Psychological training for middle group children In the land of good mood
A psychotherapeutic group for women helps participants cope with psychological problems that bother them. Group
How to understand the attitude of a Virgo man towards you: that he is in love and hides his feelings, that he has serious feelings
How to understand that he has stopped loving you according to your Zodiac sign
4.94/5 (126) In love, Virgos are secretive and cold, so women who want to win the favor of men
Examples of body-oriented therapy exercises
How does body-oriented therapy work? At the first stage, the child performs exercises that eliminate stiffness, tension,
how to accept your husband's child from his first marriage
Feeling of hatred towards the husband's child from his first marriage
We have already said that any woman is an owner a priori. And the hardest thing is to share
What to do if the child is inattentive and absent-minded?
Parents often encounter children's absent-mindedness even in kindergarten, but do not pay close attention
How to choose the right psychologist for a child
Phrases about dreams: One of the best things about childhood is what you hope for.
Personality type
Psychological types as forms of mental health
TYPE A PERSONALITY AS A PSYCHOLOGICAL PHENOMENON The concepts of “type A personality” and “type A behavior”
Meta messages A meta message is a convenient way to understand the meaning of non-verbal messages (not basic ones, but in general).
Catatonic stupor of patients and photos of patients
Stupor Stupor (from the Latin stupor “numbness, stupor”) is a type of motor movement in psychiatry.
Stress and its features. Methods and techniques of mental self-regulation
Topic 2. Methods and techniques of psychological self-regulation in the system of stress prevention Methods and techniques
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