What is blood pressure lability?

You've probably heard the term “lability”. What it is? Lability is the speed of excitation in nervous and muscle tissues, the speed of transition from a state of excitation to a state of rest and vice versa. The term comes from the Latin word labilis, which means unstable, sliding.

What does it mean? Different cells and tissues of the body react differently to nervous stimulation and can transmit received impulses at different speeds. The term “lability” was proposed to be used by the Russian physiologist N. E. Vvedensky in 1886. He studied the frequency of tissue irritation and the tissue's response to sustained stimuli. Lability is expressed in the time required to restore performance after the resulting stimulation. It depends on various factors and can decrease, for example, under the influence of alcohol and drugs, or cold. In this case, it takes more time to recover to a normal state.

Lability is a phenomenon inherent in a person at the gene level. Therefore, everyone has their own susceptibility to various types of mental disorders and diseases. If lability indicators are low, then at the psychological level people are less susceptible to alcohol, nicotine, drug addiction and other addictions. But with prolonged exposure to the body, addiction can still arise and develop. With high levels of emotional lability, for example, after smoking the first cigarette, it is easier for people to quit smoking, but no tangible changes will occur in the body. But if lability is low, even if a person is not a follower of an unhealthy lifestyle and bad habits, but for some reason tried the same cigarette, most likely he will not be able to give it up on his own.

Emotional lability

Every person is subject to mood swings. As a rule, it changes rarely and only when there is a good reason for this. Typically, individuals with a stable psyche have a stable mood that does not depend on minor daily events. And there are people whose emotions not only change at lightning speed, but also without reason. Such impulsiveness encourages a person to commit rash acts. Frequent mood changes are emotional lability. What is this - just a character trait or a pathology?

Is there a danger in emotional lability?

If we talk simply about increased impressionability, then this is a variant of the norm. Many people in creative professions have this feature – musicians, artists, actors, writers. They experience any feeling quite deeply - hatred, love, etc., but the duration of these feelings is long, they need a reason. And we talk about the formation of emotional lability when the mood not only changes frequently and sharply, but everything is also experienced very deeply. As mentioned above, this does not require a serious reason. Someone said an unflattering word, it suddenly started to rain, a button came off... That's it, the mood will be sad even without serious troubles. And if a pleasant conversation immediately begins or someone gives a compliment, then everything will be great again, although not for long. This is how emotional lability manifests itself. It also needs to be said that this can lead to serious consequences. After all, along with the mood, sleep, appetite, views on the future, ability to work, etc. change. A person does not think about his actions, he acts with lightning speed. This problem requires specialist intervention and treatment.

Vegetative lability - what is it?

Today, almost 80% of adults experience autonomic disorders in the body. The causes of this disease are both structural and functional disorders in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, which is so important for humans. Because of this, the regulatory functions of organs and systems of the body are disrupted. There may be disruptions in the functioning of the respiratory, genitourinary, cardiovascular systems, etc.

An unpleasant and even frightening fact is that the symptoms of this disease are increasingly beginning to appear in children and adolescents. As experts say, vegetative lability becomes “younger”. Every person should know that this can lead to serious health problems. And especially parents of children who eat poorly, sit at the computer for a long time, etc.

The symptoms of this disease manifest differently in each person, which makes the diagnostic process difficult. This can be dizziness, tinnitus, rapid heartbeat, headaches, etc. As a result, a person has poor sleep, irritability, nausea, fever, etc. This disease should never be ignored; you should consult a doctor as soon as possible to avoid complications.

Treating labile blood pressure correctly

Blood pressure lability - what is it? This pathology can otherwise be called instability: blood pressure either rises sharply or falls back to normal levels. Such fluctuations can cause many symptoms that interfere with normal daily routine and provoke other heart pathologies. The main complication of lability is hypertension, attacks of high blood pressure.

  • Causes of lability of blood pressure and pulse
  • Symptoms
  • Treatment

Blood pressure lability is not as common as essential hypertension, in which the pressure is constantly elevated and does not make sudden changes. Lability accounts for only a third of all cases of the disease; in most cases, without treatment, over time it turns into ordinary essential hypertension.

A normal blood pressure reading for a middle-aged person is considered to be 120/80 mmHg. Art., hypertension is considered to be a condition when blood pressure rises to 140/90 mm Hg. Art. With lability, blood pressure fluctuates from normal to slightly elevated, which is often not taken seriously. However, if this disease is not treated, it can develop into full-blown hypertension.

Together with blood pressure, the pulse can “jump.” These two indicators are often measured simultaneously - together they give a more accurate picture of the processes occurring in the body. Often, against the background of high blood pressure, a rapid heartbeat is observed.

Important! If there are signs of lability, you need to periodically measure your blood pressure and monitor changes in values.

If the case of high blood pressure is isolated, do not panic. This may be the result of a stress reaction or a symptom of poisoning. In this case, you should not take any medications - blood pressure will drop on its own.

Blood pressure lability - what is it? This pathology can otherwise be called instability: blood pressure either rises sharply or falls back to normal levels. Such fluctuations can cause many symptoms that interfere with normal daily routine and provoke other heart pathologies. The main complication of lability is hypertension, attacks of high blood pressure.

Symptoms of pressure lability

An episodic increase is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • flickering before the eyes;
  • difficulty falling asleep, restless sleep;
  • headaches, usually in the back of the head;
  • unstable emotional background;
  • increased irritability;
  • sometimes there is a feeling of numbness in the limbs;
  • a sharp decrease in concentration;
  • decreased performance.

If you ignore the listed symptoms, then the signs with each manifestation of labile arterial hypertension will become brighter, begin to progress, and the quality of life will noticeably decrease.

Sometimes women suffer from unstable indicators during pregnancy. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the parameters not only during gestation, but also after the birth of the baby.

Labile arterial hypertension

The peculiarity of pressure lability is that this disorder does not depend on age and can occur in both young and elderly people.

Labile arterial hypertension requires careful attention and treatment. Despite the fact that the pressure does not rise to critical values ​​and normalizes on its own after a short period of time, the vessels are under severe stress. Over time, pathological processes in the walls may begin, as a result of which the elasticity of the arteries and vessels decreases. This leads to the progression of the disease and increasing pressure. With a prolonged uncontrolled course, labile arterial hypertension can develop into arterial hypertension, in which high blood pressure does not return to normal without the use of medications.

However, the statistics are favorable - pressure lability turns into hypertension in no more than 20% of people with unstable blood pressure.

Labile hypertension is a transient phenomenon, but over time it can develop into a persistent form of high blood pressure

When drinking alcohol in large quantities, blood pressure always increases, but it drops as the alcohol is eliminated from the body. Frequent consumption of alcohol negatively affects the tone of blood vessels, resulting in their spasm and increased blood pressure. The same happens when smoking, since nicotine increases the tone of blood vessels and impairs their elasticity.

How does labile blood pressure manifest?

Symptoms of pressure lability resemble the picture of hypertension. First, the patient’s ears begin to ring, their vision becomes dark, and they may feel dizzy. It is difficult for him to just stand; he wants to sit down immediately. Sometimes there is pain in the sternum, general malaise, lethargy and apathy, and difficulty concentrating.

There is a feeling that there is no motivation even for joyful things - the patient does not want to eat, watch his favorite films and programs, and a general feeling of negativism comes over him. It can develop into anxiety.

Other symptoms:

  1. Sleep disturbance. Moreover, the patient himself may not associate this condition with increased blood pressure. At first it is simply difficult for him to fall asleep, then he wakes up in the middle of the night, and so he can “check out” until the morning. Of course, disturbed sleep can be the cause of another illness, but pressure lability is a very likely option.
  2. Headache. It may appear suddenly, and even without a characteristic increase in pain. It usually focuses on the back of the head.
  3. Emotional instability. The patient notices that he begins to show irritability more often, and that he reacts more quickly to stress with tears, moodiness, short temper, and outbursts of anger. Often a person feels that he is starting to lose his temper over little things and suffers from depressive moods.
  4. Numbness of legs/arms. This does not happen very often and goes away quite quickly.
  5. Problems with attention, memory and other cognitive functions. This is associated even with slight oxygen starvation.

What awaits the patient:

  • Examination by a specialist, taking an anamnesis - the doctor will listen to the patient, measure the pressure, perform the simplest actions, but necessary for the initial assumptions;
  • General blood and urine tests, urine biochemistry - will help the doctor get a general idea of ​​the state of the body;
  • ECG – shows the functioning of the heart; if negative aspects are detected, the patient will be prescribed additional cardiac examination;
  • Ultrasound – assesses the condition of internal organs;
  • Vascular scanning is necessary in this case for vascular monitoring.

The danger of labile hypertension

Lability of blood pressure in humans - what it is is now clear, all that remains is to figure out whether this condition is dangerous and how it can threaten a healthy patient. Due to circulatory disorders, which are recorded during sharp jumps in tonometer readings, internal organs and tissues experience a deficiency of oxygen and nutrients.

If the pressure does not rise above 140/90 and recovers on its own, this is considered the initial form of the disease and does not pose any danger. You should consult a doctor if changes are observed systematically, and the tonometer produces numbers above 140 mmHg. This condition is dangerous for the development of arterial hypertension, which can no longer be cured without the use of antihypertensive drugs.

Doctors identify two problems that threaten patients with symptoms of blood pressure lability:

  • hypoxia of tissues and organs. Constant surges in pressure provoke a lack of oxygen supplied to vital organs, including the brain. Destructive changes can be observed in the cardiovascular, renal systems, and limbs;
  • transition of pathology to the chronic stage. In 30% of patients who complained of manifestations of labile arterial hypertension, the disease led to symptoms characteristic of the chronic stage of the disease.

Labile blood pressure affects the retina, brain and internal organs. A person suffering from regular increases in tonometer readings may experience intraocular or intracerebral hemorrhage due to the fragility of the capillaries.

Also, dangerous consequences of untreated labile hypertension include myocardial infarction. To prevent such an outcome, doctors insist on regular visits to the clinic, examinations and maintaining blood pressure levels in a stable state.

Labile blood pressure turns into stable hypertension, which is not treated in adequate ways (diet, exercise, physiotherapy). This means that pressure drops that are recorded regularly require a visit to the clinic and an examination.

Treatment options

To prevent lability from developing into hypertension, the following treatment methods are used:

  • Remedies for the main problem. Is lability caused by excess weight? The doctor will prescribe a diet. The problem is cervical osteochondrosis? He will refer you to a neurologist, who will prescribe physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises. Is it all heart disease? They will be prescribed appropriate medications and, if necessary, an implant will be placed.
  • Symptomatic treatment. Diuretics, potassium antagonists, adrenergic blockers are drugs that do not help get rid of lability, but allow you to keep it within limits. Diuretics reduce the amount of water in the body, while other drugs reduce blood pressure. Additionally, agents can be used to prevent thrombosis, to increase the amount of oxygen in the blood, and to restore blood vessels.

And the main treatment is measures to correct the lifestyle, which led to the emergence of lability. They coincide with the measures that a person who wants to prevent problems with blood pressure should take.

  • eat more boiled, steamed, stewed and fresh than fried;
  • eat more white meat than red;
  • eat more green vegetables than cereals;
  • eat more homemade food than bought in a store or cafe;
  • Do not eat more calories than recommended based on age and weight;
  • try to control your sugar intake - too much is bad;
  • try to eat less fatty dairy products - they contain bad cholesterol.

Labile arterial hypertension in children and adolescents

Often the pathology occurs in children and adolescents aged 5 to 20 years. It may appear due to:

  • Excess body weight;
  • Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Dysfunction of the endocrine system.

Unfortunately, high blood pressure in children is not uncommon.

The disease may be accompanied by poor health, heart pain, excessive irritability and sleep disturbances. To avoid complications, you should consult a doctor when you notice the first symptoms. He will be able to determine the severity of the pathology and prescribe the correct treatment.

Unfortunately, high blood pressure in children is not uncommon.

What are the phases of lability?

Labile pressure is usually divided into two phases:

  1. Phase A (initial). Blood pressure is within normal limits and changes only when experiencing stress or severe overexertion.
  2. Phase B (transient). An increase or decrease in blood pressure occurs much more often, but the condition quickly returns to normal.

In addition to the phases, doctors also distinguish 3 stages of labile pressure:

  • Initial. There are no symptoms of the disease, no hidden course;
  • Medium-heavy. The disease begins to manifest itself, the symptoms go away on their own;
  • Heavy. All symptoms of the disease appear. There are frequent pressure surges.

Basic rules of treatment:

Treatment options

To prevent lability from developing into hypertension, the following treatment methods are used:

  • Remedies for the main problem. Is lability caused by excess weight? The doctor will prescribe a diet. The problem is cervical osteochondrosis? He will refer you to a neurologist, who will prescribe physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises. Is it all heart disease? They will be prescribed appropriate medications and, if necessary, an implant will be placed.
  • Symptomatic treatment. Diuretics, potassium antagonists, adrenergic blockers are drugs that do not help get rid of lability, but allow you to keep it within limits. Diuretics reduce the amount of water in the body, while other drugs reduce blood pressure. Additionally, agents can be used to prevent thrombosis, to increase the amount of oxygen in the blood, and to restore blood vessels.

And the main treatment is measures to correct the lifestyle, which led to the emergence of lability. They coincide with the measures that a person who wants to prevent problems with blood pressure should take.

  • try to get rid of stress, since stress is one of the main causes of increased blood pressure;
  • drink soothing teas from mint, chamomile, lemon balm - but under no circumstances take antidepressants or sedatives unless prescribed by a doctor;
  • sleep at least eight hours a day, and always go to bed at a strictly defined time;
  • ensure yourself sufficient rest - spend at least an hour a day not on work, not on household chores or watching TV, but on something pleasant and interesting;
  • walk for at least half an hour a day - even if it’s a slow walk in the park.

General blood tests (including biochemical), urine tests

To diagnose high blood pressure, the patient is referred for blood and urine tests.

The study will determine the levels of important indicators:

  • hemoglobin;
  • glucose;
  • hematocrit;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • creatinine;
  • blood lipid spectrum, including levels of HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

The doctor examines the heart muscle using a phonendoscope - listens to the heart rhythm and determines the presence of murmurs. Based on the results of physical diagnostics, the need for an ECG (electrocardiogram) is determined. This assessment of the work of the heart muscle is considered more detailed and allows timely detection of possible deviations. An ECG allows you to analyze the work of the heart in the most detailed manner in a given period of time.

Ultrasound examination of the heart muscle also allows us to determine the condition of the heart, heart valves, the thickness of the walls, septa, and the presence of defects.

Ultrasound examination of the heart muscle can reveal the condition of the heart.

Examination by a specialist is included in the complex of diagnostic measures.

How is the treatment carried out?

After drawing up the clinical picture, the doctor prescribes basic and maintenance therapy. Due to the fact that labile hypertension is one of the milder types of pathologies of the cardiovascular system, the main treatment regimen is more likely to be preventive. This means that you will need to take medications at times when your blood pressure rises rapidly.

Supportive therapies focus on reducing the factors that may cause the pathology to worsen. Below are recommendations that will help to some extent avoid a relapse of labile hypertension:

  • Play sports. Choose a suitable type of physical activity for yourself and devote at least forty minutes a day to it. Doctors recommend Nordic walking, light gymnastics, swimming, beginner level yoga,
  • It is necessary to relieve psycho-emotional stress in a timely manner. If you can’t do this on your own, consult a psychologist or psychotherapist; there is nothing shameful in this, because we are talking about health. Enjoy the little things, pamper yourself with pleasant things, find time to do something you love that brings you positive emotions,
  • Follow the diet recommended by your doctor. A minimum of fatty, sweet, fried foods. Don’t overeat, don’t try to finish what’s left on your plate if you’re already full at that moment,
  • A strict no to bad habits! If you decide to take your health seriously and prevent problems with blood pressure, you will have to give up bad habits, no matter how difficult it may be,
  • Create a daily routine so that you can alternate types of physical and mental stress and, of course, have time for rest. The daily routine should include time for sports and walks,
  • Limiting salt is the key to health. Try giving it up and watch how you feel.

Drug treatment is based on drugs aimed at normalizing metabolism and improving sleep. Sometimes homeopathic tablets are prescribed.

Important! For vegetative-vascular dystonia, against the background of which blood pressure often rises, it is advisable to visit a psychiatrist. He will prescribe sedatives or antidepressants (based on the patient’s condition).

  • make sure you get enough sleep,
  • exercise moderately,
  • stay calm even in stressful situations,
  • eat healthy food and stick to a good daily routine,

Therapy for hypertension

Treatment of labile arterial hypertension is based on changes in habits and lifestyle. Basic recommendations:

  • include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet;
  • follow a diet, reduce consumption of salty foods, coffee, strong tea, sweets;
  • regularly consume fermented milk products and lean meat;
  • regulate weight if you are overweight, eat small portions 4-5 times a day.

If blood pressure increases due to stress, you need to take mild sedatives: Glycine or motherwort tincture.

If you have a sedentary lifestyle, you should include daily exercise and walks in the fresh air.

If these recommendations do not help normalize blood pressure, the doctor prescribes antihypertensive drugs. Medicines can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor.

If you have a sedentary lifestyle, you should include daily exercise and walks in the fresh air.

Blood pressure lability - what is it?

There is such a very dangerous disease - arterial hypertension, in which blood pressure constantly or temporarily increases. There are essential hypertension (pressure is constantly increased) and labile (pressure either increases or decreases to normal). In 20-25% of cases, the second type of hypertension turns into the first, which requires constant medication.

Blood pressure lability

Blood pressure is one of the key indicators of the human body, and almost everyone knows about the features of hypertension and hypotension.
But when a doctor makes a diagnosis: lability of blood pressure, many people naturally ask: “what is it?” Before answering it, you need to understand why this disease occurs, what its symptoms are and, most importantly, what treatment is the most effective. The most accurate answer to the question of what blood pressure lability is is this: it is a temporary increase in blood pressure levels. Because the

the permissible level beyond which the pressure is considered high is 140/90; if this value is violated, a diagnosis is made: labile hypertension.

The word “labile” translated from Latin means “unstable”, “sliding”. This characterizes the peculiarity of the disease - the pressure often changes, sometimes increasing sharply, then decreasing again to normal levels. Thus, we can distinguish 3 key features of the pathology:

  1. The pressure rises periodically.
  2. After some time, it may decrease without any effects on the body.
  3. At the same time, the decrease occurs quite sharply, which affects a person’s well-being.

At first glance, it may seem that this disease is no different from ordinary hypertension, but in fact there are differences, and they are very important:

  1. Hypertension is characterized by a persistent (constant) state of high blood pressure, and labile arterial hypertension is characterized by temporary fluctuations.
  2. In case of hypertension, blood pressure can be stabilized if special medications are used, while labile blood pressure decreases spontaneously, without the use of drugs.
  3. Hypertensive patients rarely complain of pressure changes, while the main symptom of labile hypertension is constant changes in the indicator.

At first glance, it may seem that this disease is no different from ordinary hypertension, but in fact there are differences, and they are very important:

The essence of pathology

In modern medicine, the optimal blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg. This value is relative: each person has an individual indicator at which their well-being does not deteriorate. Usually it is in the range of 130-100/90-70 mmHg. and is positioned as normal.

Labile (unstable, changeable, sliding) arterial hypertension (PAH) is a condition characterized by episodic rises in blood pressure above 140/90 mmHg.

Unlike stable arterial hypertension, the labile form of the pathology is a rapidly passing condition. In the early stages of development, blood pressure normalizes within an hour without taking medications.

Symptoms of the disease

This disease is considered very insidious, because for a long time it may not manifest itself in any way. However, if a person periodically has a headache in the occipital region, he often becomes irritated for no apparent reason, or his sleep is disturbed, then it’s time to consult a doctor. This may be the onset of labile hypertension. If this happens, you should not delay treatment. It is also worth reconsidering your lifestyle. You need to go in for sports, quit bad habits, eat right, relax in nature, get enough sleep, and avoid stress.

What is blood pressure lability?

Labile arterial hypertension is a disease in which blood pressure temporarily increases. Most doctors believe that people with diagnosed labile hypertension are healthy, however, with such a disease, the pressure increases abruptly. Labile hypertension is characterized by instability: it worsens in the presence of certain factors. In this regard, the disease is less serious, unlike arterial hypertension with its forms and stages. Every person should lead a healthy lifestyle, otherwise he will not escape labile blood pressure, which gradually turns into hypertension.

Let’s take a closer look at what “labile blood pressure” is, what you should be wary of, what you should pay close attention to, and what the features of the disease are.

Let’s take a closer look at what “labile blood pressure” is, what you should be wary of, what you should pay close attention to, and what the features of the disease are.

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