Philophobia - fear of falling in love: causes, symptoms and treatment methods
At all times and among all nationalities, the majority of living people considered love to be the highest divine thing.
Acute reactive psychosis in a woman
Symptoms and treatment of reactive psychosis
Description and mechanism of development of reactive psychosis In response to any important factor in life,
Jealousy on the part of the weak
My relationship is moving too fast. Is it good or bad?
One of the psychological barriers to a happy love or family relationship is jealousy. She complicates relationships
dog attack on person
Where does Cynophobia come from and how to get rid of panic fear in dogs
In the Urals, a pack of dogs killed a seven-year-old girl on a playground; last week, shepherd dogs
Top 5 Tips to Stop Obsessing with Negative Thoughts
How to stop thinking about a problem How to stop thinking about a problem. If an obsessive thought about
Major depressive disorder
Consultation via Skype or WhatsApp is available. With repeated short-term episodes of poor
Haptophobia - fear of being touched
Haptophobia - fear of touching: what is this fear and how to get rid of it
Touch from strangers, intentional or accidental, can make many people feel uncomfortable. However, if fear
Passive-aggressive personality disorder
Passive-aggressive personality disorder: causes, symptoms, treatment and correction
Passive-aggressive personality disorder is a condition in which people express anger and negative feelings
The girl is crying alone
Just don't leave! Why does the fear of loneliness arise and how to deal with it: recommendations from a clinical psychologist
Autophobia - fear of loneliness For many people, being alone brings pleasant sensations -
When you're tired of everything: what to do and how to overcome your apathy
When you're tired of everything: what to do and how to overcome your apathy
Why are positive feelings and emotions so important? Without them, a person begins slowly but surely
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