Stuttering. Logoneurosis

  • Treatment of stuttering in adolescents
  • Treatment of stuttering in adults
  • Stuttering treatment at home
  • Stuttering is a speech disorder in which patients are unable to fully pronounce sounds immediately. With this pathology, patients suffer from independent prolongation of sounds and syllables and their repetition. Also, with this pathology, frequent stoppages of speech and disturbances in its rhythmic flow are possible. In most cases, the main cause of pathology is psychological factors. The pathology in medical practice is called logoneurosis (called obsessive fear of communication).

    Treatment of stuttering in Moscow

    Even in the ancient world, the main causes of problems with the pronunciation of words and sounds were known. Therapy for this pathology is carried out in Moscow in specialized clinics in which patients are restored to psychological health.

    It is worth noting that patients in the first years of life suffer most from this pathology. It is observed in children who do not always find it easy to adapt to the world around them due to their individual character traits. According to doctors, up to 7.5% of children in the first years of life suffer from stuttering of varying severity. For many young patients, the problem goes away as they grow older, but sometimes the problem with even pronunciation and fluency of speech remains with the patient for the rest of his life.

    Stuttering treatment in Moscow is carried out by experienced specialists. The leading role in therapy is given to conducting psychological trainings and classes. During exercise, patients' self-esteem increases, which relieves spasm of the laryngeal muscles, which becomes a common cause of pathology.

    Additionally, a full examination of the patient’s body is carried out, which makes it possible to identify causes of the disorder that are not psychological. For example, to diagnose potential diseases of the nervous system and brain that cause disruption of signal transmission responsible for smooth speech. In such a situation, the leading role is given to the treatment of the identified diagnosis.


    From the author: I summed up the work to eliminate logoneurosis using hypnotherapy.
    How is hypnotherapy useful for stuttering?

    Speech is a basic need of every person as a social subject. And how painful it is when you cannot express your thoughts in verbal form. For people with logoneurosis, life consists of constant control over themselves and their thoughts. It’s not easy to express yourself when you have to constantly choose the right words and sounds to veil your illness. Because of all this, emotional problems of all colors and colors appear. In society, unfortunately, I do not understand that stuttering is not just difficulties in pronunciation, but also great difficulties in psychological terms. And in this article, I would like to talk about the benefits of hypnotherapy in the treatment of stuttering.

    Hypnotherapy for stuttering is useful:

    1. The ability to practice speech without stuttering.

    In a state of hypnosis, many patients with logoneurosis speak without any speech problems, which in turn allows them to train calm speech. There are many theories that the cause of logoneurosis is closely related to a person’s social environment, and it is in a state of hypnosis that one can remove the influence of external triggers, and thus work on training new speech reactions.

    2. Hypnosis sessions help increase self-confidence.

    A large part of hypnotherapy is to remove negative beliefs and emotions through the use of suggestions. And the more you think and want to change something negative in yourself to something positive, the stronger your self-confidence will become. And ultimately, your new thoughts, which the hypnotherapist will help you consolidate, will become your new reality. With constant positive reinforcement, you can adopt a mindset that allows you to remain confident under emotional pressure and, in the case of those who stutter, to speak without any speech problems.

    3. In the process of hypnotherapy, work is carried out with the underlying cause of the problem.

    Hypnosis can also be used to help patients address the underlying cause of logoneurosis by helping them remember when they first started stuttering. Your hypnotherapist will help you analyze the cause of your stuttering. Perhaps it was a traumatic event? Or was it family problems? By undergoing hypnotherapy sessions, you will learn to counter these negative emotions, you will be able to change your “stuttering program” to the speech you want, and with this you will achieve positive changes.

    Causes of stuttering

    This pathology can begin at any age. Often the onset of the disease is associated with serious psychoneurological shocks. Although most often the problem is identified in the earliest years. During the period when the child just begins to speak in whole words and sentences. Experts include the following in the list of causes of pathology:

    • congenital weakness or underdevelopment of the articulatory apparatus;
    • hereditary predisposition;
    • brain damage that occurred during birth;
    • sudden fears;
    • rickets or malnutrition at an early age;
    • traumatic brain injuries;
    • severe infectious diseases;
    • complications of diseases of the larynx, tongue and oral cavity.

    Most of the reasons are removable. Including problems associated with disruption of the structure of the articulatory apparatus.

    Stuttering in children

    Problems with pronunciation in children can also have different etymologies. Parents most often pay attention to the presence of a disorder at the age of 3-4 years, when their son or daughter begins to speak in separate sentences. At this stage, it is recommended to contact a speech therapist to confirm the presence of pathology. If a violation is confirmed, the small patient is referred for consultation to a child psychologist and, if necessary, a psychiatrist.

    Among the common causes of violations, experts pay attention to the following factors:

    • birth trauma, including cerebrovascular accident during long and difficult childbirth;
    • problems caused by intrauterine development;
    • congenital or acquired neurological disorders;
    • the child has experienced severe stress or fright.

    An experienced child psychologist will determine the cause of stuttering and develop a treatment program. In cases where the problem is associated with physiological or neurological diseases, the underlying diagnosis is treated first. Next, the program of classes with young patients includes game courses with a psychologist. The use of such programs becomes the basis for restoring the normal flow of speech.

    Treating stuttering with hypnosis

    In this article, I would like to share with you my experience and my thoughts regarding whether hypnosis treatment for stuttering is effective.

    Perhaps, if stuttering could be cured with the help of hypnosis, then this would be the easiest way. Just imagine, you go into a hypnotist’s office and after a while you come out with normal speech. One can only dream of such an easy and quick way to get rid of stuttering!

    I think everyone has heard at least once about powerful hypnotists who do incredible things with people, for example:

    Well, these examples are really impressive and since such things are done to people, it must be possible to deal with stuttering in one go.

    I’ll tell you about my experience with hypnosis: I stuttered from the age of 3-4, and before hypnosis my parents took me to doctors, then to healers, and then it was time for hypnosis. I don’t remember exactly how old I was, but around 7-10, they brought me to one of the centers in Novosibirsk, connected me with numerous wires to some devices, then the man did some manipulations. I don’t know if I went into a trance at that time, but judging by my memories, there were no special changes in consciousness.

    I went through this “hypnosis treatment for stuttering” about 5 times, 5 sessions and did not get any results, not even a temporary improvement!

    Of the cases known to me when hypnosis for stuttering really helped, the effect, unfortunately, was fleeting and the stuttering quickly returned; for a long-term effect, people would have to constantly use hypnosis, which from time to time gave less and less effect.

    In general, treating stuttering with hypnosis did not help me, but another method helped, which I wrote about in detail in my book:

    I sincerely recommend that you read my book, this is a great chance for every stutterer, especially for kids who have just started stuttering and their parents are looking for a way to rid their child of this terrible illness. It is SCARY, because few people can imagine what it means to live with a stutter...

    I stuttered for more than 20 years, constantly hoping for doctors, hypnotists, traditional healers and just a miracle. My main desire was to fall asleep in the evening and wake up in the morning with normal speech... I thought about my stuttering every day, every single day.

    At the age of 26, I came to the land, which I wrote about in detail on the page About the author, this region was palpable as never before; in childhood and adolescence I thought that it couldn’t get any worse, but it turns out it can! It was necessary to solve the problem with stuttering or forget about any kind of life, career, or personal growth. Stuttering blocks the way in everything, work is not a joy, rest is not a joy, communicating with friends, meeting new people, only through mutual acquaintances, I have not met someone for 26 years without urgent need.

    But everything changed when I found out that there are people who have overcome stuttering and these are not just a few, there are thousands of such people! And, by the way, you know many of them, but you probably didn’t even realize that they had ever stuttered:

    Bruce Willis

    Samuel Jackson

    Elvis Presley

    This is a list of those “former stutterers” whom almost every person knows by sight; there are thousands of times more of them!

    I ask you to verify this for yourself; information about the stuttering of these and many other people is available in open sources, on Wikipedia and in foreign online publications. Bruce Willis is involved in the American Foundation for Stuttering, this is public information.

    Almost all “former stutterers” coped with stuttering in approximately the same way, which is described in detail in my book, read it if you haven’t already:

    Getting rid of stuttering is possible! Thousands of people have successfully coped with this illness, you can too, you just need to repeat step by step the experience of our “colleagues in misfortune”, take all the same steps that they took and ultimately get the same result that they received. What could be more logical?

    Stuttering in teenagers

    The problem of stuttering may appear during adolescence. In this embodiment, the appearance of pathology may be associated with the occurrence of a neurological disease or injury.

    A common cause of stuttering in adolescence is problems of adaptation in communicating with peers, private stressful situations, and severe fear. For teenagers, maximum attention in therapy is given to sessions with a psychologist or psychotherapist. If a pronunciation problem is associated with traumatic situations, the teenager’s parents are involved in a conversation with a specialist. Many psychological traumas are caused by internal conflicts in the family. When the cause of speech impairment is relationships with classmates, a psychologist may recommend changing educational institutions or having a conversation with a teacher.

    Stuttering in adolescents associated with psychosomatic trauma is eliminated with the help of speech exercises. Classes are conducted to help the young patient increase self-esteem.

    Stuttering. Logoneurosis

    Today, a fairly common disease is logoneurosis, which in simple terms is called stuttering. People suffering from such a problem can get rid of it and all the symptoms that accompany it with the help of hypnotic sessions. I have repeatedly encountered patients with varying degrees of disease who got rid of the problem in one or more sessions.

    Your hypnotherapist Dmitry Leonov.

    There are quite a large number of different reasons that subsequently lead to the appearance of stuttering in a person’s speech. Basically, the disease appears after some kind of trauma on a psychological level, severe fear. Logoneurosis is considered one of the most obvious signs of neurosis, which can be eliminated using hypnotic influence on a person. Only professional hypnotherapists can treat stuttering using hypnosis.

    There are cases when it is possible to treat stuttering with hypnosis in children and adults. During treatment, it is necessary not only to influence a person through hypnosis, but also to strictly comply with all the specialist’s instructions.

    The use of medications is an integral part of the treatment process. It is recommended to use calcium bromide in small dosages, as well as conduct classes on physical education, rhythm and development of the respiratory system.

    Nowadays, many authors who describe the treatment of stuttering with hypnosis in their books refer to the use of a full range of procedures. The most popular are the works of such masters as: Kochergina, Kovshikov and Vlasov.

    Some hypnotherapists who treat stuttering with hypnosis in Moscow use Shklovsky’s system, in which he was able to collect the most effective psychotherapy sessions and logotherapy procedures. When using it, maximum mutual understanding between the speech therapist and the neurologist is necessary. This method has four main stages of treatment:

    1. Diagnosing the patient.
    2. The beginning of the restructuring of speech skills.
    3. Consolidation of the obtained results.
    4. Implementation of preventive effects on relapses.

    Many well-known specialists develop their own systems, and A.G. Shembel is no exception, who considers it advisable to use complex treatment. It begins at a conference, the main purpose of which is to identify a problem and discuss solutions. An important element are people suffering from logoneurosis. An obligatory part of the conference is familiarization with audio recordings of conversational speech of people who have cured stuttering. The next stage is training in silence, during which the patient tries to relax all the muscles of the face. Next, it is necessary to conduct speech classes that allow you to learn to control and manage your own speech. The completion of the entire course of treatment is again a conference, which is aimed at demonstrating the results.

    If subjects express strong psychasthenic character traits, anxiety and fear, experts recommend using autogenic training. The main specialists promoting this method are Yuri Nekrasov and Svetlana Orlovskaya.

    My treatment methods depend on the severity of the disease. As a rule, a combined course of treatment is required, which includes hypnosis and psychotherapy. When treating stuttering with hypnosis, the feedback I receive from clients is extremely positive.

    In my practice, I use a combined method of treating stuttering, combining psychotherapy (explanatory) and suggestion in hypnosis. In some cases, I combine all this with speech therapy sessions (developing slow speech); I recommend self-hypnosis to all patients by repeating approximately the following phrases: “Every day my speech is getting better and better,” “I won’t think about my stuttering, I won’t feel fear,” etc.

    Medical literature used:

    Slobodyanik A.P. "Psychotherapy, suggestion, hypnosis." Kyiv, “Health”, 1977. 480 p.

    Treatment methods for stuttering

    Therapy pathology in the pronunciation of words and syllables can be caused by various factors. Depending on the initial cause, doctors develop a course of therapy. In a situation where a problem arises due to physiological disorders, neurological lesions, treatment of the underlying disease comes to the fore.

    If a stress factor is identified, antidepressants may be prescribed. Working with a psychotherapist plays a positive role in eliminating pathology.

    Treatment of stuttering with hypnosis

    Hypnosis sessions allow you to relieve stress and help you forget about the situation that led to fright or fear. They immerse the patient in the situation that became the trigger for the appearance of a speech disorder. Often, outside the session, the patient is not able to remember what shocked him so much.

    The hypnotherapist removes the negative aspects that have arisen. As a rule, several sessions of hypnosis are enough for the patient.

    Treatment of stuttering in the clinic

    In most situations, stuttering is not a disease that requires a course of treatment in a hospital setting. If the patient chooses to go to the clinic, a change of environment plays a leading role in treatment. The hospital offers all the conditions that allow you to relax and forget about conflict situations.

    In a calm atmosphere, during classes with a psychologist, physiotherapy, and relaxation, the patient gets the opportunity to rest, relax, and forget about unpleasant and stressful situations.

    Treatment of stuttering in children

    Young patients quickly get rid of this defect in just a few sessions with a specialist. The course is prescribed jointly by a pediatrician, a child psychologist and a speech therapist. All activities are playful in nature. Kids are interested in completing the tasks of an adult assistant and understand that with each lesson speaking becomes easier and easier.

    All classes for children are conducted only in parallel with courses for parents. In most cases, stuttering occurs in children who have a vulnerable and active psyche. Parents often need the skill of communicating with such a gentle and reverent offspring.

    Treatment of stuttering in adults using hypnosis

    In adult patients suffering from logoneurosis, both forms of its manifestation are observed.

    In most cases, with a neurosis-like form of stuttering, an electroencephalogram reveals pathological or borderline brain functioning. That is, there is a focus of organic damage in it.

    The neurotic form is typical for adults who suffered a stressful situation, psychological trauma, or were exposed to chronic stress in childhood. Most often, these situations are associated with the family, with a dysfunctional environment, violence, parental drunkenness, etc. Such patients are sensitive to being in public, speaking, and passing exams. In a calm environment, their speech becomes normal.

    How to help an adult get rid of a painful speech impediment? Is it too late for treatment? It is precisely this category of people with logoneurosis that hypnotherapy copes with once and for all.

    The strategy of regressive hypnosis is used for treatment. She helps the patient return to the past, disconnect from consciousness and delve into his own subconscious. There, in its depths lies the root cause of the disease. The patient himself does not remember about it, but our brain, a super-wonderful computer, stores in its memory this negative event that turned our whole life upside down. Regressive hypnosis brings this moment to the surface and the hypnotherapist helps you look at it from the outside, without worry, without fear. He then reprograms the patient to have a new attitude towards similar situations in the future.

    A positive result from hypnotherapy leads to a revision of the patient’s life attitudes. He becomes confident in himself and in his capabilities. Being among people brings joy, not suffering.

    Treatment of stuttering in adults

    Psychotherapy is also among the most effective treatment options for stuttering in adults. It is worth noting that stuttering in patients who have reached adulthood often involves more than just the repetition of syllables and sounds. A hidden form of pathology is often the use of interjections and individual vowels in conversation. For example. "Eh.."

    The cause of the problem can be various diseases:

    • stroke;
    • neurological disorders;
    • consequences of meningitis and other diseases.

    In such a situation, treatment of the main diagnosis is included in complex treatment.

    To eliminate the problem, patients are given psychological training and training in pronouncing words and syllables without repetition or violations. Additionally, hypnosis is used to help identify the original psychosomatic cause and resolve it.

    Stuttering treatment at home

    Many activities that help get rid of stuttering can be done independently at home without the supervision of a doctor. Such practices are described in the medical literature. Recommendations will definitely be given at a medical institution during classes with a speech therapist and psychologist.

    • Breathing exercises are recommended for patients of any age:
    • In a sitting position with the head lowered to the chest, the patient inhales quickly through the nose and exhales as slowly as possible through the mouth.
    • Rotations of the head performed along the axis help strengthen the ligaments, which helps get rid of stuttering. You need to stand straight, your body relaxed, your arms at your sides.
    • Rehearsals of pronouncing phrases in front of a mirror are carried out, helping to consolidate the skill of pronouncing syllables and words without delays or violations. During classes with a child, parents or teachers can go through the entire complex with him.

    The habit can also be eliminated by singing syllables of words. Young children especially like these activities.

    The speech therapist is ready to recommend songs that appeal to representatives of any age group. You can hum them constantly. Including to myself. Additionally, it is recommended to practice making speeches and speeches at home. Adult patients pronounce their “words” that need to be spoken, for example, at a meeting. With teenagers and children, parents can talk through answers to homework at home. At the initial stages, such training can be brought to automaticity. Next, the habit of public speaking will be formed, which in most cases is broken in those suffering from stuttering due to the lack of desire to once again demonstrate to others the existing deficiency.

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