Bound by one consciousness: Joe Dispenza on the power of human thought

Formulate your desire correctly

It is important to competently approach the process of setting the desired goal. Fulfilling desires with the power of thought is not only theoretically possible, as many believe, it depends entirely on ourselves. The ability to look at current events positively, learn from negative moments, and accept gifts from Fate invariably leads to the desired goal.

If you want your wishes to come true, always formulate them in the present tense. The Universe has no past and future. Only the present is subject to changes that we can make ourselves. For example, instead of saying: “I will live with my family in a large country house overlooking the sea,” say “I live with my family in a large country house overlooking the sea.”

The method of realizing what you want with the power of thought

With the help of this practice, based on the work of thought and imagination, you can attract what you want. The exercise consists of three steps. You can allocate 3-5 minutes for each step. Naturally, before practice, do preparatory exercises to enter a resourceful state of mind, which many call trance. Let's consider practice with desires in the areas of health, money and relationships. Make up the rest yourself by analogy.

Step 1: Beliefs

Prepare a belief that reflects your desire.

For example:

  • I am healthy
  • My spine is healthy - for the health sector.
  • I receive 100,000 rubles a month - for the material sphere.
  • I let love into my life - for the love sphere.

Speak these beliefs consciously, concentratedly, confidently out loud or to yourself for 3-5 minutes. Remember there should be no other thoughts in your head. The whole focus is on beliefs.

Step 2: filling with energy

Take this step immediately after working with conviction. It also takes 3-5 minutes to complete.

For the health sphere, you imagine a column of white healing light descending on you from above. As you inhale, you imagine inhaling this white light. As you exhale, you see how you are filled with it and radiate it with your entire being. Or, as you exhale, you send it to the diseased organ, if you do the practice on a specific organ.

For the sphere of love, you imagine that the energy of love descends on you. And as you inhale, you inhale it, and as you exhale, you are filled with it and radiate it.

For money, you imagine money or a monetary item on a table. You can put real money on the table. for greater efficiency. Only more))) Or you can see the money egregor in the form of a golden cloud above you.

You imagine how this object, a bundle of money, glows and emits the energy of money that reaches out to you. Or how a beam of energy comes from the money egregor towards you. As you inhale, you inhale the energy of money. As you exhale, you fill yourself with it and radiate it. Fill yourself with energy and move on to the next step.

Step 3: visualization

In this step, you use your imagination and visualize the desired goal according to all the rules.

To develop the skills of the right hemisphere, which is responsible for imagination, it is recommended to train your left hand by writing with it daily. Paint. In general, any creativity is effective in awakening the power of the right hemisphere. In addition, it is important to do exercises to develop imagination abilities.

If visualization does not work for you for one reason or another, for example, you do not see images on the internal screen or you do not like this method in itself, try alternative methods. Remember that everyone is different. And to each his own. Listen to yourself and try

Technique for making wishes come true with the power of thought

The technology for making wishes come true is simple—you just need to follow some laws. As already mentioned, the power of thought is influenced by many factors. They are in front of you! Remember them and apply the acquired knowledge when visualizing.

This will help your power of thought to fulfill desires much more effectively.

  1. Don't overestimate the importance. This is one of the key laws of wish fulfillment. The higher the importance of your desire, the less likely it is that it will come true. For example, if you put everything on one card, cutting off all escape routes, tell yourself “I will get this, otherwise my life has no meaning” - then you greatly overestimate the importance . You already know that the universe operates along the path of least resistance. By inflating your importance you are providing the strongest resistance. That is, you, without meaning to, are preventing the universe from fulfilling your desire. Therefore, desires with inflated importance are rarely fulfilled. Or the execution time increases significantly. All this can be avoided if you do not inflate excessive importance. Healthy indifference helps with this. The lower the importance, the easier it is to fulfill desires. Imagine that you are going to the store to buy bread. The importance is zero or close to it, right? The closer to this level the importance of your other desires is, the better they will be fulfilled.
  2. Know that everything will work out. Fulfillment of desires is like walking in pitch darkness. Nothing is visible and it is not clear where we are going. Is the finish line soon? Are we moving in the right direction? There are no answers. Just the unknown! The worst thing you can do in this situation is to decide that fulfillment of desires does not work in your case. This is mistake! Maybe your wish has almost come true, but you stopped believing in its fulfillment, and thus canceled the order. Therefore, friends, always believe in success. Don't even believe it, but know it. For knowledge is stronger than faith. In order to know, start with small desires. They execute faster. And when you are convinced of the effectiveness of the power of thought, then aim for larger desires. Know that everything will definitely work out.
  3. Everything has its time. This follows from the previous point. Yes, the unknown is depressing. No one will provide us with exact deadlines for the fulfillment of our desires. Expecting quick results is one of the main mistakes visualizers make. Not seeing an immediate response to our actions, we become disappointed in the power of thought. Because of this, we risk not getting anything or getting it when the need for it no longer exists. And the reason is that you simply did not have enough patience. Just keep the importance at zero and know that everything will work out sooner or later. Have patience, by doing this we significantly strengthen the power of thought, because following the chosen course is of great importance. Panic and disappointment do not lead to anything good. Patience, friends, just patience. Remember this!
  4. Expand your comfort zone. If you want to be rich, but you yourself eat the cheapest instant noodles, then you urgently need to work on expanding your comfort zone. The Universe gives us only what we deserve. What are we worthy of? This is determined only by ourselves. We only get what we can afford. You cannot get something if you consider yourself unworthy of it. To fulfill a desire and allow yourself to have it, you need to prepare in advance for its fulfillment. Let go of the idea that it is too expensive or difficult for you right now. Feel free to go and choose what you need. Consider what you like and forget about the means and ways to achieve it. Compare, choose as if you can buy or receive it today. The Universe will arrange for you to receive what you need. Your wish will definitely come true if you allow yourself to have what you want.
  5. Take action! As Bill Gates said: “A dollar can’t fly between your sofa and your ass.” A little harsh, but true. The power of thought without purposeful action is meaningless. Let's say your desire is to become rich. Fine! The desire is outlined, you lie on the couch and spit at the ceiling, actively visualizing and using the power of thought. Where it leads? You may suddenly receive an inheritance from a rich uncle. What if you don't have an uncle? Then it’s a bummer - the universe will receive your request, but is unlikely to be able to fulfill it, because it is too energy-consuming. But! If, in addition to visualization, you at least buy a lottery ticket, then your chances of getting rich will increase many times over. The power of thought, action = fulfillment of desire! We achieve maximum efficiency and productivity in fulfilling desires when we combine the power of thought and action. In fact, it will be difficult to fulfill a desire (especially some global one) with the power of thought alone. But if you also move your feet in the right direction, then everything becomes easy! The right doors open for us, the right people find us themselves. In other words, by acting, we thereby provide the universe with convenient opportunities to fulfill our desires.
  6. Energy for visualization. To fulfill our desires, we must have free energy, which is fueled by the power of thought. We get energy mainly from proper nutrition and at least minimal physical activity. What is proper nutrition? Try to include as many natural foods as possible in your diet: fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds. It is advisable to exclude or limit supermarket synthetics. Drink a lot of water, do not get dehydrated. Move more, do gymnastics, for example, Eye of Renaissance. Eliminate bad habits: alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. Be in nature more often, experience happiness and joy more often. All this together will give a good level of energy. There will be much more strength, including the ability to fulfill desires. Create!

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The power of thought and visualization are tools that can work wonders in the right hands. Learning the power of thought to use the law of attraction to your advantage is beneficial for every person.

If you do not trust esotericism, then consider the power of thought as a feature of our brain. When we regularly think about something, it is easier for us to notice everything around us that can help us fulfill our desire.

Everyone understands that thoughts have quite a big influence. Sometimes it is so high that it can shape the reality surrounding a person.

Therefore, it is so important that thoughts remain positive and do not carry negative emotions. As people are able to subjugate them to their influence, the whole world with which they are connected gradually changes.

How effective desires become depends on the person himself. Psychologists have long noted that the more intensely a person thinks about specific things, the greater the chance that they will come true.

That is why it is not recommended to think too much about harmful and dangerous incidents. They seem to be attracted from outside by the power of thought. Moreover, they enter into some kind of elusive resonance with the Universe and can even cause a chain reaction of troubles and misfortunes.


Therefore, you should very clearly imagine not only your desires, but also the possible results of their fulfillment. The happiness from their implementation will provide a huge charge of internal energy in order to successfully overcome the entire path.

In order for a dream to come true as accurately as possible, it is necessary to more fully imagine the picture of its implementation. You need to draw to yourself the largest number of details, conditions and even difficulties that must be overcome.

Then you need to gain confidence in fulfilling your desire. It is worth collecting all your positive energy within yourself and directing it in the necessary direction.

Refusal of negativity

A person suffers not only from various troubles that unexpectedly befall him, but also from anxiety and fear that constantly gnaw at him, destroying his soul and body.

Such problems will not disappear on their own. As long as people invite negativity into their lives, they will receive it in full.

In order for the power of thought to actively influence the fulfillment of desires, it is necessary to completely free yourself from:

  • doubts;
  • anxiety;
  • laziness;
  • lack of self-confidence;
  • suspiciousness;
  • depression;
  • desire to give up;
  • excessive prudence;
  • pessimism;
  • low self-esteem;
  • inability to take risks;
  • fear;
  • tendencies towards loneliness;
  • refusal to ask for help;
  • grievances;
  • panic, etc.

Therefore, in order to learn how to fulfill desires with the power of thought, first of all you need to completely get rid of the habit of expecting the worst. Any negative statement should be immediately mentally replaced with a positive one. The same must be done with expectations.

It is difficult to argue with the fact that the more a person wants something, the greater the likelihood that he will achieve it. Don't think that simple chance is to blame here. Not only the forces of the Cosmos, but also the internal attitudes of people help to find the necessary resources to fulfill the wildest desires.

A number of rules must also be followed so that the intention has a chance to be translated into reality by the action of thought. You need to understand very clearly what exactly a person wants. The desire should not take the form: “I want to travel,” but be formulated as “I want to visit Paris.” Otherwise, the thought rushes along the first path and the trip will be provided to Ashgabat or Nairobi.

It would not be amiss to remind you that the dream must be realistic. No matter what internal energy a person expends, the desire “I want to fly into space” or “I want to head Microsoft” is unlikely to come true without special additional resources.

Dreams must be achievable. Even if they are very complex or have a chance to be realized only in the distant future, but still realistic.

In order to achieve the desire “I want to become the general manager of Sberbank” or “I want to sing in the opera”, you need to study a lot and for a long time, find a job in similar structures, and then prove yourself positively in them. These are very respectable hopes, but they require a lot of work.

Your dreams should not only be clearly thought out, but also formulated very precisely.

The aspiration must be confirmed in the consciousness by all available means.

  1. Say it out loud.
  2. Visualize the end result in your mind.
  3. Write large on paper.
  4. Save as an audio file.
  5. Draw a dream come true.
  6. Make a map with images.
  7. Select drawings and photographs.
  8. Find the exact affirmations.
  9. Write a story about your desire.

Winning a quiz with your mind

All of Joseph Murphy's books are replete with clear examples of the brilliant application of the “laws of reason” in life and the correct use of imagination to translate what is desired into reality. I advise you to take a closer look at his books, and you will definitely find real life cases and success stories that will inspire and inspire you to realize your wildest dreams.

Here is one of them, described in the book “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind to Achieve Wealth and Success.”

Recently, Robbie White, the man who helps me produce radio shows, won a prize in a quiz show. He said that before the competition, following my advice, he “pumped himself up spiritually.” He imagined himself a winner, receiving congratulations from his brother and friends. And during the competition, he felt that something from above had descended on him - a certain Power that controlled all his actions. This supernatural power came to him in response to the image of triumph and success that had formed in his mind.

Murphy's books are remarkable not only for the abundance of impressive examples, but also for the fact that each of them is analyzed in detail and explained to the reader. This is very important for understanding and understanding how the “laws of reason” work in life, and most importantly, for their further application in practice.

Let's go back to the Robbie White story. What exactly did he do to achieve what he wanted?

  • I made the decision to “pump myself up spiritually” - which means I understood the important role the power of thought and inner attitude play in achieving what I want.
  • I used my imagination: I imagined myself as a winner accepting congratulations. Murphy recommends a special technique for using mental imagery, which I will talk about a little later. But you can try any method you like - visualization, scrolling “slides” according to Zealand, and so on. The choice is yours.
  • He practiced regularly so that the image of triumph and success would be accepted by his consciousness and imprinted firmly and brightly into the subconscious.

That's all! Three simple steps - and the desired result did not take long to arrive.

The power of constant and persistent imagination leads to success!

Does this only apply to winnings on quizzes? Of course not. By understanding how the power of thought works, you can realize your own dreams in any area of ​​life.

Powerful Process – Visualization

By visualizing our desires, we fulfill them with the help of the universe. The law of attraction works on our side if we want it to. We always get what we think about most. And our life is at least half the result of our thoughts.

Visualization is the representation of the fulfillment of a desire in the imagination. Not just a representation of a desire, but a representation of its fulfillment! This is the key point.

For example, if you visualize how you lack something, the universe will listen and make this lack in your life even greater.

But if you visualize the very process of owning something or achieving something, then the universe will fulfill your desire. You will get what you need.

The main thing in visualization is to completely surrender to the feelings and emotions that will fill you when your desire is fulfilled. It is equally important to be the protagonist of your visualization. Then everything will definitely work out!

This is roughly how visualization of any desire occurs. Enjoy, live your desire - and it will certainly come true! When you imagine the fulfillment of a desire in every detail, the powerful forces of the universe fulfill it. The universe always follows the path of least resistance. Because it’s easier this way - there’s less energy loss.

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How to visualize a desire correctly? Do it when you see fit. Naturally, the more often and regularly you visualize, the better. But you shouldn’t go too far, otherwise you’ll lead yourself to a nervous breakdown. Let visualization be a joy for you - do it regularly when you feel the right moment. That is, you need to experience pleasure from the process itself. If it is, then you are doing everything right!

So, friends, you and I have learned to correctly visualize the fulfillment of desires. Now you know that the power of human thought is capable of much. But how to develop the power of thought? How to speed up the fulfillment of desires? If you want to learn how to “professionally” use the power of thought, then the information below will also be very useful for you.

The materialization of thoughts and desires will occur much more often if you systematically imagine the desired result. Imagine the ultimate goal you are striving for.

Imagine everything in as much detail as your imagination allows. How do you want your home to look? What color would you like to paint the walls? What is the interior like, how are the rooms in the house located? Describe everything in as much detail as you can imagine. The more you practice the visualization method, the sooner your thoughts will materialize.

Imagination Control

In his books, Murphy often touches on the theme of imagination, tirelessly emphasizing how important a role it plays in life and in shaping our destinies.

Do you use affirmations or positive statements? Or maybe even prayers? Were you successful?

If such practices seem ineffective or unworkable to you, then here’s some advice: use your imagination!

In The Power of Your Subconscious Mind to Achieve Wealth and Success, Joseph Murphy devotes an entire chapter to the topic of imagination.

He talks about one of the most common mistakes people make when using positive affirmations:

I often say that 99% of people do not know how to pray. They read beautiful prayers, but at the same time they picture in their imagination a father, mother or son as they are, and where they are - in the hospital, in prison, and so on.

Remember: simply saying prayers or affirmations is not enough!

If you don't back them up with your imagination and use your mind's eye incorrectly, it won't work, no matter how much you repeat the memorized phrases. Why? Murphy explains it this way:

…If you state one thing and in your mind imagine something completely different, then this is called pretending, and you will not get any results, because your mental image must correspond to your statement.

That is why it is important to monitor our mind’s eye and what images and pictures we draw in our imagination, imagining something and thinking about what we want.

Imagination is the driving force behind all our actions. We are talking about controlled, directed, directed imagination. To imagine means to mentally imagine something and imprint it in your subconscious.

Note that Murphy is not talking about abstract imagination as such. In his opinion, it is not enough just to have imagination: it is necessary to make it controlled, manageable and directed.

On topic: How to make a wish come true. The power of imagination

“Isn’t that what my imagination is? Who, if not me, guides and controls him? - you may be surprised. Unfortunately, this is not the case for most people.

It only seems to you that you are in control of your imagination. In fact, it often controls you. And you are just a spectator.

Don't you think this is about you? Now remember how vividly in this or that life situation your imagination drew negative scenarios for the development of events. “I won’t succeed”, “It doesn’t happen like that”, “The world is unfair”, “This is doomed to failure” - you heard its echoes, and your thoughts feverishly swarmed around potential dangers, failures and misfortunes.

Do you think your imagination didn't work? How it worked! It's just against you.

But this is not the worst thing. There are people who are not at all aware of the images and pictures that arise and spin in their heads. Why? They are so absorbed in the external world and disconnected from their inner selves that they have completely lost touch with their own imagination and have lost control of their thoughts.

What to do?

If you learn to capture the work of imagination in your head by tracking thoughts, you will already make it controllable

This is the first step. The next step is to make the imagination controlled
Observe the images that appear in your head and manage them: if they are negative or do not correspond to what you want, feel free to change them with the ones you need with a “steady hand.”

Your imagination can bring any idea or desire into form. You can imagine abundance where there is scarcity, peace where there is strife, and health where there is sickness.

Listen to Joseph Murphy: control your thoughts, make your imagination not just directed, but directed in the direction you need - positive and constructive -. Only in this way will it give strength to your thoughts and allow you to turn what you want into reality.

Rules that will help speed up the fulfillment of desires

It is necessary to rely on certain conditions that will make it possible to most fully and clearly realize various hopes.

  1. Confidence in execution.

The most important of them is the complete absence of doubts in realizing your dreams. As soon as a person begins to lose confidence in the final results, look for pitfalls, or count on someone else to make his desires come true for him, the strength to fulfill them begins to dry up.

  1. Time factor.

Plans must clearly fit within a certain period. They cannot become the dream of a lifetime and melt away as existence changes the overall picture of reality. You should also not expect that your wish will come true literally the next day. Even the power of thought will not replace the necessary actions to implement it.

  1. Financial component of the dream

You need to think very clearly about the availability of material resources. If a person wants to go abroad, and he has a thousand rubles in his wallet, then in the near future the desire has no chance of coming true. First, you should think about ways to acquire the required resources, and then adjust the implementation of your plans.

It’s worth first thinking through in detail various ways to earn the required amount. Only after a clear plan for obtaining it appears, is it permissible to return to your desire again, taking into account the amount of money that becomes realistic to obtain.

  1. Activating intentions.

The power of thought is not identical to muscular tension. Therefore, there is no need to try every day to invest all your energy in pursuit of the implementation of plans. It is better to take at least a very small step towards fulfilling your plans, and then again compare your dream with the results already obtained.

  1. Purity of thoughts.

In the same way, you should check your subconscious for contamination with negative emotions. If their number increases rather than decreases, it is necessary to establish the reason and check again whether the fulfillment of the desire is really necessary.

No dream will come true if it is aimed at harming another person. It’s even worse if it does come true. Higher powers will not forgive such violence against someone else’s fate and will take revenge very cruelly.

We need to realize what people are willing to sacrifice for it. If the desire is related to receiving a large sum of money, then are they ready to receive it as an inheritance after the death of their beloved grandmother? If the goal is a promotion, will this be their main place of work or will they act as the head of a cleaning company?

  1. Target.

You should clearly think through the actual need to fulfill your desire. You need to clearly understand why its implementation is required. If it is for oneself and one’s own good, then the power of thought can very actively contribute to it. But, if the dream is intended for parents, children, friends or neighbors, then its implementation will do more harm than good. Not to mention the fact that it is unlikely to be fully realized.

  1. Structuring desire.

You should isolate the main component of your dream and rely on it. The more thoroughly it is outlined and the more tangible the acquisition of happiness from its implementation becomes, the more the power of thought will allow you to allocate the required internal resources.

If mom has dreamed all her life for her daughter to become a pianist, and dad wanted his son to be a hockey star, then there is no point in realizing their plans. A woman working as a music teacher in a provincial school or a man serving as a coach in a yard team made every effort to please their parents, but completely ruined their own life.

If the desire is not personal, then the subconscious will still move it in a certain direction. Therefore, the goal “Marry a Millionaire” will drift in the direction of “Get Married,” “Marry a Millionaire,” or “Become a Millionaire.” Such dreams imply completely different goals, requiring completely different efforts and, accordingly, having very different results from each other.

The first task requires finding a worthy admirer, the second requires analyzing unmarried rich people, regardless of their moral qualities, and the third has nothing to do with personal life at all.

  1. Putting yourself at the center of your dreams.

Therefore, it is necessary to desire exactly what is needed in order to use the power of soap to attract the desired, and not a ghostly, result. Here, too, a certain dominant emotion becomes an indicator.

You should imagine a fulfilled goal and honestly admit to yourself what you feel inside: joy, pride or fatigue. Only the first feeling will strengthen internal energy, the last will weaken it, and the second will simply not provide the required reserves of will.

It is also worth considering who will receive the greatest moral benefit. If a person pleases himself, the power of thought will be very pronounced. If he expects to impress his parents or friends, then he will have to work a lot and hard. If he imagines what neighbors or even strangers will say, then no internal resources will appear.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the Genie of Desires: how to call it at home

It becomes clear that with the power of thought a person is able to achieve many necessary and important things. Such an action becomes possible not as a result of a search for a magical secret, but also not after the physiological characteristics of the body are included in the action. This is one of the hidden attitudes of the psyche, multiplied by the laws of existence of the Universe. If you use all the important tips for attracting the power of thought into your life, you can achieve a lot.

The power of human thought in practice

Make a person think about you

For example, you passed an interview and are waiting for a decision on your candidacy from the recruiter. Imagine him leafing through a stack of resumes from the candidates he interviewed today. He tries to remember all the candidates and decide who to invite to a repeat meeting with management. Now mentally say your name. And imagine with your inner gaze that your name sounds in this person’s head. Again and again. You inspired him with your name. Now your name will suddenly come to his mind and he will decide to call you.

For more information on how to influence a person with the power of thought, watch the video.

That's what I did. I was hired.

On topic: Make a wish to have your dream job

Attract a meeting with a person

I had a friend with whom we worked in the same building. I knew that he worked on the floor above, but we never crossed paths either in the lobby, or in the elevator, or in the dining room.

And I started thinking about him. Many, often, in different ways. I imagined him, how we talk, what his face looks like, and so on.

That same day we ran into each other in the dining room. He approached me, deciding to have lunch at the same table.

I kept thinking and we started meeting several times a day. I'm telling the absolute truth, that's how it happened.

After a few weeks, I got tired of it and switched to another person. And guess what, the first person disappeared again!

I stopped interacting with him at all, it was as if he had disappeared, evaporated from my life.

Convey a sensual image to your loved one


I recently tried this thing. In the evening, lying in bed, I imagined my beloved how he would feel being excited and wanting me. I strongly felt this feeling of excitement, warmth. He was sleeping next to me, and after visualization I immediately fell asleep.

Imagine my surprise that he woke me up a couple of minutes later by hugging me. You won’t believe it, he was excited and wanted me!

This is what the power of human thought is capable of. Learn to use it with me. By the way, from time to time I conduct a master class where I share my experience and other techniques for materializing what I want.

If you are interested, be sure to come >>>

Pay attention to emotions

Emotions allow us to see whether we are on the right path or have lost our way. Identifying your emotions is not difficult. It’s enough to ask yourself at the right moment: “What am I feeling right now?” Essentially, there are only two emotions - positive and negative. Positive emotions, no matter what you call them (joy, delight, inspiration), all feel approximately equally good.

They inspire you to new ideas and actions. Negative emotions (disappointment, sadness, envy, guilt, anger) have a destructive effect on our mental organization, and therefore cannot be useful. They limit your long-term vision of life and prevent you from moving forward.

Let go of the desire

Once you have decided what exactly you want to achieve in life, what your intention is, mentally free yourself from desire. Any obsessive state to acquire something or achieve something can actually build large obstacles on the path to what you want. Don't get too attached to the result, enjoy the process itself.

The materialization of desires will definitely come at the moment when you internally stop thinking about achieving your desire. And on the contrary, the more you focus on what you haven’t received yet, the longer it will take you to reach your cherished goal. In this case, the Universe very creatively draws obstacles and failures that are not so easy to overcome.

What is the law of attraction and how to interact with it?

The law of attraction says that our own thoughts attract to us the events that we most often think about, good or bad. This is a law that exists in the new philosophy and is gaining more and more popularity and like-minded people every day.

The universe consists of different flows of energy. We are permeated by its threads, which influence human lives in a certain way. There are many different forces that most people don’t even think about in everyday life. And even less often do they remember that the person himself emits powerful energy that changes life. What you spend the most effort on can easily become true and come true in the present.

A large amount of energy and strength is spent every day on: quarreling with friends, dissatisfaction with the government and the state of affairs in the country, on petty grievances.

Often such a loss of strength can be felt after you have been complaining for a long time about the crisis or rising prices, after which you have no strength left for other things and often everything is postponed until later or postponed indefinitely. Thus, energy is spent on discussing problems, a request of exactly this nature is sent to the universe. It takes energy to do this.

Many people are skeptical about this and do not believe that such a relationship can exist at all, but it is easy to verify its existence by trying it once from your own experience. Psychologists recommend an easy and non-intrusive exercise to make it easier to change into a positive mood. It is worth understanding that for exercises to bring results, they must be performed daily.

Ten minutes a day will be enough for everything to work, but during the allotted time you should abstract yourself from others and devote only to a positive attitude. How nice it will be to leave all problems for a short period of time, and completely reboot and meet changes with ease and the right infusion.

Difference between dream and fantasy

Many people confuse these two concepts. Meanwhile, the difference between a genuine dream and a timid fantasy is so enormous that they can hardly be compared with each other. Have you ever noticed that only those desires that we allow to come true come true?

Fantasy is ephemeral and vague, Dream is specific and quite achievable. Fantasies often have nothing to do with reality. Only through dreams does the materialization of thoughts occur. Feedback from those who tried to chase their imagination is always the same: these people, in the end, recognized their idea as unattainable and abandoned all attempts to achieve the goal. Fantasy is illusory, Dream is real.

The Law of Attraction from a Spiritual and Religious Perspective

We found out that the truth of the law of attraction is simply an arbitrary assumption of the authors of “popular esotericism” materials. The operation of this law (in the form in which it is presented by these authors) can neither be proven nor disproved, like any arbitrary assumption that goes beyond the scope of direct experience.

Phineas Quimby. The namesake of the mayor from The Simpsons and also the man who first spoke about the law of attraction outside of physics.

But just because the “materialization of thoughts” goes beyond the scope of science, it would not be entirely correct to categorically reject this principle. Therefore, the next thing we will turn to is spiritual, mystical traditions. Of course, from within such traditions it will not be possible to 100% affirm or deny the effect of this law, since, again, their application also often goes beyond the scope of experience. Nevertheless, we can get some idea about the peculiarities of the emergence of conviction in the embodiment of thoughts, as well as the authority of this “law” in religious circles from the analysis that I will give below.

Belief in the law of attraction cannot be called a manifestation of antiquity. For the first time, such a law became known in mystical, occult circles at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century as part of the “New Thinking” movement. Then New Age philosophers turned to him, fueling this idea with “quantum mysticism”, abstract speculation based on the discoveries of physics.

As far as I know, in ancient religious traditions, both movements of mass manifestation and a narrow mystical sense, such ideas were never presented, despite the fact that they had developed visualization techniques in their arsenal. In Buddhist practices, the existence of this principle was tacitly rejected.

After all, some of these practices involve visualizing one’s own death, and in detail. If Buddhists believed that in this way they were hastening their death, they would not be doing this. Buddhists believe that being born as a human is an incredible, extremely rare happiness, since only a person, according to their ideas, can achieve liberation from suffering, which even the gods cannot. It is unlikely that such people will rush to the “other world” (more precisely, to the next rebirth), when the law of karma can direct them into the body of an insect, a bird, and then again they will have to wait for an immeasurable number of incarnations before they can again try their luck and come to the greatest realization while in the human body.

Meditation on death. “Now relax, close your eyes, imagine yourself on a sunny beach, the ocean is roaring around, seagulls are screaming, and a dog is joyfully biting your dead, cold leg...”

I realize that I have been on a slippery slope by trying to evaluate the idea of ​​the law of attraction based on the fact that it is not present in ancient and established religions. But first, ancient religious practices are ancient for a reason. Secondly, this small analysis made us understand that the “law of attraction” not only does not apply to science, but is “marginal” even among mysticism and religion!

The fact that some community of people believes in its existence does not prove that the law actually exists. There are many “absurd” beliefs in the world for modern people: some wild tribe may believe that taking pictures and looking in the mirror is a bad omen. Why doesn't this scare anyone? Probably because they don't make films about it.

Take responsibility

Until you yourself begin to act in the direction of your desire, everything in your life will remain at the same level. It is important to set aside time every day for your goal and imagine the end result. It is not necessary to devote a lot of time to this, the main thing is to make sure that the emotions are positive, bright, and evoke a desire to act.

Fulfillment of desires with the power of thought is possible only when you make the final decision within yourself to overcome all obstacles and emerge victorious. Those who believe that a dream will fall into their hands on its own and do not need to make any special efforts are far mistaken. We hasten to disappoint you: dreams do not like the lazy! Is thought material? Certainly! But your participation is of paramount importance.

Working with self-esteem

You must be in full accordance with your desire, know that you are worthy of fulfilling your dreams. The materialization of thoughts will happen at the moment when you are completely confirmed in your intention and develop the will to win. If somewhere deep down in your soul you are sure that you are not worthy of achieving your goal, then your dream will also not dare to knock on your door.

The fulfillment of desires by the power of thought occurs only when the person is fully matured to accept what he wants, and has also worked hard enough.

It is not enough to formulate the intention itself; you also need to properly work out your goal so that it can be embodied in reality. How to do it? To start, take time once a day to simply think about your goal. Imagine it in every detail, but don’t get too attached to the result.

Pros and cons of believing in material thoughts

Are thoughts really material? Let's try to figure this out. Before answering this question, I would like to address the practical consequences of such a belief. I have always been interested in the usefulness of certain human beliefs more than the question of their “truth” or “falsehood.” If certain ideas (religious, spiritual, secular) help a person in life, make him happy and do not cause harm to others, then the fact that they may be “false” does not mean much to me personally. For example, the main problem of human religiosity for me is not whether God exists or not, but whether belief in a higher being can make a person happy and harmoniously developed, regardless of the fact of the existence or absence of a higher being.


Can belief in the materiality of thoughts benefit a person?

(From this point on, I will abandon the term “material thoughts”, since it does not fit the context of the problem at hand. Thoughts, in fact, may well be “material” in the physical plane. For example, a file on your computer is a completely material entity: a collection of magnetized areas on a hard drive that are encoded into a sequence of ones and zeros by the machine itself. In the same way, your thoughts may have a material substrate in the form of electrical signals that are also “encoded” in your brain. Therefore, it is better to talk about “making thoughts come true” "or, in extreme cases, their "materialization").

Yes, in my opinion, belief in the law of attraction and attempts to apply it to reality can be beneficial even if this law does not work the way representatives of the New Age say it does. Concentration on a goal and confidence in its implementation are very important for a person in the context of achieving his goals, even if the universe is completely indifferent to his intentions. To move towards a goal you need to imagine it. There will be nothing mysterious in the fact that such a goal will then “materialize.” At the heart of any movement is intention, and this is not surprising.

Moreover, certain psychological prerequisites can form in a person’s perception a picture of a benevolent or “giving” universe or, conversely, an unfair and “taking” one, but more on that a little later.

What is certain is that visualization can be helpful even if there is no “law of attraction” in existence.


But can such an attitude be harmful? Yes, and now I’ll tell you which one.

Problem 1: Negative thoughts also materialize.

I was prompted to write this article by numerous comments and questions from my readers, which showed that while belief in the law of attraction can inspire and motivate some people, it can lead to anxiety for others. Such people, having learned about this “law”, begin to think: “since our thoughts are realized, does that mean all the bad things that I constantly think about should also happen?”

Some of my readers suffer from chronic anxiety, anxiety, depression and panic attacks. It’s no wonder that such “negative” thoughts creep into their heads. And having learned about the law of attraction, they begin to be afraid of these thoughts. What happens because of this? Thoughts begin to appear more often and become even more scary.

This is the logic of the mechanism of negative thoughts: the more you fear and resist them, the stronger they become.

Problem 2: we are to blame for all the troubles.

Some critics of the idea of ​​the law of attraction say that this principle indirectly states that all unpleasant events (accidents, disasters) occur through the fault of people, forming a guilt complex. “The fact that an accident happened to you is your fault. This is how the universe repays you."

Problem 3: more, more money!

Another drawback relates not to the assertion of the existence of the law of attraction in general, but to the way this principle is viewed in modern popular esotericism like the film “The Secret.” The possibilities for applying this law are reduced in this picture mainly to the achievement of material wealth or selfish goals: money, power, influence, expensive houses, cars. Thoughts are indeed “material,” but not quite in the way the creators of this film imagine. If we only visualize material wealth, then this makes us even more painfully fixated on money and wealth, cultivating our selfishness.

Enough doubts and ambiguities regarding this problem have accumulated. So I'm going to do a little analysis of the teachings of the Law of Attraction and answer pressing questions not only for people who are worried about the negative consequences of their thoughts, but also for those who have decided to use visualization to achieve their life goals.

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