How to establish contact with the subconscious and receive tips from it


May 10, 2020, 10:45 pm

  • Story
  • Meaning of terms
  • Differences between consciousness and subconscious

Consciousness and subconsciousness are properties of human nervous activity. They determine his actions, committed under the influence of thoughts, emotions or what is called the “human factor”.

What is the subconscious

The subconscious is a certain mental process that occurs arbitrarily, without direct intervention of consciousness, and determines the essence of a person’s personality (the definition is considered outdated, the modern name is subconscious).

What the subconscious is was first discovered in the 19th century by a psychologist from France, Pierre Janet, who established that consciousness is an individual’s ability to think and reflect, and the subconscious is a process that is not reflected in consciousness and determines a person’s behavior and worldview. The subconscious in psychology is a hidden level of consciousness that manifests itself under certain conditions.

Where is it located, what does it consist of?

It is worth understanding what the subconscious is, how it works, and where it is located. The subconscious is a mental process, so it is impossible to find out its specific location in the human body. Since all mental processes occur in the brain, it is logical to assume that the unconscious is also located somewhere there. Until now, scientists have not been able (most likely, they will never be able) to figure out where the subconscious is located. It is located everywhere and nowhere.

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All thought processes are biochemical reactions and electrical impulses that occur in large quantities in brain cells. Scientists believe that subconscious processes occur according to the same principle, but are not controlled by conscious intervention. The subconscious is, in philosophy, a mental process based on accumulated and analyzed life experience.

There are 3 levels of mental activity:

  1. Unconscious - the level of innate reflexes and instincts, accumulated universal experience, manifested in certain conditions.
  2. Subconscious – standards of behavior in various situations, formed by a person’s personal experience.
  3. Conscious – certain personality qualities that manifest themselves in accordance with the chosen role in society.

Some researchers also distinguish preconscious and unconscious levels, which include any information perceived at the moment, but not consciously or processed by the subconscious.

Important! The highest level of work of the subconscious is considered to be intuition - the ability to make quick and correct decisions without logical thinking.

Clarification of the concepts of "objective" and "subjective" mind

Consciousness is sometimes called the objective mind; it deals with objects of external reality. The objective mind is concerned with the knowledge of the objective world; the means of observing it are your five senses. Objective reason is our guide and leader in connections and contacts with the external environment. By using the five senses you gain knowledge. The objective mind learns through observation, experience and the educational system. The main function of the objective mind is thinking.

The subconscious mind is often called the subjective mind. He perceives his environment independently of the five senses mentioned above. The subjective mind perceives everything through intuition; it is the seat of your emotions and the repository of memory. The subjective mind performs its highest functions at moments when the senses are helpless. In a word, this is the mind that declares its presence in those cases when the objective mind is in a detached or sleepy, drowsy state.

The subjective mind sees without the aid of the natural organs of vision; he has the ability of clairvoyance and clairaudience. The subjective mind can leave your body, travel to distant lands, and often bring with it very accurate and truthful information. The subjective mind allows you to read the thoughts of other people, the contents of sealed envelopes and locked safes. He has the ability to evaluate other people's thoughts without resorting to normal means of communication.

The role of the subconscious in human life

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Scientists have been arguing a lot about the possibilities of the subconscious for a long time. Some of them consider it pseudoscience, others, on the contrary, see in it the fundamental principles of psychological research. However, both agree that the unconscious determines the true nature of a person’s personality, not hidden by any social masks or conventions.

The role of the unconscious

The unconscious plays a huge role in human life. Positive functions of the subconscious:

  • unconscious use of accumulated life experience for one’s benefit;
  • assistance in dialogue with surrounding people, in choosing a social environment (it happens that a person begins to have a negative attitude towards someone for no apparent reason, at the subconscious level realizing the unpleasant traits of this person, and only after a long time the reasons for such an unconscious attitude towards the person will appear in all its glory);
  • correct influence on the unconscious can improve a person’s quality of life and get rid of certain diseases;
  • the work of intuition, which helps to make the right choice in complex or ambiguous situations.

The destructive role of the subconscious:

  • There are a large number of ways and techniques that influence the unconscious and allow you to manipulate a person (for example, the use of neurolinguistic programming in trading);
  • Intuition is not “friendly with logic” and does not always force you to choose the best solution to a problem;
  • The subconscious always tries to keep a person in the comfort zone, which does not always have a beneficial effect on the formation and development of the individual. For example, a person is comfortable lying on the couch in the evenings and watching TV, having a small income. It would be possible to find a part-time job for the evenings, but then the comfortable “sofa” existence will be disrupted; the subconscious does not allow a person to make changes in his life.

Important! In order for the unconscious not to interfere with the full life and development of a person, it must not be allowed to dominate consciousness. The conscious and unconscious must balance each other.

The secret of the subconscious level


Pick up any daily newspaper, or open an Internet news site, and you will find dozens of problems that can instill in people feelings of hopelessness, fear, anxiety, worry and imminent collapse. If you accept all this, then fear itself can lead to the loss of the desire to live. Knowing that you can reject such negative impulses by sending constructive messages into your subconscious mind, you can resist destructive ideas.

Regularly check the negative suggestions you receive from different people. Don’t take risks and try not to be influenced by destructive heterosuggestion. We have all suffered enough from it in childhood and adolescence. When you look back at your past, you can easily remember how parents, friends, relatives, teachers, and colleagues contributed to negative suggestions in you. Analyze everything that was said to you and you will find that much of it was presented in the form of propaganda and much of what was said had one purpose: to control you or instill fear in you.

This process of heterosuggestion takes place in every home, work, and club. You will find that often indoctrination is done to make you think, feel and act the way other people want you to, who want to exploit you for their own gain.

What is the power of the subconscious

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Many experts believe that with the help of the subconscious you can achieve absolutely everything and make the desired changes in any area of ​​human activity:

  • achieve the desired level of income;
  • build favorable relationships with people around you, excluding unwanted individuals from your social circle;
  • get rid of various ailments and diseases;
  • can make changes to a person’s appearance;
  • make all your dreams and desires come true;
  • increase self-esteem and improve the level and quality of life;
  • relieve depression and phobias;
  • help get rid of bad habits (smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction and gambling).


Quick sleep for life... American scientists conducted a cruel but revealing experiment. They put the rats on a carousel, which, with its non-stop movement, completely deprived the animals of the REM sleep phase. At the same time, thanks to humane and careful “inhibition,” the rats did not experience stress. Two weeks later, the rats developed an autoimmune disease, leading to sepsis - blood poisoning. The animals died calm. Simply from the lack of REM sleep, they started a self-destruction program.

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“An illness that strikes in a dream is much more dangerous than “daytime illnesses””

...or for depression? Danish scientists have developed a non-drug treatment for depression. A person goes to the hospital, where he is woken up at a certain time at night, thus depriving him of the REM phase of sleep. Plus, the person is irradiated with light of an individually selected spectrum. And voila – no more depression! The fact is that depression (even clinical depression, in which a person physically cannot feel happy because he does not produce enough of the “joy hormone” serotonin) is directly related to the REM sleep phase. No REM sleep - no depression. Therefore, most strong antidepressants deprive a person of REM sleep.

A person can die without REM sleep, or they can live happily ever after, having recovered from depression. This is why REM sleep is also called paradoxical sleep.

How to get into your subconscious

The degree of influence of the unconscious on the life of each person is individual. Each individual, to one degree or another, is able to control the unconscious part of his personality. Another thing is that not everyone is trying to figure out how to understand their subconscious.

There are a large number of ways and techniques to interact with the subconscious:

  • Self-hypnosis is one of the most effective methods of auto-programming for certain phenomena and actions.
  • The use of affirmations - psychological self-attitudes for success and well-being.
  • Creating a placebo effect (treatment with blind faith in a particular treatment method). This method has the other side of the coin - nocebo (destructive thoughts attract negative events).
  • Meditation helps to comprehend oneself, understand the deepest aspirations of the individual, calm the mind with the help of solitude from the hustle and bustle of life.
  • The “stream of consciousness” technique is to write down on a piece of paper all the words that randomly come to mind and analyze them.
  • Methods of art therapy and visualization (using visual means of expression to create a certain form that reflects the inner world of a person).
  • Working with professional psychologists and psychotherapists who will most effectively help establish the process of interaction with the subconscious.
  • A clear interpretation of dreams that reflect the state of a person’s inner world.

Different reactions to the same suggestion

It is known that different people will react differently to the same suggestion due to their subconscious mood or belief. For example, imagine that on the same ship you approached a sailor and sympathetically said to him: “Listen, friend, you look very sick. Aren't you feeling sick? Judging by your appearance, you're about to get seasick."

Depending on your temperament, the sailor will either laugh when he hears such a “joke” or specifically send you away. In this case, your suggestion went to the wrong address; the assumption of seasickness was associated in the sailor’s brain with complete immunity from pitching. Consequently, such an assumption will not cause him anxiety and fear, but confidence in his abilities.

The Dictionary explains that suggestion is the influence on someone's consciousness, the thought process by which a suggested thought or idea is considered, accepted and carried out. You must remember that suggestion cannot be imposed on the subconscious mind against the will of the conscious mind. In other words, the conscious mind has the necessary power to reject the suggested suggestion. In the case of the sailor, we see that it is impossible to instill in him the fear of seasickness. The sailor has convinced himself that he is immune to it, and the negative suggestion does not cause him fear.

On the contrary, for the passenger, the suggestion of seasickness strengthened his fears and fears. Everyone has their own inner fears, beliefs, opinions, and these inner assumptions rule and guide our entire lives. Suggestion in itself has no power unless it is accepted by your mind; only then will the subconscious begin to implement it.

How to learn to control the subconscious

Before you try to negotiate with your inner world, you need to understand what the human subconscious is. Only after high-quality theoretical training can you start working with it; the initial stages are still best carried out under the supervision of a specialist, so as not to harm yourself.

Mysteries of the inner world

How to change your subconscious and life

First of all, it is worth clearly defining which of the above methods a person will influence his subconscious. Then you need to follow these simple steps step by step:

  1. Accept a clear internal conclusion: “I want to change my life.” Moreover, the wording should contain a brief description of a specific change in life, and not a vague type: “I want to be happy!” Then analyze your life and identify what interferes with the implementation of this goal. Using meditative techniques, put the desired action scenario into your brain.
  2. Scientists have proven that the brain does not see the difference between dreams, dreams and reality. To change yourself, you need to reprogram the usual comfort zone into the desired one in the subconscious, that is, imprint into it new habits, changed needs, a line of behavior in society, and take on other social roles. To do this, you need to constantly reproduce updated positive thought forms of the desired changes.

Important! It has also been proven that the brain does not understand the particle “not”, so the wording of affirmations must be used without this word.

  1. In the process of constantly working on yourself, eradicate the habit of giving in to despondency, stop looking for the culprits of all negative life events, get rid of the victim position, and take responsibility for your life.

Take control of the subconscious

What is needed to work with the subconscious?

One of the leading researchers in the field of working with the subconscious, Joe Dispens, offers one of the effective methods of independent work with the unconscious:

  1. It is comfortable to sit down, freeze and close your eyes.
  2. Immerse yourself in the silence of your mind and talk to your inner self. Tell him all your worries, worries and problems. Feel the answers or internal objections to questions that can come naturally from the depths of your soul.
  3. Write down everything that emerges from the depths of your consciousness (for example, “I’m afraid to leave the job I hate because I’ll be left without a livelihood and I don’t want to change my usual way of life”).
  4. Read everything written out loud. Draw certain conclusions.
  5. State your recognition and, based on this, draw up and program your future. For example, “I will gladly change my place of work (or field of professional activity), because a new job means new people, fresh impressions, different life horizons, and great opportunities.”

Impact on the unconscious

After a person begins to instill new attitudes in himself, new neural connections and reactions to certain events begin to be created in the brain. Special substances are produced that harmonize the renewed inner world, and a new programmed reality is created.

For your information. A significant period of time passes from the first stage to the last, since the subconscious is an established structure, and its rapid change is impossible.

Thus, the subconscious in psychology is certain processes in the human brain that determine his behavior and worldview. Impact on the subconscious forces an individual to perform actions that are unusual for him, and can also affect the quality of life.

Sleep speed

REM sleep is a phase of sleep characterized by active brain activity. One of the signs of REM sleep is rapid movements of the eyeballs (hence the name of this phase). In 1953, Nathaniel Kleitman and Eugene Aserinsky from the University of Chicago proved that REM sleep is directly related to dreams - it is in this state that we watch our exciting night movies.

REM sleep accounts for 20-25% of total night sleep. It alternates with slow-wave sleep, when brain activity is minimal. During the night, the cycle of fast-slow sleep is repeated 4-6 times. With each repetition, the duration of the REM sleep phase increases. Thus, the first phase of REM sleep at night lasts 10-15 minutes, and by the morning it can reach 40 minutes.

Dreams that occur at night during REM sleep are usually not remembered. But if you sleep too long, the REM sleep phase lengthens, and dreams become viscous and painful. These are the ones we, as a rule, remember.

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