The Taming of the Shrew: Frigidity & Nymphomania

Nymphomania - this term is often applied to females who exhibit extreme sexual activity and have an increased libido. In medicine, this terminology is used only for those women who are not able to control their passion for sexual intercourse with new partners. Nymphomania undoubtedly belongs to female ailments and stands alongside frigidity, but it is diagnosed much less frequently.

Representatives of nymphomania include women who derive pleasure not so much from the orgasm itself, as from the process of having sex. In addition, such women are not able to experience regular satisfaction with a permanent partner, and therefore require new connections. It is distinctive that girls who have high but controlled sexual activity are not classified as nymphomaniacs. The question then arises, what are the hallmark signs or symptoms of nymphomania?

Nymphomania in women: signs

Why does nymphomania occur?

Experts have been studying this problem for a long time to find ways to solve it and came to the consensus that three reasons can provoke the development of such an illness as nymphomania in a woman.

Causea brief description of
Traumatic brain injuryAs you know, there is a special section in the brain called the hypothalamus. It is he who is responsible for the vital innate human needs - the feeling of thirst and hunger, the desire to sleep, sexual desire based on the instinct to reproduce. Hypersexuality also occurs in the hypothalamus, which transmits signals to increase libido. Thus, a woman experiences increased attacks of arousal, as a result of which she feels pain in the abdomen and lower back, she becomes hot, and the sensitivity of the genital organs increases significantly
Hormonal changesThe normal functioning of the ovaries is not distinguished by any pathological changes in the female body; in case of their dysfunction, a failure occurs at the hormonal level, the consequence of which can be nymphomania. This is explained by the uncontrolled production of not only female, but also male hormones
Women's illnesses and mental disordersNymphomania directly depends on women's health and, of course, on their mental state. When a failure occurs in one area or another, a woman ceases to control her libido, which leads to pathological sexual desire. The root causes of the development of nymphomania are the following diseases: psychopathy; schizophrenia; mental disorders after a depressive state that become manic; presence of tumors; ovarian diseases

Fact! Uterine rabies is exactly the second name for nymphomania, which is extremely rare in everyday life. Nymphomania is a term of Greek origin that translates as “bride” and “passion.”

What is nymphomania

Causes of nymphomania

Nymphomania (when we are not just talking about exaggeration of sexual activity in a woman) is a disease. It does not arise for no reason; medical examinations and a conversation with a psychotherapist will certainly lead to the identification and, with proper cooperation, to the elimination of the causes giving rise to the deviation. Among the most common factors in the development of nymphomania, experts identify hormonal imbalances, medications, diseases of the female reproductive system, psychological trauma, and various physiological processes (for example, pregnancy or menopause). In fairness, it should be noted that true nymphomania is diagnosed once in 2,500 cases, imaginary nymphomania is more common, but a doctor should be consulted in both cases, and even in case of difficulties provoked by female hypersexuality.

Types of nymphomania

The disease manifests itself in girls during puberty (eleven to fourteen years old). It is at this age that the first conscious interest in the opposite sex begins to appear. Closer to fifteen or sixteen years old, an irresistible desire to have sex arises and then, after losing her virginity, the girl begins to regularly change sexual partners. It is in such teenage girls that a congenital sexual pathology – nymphomania – can be diagnosed.

Attention! Congenital nymphomania is a rather complex disease that is difficult to treat. To eliminate the disease, you will need regular visits to a psychotherapist and internal willpower.

Often certain events can occur in a woman’s life that will entail dramatic changes in her sex life. A number of factors can cause acquired nymphomania in an adult woman. The development of nymphomania can be provoked by:

  • pregnancy and hormonal changes in the female body;
  • postpartum depression that does not go away for a long time;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • sexual violence;
  • moral shock.

Types of nymphomania

Consequently, acquired nymphomania is conventionally divided into two types:

  1. Menopausal . Occurs due to menopause in mature women.
  2. Andromania . The phenomenon is typical exclusively for young girls.

It is important! Menopausal changes entail a restructuring of the body, but libido either remains unchanged or decreases slightly. If a woman exhibits signs of nymphomania, then after menopause she will experience increased sexual desire, which is difficult to control, so the patient experiences constant moral and physical discomfort.

Imaginary andromania, which manifests itself in young women, requires special attention. The phenomenon involves leading a promiscuous sex life for self-affirmation. That is, a girl regularly changes sexual partners, thus increasing her self-esteem and establishing herself through sex with a new partner. At the same time, on a psychological level, the girl is convinced that she is attractive and causes constant desire in the opposite sex if she has a large number of sexual partners.

Attention! Imaginary andromania, along with nymphomania, is a dangerous pathological phenomenon that requires urgent treatment from a psychotherapist.

Signs and deceptions of nymphomania

Please note that there are several concepts that can easily be confused with nymphomania, but in fact, they are not as dangerous as nymphomania itself. We should start with promiscuity - a pathology that occurs as a result of brain damage and is characterized by hypersexuality. In addition, the following are not considered a pathological disorder:

  • love addiction;
  • the desire to assert oneself through sex with a new partner due to a breakup;
  • the period of falling in love, when people experience increased sexual desire for each other;
  • high libido.

Main manifestations of nymphomania

Manifestations of uncontrolled attraction to the opposite sex in most cases look like this:

  1. Sexual relations with strangers
    . For a woman with so-called “rabies of the uterus,” it doesn’t matter what their next partner looks like. For them, only the process of the next adventure is of interest, and not the composition of its participants. Consequently, a man at any age and even if he has an unsightly appearance has a 100% chance of having an intimate relationship with a nymphomaniac.
  2. A large number of partners
    . In addition to casual relationships, a woman with a similar problem can be married and have several lovers at the same time. The men around her are often unaware that they have rivals, because a nymphomaniac is usually a cunning and prudent person.
  3. No fear of sexually transmitted diseases
    . Any sane woman will primarily take care of the safety of her health. Nymphomaniacs do not ask this question and rarely resort to contraception because they have relationships with strangers in the most unexpected places.

Attention! Such a disease is dangerous not only because of the possibility of contracting sexually transmitted infections, but also of encountering an aggressive person. Andromaniac women quite often become victims of maniacs, meeting with whom can result in death for them.

How to recognize a nymphomaniac: main signs

One of the primary signs of nymphomania is a continuous, uncontrolled desire to find a new sexual partner. In second place after this is constant excitability, which is atypical for a woman’s normal behavior. That is, sexual desire arises even when looking at the opposite sex or thinking about it.

Symptoms of nymphomania

If a nymphomaniac has a permanent partner, then she will satisfy her sexual needs with him, while showing complete selfishness. A nymphomaniac wants to get satisfaction in any way. If sexual hunger is not satisfied with a regular partner, then an active search for a new one begins.

Attention! Manifestations of nymphomania can be very dangerous for a woman’s life, since on a psychological level she loses her feeling of disgust. Under the influence of continuous sexual desire, the mind becomes completely clouded. The desire to obtain sexual satisfaction does not stop a nymphomaniac from the risk of acquiring serious sexually transmitted diseases and even AIDS.

An obsessive desire to experience new sensations and pleasure with a new sexual partner is an integral characteristic feature of nymphomania. In general, the following typical symptoms of nymphomania are distinguished:

  1. A woman is constantly looking for sexual partners; she cannot stop at just one man.
  2. Repeatedly having sex with a partner brings dissatisfaction.
  3. Sexual desire is uncontrollable.
  4. Sexual preoccupation and constant thoughts about sexual intercourse.
  5. External indicators and personal characteristics of a man do not interest a woman at all, the only goal is sex.
  6. A constant need for a new sexual relationship; in its absence, hysteria or other mental disorders occur.

Causes of nymphomania

Attention! Women who have been diagnosed with nymphomania are first advised to undergo a long course of treatment with a psychologist or psychotherapist, since the problem is of a mental nature.

How is the diagnosis carried out?

The disease is diagnosed by a sex therapist if the woman comes to the appointment on her own. Nymphomaniacs who deny the fact of pathology significantly complicate the possibility of diagnosis. After all, in order to determine nymphomania, a woman must pass a special psychological test. In the process of answering questions, the main problem that worries the patient will be identified. If the test cannot accurately establish a diagnosis, then an additional sex therapist can prescribe instrumental and laboratory tests that provide the opportunity to confirm the disease.

Video - Nymphomania

Nymphomania in women: characteristic signs

The main symptom of the disorder is increased excitability.
Patients get turned on by just looking at a man or thinking about him. Sometimes they try to satisfy their needs with the help of a permanent sexual partner, but he quickly gets tired of the woman’s pressure and her requests. Then the girl tries to satisfy her sexual hunger by giving herself to strangers, and sometimes strangers. Nymphomania deprives a woman of disgust and clouds her mind. It’s not for nothing that the disorder is included in the ICD-10 class F52.7 under the name “Increased sexual desire.” Girls are not interested in whether their partner is married or single, how older or younger he is, or what his social status is.

A woman’s uncontrollable obsessive desire to find a new sexual partner is one of the main signs of the disorder.

There are also symptoms such as narcissism and selfishness in bed. They never think about their partner. The main goal is to have fun by any means. Nymphomaniacs are aware of the existence of sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS, but even the possibility of becoming the owner of one of them does not stop women. The problem turns out to be stronger and deeper than common sense and shame, so girls are not able to stop on their own without specialized help.

General characteristics of a nymphomaniac

A nymphomaniac cannot be identified by visual signs. A woman with this problem will never dress provocatively or show sexual desire through her behavior. You can assume that a woman is a nymphomaniac during a conversation.

Healthy women with a characteristically increased libido can switch active sexual energy to sports, self-satisfaction or get other release from the body, while for nymphomaniacs there are no other sources of satisfaction, only as a new man.

Often in medicine there is a dissonant phenomenon - a nymphomaniac with signs of frigidity. Thus, an overly aroused woman cannot have an orgasm. Based on this, we can come to the conclusion that arousal for a nymphomaniac with frigidity is a subjective phenomenon. That is, despite the fact that there is irresistible sexual arousal in the head, there is no reaction from the genitals to natural arousal.

Diagnosis and treatment of nymphomania

Nymphomaniacs who are able to get an orgasm are still not able to be maximally satisfied and get complete release of the body, as happens with any healthy woman. It is this that pushes the nymphomaniac to have sexual intercourse with new partners.

Attention! Even after intercourse, a nymphomaniac feels sexual hunger, and orgasm does not bring any physiological satisfaction.

Acquired type climacteric nymphomania is characterized not only by psychological symptoms, but also by physiological ones. Mature women may experience itching in the genital area, as well as depression, which is accompanied by constant mood swings.

It is not difficult to recognize the disease on your own; it is much more difficult to find the strength to go to an appointment with a sex therapist or psychotherapist. A woman suffering from nymphomania or one of its manifestations, andromania, should be aware that this is a psychological disorder that requires specialized help. There is no need to worry when making this diagnosis, since there are treatments that eliminate uncontrolled libido.

What is nymphomania?

In modern society, nymphomaniacs are usually called sexually restless ladies who are ready to have sex anywhere and anytime. This is precisely what attracts the opposite sex, but few people understand the seriousness of the situation in which the nymphomaniac herself finds herself, whether she imagines herself to be such or really is.

The peculiarity of this deviation is that a woman really craves sex always and everywhere, plus everything that is already alarming, no matter with whom. When talking about nymphomaniacs, it is necessary to clearly distinguish them from women with increased sexual activity. If the latter adore sex in all its manifestations, but observe certain conventions (for example, they select partners in a certain way), then nymphomaniacs are absolutely promiscuous. The violations that take place in their body push them to commit adultery in order to obtain satisfaction, but no matter how long the sexual intercourse lasts and no matter how skillful their partner is, such women experience orgasm (and more than one) but do not feel satisfaction.

It is difficult for a healthy person, even a sexually active one, to understand how an orgasm can not lead to satisfaction, but this is a fact. This is the essence of the violation.

Treatment of nymphomania

Distraction methods

This is a serious illness that causes moral and physiological discomfort, which destroys personal life. Treatment must be specialized and have a systematic approach. Therefore, a woman is recommended to visit several specialists.

SpecialistWhy is a consultation needed?
PsychotherapistIf a woman has characteristic signs of nymphomania, then sessions with a psychotherapist are mandatory. Thus, a specialist will help identify the problem and find ways to solve it. In addition, to reduce hypersexual activity, it is recommended to take tranquilizers and various sedatives
MRI specialistSince nymphomania can develop against the background of a tumor or any formation, it is necessary to conduct magnetic resonance imaging
EndocrinologistThe occurrence of acquired nymphomania may occur due to hormonal disorders. Therefore, a visit to an endocrinologist is a must. This specialist will write a referral for a test to determine hormone levels. After normalization of hormonal levels, the problem with nymphomania may disappear on its own
ImmunologistIf a woman suffers from nymphomania, then she is recommended to visit an immunologist who will prescribe a special diet that excludes aphrodisiac foods (seafood, nuts, chocolate)
VenereologistThe diagnosis of nymphomania involves promiscuous sex life, therefore, to exclude sexually transmitted diseases, you should definitely visit a venereologist

After a comprehensive examination, a specialist is able to find out the exact cause of nymphomania, confirm the diagnosis and determine the course of necessary treatment.

When a woman notices increased libido, but the signs of nymphomania are not clearly expressed, then experts may recommend taking Bromcamphor. In case of uncontrolled libido, which causes life discomfort, the nymphomaniac should take sedatives and regularly visit a psychotherapist. In general, the prognosis for treatment is only favorable and upon completion of therapy, the woman returns to a normal lifestyle. You can learn briefly about what nymphomania is from the commentary of a psychotherapist. Read how to treat pneumonia on our website.


First, we will have to disappoint men who believe that nymphomaniacs “always want” at the call of nature. Nymphomania accompanied by an exceptionally strong sexual desire is quite rare. Much more often the causes of nymphomania are mental illness (manic-depressive psychosis, schizophrenia, psychopathy, hysteria with hyperthymic manifestations), hormonal disorders, various ovarian and pituitary tumors.

In addition, there is so-called imaginary nymphomania, in which a woman maintains relationships with many partners for non-sexual reasons - for example, because of an inferiority complex and doubts about her own attractiveness.

Symptoms and signs

How to recognize nymphomania? Among the main features are the following:

  1. Constant search for a sexual partner. Inability to create long-term relationships and have an emotional attachment to a person.
    Nymphomaniacs are characterized by a mediocre, easy search for a partner, without studying him as a reliable person with the right qualities.

    Control over the sexual instinct is reduced.

  2. Indifference to a person. Since the main focus is on search, the main goal is to speed it up. Often, appearance, age and personal aesthetic preferences are absent - only availability nearby is important.
  3. Frigidity . Some nymphomaniacs experience frigidity - the inability to experience orgasm. As a result, their actions create a vicious circle, motivating them to continue having sex with new sexual partners.

How to identify a nymphomaniac? How to understand that you yourself are a nymphomaniac? On the one hand, the signs are quite obvious - this is not one of those diseases that can be hidden .

Problems arise in modern society - there are a lot of promiscuous women swirling around. How to distinguish them from nymphomaniacs?

  1. Frequent change of sexual partners. Even with “loving” young ladies, guys linger for some time.
    Nymphomaniacs experience desire all the time. At the same time, girls from the first category prefer to choose men for sex according to the criteria of external beauty (face, muscles, masculine features - this is individual). While for the latter there are usually no criteria.
  2. Aggression, conflict. Since nymphomania often develops against the background of central nervous system or mental diseases, one of the external signs is increased aggressiveness in behavior. Against the background of dissatisfaction, problems with sleep appear, and appetite increases significantly. The mood becomes apathetic, and nymphomaniacs are often characterized by an anxious, suspicious state. Or vice versa – prostration, which is less common.
  3. Constant desire. This is for those who are already in a relationship or dating.
    It happens that a nymphomaniac pursues a goal not in a variety of men, but in one person - but very often. At first the man is happy, of course. But over time, she understands that such an oversaturated sex life is abnormal. A woman’s morbid addiction to sex in most cases leads to a break in relationships. Nymphomania cannot be confused with the usual period of falling in love - even passionate couples will not be able to have sex 15-17 times a day, which is the norm for some nymphomaniacs.

Examples from life

  1. One day, several people of southern origin knocked on the door of the parents of a fairly grown-up woman, nearly forty. In broken Russian they explained that they were tired of her harassment - they worked next door in a grocery store, and for a month they had been enduring harassment from an already quite old madam with a higher education and an academic degree. The story is illustrated by the fact that when choosing a partner, a nymphomaniac is not guided either by the criteria of falling in love, or even by mercantile, material considerations. She is only interested in the body and specifically one organ of a man (or several).
  2. Another woman reported on her hypersexuality - she married the hundredth of the men she slept with . And she acquired this extensive and varied sexual experience by just 23 years old. Many have not yet graduated from college - but here it is.
  3. One woman turned to a psychologist with desperate remarks: “Help me save my marriage.” The fact is that she loves her husband and they have been married for more than 5 years. But he doesn’t really like to have sex often - 2-3 times a week. Which, in turn, drives the girl crazy. She wants a partner on her own – someone who wouldn’t get out of bed for days . But her chosen one is a pleasant person in all respects, with whom she has a lot in common. And he doesn’t want to ruin his marriage due to sexual dissatisfaction. But my conscience does not allow me to change (and rightly so).
  4. A thirty-year-old woman turned to a psychologist with a slightly different problem. She had never been passionate about sex. My husband and I have been married for a long time and have two children. But suddenly, relatively recently, I caught myself thinking that my libido had increased significantly. But she sees no objective reasons for this. The doctor decided to order her to undergo a medical examination. Afterwards it turned out that the patient had an ovarian tumor. After treatment, sexuality returned to its previous level. This is an illustration of one of the variations in the development of nymphomania in adulthood.
  5. One of the most famous nymphomaniacs in history is the wife of Emperor Claudius, Messalina. She became famous for her extremely dissolute behavior. In the evenings, she visited brothels and calmly gave herself to anyone who would take pity . At the same time, she could spend the whole night with men. The story was told when she decided to challenge a popular Roman prostitute. The goal of the competition turned out to be simple - whoever gets the most men through is the winner. During the night they matched twenty-five men. A representative of the oldest profession, masterfully practicing her craft, could not withstand the competition and in the morning, exhausted, dropped out of the “race”. Messalina was just warming up - twenty-five more men followed. By that time, the Roman Empire had ceased to be a strong power and was famous for its open morals. But even at that time, such behavior was the height of debauchery. Which indicates that Messalina was suffering from nymphomania. After her death, Claudius ordered the destruction of all statues and images of his ex-wife. Like many girls suffering from nymphomania, Messalina lost her virginity very early.

The moral of the story is this: nymphomania is not to be trifled with. It can destroy relationships if they can be created in principle.

Moreover, despite the existence of contraception, the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases remains . That is why it is important to treat increased libido in a timely manner. The main methods of which are described in the section below.

Traditional methods of treatment

If you choose the right herbal infusions, you can get rid of acquired or menopausal nymphomania. They calm the nervous system.

Recipe 1:

  1. Take 20 g of willow collection.
  2. Brew in 500 ml of water.
  3. Let it brew for about 1-2 hours.
  4. Be sure to strain.
  5. Drink 1 glass three times a day before meals.

To prepare another infusion you will need lemon balm, hop cones, and meadowsweet flowers. Melissa can be replaced with mint. You need 1 tsp. each ingredient.

Pour the mixture into 0.5 liters of heated beer. Infusion time is 12-15 hours. Be sure to stir the infusion every 3 hours. Strain before use. Take 100 ml three times a day for 7 days.

Recipe 3:

  1. Prepare a mixture of dried hop cones, mint, lemon balm, strawberry leaves, fireweed, St. John's wort and motherwort.
  2. Mix herbs in equal parts.
  3. For infusion, take 2 tbsp. collection spoons.
  4. Pour boiling water over it.
  5. Leave for 30-40 minutes.
  6. Strain.
  7. 3 times a day before meals, 200 ml.

If nymphomania is congenital, this method of treatment will not give the desired effect. Then you need to seek help from specialists.

Willow - a folk remedy for the treatment of nymphomania

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