Deep feelings: looking for harmony in bed

State of being in love

Often the state of being in love gives such energy. When you are in love, you can make such large-scale and long swims, and it is not always even a pleasure, because you can drown, choke, and lose the shores. But you can’t argue, there are so many emotions, you just drown in them.

However, sooner or later they always go down. Life is becoming easier, it’s no longer so overwhelming and carried away by waves, but there’s no place to even just swim. It’s good if it doesn’t dry out at all, otherwise that could happen.

But even if the source does not completely dry up, sometimes such melancholy takes over from its shallow appearance, you think, how can this be? After all, there was so much, it seemed like it would last forever, but suddenly there was no way to even take a dip, even just to wash off the dust and fatigue...

How to get your feelings back

And yet, you should not think that shallow feelings are a sentence that cannot be appealed. We can always refill this flow with our energy. And you don’t have to sit and wait for it to arrive - you have to look for deeper places again and again, go to them, if there is somewhere to go, fill them, because you can always find something to fill.

No one will do this for us, so it is useless to blame someone for the fact that feelings have dried up, love has gone - it leaves only when we ourselves allow it to go, when we ourselves have no strength left for it. But as soon as we ourselves are filled with it, it begins to arrive and arrive, and this, of course, is possible not only in a state of love.

Feelings hidden behind emotions

Our feelings manifest through the body, not through the mind. Therefore, when our attention is fixed on the body, we begin to feel more. The energy that was spent on chewing thoughts is shifted to the level where feelings reside. Due to the influx of energy, the sensitivity of not only tactile sensations in the body, but also deep feelings increases.

We must not forget that life is present where energy flows.

And energy follows attention.

Uncontrolled thoughts and emotions draw our attention into useless hustle and bustle in order to drain more energy from us.

And we need energy for a more comprehensive perception of the world.

Deep feelings are “hidden” somewhere in the center of the chest; closer to the solar plexus, behind the emotions lying on the surface of consciousness.

Emotions are located next to the throat chakra (of course, this is conditional).

Maybe that’s why more emotional people shed tears when looking at a banal scene from some TV series.

  • Our feelings are almost always in the shadow of emotions, which, like thoughts, are easily influenced by society.
  • Emotions manifest themselves in us automatically: we saw a baby in a cradle - we smiled, we cut off a “goat” on the road - we instantly got angry. Always like this….

We don’t even notice how quickly our attention is drawn in after emotions, followed by the mind with its thoughts. We think that we made a decision on our own, when in fact our action was provoked by emotions. And emotions are a universal thing, not a particular one. Therefore, all our actions and reactions to the same things are similar, although we do not admit it.

Our difference (if we live in the mind and emotions) is just an illusion created by time. We show an emotion, say resentment, at a different time than our neighbor, which makes it seem like we are fundamentally different. Of course, someone may hit out of resentment, and someone may simply cry, but this already depends on the maturity of the soul or upbringing: on a person’s ability to work with emotions.

In the first case, the offense turned against the offender, in the second, the offended person turned it against himself. Both of these options are programmable, although in most cases the third option occurs: without outwardly manifesting itself, the resentment goes deep into the consciousness and from there, with its vibration, feeds the mind, which begins to itch and whine, building different options for revenge or justification.

When we are offended, we, as in a good program, have several options for behavior, and our reactions can be mixed: it is to hit out of offense, then immediately burst into tears, and in our minds wash the offender’s bones for a few more days. But all this apparent emotional diversity is within certain boundaries.

Like, for example, the color red. It can have a tonality from the faintest pink to bright red, but if we add another color to it, it will no longer be red. Therefore, there are only seven primary colors in nature, which have endless shade variations. And these shades create the illusion of diversity.

  • We can say that emotions are ripples or storm waves, and feelings are the water itself. And until we decide where our attention is at this moment: in feelings or in emotions, we will continue to wander in the maze of the matrix.
  • After all, feelings are deeply rooted in our soul and further to the higher essence, and emotions are based on the ego-personality. We need emotions and they will always manifest themselves according to their program.

But we must be aware at any moment when we truly feel and when emotions take over. It will be easier for us to make life decisions, and, in general, to perceive the world. Emotions, as well as thoughts, are part of our personality, and personality is a product of the matrix. Only by erasing your personality can you get rid of the dictates of emotions and thoughts. And this means leaving the body. And while we are in the body with its emotions and mind, we have to work primarily with these energies.

Here I would draw an invisible boundary between the substance of the body and our highest essence. We, as beings of light, possessing reason and feelings, are reincarnated into a biorobot that has the functions of mind and emotions in order to experience three-dimensional reality.

Let's imagine us running naked through a beautiful valley with clean air. And suddenly we put on a diving suit. And having plunged into the dark waters, they began to perceive the world through it. Our immersion in the world of the physical body deprives us of deep feelings, replacing it with superficial emotions, and our pure free mind with the narrow confines of the mind.

Our cosmic consciousness, putting on a body, decreases many times in the volume of perception. And then the mechanisms of the body take over us, cosmic beings, completely erasing the multidimensional memory, instead giving us an earthly personality.

Our personality is based on three main frequencies: mind, emotions and biorobot body. To return back to our universal home, we need to learn to control these “three pillars” - mind, emotions, body.

And to do this, you must first realize yourself outside the body (directly or indirectly) in order to understand that we are something more than a mortal earthly person. That we are immortal beings who travel through infinity and take on different forms to experience other states of being. And having been in the dense grip of matter, begin to perceive the surrounding universe even more deeply. To finally reach those deep feelings where unconditional love lives.

When we stay in comfort for a long time, we no longer notice that we feel good. But once we are in difficult conditions, ordinary sitting on the sofa already seems like great pleasure. This is how consciousness works (as above, so below).

Dense worlds are needed for our light body-sphere, so that, having experienced the opposite, we can better feel our existence in the subtle body. And when we go through the experience of physical forms, we will remember all the facets of experiencing physical matter in our consciousness, and we will no longer need to incarnate into three-dimensional reality. After all, other adventures await us in worlds where light is a form.

If we pay attention, we will see that our feelings manifest themselves in the silence of the mind. Usually this happens spontaneously. Suddenly we begin to perceive the world, more voluminously, with some kind of painfully familiar vibration, as if we were remembering something distant... forgotten.

  • And the more often our attention is outside the mind, we are increasingly overwhelmed by deep feelings. They pour out to the surface of our consciousness, bringing out long-forgotten experiences in the form of unearthly landscapes and enchanting music that pierces the heart with nostalgic sounds. We are filled with a feeling of quiet, forgotten happiness. This state does not come from the mind - it seems that I am happy because I have a family, a house, a car, a career, but just like that, for no apparent reason.
  • At this moment, the mind intervenes and wants to record the experienced sensation, but it does it in its own way: clumsily. Therefore, deep feelings under its pressure quickly disappear, leaving their shadow on the surface of consciousness - an emotion, which the mind then exposes as the culprit of deep experiences.
  • Following the mind, emotions follow in shadow to seize the initiative into their own hands, trying to squeeze out a semblance of feelings, which only at this moment can project a feeling of annoyance and longing for lost feelings. A shadow cannot replace its owner; it can only make a crude parody in the form of a silhouette on the asphalt.

In everyday life, we live in thoughts and emotions, and when we experience stress (again under their influence), we begin to breathe deeply out of excitement. This happens spontaneously: the body’s defenses are triggered. In the moment of unconscious deep breathing, the mind and emotions are distracted by new sensations in the body. After which this “sweet couple” does not burden our consciousness so much, and we feel better.

But if we practice deep breathing consciously, then we are less susceptible to stress and emotional changes. And most importantly, we begin to deeply feel the world around us, which makes us self-sufficient, when on the contrary: emotions and mind instill in us inferiority.

They need doping in the form of money, new experiences and great significance, for which we pay with our freedom. Feelings emanating from our highest being cannot be negative or positive, they can only be deep and voluminous, conveying all the colors of life at the same time.

The more often feelings appear in us, the stronger the feeling of happiness and harmony.

Emotions throw us along a sine wave: first up - where joy lives, then down - where grief hides; because they are tied to the external environment, where everyday bustle is their food. Emotions are like a capricious lady: constantly demanding new impressions, blackmailing us with the fact that we will fall into depression and make our life boring and dull.

Feelings do not require anything from us, on the contrary: they patiently wait in the wings, like a faithful friend: when, finally, a person is satisfied with the inconstancy of emotions and pays attention to his feelings.

Of course, this does not mean that having emotions is bad. Being under the influence of the emotions of the matrix, we learn to overcome their magical effects; which in turn increases our luminosity.

  • Emotions lead our attention to where we will have the best earthly experience.
  • There is no need to block emotions; It’s better to be aware of them and try not to let them capture our attention.
  • Just like thoughts; let them pass on the border of our consciousness, creating vibrations, like background pop music, from which our earthly life only becomes richer.

And, when we see our emotions from the outside, we can learn to control them, muffling the too loud rattling sound of negative emotions.

And vice versa - start dancing from the joyful rhythms of emotional tom-toms; after all, we are children not only of the gods, but also of nature itself.

Alex Windholtz

The depth of feelings depends on us

So the depth of the feelings we experience depends only on us. That is why we should not panic and be killed when we see how they become scarce at some point. There are different states, sometimes it is difficult to express emotions and look for some kind of depth in yourself. But we must always remember that a little time will pass, we will rest, step away, nourish ourselves, fill ourselves up, and we will be able to dive again, the main thing is to strive for this, see this opportunity and use it. And then the state of fullness will return again and again, and we will never be disappointed with our feelings.

Compass of EmotionsIlse Sand, 2020

The degree of intensity of feelings: how to track the origin of feelings

We often notice a certain feeling when it has already gained strength. If we take the absence of feeling as 0, and 10 as its most intense manifestation, then 5 is the moment when we discover it. Let's take joy, for example: it begins with the fact that we feel good. At its most intense, we want to sing, dance, and throw ourselves on someone’s neck.

We can learn to track a feeling when it first begins. If we talk about joy, then this pleasant feeling will bring you a lot of pleasure, even if its intensity does not exceed the second level on our scale. For example, if you were happy at the smile of a random passerby or exposed your face to the sun's rays.

The intensity of sadness also varies. This feeling can develop as follows.

If you detect sadness early in its development, you will have more energy to decide how to deal with it. In Chapter 6, I will describe in detail how you can either suppress this feeling or completely succumb to it, “get sad” and get rid of sadness.

As for anger, it is especially important to detect it as early as possible: once we get into the “red” zone, we lose the ability to think clearly. In the red zone, we see only black and white, and our ability to empathize is weakened

When I teach courses about anger, I sometimes ask students to analyze exactly what they feel when they first become angry. Some say that they feel cold, while others claim that, on the contrary, they feel hot. Some people note that when they get irritated, they feel some kind of stirring in their stomach. If you learn to pay attention to the signals your body gives you, it will help you detect feelings even at the inception stage.

The intensity of feelings depends on the situation. If your emotions are connected to another person, then, as a rule, the more this person means to you, the stronger the feelings - including negative ones. It especially hurts us when someone we love doesn't give us what we want. However, when, for example, a store clerk or a postman does this, it practically does not bother us.

If from childhood you were taught to keep everything to yourself, without burdening others with your feelings, it will not be easy for you to build close relationships with other people. I believe that sometimes this is the unconscious reason why many remain single for the rest of their lives without ever meeting the right person. As soon as they meet someone who confesses their love for them, the strength of their own feelings frightens them so much that they immediately look for several flaws in a potential partner, which become a reason to reject him. “No, this is not at all what is needed,” they subsequently say to themselves and those around them.

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