How to develop intuition (sixth sense) – 10 exercises

Have you ever had a feeling of déjà vu, a state in which you have already experienced certain events? Or a strong premonition of certain events in your life? Have you ever had prophetic dreams that later came true? Have you ever said something to someone else at the same time? If you answered yes to at least a couple of questions, then you are using what is known as the term “sixth sense” or “intuition.”

In this article:

What is the sixth sense?

Should you trust your gut feeling?

10 exercises to develop intuition

Instead of an afterword

Premonitions help us navigate life better - build relationships, improve health and well-being, and even successfully build a career. Your intuition is an excellent assistant for realizing your life potential, for making your dreams come true, for living a fulfilling life.

What is intuition in psychology

Psychology understands the concept of intuition as a disregard for traditional patterns built by logic and stereotypes when choosing ways to achieve a goal.

This phenomenon was first explained by C. G. Jung in the theory of the collective unconscious, the essence of which is that humanity unconsciously accumulates all possible ideas on any issue, analyzes them at the subconscious level and chooses the best solution. Despite the apparent spontaneity, all intuitive actions are based on:

  • patterns and stereotypes known at the time of choice;
  • unconscious perception and processing of information;
  • refusal of critical conclusions of logic.

Modern psychology identifies several types of intuition:

  1. Archetypal - mastering a certain amount of knowledge accumulated by previous generations, comparing the real picture with one’s ideas and making a decision based on them.
  2. Dialectical-materialistic (everything small is part of the big). By getting to know small parts of the universe, a person is imbued with knowledge about the Universe and at the right moment activates the necessary information.
  3. Postmodern - relies on the interaction of information from different areas of life. The solution in this case is at the intersection of several sciences.
  4. Empirical - a continuous search for solutions in external phenomena.
  5. Spiritual and semantic - each person has his own truth, correct only for him and accessible in difficult moments of life.

As a rule, intuition does not appear in its pure form; a person simultaneously uses several of its varieties.

The subconscious can do anything

“Intuition is something that is ahead of exact knowledge. Our brain undoubtedly has very sensitive nerve cells, which allows us to sense the truth even when it is not yet accessible to logical conclusions or other mental efforts.”

— Nikola Tesla

Let's start with the basics. Your subconscious can do anything, and it has no boundaries. This is a kind of access to the universe. Imagine that your subconscious is a network consisting of information about everything, and you can use it for free. This is your personal access to all human knowledge and opportunities! I think the awareness of owning such a base should inspire and motivate.

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Thanks to your requests, the universe (your subconscious) gave you a unique opportunity through me. Wanting transformation, you opened this article and are reading it. I have been collecting the knowledge that I am passing on to you now for many years. I read a lot of books, studied with the most powerful people. I practice every day in the field of alternative medicine and the subconscious mind. And yes, I admire my work and its volume.

You, my friend, are very lucky. You have achieved what you want. You created a huge field with the power of your subconscious, in which you found a place for my article. You discovered tools that had been hidden for some reason for a long time. I give and reveal to you the main thing. Your strength, your intuition and your capabilities!

Remember the saying that it is important to be in the right place at the right time with the right people? This is exactly what you are doing now. You communicate with me, and I share my secrets. You did all this in alliance with your subconscious.

Developing a sense of intuition is not that difficult. The subconscious wants to communicate with you!

Who can develop intuition?

For many people, the very concept of intuition causes fear and mistrust. Let's figure out what kind of tool this is. Answer this question: What do you think when you hear or see people who are super intuitive and powerful?

  • Does this pique your interest?
  • Do you take on the role of a person with intuition?
  • Do you trust your intuition?
  • Do you accept it?
  • Maybe you're afraid?

The category of people with developed intuition at least stands out from the general background. But there is a small nuance here. You should know that everyone has intuition, just at different levels. The second truth is that by pumping up your subconscious and developing your intuition, you can change your reality.

People holding high-ranking political positions, giant businessmen, show business people who have achieved success, people who have experienced trauma and suffering, people receiving the Nobel Prize, esotericists... These are the heroes who have intuition, who know how to work with their subconscious in union. I'll explain why.

Imagine that the President has 100 assistants. They all look after different areas in the state to control and manage affairs. Now imagine that 90 of them work poorly. Imagine some kind of failure. What problems will arise in this case in all areas if you do not control the processes and work of all hundreds? The answer is obvious. Such a President will quickly be removed from office by the people or invisible people of the highest rank (we won’t talk about them, but they probably exist).

Any President or person with power (political, financial, government, business) has a great responsibility. Just one wrong step can lead to a crash. To avoid such collapses, to fully control everything, people in power use intuition. She is the best advisor in such a difficult matter!

People of great responsibility, whom I listed above, have developed intuition. You may not know it, but in order to reach their level and maintain the height, they certainly listen to their inner voice. Such people make the right decisions thanks to their intuitive abilities. They, as a rule, have come a long way. And it’s not a matter of chance and luck. All possible levers are involved, including experience and training.

Mental healing: how to get rid of depression forever and experience true happiness

Developing your intuition will help you achieve success!

People with intuition attract like-minded people, events and opportunities, managing all processes. Standing at the origins of a personal success story, they believed in themselves. We may have been disappointed, but we were constantly learning. Today such giants can scan you in a few minutes. They know what and how to say without preparation. From the first minutes they will determine who you are and what you are worth, despite your clothes. This indicates a high level of work of their intuition.

Without a clear understanding of yourself and the work of the subconscious, you will fly, but low. And often fall, losing everything. Having discovered the sources of power, developing intuition, you will take off quickly, soar and land where you want! I know how powerful these words are for you right now. I assume that your Self is speaking now. Listen to him!

Intuition (Late Latin intuitio “contemplation” from the verb intueor “I look closely”) is the ability, property of a person to understand, form and penetrate into the meaning of events, situations, objects through insight, insight, instantaneous subconscious conclusion (based on imagination, empathy and previous experience), "flair", insight.

This terminology, in other words, says that intuition is a flow of energy. Through feelings, thoughts, imagination, making situations and decisions based on your instincts.

How to develop intuition on your own: exercises with questions to the subconscious will make you hypersensitive to reality.

Is it possible to develop intuition on your own?

How to develop mindfulness - training and tasks for improvement

It is believed that some people have good natural intuition. With due diligence, you can find opportunities to develop your intuition. First of all, for this:

  • improve self-esteem;
  • begin to listen to their subconscious;
  • develop self-confidence;
  • they sincerely believe in the existence and infallibility of their intuition;
  • learn to correctly formulate questions to oneself (they should be asked in an affirmative form).

The use of exercises to develop intuition is important in adulthood, since children have a fairly developed intuition, which is destroyed with age by acquired logical thinking skills.

Intuition training

Intuition, how to understand it?

To understand what intuition is and how to develop it, you need to understand how our brain works. It is divided into two hemispheres - left and right. The left is responsible for thinking and logic; this is what becomes the backbone of the life of most people. Such people follow only the voice of reason and do not pay attention to the signs given by the sixth sense. As a result, they make poor and sometimes disastrous decisions.

The right hemisphere is more developed in creative people, as it pushes people to act rashly and is responsible for inspiration. This is where the human subconscious is located, and our thoughts and feelings are in it. The subconscious mind accumulates a lot of information in seconds and stores all the knowledge gained for years, all this helps it make the right decisions.

Regarding what intuition is, it is a kind of channel that connects us with the subconscious . It is through this channel from the right hemisphere that information comes in the form of insight, which helps to make illogical solutions to problems, and also provides answers to life’s most difficult questions.

If a person manages to discover his abilities and gain psychological skills, then he will be able to fully use his brain. According to research by scientists, it was found that the development of two hemispheres occurs in the most successful people.

Effective exercises for training

Memory training and exercises for brain development and memorization

Experts have developed a set of fairly effective practices in response to the question of how to develop intuition and hidden abilities through special exercises:

  • Meditation (relaxation and immersion in your own inner world) allows you to tune in to the right mood and prepare to listen to the subconscious.
  • The “Glass of Water” technique. In the evening, pour a full glass of water, tune in to an exciting question, drink half and go to bed with the words: “I know the answer to my question!” In the morning they drink the water, repeating the same words. Within a few days, the subconscious will tell you the answer to the question.

Important! The human subconscious refuses to perceive the particle “not”, so this word is not used in the formulation of questions.

  • The “Power of Thought” technique: for several days they try to very clearly imagine someone they know. It is believed that mental energy will reach him, and he will somehow make himself known in the near future.
  • Exercise “Find the loss”: close your eyes, relax, release supersensual energy in waves, tuned to the loss, and try to feel what you are looking for.
  • Exercises with playing cards: try to guess the suit of a card placed face down on the table. To do this, pass your hand over it and compare your sensations over each of them.
  • Blind reading method: write possible solutions on 3 cards, turn them over and mix them. Then they move their palm over them and try to feel the most favorable energy.
  • Mantras or special poems written in Sanskrit have mystical powers and help improve intuition.
  • Stress also helps intuition to manifest itself.

Important! Before learning how to develop intuition and using the exercises, it is necessary to realize that this ability is available to everyone, not just a select few.

Sixth sense in action

A developed sixth sense allows you not only to make the right decisions, but also to reveal a person’s hidden extrasensory abilities.

Should you trust your gut feeling?

This mental ability can be either innate or acquired. Those who are endowed with intuition from birth can, to one degree or another, predict the future. Such people sometimes become psychics if they feel the need. However, not everyone who is endowed with a strong sixth sense uses their gift to its full potential.

Each person in a certain situation listens to his inner voice in order to predict the specific results and consequences of a particular action. Even inveterate materialists, who fundamentally deny the presence of the gift of clairvoyance, sometimes experience premonitions.

There are many stories in which people say that they had a “bad feeling” about an upcoming plane trip, so they canceled their trip. Later, news came that the plane they were supposed to fly on had crashed.

Some people say that they feel a strong premonition towards people close to them - relatives, loved ones who are not around. At the same time, a feeling arises “that something has happened,” prompting you to see the person. Upon arrival, they discovered that the person was ill or injured and needed care.

Intuition - whatever you call it: an inner voice, a hunch or a sixth sense - is useful and should be developed. The more you work with this “power” to strengthen its effect, the more you will be guided by your own experiences, which will strengthen your confidence in your abilities. And remember: the sixth sense is not a superpower, but your natural latent ability to foresight. You just need to learn to trust and listen to your inner voice.

Why do you need intuition in life?

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It is not always possible to be guided only by logic when making decisions. Logical reasoning requires a certain amount of initial data and a certain amount of processing time. In cases where there is no time for doubt and immediate decisive action is needed, intuition will come to the rescue. You need to know how to develop intuition and be able to turn off rational thinking in time in order to hear your sixth sense.

Pros of using intuition:

  • quick decision making;
  • the subconscious itself distinguishes good from evil;
  • intuition is based on general unconscious knowledge.

Disadvantages of intuitive solutions:

  • rash actions sometimes have negative consequences;
  • the first impression is not always correct;
  • careful thinking and calculation of possible options is safer and more reliable than spontaneous actions.

A person needs intuition, since the arguments of reason do not always help to make the right choice.

Instead of an afterword

You must practice your intuition regularly for it to flourish! Only through persistent exercise can you make your inner voice work for you. As you improve your skills, you will eventually be able to use your abilities at any time. You will also be able to incorporate other mental techniques into your training for additional benefits. Practices such as yoga, meditation and astral traversing will all contribute to sharpening your intuition skills and allowing them to become more accessible.

The more you use your sixth sense abilities, the more subtle they will become. Improved intuition is a gift, a healing for yourself and for others. In fact, you will eventually learn to shift your focus in life from fear and separation to love and gratitude. This change will make your daily practice of improving your sixth sense even more powerful and effective.

Should you blindly follow a feeling?

Each person can recall several cases in life when intuition helped him. At the same time, he will list facts when intuition turned out to be wrong or was heard incorrectly.

Psychologists say that this feeling manifests itself to varying degrees in different people. Each individual knows for himself how much his intuition helps in life, in what cases it can be trusted, and when it is worth listening to the arguments of reason.

In any case, intuition is a feeling, not logical arguments; it does not always choose the right option. However, developing intuition will not harm anyone.

Logic or intuition

How to tune into the intuition channel

To develop your intuition well, you should use meditation . To do this, you need to find a calm, secluded place and immerse yourself in your thoughts. It is important to completely relax and then ask your subconscious any question that interests you. Next we just have to wait for an answer. You need to be prepared for the fact that the sixth sense does not always respond quickly, but the answer always comes, the main thing is not to miss it. Remember, if you have inspiration and a lot of new ideas, then immediately turn off logic, follow your intuition, and then see what comes of it.

The connection between logic and intuition

Logic and intuition have long been opposed to each other as mutually exclusive phenomena. It is believed that logic itself cannot invent anything new; it can only analyze and compare existing arguments and facts. Intuition denies stereotypes and patterns and comes up with something new.

According to A. Schopenhauer and B. Pascal, intuitive thinking is superior to logical thinking. A. Poincaré believes that intuition and logic are each important in their own way: logic operates with facts and evidence, intuition is a tool of invention. M. Bulge speaks of intuition as a collection of unsystematic intellectual information, which no logic can analyze.

No one denies the existence and importance of intuition in understanding the world around us, in scientific and artistic creativity, when it is necessary to see the whole picture without going into details (for example, military battles, making the correct diagnosis, trials, and so on). It does not deny reasonable arguments, just individual thought processes occur unconsciously, the individual’s attention is not focused on them, as on logical reflections.

Logic and intuition do not replace or exclude one another. In reality, they complement and mutually support each other.

Thus, intuition is important for every person, and it can be strengthened at any age. There is a guide on how to test your intuition online.

What is the sixth sense?

Intuition is an inner feeling of guidance to action. Don't be afraid to use intuitive cues that encourage you to take certain steps in life that lead in the "right and true" direction from your point of view. It is the combined power of all your other senses, combining sight, sound, taste, touch, smell. The combination of these factors creates a strong and clear sense of inner knowing.

We are all born with a set of functions that allow us to hear, see, touch, feel other things. Some are also endowed with superpowers. Our lives and the well-being of those around us depend on how we develop them. Intuition forces us to use logic and pushes us to take actions that lead to positive changes.

We reach higher levels of intuition when insight, subconscious nudges and hunches lead us to a conclusion that would not otherwise be reached using the standard five senses. At the same time, it is important to remember that every person has intuition, and you should not be afraid of it, much less brush it aside.

Chances are you've already used your sixth sense to navigate life; after all, listening to your inner voice is just as beneficial as using your other senses! Your intuition will take you into a wonderful world if you allow it to work freely for your benefit. And this new vibrant and multifaceted world can certainly be more exciting than if you approach it through the lens of the five senses.

Related article : How to develop psychic abilities and intuition - 5 exercises for beginners.

Some other methods for developing intuition

Psychologists who practice working with this feeling recommend:

  • cleaning channels of perception;
  • neutralization of the emotional background;
  • harmonization of the internal state.

After this, an intuitive channel opens in a person, which allows him to perceive information.

The following techniques can also be recommended:

  1. NLP proposes the creation of a system of anchors - “triggers” of intuition to speed up perception.
  2. Body-oriented therapy teaches you to get rid of muscle tension in the body, which sharpens the perception of intuition and expands the concentration of attention and consciousness.
  3. Behavioral therapy teaches you how to adjust your mood because emotions distort your intuition.
  4. When choosing from a number of options, intuition is visualized as a compass showing the required direction.
  5. Blind reading:
      Write three options for achieving your goal on cards.
  6. Turn over the card with the strongest feeling; this is the correct solution to the problem.
  7. Switch your attention, change your surroundings. This is often enough for your subconscious to solve the problem on its own.
  8. Loneliness. By learning to hear yourself alone, you learn to hear your intuition at any time.

How to develop your insight? Basic rules and techniques

Some people are able to foresee all possible nuances and foresee the outcome of a situation, others are not able to see further than their own nose.

Why does one person easily fall for all sorts of tricks of a liar, while another reacts skeptically even to quite convincing arguments? It's all about the presence or absence of insight.

Insight is the ability to predict the outcome of a future situation, taking into account the characteristics of the current situation. Insight is a kind of talent to understand the real background of affairs, which is hidden under the outer shell of phenomena and events, as well as behind the external actions of people. A perceptive person knows how to identify those hidden motives and true motives that guide a person in his actions or words. A discerning person will not be satisfied with the trivial explanations that others present to him, so outwitting a discerning person is a difficult task.

Insight can be one of the main contributors to success. It gives you the ability to understand people, see their unseemly character traits, and read hidden intentions. If you are a business person, then with the help of insight you will be able to influence your subordinates, make a career, and build a profitable business. Such a quality as insight will make you a true professional in any field of activity, will make you a leader, will allow you to feel the mood of those people who surround you, captivate them with your ideas, and control their actions. Insight is not a gift from above or an innate talent; it can be learned. Here are a few techniques and rules that will help you develop this quality.

  • Insight Techniques

For any external phenomenon there are many reasons that need to be known.

As a rule, the everyday train of thought leads to only one conclusion, usually the most common and familiar. Having certain experience and knowledge, a reasonable person realizes that the first thought that comes to his mind is not always the only correct one. Just like the reason for a human action may not be the only one. Let's analyze the situation when, during busy hours, all the free seats in a transport are occupied, and a young guy sits calmly, despite the presence of an elderly man standing in front of him. The first thing that may come to your mind is that the young man is a callous and ill-mannered person; he was not instilled in childhood with the skills of cultural behavior in a public place. However, there may be several reasons for this behavior. For example, a guy is too immersed in personal experiences and simply does not notice the old man standing next to him. Another reason could be an injury that does not allow the guy to stand for a long time, for example, his leg hurts. Perhaps he is very tired after hard physical work and is now sitting, fighting sleep. Therefore, learn to analyze various life situations, learn to identify as many possible (and varied) causes of each phenomenon as possible. You should accumulate your conclusions in your memory; this may be useful to you in later life.

Record as many external manifestations as possible.

Let's analyze a different situation. For example, a girl entering a vehicle slowly squats down, as if sliding down the wall. The surrounding passengers do not pay attention to her; they believe that the girl attracts attention to herself in a very unusual way. But, when you look closely at the girl’s face, you notice signs of suffering, a pale complexion, beads of sweat on her upper lip, and a frightened expression on her face. One of the passengers guessed that it was a heart attack. People around you begin to become interested in what is happening. The rest of the passengers responded to the request for help, and now someone had validol in their purse. Conclusion: the more external manifestations you record, the closer and clearer the true cause of their occurrence will become.

  • Clarify your doubts

If, when analyzing a situation, you have a somewhat ambivalent feeling, several versions are born at once, try to hedge your bets by checking. Here are several ways to best do this: - Wait for new manifestations that will confirm, and possibly refute, your doubts. - Ask the person himself about the reasons for his actions. If in response you hear a lie - you can recognize it by its content or by the tone in which it is spoken - this will be new evidence of external manifestations. - The same questions can be clarified with those people who are familiar with the person or are well informed about this event. — Any external manifestation becomes clearly visible in an extreme situation. This situation can either be expected or artificially simulated. You can add to this list yourself by coming up with new techniques to clarify the situation.

  • Rules of Insight

These are general rules that, when studied, will help you master the art of discernment.

1. Consider all the minor details. There are always such nuances that at first, superficial glance seem small and insignificant. A person endowed with insight always sees what others do not notice. Insight is the ability to tune your senses to capture any little thing or detail that, for various reasons, other people do not notice. By cultivating such powers of observation, you gradually acquire the skills of a first-class detective.

2. Systematize and remember the details received. It happens that you cannot always explain the reason for small events or subtle actions, but you should remember those facts that caused you doubts. It may happen that when talking with an interlocutor, some detail of a person’s behavior or a phrase accidentally dropped by him will emerge in your memory. A natural question arises: “What guides the words or actions of this person?” You may not immediately find the answer to your question, but over time the situation may become clearer. Keeping in mind details that cannot easily be explained and being able to classify them into situations is an important step towards developing permeability.

3. When communicating with a person, try to consider any detail, using it to determine the person’s level of development and his train of thoughts.

For example, if you were confused by something in a person’s facial expressions or in a phrase he said, intonation, or a person’s appearance, think about what processes in his psyche or consciousness can lead to such external manifestations. With some training, you will conduct such an analysis automatically, this will help you subtly feel and understand the course of thought processes occurring in the head of your interlocutor. In this unique way, an experienced doctor feels a patient, a teacher feels his audience, etc. This is the basis of deep insight.

4. In any situation (social, natural or technical), look at any fact as an external manifestation of hidden processes.

Train yourself to look for a reason, to find explanations for those hidden processes that happen in nature or in society. For example, natural phenomena - tsunamis, landslides, earthquakes - are only an external manifestation of hidden processes occurring deep in the bowels of the earth. Likewise, in the social sphere, try to deeply comprehend the processes taking place and look for their underlying causes, especially in professional activities.

5. If you have found the reason for the external manifestation of an event, try to formulate a dependence.

If you have felt the entire secret essence of the phenomenon, comprehended the ongoing process, found out and were convinced of the correctness of your conclusions, it’s time to determine the dependence. Let's take a popular saying: if swallows fly low, it will rain, this is an example of a well-known dependence. Or another example of addiction - any symptom in medicine is a reflection of a specific (physiological or pathological) process occurring in the human body. Also, try to formulate the relationship between the external situation and the underlying cause of the phenomenon.

6. Try to understand the course of a person’s mental operations or the essence of deep processes by comparing them with phenomena or processes already familiar to you. If you encounter a phenomenon that is not entirely familiar to you, or you were unable to formulate an exact relationship, draw an analogy. Remember similar phenomena and their dependencies that you have already encountered in life, transfer your knowledge to an unknown process. This train of thought can be polished and made automatic. Enrich your knowledge base of various phenomena and try not to forget about this technique. It will accelerate the development of your insight.

7. When making an analogy, consider possible differences and make appropriate adjustments. If the similarity between different phenomena is not very significant, then your conclusions may turn out to be erroneous. Be careful in your judgment, determine the magnitude of the difference. Taking into account the amendments made to the analogy, formulate a conclusion about the reasons and essence of the process. Refine your findings as needed.

8. A certain amount of doubt should always be present; do not make hasty and categorical conclusions based on small external manifestations. People around you may deliberately mislead you and impose an artificially created idea on you. Therefore, excessive self-confidence is dangerous due to the appearance of erroneous judgments. Everyone is familiar with overly self-confident people who base their judgments on the basis of incorrect ideas about the essence of processes. Such people punish themselves by getting zero or incorrect results. Strive to overcome excessive self-confidence, find the right conclusions, and retain a small amount of doubt. Only in this way can you achieve the highest level of development of insight.

9. After a certain period of time, find additional confirmation of your initial conclusions, feelings or assessments. You should not cultivate unnecessary doubts in yourself; they can give rise to uncertainty and reduce the desire to act. You need to find your own line between confidence in the correctness of your conclusions and the need to have some reasonable doubts. Consistently get rid of your doubts, identify and invent new evidence that confirms the correctness of your first assessments, judgments, and conclusions. Find confirmation in communicative communication and in the practical field of activity.

10. Strive to continually develop your insight and trust your judgment. Reflect on the steps you have taken towards developing your insight and build confidence and trust in it. Gradually, step by step, you will become an insightful person. Consider the mistakes you have made and praise yourself for your achievements, strive to constantly improve the insight you have developed.

Over time, insight will increasingly develop and improve, and the accuracy of your conclusions will increase significantly. This will allow you to better navigate situations that you may encounter in everyday life. Of course, you will not immediately achieve a high level of insight development; it will take some time and effort. But the result is worth it! Confidence in your own abilities and in your ability to correctly guess the true course of things - these wonderful qualities will be brought to you by developed insight.

Insight develops such a quality as intuition. The difference between the two is that insight is a conscious and controlled process, while intuition occurs on a subconscious level.

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Mantras for intuition

Spiritual practices contribute to the rapid development of intuition. The most popular among them are mantras and meditations.

Mantras for the development of the Sixth Sense in combination with meditation allow a person to approach the boundaries of the unknown, thanks to special concentration of the mind and certain postures. Such mantras are read exclusively during the waxing moon. Working with such mantras, a person discovers special abilities in himself that affect both him and his environment.

Mantras that develop the Sixth Sense:

  1. Mantra for opening the Third Eye: “Om KassiyanaHaRaShanatar.”
  2. Mantra for the rapid development of intuition: “HaRoHaRa2.
  3. A powerful mantra for gaining superperception: “Om RaoRemFaoFeroEimForRam.”

A person who uses mantras for intuition acquires such abilities as transmitting love to his loved ones and receiving it, treating diseases with the help of a strong biofield, seeing the future, warning of possible disasters. The use of mantras implies the greatest responsibility of man for knowledge.

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