Fear motivates action

How often do we underestimate the harm of fear? This emotion seems natural and even ordinary to us. Indeed, it is quite logical to tremble in the face of danger. However, there is little in this world that can cause such serious harm to a person as pathological horror, squeezing our will and consciousness in a vice. Let's look at what fear is, when it is good and when it is evil for our mental well-being, and how to deal with it.

Fear and phobia: what is the difference

Since the emergence of life on Earth, every living creature has had certain sensations. Thanks to them, they could survive for a long time, and some individuals still exist. Fear is one of these sensations. It is this feeling that is fundamental and helps to preserve one’s life. It is fear that signals impending danger, a risk to existence. Fearing poisoning, a person will never drink poison, play with a snake or poisonous spider, or cross the road without looking back in front of flying cars. Well, we are talking about normal and sober people. In any case, each of us has a sense of self-preservation.

Yes, this property became the reason for the development of evolution and saved life, both for us and for our smaller brothers. But it also happens that the feeling of fear simply spoils the quality of life and does not allow one to feel normal in a seemingly completely normal environment. And this is already a phobia. What is their difference - the doctors explain simply - in the intensity, intensity of the surging emotions. Because of them, a person is forced to completely change his way of life, move to a new place of residence, and give up his profession.

For example, almost every one of us is afraid of spiders, snakes and other insects, some of which may be completely harmless. A person without a phobia will simply go around this place or periodically clean the corners and turn on the necessary repellers. But someone who has a constant phobia will simply not leave the house because of the object of fear, wash all the corners every now and then without stopping, listen to every rustle, be afraid to enter someone else’s house.

What is the biological significance of fear

Fear is an important factor, which, with its obsession, creates a lot of problems for a person. It does not allow you to discover your capabilities and achieve your goals in your career, study, and even in your personal life. To get rid of the feeling, you need to work very hard on yourself and find out the nature of this feeling, find out what fear is like.

As for the “healthy” feeling, in acute moments, in a situation when fear arises, a person mobilizes all his strength and begins to take more active steps. Sensing danger, the body releases a large amount of adrenaline, which in turn stimulates the flow of oxygen and beneficial elements to muscle tissue. There is probably no person who is not familiar with the unpleasant, pressing sensation in the pit of the stomach. And with this condition, a person’s skin turns pale. Why? It's simple, blood from the skin is directed to the muscles, carrying with it “supporting” substances. This allows a person to quickly make an adequate decision in moments of danger.

It is by overcoming this feeling of fear that a person can discover new talents and opportunities. At the same time, he manages to feel the difference between unpleasant situations and calmness, and the latter allows him to look at life through different “eyes.” Life becomes brighter, more beautiful and happier.

  1. Scientists distinguish two types of rhinestones: subconscious and neurotic. The first is real, since it serves as a signal about impending danger and stimulates the body to concentrate internal reserves.
  2. Neuroticism can arise without any reason or reason. Persons with this pathology live in constant fear and prepare only for a bad outcome of events. They live in constant anticipation of misfortune. It is worth noting that the neurotic type of fear is psychosomatic, that is, both mental and physical. Physically, the condition is reflected by a strong and frequent heartbeat, intermittent breathing or lack of air, tremors of the arms, legs, head, diarrhea, dry mouth, and cold sweat.

What is fear

Fear is a vivid emotion that arises at the moment of danger - both real and imaginary. This feeling is present in almost all living beings, however, to a greater extent it is characteristic of humans due to their subtle mental organization.

The dictionary gives the following definition to the concept of “fear”: “an emotional state, a negatively colored experience that causes not only mental but also physical discomfort.” In psychology, the definition of the gradation of the strength of fear varies from mild, quickly passing fear to panic horror, shock and panic. The difference in the strength and duration of the fear experienced depends on a number of reasons, both external (the degree of threat to life, health, well-being, etc.) and internal (a person’s level of anxiety, lack of confidence in oneself and one’s strengths, a negative outlook on the world).

Interesting! The natural result of fear will be flight or aggression (aggressive defense), which depends on the specific situation and the animal or person’s assessment of their strength. In psychology, this phenomenon is usually called in English - fight or flight (fight or flight).

This emotion is based on the oldest and strongest instinct of all living beings - the instinct of self-preservation, and has as its main function the protection of life and physical health in the face of impending danger.

In the history of human development, fear for one’s own life also played an important role. Fear of external threats predetermined the emergence of ancient communities, thanks to which it became easier for people to protect themselves and their family. It also became one of the factors that influenced the emergence of states, world religions, and the development of science.

Thus, fear and fear perform quite useful functions both for the individual and for all humanity:

  1. Signals danger.
  2. Promotes adaptation to external unfavorable circumstances.
  3. Forces you to look for effective ways to avoid or get rid of dangers.

The most common types of fears

Now let’s study what types of unrealistic, inexplicable fear there are, with which life becomes simply unbearable. A person suffering from the problem may even limit or completely refuse contact with people. Imagine that there are people who do not go to the dentist and refuse to leave the house for fear of getting into the center of a terrorist attack. And there are those who are afraid of cats, dogs, and refuse business trips for fear of flying on airplanes. Let's look at the most common obsessive fears.

Fear of loneliness

For various reasons - because of misunderstandings, quarrels, conflicts, resentments, unhappy love, a person tends to self-isolate. But over time, this situation becomes familiar. The social circle thins out, friends start new companies and the person is left alone. In order to somehow fill the void, out of fear of being completely alone, he makes acquaintances with anyone. This often leads to joining a circle of dubious and unpleasant people. Therefore, in order not to fall into bad company, try not to forget about your friends and loved ones. The clouds will dissipate, grievances will be forgotten and everything will fall into place. And remember, just in case, the golden proverb “An old friend is better than two new ones!” And voluntary loneliness undoubtedly leads to personality degradation and problems with the outside world.

Fear of change

We all understand that nothing lasts forever under the sun. Everything in this world changes, and progress does not stand still. With the advent of innovative technologies, fashion trends, and information advances, some people fear for their position. Some people worry that they will be left without work because they will not be able to curb the innovation. Another believes that innovation will negatively affect the environment, harm the upbringing of children, etc. People are also afraid of changes in the political system, afraid of revolutions, financial, educational, legal and other types of reforms. This cannot be said that fears are groundless, especially since a number of negative forecasts are gradually coming true. To reassure yourself, you need to remember that the planet is one for everyone and no one will be able to escape from its territory, even as a provocateur of unpleasant processes. In any case, there are forces that can resist the negative side.

Fear to trust

Each of us needs an outlet, that is, a person whom we can trust with our secrets and painful problems. It is difficult to carry some heavy information within yourself and you want to share it with someone. But this raises an alarming question: am I doing the right thing by sharing with this person? Will my openness backfire on me? What if he goes and tells my enemy everything or spreads secret information that makes me already ashamed?” Such thoughts especially come to a person if he is in love. He wants to confess his feelings to the object of his adoration, but he is often afraid of becoming a victim of ridicule. Therefore, there is no need to assume that a person does not love, he is simply afraid to open his soul.

Fear of addiction

We are all part of society, and it is impossible to live outside of its laws, principles and traditions. Sometimes I want to get away from these shackles, but fear arises - will I be able to survive on my own? Will it be worse if I change the situation? And these fears also have important grounds. Our life is part of a complex interweaving of many lives, and every step we take will necessarily affect the life of another individual. In any case, if not now, then very soon. There is no need to create an artificial problem, since everyone is in the same “harness”, then this is how you need to walk. It’s not for nothing that nature works this way: one person starts to fall, and the other one will support him.

The most common fears

The most common phobia nowadays is the fear of flying on an airplane (aerophobia). Moreover, according to official statistics on transport accidents, the airplane is the safest vehicle.

Meanwhile, many people are so afraid of taking an airplane flight that they refuse to travel, meet with distant relatives, and even refuse prestigious work if it involves business trips. Panic begins to set in at the mere thought of the upcoming flight - the pulse quickens, anxiety and excitement arise, and sweating increases. Sometimes a person does not even understand what it is, where the strong fear came from - and only accidentally finds out that he has become a victim of aerophobia.

On video: a small but colorful cartoon about how our fears and phobias are formed

After the phobia of flying on an airplane, the following fears follow in terms of prevalence:

  1. Fear of public speaking.
  2. Fear of heights.
  3. Fear of the dark.
  4. Fear of death.
  5. Fear of spiders.
  6. Fear of failure.
  7. Fear of commitment.

The most common phobias

Every year, scientists identify more and more new phobias. If once there were about 300 species, now the number has gone off scale well over a thousand. They are classified according to certain exhibited characteristics.

There are plots constructed by psychiatry specialist Karvasarsky, which include the main types of fears:

  1. Space. Claustrophobia is the fear of enclosed spaces. Often occurs in submariners, miners and others after difficult situations. The cause of claustrophobia can be a breakdown of the elevator, a fall into a sewer hatch, etc.
  2. Agoraphobia is the fear of large, open spaces. A person gets dizzy in front of large structures, in squares, at large train stations, etc.
  3. Society is social phobia. This disease affects public figures, as well as those who have had negative experiences speaking in front of the public. A person is afraid of losing consciousness, blushing, starting to stutter, forgetting the text and, banally, attracting attention to himself. Social phobia is also called a person’s fear of losing his dear, loved one.
  4. Nosophobia is the fear of disease. Fear especially arises in times of epidemics and pandemics. This should not be confused with banal caution when people wear medical masks to avoid infection.
  5. Thanatophobia is the fear of dying. There is probably no person who would boldly “look” death in the face. But the constant fear of dying is a completely different state. A person thinks about this around the clock and every step for him is closer to death.
  6. Coitophobia is the fear of sexual intercourse. Not surprisingly, the problem is mainly observed in women suffering from vaginismus.
  7. This group includes people who are afraid that they will be able to cause physical harm to their loved ones, loved ones, and relatives.
  8. Contrasting type of phobias. In this case, a deeply educated person with refined manners is afraid to commit some ugly act.
  9. Phobophobia is the fear of being afraid. That is, a person is afraid that he is about to begin to be afraid of something.

Also among the more common phobic disorders are:

  • arachnephobia – fear of spiders;
  • Dentophobia – fear when visiting the dentist;
  • glenophobia – fear of doll eyes;
  • aurophobia – fear of the northern lights;
  • acerophobia – fear of sour foods;
  • Coulophobia is the fear of being near a clown.

With the development of progress, completely curious types of fears arose:

  • radiophobia – fear of radiation;
  • nucleonitophobia – fear of nuclear explosions;
  • cosmicophobia - fear of space;
  • cyberphobia – fear of the computer.

Many young girls and boys are afraid of getting acne; they develop acnephobia; those who want to be slim suffer from obesophobia; those struggling with wrinkles suffer from rhitiphobia. Fear of losing hair is phalactrophobia, fear that everything around is teeming with germs - verminophobia, fear of getting old - gerontophobia, etc.

Fear motivates action

The feeling of fear and anxiety is an excellent driving force, so powerful that it can move any person. Fear originates from our basic natural instinct, the instinct of survival, the instinct that is embedded in every living creature on the planet, to survive and continue its race. This is so obvious that we don’t even notice it, thinking and guessing about human nature and looking for the reason for some of his actions. But not everyone is blind, there are enough literate people who have excellent knowledge of psychology, who manage to organize unconscious groups of people and induce them to take actions that are necessary for these particular people. The driving factor is fear and anxiety, as a result of which a person simply cannot relax. A relaxed and calm person does not feel the need to do anything, and his natural desire for knowledge does not have sufficient strength to overcome the difficulties that inevitably arise in everyone's life.

And only fear turns a person into a superman who, through what I cannot do, does the impossible. Even a slight feeling of anxiety already forces you to look for answers to emerging questions, and the stronger this anxiety, the more active a person’s actions. Isn’t it the fear of remaining hungry that forces a person to do at least some kind of work, physical or mental, but work? The whole world and order in it are based on fear, a feeling that turns out to be very useful for a person if he learns to control it. And you can control your fear only by causing it in yourself, and accordingly, through the fear of your own production, do what you need, and not others. Perhaps some of you will say that there is no need to be afraid of anything, you need to be brave and then you can win. And those who think so are in fact right, only this is what a person’s courage is, if not a fear that is not under his control, which he can control. Only fools are afraid of anything, and as a rule, they don’t win. Yes, you should smile at least ten times before death, whether you are afraid of it or not, if you are dead, then you cannot change anything, and it is not courage, but stupidity to deliberately go to death.

Sometimes, when there is no other choice, people, of course, have to sacrifice themselves, and for this they have to subjugate their fear, but not give up on it, which goes against nature. Therefore, there must be fear, if you artificially deprive a person of this feeling, then he is no longer a person, a normal person, like all living things, must cling to life, without fear of death, and not find the courage to die. Therefore, only fear that is controlled by a person, when he clearly understands what he is afraid of and why, and why he needs it at all, allows him to act according to his interests, thoughtfully and calmly, without revealing his fear to others. But uncontrolled and unconscious fear, which we can observe during panic, or when people are afraid and do nothing, which is senseless, this is already harmful and destructive for a person. In general, as a psychologist, I always welcome flexibility, resourcefulness, cunning and two-facedness, that is, everything that allows you to manipulate other people. And no matter how all this is perceived in our society, which actually perceives everything in a negative light, which makes a person stronger, such behavior is natural for a person.

If you are physically weak, you must be cunning or smart; if you are strong, you must take advantage of the weak. In general, a person must be a chameleon, know his strengths and weaknesses and, hiding his shortcomings, skillfully use his strengths. And what makes a person do all this is correct, it is fear, and therefore the need to survive, by any means. I never welcomed the samurai approach to life, which many still profess today. For them, saving face means stupidly killing themselves, that is, influencing the opinions of others, which a normal person, in principle, has nothing to do with. But by staying alive, you can always influence events and replay the situation, so pride and perseverance in this case do not justify themselves. A living person can change everything in this world that did not suit him, he can call to account everyone who once humiliated him, a dead person cannot do this; by dying, a person relieves himself of responsibility for life.

For each of us, death will come in due time, we will all die, therefore we should not rush the inevitable, just as we should not be afraid of it, we need to think about life. That is why all these heroic deaths that suicide bombers brag about so much, sacrificing themselves for the sake of what seems to them a great idea, cannot be called courage, it is rather hopelessness, and as I already said, a dead person cannot win, but a living person always There is a chance. This is all to say that fear prompts a person to both deliberate and rash actions; fear of death, as well as its absence, are not the basis for rational thinking. On the one hand, fear of the inevitable prevents us from solving truly important problems and doing something in this life so as not to live it in vain. On the other hand, giving up your life in order to be thought of as a hero is simply stupid, no matter how you preserve your face, they will still forget about you, and you will not change anything. Fear should be used as a means to change the world, and only a living and healthy person can do this.

The world in which you personally want to live and what you want to leave for your descendants is your doing, and only the feeling of fear that if you don’t do it, someone else will do it, forces a person to act. Frighten yourself because others may frighten you, so you should not be afraid, because fear of fear is the cure for it. Fear is a great way to manipulate people, one way or another, but anyone can be intimidated. Every person is afraid of something, but if he is a normal person and not an idiot, they are of little use anyway. And since a person is afraid, it means he will do something, trying to satisfy the hunger of his fear, so why not direct these actions in the direction you need? To act as a savior, a deliverer from fear, or to give a good recipe, many people like to do this, some do it well, some do it poorly.

But both on a global and local scale, a person who skillfully imposes his fears on others and then helps them get rid of them finds his fans, who flock into a herd of brainless sheep around him. Well, it turns out that fear is really necessary to control people, this world implies the presence of both a leader and followers, and as they say, the eagle flies alone, and the sheep graze in a herd. Therefore, when choosing your life path, decide how you will use your fear, without control over which you will not be able to feel free, because either you control and manage your fear, or it controls and manages you.

Types of phobias

There is an even more simplified systematization of phobias, which includes the main ones:

  1. Children's (these often include social phobia).
  2. Adolescent (fear of space, nosophobia, thanatophobia and intimaphobia).
  3. Parental – fear that something negative will happen to their child.

To determine the type of phobia, you need to answer the questions of a test created by a number of leading experts.

Interesting fact. The General Secretary, Generalissimo Joseph Stalin suffered from toxicophobia, that is, being poisoned. To be on the safe side, there were people on staff who sampled the food before the Father of Nations.

For what reasons do phobias develop?

Here specialists are not discovering “America” or reinventing the wheel. The causes of psychological disorder, namely our obsessive fears, lie in our childhood and the period of personality formation. We may not remember the numerous psychological and physical traumas that we suffered at the very beginning of life. But there is a subconscious memory that does not miss anything. After all, then the child could not do anything about the current situation and the problem seemed to be masked. At a certain, and completely unexpected moment, it arises and turns an absolutely normal person into an explosion of incomprehensible emotions. At the same time, vegetative processes are involved in the process, which is already a physical manifestation of the situation.

Until the end, experts were not able to accurately determine the mechanism of development of phobias. But it was possible to identify a certain category of people predisposed to obsessive fears.

  1. Doctors immediately point to a hereditary factor. As it turned out, in 80% of cases of phobias, they arose in those whose parents also suffered from various kinds of obsessive fears. Or they suffered from excessive anxiety, restlessness and raised their child in such an atmosphere. They unwittingly form a negative attitude towards the environment in their children. Thus, the family raises a person who develops various phobias.
  2. Sensitive individuals with a wild and creative imagination are especially susceptible to phobias. But according to research, the attack, as a rule, occurred once during an imaginary danger. But the cultivation of bad memories of trouble plays a big role in its development.
  3. The third point is that most people with phobias are not afraid of the object or situation that leads to the attack. Namely, the experiences and sensations that arise.

According to psychiatrists, phobic attacks can continue into old age. Then they usually disappear. It has also been established that the female half of humanity suffers most from obsessive fears - 65% of the total. Doctors attribute this to hormonal imbalances, which are more common in women. But by the age of 60, disorders of this kind cease.

What are the signs of phobias?

First of all, a person needs to pay attention to the moments that, for unknown reasons, he began to avoid. You should also identify symptoms of a mental disorder, which include:

  1. Feeling of suffocation, spasms in the respiratory tract, heavy breathing.
  2. Rapid pulse, rapid heartbeat.
  3. Feeling of numbness, sudden weakness.
  4. Ringing in the ears, fainting.
  5. Coldness throughout the body, cold sweat.
  6. Tremor of the limbs - trembling in the arms, legs, shaking of the head, chin.
  7. A feeling of horror, of something approaching and terrible.
  8. Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
  9. The feeling that the body is not yours, alienation.
  10. The feeling that you are going crazy, turning into a mentally ill person.

If you have at least 4 of the symptoms listed, you have a phobic disorder, which you need to urgently begin to fight.

A characteristic feature of a phobia is the uncontrolled development of an attack of fear, which, of course, occurs only in his head. And if you do not contact a specialist, the sick person will delve deeper into his unpleasant sensations, although he should turn his attention to something else. An advanced disorder can lead to the fact that even the mention of an object or situation, words or images can lead to another attack.

Interesting fact: did you know that N.V. Gogol suffered from a rare type of obsessive fear - taphefophobia, that is, he was afraid of being buried alive. The writer was so afraid of this that he repeatedly demanded to be buried after death only if there were obvious manifestations of cadaveric spots.

How to overcome fear on your own

“Normal”, natural fear associated with a real threat is determined by human nature. We easily overcome this condition and our emotional and physical state returns to normal.

Unfortunately, with the development of humanity and the complication of psychological processes, ordinary fears began to give way to pathological ones, and anxiety began to develop into chronic. In this case, a person risks his health - his immune system is suppressed, psychosomatic diseases arise.

The illusion of mind control over our emotions, including fears, leads to the problem being pushed deeper into consciousness. Over time, we cease to be aware of the causes of constant anxiety, often without even understanding the true source of our anxiety.

Meanwhile, awareness of fears and their causes is the first and most important step towards getting rid of them, a step into a healthy and happy life, free from the shackles of anxiety and doubt.

There are a number of ways to independently get rid of the fears that haunt a person:

  1. The method of rationalization is the logical conviction of oneself that one’s own fear is irrational and far-fetched.
  2. Objective assessment of the danger - try to assess the chances of its implementation in reality and the scale of possible damage. Is the damage so great that you are in a state of horror and anxiety every minute?
  3. Determine the place of your fear among other objective dangers, compare the danger that frightens you with much more serious misfortunes (for example, war or a natural disaster).
  4. Imagine that the worst thing happened. Imagine the worst possible outcome and try to rationalize even this situation. It is possible that a situation that seems like a catastrophe to you is actually completely solvable, normal, or not so dramatic.
  5. Fill your life with activities and emotions. Don't let worry take up your time and attention!
  6. Live according to the principle of “here and now!” Don't be scared of a future that hasn't happened yet, enjoy what you have now.

Interesting! The basis of positive thinking, which is also used to combat phobias, is reframing (the literal meaning of this word is “frame replacement effect”) - the ability to reformulate negative circumstances into favorable ones. A famous master of this type of substitution was Milton Erickson, who used reframing to treat his patients.

Is it possible to cure phobias?

It is immediately necessary to clarify that phobic disorders are dealt with directly by a psychiatrist. There are several effective methods: behavioral, cognitive-behavioral methods, desensitization, hypnosis, various types of relaxation procedures, auto-training, Gestalt psychology. To choose the best method, you need to determine the severity of the phase during a personal conversation with the patient. If the doctor is able to correctly identify the causes of the disease and choose the most adequate and best treatment, then the result will be guaranteed.

The main principle is to develop in an individual the ability to overcome situations that cause phobias with ease. He must not lose composure when confronted with the object of irritation. Several such situations created will help consolidate the result of treatment. In order for a person to plunge into his fears, the doctor uses cognitive behavioral therapy. With its help, it is the natural methods of responding to an object or situation that causes fear that are completely restored.

Important: experienced doctors will never apply treatment without “equipping” their patient with a set of psychological tools to help cope with the disease.

As for medications, their use is indicated only for acute, advanced forms of the disease. At the initial and mild stage they are not justified. Doctors are in no hurry to use medications in patients also because of the formation of addiction.

Is it possible to cope with phobias on your own?

Experienced specialists point out that with a correct and adequate response to phobias, they disappear completely and forever. To do this, you need not to shy away from meeting your “fear,” but, on the contrary, to meet it. For example, perform even if you feel unwell. Start with a small circle of spectators, let them be your friends and family. Fly to visit a friend in the nearest city, go to the circus and never watch horror films again, in which there are a lot of dangerous insects, scary clowns, dolls with curses.

World-famous psychiatrists have a term called “the second floor in obsessive fears.” That is, a person who is afraid of some object or situation is more afraid of how the body will react. And doctors say - don’t think about what will happen to your body, switch your attention to something else, pleasant and calm. Believe me, if you repeat this at least 4-5 times, then there will be no trace of the phobia left. You will no longer be afraid of confined spaces if you ride through the large tube at the water park a couple of times and have fun. Moreover, such situations stimulate the flow of adrenaline, but it will be a pleasant rush, exciting and invigorating.

Fear or phobia of causing harm to loved ones

Anna, Perm


February 25, 2017

Hello! I have a psychological problem and I don’t know how to solve it. Let me start from the beginning: for about 7 years I have been periodically bothered by anxiety or fears-paranoia, for example: did I forget to close the door, what if someone breaks into the house or for no reason at all (this began to appear after my passion for detective stories), but Unreasonable fear is rare, so I cope. Now the problem has grown. Recently, after watching a program about paranormal phenomena (on the same day) in the evening, I began to have a wild fear that I could hurt or kill myself or my loved ones, I began to feel dizzy and have some kind of obsession. I don’t want to cause any harm to my loved ones and I myself want to live happily ever after, but the fear that I will lose control of myself is present. I constantly ask myself the question: what will happen if I can step over this “line”? And cause harm to yourself or loved ones. Now I’m writing these words and the blood rushes to my head, my head is spinning. I’m getting scared that I’ll go now, take a knife and... “check” what will happen... My mind says that I don’t want this under any circumstances. It’s as if demons were standing behind me and pushing me... When the first time such thoughts began to overcome me, I was afraid to approach knives for a week, I was scared to look, because it seemed like I was about to take it and “test” whether I was capable... It scares me wildly, I I don’t know how to cope with such thoughts, how to get them out of my head??? So that God forbid you harm your loved ones? There is another problem in recent days, I don’t know how to describe it... a wild regret that you can’t rewind your life 10 years ago. 3 years ago my grandmother died, in her last days we had a bad relationship, I feel guilty for being treated so badly before her death and not being more tolerant. Sometimes I even wished her death, out of emotion. I dreamed several times that I was asking her for forgiveness, but in reality I am still tormented by guilt for my bad attitude. Over the last week, I’ve been remembering how well we used to live and the realization that nothing can be returned and that I’ll never see my grandmother in this life “kills me.” Against this background, I have a wild fear that mom or dad might “leave.” I don't think I'll survive this. In general, it seems to me that I will soon go crazy from all these bad thoughts. During the day I work, and all my thoughts take over in the evening, in the morning everything is fine and calm, and in the evening the “thought” process begins and my chest feels tight, my head is spinning, my hands are shaking, at least tie yourself down so as not to do something... get distracted by a hobby, the job doesn't help. In the evening I avoid all piercing and cutting objects. How can I cope with this condition? How to get these “terrible” new developments out of your head? I don’t really understand why they appeared; in my entire life I have never shown aggression towards anyone, not only towards people, but even towards animals. Why, where all these thoughts come from, I don’t understand... I’m 25 years old. I went to a neurologist with dizziness and was diagnosed with VDS, cerebrasthenic syndrome. I always feel dizzy when I experience all of the above. Even now it encircles and squeezes my head. Maybe this is related..

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