The best dramas about gay love: Thai, Chinese, Korean films

There are not many dramas about gay love in Korean cinema. Or this is all filmed so delicately that there can be no talk of any explicit scenes. The public's interest is filled with series produced in Taiwan or China. If you're looking for a Korean drama about gays to watch, our selection of the 10 best projects in this genre will help you find something interesting.

It presents both dramas, melodramas, comedies and romance. And all of them, of course, have restrictions for viewing 18+.

"Man and Woman's Midnight Snack"

How do you like this love triangle?
New for 2020, it tells the story of chef Park Jin Sung, who runs a midnight catering establishment. Kim Ah Jin can rightfully be called a true fan of his dishes.

She works as a director, produces various shows, and after a hard day of work she heads to a restaurant to taste delicious food. A girl invites a chef to star in a cooking show as a host.

Kang Tae Wan is appointed as Jin Sung's stylist. He is the most famous designer in Korea, winning the hearts of the public and television viewers. A stylishly dressed, charismatic man who has achieved incredible success in his career has long ago built an invisible wall. He doesn't let anyone get close to him. But Park Jin Sung manages to do it. What connects the two men?

Finally, Ah Jin's dream is coming true; she has long wanted to be a producer. And this television project becomes the debut for the girl. But it's not that simple. Kim's task as a producer is to defend ratings and lead the show to success. But some skeletons in the closet may prevent this.


Minutes of revelations

An interesting drama about gay love among teenagers at school from Chinese cinema. The storyline revolves around a sixteen-year-old boy named Bai Luo Yin. He comes from a poor family, studies in a simple school, lives with his father, since his mother abandoned them, exchanging her husband for a military man with her son from her first marriage.

New student Gu Hai becomes Luo Yin's classmate. An assertive, tough, athletic guy a little annoying to those around him. It seems that the heroes have nothing in common except studying in the same class.

Only now Luo Yin hears rumors that Gu Hai has a secret passion for him. A classmate occupies all the thoughts of the new student, being constantly in the subconscious, blood flowing through his veins.

Gu Hai is not going to wait any longer. He wants to achieve his beloved, forgetting about the limits of decency and conventions. After all, for Gu Hai, Luo Yin is a drug, heroin.


Will I kiss you or...

It is no secret that at every university there are communities that take on the responsibility of adapting new first-year students. This is exactly what the SOTUS university system is, the name of which stands for unity of spirit, tradition, seniority and order.

The main task of all members of the association is to assist newly admitted students in adapting and joining the team.

Lakorn about gays talks about the most cruel methods of a kind of initiation. In return for training, seniority demands worship and complete submission from new recruits. The only question is whether a young and energetic engineering student named Kongphob will do this when one of the most assertive senior students, Arthit, is given a mentor.

"The History of Tharn and Type"

There is always something to laugh about, the drama is very cute despite the theme

An exciting drama about gay teenagers (produced in Taiwan) introduces the viewer to Type. He is a first-year university student, having finally escaped the care of his parents. Previously, he lived with his family in a provincial town in the south. But now he can enjoy a luxurious life in the capital of the country. Now he is a student at the sports department of a Bangkok university.

The guy will have to live in a hostel. A music student becomes Type's roommate. His name is Tharn. Being an avid homophobe, Type becomes stupefied and hysterical when he learns about his roommate's sexuality. Tarn doesn’t understand why his comrade hates gays. After all, this does not in any way affect the humanity and other qualities of people.

Will a guy be able to convince an inveterate homophobe otherwise?

"Love by chance"

Play out the chemistry to the end

The main character of the Thai gay drama about school is a handsome 18-year-old who comes from a wealthy family. But he is not spoiled by life, he is a fairly kind person. Pete has to hide a terrible secret from his family - he likes men. But you can't keep a secret for long. Pete's ex-boyfriend turns out to be even more of a bastard. He records a compromising video about the protagonist's sexuality and blackmails him.

A friend named Hey comes to Pete's rescue. He's not particularly friendly. But he tries with all his might to help his friend. What will this help amount to? Are the guys just friends or something more?

"Why do you?"

It will be, but not like that

One of the best Thai dramas about gays tells a romantic and atypical love story in all its manifestations. At the center of the events are the wise guy Tuter, the emotional Fighter, the mischievous Saif and the science fiction writer Zon.

At first the guys disliked each other, but later the relationship began to turn in a different direction. They begin to experience unhealthy interest and attachment.

Despite the difference in characters and completely different temperaments, they still set out to meet love and open up in a new way. It is noteworthy that in this drama the characters do not resist their feelings, as happens in many drama films about gay love. They're just trying! And they succeed.

Russian philosophy

In Russia, philosophers who studied this concept are representatives of religious philosophy. These are Vladimir Sergeevich Solovyov, Pavel Aleksandrovich Florensky, Nikolai Fedorovich Fedorov, Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilyin, Nikolai Aleksandrovich Berdyaev. These philosophers viewed love as the basis for justifying human existence.

For Solovyov, this is both the development of personality and getting rid of egoism. Berdyaev held a similar opinion.

Love is reflected in works of Russian literature, where the authors of the works try to reveal its complex character and spontaneous nature. A distinctive feature of Russian love philosophy is its relationship with religion. She is God's gift.

Russian people consider it a tragic phenomenon, which can be easily seen in works of literature. In almost every work you can find unrequited love, or desperate and unhappy lovers. This is precisely what reflects the concept of love for the Russian people - it is not easy, you need to fight for it, and it brings pain. It is perceived as an integral part of a person’s existence, gives his life meaning, and brings with it emotional experiences.

Creativity reflects the thoughts and feelings of people during a certain period of time, as well as certain trends that existed at that time. If we take Tolstoy’s “War and Peace,” we will see love lines in the book that are filled with tragedy. Although, this is not always misfortune and grief for the Russian people. Having achieved a goal or won a loved one, a person becomes happy.

Explaining what love is is very difficult. It is the subject of study by philosophers, writers and ordinary people. We all feel it in relation to someone, but we cannot give a specific definition. It accompanies us throughout our lives, giving us reason for reflection and hope in difficult times. People think about its influence on us, about why it appears. Another issue is true and sincere love. This topic leaves no one alone, because feelings arise unconsciously. It bursts into our lives when we don't expect it and takes over our minds and feelings. Each nation has its own definition and perception. But no matter how much philosophy about love studies it, one thing will remain unchanged - it will forever remain a large part of our lives, without which there would simply be no point in living.

"Ride to Love - There and Back"

Morning romance

The Chinese drama tells the story of two guys who, for the first time, had to deal with love feelings not for the opposite sex. The guys thought at first that this was just an attempt, a new experience, like a trip there and back. And nothing will come of it. Only now the guys travel far and can meet again at the point of departure.

They first met at school. Then they fell in love with each other. The parents were against same-sex relationships and separated the lovers. After some years of separation, the lovers meet again. One of them is now a boss in a big company.

The other is a subordinate. Memories of the past haunt the main characters, their feelings flare up with greater force. It is worth warning right away that this series contains explicit scenes.

Apparently, the creator was inspired a little by “50 shades of gray”.

New time

Feelings were studied by philosophers of the classical German school, such as: Immanuel Kant, Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel, Ludwig Feuerbach.

The Russian philosopher Lossky noted that people unconsciously strive to become the object of love of another person.

The history of the development of this concept is fickle, as is philosophy itself. It depends on the specific needs of society at a certain point in time, the level of cultural development and existing philosophical teachings.

"Where your gaze freezes"

Gay dramas with handsome men are also going great

A good drama from Korean cinema, telling viewers about the wealthy heir to the Han Taeju corporation.

His family is friendly and does not need anything, the hero’s appearance is impeccable, life goes on as usual, without causing problems. The main character is a handsome guy who is constantly in the spotlight.

But he has no luck with friends.

The handsome rich man's only companion is Hooke, who protected and supported him from an early age. He specializes in martial arts. He practices taekwondo, judo and other types of wrestling. A silent comrade rarely talks about his own feelings.

But soon the relationship between the friends begins to falter. After all, a new popular girl, Hemi, appears at school. The friendly (or not so friendly) idyll is disrupted. What is the relationship between friends?


In ancient times, people tried to explain it with the help of divine and cosmic forces. She seemed something incomprehensible to them. Empedocles considered it the beginning of the universe, Plato believed that it is a demonic force that encourages people to strive for the fullness of life and its fulfillment. For Aristotle, the ultimate goal was friendship, when a person wishes the best for the chosen one, and is ready to sacrifice himself.

Pherecydes, the teacher of Pythagoras, was the first to say that the world exists thanks to this phenomenon. Pythagoras supported the thought of his teacher, and emphasized that heaven and earth are connected by feelings.

The representative of the Eleatic school, Parmenides, argued that the existence of the universe began with love. After the revolution in philosophical teaching carried out by Socrates, they begin to talk about feelings more down to earth, within the framework of human existence. Socrates himself considered it a disease, because it, like a disease, changes our consciousness. Socrates outlines his classification:

  • in the body - it is fleeting, and ends when the chosen one is no longer attractive;
  • to the soul - it is long-term, and is based not only on physical attraction, but also on deep affection.

In general, during this period people try to understand what this feeling is, why it appears, and what it is.

"People with Flaws"

Moment of Consolation

This drama is not entirely about gays, but they are there and dilute the whole plot with their cuteness. The love of heroes with non-traditional sexual orientation is presented quite touchingly and beautifully. Therefore, when creating a list of dramas on a gay theme, it was impossible not to mention the fresh series “People with Flaws.” But indeed, many gays are considered just such people, and their passion for same-sex relationships is called deviations.

We are talking about the secondary characters of the film - the older brother, the bartender of the main character, Won Seok, and the student Ho Dol, who teaches mathematics and other lessons to the younger brother of the family as a tutor. Ho Dol often found himself in awkward situations due to his infatuation with men. He is embarrassed to talk about it, to visit a gay bar, to tell his father about such a relationship. But everything changes when he meets Won Seok, who saves him from trouble. Gradually the heroes fall in love with each other. Ho Dol even introduces his lover to his father.


In ancient Greek, the following types were distinguished:

  • eros - love with respect, when the other person seems ideal;
  • philia – friendship or affection for an individual who is not a sexual object;
  • storge – tenderness, often shown towards family members;
  • agape - unconditional, most often manifests itself towards God, and is expressed in sacrifice;
  • ludus - arises on the basis of physical attraction, and lasts as long as it brings pleasure, with the first appearance of boredom it passes;
  • mania is an obsession that is accompanied by jealousy and wild passion;
  • pragma is a phenomenon when a person induces a feeling of attachment for a selfish purpose.

The Russian philosopher Soloviev identified three types of feelings:

  • Downward - a person in such a relationship gives more than he receives. More often these are the feelings of parents towards children, a person towards the younger and weaker, as well as towards the Fatherland.
  • Ascending, when a person receives more than he gives. These are the feelings of children towards their parents, or animals towards their owners.
  • Sexual – gives and receives equally. This is the relationship between a man and a woman.

There are also different classifications, which is due to different opinions of philosophers and the time when these classifications were created.

"The Boy Next Door"

And how can one not ship them?

The 2020 mini-drama is an adaptation of the webtoon of the same name about the relationship between two male neighbors. The main characters are completely opposite to each other. Park Gi Te is interested in computers and constantly memorizes his lessons. He is terribly pedantic and modest.

Song Gi Jae is a tall, handsome guy with a stunning body who lives near the botanist Gi Tae. Previously, the guys did not notice each other until they happened to dress up in the same shirts.

Now fate is pitting them against each other. The guys begin to become friends and drink together. But those around them suspect that there is something more going on between the comrades. Park Gi-Te's imminent move to Song Ji also contributes to the spread of rumors. But this is not because of love, but because the guy lost his room.

The charming Min Na often comes to visit the guys. Both friends are in love with a girl. Only now she thinks they are gay and is jealous of their happiness.

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Philosophy of love

The philosophy of love is a branch of philosophical thought that answers the question of what love is. This industry also works on concepts such as: “Does love exist?”, “In what forms is it expressed?”, and also thinks about its effect on the body.

Philosophers give different definitions depending on their philosophical views, the culture of different countries and the characteristics of society in a particular period of time. Because of this, it is still not possible to create a unified concept of this concept.

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