Consultation for parents “Psychological characteristics of children 5–6 years old”

The age of the “why”

Reaching the age of four, the child begins to become more interested in the world around him.
He is already fully aware of his own “I”, his character traits are being formed. Physical activity during this period is replaced by a thirst for knowledge of the world. Curiosity should be encouraged by patiently answering all his questions, but it is better to avoid excessive detail in the answer - look for the simplest possible answers. Now is the time to start teaching him to read and count, as well as introduce him to the basics of natural science.

At 4-5 years old, the child enjoys being introduced to culture. Children's performances, matinees, concerts will not only give a lot of positive emotions, but will also broaden his horizons. Discuss with your child the events you attended - this way he will learn to form and express his own opinion.

Psychological features of development of children 4-5 years old consultation (middle group)

Psychological features of the development of children 4-5 years old.

At each age period, the behavior, as well as the mental development and interests of the child are characterized by special psychological characteristics. In the process of development, the child’s knowledge and mental abilities gradually deepen, his attitude towards the world around him is formed, and the child’s personality is formed.

The main and leading activity of a five-year-old child is mastering various norms and lines of behavior of adults. This is a period of imitation, a kind of game of mom and dad.

Many parents closely monitor their child's behavior. A series of joy at the first successes is replaced by a series of bitter failures in the process of raising the younger generation. Unfortunately, parents are not always able to adequately assess the current situation in the child’s behavior. Not everyone can remember themselves at that age and they require the child to take actions that are logical from the point of view of adults.

It should be understood that the psychology of a 4-5 year old child and his level of development are only at the very beginning of his life’s journey. The child has a lot to learn. For now, he only copies the behavior of his parents and the adults around him, not fully realizing the process of imitation.

At four years old, a child already confidently holds a pencil in his hands and draws various familiar objects around him. Loves to draw mom, dad and animals. It is useful for a child to color educational pictures: vegetables, fruits, animals, transport, people’s professions, etc. It is necessary to develop coordination of movement and prepare the child’s hand for writing. At this age, the child is still focused on imitating adults; he copies their actions, behavior, repeats words and expressions, and even intonation in speech. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor not only how you communicate with your child, but also with others.

In the period from four to five years, a child develops moral emotions - a sense of friendship and duty, sensitivity, kindness. Previous emotions become deeper - the joyful feeling from communicating with others develops into a feeling of sympathy, affection - a system of emotional relationships is formed.

During this age period, memory develops and the foundations of mental activity are laid. The child can make independent judgments and express his opinion. At this age, children love guessing games. Also at this age, the child loves to listen to you read books to him. You need to play games with your child that will help him form his own opinion and try himself in some role. For this purpose, the best kits are for a doctor, a hairdresser, a toy telephone, a dollhouse with small furniture, cars, etc. At this age, a child so easily grasps everything on the fly and absorbs it into himself that it is easy to teach him a lot. Always encourage his curiosity, interest in something, during the game, explain everything that interests him, tell him something new. Answer all his questions honestly and clearly. Together, look at identical pictures, one of which has had subtle details changed. This game can be called “What’s extra? ", "Find the difference? ", "What's missing?" Do not place increased demands on your child; children are not able to study for more than 10 minutes without being distracted.

The age of four to five years is a favorable period for the development of existing abilities - musical, artistic, mental, motor. If a child shows special attention to something, you should encourage and satisfy his interest, help him in his chosen activity. There are no incapable children, there are only those whose potential was not noticed and not revealed. It is important not to miss the moment and do it on time.

At this age, the child has certain fears; he is afraid of losing the love and attention of adults. This manifests itself in the fact that the child may develop various phobias - he refuses to fall asleep alone, is afraid of the dark and confined spaces. Your close attention and care will help him overcome his fears and self-doubt. Communicate more with your child, evoke a variety of positive emotions in him. Communicate with him as an equal, the child appreciates this very much. Take part in activities at home, outside, during games, and sports activities as often as possible. Daily quiet walks before bedtime have a good effect on a child’s psychological development.

As parents of a 4-5 year old child, it is important for you to:

  • Understand what the rules and laws are in your family that the child is not allowed to break. Remember that there should not be too many laws and prohibitions, otherwise they will be difficult to comply with.
  • If possible, offer alternatives instead of prohibitions. formulating them like this: “You can’t draw on the wall, but you can on this piece of paper.” It’s just that prohibitions give rise to either a feeling of guilt, or anger and protest in the child. If you clearly forbid your child something, be prepared to withstand his fair anger or resentment about it.
  • Talk to your child about your feelings so that he can better understand what kind of reaction his or her actions give rise to in another person. Be prepared to sort out a difficult ethical situation with him. Live in accordance with the ethical principles that you convey to your child.
  • Do not overload the child's conscience. Excessive disapproval, punishment for minor offenses and mistakes cause a constant feeling of guilt, fear of punishment, and vindictiveness. Passivity may also develop and initiative may disappear. Remember that you should not tell various scary stories in front of your child, talk about serious illnesses and death, because for some children such information can become a very strong irritant. It is important to listen to your child, share his fears with him, allowing him to live them with you.
  • Provide opportunities for your child to express their creativity and self-expression. Be interested in any creative product, if possible without evaluating it in any way, either positively or negatively, inviting the child himself to evaluate his own creativity.
  • Provide the child with the opportunity to play together with other children, realizing that such play not only develops his imagination and imaginative thinking, but is also absolutely necessary for healthy emotional development. Offer the child for play not only toys that are complete in form, but also unshaped objects that do not have a clear function: pebbles, sticks, blocks, etc.
  • Understand that the child is already capable of doing what he likes for quite a long time and enthusiastically, and it can be very difficult for him to interrupt the game, so it is worth warning him in advance about the need to end it
  • Be open to the child’s questions, be interested in his opinion, turning his thirst for knowledge into the ability to find answers to the questions that interest him. It is useful to discuss with your child any events and phenomena that interest him, and in his language to formulate the results of your joint reasoning and conclusions. Every child is unique, some of them require a lot of patience from their parents. In turn, parents must delve into the problems of their children and spend more time on them. The main task is to competently help the child overcome all his fears and behavioral problems.

Psyche, independence and responsibility

This age is characterized as a transitional period, because the child is just beginning to understand his attitude towards himself. Sudden mood changes occur - he may feel sadness, loneliness, resentment, shame, disappointment. You should not immediately attribute depression to your child - he is simply exploring emotions that are still unusual for him. Try to calmly convince the baby that there is no reason for tears, praise him more often, even “in advance.”

The baby acquires most of his habits at this age. Therefore, it is worth accustoming him to the daily routine, to exercise, to the fact that he needs to clean up after himself. At this time, it is important to instill in him responsibility for his actions.

Healthy Development

At this age, the child remembers poetry, numbers, letters well, bathes, dresses, eats independently, and is able to remember the days of the week and seasons. The physical development of children is also improving: the baby jumps in different directions, on one leg, and marches backwards. Sentences and phrases are more thoughtful, correctly structured, logical conclusions and conclusions are drawn.


One of the decisive indicators of healthy child development at this age is the ability to name your address, first and last name, and parents’ professions.

If a child has poor memory and speaks poorly, you need to think about how to improve his speech skills and memory abilities. Be sure to conduct classes on speech development, pronounce letters, sounds, expressions. To develop memory, it is recommended to read a short fairy tale to your child and ask him to retell the story.

During this period, every parent should think about:

  • how to communicate with a child correctly;
  • what he should be able to do;
  • what you should know;
  • how to calm a child;
  • how much should I sleep;
  • how to increase your child's self-esteem.

The questions described should concern every parent, since the answers to them create a picture of a properly developed personality.

The psychology of a child of this age, his healthy development is based on teaching the child the following skills:

  • trust,
  • responsibility
  • interest,
  • love for people and for yourself,
  • don't get upset over little things,
  • realize the correctness of good actions.

To do this, you can independently conduct educational lessons, captivating your child with a variety of games, pictures, and educational tasks. The main thing is to interest the baby, and then the difficult, disobedient child will begin to obey and develop.


Adults, when working with a 4-5 year old child, should introduce an element of learning into the play process - this is how the child best perceives and remembers information.

Now creative activities will be especially useful - drawing, modeling, creating appliqués. By creating crafts, the baby will learn imaginative thinking and develop fine motor skills.

Children also transfer their vision of the world and social relationships into play. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to how your baby plays with other children. The most popular are role-playing games, where boys and girls try on the roles of adults.

Characteristics of the age period

Children reflect the behavior and actions of their parents. Childhood is a carefree time of discovery, in which there are no serious experiences and disorders. During this period, the foundation of a personality type is laid. The guys copy what they see around them.

In order to raise a spiritually developed personality, set the right example for your child. The psychological characteristics of children 5-6 years old determine their unstable behavior. Identify the baby’s negative qualities and stop them at the initial stage. The best results are achieved through joint self-improvement of parents.

A psychologically healthy person at the age of 5 is able to fully communicate with children of the same age and has no phobias. The main problems in raising five-year-old children include:

  • Phobias. The baby is afraid of many things, even non-existent objects. This is due to the development of imagination. To combat fears, you need to find out the reason for their occurrence and explain to the baby the true state of affairs.
  • Socialization. If parents notice that their child does not communicate and does not play with other children, then this indicates a delay in mental development. If your baby speaks poorly, spend more time on speech activities. To develop your little personality, play joint educational games that introduce you to work, communication, and art.
  • Egocentrism. Teach your baby to respect adults, ask for forgiveness, thank you, and say hello. Such rules of behavior contribute to the development of politeness.

Punishment is acceptable in serious situations when the child has done something wrong. Each little person is individual, punishment may be useless, causing resentment and rebellion. Try to create a comfortable and trusting relationship between fathers and children.

Physical metamorphoses

At four or five years old, a child usually ceases to be a chubby little thing, the fatty tissue becomes thinner, muscles and ribs appear. If there are no deviations in the child’s well-being and behavior, you should not be afraid of these changes. On the contrary, this is the time to send your child to the sports section. Even if you do not plan to raise your baby to be a champion, discipline and regular physical activity will certainly benefit him, helping not only to improve health, but also to stimulate intelligence.

In any case, it is necessary to develop the child’s gross motor skills - run and jump with him, play active games, walk as long as possible. At the age of four to five years, it is necessary to develop coordination and endurance.

Individual advice from a psychologist

Of course, each baby is unique, and its development cannot fully correspond to a certain standard pattern. We recommend that you consult a psychologist to avoid mistakes when raising a 4-5 year old child. Psychology experts will give advice on how to delicately adjust a child’s character, what activities and exercises will be especially useful for him, and how to prepare a child for school. Come with your child to the Insight Center for Psychological Assistance, and we will help you grow him into a harmoniously developed personality.

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