Self-hypnosis to fulfill your desires: how to use

It has long been known that the human brain is the control center for his entire life and reality. It is through the brain, or more precisely, the subconscious, that you can influence a person and completely change his attitudes. But it is difficult to do this in normal conditions.

To change your reality, you must enter an altered state of consciousness, in other words, a trance. At the same time, the conscious part of our personality will fade into the background, and its place will be taken by the unconscious, which lies dormant in each of us. It is this part of our personality that can and can do everything in the world.

Today we are embarking on the practical development of the technique of self-hypnosis, that is, developing the ability to establish a direct dialogue with your subconscious through hypnotic suggestion. The self-hypnosis lessons below will allow you to activate the deep processes of your brain.

Why do you need training in self-hypnosis? You ask.

Our subconscious is a powerful ancient force that has no equal. Having learned to use it correctly, you will discover new facets of life, become more self-confident, harmonious in relationships with people, completely healthy (self-hypnosis treatment is a huge area for practice) and a successful person.

The mechanism for implementing these changes is very simple. Our subconscious does not distinguish between the real and the imaginary. Therefore, any inspired idea first takes root in the depths of our brain, and after that it manifests itself in real life.

. This is the secret of self-hypnosis.

Understand and accept the fact that before you change anything in your own life, you need to change your thinking.

This lesson, actually a guide to self-hypnosis, is designed for those of my subscribers who want to independently develop their abilities in self-hypnosis for success in life, but do not know where to start.

So let's get started.

What is self-hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a practice that allows you to achieve a more or less profound altered state of consciousness, between the waking and dream states.

You literally go into your mind, a place between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind. And it is from this place that you can work on yourself, on your unconscious.

About 90% of your behavior is controlled by your unconscious mind. Imagine being able to access it and shape it as you wish.

To be able to access everything that is hidden within you: your thoughts, your fears, your doubts, your passions, your inclinations.

Imagine if you could reprogram all of this. This is what self-hypnosis will allow you to do.

“When you use transformational hypnotherapy correctly, you literally rewire your brain. This is a scientifically proven fact"

— Marisa Peer, hypnotherapist.

You may have the idea that hypnosis is very difficult and that you need to see a professional. Self-hypnosis is actually very simple. And the more you practice, the faster and deeper you will go.

But how to hypnotize yourself?

Self-hypnosis: brief instructions

So, let's say the right time and place for the trance have been chosen. Now a person can immerse himself in that very state and, with its help, fulfill all his dreams. But how to do that. What stages of self-hypnosis can be identified?

  1. You should take a comfortable sitting position.
  2. It is recommended to focus your gaze on one object. You need to look at it without stopping for several minutes, reciting to yourself the properties of the object.
  3. Next, you need to relax all the muscles of the body. You should start with the eyes. Imagine that you are in a state of sleep and your whole body is resting.
  4. When the muscles are completely relaxed, the person will go into a trance state. During this period, you need to count to ten, repeating to yourself that upon reaching the number “10” the person will be under hypnosis.
  5. After counting to ten, you need to pronounce the very thought, the desire that you really want to achieve. You need to repeat it again and again for 2-3 minutes.
  6. Next, you should gradually emerge from the hypnotic state. The person again counts to ten, simultaneously moving some of the muscles of his body.
  7. Psychologists advise not to abruptly tear your mind out of the state of self-hypnosis. This may well result in psychological problems in the future. The procedure of immersion and return should be gradual and calm. In this case, achieving results will be much easier.

It is very important during the period of self-hypnosis to speak and think only about what you want. Now a person projects himself onto a certain model of action. If he thinks about the negative, then it will come into life, eclipsing all the joy and light.

You should refer to the procedure as often as possible. If one wish has been fulfilled, you need to move on to the next.

Self-hypnosis technique

Your unconscious mind is like a computer, full of programs that determine your behavior. And there are several self-hypnosis techniques that will allow you to reprogram your mind. Suggestion method and visualization method.

Self-hypnosis: a method of self-hypnosis

This technique involves convincing yourself of an idea or reality by repeating positive sentences. This is the art of talking to yourself and convincing yourself.

Hypnosis is a state of extreme suggestibility, so it will be very easy for you to shape your subconscious through deliberate suggestions.

“Our minds create our reality, and we have the ability to shape our reality by choosing how we feed our minds.”

— Marisa Peer.

Of course, it is important to always know what aspects you want to work on before starting a self-hypnosis session and to always be positive.

Perhaps you would like to have more self-confidence; then it would be appropriate to suggest to you: “I know who I am, I am confident in my decisions, I am confident in myself.”

Self-hypnosis using visualization

It's time to take the next step. You'll add a new dimension to your proposal to make it even more compelling: visualization.

Once you have chosen which aspects to work on, you will need to imagine yourself living your proposal, feeling it with all your senses.

The more you can visually detail, feel the emotions associated with it and create a realistic scene, the more your proposal will be imprinted in your subconscious.

Imagine yourself saying, “I'm confident in myself, I'm confident in my decisions,” so why not close your eyes, relax and imagine yourself face to face with your boss, completely confident in yourself, explaining to him why you chose this and not that.

Do you hear noise from the printer next door? Smell the coffee, feel calm in the face of this situation.

“Your brain reacts to the images you see.”

— Marisa Peer.

So, how can you use self-hypnosis to make your desires come true?

First of all, try to separate your true desires from those imposed by society, family, advertising, etc. It is important to determine whether there are hidden obstacles in your motivation to achieve your goal? Are there any unconscious reasons why you really want to leave everything unchanged?

For example, on a conscious level you want to get better, but at the same time you receive increased attention from loved ones, you do not have to work hard, and you also receive some kind of social benefits. And then unconscious reasons for maintaining the disease may operate.

Is one of your loved ones seriously ill? How to help a seriously ill person - in the article

Another example: you set a goal to prepare well and successfully pass the entrance exams to a university, but in fact you do not want to study at this faculty. Your parents made the choice for you. And then you may encounter internal resistance while preparing for exams, and self-hypnosis will not help here.

So, when you have identified your goals and are ready to use self-hypnosis to fulfill your desires, it is useful to do this exercise: make as detailed a list as possible of the reasons that motivate you to achieve this goal. Write the most seemingly insignificant motives, because for the subconscious they may turn out to be important.

After defining your goals and clarifying your motivation, create and write down suggestion formulas as described above. Think through images and comparisons in advance that will help you see your goal more clearly.

Record your suggestions on a tape recorder and begin self-hypnosis. First, enter a trance state using the self-hypnosis techniques that are convenient for you, which were discussed at the beginning. Further, at the stage of self-hypnosis, it is important to simultaneously hold the image of the goal, repeat the suggestion phrase and listen to your voice. All attention should be focused as much as possible on the goal.

Self-hypnosis formulas

Let me give you some examples of self-hypnosis formulas. You can use them if they suit your situation well, or you can modify them to suit yourself, change the order of words, add online synonyms, images and comparisons that suit you exclusively.

For example, one of the common problems that people want to work with using self-hypnosis techniques is overeating, as one of the causes of excess weight.

Learn more about the causes of excess weight.

In this situation, in addition to analyzing the physiological and psychological reasons, self-hypnosis can help as part of complex therapy.

First, relax well, muscle relaxation and breathing will do. Having entered a trance state, imagine yourself light, slender, fit. Imagine your appearance in detail the way you want to see it. Use your imagination, mentally look at your reflection in the mirror, at yourself in new clothes, in a new state.

Self-hypnosis formulas can be, for example, like this:

  • “I prefer low-calorie foods”
  • “I find that between normal meals, instead of snacking, I can find more interesting and healthy activities to do.”
  • “I close my eyes and see myself as I will be when I normalize my weight”
  • “Before I start eating, I close my eyes and welcome my body. I make sure it's ready to eat."

Create your own wording of suggestions, the main thing is that they are positive.

Later, when you feel that your motivation is becoming weaker, close your eyes, take a deep breath and remember your desired appearance. This ritual will become a post-hypnotic signal to give up excess food.

Prepare post-hypnotic settings, for example: “When I open the refrigerator, I imagine that I could instead open an interesting book and enjoy reading. I ask myself: “why do I want to eat? Am I bored, lonely? Maybe it’s not food I’m craving, but interest in life?”

Examples of suggestion formulas for relieving nervous tension:

“Layer by layer I relieve stress.

The heart beats calmer, the muscles relax.

Other relaxation processes begin to operate in the body.

I feel good, I believe that my condition will improve and I will be able to enjoy life as before.”

Self-hypnosis techniques for working with a variety of goals are numerous, and there are a huge number of options for self-hypnosis formulas depending on the situation. It is impossible to describe and explain them all in one article. Using self-hypnosis to fulfill your desires requires regular practice and creativity.

Self-hypnosis exercise

Here is an exercise to practice self-hypnosis.

Step 1: Privacy

Find a quiet and peaceful place and be sure that no one will disturb you during your self-hypnosis session. Cut yourself off from the outside world. This moment belongs only to you. Choose the length of your session, ideally 20 to 30 minutes; Set an alarm to alert you when the session ends.

Determine what aspects of yourself you want to work on. Find your ideal posture: sitting cross-legged, lying down or sitting in a chair - find what suits you best. Close your eyes and relax.

Step 2: Relaxation

Time to relax. Close your eyes, relax your muscles and mind. You can practice breathing exercises to calm yourself.

The more relaxed, calm and focused you are, the deeper your hypnosis will be. Feel free to do a little meditation before you start.

Step 3: Self-hypnosis

Now you will begin to work on yourself by mentally speaking your sentences.

For example: “I know I will pass my exam” or “I am confident that I will succeed because I am ready.” Repeat these phrases several times until you feel confident that you will succeed!

Then, if you want, you can go ahead and start visualizing.

Step 4: Visualization

Imagine that you are going down the stairs. You can count the number of steps from 1 to 10. When you reach the end, open the door.

This door opens a situation directly related to your proposal and therefore to the aspect of yourself that you want to work on. Let's give an example with an exam.

Imagine yourself in the exam room, answering all the questions and being completely confident in the answers. Feel your emotions: you have succeeded because you are fully prepared, you have done it, you are confident.

Visualize yourself at a graduation ceremony: a teacher giving you a diploma. You are happy and satisfied because you have succeeded.

If your subconscious mind understands your leading sentences well, the images will be quite accurate.

Step 4: Exit

Your alarm clock has rung and it's time to go out. Go back up the stairs, this time counting from 10 to 1.

Slowly move your legs and arms and rediscover the sensations of your body. Open your eyes. Your session is over!

Guide to self-hypnosis. Start of training

Since you are only taking the first steps towards mastering the powers of your unconscious, for now you treat classes simply as training. Don’t expect specific results from them, don’t try to work with real problems, and especially don’t give yourself any post-hypnotic suggestions.

Now your training in self-hypnosis is that you must learn to relax deeply, enter and exit a trance state.

Moreover, do not even wait for the onset of trance. Instead, dedicate yourself to the idea that your main goal is to master the technique. Therefore, try to follow the recommendations outlined below as accurately and scrupulously as possible, and focus your attention on their implementation. This is the basis of the proposed method of self-hypnosis for beginners.

This approach will prevent possible disappointment from the lack of quick results. Without rushing, but step by step comprehending the technique of self-hypnosis and its nuances, you will achieve much greater success. In addition, as practice shows, if a person makes a conscious effort to quickly enter a trance, his attempts are doomed to failure. I’ll tell you why this happens another time, but for now just take it for granted.

Important point.

When practicing self-hypnosis, try to feel like a spectator who is watching what is happening as if from the outside, and do not strive to actively intervene in the processes that will happen to you.

To better understand the state of the observer, remember the sensations you experienced while in a boat floating with the current. After all, you practically did not need to row or somehow change the direction of movement. You just had to stick to the flow, which sooner or later would take you to your goal (be critical of instant self-hypnosis techniques published on the Internet - some of them can cause more harm to the body than good)


How do you go into trance on your own?

In essence, it is not very different from hypnosis induced by a professional. You fix your attention on an action or object, gradually relax (release every muscle in your body from tension), then close your eyes and inspire yourself with certain attitudes. You put yourself into “sleep”. This is a relaxed state of consciousness, at this time the subconscious begins to work. He knows no prohibitions or doubts from the outside world, which is why it is easy to lay down any program. Often, after such a lesson, practitioners do not remember anything. During suggestion, only the subconscious absorbs everything. Then the person gradually achieves what was in that very program.

How self-hypnosis works

Our subconscious is a powerful force with which it is difficult to compare anything. If you learn to use this power correctly, you can easily change your life in the most harmonious way.

At the same time, the mechanism for fulfilling desires is quite elementary. Our subconscious cannot distinguish real information from imaginary information. Therefore, when a new thought or idea appears in your head, it first takes root in the depths of our brain and only then begins to manifest itself in reality. This, in fact, is the main secret of self-hypnosis.

Therefore, if you are striving for some changes in your life, you need to first of all change your thinking.

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