It may seem impossible: tips for speeding up time at work
Who wouldn't like to work faster? At first glance, this may even seem like a solution
tension and stress photos
The emotional world of a person - the impact of emotions on life, methods of self-regulation
Human feelings and emotions Internal experiences of a person are divided into affects, emotional moods, and feelings. IN
Fear of learning: causes, symptoms and treatments for this phobia
Psychologists have studied in detail the impressive number of phobias that haunt modern man. Life makes its own adjustments
10 simple ways to cope with laziness - Learning to live in a new way
Depression is a concept that can often be heard in modern life. It denotes a certain heavy
Generalized anxiety disorder: symptoms, treatment, prognosis and prevention.
Generalized anxiety disorder is a chronic mental disorder, the main manifestation of which is persistent
Photo of a child with oligophrenia
Imbecility (Moderate mental retardation)
Classification There are three types of oligophrenia. Moronism. Is the easiest degree. This condition can be diagnosed
how to overcome laziness
The benefits of laziness: 10 good reasons to allow yourself to be idle
Forcing yourself to work and get things done is often lazy. I want to lie down, have a snack, and distract myself with a video.
The problem of agoraphobia with panic disorders in residents of large cities
Fear of open space and open doors: causes and treatment
According to statistics, residents of large cities and megalopolises are more susceptible to manifestations of agoraphobia and panic disorders.
What is the psychology of influence, its methods and a brief description of Cialdini’s book “Convince, Influence, Defend”
Psychology of influence. Convince, influence, defend
According to a very common opinion, psychology is understood at the level of intuition by any sane person, which means
In a relationship
Congruence - what is it in psychology?
Congruence in psychology is when your actions, words and everything connected with
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