shine) and change the grammatical meanings of words (for example, table - tables).

An affix is ​​a bound morpheme, that is, it does not coincide with the base in at least one word form of a non-functional word.

Affixes are unambiguous, that is, one affix corresponds to only one grammatical meaning, and vice versa. The boundaries of affixes are clearly defined, which allows them not to merge with roots or other affixes.

Vowels in affixes are characterized by the phenomenon of synharmonism, that is, a phonetic change in vowel affixes depending on the sound composition of the base. It is also possible for consonants to change at the junctions of morphemes, which is subject to purely phonetic patterns characteristic of a given language (for example, this is often manifested in the Altai and Finno-Ugric languages).

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For a simplified presentation and study of affixes, they are systematized and classified according to various criteria.

Note 1

There are several positional categories of affixes, that is, subdivided depending on their position relative to the root of the word. The most common categories of affixes in this classification are prefix and suffix, which are sometimes combined under the term "adfix".

Affix categories:

  • prefix (prefix) is an affix located before the root of a word;
  • postfix (suffix) is an affix located after the root of a word;
  • infix is ​​an affix located inside the root (virtually absent in European languages);
  • circumfix is ​​an affix, one part of which is before the root, and the second after (found only in some Germanic languages);
  • An interfix is ​​an affix that links two words together in compounds;
  • duplix is ​​an affix that includes a doubled part of the root of a word and can be located at the beginning, end, or inside the root;
  • transfix is ​​an intermittent affix that occurs within an intermittent root word;
  • simulfix is ​​an affix that changes any root segment;
  • suprafix is ​​an affix that involves changing the speech flow (tone, rhythm, intonation, etc.) when reading the root sound;
  • disfix is ​​an affix consisting in the disappearance of one of the sounds of the root.

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Depending on the functions implemented by affixes, there are:

  • a productive affix that widely and often takes part in the creation of new words and forms, for example, the prefix POD-, the suffix –CHIK, etc.;
  • an unproductive affix, rarely used to create words or not used at all in modern language;
  • derivational affix used to form new words, for example, the prefix ANTI, etc.;
  • a formative affix that serves to form the forms of words, for example, the endings -A, -Y, suffix -L, etc.

Among other things, special attention is paid to the so-called lexical (or semantic) affixes, which are related elements. In form they are equated to affixes, and in functionality - to incorporated (that is, built-in) nouns inside verb forms or to elements of compound nouns. However, the similarity of lexical affixes with nouns does not mean that the former exist in the form of the latter.

Lexical affixes are quite rare, as a feature of some ethnic societies in remote areas.

Lexical affixes have a more generalized or generic meaning compared to nouns. For example, in one of the languages ​​the lexical suffix denotes fire in general, but there is no noun with an equivalent meaning. Then the nouns and this lexical suffix form narrower meanings of the general gender (sizzling fire, smoldering fire). Thus, we can talk about the grammaticalization of lexical affixes.

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