Final individual project “Social networks: harm or benefit?”

I have already briefly touched on the issue of the dangers of social networks in other articles, but now I decided to consider this topic in a separate article. Here I will talk about how passion for social networks like Contact, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Twitter can negatively affect a person’s mental health. I'll give you some tips on how to use social media for good, not bad. I also compiled a rating of social networks, which you can find at the end of the article.

Social networks have outlined trends in the development of the Internet towards integration, combining capabilities within single, multi-user web platforms. These platforms provided the user with the opportunity to communicate with friends, read news, watch movies, listen to music, share this with other participants, take part in discussions, unite by interests, create communities, and all these opportunities are concentrated on one site!

There is no doubt that social media is a great technological advancement that promises many opportunities. But along with these opportunities come troubles... It cannot be said that social networks are all harm, just as the same cannot be said, for example, about computer games. With the right, disciplined approach to this miracle of Internet technology, you can get some benefits and make your life easier. But there is always a risk that working with social networks will have harmful consequences on our psyche.

What consequences could this have? What are the dangers of social networks? This will be discussed below.

Social media addiction

Social networks have a great addictive potential, that is, a significant risk of addiction. There are several reasons for this. The first reason is that social media activity irritates the pleasure centers in our brain. We experience pleasant emotions every time we read a friendly comment under our photo, receive a “like” when someone leaves a positive review, etc.

The desire to receive these emotions again brings us back to the vastness of social networks, forcing us to spend more and more time there.

The second reason lies in the peculiarities of assimilation of information when working in multi-user web platforms. A person who is in contact, for example, receives a lot of different information in small portions in a short period of time: he read a short comment, responded, immediately opened the news, looked at an interesting post in the community about science, began to read, turned on the audio recording at the same time, and didn’t read enough , since my attention was diverted by a message from a friend, I replied and went to this friend’s page to see what was new there.

The brain gets used to this mode of operation as quickly as the hands and mouth get used to the “clicking” of seeds. It’s not just about the pleasure itself and the peculiarities of assimilation of information, but about the convenience, speed and accessibility of social networks!

To enjoy another person’s opinion about your photo, you don’t have to suffer much: log in (even from your phone) and with one click see how many people “liked” your photo on the beach! To occupy your attention with something that is not stressful and captivating, you don’t need to look for an interesting article in the search engine: you opened a contact and started reading the news and watching your friends’ updates. Everything is fast and convenient.

Speed ​​and accessibility, in my opinion, are important prerequisites for the formation of any addiction. A person instinctively looks for the easiest ways to achieve pleasure, even if these ways are ineffective and lead to harmful consequences. Take, for example, the habit of smoking. Fast and affordable.

Addiction to spending time on social networks leads to the following problems.

Decreased attention span

Above, I wrote about how information can be absorbed by a user on social networks: quickly, spontaneously and in small portions. As I already said, the brain gets used to working with information in this way and gradually loses the ability to maintain attention on something for a long time. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder develops. This is a side effect generated by the philosophy of information integration: when working with a single web interface begins to combine many functions such as communication, listening to music, discussing meetings, etc., the user is tempted to do everything at once and perform several processes in parallel.

This has a bad effect on our thinking abilities. It becomes difficult to maintain attention for a long time, for example, while reading a book. Our mind, following an acquired habit, begins to jump from one subject to another. Therefore, difficulties arise in order to consistently think and think about one problem: attention constantly “floats away”.

This problem is especially acute in the context of the younger generation. Children's thinking is much more “plastic” than adults and therefore can more easily adopt harmful standards of thinking that form, among other things, social networks.

Information dependence

Social networks can turn into a kind of chewing gum for the brain. We get used to constantly receiving some kind of information and if this does not happen, we begin to experience information withdrawal. It is expressed in the fact that it becomes difficult for us to relax in those situations when little data enters the brain, for example, when we are traveling on the subway or are in the country. After all, our brain is always worried about not stopping chewing this gum and requires new pieces of information, as it is used to receiving it every day from social networks.

Alienation, decreased intelligence

When you spend a lot of time on social networks, your brain is busy with meaningless and aimless activity, which cannot be called full-fledged intellectual work. You just keep him busy with something to keep him busy all the time, without thinking about the quality of the incoming information. Instead, you could think about something, come to a solution to life's problems, make plans for the future, come up with some useful idea, read a good book, etc. But all this is impossible while your mind is puzzled by chewing the Internet gum, turning you into a thoughtless and alienated zombie.

Due to the fact that information comes in quickly and continuously, you don’t have time to digest it or think it over. Emotions do not develop in response to incoming impressions, since this requires time and peace, which are not available in conditions of frantic assimilation of information. It’s as if you are throwing dumplings, salad, cucumbers, borscht, sweets into your mouth and without chewing... Combining sweet and salty, cold and hot in one culinary combination.

You can’t even say what you liked most, because you were in a hurry to swallow everything as quickly as possible and there was no time to form an assessment, some kind of emotional response. Besides, indigestion awaits you ahead...

Compassion, empathy, interest and passion disappear before they have time to really take shape in your psyche, as one information abruptly replaces another.

I should note that the above-mentioned consequences of harm can appear not only due to dependence on social networks. These symptoms can be the result of an excessive passion for computer games and the Internet in general, or a consequence of many manifestations of modern life: intense work, a fast pace of life, disorderly consumption of information, boredom...

Is it possible to use social networks without harm?

Despite the terrible things that I described above, I am sure that social networks are not an absolute evil, you just need to use them wisely and in moderation in everything, as in many other things. I don’t see anything wrong with the opportunity to meet people with similar interests, find old acquaintances and rehabilitate past connections, have a convenient and accessible interface for communicating with your friends, listen to music (and find it) and watch movies. Social networks have a number of useful functions that make life and work on the Internet much easier.

This is a major technological and cultural breakthrough in the development of the Internet. But, as with many disruptive technologies, you need to be careful when working with social platforms so that they do not turn into harm. I will give some advice on the “hygiene” of spending time on social media. networks.

Purpose of social networks

On social networks you can not only communicate, but also listen to music, watch videos, share your favorite quotes and thoughts. Communities of interests are created on social networks - medicine, books, fashion, sports, development, business. Social networks provide enormous opportunities for personal development. Moreover, these opportunities are absolutely free.

But, nevertheless, most of the fans of VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and other popular social networks use them to the detriment of mental and, in general, physical health. Although initially, if you set goals correctly and set yourself up to work effectively and spend time on the Internet, you can get a lot of benefits from it.

But, before considering the benefits of social networks, let's explain their harm and even danger.

Tip: Limit your time on social networks

There is no need to log in and check VKontakte updates every hour, during every free minute at work or at home. Limit your visits to social media pages to, say, twice a day. If you are used to visiting social networks at work in your free minutes, then conduct this experiment. Instead of frantically opening your browser and logging into Odnoklassniki/Contact as soon as you are free from work, go out for a walk or just sit quietly for 10 minutes on a chair with the monitor turned off. Give your brain a break from information! At the end of the day you will feel much less tired, I assure you!

If you have a lot of free time at work, then it is better to spend it on something more valuable and necessary than social networks. Read informative articles, learn new things, because the modern Internet provides so many wonderful opportunities to obtain any information! The Internet is not only social networks!

If you follow this advice and spend less time in contact, for example, no more than half an hour a day, then you simply won’t have time left for any stupid activity, like the one that consists of commenting on every photo, liking every video, being keep up to date with all your friends' updates. Use social networks only for their intended purpose, that is, as an interface that allows you to communicate, exchange opinions, and learn about events. But do not abuse these opportunities, avoid unnecessary and meaningless “chatter”.

When you sit on social networks, you are killing your time, which could be spent on something more valuable that would benefit you in the future! The brain, busy chewing Internet gum, is not able to generate any ideas, any thoughts, it is exclusively engaged in stupid activity, working idle. A person who spends all his time on the Internet or TV is the embodiment of a social zombie from dystopian novels about the future. He doesn't think about anything, has no imagination, his mind is constantly occupied with likes, clicks and digesting media slop.

Waves of distorted reality

You need to know the communication code for an Internet user.

“On VKontakte and Instagram, losers, suckers and pensioners check in,” Soyuzbek Nyshanov explains the principles of selection for the Tsifra community. — All users have been on YouTube for a long time.

Translated from Internet Russian into colloquial Russian, this means that the Network is heterogeneous and gives access to itself through strict selection. Passing it is like taking a place in the flock: “Instagram”, “Telegram” are the “peacocks” of Moa, “Facebook” are the “jackals” of Tabaki, “VKontakte”, “Twitter” are the “red dogs”, everyone who outside groups or the Internet - “banderlogs”. And only the inhabitants of YouTube are, of course, “brothers”. The popular video hosting site YouTube, where the opposition agenda, pushed out of the offline, has flowed online, is not just “brotherhood”. A personality formed there, having grown up with “YouTube” values, sooner or later encounters “banderlogs”.

“Mowgli’s looks remind me of the meme from Twin Peaks: “Owls are not what they seem,” Galina Gradoselskaya, a sociologist at the Stolitsa Research Agency, shares her observation. — Networks are also not what they declare. In life, their promises often turn out to be the opposite: the principle of freedom - ease of manipulation, declared individualism - herd behavior, when the followers choose a proposed solution from a limited set. Hence the color revolutions, and the protests of groups of fans of plain socks against groups of fans of striped socks. Together they make one choice. The goal is forgotten, the pack principle becomes the meaning - who are we friends against? And it is launched not at all due to their natural reaction to this or that event, but with the help of information waves.

According to the Stolitsa Sociological Research Agency, information waves, or gon in user slang, on the Internet account for 65 to 80 percent of “opinions.” And only 20-30 percent of the information on social networks is the grain of a person’s live reaction to a particular event. Moreover, the distortion of reality depends on the financial investments of virtual bot players and the number of suckers - those who respond to the bait. Even sophisticated audiences swallow it.

“Fake, reviled by everyone, is a fail-safe way to achieve a goal,” says Andrei Manoilo, a professor at the Faculty of Political Science at Moscow State University. — And it seems that everyone already knows how to distinguish a fact from a fake: it is anonymous, and if personalized, it calls not for logic and facts, but for emotions, which turns off consciousness and the ability to analyze. This is the power of a fake. He's like a natural disaster. Then the vacuum is filled with rumors and speculation. And when a person “ate” a fake, the information, even if it is accurate, may no longer work. It’s too late: instead of analysis, myths are broadcast.

I immediately remembered how the advanced opposition has been joking on Facebook for years, broadcasting the myth that it is more literate than the patriots. It grew out of a viral fake that Gennady Zyuganov “makes six mistakes in a five-letter word.” And you can’t prove that Zyuganov is a Doctor of Philosophy, but the reality is perpendicular: the one who is older and has received a good education is more literate. However, a hybrid of influence through fake news, speculation and myths has been launched, and it is also technically difficult to convince the inhabitants of the Internet through fact.

“Network reality is changeable,” says Galina Gradoselskaya. — In 2013, Facebook had more than 10 million, today there are about 6 million subscribers. This is how every Network “floats”. Although a digital fingerprint is like an eye: you can change the group, IP address, and the defector can be easily identified. Question: who needs it? The practice of our research shows that in this way technological platforms direct the development of social networks not in the plane of intellectual development, but in mass culture, and show business is visionary and making profit from it. That is, everything is like in the show: the one who is liked by the majority is right. Not to the truth. The trap slammed shut.

This is how reality is multidimensionally distorted, the “smart” crowd turns into group bullying, and people fall into all the traps that the “numbers” set. And this is not only Mowgli’s problem - the Internet environment is already their own for many. But most people do not understand who is manipulating them and how.

Social networks = control over the Internet?

Maybe social networks are a means of global control over the Internet. After all, many users spend the bulk of their time online on social platforms. For them, the Internet is limited to the space of these platforms. Social networks themselves only stimulate this trend, striving for greater integration, capturing more and more new functions (watching movies, music, games) for which we go online.

One global site is much easier to control than many local, disparate domains. Moreover, if such a site has moderation and a requirement for de-anonymization (registration strictly under one’s own full name). It is likely that the idea of ​​a controlled Internet is already being developed in reality through the mass passion for social media.

Of course, this does not mean that social networks were invented precisely for this purpose. But the fact remains that despite the fact that social platforms want to claim full coverage of the opportunities that people want to get from the Internet, the information there is very limited, both in quantitative terms and in the ability to obtain this information using the capabilities of the engine. In short, most social networks are not aimed at ensuring that a person studies something and receives the information he needs in full.

These sites cannot become a full-fledged replacement for the entire Internet, no matter how much they strive for this. This is the main conclusion from the thoughts I outlined above. I don’t want to create any kind of paranoia in you based on the idea of ​​total control and surveillance of you via the Internet. I myself regard all sorts of paranoid theories and people who are obsessed with them with slight irony. Just don't overuse social networks and remember that there are plenty of other useful sites, for example, Wikipedia, sites with popular science information, sites about self-development, specialized blogs... The Internet is not limited to social media.


In conclusion, it should be said that you should not cross out social platforms from your life - after all, such a break can be very painful, just use those opportunities that you find most useful - find a classmate, learn about a new film or listen to your favorite musical composition. Everyone can find something good for themselves, and refuse bad influence forever.




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My personal social network rating

To brighten up the gloomy tone that this article began to take on towards the end, let me tell you about my favorite social networks; it turns out that some sites can be quite useful.

Useful social networks is my favorite social network. (And this is not an advertisement) It is designed to search for music and it is implemented there very conveniently, at least I really like it. I love music very much, I listen to different styles from electronic styles to jazz and rock. This site provides an excellent opportunity to find performers to your liking, based on your own musical preferences. The site learns about your tastes by connecting to your home media player (winamp, foobar) or ipod and receiving information about the songs played from there.

To search for new artists, you can use the system’s recommendations, you can search for similar musicians to those you like, you can search by style or find out what your friends are listening to. The system informs the user about events in his city that may be of interest to him. For example, if there is a performer in your listening library, Orbital, then the system in the “events” tab will notify you about the arrival of these musicians in your city. A very useful feature.

In short, there are many possibilities. But, like any social network, you can get stuck on wander aimlessly through friends’ pages, leave stupid comments, move from link to link and waste time. Here, too, you need to know when to stop and use the site for its intended purpose. Then it can become very useful. With this site, choosing a movie to watch in the evening has ceased to be a long and labor-intensive task for me. I no longer need to read cumbersome reviews from homegrown film critics to find a movie that suits my tastes. There are many ways to search for films on this site: find your favorite film and the system displays a list of films that were liked by people who love any of your films. In fact, this is a very good algorithm. This way I discovered a lot of great films.

You can search by director, actor, soundtrack author. You can rate the films you watch yourself, and the system itself will give you recommendations. The imdb rating has long become an authoritative standard for evaluating films, which guides millions of movie lovers around the world when choosing films.

StumbleUpon - Recently discovered this great social network. The idea is this: when registering, you indicate your interests, for example, self-development, physics, pets, and press the magic “Stumble” button. The site's program searches for you pages on the Internet that match your interests, for example, “The 10 Most Fascinating Physics Experiments,” if this is your interest. The page is shown directly in the interface window, that is, you don’t have to leave your profile page, you look at other sites as if through the StumbleUpon window.

At the same time, you have access to all the functions that are on the site that this social network shows you. You can leave comments, make purchases, etc.

The system shows you only those pages that other users liked. An excellent alternative to ranking your website in search engines. This system turns out to be indispensable in a situation when you want to spend time on the Internet, but don’t know where to start. StumbeUpon itself will suggest you pages that match your interests.

True, the system seems to have only an English interface and a search on English-language sites (it seems). Add me in friends. My profile is social network of books. I came across this site when I was trying to find something similar to, only not for music, but for books. I wanted to read, but didn’t know which book to choose. I was looking for a web service that would make my search easier. I haven’t spent much time on it, since I discovered it only recently, but, at first glance, the site is good and the interface is user-friendly. You can find literature for every taste, read reader ratings, author biographies, etc.

This site is a vivid example of the fact that a social network is not only a thousand virtual friends, meaningless comments and likes. This is an example of, in all respects, a useful site that promotes the personal development of the user.

Less useful social networks is a good site in terms of engine, capabilities and technology (although I’m not a big expert on web technologies, in my opinion, they are very, very advanced in the case of VK). True, if used inappropriately, side effects are possible, such as addiction and a pointless waste of time and everything that I wrote about above. But, nevertheless, the site is convenient in many respects.

You can listen to almost any piece of music, watch movies, and all this is free. There is an opportunity to find old acquaintances from school, work, pioneer camp, etc. For me, contact is convenient because you can easily view pictures on any topic: travel, painting, old photos, etc. All this is presented in the appropriate groups and is very easy to find.

VKontakte also provides a convenient interface for communicating with other users.

I like much less than in contact. You can't watch movies, just like you can't listen to music. The engine is not as intuitive as VK's. VKontakte was originally a clone of FB, but now, in my opinion, contact has surpassed facebook. I even feel some kind of pleasant pride in Russian developers and programmers.

Useless platforms this site is simply a neutered version of facebook, stripped down to the ability to write short statuses, broadcast them into a general thread and receive replies to them. However, Twitter has become very popular. Of course, on this site you can read good quotes and learn about the latest news, but in general, I don’t see much use in this social network. Although I have an account there (link at the top right of the page) =). site repeats many of the capabilities of VK and FB, but there are much fewer of them. Many useful VK functions are not presented there. The entire interface of classmates seems to be “tailored” for activities such as commenting on photos and giving grades. To give a high rating, you need to pay. The site is focused on receiving dividends and parasitizes on the lowest virtual needs of users. In my opinion, this is an example of a bad social network, almost completely stupid.

The influence of communication in social networks on adolescent communication in the real world



Chapter I. Theoretical foundations of the problem of communication among adolescents……………………………3

1.1. Social networks: definition, history of development, characteristic features………..3

1.2. Features of virtual communication among teenagers……………………………………..5

Chapter II. An experimental study of the influence of communication in social networks on the communication of adolescents in the real world……………………………………………………….7

2.1. Characteristics of the research base………………………………………………………..7

2.2. Research results and their interpretation……………………………………………………….7






Currently, people are in close contact with modern technologies not only at the scientific, but also at the everyday level. Telephone, Skype, cell phone, email, social networks allow you to instantly convey the necessary information or just a friendly greeting.

Humanity is rapidly moving into a modernized world. Of course, this is a big plus. People located at long distances are not deprived of communication. Unlike those people who are directly nearby and cannot meet a person, because this is no longer necessary. Is it good?

Increasingly, teenagers cannot find the right type of communication in a real environment because they cannot verbally formulate what they could easily transfer into electronic text. The ability to color the text emotionally and facially correctly becomes a difficult task to solve.

The relevance of the study is determined by the spread of the influence of the Internet on many spheres of society, including the communication of teenagers, and the emergence of problems associated with this means of communication.

Purpose of the study: to study the influence of communication in social networks on the communication characteristics of adolescents in the real world.

Research objectives


— Study the history of the emergence of social networks and communication in them;

— To study the communication features of teenagers

— Determine the influence of communication in social networks on the communication of adolescents in the real world;

— Conduct a survey and testing of schoolchildren in order to identify the factors influencing communication in social networks on the communication of adolescents in the real world.

Object of study

: communication on social networks.

Subject of study

: The impact of social networking on adolescents' real-world communication.


research hypothesis: the study is based on the assumption that communication on social networks negatively affects adolescents’ communication in the real world.

Research methods


  1. Studying literary sources, Internet materials.
  2. Questioning
  3. Methodology “Assessing the level of sociability” V.F. Ryakhovsky

I. _
Theoretical foundations of the problem of communication among adolescents. 1.1. Social networks: definition, history of development, characteristic features.

The term " social network"

was introduced in 1954 by Manchester School sociologist James Barnes in his work “Classes and Assemblies in a Norwegian Island Parish,” which was included in the collection Human Relations.
He developed and expanded the approach invented in the 1930s to study the relationships between people using sociograms, that is, visual diagrams in which individuals are represented as dots and the connections between them as lines. However, scientists anticipated the idea of ​​a social network as a structure, the elements of which are actors (individuals or organizations), back in the late eighties - the French sociologist David Emile Durkheim and his German colleague
Ferdinand Tönnies
practically described the nature of this phenomenon in their theories and studies of social groups .
The understanding of a social network has certainly changed since that time; the development of technologies through which online networks emerged played a significant role in this. In this work, by social network we will understand a platform (online service or website) for building social networks or social relationships between people who, for example, have common interests, experience, real-life connections or belong to the same field of activity. A social network consists of each user’s personal channels (usually called profiles), their social connections, as well as a number of additional services. [4, 56]

First of all, the theory of social networks arose. The founders of this theory were RaySolomonoff and AnatolRapoport in 1951. Eight years later, articles by Hungarian mathematicians Paul Erdos and Alfred Renyi began to appear. They wrote in the time period - 1959-1968. The articles outlined the principles of the formation of social networks as such. The term “social network” itself was coined in 1954 by James Barnes, a sociologist from the Manchester School.

One of the very first social networks in 1971 was electronic technology, which was used by the military in the ARPA Net.

1988 gave birth to the IRC technology, that is, relayed Internet chat, which connected users and allowed them to communicate in real time. The creator of IRC was 20-year-old Finnish student JarkkoOikarinen.

In November 1996, the Internet pager ICQ

. It was invented and created by a team of high school students from Tel Aviv. Their names are Arik Vardi, Yair Goldfinger, SefiVigiser and Amnon Amir. [1, 276]

In general, the world was ready for the birth of a full-fledged social network. From the Google blog: “Network founder Andrew Weinreich explained this by saying that the service was simply ahead of its time. In 2000, less than half of US residents had access to the Internet. In other words, registered users did not have enough friends and acquaintances with Internet access to make communication on this site at least interesting.”

On March 18, 1999, Livejournal

(Live Journal or, simply, LJ). Subsequently, the service became a mass blog hosting service and gained enormous popularity in the CIS countries. It was Livejournal that first provided the opportunity to create communities and communicate within them.

LinkedIn was created in December 2002

. In May 2003, it was launched and took its rightful place among networks for professionals.

, MySpace, appeared.

. Then she conquered many. The ability to create personal profiles, convenient appearance settings, communities of interests, posting photographs, as well as videos and audios of famous performers, your own blog. All this made it possible for MySpace to become the most popular social network in the world in 2006. Rock bands fell in love with the network, and many musicians began to use the network for presentation itself. And their fans - to communicate with their idols.

2004 is one of the most significant and fruitful years.


  • aSmallWorld - private, invite-only network
  • Mixi - the first user creates the first entry
  • Multiply

Twitter in 2006

, which immediately became a rapidly growing new social networking project. [5, 154]

For the CIS region, 2006 was significant with the emergence of Odnoklassniki and VKontakte.


Social networks are an indispensable means of communication in modern society.

1.2. Features of virtual communication among teenagers.

Adolescence is the age of communication, the age of greatest desire to gain approval from peers and the group that is significant for the teenager. Teenagers get many of their ideas about social roles and life values ​​from here. Adolescents live in a world of diverse roles offered by numerous groups - family, friends, social institutions. The modern Internet environment, being a social “virtual” environment, allows a teenager to realize those roles that seem difficult for him to play in real life, but in “living” this role the teenager feels the need to either accept or reject those values, attitudes and the ideals that this role implies. Moreover, such a feature of the Internet environment as anonymity creates all the prerequisites for such role-playing experimentation.

Speaking about the facets of social networks, a teenager sees first of all: the opportunity to be like everyone else due to the form of presenting information (windows of VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and other social networks accounts are the same for everyone); the opportunity to be different from everyone else due to the content (huge selection of design styles, music and video content, photographs, avatars, size and color of letters, text content, games). [9]

A special place when communicating on social networks is occupied by the manner of communication and the use of short but succinct expressions and symbols. Communicating online using short phrases, succinct and concise expressions, denoting emotions with pictures-emoticons, they have developed their own new language of communication, built on graphic symbols and words, with specially distorted spelling and lexical norms. Communication becomes rushed and extremely simplified. Emotions are expressed in different ways using punctuation marks. With the development of the Internet, the set of these icons has been expanded.

Currently, not a single forum or chat is complete without a set of emoticons. They exist in various variations, and animated emoticons and avatars appear. Emoticons and deliberately distorted words are becoming increasingly widespread, becoming almost a common Internet language.

Thus, a teenager on a social network is on an equal footing with everyone, but at the same time, has a chance to be different from his peers. Another important thing that attracts teenagers to use a social network: the availability of information about others, as well as their activities. The amazing ease of finding a contact - today it is very easy to understand who you are dealing with - just open their page. Sympathies are expressed with virtual kisses, clips and postcards in a countless assortment. [eleven]

Communication via the Internet, and in particular social networks, has its own specific characteristics that distinguish this type of communication from the usual one. Among these features are the following:

1. Anonymity.

Despite the fact that it is sometimes possible to obtain some personal information and even a photograph of the interlocutor, they are not sufficient for a real and more or less adequate perception of the person. In addition, concealment or presentation of false information is observed. A person online can and does exhibit greater freedom of expression, since the risk of exposure and negative personal assessment by others is minimal.

2. The uniqueness of the processes of interpersonal perception in the absence of non-verbal information.

3. Voluntariness and desirability of contacts. The user voluntarily makes contacts or leaves them, and can also interrupt them at any time.

4. Difficulty in the emotional component of communication and, at the same time, a persistent desire for emotional content in the text, which is expressed in the creation of special icons to indicate emotions or in describing emotions in words (in parentheses after the main text of the message).

5. The desire for atypical, non-normative behavior. Often, users show themselves from a different side than in the conditions of the real social norm, they play out roles, scenarios, and non-normative behavior that are not realized in offline activities. [7]


The motives for teenagers’ communication on social networks can be divided into two groups:

  • psychological (a place of entertainment, social networks as the only means of communication for teenagers, the need for communication)
  • socio-psychological (the teenager’s dissatisfaction with himself, the creation of a virtual image for himself).

II .
An experimental study of the influence of communication in social networks on adolescent communication in the real world. 2.1. Characteristics of the research base

The experimental study was carried out on the basis of the Sosnovo-Ozersk Secondary School No. 1 in January 2016 in 8 grades. 40 people took part in the study.

2.2. Research results and their interpretation

To study the opinions of teenagers about social networks, a survey was conducted among 8th grade students.

As a result of the survey, we found out that the majority of 8th grade students are registered on social networks (92% of respondents), only 2 people (8%) are not registered (Illustration III).

The number of people registered on social networks was distributed as follows:

  • Friend Around – 20 students (83%);
  • VKontakte – 11 students (46%);
  • Classmates - 2 students (8%);
  • My world@Mail – 1 student (4%);
  • Facebook – 2 students (8%)

Moreover, many of the teenagers surveyed are registered in several social networks at once.

The main purpose of visiting by teenagers who use social networks is communication (16 students answered this way - 67%). 5 students (21% of respondents) are looking for new acquaintances, 1 student (4%) makes orders through a social network. 2 people (8%) answered that they visit their page on a social network because they have nothing to do.

Most respondents spend more than 2 hours a day on social networks (34%), but there are also those who communicate online more than 5 hours a day (8%), half a day (4%), almost the whole day if they have money on the phone (25%) and how long you have enough strength (4%).

The need to communicate with others like ourselves is one of the most important qualities of our psyche. But the degree of expression of this need varies from person to person. To determine the level of need for communication among 8th grade students, we conducted a test - a method for studying the need for communication by O.P. Eliseev

The test results were determined as follows:

  • low level of need for communication – 0%;
  • level of need for communication below average – 1 person (4%);
  • the average level of need for communication is 7 people (27%);
  • above average – 5 people (19%);
  • high level – 13 people (50%) (Figure V)

Having compared the test results using the methodology for studying the influence of social networks on communication with data obtained from student questionnaires, we revealed the following: the higher the level of a teenager’s need for communication, the more time he spends on social networks. Thus, we can conclude that the main motive for teenagers visiting social networks is the need for communication, since they cannot fully verbally express information that they can easily voice through social networks. It can be concluded that communication on social networks negatively affects adolescents’ communication in the real world.


Based on the results obtained, the following conclusions can be drawn:

The hypothesis was confirmed: the majority of 8th grade students who participated in the study believed that communication on social networks negatively affects adolescents’ communication in the real world. Communication among teenagers on social networks has its own characteristics. Communicating on social networks, teenagers join various groups, subcultures, and meet different people.

Having analyzed the sources of information on this topic, I would like to note the negative impact of communication on social networks on teenagers. Constantly being online can lead to information overload in the brain and negatively affect the mental and physical health of adolescents. In addition, teenagers who are accustomed to meeting people “in absentia” often experience difficulties in making real acquaintances. Since the communication process occurs at a distance, interpersonal contacts are significantly impoverished. This leads to a decrease and underdevelopment of communication skills, the ability of adolescents to understand and read non-verbal signs of communication, it is more difficult to determine the emotional state of the interlocutor during live communication and therefore it is more difficult to choose the right line of behavior. The fragmented nature of communication on social networks and the ease of interrupting unwanted contacts do not give a teenager the opportunity to learn how to resolve complex conflict communication situations. Often, conflicts that arise in online communication (for example, due to negative comments on photos, statuses, etc.) spill over into real life.

There are several ways to solve this problem: limiting the time spent on the network; searching for alternative ways to spend time (for example, playing sports, drawing, embroidering, reading books, etc.); paying more attention to your real life (problems at school, family, friends); increasing time spent in the company of friends. Ideally, online communication should complement our lives, and not be the basis of all activities.


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Questionnaire “Social networks in my life”

  1. Do you visit social networks?

a) Yes

b) No

  1. How often do you visit social networks?

a) several times a day

b) daily

c) several times a week

d) once every few weeks

  1. What are your main reasons for using social media? networks?

a) finding friends, classmates and communicating with them

b) meeting and communicating with new people

c) assistance in finding and organizing studies

d) interest groups

d) method of communication

f) Entertainment (games, music, movies, photos)

g) self-expression (social network helps me express myself and show my creativity)

  1. Does a social network help you organize your personal leisure time?

a) Yes

b) No

5) If you have friends

a) Yes

b) No

6) Has using a social network affected your lifestyle in any way?

a) Helped with my studies

b) Helped in my personal life and communication with friends

c) Helped in organizing leisure time and finding interest groups

d) had no effect

e) Had a negative impact on communication

f) Caused dependence

g) Other _____________________________________________________

  1. What is your priority when using the services provided by a social network?

a) the presence of a method of communication that saves money and time

b) The ability to find music, photos, films that interest me

c) Method of searching and exchanging information

9) Where do you most often communicate with friends?

a) on social networks

b) at school

c) other ____________________________

  1. Do you agree that there is a tendency for people to become addicted to social networks?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Tricky question

  1. Do you agree that social media has a negative impact on your communication in the real world?

a) Yes

b) No


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