What is loving - Meaning of the word loving

The main signs of affection

When a man and a woman meet each other, they are enveloped in interest, sympathy and passion. Over time, the first sensations no longer cloud the mind; it’s time to look at the situation from different angles. How to understand - love or affection between you? Determining the strength of feelings is quite simple, you just need to look at the signs of affection.

You don't want to change

In a relationship where there is no true love, everything revolves around you. You yearn for change, but do nothing for it. This is the main difference between affection and love.

You don't see her/his flaws at all

You accept your partner only in those moments when he demonstrates his best qualities. If something goes wrong, you let everything take its course and withdraw. But when you truly love a person, you accept him with all his shortcomings and oddities and help him get rid of them. Even by this one sign you will be able to find out what is happening between you.

Your opinion is above all else for you

Before you do anything, the first person you think about is yourself, and then about your significant other. This is one of the most noticeable signals that there are no real feelings, only affection. When a man and woman love each other, the relationship is built on dialogues and advice, and the interests of each partner are taken into account.

A lot of drama

If you perceive every conflict or disagreement as a tragedy, this is a clear sign of your unwillingness to compromise. It is important for you that everything is just the way you want it. You will always look to the side, wanting something extreme (adventure and adrenaline). In a relationship where partners love each other, there is no room for serious grievances. As a rule, this situation characterizes girls in relation to boys, since the weaker sex often causes drama.

No feeling of completion

The difference between love and affection is that you seem to have a relationship, but something is always missing. If you are constantly accompanied by a feeling of dissatisfaction, this is a sign that you do not truly love your soul mate.

How do you know that Love has arrived?

  • You listen to those songs that “bring” to you associations that whisper about him

What direction in music is not so important.

  • You get jealous if you notice him with some girl

You are even jealous of your sister (his or your own).

  • Wherever you are, you see his features in every face

It even makes you feel a little scared at times.

  • Your soul is restless when something goes wrong with him

You know that you would do anything for him if he asked for your help.

  • You lit a cigarette when you realized (thought) that he was not alone

You felt what real envy is. And not white, but black.

  • You want to look into his eyes more often, catch his glances at you, hear compliments from him...
  • You would give everything for one of his declarations of love!

You would talk endlessly about how much you love him.

  • You expect at least a casual touch from him

You expect so much that you feel frequent trembling throughout your whole body from expectations.

  • You, unconsciously, as if in the order of things, help him out with money when he needs it.
  • You begin to “merge” into his taste preferences

And you listen to the same music as he does, and you watch the same programs. You even dress, at times, like him.

  • You read articles in magazines about how to make a guy fall in love, how to bewitch him.

You re-read it carefully, as if absorbing every line. Although I've never done such things before.

  • You consider him a very close person

The kind you don't think you've seen before. And you won’t, because you understand that he is the most extraordinary among all the other people.

  • You are not as responsible as you were before

You were late either for work or for school. And you’ve been late since he appeared in your life. Realizing that this is not good, you continue to develop unpunctuality.

  • All the dreams in the clouds of which you fly are somehow connected with him

You understand that there is no way you could dream, live, breathe, or think without him.

  • You start doing things that are unusual for you

If just yesterday you couldn’t stand diets, today you are interested in all the dietary methods in the world.

  • You began to seriously watch your figure

I bought scales and a battery for them. In short, I prepared everything so as not to miss the extra pounds and grams.

  • You're flying, not walking

In reality, you don’t feel the ground under your feet at all. It seems to you that she simply disappeared, or that she never existed.

  • You hate every pimple on your body

You want to look impeccable. And you do almost everything for this!

  • You relate very well to those guys whose names are the same as your loved one's

You will understand that this is love when you say his name.

Believe what has been tested and proven by you. Love cannot be confused with anything else. It’s easy enough to feel...

The main signs of love

Now let's look at how to distinguish all-consuming love from attachment. If the feelings between you are so strong, and you understand that you are on the same wavelength with the person, hold him tight and don’t let go.

Love can be defined by its characteristic aspects:

Are you interested in your partner's life?

You constantly ask your loved one about their mood and well-being not for the sake of decency, but because it is really important to you. You notice any change in the mental state of your half on a subconscious level. This is exactly how a person who loves behaves.

Relationships touch every area of ​​life

You can no longer imagine your existence without her/him and think only about the common future. Being together, you love each other even more, experience passion and many positive emotions. You want to be close to your soul mate all the time, hold hands, touch, be together as long as possible.

True feelings don't fade away

Understanding whether you love the person you are in a relationship with or whether it is attachment is quite simple. Attachment will pass sooner or later, becoming an ordinary habit, which is accompanied by irritation, and sometimes even hostility. True love is limitless; you will be pleased to see the object of your feelings nearby at any time.

You are not afraid to go to the ends of the world for your loved one

True feelings do not have a specific plan, they do not come on a schedule. Sometimes fate throws up intricate plots, but we can never be sure that our “tomorrow” will be as we planned. People who love each other are always willing to change their lives to follow their partner.

Real feelings give inspiration

The main difference between love is that it inspires. And if you want to create and do everything possible and impossible for the sake of a common future, this is it. In relationships based on attachment, people commit selfish acts, become unreasonably jealous of their partner, and exhibit a sense of possessiveness.

Love is the fear of losing

You can understand that you really love a person by your attitude towards him. The fear of losing a loved one never goes away. Even if absolute trust reigns in a relationship, this fear will not disappear anywhere, since no one is responsible for the actions of the partner, only he himself. If you see your life only next to him (her) and are afraid of losing your soul mate - this is love.

You feel safe being together

When your soulmate is nearby, who loves you, you realize that you can cope with any troubles. Love opens all doors and provides protection. If this is just affection, then both the woman and the man in a couple can only rely on themselves.

Real feelings mean support

The difference between affection and love is especially noticeable when a couple is in a difficult life situation. Loving people are ready to do anything for their soul mate. Their stories can be an excellent plot for books and movies, but for each of them, only the person next to them is important.

Sometimes passion drives people crazy

In order to answer the question as accurately as possible “How can I tell if I love a guy”, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that common sense can be intoxicated by passion. Does your heart begin to beat faster at the sight of a young man, and your legs give way on their own? Such “symptoms” do not always mean that a person really loves his soulmate. In most cases, the culprit is passion, which can deceive common sense.

Particular care should be taken by chaste girls who have never been in a serious relationship with a man. At a young age, hormones can play out in earnest. A girl feels euphoria when she is next to her life partner, but every beauty should understand that true love can be recognized when such sensations pass. Are you ready to tolerate a person's bad character when your sanity returns?

How to understand if you have feelings for a person

At the initial stage of a relationship, a man and a woman do not know each other well, they still have to sort out their feelings. There is an attraction between them because of sympathy, sexual attraction, or interest as individuals with similar tastes. But not every person you like at first sight will be able to build a long-term relationship. Then how to check whether you truly love a person or not? The answer is simple - time must pass.

When the candy-bouquet period ends, the sobering stage begins. The emotional component loses its significance and the brain turns on. A person is lost in conjecture and tries to understand whether he made a mistake in choosing a life partner, whether it is possible to build a strong relationship with him or whether this is a fleeting connection.

Therefore, the following questions inevitably arise: “Everything is great in bed, but will this person be a reliable partner and a good family man?”, “We have the same musical preferences, but will I be interested in him (her) in the future?”, “Is this really love or am I just afraid of being alone?”

If such questions arise, and you want to understand whether you love the person next to you, or whether this is attachment, listen to yourself. The fact is that in all matters, including relationships, we want to be clear about what awaits us. A person who wants to sort out his feelings minimizes the risk of making a mistake.

Often, people who like each other rush to formalize the relationship at the registry office without having time to check it. But after a while it becomes clear to them that the partner is not the person they really need. In most cases, such mistakes cause the greatest harm to children.

You can find out that love and harmony reign in a couple by the following signs:

  • the desire to tell your partner all the events and news that have happened;
  • frequent messages and calls;
  • constant thoughts about your lover;
  • discomfort during separation;
  • expressing feelings with hugs and kisses;
  • the desire to get to know your loved one better, to remember his habits;
  • strong excitement from touching, kissing;
  • the need to spend more time with your loved one than with family and friends.

All these signs, of course, can indicate sympathy. But for the most part, such feelings are characteristic of a couple in which the guy and girl love each other very much.

A little love test

How to understand yourself and get an answer to an exciting question? To test their feelings, many people prefer to take various online tests compiled by psychologists or sex therapists. However, the effectiveness of such a technique directly depends on how well the questions were selected. That is why we invite our readers to take a short test aimed at young people from 15 to 30 years old.

Try to answer the questions as honestly as possible:

  1. Am I waiting for a call or message from my boyfriend?
  2. Will I be faithful to him in a relationship no matter what?
  3. Will I cry if he suddenly disappears?
  4. Do I want to spend all my free time with him?
  5. Am I interested in his personal life?
  6. Do I wake up thinking about him?

Each “Yes” answer is worth 1 point. If you score from 5 to 6 points, then you should start building a serious relationship with a young man, because you love him. If you managed to score 3 or 4 points, most likely you are experiencing a feeling of love or affection. Well, 1 or 2 “Yes” answers means that you shouldn’t have high hopes for a relationship with this person, you just don’t want to feel lonely.

What is love and how does it appear?

Many people are interested in how true love differs from attachment to a person? In fact, these feelings are closely intertwined, and determining which is which is difficult at the initial stage. Love cannot come out of nowhere. It is formed from sympathy and is characterized by stable attachment, which is not influenced by external factors.

For example, if the feelings are real, a man will consider other people's negative opinions about his woman to be of little significance. He will not give any meaning to the words of strangers, because he loves only her. Conversely, a girl will not be influenced by others who say that her boyfriend is “bad.”

With true love, only one's own inner beliefs are taken into account. Despite the fact that a loving person realizes that his chosen one is not without negative qualities, he does not consider these shortcomings significant and still loves his soul mate.

For example, a girl understands that her boyfriend is not very attractive in appearance, but she still loves him for his spiritual qualities and actions. A man may know that his wife as a housewife is far from ideal, but she is honest and reliable and will never leave you in trouble.

Friendship in the formation of love is much more important than falling in love. Friends are capable of experiencing attraction sooner or later, while lovers, unless they have a friendly relationship, will never know what love is.

Signs of true love:

Trust and peace of mind

The longer the attachment grows, the more trust the partners feel in each other. In ideal couples there is almost no jealousy, and if there is any, it is more in the form of a game. In a trusting relationship, people feel confident that the chosen one will not leave them even in difficult situations: during illness, loss of a job, problems with money. This is the difference between love and other less intense feelings (liking, interest, attraction, etc.).


You can understand whether you love a person with every fiber of your soul or whether it is an attachment by the involvement of your partners in the relationship. When true love actually reigns in a couple, the person remains interesting for a long time. If a situation occurs when outsiders begin to interfere in the relationship, a loving person will defend his right to be happy.

Powerful emotions

True feelings do not interfere with communication with other people. If a person devotes himself entirely only to the object of his adoration, without noticing anyone around, this can be called obsession, and not true love. In a loving couple, everyone continues to develop themselves, and not live only in the interests of their other half. Despite this, a loved one is considered the most important and important person in the world for a partner.

Willingness to make sacrifices and selflessness

When it comes to sympathy, a man or woman first of all thinks about his own interests. But if you love each other very much, the main thing becomes the need to make your partner happy. In an ideal relationship, there is mutual giving - the guy and the girl want to bring comfort, joy, and happiness into the life of their loved one. You can find out that love exists if you honestly answer the question: “What am I willing to sacrifice for the sake of my loved one?”


The differences are also noticeable in the intimate sphere. With true love, the desire for intimacy does not decrease, but on the contrary, it flares up more. If the passion has subsided, then these are not true feelings, but only love.

Unconditional acceptance

Loving people do not try to change each other or test their partner. If a person has made his choice, this means that he was initially satisfied with certain personal qualities. If there is strong dissatisfaction with habits, lifestyle, character, then this is sympathy, not love. Only selfish people strive to mold an ideal according to their own pattern.

In love, it is very important to express your feelings, it is not necessary to do it demonstratively. We are all different: some are not against hugs and kisses in public, others restrain all impulses in front of others and accept expressions of love only in private. It doesn’t matter how this happens, the main thing is that there is a manifestation of love.

How to understand that this is your person according to Destiny!

The strong connection established between lovers will allow them to very much feel each other’s energy. In search of an answer to the question of how to understand that this is your person according to Fate , remember how often you, without saying a word, dialed each other’s phone number or at the same time appeared to your loved one in a dream.

How to find out if a person is destined for you

How to understand that he or she is your judge, how to find out that you have met true Love, and have not become another passing hobby for a person, answers to simple questions will help. The main thing is to be honest with yourself and not try to make light of the situation. Test your chosen one:

  • When help is needed, is he nearby or busy with “urgent matters”?
  • Do you discuss difficult or important life issues together?
  • Does he call first if something serious happens?
  • Do you know his relatives and friends?
  • Does your loved one use the expression “we” in conversation?
  • How often do you have to make concessions to him?

You can talk about strong and mutual feelings only if the answer to each of the six main questions is in your favor. If the object of your adoration often demands to “understand him and forgive him,” is in no hurry to introduce you to relatives and friends, and is always busy at the very moment when you ask for help, this is not your person!

Many women think that Love is the ability to sacrifice oneself or the willingness to forgive insults and humiliation. However, the risk that you will simply be used in their own interests is too great.

Mutual love involves an exchange of energies and a willingness not only to give, but also to receive something in return. A man who is mutually in love will never demand sacrifices or understanding from you for his problems. On the contrary, he will try to apologize even for something that is not his direct fault.

If in a love game you take the role of a victim, then your feelings will soon cool, and your place will be taken by a more cunning rival.

Ritual to find out if he is destiny

Every woman wants to know whether it is worth continuing a relationship with a man, fighting for his love, having a child from him, making plans for the future. A strong ritual that can be performed on any day of the Lunar calendar will give the correct answer to the question. The only restriction is that the ritual cannot be performed on Friday the 13th.

In order to perform the ritual, you need to obtain the hair of your chosen one and purchase a blessed candle in the church. Next, the candle is placed in the center of the table, lit with a match, and the hair of the loved one is taken in the left hand and the spell is whispered:

“Help me, Higher Powers, find out the truth. Give an answer to the question: is it my destiny to (name of beloved) or not? Reveal the truth to me, will this person be with me! Amen.” The man’s hair is burned on a candle so that one can smell the smoke.

After this, you need to go out into the street and ask the first person you meet any question that requires a “yes” or “no” answer (for example, did he read the latest news in the country today?). If you are answered in the affirmative, the ceremony was successful and your loved one is ready for a long-term relationship.

When the answer is “no”, you need to come to terms with the fact that this is not your man according to Destiny.

Who is destined for you

There are many effective ways to understand a person’s Fate and verify the authenticity of the chosen one’s feelings.

For example, you can try to “let go of the situation” and not remind yourself at all for a while.

Next, look at the reaction of your loved one: if he is worried and offers help, he loves and appreciates you, if he does the same in return, and is even offended by where he went, the relationship is “raw” and not worthy of serious attention.

Your subconscious will also tell you how strong the Love is between you.

Tell yourself honestly, what do you pay more attention to: his appearance, the opportunity to be with him more often, or the essence of your conversations and the warmth of your relationship? If you are little interested in his hobbies and inner world, then you are deceiving yourself: there is no real love, what attracts a man is his social status and nothing more.

If you want to ask the Higher Powers how long the relationship with a man that you have in reality will last, do such a ritual on the Full Moon. A photograph of a mysterious person is placed under the pillow with the words: “If you love, dream, if there is no love, go away and never come back.” I will ask the sky for help, I will invite my beloved into my sleep. Whatever you dream about, so be it!”

After that, go to bed peacefully, and the next morning try to figure out what you dream about. A good sign if you dream about water, a park, a flowering tree, a stork, the aroma of expensive perfume, a pair of shoes or a young moon.

Be wary if you dream of rain, a dolphin, an eclipse of the Sun or Moon of an unusual color, a wedding (your own or someone else's), your own naked body, earth, stones, sand or a dark room without light. If you couldn’t remember the dream at all, it means that the time for a serious relationship with a man has not yet come.

Also, throughout the next day, look closely and listen to the prompts of Fate; perhaps the exact answer to your question will come in a completely unexpected form.

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Source: https://magistika.com/article/kak-ponyat-chto-eto-tvoy-chelovek-po-sudbe-583

When love is born

To understand and understand that you really love a person very much, you need to be patient. True feelings appear after a long period of time. The transformation of affection into true love occurs gradually. Hot passion does not always turn into feelings, and this is not scary. Many people can experience love only once in their life, while others never know it.

It is impossible to say exactly at what point infatuation will degenerate into love. For this to happen, partners need to get to know each other. Having made sure that your beloved person is reliable, your life goals coincide, we can say that a true feeling has arisen. As a rule, this happens after 2-3 years. You should talk about love no earlier than a year after the formation of a couple.

We have considered all possible aspects regarding how to understand whether you really love a person or whether this is attachment. Before deciding to enter into a serious relationship, you need to listen to your inner voice. This is the only way to find out the exact answer to this question and get rid of doubts.

Are you ready to make sacrifices?

Sacrifice is an “indicator” of feelings that allows a girl to answer the question “How can I tell if I love a guy?” Therefore, try to remember your actions over the past few months. Have you ever had to sacrifice something for the sake of a loved one? And we are not talking about a few hours of free time that could be spent watching the sensational series. Have you really given up anything serious for your boyfriend?

However, we should not forget that for some people, sacrifice is something ordinary. There is a certain category of people who like to present themselves as martyrs and specifically choose only those situations that will bring them suffering. As a rule, such actions are performed in order to evoke a feeling of pity in a loved one. If you are such a person, then you can check your feelings differently.

Signs of indifference

If you have the feeling that you are not loved, most likely you feel indifference to you. How do you know if this is true or not? The girl begins to understand the situation. Look for signs that will help her understand why the guy started avoiding her. Wondering how to understand that a man no longer loves her? Finally, he decides what to do next.

A guy's indifference manifests itself in a lack of attention, which is associated with your feeling of uselessness. First you need to figure out whether there really is no sympathy. Your partner may have some difficulties that have caused him to become more closed. Analyzing his behavior will help you understand whether a guy loves you or not. Watch what he does and how he treats you. All people are individual. It is impossible to say for sure a specific behavioral trait for a person that would suit everyone. And by it you could determine whether a man loves you or not.

Let's say that earlier, once a week he gave you a bouquet of flowers. Now he has stopped, but he constantly gives you rides home after work. This certainly does not indicate the absence of signs of attention, they have simply changed. Perhaps attention in the form of a presented bouquet of flowers was more pleasant. This has to do with your perception of actions, and not the presence or absence of a man’s attention. Don’t rush to put the stigma of indifference on a guy. First, make sure that he has actually stopped showing interest in you. Pay attention to whether the man has problems at work or school. Or, there are other situations that he is trying to deal with in his life. Most guys try to solve their problems on their own and not burden their beloved girl with them. It is possible that at this moment a man may become less attentive to his girlfriend due to personal issues that have arisen.

How to understand that feelings have passed:

  1. Communication has become rare. The correspondence came to naught. Meetings are held in silence because you are simply silent.
  2. He stopped being interested in your life. If you start telling something, he tries to change the subject or openly demonstrates his disinterest.
  3. The guy begins to avoid meeting you. He is not the initiator of meetings. He refuses your offer to meet.
  4. He is constantly busy and does not tell you what exactly. He has a new social circle, other hobbies, activities, and so on.
  5. Stopped caring about you. He knows about your hobbies of karaoke, cycling and, previously, you often spent time together, pursuing common hobbies. Now there is not even a hint about this.
  6. His close circle of friends is replenished with unfamiliar girls.
  7. When you do something that previously made a man incredibly happy, he began to restrain his emotions. There was a time when he would beam with happiness if you prepared delicious, delicious dishes for him. Now, he stopped reacting to this, calmly gobbling up delicacies, looking at his phone and not paying any attention to you.
  8. When you try to get his attention, you are met with ignorance. Either he's angry at you, or he really doesn't notice. Ask something directly and if he brushes off the question, that's a serious sign of concern.
  9. When you try to talk to your loved one, he again shows his indifference. You are trying to figure out what is the reason for this behavior, you are worried about him. However, in response you are met with ignorance of the question or hear that you are causing panic out of the blue. The guy tries to end the conversation quickly and move away from you. Most likely, he doesn't care about your feelings. You have truly become indifferent to him.
  10. Doesn't remember what you agreed on earlier. Forgets about meetings, dates, cancels them at the last minutes. Constantly forgets your requests and so on.
  11. You become not a priority with your partner. Previously, the weekend was exclusively yours. Just the two of you and no one else. Now, he spends all weekends in his hobbies and interests, in which he has no time for you.

There are practical signs that show that a guy has stopped loving you.

My personal opinion: It is better not to torture yourself and not waste time on a person who does not love and value you. There are many pleasant and worthy men around who will happily spend time with you, courting you and showing worthy signs of attention. You truly deserve them. Share your opinion in the comments. Do you think it’s worth getting back into a relationship if a guy stops loving you?

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