An ill-mannered child: signs, causes. Let's find out how to raise a child?
A poorly behaved child is a child whose behavior does not correspond to accepted social norms.
Needs as the basis for the manifestation of individual interests
Needs determine the selectivity of perception of the world, fixing a person’s attention primarily on those objects that have
How to respond to envy
An ancient parable: how to respond to the envy of others
One of the most negative and destructive feelings is envy. Experts believe it kills
Emotions: examples of the simplest practices of awareness and self-control
— Advertisement — Why are emotions difficult to control? Charles Darwin argued that emotions are one
Personal qualities vs professional qualities
The concept of professionally important signs Professionally important signs include psychological characteristics of sensory activity, attention,
Personal qualities of an employee and personality typologies
Features of professionals What distinguishes a professional from an average worker? Professionals strive to acquire as much as possible
Love and schizophrenia
Is schizophrenia just a way to know the unknown?
Love and schizophrenia August 14, 2014 The topic is not new. You can do without
How to conduct business correspondence correctly: etiquette requirements
Business correspondence (like business conversation) is the face of every serious businessman or politician. Many
Good health
Psychology of color: provoking emotions in email campaigns
Nastya Roshchinskaya, content marketer at SendPulse, wrote an article specifically for the Netology blog on how to call
Dad is important: how your relationship with your father affects your career and relationships
What are feelings? Not all adults can explain what emotions are, and children still
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