Favorite job or high earnings: my conscious choice

What do I care about snow, what do I care about heat, what do I care about torrential rain when I’m constantly at work, motherfucker!


Trust in subordinates begins where the capabilities of tracking equipment end.


To earn a living, you have to work hard. But to get rich, you need to come up with something else.


To build a successful business, you need two great Chinese characters - “Yar” and “Hu”. Use together.


Eternity is the time from the beginning of the working day to its end. A moment is 28 calendar days of vacation.


Mom, look! I came across a hippopotamus in Kinder! Mom, why are you crying? Mom, I will soon find a job and move out. Honestly! Well maam.

Quotes about work, statuses about work

- Where are you going? - To work. - At three o'clock in the morning? - Well, so much the better: at such a time there will be less traffic jams.


Explanatory note for someone late for work: “I came to work at 10:00, not at 8:00, because before 10:00 no one does anything anyway, they only drink tea. But I can’t drink that much tea.”


Don't want to get up in the morning and go to work? Open Forbes magazine and find your name there. Didn't find it? Then get up and go to work.


If your goal is to eat a frog, then you should do it first thing in the morning. And if your task is to eat two frogs, then it is better to start with the larger one.


There is never enough time to do the job right, but there is time to redo it.


  • Someone can always do your job a little better, or faster, or cheaper.


That's when I first learned that it's not enough to just do your job. We still need to show interest in her. And even love her passionately.


- Do something, work. - Tired of it. - How are you tired of this if you have never worked? - And I’m already tired of it.


Before the start of the work week, remember! The horse worked best on the collective farm. But, nevertheless, she never became chairman.


  • Vacation: free time given to employees to let them know that the job can do without them at all other times.


If you have talent, hard work will improve it, and if you don't have talent, hard work will make up for it.


Try to work only with those who are stronger than you. These are the people who help you grow.


If you don't want to work, you have to earn enough money to afford not to work.


The solution is not to invest more time in one thing or another, but to work more efficiently.


Once you start working, you won’t be able to really do anything without giving yourself completely to the task.


  • A good salary is guaranteed, as a rule, not by the employer, but by the mass called the brain.


Deep down, you already know that getting a job is not what you need. So don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


Work constantly, do not consider work to be a disaster or a burden for yourself, and do not desire praise or participation for yourself for it. The common good is what you should desire.

This amazing girl...

At the age of 4 she became interested in airplanes, from the age of 9 she learned to fly them, and at the age of 13... she herself built a light single-engine aircraft using her pocket money and earned money. The aircraft is fully operational, as evidenced by the certificate from the flight service after the test flight. It would seem - where to go next? But there is somewhere!

Having completed her school course at a public boarding school for gifted children, where applicants are accepted after a rigorous selection process, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a scholarship, she is now studying for a doctorate at Harvard. Sabrina studies black holes and spacetime. Her work is closely followed by scientists from all over the world. Her articles are referenced by masters of theoretical physics such as Stephen Hawking, Malcolm Perry and Andrew Strominger.

Why am I telling this? Moreover, this young girl, far from ugly and not a loner, says that physics for her is not a 9 to 5 job. It is a hobby that interests her more than anything else. When she's not doing physics, she's sleeping.

The grants she wins for her research amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Her articles are accepted into serious scientific journals in record time. And the founder of the famous Internet company Amazon is already holding a job for her in his space program and says that he is ready for any conditions.

Of course, you say, this girl is a genius, there are only a few like her. Agree. However, it’s not even a matter of genius - Sabrina’s abilities showed something else: a person who has found what he likes to do forgets that this is work. I think there is not a single person who would not want to do what he likes all day long, and even get paid for it. The only thing left to do is find the very thing.

Essay “Favorite work is happiness. Profession of speech therapist"

Lyubov Belyaeva

Essay “Favorite work is happiness. Profession of speech therapist"



Why do I work as a speech therapist in kindergarten ? the profession of a speech therapist teacher with my heart and never doubted that I had chosen the right path. Working with children has made my world richer and filled my life with meaning. I am grateful to fate that I can be close to children and give my love to children. My profession gives me the opportunity to get in touch with the world. childhood

And I am convinced that people who love children should work in kindergartens.

Having worked for many years as a teacher in a correctional group, my joint work with a speech therapist teacher had a great influence on my choice of profession . With great interest and a feeling of gratitude, I became acquainted with the experience of a speech therapist teacher , which is already being successfully used in practice. She was my mentor. On the instructions of the speech therapist, I continued to work on sound pronunciation every day. And how much joy appeared in the child’s eyes in the correct pronunciation of sounds! And we, together with the children, also rejoiced at the success of the correctional and educational process to overcome the speech defect. I also really enjoyed conducting open classes together with the speech therapist . And this also influenced the choice of profession .

Currently, in preschool educational institutions there is an increase in the number of children with deviations in speech development, and the increase in sound pronunciation deficiencies is especially noticeable. These children constitute the main risk group for school failure. During the period of learning to read and write, correct, clear sound pronunciation is of great importance, since written speech is formed on the basis of oral speech and its deficiencies can lead to impaired reading and writing.

A speech therapist in kindergarten is a “Lifebuoy”

for many children.

The child looks at me with his beautiful eyes, full of sincere feelings and trust. There is so much love, hope and... a problem with speech. My profession and its meaning for many of them is a ray of hope. Understanding this, realizing the importance of my duty, I am proud of my profession !


We sometimes do not notice the role of the Word in our lives. A person is able to influence others with a word, convince, argue, make an impression, achieve success, have fun and joke, create poems, poems, songs, and even save a person with a word.

The words of the great Cicero perfectly explain the essence of the profession :

“Our special duty is that if anyone is particularly in need of our help, we should make every effort to help that person.” A speech therapist teacher will not only correct speech and eliminate reading and writing errors, but also instill hope and confidence in one’s own abilities, which will help girls and boys achieve success in the future and find an interesting and prestigious job .

To love means to live the life of the one you love(LN Tolstoy)

These words are the meaning of why you go to see your children every day.

The kindness, calm, and even attitude of a speech therapist help create a good mood for working with a child . We must love children with all our hearts , invest in them kindness, soul, care, sensitivity and responsiveness, tenderness and patience. This is daily and painstaking work

In conclusion, I want to say that work brings me great satisfaction, it is carried out with love and a desire to help the child.

“And let the children not shed tears either from insults or from sorrows.

And, like the sun, a smile always shines on your face.”

And His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' said that “if we are able to give a part of ourselves, sacrifice our time, our love, then we will live according to the law of love”

Comfort or money?

However, the job must also pay well. It is therefore not surprising that many employees endure unfavorable working conditions in order to receive a good salary and provide for themselves or their families. And such a desire is quite understandable: is it worth spending your precious life time on work if you don’t even get paid for it properly? Each employee must decide the answer to this important vital question independently. Under tolerable working conditions, even an unloved job can provide a lot: funds for a comfortable existence, for the education of children, family vacations, buying an apartment or paying a mortgage. If conditions have been created in life under which you need a job with a high income, you need to stay in this position, even if you don’t like it and, perhaps, at this time look for a more pleasant place to work. But if your comfort and health are more important to you than your workplace, leave it without regret. After all, work is far from the most important thing in life.


The French philosopher Jean Buridan proposed such a comparison back in the Middle Ages. Imagine a hungry donkey standing exactly in the middle between two haystacks. Which one will he go to? Both attract the donkey with equal force. Buridan suggested that if the donkey knew logic, he would die of hunger - he would not be able to make a choice.

A real live donkey, of course, would have made up his mind quickly. But if a person were in the donkey’s place, then his choice between the two options would be very difficult. When choosing, we suffer ourselves and pester our loved ones: first we ask them for advice, and then, as a rule, we reject all advice because they do not completely clarify the situation.

How to find your favorite job? Guide to action Vitaly Baranetsky

How to work with step No. 1


Take the test Appendix No. 1. Analyze the results, realize everything you got.


First, read the entire course so that you have a holistic picture of finding the job you love.


Subscribe to motivational letters on the website https://vitalybaranetsky.com/kniga


Rethink your past experiences with the information you gained from the course.


Return to the first step and now follow all the steps, recommendations and exercises sequentially!


As you read the first step, complete exercises No. 1-No. 4 and recommendations in the order in which they are described. Don't rush, don't read any further. You bought this course to find a job you love, not just read it.

Knowledge without practice is useless! Take action!


Decide on your cost.


Read the inspirational Appendices #2 and #3.


Using Appendix No. 10, at the end of the book, describe the profile of the desired position and company.


Proceed to step #2.


THE FIRST STEP is the most important. Treat it with full responsibility. This is your life, this is your destiny, this is your happiness!

To find a job you love, solve any problem, or achieve a goal, you need only four things:

A clear goal -
to know what you really want. This is the most important thing - to understand yourself, your deepest dreams and desires, without being led by social stereotypes (fashionable, profitable, prestigious), like someone else or like everyone else, in order to prove something to your parents or yourself, to earn recognition and trust or love.

- in search of your Calling - your favorite job, you don’t have to risk your life or perform incredible feats. Courage is needed to overcome our internal biases, fears and beliefs that have been imposed in our family and society.

Responsibility -
taking one hundred percent responsibility for your life means realizing that everything that happens to you at the present moment was created by you yourself, it is the result of your thoughts, beliefs, choices and actions in the past. Now you are reaping their benefits. And if you are not satisfied with today’s reality, then you and only you are its author, and you can change it. To do this, you need to start thinking and acting differently, taking responsibility for the results of your actions.

Action -
you just need to do it. Even if you are not sure of the right action, action is better than inaction. As they say, if you are looking for treasure, no one can guarantee that you will find it. But if you are not looking for it, then the chances of finding it are close to zero.

Or - it’s better to do and regret than not to do and regret.

Every day, taking one step at a time, you get closer to your goal or dream.

Since you are reading these lines, you have already taken action. And it doesn’t matter what reason prompted you to do this. You are in search of a better life, work, career, success, happiness, you are in search of yourself - and this is the main thing.

Work is fun

Of course, ideally, you need to find an activity that you could enjoy, do it every day with pleasure, and which at the same time would generate a lot of income.
Usually businessmen engage in such activities, but they also have a lot of difficulties with their work. Therefore, sometimes from two extremes it is worth choosing the one that will bring more benefits. Modern workers, unlike their colleagues from the 19th and 20th centuries, can freely choose and change their place of work, focusing on their own preferences. If they feel uncomfortable in a certain team, changing jobs is not so difficult. It is imperative to ensure that the work process is satisfying and that the work environment is calm and friendly. Such work can not only bring joy, but also preserve the health of the employee. After all, it is known that a nervous situation, constant stress, fear or manifestations of aggression can quickly exhaust an employee, robbing him of his nerves, health, and good mood. At work, a person is not at all obliged to endure humiliation, shouting, or bad attitude from the manager or other employees. On the contrary, the direct responsibility of the manager is to provide comfortable working conditions for his employees. It is in such an environment that productivity will be higher.

For almost every person, a weekday begins very monotonously, waking up at 6 or 7 in the morning, or maybe earlier for some, going to the bathroom, having breakfast and getting ready for work. Then many of us sadly wander to the bus stop and stand there waiting for our route. A person who doesn’t like his job barely opens his eyes after sleep and already thinks: “Go to this job again, work again and wait impatiently for when this day will finally end!” An unloved job is like a machine in a factory where a person stands there from bell to bell. It turns out that in the morning the mood is already spoiled just by the thought of an unloved job. And how great it would be to wake up, stretch, smile and happily get out of your warm bed towards a new bright sunny day and go to work with pleasure! For some reason, an unloved job is associated with a prison in which a person imprisons himself for a certain period, which must be served at all costs, or perhaps indefinitely. For some reason, people think that only after they retire can they afford to live for their own pleasure. Well, what if for all those years that people spend mediocrely working like everyone else in the most ordinary job, they do not even earn themselves a decent pension? Working again? We need to stop this disgrace as quickly as possible! Only a person himself can change his life, and also has the right to choose a job to his liking, or vice versa. It’s so easy to quit a job you hate and find the job of your dreams, where all the best qualities of your personality will be appreciated. But for some reason, many are afraid to decide to do this, starting to say: “This job is better than no job at all!” or even better, “It’s as if they’re waiting for me somewhere other than this job!” Does it ever occur to you that you look like a trained elephant? Yes Yes! And it is true! When the baby elephant is still small, it is taught to be on a leash and to be in a confined space. At first, he still tries to break the rope, but when he grows into a big elephant, he gives up this idea, although he could easily do it. Why? Yes, because he is used to being on a leash and in a limited space. In the same way, a person limits himself in his capabilities with his own beliefs and stereotypes in his head! A person to whom others drum into him that he cannot do something, he is not successful in some way, is not talented and deserves only the job in which he is currently working, even if he does not like it because he is not able to do another job. find. A person begins to believe that he really cannot do much and that his abilities are almost worse than those of everyone around him, and over the years he no longer tries to change anything. Even if he is suddenly overcome by unprecedented determination and says “I’ve had enough!”, he will immediately be overcome by fears and self-doubt, because those around him diligently insisted that he could not do much. It is not true! There is nothing so complex that it is beyond human ability to study and understand. The Titanic was built by professionals, and Noah's Ark was built by ordinary people, but everything was made by human hands. Rockets into space, wonderful houses and bridges, the greatest works of art and literature - all this is the work of human hands, and not of some creatures from another planet and with a different mind! Of course, every person probably has certain talents, but in order to discover them in oneself, one must first have faith in oneself, in one’s own strengths, and not constantly repeat I can’t do this, I can’t do that! Believing in yourself is a position, and you need to drive away those people who do not believe in you. Work, like life in general, should be fun. Just think about it, after all, we spend most of our lives at work, which for many of us is unloved! Has it ever occurred to you why a person so often complains about the circumstances of life, about fate, about the influence of evil forces, but for example, he never complains about gravity or the force of gravity? No? Yes, because complaining about the laws of nature is useless, because in this case a person cannot change anything, but he can change his life and work. And to the answer “Are they waiting for me somewhere else besides this job?” I will answer “Yes, of course they are waiting for you somewhere!” You just need to knock on doors and one will certainly open!” You need to work with pleasure. Life is too disposable to waste it on something you don’t like! PS I wrote this at work today.

Favorite work is a job, not a hobby

Hateful job - the boss doesn’t care how the employees feel about it. By signing an employment contract, you agree to perform your duties in full and on time, and labor is not always desired. Work will be a joy if it brings pleasure to you and benefits to other people, but you will still sometimes be exhausted, feel displeasure and be upset because of failures. All this needs to be taken into account.

A favorite job with meager pay is another inconvenient factor. Some people complain about work all the time. They find her boring and hateful. Every day they force themselves out of bed to go to bed. The mere mention of their profession on a day off spoils the mood. However, if you offer them to do what they like, but with a decrease in salary, such people refuse. For many, money is the decisive link; they do not want to sacrifice material comfort for the sake of spiritual comfort.

Sometimes you have to go a long way to get your dream job. Do you want to make a living as an artist, writer, or engage in other creative activities? Achieving these goals will take time, the duration of which depends on talent and perseverance, but don’t get discouraged. The process itself brings dividends: pleasure from doing something, improving skills and acquiring new ones, self-realization. At first, a hobby can gradually turn into a main job, but this will take time.

Finding something you like is a must. Pleasure from every day you live, health, respect, self-improvement. If all people do what they enjoy, it will benefit them and the whole society.

Survey. Why do you love your job?

Anastasia Babushkina, additional education teacher, 30 years old:

– I love my job because I’m not afraid of Mondays and I’m constantly doing something new, thereby developing and growing myself. I am inspired by the fact that I see the results of my labors: for example, children’s victories in creative competitions, their happy eyes and questions “When is school already?” In addition, I am surrounded by a good team of specialists, and this is the key to success in any, even complex, project.

Alexander Nikulin, hydrometallurgist operator, 35 years old:

– I work at ZSU. The most important positive point here is gold. For some reason, it gives me joy to realize that we are giving this noble metal to the world. We stand firmly on our feet and I believe that our enterprise is the best in the city. That’s why I feel confident and believe in a good future. The company is generous - you can feel the care and support of ordinary workers. “Gold of the Northern Urals” is one of. Our enterprises are all over Russia. It's nice to realize that you are part of a large and strong structure.

Anna Mokina, sales consultant, 34 years old:

– In my work I like communicating with different people. It always makes my heart feel good when a person comes to the store with a problem and leaves with a solution. And in general, I like working with high-quality cosmetics and perfumes, which are always in demand.

Klavdiya Smirnova, photographer, 38 years old:

– I like that this is a creative process. You are a creator, you are captured by a peculiar state similar to the inspiration of an artist. I really love sports reporting, there is a certain element of excitement from the hunt behind the scenes. You have a few fractions of seconds to catch the athlete in the lens at a good angle, in movement and emotions and press the shutter button in time. Modern photographers shoot in series like from a machine gun. I studied on film, so I still have the habit of being able to see, think through and capture even reportage shots. I like the free schedule and the opportunity to experiment. This is a very convenient profession for women with children, because children are most often with you at home. There is also the possibility of choosing a niche, depending on personal preferences. I really like to shoot mountain landscapes and marathons. I love food photography. Photographing food so that it looks appetizing is an art.

Artem Balashov, physical education teacher, 30 years old:

– What’s great about my job is that every day is different from the previous one. Well, the most positive thing is that vacations always take place in the summer.

Alexander Melekhin, cultural organizer of the Gornyak cultural center, 27 years old:

– Being a cultural worker is a real calling. This is not an easy profession: try to ignite others with optimism, kindness, love and hope every day. My profession is exciting, creative and stellar. A cultural worker in a village is the most public person. The best thing about my job is that I never get tired. My work is my life.

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