Sect - what to do if you fall into a sect + how to get out of it


The website is completely standard, and it's also cheap. It is immediately clear that the attackers did not invest any funds here. There are always 2 reasons for this. First of all, scammers are initially intrigued by funds from the client’s wallet.

And also, projects of this quality will not last long on the Internet. That’s why attackers strive to quickly recapture their own small investments, only at your expense. Immediately the eye is less likely to see a lot of spelling errors on the website. Apparently, a student with a poor student was responsible for the text content.

It immediately becomes obvious that the website administration decided to save money on everything. In addition, there is an award and licenses on the website. However, you won’t be able to view them closer. Because the pictures themselves are small. And they cannot be increased.

It's clear why this was done. In addition, there is a tab with an intermediary license. But when we launch it, there is only text and that’s it. There was never any documentation there. Therefore, such a license does not contain any legal force. As for reviews, they are also available. All of them are negative, of course.

Users complain that they simply cannot withdraw their own funds. Namely, the project functions as a typical money collection. In one direction. Things aren't much better with contact information. The only thing the scammers agreed to show us was a contact number and that was from an unknown region.

Because no one can stop attackers from simply depriving you of your funds. No one controls such an intermediary. Global Maxis has been on the market for over 22 years. It contains a large user base of approximately 14 million customers. Any organization could envy something like this.

And the capitalization is just $3 billion, which confirms the success of its activities. This is an episode from a small legend. It is completely formulaic and there is nothing interesting here. Every word of the legend is a lie. In fact, the state of affairs will be completely different. What is the point of fraud here? And how exactly will they deceive you?

First of all, you leave your email. Then your personal specialist will call you. And he starts to deceive you. Its purpose is to assure you that you will replenish your trading deposit. Then your account will be merged soon enough. Afterwards you will be asked to replenish your deposit again.

Like, now you will definitely be lucky. But a miracle won’t happen and you will again waste your own finances. Fraudsters will keep pestering you until they steal all your money. It is quite common for scammers to drive their potential victims into debt. And to pay off debts, the victim takes out many loans. But it is simply impossible to return funds from a black intermediary.

Missionary department of the Moscow diocese

  1. The sect leaders threaten one of the participants who expresses intentions to leave the organization.

Most often, such threats remain just words, so first of all it is necessary to assess the ability of the organization's leaders to realize what they promised.
The potential for such threats to materialize increases if:

  • adherents are extremely dependent on leaders and are ready to commit any, including illegal, actions
  • members of the organization have signs of belonging to criminal circles: they use criminal jargon, are associated with drugs and other black markets.
  • the adept they want to keep has incriminating information regarding the illegal and antisocial activities of other adepts
  • the adept they want to keep is an image of a weak personality, predisposed to aggression from the outside, or, conversely, a bright, scandalous person.

In all these cases, you must contact the police. There is a well-founded opinion that bureaucratic procedures in such cases are humiliating and end with a banal interview of the threat and a shameful role for the victim as a victim. This can also be provoked by individual police officers with words like: “it’s not good to complain”, “you’re not a lawyer, but we know that everything is according to the law”, etc. But fighting with your own means is still an extreme measure - “the right guys with concepts “At any opportunity, they themselves will go to the police and to the court with exclamations about your exceeding the order of self-defense, the rule of law and the protection of small religions. What to do? – Get your way from the state and take security measures.

Your application must be accepted and considered by the police. In the text of the application, you should directly ask to consider it confidentially, without questioning or asking for explanations from the people who are threatening you (otherwise, they will most likely do so). This requirement is legal and is related to ensuring your safety. The request in such a statement should not be to initiate a criminal case, but to verify information about the activities of an organization that poses a threat to the life and health of citizens, and the preconditions for committing crimes under Art. 119 “Threat of murder or causing grievous harm to health”, 239 “Organization of an association encroaching on the personality and rights of citizens” and 282.1 “Organization of an extremist community” of the Criminal Code of Russia.

In this case, the police officer will not have a formal obligation to quickly interview the first members of the organization he comes across and prepare refusal material. However, he will be obliged to carry out work to verify your information and prevent the commission of crimes. So that they don’t forget about you, during your visit to the police, in an extremely correct and respectful manner, indicate that you are aware of your right, in the absence of any work, to contact the prosecutor’s office to verify the legality of this style of operational work. Here, both you and the employee with whom you will work should understand that you yourself cannot, from the point of view of the law, control operational investigative activities. However, if the danger to you remains and it is obvious, you can, by sending correctly formulated complaints to the prosecutor’s office, move the process forward.

It is also necessary to take into account that your situation may be of interest not only to the local police department. There are also bodies of district, regional, and federal subordination, the main departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for federal districts. You have the right to contact any of them.

Security measures in the event of threats from cult leaders must be proportionate to the circumstances. Psychological safety plays a key role. It must also be taken into account that threats in occult and satanic sects are often based on the mystical charisma of the leader and the faith of adherents in his supernatural abilities. At the same time, it is important to create a positive psychological attitude for the person leaving the sect, try to build confidence in one’s own abilities to get out of the influence, and explain the “mystical” charisma with psychological phenomena.

If threats have begun to arrive, but measures have not yet been taken, try to enter the role of a threat and imagine the most vulnerable places for committing any violent actions in your travel routes, personal and work contacts and affairs. Think about how to protect yourself. Currently, cellular operators offer the service of calling private security with one click of a button on your phone, provided that your device is equipped with a GPS receiver. This service is usually inexpensive - less than the average monthly telephone fee.

  1. A minor child fell into a sect. He goes to their “services”, reads literature, they constantly call him, etc.

In accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 3 of the Federal Law “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations”, any parent has every right to limit the child’s involvement in any religious association. It is advisable to inform the prosecutor's office at their location about the activities of religious structures that involve children without the knowledge of their parents - other minors may also fall into the network of sectarians.

Difficulties arise when one of the parents actively involves the child in a sect.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 65 of the Family Code, such issues should be resolved by the father and mother only by mutual agreement, but this cannot always be achieved.

The legal tools for countering the sect in such situations should be correlated with the child’s expected reaction to your initiatives. Often, one of the parents who involves a child in a sect has certain levers of influence on him: material benefits, the opportunity to devote time, the ability to interest him. In this regard, it should be noted that the main task for the second parent is always to strengthen psychological contact, trust and mutual understanding with the child. All official complaints, lawsuits and inspections initiated by you can be used to turn the child against you. This is especially true when it comes to older children.

However, such caution is appropriate only in cases where the sectarian group does not commit any significant offenses, or little is known about the offenses and the information is inaccurate. In case of obvious commission of any crimes by adherents of the sect, contacting law enforcement agencies is necessary. It should be remembered that the easiest way for the employee considering your appeal is to interview the sectarians themselves and, based on their explanations, issue a refusal material. Therefore, if we are not talking about an acute danger to life and health, first of all, try to meet with a law enforcement officer and explain what is happening in a conversation.

If a child himself attends a sect, but it is not registered as a religious association (most often these are youth occult groups), the optimal solution would be to contact the authorized police inspector for minors to take preventive measures against the leaders of the organization.

The most radical step in any of the above cases is to enter into an open legal confrontation with both the sect itself and the authorities that are not taking action. Such work must be carefully planned, and all application materials must contain significant evidence sufficient to take appropriate response measures.

  1. A relative (close) person ended up in a sect, gives things, salary (scholarship, pension) there.

As a rule, such phenomena are inherent in sects that implement mechanisms of hidden control psychological influence, the purpose of which is the transfer of funds or other valuables to the organization. These mechanisms are often associated with suggestive psychological techniques (including those based on indirect, hidden persuasion), introducing adherents into altered states of consciousness (hypnotic, trance nature).

The problematic point is the refusal of adherents to testify against their leaders due to confidence in the sincerity of their own intentions. It is this factor that often allows very large and awkward fraudulent associations, such as the sect of Grigory Grabovoi, to operate successfully.

However, over time, dissatisfied people also appear, realizing that they have been deceived. Finding such people and jointly contacting law enforcement agencies is one of the most effective ways to solve such problems.

Most often, sectarians attract individuals predisposed to the effects of psychological manipulative technologies to obtain benefits. Inappropriately trusting people are more likely than average to suffer from mental illness. Thus, when trying to alienate significant amounts of property (for example, a single home), the question of declaring a person incompetent with obvious signs of mental illness may be relevant.

If one of the spouses transfers significant amounts of property to the sect, a civil law mechanism for its return can be used. According to Article 34 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, property acquired by spouses during marriage is common. This includes the income of each spouse from labor and entrepreneurial activities, pensions, benefits and other monetary payments, movable and immovable things, securities, shares, deposits and shares in the capital of commercial organizations, as well as “any other property, regardless of the name of which of the spouses it was acquired or in the name of which or which of the spouses the funds were deposited.” In accordance with Article 35 of the Family Code, the ownership, use and disposal of such property should be carried out only by the mutual desire of the husband and wife. Therefore, transactions with common property made by only one of the spouses without notice or consent from the other spouse are considered illegal and can be canceled through the court. To implement such a scheme, it is necessary to collect to the maximum extent possible materials confirming that you previously had this property, as well as confirmation of the facts of their transfer, and also to attract witnesses. Additional evidence in your favor may be other one way or another confirmed cases of the sect’s alienation of funds and valuables from citizens.

  1. Jehovah's Witnesses are constantly visiting the apartments in the house. The residents have already told them several times that they profess a different religion (non-believers don’t want to talk to them), but they still walk around, try to engage in conversations and often throw their leaflets in mailboxes.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011 approved the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building. Paragraph “a” of Art. 10 of these rules, as a requirement for the maintenance of the common property of an apartment building (halls, elevator platforms, etc.), provide for the observance of safety for the life and health of citizens, the safety of the property of individuals or legal entities.

Intrusive visits from any citizens involving entry into the entrance against the wishes of the residents can be classified as petty hooliganism in accordance with Art. 20.1. Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences: “Petty hooliganism”.

And if, contrary to your request, some people continue to walk around the apartments, then you have the right to call the police. The walk-through of apartments itself creates conditions for various fraudulent activities and thefts, so the police usually react. The arriving squad will check the documents of the persons visiting the apartments, and even if they refuse to take action the first time, it will be easier to charge them with petty hooliganism on subsequent visits. To do this, it is necessary to ask the policeman in the prescribed form to record the identification data of the persons who entered the entrance, for example, by taking written explanations from them in accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Police”.

  1. On the street (in a passage, at a metro station, etc.) there are sectarians selling their books from a stall.

This activity constitutes an administrative offense under Art. 14.5 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses “Sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services in the absence of established information or without the use of cash registers.” And if the seller subsequently declares that he works independently, without registering a business activity, then this is already part of Article 14.1 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses “Carrying out business activities without state registration as an individual entrepreneur or without state registration as a legal entity.” Calling the police is an adequate and most effective measure to suppress illegal trade.

In this case, it is advisable not to enter into a debate with the sectarian, but to show him when the police arrive. If you doubt the integrity of the police officer and his intentions to draw up a report, you have the right to film the arrest on a cell phone or video camera, and subsequently send an appeal about this to the internal affairs bodies and the prosecutor's office. You should politely discuss the video recording and subsequent public monitoring of the progress of the consideration of the material about the administrative offense with the police officer.

  1. Cultists hand out invitations to their meetings on the street.

In this case, you cannot do anything directly. However, pay attention to the invitations themselves distributed by the sectarians. Clause 8 of Article 8 of the Federal Law “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations” requires that a religious organization indicate its full name when carrying out its activities. That is, it prohibits so-called confessional anonymity. However, usually the leaflets do not indicate the name of the religious organization at all: they simply report the time and place for “talking about God.” This can only be recorded by a police squad called to the scene by checking the documents of the event organizers and taking explanations from them. This is where the work of the police ends, since there is no corpus delicti within the competence of the internal affairs bodies in this act. The material about such a street action itself will most likely not be sent to the Prosecutor's Office, so it is better to take care of this and submit (send) a corresponding statement to the police. It must include reference to the time and place where the police were called, and also, if this information has been preserved, indicate the number of the police badge or the number of the car in which he arrived. It is important to understand that without the police identifying the organizers, subsequent prosecutorial response measures cannot be taken. If successful, the prosecutor's office will send warnings or requests to eliminate violations of the law to the violators, however, if such actions are repeated, the materials of all previous inspections can be used when considering the case of liquidation and banning the activities of a religious organization.

  1. Sectarians come to the educational institution and conduct various conversations and rituals. The management of the institution supports them, and among the teachers there are also members of this sect who involve the children in religion. Sometimes religious materials are given out in the building.

The issue of separation of the Church from the school is clearly stated in paragraph 5 of Article 1 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, which states that the activities of religious organizations in state and municipal educational institutions are not allowed. Paragraph 2 of Article 2 of the same law once again contains the requirement to preserve the secular nature of education. A similar provision is contained in paragraph 2 of Article 4 of the Federal Law “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations”. It is subject to identical implementation throughout the entire state and municipal educational system: preschool educational institutions (kindergartens), secondary schools, institutions of additional education, institutions of vocational and vocational education, and higher educational institutions. Therefore, propaganda activities in educational institutions by the sectarians themselves, teachers who sympathize with them, as well as the distribution of religious materials there are illegal. To suppress such activities, it is necessary to send applications to local educational authorities and the prosecutor’s office at the location of the educational institution.

  1. The head of an enterprise (company) goes to a sect and forces all employees to attend its meetings and read religious literature.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 30 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, “no one can be forced to join or remain in any association.” The employment contract concluded between you and the administration of the enterprise hardly states that your activities will depend on your attitude towards religion. Therefore, if management insists on your joining a sect, contact the local branch of the State Labor Inspectorate, or the prosecutor’s office at the location of the enterprise. Try to attach to your appeal materials confirming the facts you have stated that employees are inclined to engage in religious activities, and also find in advance employees who are ready to confirm the above.

It is somewhat more difficult if the company’s employees are forced to participate in psychological trainings that are destructive in nature. However, even in this case, contacting the Labor Inspectorate is relevant if such measures are not specified in the employment contract.

  1. The sect wants to appropriate someone else's apartment.

As a rule, sectarians search for victims to take possession of their real estate in the following way. First, a person who owns a home becomes involved in a religious group. Particular attention is paid to single citizens who have no heirs, and people who are in a state of conflict with family and friends. The leaders of the sect organize constant psychological pressure on the owner of the home, ensuring that he breaks off all remaining ties with loved ones and with society. In parallel, there is the idea that to love God means to sacrifice to him all that is most valuable. The person is told about this both during meetings and during home visits. After some time, a situation arises when “the client has matured” and is ready to “give to the Lord” (or rather, to those people who hide behind the name of God) his home. It should be noted that today apartments are rarely registered directly to sects or their leaders, and even as a gift. This is too transparent, it can attract unnecessary attention and lead to a major scandal. To avoid this, the following scheme is implemented. Firstly, an apartment is not taken as a gift, but bought - however, for symbolic money or with a guarantee of providing a person with a significantly smaller area, as well as dilapidated housing in hard-to-reach rural areas. Secondly, the transaction is not made in the name of the sect or its leaders, but in the name of intermediaries unknown to a wide range of people, who will then transfer the property to the right hands. Legally, such a mechanism is almost flawless. At the same time, the apartment owner himself, being under the skillful psychological control of the sectarians, will sincerely convince others that he has made a completely conscious decision, coming only from the depths of his heart. Convincing him otherwise is usually useless.

When solving such a problem, you need to proceed from the fact that the unprecedented pressure and psychological manipulation technologies exerted by the sect on your relative are aimed at making an unfair deal, which in itself forms clear signs of a crime under Art. 159 “Fraud” of the Criminal Code of Russia. It should also be noted that, in accordance with the canons of psychiatry, inappropriate behavior is behavior that is clearly and obviously aimed at a significant deterioration in social, everyday and other living conditions without any reason.

Therefore, even if the apartment does not belong to you, and a relative commits clearly inappropriate actions to transfer property to sectarians, then the measures you take to prevent negative consequences will be legal.

Often, relatives of a person who intends to transfer their home to a sect resort to radical measures, for example, they take away documents from the adherent, without which it is impossible to carry out transactions and formalize deeds of gift: a warrant for an apartment, receipts for payment of utility bills. Such actions are formally illegal, and if you directly tell your relative that you took the documents, rest assured: the sect’s lawyer will do everything to bring you to justice. This is a complex, conflicting legal issue: it seems that documents cannot be confiscated, let him give the apartment to a sect. And yet we believe that it is possible and necessary and here’s why. When a person begins to behave inappropriately, for example, attempts suicide or engages in self-torture, or deliberately destroys some significant material assets for no reason, formally he has the right to do all this. However, any normal person - a loved one or even just a passerby - will stop the inappropriate act and call a doctor. This situation is similar. Taking measures to limit the actions of a loved one that are clearly aimed at depriving oneself of housing and worsening one’s conditions is quite logical and legal. Art. 39 of the Criminal Code of Russia “Extreme necessity” indicates that the harm caused should not exceed the harm prevented. Obviously, the preventable threat (deprivation of housing) in this case is greater than the damage caused by you withholding the documents. A striking example of the omission of such situations are the inhabitants of sectarian settlements living in taiga shacks, as well as simply the numerous victims of scammers who have become street vagabonds. It seems that the law needs to be improved by limiting the transfer of vital material assets in favor of religious associations. Unfortunately, this position often does not find understanding among government officials. In any case, the law does not specify whether the adoption of emergency measures should be notified to interested parties within a specific period.

It should be clearly understood that such an extreme measure as withholding documents will in itself only complicate the process of taking possession of property, but will not stop it.

The legally ideal solution to the problem is to conduct an audit of persons trying to appropriate an apartment to determine whether their actions are qualified under Art. 159 “Fraud” of the Criminal Code of Russia or recognition of a relative who refuses an apartment as incompetent.

It is not easy to prove an attempt to commit fraud before the apartment is sold. However, the very presence of such an audit and the materials collected during it about the use of manipulative technologies by sectarians aimed at seizing property may be useful in the future.

During the inspection, it is necessary to collect as much material as possible about the implementation of manipulative technologies in relation to your relative and conduct a specialist study (this must be petitioned to the inspection body; it is better to find specialists in the field of psychology, psychotherapy and psychiatry on your own). The subject of research should be the very fundamental possibility of using such methods to exert a hidden control influence on the volitional sphere of the individual. So much material is needed for the specialist to make a clear conclusion: technologies of hidden psychological manipulation are present, and their characteristics allow one to abuse trust and, by suppressing the strong-willed qualities of an individual, to alienate material and monetary values, including essential property and housing. A copy of the study must be received in hand.

After such a study, if your relative manages to start the transaction process, then the elements of fraud will already be obvious: alienation of property and abuse of trust, based on the use of psychological manipulation mechanisms.

To be ready to prove fraud, you need to collect as much information as possible. Remember the details: the names of the companies through which you plan to make the transaction, the names of those who show increased interest in it. This data may not tell you anything, but experts are well aware of the list of realtors who collaborate with certain sects.

Go to the settlement center at your loved one’s place of residence and talk to the employee responsible for processing documents for the apartment. Explain the situation to him in a humane way and ask him to call you immediately if someone requests these documents.

Once you know the names of the people who are processing your loved one, as well as the name of their religious organization, submit additional written statements to the police and prosecutor's office. You don't have to blame anyone for anything. Just state the facts that concern you, and then notify the sectarians of what you have done. In some cases, after this they abandon their intentions.

If threats are made against you, record them and also report this to law enforcement agencies. Every statement you make will attract additional attention to the deal.

Be prepared for the fact that sectarians will definitely turn the home owner against you. Repeating after them, your loved one will begin to say that the question of who to sell or give the apartment to is only his business. However, you have such a tool as public opinion. If the methods proposed above do not work, it is necessary to involve the widest possible circle of people in the problem - relatives and friends, officials, journalists. Remember that sectarians, as a rule, are extremely afraid of publicity and may retreat, even if at first glance the deal looks completely legal.

In all such cases, it is very important to explain your actions to the relative you are protecting as correctly as possible, with emphasized goodwill. It would not be amiss to forestall the development of the situation and invite him to think about what he will do if you do not allow him to sell the apartment, and the sectarians, in order to cause you maximum trouble, may offer the person to leave to live in another area under the pretext of “further enlightenment.”

In addition to the criminal legal route, there is also a civil legal route - declaring a relative incompetent in court. However, for this to happen, his behavior must show clear signs of mental illness that seriously impede his life. At the same time, as such, a compulsory examination is not provided for by law and in itself can be carried out either voluntarily or in the case of forced placement in a hospital due to a danger to oneself, as well as to surrounding people.

Summing up the topic of apartment fraud in sects, one cannot help but admit that the law in this case is imperfect and does not provide convenient legal mechanisms for people faced with such a problem. But there are wonderful lines in Art. 30 of the Civil Code: “a citizen who, due to the abuse of alcoholic beverages or drugs, puts his family in a difficult financial situation, may be limited by the court in his legal capacity... He has the right to independently carry out small household transactions.” Drug addiction, like alcoholism, are diseases associated with persistent dependence. However, the list of these disorders in the Civil Code is incomplete. The tendency of a person to depend on a sect is nothing more than a dependent personality disorder, classified under paragraph F 60.7 of the International Classification of Diseases. Authoritative experts in the field of medicine have repeatedly proposed to supplement and expand the presented list by including dependent personality disorders and pathological gambling.

  1. The cultists are filming you

Such actions are illegal, and are often carried out with the aim of provoking an attack on the person filming and further complaints to the police, or posting a video on the Internet with an “aggressive strangler of religious freedom.” In such cases, you can approach the person filming you and explain that, in accordance with Art. 9 of the Federal Law “On Personal Data”, you refuse to collect and distribute your image. However, in this case, provocations are possible; they may begin to fight with you in order to film your retaliatory actions, presenting them later as an attack. Therefore, if the action takes place in a public place, try to find a police officer and express your demands in his presence. It is important to understand and be able to convey to the police that it is your rights that have been violated, and not the rights of sectarians. Essentially, you have the right to videotape them, but they don’t have the right to film you. Because you are filming active public actions of a religious association that directly affect your rights. If the people you are filming act on behalf of such an association (even if it is an unregistered group), then the sphere of private life does not apply to them, because the sphere of such activity is purely public. You, in turn, acting as a private individual, enjoy the corresponding right to personal data provided for by the Federal Law “On Personal Data,” including to your own image.

  1. A loved one became interested in the teachings of a sect and went missing

Contacting law enforcement agencies is a mandatory component of searching for a person who has joined a sect and gone missing. If only because only on behalf of the state can a citizen be put on the wanted list and complex measures be carried out using a large number of forces and means. In the statement regarding the disappearance, state in as much detail as possible the circumstances of the disappearance known to you, as well as everything related to the activities of the sect that your loved one attended.

In addition to law enforcement agencies, an unofficial investigation can be carried out independently, studying the mechanism of work of the sect to which a person has fallen. Organizations for the study of cults operating in your region can help you with this.

If you decide to turn to a private detective, then an important criterion for the quality of his work will be a detailed story about the expected steps in the search and his readiness to contact the police. Unfortunately, in private detective work you cannot guarantee that everything will be done quickly and well for your money. Vague formulations “you pay, and then it’s up to us” and bold promises with a minimal amount of information are a reason to think about the detective’s competence.

  1. Adherents of a pseudo-healing cult, under the pretext of treatment, took possession of funds

False healing is a classic of modern fraud. Despite the fact that the practice of bringing to justice in this area has not become widespread, it is almost always possible not only to return the money, but also to bring the perpetrators to administrative and criminal liability, including imprisonment. The main stumbling block is the need to conduct a lengthy and thorough audit of the healing organization with the involvement of specialists in the field of medicine. Only such a specialist can reliably draw conclusions about the presence or absence of a mechanism for the therapeutic effect of the medical techniques used. However, until now, the bulk of refusal decisions on healing fraud are made by law enforcement agencies without the involvement of such specialists, “by eye”, which is an unacceptable procedural simplification and requires the intervention of the prosecutor’s office, because a person who does not have special knowledge should not, based on his own everyday ideas about the effectiveness of healing techniques, make a decision to terminate the inspection and refuse to initiate a criminal case.


Exposing Global Maxis

Previously, it was said that the intermediary was officially registered and legal data was indicated on the website. The name of the website belongs to System Dev Corporate LLC, which was registered in 2020, registration number is 301 LLC 2020. The registered address is in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

There is a section on the website that talks about licenses for moderators, but there are no names of companies after the colon, which means all the tales about licenses are just lies.

The marked office type is registered in a non-resident zone. Such organizations will never be given licenses or access to real world markets. In addition, it should be taken into account that the office was registered in 2020, but what about the experience of over 20 years?

Fraudsters always hide behind non-resident companies, steal extraneous details, and register organizations in non-resident zones for $1,000. In fact, they can easily deceive simple-minded users who have virtually no knowledge of such things, declaring that everything is reliable and safe. But such registrations do not confirm anything, since by and large they do not have legal force beyond the borders of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

Then pay attention to the riskiness and the client agreement, which clearly states the requirements of joint activities, there are no guarantees, high risks, no one plans to give away funds or compensate for damage.

Template fraud scheme. Attackers use all sorts of methods to attract possible victims of fraud, tell tales, offer to join the company and earn money. As soon as the client invests at least $100, the scammers begin to invent various situations in which it is necessary to invest as much money as possible. Urgent requests will continue until the user realizes that he has fallen for typical scammers.

How to understand that a loved one has ended up in a sect

— Sergey, how can you understand that a person has joined a sect? For example, what could be a signal that a loved one has gotten into trouble online?

- Of course, when your loved one falls into such a structure, it is usually noticeable. If you care, of course.

  • a convert often becomes thoughtful - he tries to rethink new knowledge and fit it into his worldview;
  • someone begins to talk a lot and enthusiastically or start a conversation about things that were not of interest to them before;
  • someone invites you to meet “wonderful people”;
  • someone, on the contrary, becomes secretive;
  • someone withdraws into himself and tries to reduce communication to a minimum;
  • musical preferences change;
  • some are conducting some kind of negotiations or correspondence.

But everyone usually goes to some kind of meeting, from which they return a little enchanted, as if not from this world, often with empty eyes.

I once attended a sermon in a sect. Since my professional interest brought me there, I carefully observed people. So, in all those present, I saw exactly the same degree of fascination, when all eyes were turned to the stage, to the lecturer. But critical consciousness was completely absent - everything that the “guru” said was not questioned.

In this regard, of course, it must be said that if you see your relative who began to pronounce some statements to you as the ultimate truth:

  • he doesn't think about them,
  • he is not critical of them,
  • He had never made such statements before.

And despite all this, he defends with foam at the mouth, does not allow any doubts, is uncritical, then there are two options:

  • or is it a philosophical intoxication associated with schizophrenia,
  • or he fell under the influence of someone and some flow of information.

What trading on the stock exchange looks like through the eyes of users

It is necessary to look at the situation through the eyes of a naive user. Initially, a swindler intermediary calls him and rather politely recommends taking a course in stock trading, guaranteeing simply incredible financial sums. Few will be able to resist such a tempting offer.

Gradually, the intermediary-swindler lets his naive user down so that he personally comes to the office to undergo stock trading training. At each lesson, the scammers guarantee him various kinds of bonuses, and in addition to this, systematic winnings.

How intermediaries siphon off finances from simple-minded people by hooking them. The hooked user immediately runs to a financial institution and puts his own money into a fraudulent deposit. At first he is really lucky. But sooner or later everything ends in the so-called account drain. But the scammers don’t stop there either. They offer the user to invest more funds to recoup lost money.

What the circumstances look like in reality

Now you need to look at this situation through the eyes of a swindler intermediary. Before starting the procedure of fraudulent actions of users using funds, such intermediaries are trained to exert psychological pressure on users. This includes exploring implementation strategies, thinking about more possible questions and their answers. The main principle of their activity is to call the same user regularly, pushing the scammers to deposit funds.

They deprive simple-minded people of money by establishing psychological contact with them. This is done by gaining trust in the user, as well as preparing the information required by the intermediary-swindler through intelligent questions. Having received all the necessary information about the user, the intermediary-swindler begins to manipulate him.

As soon as the user joins the game, the task of the intermediary-swindler will be to drain the accounts, but at the same time keep the user and force him to deposit more and more. Until the user loses absolutely all his savings and absolutely all his property.

Review of the Global Maxis web resource

Global Maxis's website is not worth a good word. This is a cheap site with a minimum of useful information, filled with stock photos and self-promotion. Available language versions – 6:

  1. English;
  2. Russian;
  3. Polish;
  4. Spanish;
  5. Italian;
  6. German.

Checking the registration date of the domain name showed that the website had been open only a few months ago. This does not fit with the broker of this review’s claim of more than 20 years of successful activity. The legend of the reliable trading agent Global Maxis with great skill crumbled before our eyes.

The achievements boasted by Global Maxis are fake. The intermediary company, which was almost a week old, simply could not receive them. In addition, according to the service developers, one of the awards was received a year ago, when the website did not exist at all.

On the advertisement, where the main page of the official website of the intermediary opens, a quote from Warren Buffett is highlighted. It is unclear what the popular American billionaire businessman has to do with the company. It is unlikely that one of the largest investors in the world is considered a user of this company and, moreover, is ready to promote its offers. This is a common advertising ploy of dodgy scammers. Judging by the small number of reviews, Global Maxis has no achievements of its own, so they came up with the idea of ​​​​promoting others.

The review broker's website is filled with descriptions of fantastic benefits. They try to assure clients with every possible effort that only with this intermediary can they expect prosperity and big profits. If you trust the project developers, almost everyone who agrees to provide them with their own assets, after just half a year, has a chance of making a profit that is more than 10 times the size of the initial investment. The requirements are simply fabulous! The attackers intend to tell big lies just to get your money.

As an example, they cite a certain player who increased his deposit several times in just a few years. The merchant could never have imagined such a triumph until he became a Global Maxis user! Such advertising does not look convincing. Only a gullible “loser” who has no idea about making money on Forex can believe in it. The same can be said about comments posted in a specific section of a website. They have nothing to do with real traders. There is no precedent here; it is replaced by well-known PR slogans that are not used at all by ordinary people when writing reviews.


In psychology, the signs of a sect are clearly defined, by which these religious associations are not difficult to identify.

Availability of marketing

This is perhaps the main sign of a sect . It is impossible to imagine, say, a priest or monk who will follow you around and boringly suggest you look into the church.

Representatives of traditional concessions, not without reason, believe that a person must come to God, first of all, on his own.

Of course, there were times when missionaries converted Indians, members of African tribes, etc. to Christianity. But today it is difficult to find a space on Earth that is deprived of information, including in religious terms.

Therefore, the marketing of sectarians is very active .

It has already been mentioned that they often literally attack a potential adept on the street.

Please note that, as a rule, there are two preachers; they do not go alone.

In psychology this is called the sandwich, sandwich principle . The victim is literally surrounded from different sides, limiting his movement and perception. If you give in to this insistence, they will be ready to follow you everywhere, right down to the toilet.

Baptists become frequent guests in hospitals, especially in oncology and tuberculosis dispensaries, where people are often terminally ill .

In such situations, sectarians are especially active, taking advantage of the fact that a suffering person is inevitably visited by thoughts of death and the possibility of an afterlife after it.

Duality of teaching

At the first stage of recruitment (there is no other way to say it), no one will tell you the whole truth about the sect. Advertising is one thing, reality is another .

Let’s say the Moonies don’t like to spread the fact that this sect was founded by an ardent adherent of the occult, who is also guilty of polygamy. Moon generally stated that Christ is just a loser, and he is the true savior.

And members of the so-called spiritual center named after Sergius of Radonezh completely deny the resurrection of Christ and worship idols.

However, no one will tell you about this right away ; there will be discussions about the need for faith in God, universal goodness, etc.

Aggressiveness of impact

As soon as a newcomer appears at any meeting of sectarians, he will be subjected to a new attack .

He will be given increased attention, any of his reasoning will be encouraged, his story about himself will be listened to with increased attention.

At the same time, any doubts or desire to leave the gathering will be resolutely suppressed .

Programming consciousness

As a rule, people with unstable, or even completely sick, psyches fall . The advantages of this creed are literally explained to a person (depending on his level of intelligence).

At the same time, they suggest exactly what he wants to hear: in the sect he will not be alone, his opportunities and abilities are very great, etc.

Instilling chosenness

If from the first minutes of communication in a group a conversation begins about the chosenness of its members and the unimportance of other people in the world around them, then you have found yourself in a sectarian network .

At the same time, you simply won’t be allowed to think about why on earth you ended up among the supposedly lucky chosen ones.

Vital monitoring

In many sects, the subordination of adherents gradually reaches the extreme. They are called upon to leave the outside world and settle in a certain room or area. Here the victim comes under complete control.

It is known that herd behavior is also characteristic of humans; sometimes a person is forced to accept incorrect psychological attitudes that are propagated by the majority or instilled in the majority.

A striking example of this is the influence of the theory of fascism or racism. Sectarians very skillfully use this property of the human psyche.

What Global Maxis represents: description of conditions

There are no specific details about trading requirements on the broker's website. Experienced scammers are in no hurry to reveal their cards so that possible victims do not get off the hook. All that is known:

  1. The merchant is provided with a personal specialist;
  2. analysis of applications for withdrawal of funds takes from 1 to 5 days;
  3. users will be able to use a demo version of the account with a balance of $5,000 to try out the capabilities of the platform and practice.

The intermediary promises to preserve clients' money on created deposits and hedge transactions. According to project representatives, special protection of clients’ finances is provided by the FSCS Compensation Fund (in the event of the collapse of Global Maxis, users can expect a payment of up to $50,000). This is hard to believe, taking into account the pathological deceit of the organization's managers.

Fraudulent strategy and tips for new traders

The Global Maxis fraud scheme is quite simple:

The company's broker calls the client and, under all sorts of pretexts, assures him to open a trading deposit. The attention of important users is emphasized that the organization’s trading platform was created specifically for beginners and it provides tips in the form of certain trading tips from pseudo analysts.

If a client decides to invest money, then professional sales consultants begin to communicate with him, insisting on the need to deposit a large amount into the account.

When a client tries to withdraw an amount equal to the invoice, the submitted request under all possible pretexts will be refused, and the deposit will be frozen. In such a situation, neither the police nor competent legal advisers will help you return your investments.

New traders are strongly advised to refrain from communicating with brokers of the Global Maxis organization due to the high risk of losing the funds invested in trading. To minimize non-trading risks, it is worth working directly with licensed and time-tested intermediaries. A current example is the Binarium organization. In addition, it is recommended to pay attention to the rating of the studied binary options intermediaries, who legally provide services in the field of online trading in the CIS, and take into account the interests of their users.

Recruitment stages

The influence of a sect on a person occurs in four stages.

  1. Providing increased attention, showing love and care. A newcomer who finds himself in a sectarian organization feels that he is treated with love, compliments are given, and his importance is pointed out. The individual begins to believe that he should be there. He is promised healing, happiness, freedom, and the individual has a clear limitation between his usual everyday life and what is promised to him.
  2. A person gets rid of unnecessary qualities and critical thinking. The individual begins to study certain literature and engages in some kind of spiritual practice. So a person is instructed to read prayers, conduct meditation, attract new participants, and attend meetings. All the time is taken away from the victim in order to deprive him of the opportunity to recover from brainwashing. Over time, the individual begins to give up freedom, forgets about himself, and ceases to be independent.
  3. There is a strengthening of the relationship with the organization, isolation from society. A person is brainwashed, indicating that medicine is dangerous, communication with other people is harmful. Sometimes family members are passed off as those who interfere with normal existence. There is a call for the need to quit work or study, move to live, for example, in a village, away from civilization, and give up an apartment. A person is convinced that he will not be understood by society, since it is immersed in incorrect judgments. An individual becomes convinced of this when close people begin to convince him that it is necessary to leave the sect, because he stumbles upon the resistance that was warned about in the sect.
  4. Complete dependence on the organization develops; the person no longer has the opportunity to independently return to a normal way of life. At this stage, there is a loss of close circle, work, and housing. At this stage, there may be a feeling that the wrong choice was made, and it is possible that feelings of guilt and fear may arise. However, a person, realizing his deplorable situation, decides that he needs to go with the flow, because he is in a state of helplessness, hopelessness, and hears from the leader that happiness will come soon. At such a moment, the victim understands that it is stupid to give up, because soon everything will be fine.
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