What rage there is. Rage - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

It is human nature to show negative emotions. Despite the promotion of positive thinking and optimism, people still cannot deal with emotions at their peak. The appearance of attacks of rage has its own reasons, on the basis of which the stages of treatment can be determined. Such emotions can appear in both men and women.

Are negative emotions so bad? The online magazine psytheater.com does not want to categorize anything solely as good or bad. However, in the absence of self-control, a person loses the ability to manage his emotions. Soon they take possession of him, beginning to control his mood and behavior.

What are rage attacks?

A fit of rage refers to an extreme degree of anger that a person usually can no longer control. It can be said that the lack of control before the onset of rage directly leads to this feeling. Since rage is unpleasant to others, a person needs to control it. After all, sometimes even he himself is unpleasant about his own behavior.

Techniques that are effective only if the causes of negative emotions are known help in eliminating attacks of rage. Rage is also a negative emotion. It appears on its own, having destructive energy that bursts from the inside. If a person makes no attempt to control it, then it takes possession of him.

Attacks of rage are quite common in people's lives. They can usually be observed from children and men. However, women can also demonstrate their rage. This indicates that this feeling is quite natural for living beings, but there is still a need to control it.

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Rage from a psychological point of view

Psychologists distinguish rage from anger and anger, pointing to a “greater level of arousal” and greater intensity of this emotion.

Manifestations of rage are explained psychologically in a similar way to manifestations of aggression. Three main theories are used to explain:

  • Sigmund Freud's theory of drives. According to her, rage is a product of an individual’s innate attraction to aggression. Progressive suppression of rage leads to mental disorders.
  • Frustration-aggression theory, which suggests that aggression is mainly a reaction to frustration, and rage is thus a discharge of this aggression.
  • Albert Bandura's learning theory suggests that rage, like all other emotions, is a product of an individual's learning from the example of the society around him.

Why do rage attacks occur?

To cope with the problem, you need to understand the reasons for its occurrence. Attacks of rage are a person’s response to what is happening around him. Every day a person is faced with something that is unpleasant to him: criticism, negative evaluations, the need to indulge or please someone. An attack of rage occurs as an extreme form of indignation.

There is not a single person who always maintains a balanced state. It's one thing to be angry, it's another to be subject to fits of rage. In the latter case, a person is rarely able to control himself.

Negative emotions are a completely natural human reaction to what is happening around. However, the consequences become dangerous when an individual, under the influence of his negative emotions, begins to commit actions. Often they are not intended to benefit those with whom the person is angry. If destructive energy breaks out, in such a situation a person becomes dangerous.

What can be identified as the main cause of rage attacks? There are people who don't like to do homework. There are people who do not like believers. There are people who are afraid of spiders. There are people who don't like children. That is, every person has some kind of dislike for someone or something. But the question of how to overcome such an attitude arises when a person realizes that his hostility prevents him from living fully and happily.

It should be understood that a negative attitude towards people, animals, things and other phenomena is not present in a person from birth. This is an acquired feeling, that is, it arose at some stage in a person’s development and became stronger over the years. And if you understand that your hostility is bothering you, then you can get rid of it, even after realizing the fact that, being a different person, you most likely did not experience this feeling.

How to overcome dislike for something? You must first understand the reasons for this feeling. The fact is that what you really don’t like is not the homeless person or the barking dog itself, but some component element. For example, you are indifferent to a homeless person, but the fact that he is dirty and stinks annoys you, so the hostility arises not towards the homeless person, but towards the dirt and stink. The dog itself is pleasant to you, but hostility arises when it starts barking. That is, it is the barking that is unpleasant to you, not the dog itself.

Understand exactly what element of what makes you angry that you don't like. Then try to figure out why exactly it is unpleasant. There may be the following reasons:

  • You once experienced fear (for example, you were once scared by a spider with its large paws).
  • You once experienced shame (for example, you got dirty, and your friends laughed at you, calling you a pig, now you are hostile to everyone who wears dirty clothes).
  • You have some beliefs that contradict the object of your dislike (for example, a woman does not like to do housework because she believes that housekeepers should do it).
  • The object of dislike takes away your feeling of comfort or happiness (for example, you dislike your job because it takes a lot of your energy and gives you little pay).

Understand the reasons why this or that element that is part of the object of your dislike causes negative feelings in you. Then start working on this reason. In other words, you must remove it by establishing a new belief. For example, understand that your friends laughed at you when you were little, and now you are an adult who is free to choose how neat he should be. Or, for example, understand that you yourself have chosen a low-paying job, which simply needs to be replaced with a high-paying one that requires the same effort that you are spending now.

Perhaps, as you go through the stages of getting rid of rage, at one of them you will overcome the negative feeling. But it often happens that you need to work through the reasons for your hostility in order to replace them with new, positive ones, which will give you bright feelings towards the object of your irritation.

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How to deal with your rage

Rage fills you. I want to destroy, break, take it out on anyone who comes to hand, but this is fraught with negative consequences. What to do?

Engage in aggressive sports - you will pacify your rage and protect your innocent family and friends from it.

We recommend it to you, and you can choose for yourself and do your angry deed.


This sport is a good and accessible option for releasing negative emotions. Moreover, both on the playing field and on the stadium benches. The fans are active during the match and express their aggression no less than the players. But it’s still better to play football for your health.

There is one thing though, football is a team game. Therefore, if you are a fan of an active lifestyle alone, you should avoid this sport.


A good way out of an angry situation for single people is to run away from problems, and along the way, put your thoughts in order and ventilate your anger.

Read also: What is healthier: running in the morning or in the evening?


Favorite sport of Hemingway, Pushkin, Charlie Chaplin, Conan Doyle, Plato. Not everyone can understand this sport - it is cruel, but very spectacular. Watching at least one round on the screen will thoroughly calm the waves of anger. When you want to punch someone in the face, boxing is an ideal sport in every sense. If you cannot cope with aggression yourself, then rest assured, they will knock it out of you with one hook.

Read also: Punching bag: the best method of cardio exercise


If you don’t want to beat anyone, and generally want to be alone out of harm’s way, give yourself over to the water. Anger, irritation and bad mood dissolve in water faster than sugar in tea. During the exercise you will normalize your breathing and put a good load on your muscles.

Read why swimming is good for you: Obvious benefits of swimming: 5 arguments

American football

A spectacular sport, but not as simple as it might seem from the outside. There are practically no restrictions on the use of force in this game, which only fuels interest. To play you need: protection, a ball, good shoes, knowledge of the rules and a strong physique. Well, more aggression to win. By the way, girls also play American football, but it’s better to just watch.

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This game was enjoyed by Sean Connery, Clinton, Kennedy and Bush, John Tolkien and Ernesto Che Guevara. Rugby is a British game, the older brother of American football. The conditions and rules are slightly different - the field is larger, there are more players and there is more contact, since there is no protection and the ball is heavier. Powerful techniques here are only allowed to be used against the player with the ball. To play you need: rugby jerseys and shorts, socks, boots and something else for protection. It’s easier to find people willing to play rugby than it is to find American football.


A variant of single training, one of the oldest ways to release rage on iron machines. You go to the gym, pay for the lesson, or better yet, take a subscription for a month (at least) and travel between different exercise machines, feeling better after each approach. And the more anger you pour on the iron, the stronger your muscles become.

Just in case: The most common mistakes when working out in the gym


CrossFit began as a firefighter training course. Greg Glassman, the creator of CrossFit, says, “Our specialty is lack of specialization.” His methods include high intensity interval training, powerlifting, track and field, weightlifting, polymetrics, kettlebell lifting and gymnastics. After just one lesson, the aggression disappears as if by hand.

Additionally to the topic: Male muscles that attract women

Well, the most aggressive thing is Hardball

You ask, maybe airsoft? No, in airsoft you shoot with plastic balls, in hardball you shoot with real pneumatics with lead bullets.

This game, as its admirers say, is played only here; this is not the case abroad. Probably because only we have enough “scumbags”, which are considered hardball players, from the point of view of paintball and airsoft players. To play you will need full uniform, and preferably more powerful than in airsoft. The weapons are expensive, but the process is interesting, because you and your team need to think about tactics, strategy and your actions. The feeling is completely different than in airsoft and paintball, because if you get hit, you will still feel it! In other words, those who have already played behave very carefully, for fear of being hit by a lead bullet.

Now you know how to sublimate your anger, rage and everything that has accumulated, and even do it in an interesting way. All that's left is to try.

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Attack of rage and anger

Rage and anger are negatively charged emotions that relate not only to the emotional sphere of a person, but also to physiology. So, in an attack of these feelings, a person experiences:

  1. Redness or paleness of the skin.
  2. Increased heart rate.
  3. Stupefaction (without loss of consciousness).
  4. State of lack of air.

Sometimes a person himself provokes situations where he will show rage and anger. The fact is that the expression of these emotions is a drug that a person soon likes. He begins to pester people to play his game, in which he will be angry and angry. He gets used to this state, when he can finally freely express his emotions.

Fury attacks are an extreme manifestation of anger. At first a person is not satisfied with something in the outside world or within himself. He has negative emotions. If he does not want to pacify them, then they naturally begin to accumulate. When the boiling point is reached, anger turns into a fit of rage. A person can no longer control himself, but allows destructive energy to break out.

A person in a state of rage can be recognized by special facial expressions:

  • The appearance of horizontal folds on the bridge of the nose.
  • Folded and drooping eyebrows.
  • Open mouth with exposed teeth.
  • Large eyes that are focused on the object of anger.
  • Expansion of the wings of the nose.

Short bouts of rage do not harm a person. They are not associated with organic changes, but are just a feature of the psyche. However, with the long-term influence of rage on the human body, various pathologies are possible:

  1. Arm paralysis.
  2. Shock.
  3. Blindness.
  4. Stroke.
  5. Loss of consciousness.
  6. Heart attack.
  7. Temporary deafness.

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How to deal with anger and rage

Taking your anger out on children, pets, subordinates, colleagues and spouses is wrong. For this reason, it is necessary to think about reasons for rage and targets for directing aggression. It’s even better to understand how to deal with anger in order to get out of this state. There are such methods:

  • count it! Try to slowly count to 20 to yourself before freaking out. This often doesn't help, but it's worth a try. Sometimes it works;
  • go away . Get up and leave the place where you are angry and angry. Helps a lot. Of course, if your boss called you on the carpet, such a number will not work;
  • get distracted . Look out the window, try to see what is happening on the street, admire the horizon. It helps to calm down;
  • speak quietly . Speak in a quiet voice to someone who is making you angry at the moment. Choose demanding words and phrases very slowly. The interlocutor will easily understand everything himself. People are not as stupid as they seem;
  • try to relax . Do not purse your lips; on the contrary, relax and move your jaw. This will reduce the tension inside;
  • swear! But lock yourself somewhere alone and start swearing. Cover everything with the last words, as many as necessary. This can be done in the bathroom, and if you turn on the water, you can speak out loud;
  • do the work . Throw out the negativity in mechanical manual work that does not require concentration. Deal with anger, iron clothes, do laundry, knit. This method has been proven over the years;
  • break something . The effect of destruction helps to splash out negativity. A glass glass thrown against the wall, a vase thrown onto the floor. This effectively relieves anger. The main thing is to remove the trash after yourself.

Choose any suitable method and use it in attacks of anger. This will allow you to maintain health and not harm others with your negative energy.

Attacks of rage in men and women

Even as a person gets older, he may continue to show rage and aggression. Everyone becomes men and women. However, even this division does not determine human behavior. Attacks of rage occur in both men and women. And the cause is often hormonal influence.

In men, testosterone is responsible for behavior. In women in general, hormonal levels may change, which will lead to anger and dissatisfaction. Rage is often attributed to brain lesions or injuries. However, even this factor does not negate the need for a person to control his own behavior.

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Rage control

Rage is considered reprehensible in most cultures and is not accepted by society because it does not correspond to expected social behavior.

Scientific research, however, shows that suppressed rage can cause illness, as is the case with stress. These include, but are not limited to, increased cholesterol, hypertension, and an increased risk of heart attacks and cardiovascular disease. An attack of rage, in turn, stimulates the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine, which affect blood clotting.

Psychological literature often recommends adequately expressing or redirecting rage into sports, active imagination, creative activities, or eliminating rage through relaxation methods.

Child's rage attacks

Childhood is an emotional period of life. Every child experiences bouts of rage and aggression, which is considered normal. In childhood, excitement predominates in a child rather than inhibition. Only over time do these processes balance out.

To prevent a child from having attacks of rage, parents are advised to:

  • Do not create stressful or traumatic situations.
  • Do not talk about negative topics in front of your child.
  • Surround your child with positive things.

Attacks of rage can manifest themselves in the form of hysteria, which sometimes harms the baby’s health.

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Treatment of rage attacks

To begin treating rage attacks, you must first determine the cause of their occurrence. You should learn to track those moments when anger gains momentum. In such a situation, you need to abstract yourself from the situation and start breathing calmly. This should be done until the negative emotions pass.

It is recommended to stop communicating with people who evoke negative emotions. Frequent stay in the fresh air, avoiding alcohol, positive thoughts, and calming with herbal teas will also help here.

Sometimes, to get rid of negative emotions, you need to destroy or break something. Allow yourself to break something to calm yourself down. You can also engage in physical activity or distract yourself with useful work.

How to get rid of anger? Live in the present, think about the future, be philosophical about the past. This formula will help you not only get rid of rage, but also stop wasting your energy on unnecessary worries.

  • Live in the moment. A person often remembers the past or dreams of the future, but rarely lives in the present. But life is passing right now. You have already lived the past, the future has not yet begun, and the present is passing by because you do not notice it. Learn to spend most of your time in that place, with those people and in the events that are happening to you now and here.
  • Think about the future. To stop being angry, think about what good things await you in the future. Basically, all human desires are directed to the future. You don't dream about the past, but about what might happen to you in the future. Spend some time on what you will soon achieve. This will allow you to relax and gain positive emotions.
  • Be philosophical about the past. Not a single person in this world lives in a fairy tale. Every individual has stories that are somehow darkened and unpleasant. But you should understand that this is life. In the material world, not only good events occur, but also bad ones. Just because you had an unpleasant experience, there is no need to be upset. Treat everything philosophically: everything has a reason, the consequences upset you, but life goes on, and completely different situations and people can await you.

Anger always comes from the fact that you seem to be stuck in some period of time, usually in the past. There is no need to be upset about what has already happened, especially since you have already experienced it. Today you are experiencing completely different events. Live in the present, think about a wonderful future and leave the past in the past.

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Space for healing life. Personal website of Elena Barymova

A pair of emotions—anger and fear—are associated with the experience or anticipation of pain. Their occurrence coincides with the development of the muscular system.

Already in the first year of life, the child begins to respond to pain and discomfort with voluntary movements. This is preceded exclusively by involuntary reactions in the form of crying, twisting and writhing of the body, and random kicking.

These actions express a feeling of irritation, which later gives way to anger. The emotion of anger gradually replaces crying as a means of relieving tension. However, a young child's anger is usually unable to influence the situation and usually turns into crying, which is a basic mechanism for releasing tension.

* In general, anger is a more effective response than crying because it addresses the cause of the pain . To do this, it is accordingly necessary to have the ability to recognize the cause and understand at what object the anger should be directed. While crying is accompanied by a feeling of helplessness in the current situation, anger overcomes this feeling .

* In a state of anger, the muscles along the back become charged with excitement, mobilizing the body to attack. Anger feels like a wave moving up the back, to the head and arms. This surge of emotion is accompanied by a powerful flow of blood to these parts of the body. If there are inhibitions and tensions that block this flow of feeling, a headache may occur.

On the other hand, crying is experienced as an outflow. During crying, the charge leaves the muscular system and the tension comes out through convulsive sobbing. Anger is in many ways like a thunderstorm: after the feeling is discharged through intense movements, the mind clears and good health returns, while crying can be compared to quiet rain .

*Anger and fear are emotions that arise in emergency situations and activate the sympathetic-adrenal system to provide additional energy for fight or flight. In both emotional states, the muscular system is charged and mobilized to action. In case of anger, the body prepares to attack the source of pain. When fear arises, the body adjusts to retreat and escape from danger.

These two opposing directions of movement reflect what is happening in the body.

An upward movement along the back, which raises the dog's fur on end along with the forward movement of the head and lowering of the shoulders, is a preparation for an attack. The result of the downward movement along the back is to retract the lower spine and prime the legs for flight.

In a state of fear, a person turns around and runs. If escape is impossible, then the excitement gets stuck in the back and neck, the shoulders rise, the eyes open wide, the head is pulled back, the pelvis is tucked. As a typical expression of fear, this body posture indicates that the person is in a constant state of fear, whether he is aware of it or not.

* The movement of the flow of excitation along the back to the head at the moment of anger is probably explained by the fact that in humans, like in most mammals, the main means of expressing aggression are the mouth and teeth. The impulse to bite is an archaic form of expressing anger.

Almost all children bite at a certain age, and sometimes adults, mostly women, do it too. This is a very effective form of attack as it causes intense pain, but has the disadvantage of requiring close contact.

Therefore, striking, which requires less distance and allows for greater maneuverability, has replaced biting as the main physical way of expressing anger. However, when a person is very angry, their face often takes on a snarl expression, which is associated with biting .

* I am convinced that inhibition of the impulse to bite is largely responsible for many disturbances in the area of ​​emotional expression . These disturbances take the form of an inability to become angry, hysterical outbursts, and constant feelings of irritation.

Anger, like other basic emotions, is an expression of the ego. It does not erupt, like hysterical reactions, contrary to conscious intentions, it is driven by the ego and aimed at a positive result, namely, eliminating the cause of frustration or pain.

Anger is not hostility, because being angry does not mean turning away or becoming cold. Containing the impulse to bite prevents the excitement from moving into the head and jaw and blocks the natural experience of this emotion.

* The inability of a person to “grasp for life” or “bite into the ground” when necessary is one of the results of suppressing the impulse to bite.

I am not advocating that biting should be encouraged in parenting, but children should not be punished for biting or otherwise expressing their anger.

A person who is denied the right to express anger is left unprotected. Having been brought to a state of fear and helplessness, he will try to overcome them by manipulating his environment. Bioenergetic practice clearly shows that behind chronic feelings of fear and helplessness lies suppressed anger .

* The relationship between fear and anger is that one gives way to the other. If a frightened person turns his face to danger and decides to attack, he will become angry and stop being afraid. This happens because the flow of excitement in his body changes direction. His new feeling is nothing more than the perception of this change. When the attacking person begins to retreat, he becomes afraid for the same reason. The feeling of anger finds release in the movements of attack. The feeling of fear is discharged through flight.

* Fear develops when the source of pain is represented by a seemingly superior force. Caution advises a person to retreat to avoid pain, but caution is the voice of reason, and emotions are not under conscious control. Whether a person chooses fight or flight will depend on his character and the situation.

Despite the superior forces of the aggressor, a person may react to violence with anger in circumstances where retreat is physically or psychologically impractical. Righteous anger adds a lot of strength to a person and is often enough to compensate for a lack of height or weight. A person experiencing anger, as a rule, reinforces himself with the belief that his condition is fair or justified.

* On the other hand, in situations where anger cannot be mobilized because the source of the danger is unclear, unknown or impersonal, the natural reaction is fear.

Thus, children are afraid when they are left alone in the dark. They feel defenseless and either run away or start crying. For the same reason, adults are afraid of the unknown. Telling a child that he shouldn't be afraid of the dark is stupid. You can explain to him that there is no real danger in this situation, but it should be understood that his fear is a biological reaction that cannot be judged.

We cause irreparable harm to our children when we call them cowards and make them feel ashamed of their natural reactions. This irrational attitude on the part of some adults is a consequence of their ignorance of the essence of emotional reactions. In addition, this to a certain extent represents the reaction on their children to the type of treatment that they themselves faced when they were small and defenseless.

* Although a frightened person has a spontaneous impulse to flee, it can be blocked by an effort of will. Olya the control of the ego and can sometimes take over the emotional response. In some situations, it can even save a person's life. Will, however, does not reduce the feeling of fear. It allows a person to take a stand or move forward despite fear. Although this can also be a manifestation of recklessness, as in those cases when fear is suppressed through the will for the sake of satisfying the ego.

Chronic state of panic

When the ego is identified with the body, it supports the body's emotional reactions and directs them into effective action. If a person experiences fear, then all the actions of the ego will be aimed at avoiding danger.

In the absence of ego control, which is maintained through identification with one's own feelings, fear can easily develop into panic.

Similarly, when a person is angry, ego-imposed restrictions reduce his behavior to the most necessary actions to ensure the cessation or prevention of pain or physical harm. The ego adds an element of rationality to anger and prevents it from getting out of control. Since anger usually subsides with the cessation of negative external influences, it cannot be considered a destructive action.

Another thing is rage . When the ego's identification with the body decreases, leading to a weakening of control, then a wave of anger often erupts in the form of rage, often having a destructive effect on the person himself and his environment.

*Like most other personality traits, panic and rage are polar opposites. In both cases, the person feels as if he is trapped. When faced with an insurmountable danger that cannot be responded to by flight or fight, a person will feel panic or rage.

  • If it is panic, his impulse will be a desperate, uncontrollable desire to get away from danger at any cost. If such an opportunity arises, he will run without looking back, without even trying to assess the situation; there is a complete lack of ego control.
  • If escape is not possible, his reaction will be rage.

* A striking example of panic is the behavior of people who find themselves in a burning room. Blinded by the desire to get out of a threatening situation, they often do not notice the available means of escape and act in a self-destructive manner.

Panic is often observed during military operations, when people blindly flee from the approaching enemy.

But it is difficult for us to imagine that panic could seize a child who is threatened by an angry parent. He is literally trapped, since neither fight nor flight is possible for him. In such a situation, panic can take the form of hysterical screaming.

* Children living in conditions of constant threat develop a chronic state of panic . With age, they learn to suppress this feeling, but the effectiveness of such suppression is very relative. The suppressed feeling breaks through later, and in situations that, although stressful, do not justify, from a rational point of view, such an intense reaction.

Some people are so close to panic that they are afraid to leave the house alone. I have encountered several similar cases in practice. For others, the panic is hidden inside. This usually manifests itself as an excessively raised, inflated chest and difficulty breathing. A person in a state of panic feels that he does not have enough air. Conversely, when a person feels that he is not getting enough air, he panics. Labored breathing hides a blocked cry.

If, with the help of therapy, the cry is released, then breathing becomes freer and the feeling of panic decreases.

* A person's reaction to a threatening situation can also be rage, especially if there is an object to which it can be directed. In this case, muscle excitation becomes excessive, and the person loses control over his actions. Like panic, rage is blind. A person in a rage rushes headlong into an attack, not realizing the destructive consequences of his behavior. Unlike anger, rage is associated not so much with a specific external stimulus, but with an internal feeling of hopelessness.

* How can we explain the rage that some parents sometimes direct at their children? It is difficult to imagine that a child could become a source of overwhelming fear for a parent. The explanation should be sought in the assumption that the child can cause a feeling of hopelessness in the parent .

First of all, a mother is attached to her child. She knows that it is her responsibility to provide him with the constant care and attention he needs. If her energy level is low, then the child will become an unbearable burden for her. In a situation where there is a dysfunctional relationship with her spouse, the child will become a chain for her, holding her in this relationship and, therefore, the cause of her suffering.

If her own childhood needs were not met, she will resentfully reject her own child's demands for love.

If motherhood does not become a source of pleasure and joy for her, she will feel trapped by her obligations. And in moments of severe stress, she will direct her rage at the child.

* Parental rage plunges the child into horror. I will go on to a detailed description of this state below, but now I would like to note that it is not only the open expression of rage or violence that has such an effect.

The hidden cruelty of the parent, which the child feels, affects him in the same way. The look of rage on a parent's face is something that a child cannot understand or cope with. This is a direct threat to his existence.

I have seen the expressions on the faces of parents looking at their children with rage. At the same time, the parents who were in my office at that moment did not even realize what was written on their faces. The mother's face became dark, as if a black cloud was hanging over her eyebrows. The position of the jaw showed ruthlessness. The eyes were cold and cruel. It was the look of a killer. When meeting such a gaze, the child is paralyzed by horror.

* In this state, paralysis of the muscular system occurs, eliminating any type of fight or flight. Terror is an even more intense form of fear than panic and develops in situations where any effort to resist or escape seems hopeless.

Horror is a form of shock; sensations are diverted from the periphery of the body, reducing the sensitivity of the body in anticipation of the onset of the final agony. This is withdrawal.

* A child who experiences horror in relations with his own parents develops a schizoid personality. His body shows all the corresponding signs: it becomes stiff and stiff or flabby, with weak muscle tone. The surface of the body is not sufficiently charged. The eyes are usually empty, the expression on the face is frozen, like a mask. Breathing is severely limited by spasms of the muscles of the throat and bronchi. The inhalation is shallow, and the chest is held in the exhalation position. Lack of movement leads to depersonalization, that is, the separation of the perception of the ego from the body.

* This range of simple emotions and their descriptions are not complete or comprehensive. This is just a diagram that seems convenient for outlining an existing biological system and showing the mechanism of its functioning

©Alexander Lowen from the book “Pleasure: A Creative Approach to Life”

**************************************** *******************************I completed my full training with Gilbert Renaud about three years ago and am a clinical psychologist with a specialization in Recall Healing (Healing by remembrance), I am a consultant of Biology (Roberto Barnai) and have supplemented my education with training at the School of Psychosomatics PSY2.0. All these schools have one of their sources GNM (German New Medicine-GNM) If you contact me with health problems, psychosomatic problems or recurring situations in your life, then I almost always ask you to fill out and send me a client questionnaire in advance. You can find it here: my questionnaire. Filling out the questionnaire itself can be very therapeutic and useful.

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