The main stages of human evolutionary development.

Anthropogenesis is the formation of the human individual in the historical and evolutionary aspect, its physical formation, the initial development of speech, activity and communal way of living. During anthropogenesis, the emergence of Homo sapiens, its separation and separation from monkeys and mammals took place. Human anthropogenesis is studied by a number of sciences, mainly anthropology, paleoanthropology, as well as linguistics, genetics, physiology, and ethnography. The most important factors in the process of anthropogenesis were: human upright walking, the use of various things to obtain food, the manufacture of tools for labor, herd existence, and the emergence of language. There are many thoughts and considerations about human anthropogenesis, but today the theory of Charles Darwin is considered the most scientifically based.

What it is

The history of the appearance of people and the development of their race began to be studied back in the 18th century. Until now, the constant and central belief was that the world, all living and non-living things, were created by God as they are at the moment. But with the progress of science and a lot of research, the opinion about the creation of the world began to change. The belief about the immutability of everything that exists has been replaced by an understanding of evolution, the formation of all living things. A significant place in all this was occupied by the anthropogenesis of man, his formation, origin, separation, and development.

Many scientists have studied the anthropogenesis of the human race, starting with Carl von Linnaeus (Swedish scientist, biologist, zoologist, doctor), who classified humans on a par with anthropoid apes, classifying them in the animal world. A huge contribution to the substantiation of the theory of anthropogenesis was made by the research of Boucher de Pert, a French archaeologist who discovered the presence of stone tools that were used by primitive man in the era of mammoths. For a long time, such discoveries of anthropogenesis were not recognized in science and met a storm of resistance, since they contradicted the Bible.

The problem of anthropogenesis exists in several issues: the dating and place of origin of the first people; discussions about the main stages of anthropogenesis, the influence of anthropogenesis factors in different periods of development; the relationship between physical influence in anthropogenesis and social influence; formation of the first communities.

Problems of anthropogenesis are studied through research from several sciences. To a large extent anthropology and paleoanthropology, as well as psychology, physiology, linguistics, morphology, archeology, ethnography, etc.

A revolution in knowledge about human anthropogenesis was made by the ideas of Charles Darwin. According to the theory of Darwinism, the human race evolved from an ape-like ancestor. Researchers have come to the conclusion that apes are the distant ancestors of our race, since they are anatomically similar to humans. Darwin designated natural selection as central to human anthropogenesis and his adaptation to changing conditions of existence. Engels' theory of labor activity states that the central factor in the historical evolution of man, his anthropogenesis, is the ability to work, the ability to work in a community environment.

Human anthropogenesis differs from the evolution of the organic world in that the latter is regulated only by natural laws, and awareness of one’s capabilities in activity allowed man to influence nature and reduce the impact of biological factors. Darwin's simid theory of anthropogenesis took into account different scientific views and argued for the origin of Homo sapiens from primates. This is confirmed by the similarity between living anthropoid apes and modern humans in anatomical structure, the shape of embryos, and physiological indicators. Darwin proved that the entire human race descended from one species of monkey, and was confident in the formation of ancient people in Africa.

The problem of anthropogenesis is that there is no residual solution about the ancient homeland of man. Some scientists believe that man came from the areas of Africa, others - from southern Eurasia, only Australia, America and northern Eurasia are excluded.

The connection between the physical and astral body

The physical shell is always influenced by the energy body. First of all, the astral body absorbs all the negativity if a person cannot find himself, is weak and is dependent on bad habits. Energy is gradually lost, after which the physical body is overcome by weakness. Any negative emotions first affect the astral and then the physical body.

It happens that a person seems cheerful and strong, but because of problems he feels tired and exhausted. Weak energy in your astral body leads to such negative consequences. For example, a person will be confident, cheerful and strong if he takes care of his health, actions, words and looks at life only from a positive point of view.

Factors of anthropogenesis

The fundamental factors of human anthropogenesis are considered to be biological and social aspects.

Anthropogenesis is the origin of the species of the human race in the physiological aspect. The social factor is the formation of human society. Darwin noted the importance of biological circumstances in the formation of a human being. Factors such as natural selection, heredity, and the tendency to change played a significant role in the initial stages of anthropogenesis. Variability predetermines the emergence of new features and functions in the human anatomical structure. Heredity strengthens and transmits these transformations to generations. As a result of natural selection, the strongest and fittest managed to survive. The importance of social factors (thinking, the ability to speak, the desire for community, labor activity) in anthropogenesis was described by F. Engels in his own research on the value of labor in the development of a man from an ape.

According to science, our ancestors were apes that lived in the forest. During climate change and the reduction of forest area, they were forced to adapt: ​​to get on their feet in order to be able to quickly navigate the new area. Gradually, upright walking became a convenient and advantageous quality of a new species of humanoids; now the forelimbs could perform a number of new functions of labor activity.

Much began to change during the course of human anthropogenesis: attraction to work, grouping into communities, collective types of work, hunting, protecting the community from enemies. All this prompted us to look for ways to communicate one to one. At first it was primitive communication through hand gestures and sounds; further communications led to the inevitable emergence of a second signaling system - speech. Thus, at the bodily level, changes took place in the oral apparatus and the structure of the larynx for the formation of speech. The ability to speak, the ability to work, and being in the community began to shape thinking. As a result, the brain increased in size and the cerebral cortex was formed.

Natural selection is considered one of the dominant biological factors of anthropogenesis, due to which, at different periods of development, changes beneficial for adaptation are preserved and unfavorable, harmful qualities are destroyed. Consequently, the anthropogenesis of man led him to the most optimal improvement in the conditions of his residence, and these formed characteristics were inherited.

Man began to use fire to cook food. This factor contributed to a change in the shape of a person’s face, his chewing apparatus, and the digestive system for the complete absorption of thermally processed food. The use of flame to heat their places of residence gave man the ability to settle in areas with cold climates.

In the first periods of anthropogenesis, biological factors played a central role in human development. Thanks to natural selection, the morphological characteristics of humans were formed: an s-shaped spine for walking in an upright state, a wide foot bone, a rib cage, and the structure of the brain. During anthropogenesis, man managed to adapt to the surrounding nature in such a way that his changes became less independent of the influence of natural selection. Later, the human individual already mastered the ability to use and make tools for work, could prepare food, equip housing, live in communities, and not depend on the influence of natural processes. The impact of biological factors decreased, and the impact of social factors increased.

The anthropogenesis of man outside the community became impossible. Although biological factors have lost their main role in influencing the formation of the human species, natural selection still plays a stabilizing function, and mutation retains its effect in the present world. Sometimes the frequency and strength of mutations even increases in some regions of our planet due to various types of pollution. Along with the weakening of the influence of natural selection, mutations can lead to a deterioration in the quality characteristics of human survival.

To summarize, we note that the main factors of human anthropogenesis were biological and social. Under their influence, the evolution of the human race occurred. Physiological qualities were inherited, and speech, the ability to think, and a tendency to work were formed in society during education and upbringing.

Periods of ontogenesis

There are proembryonic, embryonic, postembryonic, periods of ontogenesis.


This period includes gametogenesis. The formation of the egg and sperm occurs during oogenesis and spermatogenesis, respectively. There is also an accumulation of RNA necessary for the synthesis of ribosomes. Eggs have their own characteristics, as they differ in the amount of yolk: small, medium, multi-yolk.

The distribution also varies from uniform to central. The isolecithal egg is characteristic of mammals, the centrally located one is characteristic of insects, and the eggs of freshwater animals, reptiles, and birds occupy an intermediate position. It is during this period that a redistribution of intracellular inclusions is noted.


The period occurs during intrauterine development. From a fertilized egg, a cell is formed that undergoes further division. From the third week, the formation of the notochord, neural and intestinal tubes (from the ectoderm and endoderm) occurs. The axial skeleton develops from mesoderm cells.

As a result of fragmentation, the fertilized egg forms a blastocyst, blastula and gastrula. At the gastrula stage, three germ layers are formed - ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. The middle germ layer gives rise to the entire vascular system, bone marrow, and blood. The inner leaf is the source of the digestive and respiratory systems. The interaction between cells is due to intercellular contacts through which metabolism occurs.


After birth, the postnatal period begins. All organisms go through a stage of puberty. For all living things there is early and late ontogenesis (for both plants and animals).

Regarding humans, ontogenesis is defined as the alternation of main periods (presented briefly in the table below).

Periods Age
juvenile up to 13 years old
sexual 13-16 years old
youthful 17-21 years old
mature 22-59 years old
elderly 60-76 years
senile 77-90 years
longevity 91 and above

Homo sapiens

Today there is only one species of people: homo sapiens (“homo” is Latin for “man,” and “sapiens” means “thinking”).

However, scientists today believe that since the emergence of the first hominids (human-like animals), several different species of such creatures have lived on Earth at different times.

Between 15 and 7 million years ago, Ramapithecus lived in Africa, Europe and Asia. They were ape-like animals, about 1.2 m tall, with a flat face and teeth similar to those of humans. They may have spent part of their lives on the open plains, foraging for food using sticks and stones.

Ramapithecus is probably one of the first hominids, but it does not appear to have been our direct ancestor. Today, scientists find in it more similarities with orangutans.

Our closest living relatives are the great apes.
Gorillas and chimpanzees live in forested areas of West and East Africa. Gibbons are found in the rain forests of Southeast Asia, and orangutans inhabit the rainforests of Kalimantan and Sumatra. Of these, gibbons are the least human-like. Very useful thumbs.

Why are thumbs needed? Have a friend tape your thumbs to your palms so that you can't move them.

Now try to take an object with one hand, say, a pencil or a cup. Or try to hold as many objects as possible. You will very quickly see how important it is for all these manipulations to have a thumb separated from all the others.

"Southern Monkeys" from Africa

One of the earliest fossil finds associated with the “ape-man” is the skull of a child. It was dug up in 1924 near Taung, in what is now Botswana.

This skull had both ape and human features, and its owner was named Australopithecus afarensis. Since then, many other fossil remains of australopithecines ("southern apes") have been found. All findings indicate that the brain of these animals was not very large (about 500 cm'), and large molars were used for grinding plants and fruits.

Australopithecines were short (about 1.2 m in height).' Some were dense and stocky in build, others were fragile and graceful.

Some scientists believe they were males and females of the same species.
Some classify them as different species of Australopithecus. The Southern Monkeys are the subject of much debate and their origins are still unclear. "Lucy", a "southern ape", found in 1974.
These are some fragments of the skull bones of Sinanthropus - one of the "straightened people".

Scientists managed to assemble these fragments into a single whole and restore the complete skull of Sinanthropus. He had a supraorbital ridge, like apes, and a protruding jaw. There was a bony protrusion along the top of the skull, and at the back there was a thickening in the form of a kind of ridge. Both the skull and brain of Sinanthropus are larger than those of Homo habilis.

The story of "Lucy".

In 1974, American anthropologist Doi Johansen made an outstanding discovery when he dug up the remains of a young female “southern ape” just over 1 m tall in Ethiopia. She was named “Lucy.”

“Lucy”’s brain and teeth were like those of a monkey, but she probably walked on her crooked legs in an upright position.

Before this discovery, scientists believed that the “southern apes” lived on Earth about 2 million years ago. However, the age of the remains of "Lucy" was determined to be approximately 3-3.6 million years.

This means that the “southern monkeys” appeared on the planet more than a million years earlier than previously thought.

"Skillful Man"

At the same time that the “southern apes” were roaming Africa, another group of homipiids was developing side by side with them.

They appeared a little later, about 2 million years ago. These were already the first real people, or “Habilids”. Perhaps their ancestors were more slender australopithecines. Homo haoilis (“handy man”) was about the same height as the “southern apes,” but had a larger brain—about 700 cm.

We know that the “skillful man” used a whole set of tools, which included fragments of stones, cutting and chopping tools (like knives), scrapers, as well as “tools” for making new tools.

How to develop: effective methods

It is necessary to constantly work on the astral body, forming its protection and maintaining energy. A person should study everything related to the Manipura chakra. By developing responsibility, strength, will, courage and other positive qualities, you can achieve full functioning of the chakra. Strengthening one's own energy potential has a positive effect on all human bodies, including the astral plane.

Unloading is required if the mental-astral accumulation occurs. Because of this, the risk of developing any kind of addiction, decreased mental abilities, and clouding of the mind increases. There are two types of excess – energy and information. Bodies begin to accumulate spots, dark clots and lose light and energy.

How to strengthen the astral body

There are simple but effective methods that heal and restore the energy body:

  • spiritual practices, meditation;
  • sublime feelings of happiness, love, joy;
  • clearing the mind;
  • destruction of negative emotions;
  • the ability to be positive and in a good mood;
  • working through fears, anxiety, trauma;
  • support for a healthy lifestyle;
  • light, pleasant music;
  • reading useful books;
  • watching educational videos;
  • sports, hardening, physical activity;
  • walk outdoors.

Additionally, emotional openness and communication with pleasant and interesting people will help to nourish the astral and physical body.

Negative influence

The astral body is negatively influenced, weakened and polluted due to the following factors:

  • fussiness, tension;
  • lack of routine, sleep disorder;
  • laziness, excessive relaxation;
  • selfishness, pride;
  • pessimism, depression, apathy;
  • fear, anger, hidden resentment;
  • directing negativity at others;
  • emotional trauma;
  • lust, lust.

The astral body is also negatively affected by pollution of the mind and physical shell.

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