Why the advice to “live in the moment” doesn’t work and what does the fear of death have to do with it?
If your consciousness is focused on what you are doing at this very moment -
How to find your true desires
Some tips on how to understand your true desires and find inspiring goals
How to Find Your True Desires Everything You Need to Know to Find Your True Desires
Loss of attention as the beginning of jealousy
14 effective ways to eliminate childhood jealousy
The mechanism of development of childhood jealousy Jealousy is the fear of dislike. So the child is very afraid
Alcoholic delusions of jealousy: symptoms, diagnosis, correction
Alcohol paranoia and alcohol paranoid
Alcoholic paranoid - causes and clinical picture Alcoholic paranoid is one of the varieties
Thought and brain
How to learn to better formulate thoughts in conversation?
Scientists are studying the category “thought” What is it - thought? According to the theory of American scientists, thought
The main signs of apathetic depression - Alkoklinik
How to get rid of depression and apathy?
Most people know firsthand what apathy is. Frustration and fatigue are part of
How to overcome addiction
How to deal with drug addiction at home
Nobody likes to admit that they have an addiction, even to themselves. However, many
Negative emotions cause... cancer. How to contain them?
Both positive and negative emotions are present in us from birth. Someone knows how
How to Ignore Someone Who Annoys You and Stay Calm
Annoying people can be found everywhere. But how to ignore someone who annoys you and doesn't...
hatha yoga for dealing with anger
Are you hitting a child? Is your child afraid of you? If anger bothers you: test and advice
How to react Sometimes it is enough to talk to the child in a firm and balanced voice, holding him with two
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